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The Canadian-Australasian mail eteamerr-SI Makura, which arriveS at "Auckland esijy ' & this morning, brought mails from Enmp#, AmeiTEa and Canada. The Auckland per.' tion will be delivered in the city, and mb.' • : orbs this, morning, while the Southed tl portion will be despatched by the U.® f a.m. express to-day. The Warrimay das , at Wellington to-day from Sydney," u • bringing an Australian mail, the Anck- : i land portion of which will arrive hers to- i morrow morning. ... I The new Tyser steamer Hawke'i Bay/lip which arrived at Auckland from Londa*' and Australian porta early ' yesterday oM morning, on her maiden voyage to Zealand, encountered some very' to&g|ll|||||H weather after clearing Sydney. storm was evidently the same which over New South Wales on Saturday afefr fl last. The officers report that for days the rain fell in torrents, by vivid flashes of lightning and «^K;' ing peals of thunder. On New Zealand coast the weather somewhat, but coming down the conditions were very : 'H necessitated the vessel proceeding Ipy JB duced speed. -■ The Auckland Harbour Board raffed ■ yesterday that such of its employee* * ■ were compelled to undergo militaiy ing should not have the time required for fl their training deducted from their holidays; and that they should be difference between their regimental; and their ordinary wages ; during tieir :fl time on military duty. . A : baby was born on the new Tyart liner Hawke's Bay, when six from Capetown. Prior to the\ leaving the vessel at . Melbourne w;pa»- |9| sengers presented them with a bob# of £11, which was collected on christening the child, the name " Tyser " was included in the three bestowed upon the infant. , '*■ . ; The harbourmaster's , fortnightly report to - the Harbour ■ Board, for 111" periqfi ■ jH ended yesterday, stated that the of ; shipping were four large cargo f lj^H four intercolonial or Island traderi, II coasters from Southern ports, H : sailer, an' aggregate of €0,819 ■ and' 37,972 net-tons'; also*2B2- local coaflkcM J1 '• of 41,400 gross and 23,5577 net II ' gather a grand total of 102,299 grssQ^f|y : -.M ' and 61,349 net tons. ; The'departioip^pffl : sisted of four large cargo gWn^^igM ■, intercolonial .or' Island ' traders, 12.<xMtt||j { for Southern ports, and two intereeJ^^M ■ sailers, ran aggregate -of - 58,679 gwsifl|l|| 1 36,719 net 'tons; also 286 local coa«t«s<rf 5 42,384 gross and 23,809 net torn, malrii% : j • a grand total of 101,063 gross ton» ,i|lg| i 60,528 net tons. •••-I^Bl • The following telegram was received!? , Superintendent Mitchell from Msojhbw y.; ; | r yesterday *. —" George .' Bowers, . a r Bident, labourer, single, aged 35.' hotel porter in Auckland, died lMt : |W|||| ing.. Supposed to have been ,J r 5 into harbour by runaway hone and I yestearday morning. Wan subject to.B^g r The Conciliation Council, under they^p b sidenty of the commissioner t Giles), sat yesterday to contina»-^g|« „ hearing of the harness-makers . sadgiM " dlers' dispute. A settlement dT||Nra J points in dispute was arrived a£j|ggß| B the exception of two. matters, which w*-: ; a deferred ' for further ' considerate < ».; :j: \ ® Marcb 14 ; 7 v Men who aspire to be fc to be very plentiful. The Harbour W* v received 238 - applications- ft® were anxious to' undertake the B ship of the waterside workers' 8 room on the Queen. Street Wharf- , 0 seven men applied for the P OB : i- boatman and watchman. The tw» J a were referred to a special oominitt^v^* ■ be ■ reduced to ' six and three • In view of the large number of. B received for the caretaker's ?'r,B t was interesting to notice that iXMjT.. if lads applied for three vacanaes f°t s storekeepers. V 0 The necessity for more h Khyber" Pass was - mentioned . 1 an inquest in- connection with * , fatality that occurred on the road.vas explained by witnesses that,the © is particularly dark, and that the r at which two recent ::atahtiea a curred is so badly lighted *, .2 generally known as " The Dark; . The jury, in a rider, expressed the .- vf| that the Newmarket Borough should provide several more lamps- _ - was subsequently explained that the 1 ; ||1 cil is already moving in this directi®. , If the proposals now ifclng-8 by Mr. W, D. I.ysnar, cf CHabo garding the exportation of New produce to West of England ports, h ference to London, * Jesuit in , «r action, it may mean a big change J® v' present arangonents of the ie ping lines taking produce Home. ~ % d sent the New Zealand Shipping Comp^ >if Shaw Savill Company, and th« se Line, send their vessels to London, . e only vessels which go direct to _ff . 'J is England ports with New Zealand #*?« ||«j d are those of the Shire line. Mr. r - states that he expects a a arrangement of the running - " liners if the association is BaCCC#!^i^ r ' formed. Ie ' A remarkable instance of. the mMk it baliutic: tendencies of : rainbow ie related bv" Mr. W. H. Hazard of the Acclimatisation Society) :*|raS| e meeting of th<» society Iwt evening, ■, Hazard recently visited .the i- and fish hatchery .at: Tapap»i J, chanced to capture a snwll g lJjin long, which had the tail of !•> of its species protinding, fro® ft The capture, was such )«» : inters y that. .Mr. Hazard has had '-thc:^^^pß II [fish and iU victim preserved in

gitt Dreadnought jgjffitiin' her world's by the Commander-in-Chief ■■BMay), »nd imter on by the I Dominion's gift Dreadnought jfc ©a her world's tour,-she by the Commander-in-Chief uv y \, »nd l»ter on by the Uu, week's issue of the gexM Nbws, • which is on rsSS;ihere are several pictures of IBES&mI, taken just before the mring the crew ready to re(tingoished visitors. Several Jve an excellent idea of .the iaE "lament of th. b^Uf>iP. IjBfSS i. «1» » h °^™P h of th. * T-itof arms «' the Dominion, prefer WSt th ship by New ZeJ«.det« ««■ IjpL i*""*"-' Many other OT«nll«.d ISlSlt arc also illustrated, including the HSa. King's Prize match at TrenI g the" big Maori hui at Manatuke, ISL Bay, the Auckland Civil Service I - STit MotuUpu, yacht races on AuckEHarboor, the berthing of the first IfcSl at the new ferro-concrete wharf at pE, . meet of the South Island British HsgjL-Ctob at Dunedin, and the AuckSftSjSikoor swimming racc on Saturday |12? A whole page each is devoted to series Mound the Auckland wharves, in the orchards of Henderson. There IRS men) fine panoramic views of the il| >n^rT| 0 f Rockland city t Petone, and Tai--IRSI while a topical cartoon, several ingrfQ- portraits, and numerous scenic iPlSiatobrial pictures go to make up IKEt ft 1 ' admittedly the best illustrated Australasia. §|fefc farnishing of the Grafton branch & now 1 ahnoßt completed. His feSaUy the Governor has consented to opto, the library , on Wednesday KiafiiSSo next, at three - o'clock. -;: The gSrr"Mi e will-, be invited to attend imf ceremony. pt «r«v»s worst roads enooantered in the. is ' the ' way •in . which . Mr. D.„ ifcSl«iS^ #aidlßnt of Queensland, describes T' : ratdt in . Auckland province, after a ** New' Zealand. : Mr. Milne flSSfili t® the ■■ Automobile Aeeodtiitm. '. last 1 - ; stating that tho road from AuckBotoroa, via Mercer, was particomm**- From N ** er : to' Wellington, H Md in th« South Island, the roads were ite any **'*» * contrast to them in maßifaft. .. .The , .MWdstion received • the PlUl affli the rather weary attftade that was nothing new. . imliija SMMiBK of tho Road Board, 'f&g Jgju fa* ma&ag, the chairman '(Mr. W. Smsioonfield) ■ informed the ; mentors pfS* yfifU in cuweraation. with Mr. R. H. IlPimW4 mat dm fr the . width of Mantitatt KSa4 ; «A' : the old Junction' Hotel, "Mr. BSk ; had offered a strip of his property n*d at ***fa****' about. 4ft\ the' Edncataon Board be pcwaSed upon to give ' a similar i S j#*. from its property, with .the view toj Vttrtist ti*e road. • WmM " - - ■ ' \ fafll*-' has been decided by th© Works i Iff&iiirfttee' «(; <& ■ (Sty CooncSi that the J through Parnell.-. is :to bo ; one; nm* IPiwipal w»*ks undertaken by the Ifflfiwil, as one <rf the hnprtrmnents to be >1 dieted through the amalgamation of the ; P®sb wHH , the city. A tour of the r. A ''-yjUbrict' lem been made by the committee. •• » mmimt of whieh wish to oean all ; jnfiL fi 1 i'*-"• *~"'' before the allocation HKEpfti&OOp-IMW ■'*' poll far-wlma» is to in tlnree months' time. Public in tha borough, B^'tni3«wlood ? will ISte 'be one- of the reostenendataons of the llpsfai ■ Committee, and the oneetion of:' a (citable ■ rite win occupy its ".■ attention ■ >v- ; - VK*': v..'.,, iTQ, XTiia;~¥Ti'«iWiiiiMMW in 11 "Board has in"Mipd Ihs Aoddaad 'Antenaobil© AssorfaHhmrn 'U the residents ■ ■ ****>&? of •■; Rang^trizidoing -9m -. towards thi . fmnrovement .of "• of . "the . (3roat Sooth 2pL" whkK : ram through tßrfr, • dis|||MjP Ths bemrA has agreed, hmww, iml '*'' by the '■ smoto impsoso the "dangercns corner llflpwe the "Dsvfl's Elbow," where » ja»g4nie, ■ acddente ham occurred. : .r !| _" % vary beautiful specimen of monumen-Ife.Sf-wwk «m unveiled ■ daring last Sunday ||g;s' gggyiet - at 'SC. : Pawl's ■ church. PjfiSnM the" witt of theTate Mr. J«»e who left hsndsome bequests to BafclwllffiiMr oonxpletkm tat' a-martlo ft f|pts] tablet was ' erected to ; his ' memory | cSisiacea on the sonfli aide walL The said dedication was performed by Hdsoo, lata " vicar <i St. PanTs, presence 'of a . largo congregation. I &mm Nelson also preadied, ami made Bltiwr aflosion to iho long' oannecfion of f|36v,Worrall. with. Si Paul's choir and Is mi inii to duty. -At the conclusfen SSinr ; :isrriee the TJead Msrch" was FJ^(||l» | l Tij fhn organist, Mr. Harold 'Greg* tgndbar craft at Bluff-have met with Pi unfavourable weather during the ipljliprsater period of th* timet since the season ' I apaasd a little ore* a weak ago (telegraphs m CKrstchurch correspondent). 'High .wfiMb hsiu ■•'. mainly . been in evidence ;■ at «nd where nil. i hare to be da Jipoo .the .progress of -many of .th© setters in getting to and the beds has ■B vary greatly retard- d. On several during the first few days the conditions have bosn quite invftJbg during the early morning, but before have been properly commenced of the wind has compelled the to he raised, and a return made k itk a limited quantity of oysters aboard, weather ■ has -■ oome - along, howbeen eagerly taken advantage of HKIIiNM concerned in the industry, and i*ia,ttttsa occasions big hauls have been " On' Sunday the Rita arrived at the |#Asrt with some 8000doz oysters aboard, gl foiidt is said to be a rosord haul in the of the Stewart Island oyster infe* 'TmwaMoa . .has been granted 4|o Ww V'ljptw Bosd Board by the Tramways Oomerect notice boards on. tramway prohibiting motor-cars from travelfaster, tflkn 16 miles an hour within Kpsom district, and, four mil* .an jppShtar when passing standing trains. H9R|ka system of« medical inspection of f ips carried oil at the port of Auckland Ui referred to by Mr.' C. Bagley at yeaHHif' meeting of' tho ' Harbour Board. | Bagley drew tbo chairman's attention Bp .fact that passengers wore said to X to wait for a considerable time.befHfSPj#«y can get ashore from 'oversea vesaaked - him to look into tho,-cir-i'of inspections, and see if they be improved so as to lessen the do- '• Gnnson promised to look' into the proposal to establish saltbaths 'at ■ Devonport, the Devon port g S3B0S&&'; wrote to the . Harbour day ; asking - it. to receive . a gipWioo, '; which would urge, its desire to mm a'- hosose ,to plaoe baths upon a ths King Edward i Parade; ■ with - 'and ■ 100 ft depth from the P!S|Pi<P»t> The board also received a Hp ltr, W. J. Napier protesting mmmm number of residenta ohIflfcto ■ the right to «reol> ; ; -baths ; being stage to a, private person. P^BPptA|Ctdad : .that the deputation should tha committeo of the board Napier ~%'4& j ''•

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New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15249, 12 March 1913, Page 6

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LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15249, 12 March 1913, Page 6

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15249, 12 March 1913, Page 6