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Bijrb Water at Anckland—6.4o ».m.; 7.6 p.m. J? 4 " v Manakatt—B.39 a.m.; ?•& P m «. BttiailU»e«, 5.44; set*, 6.22 p.m. Moon—Kew, 'March 8, 11.55 a.m. :< WEATHER REPORT. . • Ifr. 0. O. Bate* supplied the following weather report at 4 p.m. ytiteniay

Northerly end westerly winds have prevailed and increased generally. Galen are* reported (it Cap® Campbell and Nugget Point. High temperature# have been recorded, with hniy and fair to cloudy weather generally, but rain-lias fallen in the South. TO-DAY'S FORECAST. Present indications ore for strong' northerly winds generally, with a falling barometer. A change is probable shortly, for a disturbance t* apparently developing to the north-westward of the Dominion. In the meantime increasing tumidity and cloudiness tuny be expected. . ; ' PORT OF AUCKLAND. ARRIVALS. MONOWAI, ».«. (11.30 a.m.), 3433 ton*, A. M. Edwin, from Southern and East Coast -ports. Fasten per®: Misses Curtis,'" Baker, Mammett, Moore, Jennings, Marshall,; Bright, Preston,- Ay#on, Price, Scott, Anson, Oarmicbeel, Hale, Hunt. liesdames Griffin, Brown and two children, Eobjohns, Maxwell, 'Carrington and two children,' Thomas, MoConnick, -Barker, Whitty, Moore, * Mattbewson, laugher, Mark, Turnbull. Restali, . Price,"Mason; Pheip, Mahon Terry, Tamson, Messrs. Moon, Griffin, gomerfield, Saples, Carr, Avery, Maxwell, Thomas, Barker, Miller, Griffin, - Ryan,- Whitty, McCormick, Mad dock, Matthewson, , Lougher, Sewell. Salmon, Watkins, Napier, Parmer, Cleghorn. Restali. Mason, McMahon, Hall, Terry, Teasdale, Chibrell, Tamaon, Reach, Williams, and- 41 steerage,— S.S. Co., agents. TOKOMARU, s.s. (4.45 p.m.), 6233 ton*, R. A. Kelly, from St John (Canada), via Capetown, Melbourne, and Sydney.— Zealand Shipping CO., Limited, agent*. " v : • - , MANAIA, at. (6.40 p.m.), 1159 tor.s. E. Stephen, •on, from Wbangarei. Passengers rMeedomes Littler. Wookock, Macklow, Nair, rough, Mcintosh, Misses Williams, Hutching*,' Cough, ' Searta, Snowdon, Harden, Reyburn, Messrs. 'Cross, Barren, r Cowan, R«ybura, Jones, Yearling, RomZtnr, McMillan. Roberts, Tborapaon. Cough. Kadeliffe, Mlllington, Woolcock, Nelson, Hanlon, Murray, Fraaer, Bis sett, Courtney, Thompson, Boyd, Beriss, Walton, Grierson, Akers, Hannah,, Miller, Bailey, Atkinson, McLean, , Hayes, Fountain, Thompson, McGuire, Urquhart, Harding, Dennis, Creagh, Adult, Sanders, "Lang, Lyons, Rev. Cruickthank, - Master ■ Home, and la steerage.— 6.8. Co., agents. . k r WAIOTAHI, a*.. (5.30. p.m.), 278, tons, 0. ..T7, Gumming, from the Great Barrier. ' Passengers: • Mia**' McVeigh, Lunn, Barber, Sharp, biles. Fuller, Meadames Astley and two children, Taylor, Wilkios.HalJ and child. Black, Lloyd, Messrs. Warren, Black, Stricket, Btbridge, Hall, Heney, ' Grant, Smith, Wilkins, Ravnes, Smith, Astley, Bar. Fletcher.—Northern. B.S. Co., agents. BAUKK-POTOa-L, **. .(3.48 p.m.')." 176[ £>«#, H. Petersen,• from • Whangarei.—Northern- Coal Co., ■ agent* HANANTJI H.. steam : whaler (4.30 p.m.), 127 too, J. Hall, from Whangamumu.— and , Hsrreyragaitsl n : *' fc • • ■-w .* < P sj H'-' ••■."£ &40 ajn.), 245 tons, J. Freenan, from Paeroa—Nortbern S.S. Co., agents, 1 KANIERI, ».». (3 a.m.), 203 tons, T. Meyers, Iran Whangarei.— S.S. ©>✓, agents*. • DEPARTURES., CLAN GRANT, as. (6.45 tun.), 3948 tons, J. G. Ooitit, for London, via .Newcastle. Sues,-and-Don- -• kirk.- *- , .. ' • , ■ KGAPOTI. I* (7.10 pjjDU), 681 ton*., T. Haultain. i "■ :• tor, Tauraaga. ' - ---J t . ■ £'U WAIMARIE, *.#> (p-nt), 245 ton*, J. Freesqad, for P aero a. s XASfha, a* $45 p-mi), tons? T. Meyer*, 3*if let. ,9>minL::; f m,<<%* % ■ »U.>- /•--•••.? v BOTOMAHANA. «.«. (7.20 am.), 183 tons, A. Stephenson. 'lor.Ck>roiwind<|-^ . ;■ ' . AKAKOA, m., 70 tons,' J. Whittingham, for the r; ■. .t- "• : THREE CHEERS, scow, flff ton», J. Rogers, tor .-- Tsumuagsu - .... V 1 "■ ' /y-■ RAKAKOA, 'u • (8.25 'p.m.), ■ 2246 'tons/ A, K. ■i: for Newcastle. CLENELQ, s.a. (8.10 p.m.), 288 tea, -y. Jonas, ; 'i-' fcr WhangareL _ XOynjNDI,. a* 0105 : pjn.), 171 ' tons, F. i'tc v? >.•«?• j .. VESSELS EXPECTED TO-DAY. ! ; • „ , ■ r:; ' AppfOX - ' - Teasel •• - •'Frcto -'r.-V-ttoi.*? Betunahana , M ... Qwomandel. 12_50 pJn, l|Mm ...' ' ;• ... Opotiki ... 3 p.m. " . : : "Xmavutr ** *• -i ... 'WMfcatana i • '5 • vV- fjpwwivvfwrvv-u •«; '«t.vlf(Hrtli9n» jotto (> fepJju ls ;; , Hula v«J .« ... Gisborno ... Duo __ s - f ' VESSELS . SAILING , TO-DAT. . . -v.-^ Approx. ■ ■/'nn' - 'Xesttaatloa. < ■ tSU • ' Poena .w • Vw~. ■ — Mangawai ... <• 10.30 ajn. ;/ ... Ohiwa v'. ; 1- ... i-M.'a.ns.;. .... ftfemhai* - ... ... Coromandel 3 pan. Tafcomani... ,* _. vL. Southern ports 5 p.m. ' Wstetahi W ... ~7 .„ Mercury Bay v 6. pjn. V, Msnata ... ... ... WhJmgarei-.- 10 pan: Taniwha ... «.-• 7;.;. Paeroa. ...ty ..11 pan..- . VESSELS IN HARBOCE. / S•'l .cable steamer, in s ream. Amekora, Govt, training-ship, at Calliope Doc) ' »it - i- ' ' ■ ~ _ Tokomw, «.s., at'! Railway ' Wharf. t4*"r Mono* (i,u., as ; Queen . Street Whsart ' ? v Tahme, s.s., at Hoown-Street Wharf. Squall, at, at Bobson Street Wharf. . * wbangape, as., at Railway.: Wbart :•. - Southern Cross, ml, at No. 4 jetty. - Baroons, as., in stream. - Hsoroto. iJ n stream. 'j'.'.;.Northern Chief, barque, at Chelsea. 'FasbaL-;baraoentine. Id;stream. Orrte, anx schooner, a# Hobton Street Extenaioa V ~ imports. ' Per Tokomarn, from' St.' John (Canada) : 80< ibns general, mftehandise.• • - , - Per MonO;wai, from Southern ports 3148 aacki • eats, 1277 sacks wheat, 1561 tacks flour, 1044 sacki cocksfoot, 15 apeks fescue, 33.«ack9 'clover,* IS sacks Med, 259 boxes butter,' 250. sacks ryegrass 7*o tags rice, 65 hogsheads ale. 130 cases tea 204 Wires soapk4o. cases bacon, 200 sacks bran, 15! cases lard. 100 sacks manure, .79 cases cannet woods, -23D0 cases raisins, 175 cases canned apples 50 cases dried peaches, - 425 cases prunes, 16( cases canned fruit, 100 cases dried apricots, 113 cases salmon, 309 rolls paper, also a large qunn tity of sundries, including transhipments e: Atawa, from London, and Aorangi,: from Sai Frandsca"; " - ■ exports. • ■ ■ " Per Buteshire, for London (from Auckland) ■ 777 - bales, wc«J, . 8 bale* skins, 1514' eases gum 412 bales flak, 160 dumps tow, 248 casks tallow 72 casks pelts," 915 bags concentrates, 208 quarter . beef, 19,498 carcases mutton, 10 tons sundries. > Per Clan Grant., for -London (from Auckland) vV 1251 bales woo], 823 cases gum. 1426 sacks gum . 126 casks 'tallow, 12 packages sundries. : : The Monowaf arrived from Southern and Eas Coast-ports yesterday ' mornins:. • after a fim w«atber passage. She sails on the return voyagi tOHtaarrow. afternoon. , ' - , - The collier Waipori Is' to load a cargo of coil a v; -■ Wastport to-morrow for Auckland. . • . ; ' The Tofua arrived at Lautcka /rom Sydney 'a . v 10. .Wednesday. . She learev Levuka* at ! pm. for Samoa, Tonga," «ud Auckland The Tofua is , due here on . Saturday, March 22. j The Whingapo leaves Auckland to-morrow alter ■oon lor Newcastle, where she loads' a cargo o' coal for New Zealand. ... ;; , . • .... The barque Bona, which has been loading tim tier at. Whangarei for some days past, « ex pected to clear the northern port to-day fo Sydney. " • . The coaster Rosamond is due at Auckland fron Gisborne to-morrow. She will - sail , for Tolagi Bay and Gisborne on Monday' afternoon. ■ The Haupiri left Nelson yesterday afternoon fo • New Plymouth and Onehunga. She is due at th West Coast port on Sunday morning, and sail for New Plymouth and Wellington at noon 6 . Monday. Amongst the latest charters announced is tha of • the steamer Wakefield, • 4072 tons, which is l load a cargo of case oil at, New York for Ne' Zealand ports. . The steamer Joan ' Craig, after discharging quantity of - timber from Hokianga at Melbourn proceeds to Sydney to put out the balance. Froi Sydney she goes to Port Stephens to load pile for Melbourne. 1 .wi'i 8 «™ Savfll, find Albion steamer Ion!. which left Plymouth on ' Starch 1 for Wellliiefo and Lyttrfton. via way. ports, has on board 1C fen* of • cargo for transhipment to Aucklan< The lonic is duo at Wellington on April 15." •• ~Mr. P. J Hickey, late actine-chief engineer i the Moana. ha* joined the Mokpia as chief ,) holida l a* r M "' Richmond. wl, ° has - goner « holiday leave. Mr. J. Morrison has Joined.the Corinna as chl ■■ .officer.. The intended movements of the Mafatua ai : ftot at present disclosed. - The .vessel was 1 Ifiavp Port Chalmers to-day for Wellington, fro Which port she wad to sail for London. The fli cm the Matatua will probably mean an alter tion in her plans. - Mr. P. B. ' Cfloke," has been acting-manai?i of the Union .Rarotonga office durir the absence-of -Mr 'Morrison, • has -rejoined ti Xslane as purser. V- V' The . local office 'of the New Zealand Shippir Company has received cable advice which stat that.the steamer Kiii ';'Ora.'left St. John on Mar< Owlax to the accident to Mr. H. Roberts, chl */.l-; ißixr of 4f ha Tokomarii, 1 who sustained a broki /- leg SAae the vessel was on the'' passage from -8 ' Mui to Australian and New Zealand - ports, .' M f yrStttiWn/'ibe occohd officer, was promoted 1 ■■ G.-;--Hastie and E. " '& irespcetivel: ■"4 SrSsA 4 cuss".!?swrsn .arti«l it .Sydney Mr.,• B. - Ellisi ■»« -expeoted^to^J .Anc^Cnd^^rad tiftWWMwV "tWeUingWn' to «Lyttelton), Remuei M Lphdoo). -MoeraW i (Weliingtoo to.- fy

" ""-Hie"'" Northern Company's steamer Rwawa. which proceeded through. to Wellington last Tuesday ■ tot. cleanings aha painting *. on ,tbp' patent slip, left New > Plymouth lost" night' for Onehunga, where ehe is. due this morning. The Rarc.wa sails oh the "return trip this afternoon. On completion of discharge of her timber carg:> at Melbourne, the Craig steamer Inea. proceeds to Newcastle, where she loads a oosl cargo for Kaipara. MAHENO LEAVES - SYDNEY. ,-, As reported by cablegram; the Union Company's steamer Maheno did not get away from Sydney for Auckland until 11 p.m. on Wednesday, the delay in the vessel's departure being: due to the dispute between the company and the engineers. She has on board 112 saloon and 133 steerage passengers, and should arrive here on Sunday evening. The Maheno'e departure for Sydney has been postponed until 10 p.m. on Monday next. ; ' ZEALANDIA AT VANCOUVER. The Union Company has received cable advice to the effect that the R.M.S. Zealandia, which left Auckland on the evening of Friday. February 14, for Suva, Honolulu, and Vancouver, arrived at the Canadian port at 11 p.m. on Tuesday last— her due date. The Zealandia is scheduled to sail on the return voyage on Wednesday, March 19. . She is due at Honolulu on Wednesday, March 26, Suva on Friday. April 4, Auckland on Tuesday, April 8, and Sydney on Saturday, April 12. . _____ ESSEX DUE OS MONDAY. Messrs. A. H. Nathan, Limited, local agents for the Federal-Shire Line, received cable advice yesterday which stated that the steamer Ease* left Sydney. <it 3 p.m.'on Wednesday for Auckland, in continuation of her voyage from Liverpool and Melbourne. She has on board 10 saloon and 64 third-class passengers, also 3606 ton® of cargo for this port. The Esses is due hero oa Monday afternoou next. CLAN GRANT FOR LONDON. " The Scales liner Clan Grant left Auckland early yesterday morning for London, via Newcastle, Sue*, and Dunkirk., The vessel has on board ft full cargo of New Zealand product*, including 13,000 bales of wool, 2500 sacks of peas. 2259 sacks end cases of kauri gum, and a quantity of general cargo. ■ She also has on board' 2500 tons of ore from Fort Pirie. The Clan Grant is due at London about A ofll 12. THE BRIGANTINE ARATAPU. The brisrantine Aratapu Is one of ; the bestknown coastal vessels in tile Dominion, and is at present engaged permanently on the KalnaraLvttelton run, ' under the navigation of Ontain Gilbert Brown, who was present at her launching- 35 year* age. The Aratanu was built on the Northern Wairoa In 1978 by the late Mr. James Barbour, to the order of the Union Sash and Door Company, for trading between Tsirita and Australia. For many years she was allocated to that service, but for the nast. 20 vears has keot to the New Zealand coast, and is,now the property of a mercantile firm in Christchnrch. which has large produce and timber dealings with Ka'nsra. It is averred that utter her many years of huffed in g*. the Aratarm is to-day nerfectlv sound, and that her soeed has in no war decreased; in fact, she is noW as being better aWe to beat to windward than anv vc««el on both coasts. Her master, Cs»taln Brown, who recently took command.' was aboard the vessel when she was freed from the stocks, and speays eloquently of her seatrri'mr tmalitie*. - His intimacy with Kaipara shipping dates back over 40 rears, and be ia able to de""ibe. in detail th- merits of the Torea. Annie Wilson., Wula. and those other Km? para-built vessels which have been ft credit to the northern "ort R.M.S MAKURA. Owing to an accident to her starboard propellor. the Canadian.Australasian mall steamer MsVnra'is not exw>cted to reach S'lvn until this evening from Vancouver and ; Honolulu.. .The vessel is en route to Auckland and Sydney, and is proceeding on her voyage under her port engine. Sbe is to >av« Suva to-morrow morning for AneViand. - and should" arrive here early on. Wednesday morning next. The Malniraa departure for Svdney has , been postponed until i Wednesday afternoon. ; ' ■ ■. ! TOKOMAR7 " FROM ST. JOHN. The steamer ToVomarn. running under • the auspices of the New > Zealand Shipping - Company's Eastern Canadian service, arrived at Auckland yesterday afternoon' from St. John (Canada*). via Capetown , ami: Australian ports, the vessel berthing at the Railway Wharf shortly before 5 The second officer reports :,thab the* Tokomaru left St. John on ..December », and arrived, Capetown on January 23, where she coaled and resumed her voyage the following day. -Melbourne was reached on February 16, •hd after' visiting Sydney she left that port for Auckland on Saturday afternoon last. Captain R„. A. Kdlv- is in command, and has associated with him the following officers?— Chief, Mr F. Kidman: second, Mr.,W. .L. 6 Hastie; third, Mr. E. J. Edmonls: fourth, Mr. B. Ellison. Mr. J. - -Naismith is chief engineer. Mr.- W. Rjdgway second, Mr. E. Norris, third, Mr. A. Walker tirth, Mr. 5 R ■Evans fifth, ; Mr.XAW sixth, Mr. W. Stewart is chief refrigerating engineer, Mr. R. Howatt second, and Mr. H. Davie# v chief steward. The TbkomanV tas SO) tons of general cargo' to discharge here, and sails this evening for Wellington. Lytfcelton, and Dunedin to put oat the remainder. ; BY TELEGRAPH. KAIPARA HEADS.—March 6: Arrived—Hinemoa. Government steamer (at 7 a.m.), from Hoki- • anga.: I i RUSSELL.—March 6: . Arrived—Clansman, «.«. (at 4.30 a.m.), from Auckland. OROTEKL—March 6: Arrived—Ngatiavta, e.s. (Wr--5.30 am.), from Auckland.' Sailed—Ngatiawo, s.s. ; (at 6 pjn.). for Auckland . ~ • , . EAST. CApE.r-:lfsLrcb 6: The schooner .Isabella Defraiae passed north' at 6 am. to-day. TOKOMARU* . BAY—March 6: "Arrived-Bute-shire, ».«. (at 2 p.m.), from. Auckland. GISBORNE.—March6: "Arijved—Boamoiad,. >.». fofc noon), 'front' Auckland.'. - - NEW PLYMOUTH.—March 6:" 1.1, (at 8.40 pan.)! for Onehnnga. NAPIER.March - 6-: Arrived— s.s. (at 6.30 am.), from Auckland; Indralema, e.s. (at 7 am-), Iran Auckland^ WELLINGTON.— 5: Arrived—Pukaki, s.s. (at BJS a.m.), from Auckland.- Sailed—Maitai, s.a. (as 10.30 p.m.), for Ancklftind, viaporfcs. Passengers for Auckland: Messrs. Torley, Craig, Gillespie, Metritch. ' . , PICTON.— 5: Sailed— 6.5. (at 1 : ajn.), for Newcastle. < ' LYITELTON—March .6: Arrived—Mannganui, «.&' fat"6.lo am.), from Melbourne, Hobart, Bluff, ! and Dunedin; Kanrou, re. fat 6.30 a.m.), from Grejtooutb: Maori, s.s. (at 6.50 a.m.), from Wel.lington ; John. 8,8. (at 10 from.Nydta Bay; Cygnet, ».s.. from Kaikoura. 'Sailed—Star of Ireland, a.8.,. for Dunedin; John, s.s., for Timaru; Mannganui, ; 5..5., for Sydney, via Wellington; Maori, eta.', 1 for Wellington. . DUNEDIN^—March 6: Arrived—Mokois, at (at 4 2.45 p.m.), from.Northern ports; Storm, s.a (at 4.45' p.m.), from WangannL Sailed— s.s. (at noon),. Oamaru. ;v ; ■ ; SUVA.— 6;, Sailed— s.s., for Auck- ■ land. • i -'-.i ? ' : SYDNEY.—March.-5: Arrived—Aorangi, R.MS., from Wellington. March 6: Hawke'a Bay s.s., for New Zealand- , s „ , MELBOURNE;—. 6; Arrived—John Craig, barque, from 1 Rangiora. ADELAIDE.—' 6': Arrived— Craig, barque, from • Hokianga.

Wind. Bar. Thcr. Weather. Otpe Maria... S.W., light 50.21 79 '«> Ha*y. : Buuell ... W., light 30.12 76 Fine Ksauk«u H... S., light 30.11 65 Fair Auckland ... S.W., breeze 30.13 72 Fine Ttturanga ... W., light - 30,07 77 Fine East Cape ... N.W., fresh 30.07 75 Ha*y Otebcrne ... N.E., light 30.03 80 Fair Port Ahuriri.. N.E., light 30.02 70 Fair Owtlepoint... W.W., brecie 29.98 69 Fine Wellington ... N.N.W., Jr. 30.02 63 Cloudy V. Plymouth.. W.. light • 30.11 67 Fair Osp« Egmont N.W., light 30.14 67 Fin® Wasg*aui ... -W.S.W., br. 30.10 62 Fair . , Farewell Spit W.. fresh 30.05 68 Hasy C. Foal wind... 8. W., light 30.15 59 Overcast VWporfc ... S.W.. fresh 30.13 63 Overcast O Campbell.. N.W., gale 29.93 "67 Cloudy Ktikoura ... U.K., light 29.83 70 Fair Akaroa Light Calm - 29.83 67 Hazy T. Chalmers... N.K., light , 23.75 62 Fair ; Nuggets ... N.W., ra.g. 29.68 70 Overcast Bluff W.N.W.,1. 29.70 62 Fino

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New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15245, 7 March 1913, Page 6

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15245, 7 March 1913, Page 6

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15245, 7 March 1913, Page 6