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*.5 h ufiSS" WEATHER REPORT. Mr D C. Bates supplied the following weather a t 4«erd a y:- ar _ W( _ athe , « vf fi«h M.lO 71 Cloudy Cape Mana ... W., fu. 73 1-air Uussell ... >•. K"J 50.05 69 Fine ''S H - ... fresh 30.02 72 Vino Auckland ... WOl 67 Overcast Tauianga ... W. oq cvs 53 Misty East Capo ::: W » a 53 C i oU( "il S™ - s., f4r »» « Overcast - Gisborno ... S., 20 05 Overcast . Port AhurirL. .fc- Ugat. -jw v rioudv - Cashpoint... fpT £ « « . .Wellington ... &.. breca> oo.® g Cloudy X Plymouth.. Calm JO.OI 69 Fine Cape KtfiaoDt S.E., light 69 I> ie Wanganui\vfeit &05 67 Overcast ClCiwi' : k\V.; fresh 20.09 60 Fine uWnort ... J}-*"- 30.* 60 fine uestpo.i • ;0 10 55 j. uld ." *no * <*«*• »:.*$ tS « c£V P S\V. light 30-10 57 Overcast I. Lnnimtrs... - , ~ showery >«**<•** - svr/! 20.10 55 Overcast Moderate southerly breezy have prevailed. ■ mth /.iwnmhif weather, ram hrvunjj oeen reportu in man,- parts. thcuch fair weather has P-ejomi-nated. Conditions are somewhat uuscUled oS lie East Cape. TO-DAY'S FORECAST. Present indications arc for fair to cloudy weather, with mattered showers, and the winds V The b w i« little movant, or th» haromeior at nt ;4nt tut ft falling- in the South may he ex-jK-cted after about 24 hours, when northerly and westerly win-is will probably prevail. PORT OF AUCKLAND. ARRIVALS. riTiH ** {IC.IO a.m.\ 2484 tons, A. T. Norton, ™: We!:port.--Vnion « S^COmJS^ .."""Si SSeSJSI': Miss Gordon, McsVc'.tis, ironi Ofc Ar *.., • e , f * Exceil. Wilson, 235. Stewart, "Mair. Northern S.S. "wuKwE. » <« s ,?^'' 2« g'-JJT man, iron. Pafiroa.-Northem S.S. Co., agents KAy IKK I. *»• (7 10 ata\ 2B tons, £»«■>««• from whtnirarei.—Norihe-rn S,b. <-0., agents. INDRALEMA s.s. (7 p.m.), fe&3 tons, \\ . fc.o<ig LMijALbM. vi , Tonerifle. Melbourne, and "iv'r srSowtoa. Heather, Koberton IAM SS"m»* •*•» • son,' «<,» h3n^^'P^fTorth H HoS TOteiS*BurfTßowlands, Young, Hartneliiad son, F Wol^ l K^c M S (Ifw^S^Ln! Tauri Wiw, Blade, Jack (2), waters, i.«»--ou, Vorth Dver, Hanson, Fnnue, Burns, S GoodWtow, Wallace. Johnson, Titfaeridge, Tvimkire. Dmn.e cCoy, Ball, Woods. Murray, Farrell, Main, O.f, Rev. ' Hall. Colonel Holgate, and 10 steerage.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. , _ , . DA.PTTN'E, s.B. (6.20 p.m.). 192 tarn*, J. Teixcira, from Meteury Bay and Kuaoiunu- P<«sengers: Miss MoQ"inlan, << M«(iames - Tole. Me- • mntw, McQuinkn, McCaw, Mwsrs. Gi.mour, Abbott, Kunau, Kev. Northern S.S. Co.. agrnts. , , _ BABEN-POWEUC., S.S. (6.30 p.m.). 176 Petersen, from. Whang&rei.—Northera C-oal Co., acentt. . KAWATJ, a'- (5.30 p.m.'), 99 tons, ■& Oteen, from ; Mangawai.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. Feeettaky 26. CHELMSFORD, s.s. (2.15 a.m.), 121 tons, £'. H. Cojrts, from Marsden Point and way poits. Northern S.S. CM., agents. - -■ GI/ENELG, «.p. (1.30 <km."), 233 tons. Jonas, from Whangarei.Jas. Smith and Co., Limited, agents.

-..-.- . DEPASTURES. ' "' ' stab OF IRELAND, as. (9.40 son.),. 4331 tons, Q. .Griffith*, for -Wellington, Lytteltan, and Dunr:-" NATUA, a.s. (4.15 pan.), 2330 tons, 0. McLean, £ ..fe?toa&£ Sow. Lerata.- M^^u^aru, - Passengers: Misses Outten,. CtaA. Mesdamai * ; " ? SSiA Crapp, Messrs. Thompson, tone- *.-«• Jtote; E3E& J Sheehan, Thompson, Master -..-.Michael, «nd 20 storage. , • J TAJIAWEEA, M. (5-» p.m.), 2005 tons, A. Carson, for Bast Coast ?«te Faasenders: Tor Gisl»rne— Morpeth, ±uea, IpS, Good, '-Thomas, Eaddy (2),«&£« 1 NTven, do Montolfc, ;Hewil=r and two children. •" E'tf.wood. PrMdle, Hamilton, Messrs. Hart, ' ,'- . fflS Toby, Davis, Shaielford, Bahum , Chtg»ejl. Lowe, (Bdfidd, Lugton, Lamb, Afliams, - '■'■ ■■■■ Williamson,- Jones, Hennler, <ie,;Montalk. For Katoier-Mise Gallagher, Messrs. Stmmonds,, Wood■ward. ■"" For Wellington—Mrs. Hampton, Mr. H- ; J. Crowley. For Dnneuan-Mrs.Pnddte.-Messrs. ... - ■:.•• Friddk, McLeod (59, and 45 «*W»S*J..«S port* "NGATIAWA, (9.20 sun.), 463 -wis, E. Kea,.jiv.uCiley, -for Tanracga aad OpotUri.'•:, WAIMABIB, e.s. (1-50 p.m.), 245 tans, J. Freeman, for Paeroa. „ ~ HANIEBI, «.«. (12.5 p.m.), 205 tons, T. Meyer*, /or Wbangorei. . /i/ V 'EOTOMAHAXA, 8.8. (3.25 pjo.% 185-tons, A. - Stephenson, foryOoromandel. • ONEBAhI, scow, ';'65 tons, G. Carey, lor Ngwngwru. • : ..... AKAROA, «.». (7 pm.), 70 tone, J. Whrfcting- ' . bam, tor Tairua. '~-..-.'. ...,.. : ...'.;..',....'■■,.■■■. VESSELS , EXPECTED TO-DAY. Approx. ■■■' .■ Teasel ' From time.-/. Clansman.- .- _ Russell . _ 6 cm. Taniwhu ... ".- .- Paeroa" ... 6 a.m. - JJeapuhi ... .- »■ Taoranga „ 7 am. - Tasrnaa ... '... — Wba&oiane 8 am. Kotomahana % ... - Obromaadel 2.50 p.m. " J Gael ... ".- Waipu .- 6 P-sn- '::: ■ WaiMrie:; ... - P*eroa .- 8 p.m. Eanieri . ... ~ ~ Whangawi :; ,v.:B.P.m. - Eakanoa ... ... - Newcastle - Due *.:'"' li Bosamond ... — Osborne .'...Una VESSELS. SAILING TO-DAY. Approx. Vessel Destination, tune Kgahere ... ... .» G.reymouth Daybreak Paeroa ... ...... Parengarenga 11a.m. Daphne -. ... ... Wbaugarei J l ,, a - m - Tauiwha .- ... ...Paeroa ... 3.30 p.m. : ; Clansman. ... : ... Northern porta 4 p.m. ■ :-■■ Waiotahi ... ... - ... TaMracga ... 4 p.m. Chelmsford ... <.- Marsden Point : 4 p.m. Atua ... ». ...Sydney, via 5 p.m. Greyhound .„ — Northern ports 6.30 p-m. v ' iManaia ...".- ... Wbangarei" 10 p.m. .'•■•' Eotomahana • ... ... Great Barrier Midnight VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. COASTAL AND INTERCOLONIAL. " Approx. ''Vessel. * " •' From- date, ruiaki .- — ... Samoa ._ Feb. 27 Moknia* .« ... ... Southern porta Feb. 27 WanakA ••• Southern ports Feb. 23 Buteshire Port Chalmers Feb. 23 'Squall "._ ■■'■■ .- — Gisborne ... - Mar. 1 - Wimmera ... — Sydney ... Mar. 2 -„,-.v.-V: VESSELS IN HARBOUR. Iris, cable steamer, in s'ream. Indralema, s.s., at Queen Street Wharf. Eatoa, 8.e., at Hobaon Street Wharf. &.< ->"-- Atua, 5.8., at Queen Street Wharf. Southern Cross, b.s., in Graving Dock. Marjorie Craig, barque, at Uobson Street Wharf. Batoona, s.a., in stream. \ Hfiuroto. *A, in stream. _ ... ■ Bona, - barque, at Railway Wharf. Ysbdcl, baniuentinc, in stream. Orete, aux- schooner, at Hobson Street Extension. '•": Greyhound, aux. schooner, at No. 2 Jetty. ', IMPORTS. Per Katoa, from Westport: 3200 tons coal Per Indralema, from. London: 4040 tons of gene- '; *. xal 'merchandise. EXPORTS. : Per Maheno, for Sydney 416 sacks gum, 151 . rock* sand, 198 cases gum, 113 sacks hides 5186 sacks copra, 351 sacks fungus, 28 pieces timber, 68 caaes fish, 200 sacks sawdust, 594 sacks cocoa i - • ■ beans', and : large quantity sundries. ''•""'-"''"'' The Tyser steamer Star of Ireland sailed yes- - terdav morning for Wellington. Lyttelton, and Duncdin to discharge the remainder of her hew York cargo;" ..; . • ...y„. . "' ■ The collier Eakanoa is due at Auckland to-day from Newcastle. She wUI- berth at the RailWay Wharf to discharge her cargo of coal. TheNavua, which sailed yesterday afternoon for Fiji ports, is due tack at Auckland on Monday, March 10. The Union Company's collier Katoa arrived from West port yesterday morning. She berthed at the Bobwn Street Wharf to discharge her coal cargo, on completion of which she returns to West port. The Pukaki is due- at Auckland-to-morrow from Apia "(Samoa).' After discharge of her cargo of copra the Pukaki goes to Limestone Island to load jement for Wellington and Grcymouth. The collier Whanpape left Newctistle ot 7 cm. • Tcsterdav with a full cargo of coal for Auckland. She i:i due here on Sunday morning, and on completion of discharge returns to Newcastle to load again for New Zealand. The Rosamond, due here this morning from G'.sbornc, is fixed to sail for Tolago. Bay and Gifborne at 5 p.m. to-morrow. Mr. L. Adkins has joined the Atua as chief officer. Mr. J. I>rennan, acting-third officer of the Atua, has come ashore, and is to join the Wanaka as third officer on that vessel's arrival from. Southern ports. Mr. A. Inman, third officer of the Wanaka, comes ashore at Auckland for orders. . The Haupiri is due at Wellington to-day from Onehunga and New Plymouth. She leaves Wel- ■ lington this evening -for l'icton and Onehunga, being due at the latter port on Saturday morn- .'.':. ing. Tho Corinna iB to leave Wellington this evening for Nelson, Now Plymouth, and Onehunga. She is due at the latter port on Saturday morning.

~.-. The Wairuna is to leive Dunedin this week '■'■;.,- "..for Newcastle to load coal for Wellington. " r '" v .The Tyser steamer ' State of England is to ■-.":leave Wellington": ot daybreak this morning for London. := The Huddart-Parkcr steamer TJlimaroa in due ■'■'■- '■<■■<■'■: at Wellington this morning from Sydney direct. ■.: .She leaves Wellington to-morrow evening for -, Southern porta, Hobart, and Melbourne. -"-• ' .- Tbo Federal-Shire steamer Surrey was to have i- - 'left Liverpool yesterday for New Zealand ports. ' fite'will be followed by the Banffshire, which is ■ " to leave-tha Horn© port on March 15. ■' - " 'Mr H. ESson ha» Joined the Katoft as chief ■•;." - ssjjgjneer, Tioa «6 & B<«aecb, y ■0" ■;■■■' .'■'.■'-.■.':■■■'.■'■- ; ;

Mr. L. J. Evans, purser of the Kowhni, left, tho vessel at Wellington last Saturday, and proceeded to Dunedin by the Monowai for orders. Mr. I). Harkness lias rejoined the Wairuna as second officer, relieving Mr. Reed, who proceeded to Dunedin for instructions.

The Waihora left Newcastle on Thursday last for .lava and Calcutta. She is <lno at the latter port about the end of next month. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Morayshire, after completing her "discharge of .Liverpool cargo at Dunedin this week, will proceed to Australian ports to load for tho United Kingdom. The Not. Zealand Shipping Company's liner Rcmuera is due at Wellington from Lyttelton at the end of this week, to complete her Homeward loading. She is timed to leave Wellington on March 6 for way ports and London. The WcL.tmeath left Port Chalmers on Monday for Wanganui roadstead to commence her Homeward loading. ~','..■•' The Kaikoura was due at Fort Chalmers from the Bluff on Monday morning last to load Homeward cargo. She will subsequently proceed to Lyttelton and Wellington, leaving the latter port finally about March 6 for London. The Aparima is duo at Durban on March 5 from Williamslown, en route to Las Talmas, for orders.

The Kumara is fixed to leave Canada on April 15 for New Zealand ports, ami iho Matatua is to leave Montreal about June 15.

A cargo of timber is to be taken from Kaipara to Sydney by the Union Company's Ki'.tawa. She then goes to Newcastle, to load coal for New Plymouth and Wanganui. Mr. J. E. Bannatyne, . chief engineer of the Waipori, left that vessel at Wellington on Saturday. Latest charters include the torque. Nordatetn, 1030 tons. She is to load coal at We-stport for the South Sea Islands. The Union Company's new steamer Westnieath will be docked at Port Chalmers tins ween to have a new blade fitted to her propeller. A barque, bound east, passed Capo Maria Van Dicraen on Mondav night. She will in all probabilltv be the Northern Chief, nine days out from Newcastle to Auckland. The vessel should put in an appearance- hero at any time now.

BY WIRELESS. The Auckland radio station advised last night that the following steamers are expected to bo within wireless range to-night Maheno (Auckland to Sydney), Victoria (Lyttelton to-wellmg : ton), Warrimoo (I>unedin to Lyttelton), Aorangi ißarotonga to Wellington). Navua (Auckland m Fiji), Atna (Auckland to Tonga), Moana (Sydney to Wellington), Star of Ireland (Auckland to Wellington), "Wainrnha (Sydney to Dunedin), ana Vimmera (Sydney to Wellington) . Last night the Wellington radio station advised that the steamers Maheno, Victoria, Aorangi. Navua, Moanu, and Star of Ireland were within wireless range. ___________»_ THE PRODUCE STEAMER. The Union Company's steamer W'anaka left TUnaru at 10 p.m. on Monday tor Auckland direct, with' a cargo of produce. She is due hero on Frirfav morning, and sails early next week for Napier to load sheep for Lyttelton. From thelatter port sho proceeds to Oamaru, the Bluff, and Timaxu to ' load again for Auckland. THE BUTESHIRE. The New Zealand Shipping Company's chartered steamer Buteshire left Port Chalmers yesterday morning for Auckland direct. She is cue here on Friday morning, and will load'general cargo for London. The Buteshire sails on Tuesday evening, March 4, for Tokomaru Bay. Gisborne, and Wellington to complete her loading, and is to be despatched finally from Wellington »or ■London on March 15WAIiIATE'S MOVEMENTS. The Ne-(v Zealand Shipping Company's steamer WaLmate will not visit Auckland, for Homeward loading, as previously announced the vesse. having been withdrawn in favour of the Buteshire. The Waimate is due at Wellington from on March 1 for the purpose of continuing her loading. From Wellington the Waunate .pi* cfeds to Waitara. Wanganui, and Ficton. She then returns to Wellington to complete, and la to sail from that port for London about March M. THE RICHARDSON LINE. The local office of the RicWeou Bine- of steamers advises that the S™all is Auckland on Satnrdar from Giaborne and East Coast ha vs. The vessel' -will be docked on Monday nest for her annual survey and overhaul. The coastal steamers Kami and Koutunui will take up the Squall's running in tho meantime. There vessels are expected to leave Na.pier to-morrow for Auckland, and will load general cargo here on Monday next for East Coast bays and Gisborne.

.'-■-/- WIRELESS FROM RUAHINE. A wireless massage received from the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Ruahme yesterdav stated that the vessel Trill arrive atHobart to-night from idon and way ports. The vessel has on board a large number of passengers for. oil parts of New Zealand, and is due at Wellington onTcreday next. OTRAXTO'S PASSENGERS. The R.3LS. Otranto, which arrived at Melbourne yesterday from London and way ports, ba» on "board- tho following passenger* for New Zea-land-—Meidames Giles, McAdatnt', Tisdale, Henderson, Hiadsay, Macdonald, Wool)', Cooper Misses Irfnnox, Ferguson, Mackerry. McKinlay, Gile3 (A), McNeight, Bowron (3), Harrild, Tisdale, Douglas (2) Henderson, (Z). Hill, MJacdonald, Waiter, Evans (2), Cooper, Messrs. Giles. McNeight, Bowron, McAdams,. Tisdale, Marshall, Wcolf, Wilkes, Rev. Long, anA 81 third-class. THE P. AND 0. SERVICE. The reninsulgr and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's R. M.S. Moldavia arrived at Freniantle yesterdav from London and way ports. The veseel' next'visits Adelaide. Melbourne, and Sydney, and is timed to leave the latter port for Auckland on Monday, March 10. She is due here on Friday, March 14, and sails at 5 p.m. the same day for, London, via Australian and' Continental ports." INDRALEMA FROM LONDON. , Shortly before dusk last evening the Tyser steamer "indralema arrived at Auckland from London, via Teneriffe and Australian porta, and berthed at the new Queen Street Wharf, where she was medically inspected by the port health officer The chief officer reports thai the Indralein* cleared the Bovol Albert Docks on December 30 with over 1.0,000 tons of cargo on board. Teneriffe was reached on December 27, and after coaling the vessel resumed her voyage the following day. On the long run' of 10.3C0 miles to Melbourne moderate weather was met with, and the Indralcma arrived at Melbourne on February 6. She next proceeded to Sydney, and left that port at 4 p.m. on Thursday last for Auckland. Captain Hodgson has associated with him the following officers:Chkf, Mr. J. A. Stewart; second, Mr. R. B. Roberts: third, Mr. E. Evans- fourth. Mr. R. Johneon. • Mr. W. Crichiow is chief engineer, Mr. J. Dunning second, Mr. T. Davis third. Mr. • It. Briddon fourth ; Mr. R. Lloyd is chief refrigerating engineer, and Mr. T. Tnnrwell second, while Mr. W. Jones if chief steward. The Indralema sails about Saturday next for : Napier end Wellington to discharge the balance of her 'jargo. ; ■-. .

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New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15237, 26 February 1913, Page 6

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15237, 26 February 1913, Page 6

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15237, 26 February 1913, Page 6