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THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD,, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1912. .. .... . - "' '*"* ' "" ' ll>lf 1 'I in w i ~ -J,- — - ... i I'll"'! II II "i ... T . The Subscription List will be closed on or before the 14th day of December, 11912. This Prospectus has been filed with the Registrar of Companies at Wellington. DATED THIS 7th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1912. " !.. : ' < OF ' - ' ■

j (TO BE, INCORPORATED UNDER " THE COMPANIES ACT, 1908.") ow 1 AAA me. S. IRWIN OROOKES. the shares subscribed iot la the Memorandum of AssociaVuPllCll . •. m ><* '<otMUV*yy V Mr. S. li' Win Crookes, M.1.E.E., F.C.S., of Auckland, in his tiOa are ail contributing shares. . his ' report, savs;—"Magnitude of the Limestone Mountain Deposit: Each of the signatories to the Memorandum of Association [j~ DIVIDED INTO 250,000 SHARES OF £1 -&AOH, OF WHICH 1 havo computed tho area of Limestone Mountain in the plan my . pr i or to allotment, increase, ho number of shares subCompanj , 80,000 filiates 2? being held over for future, issue if required, a fld au ,ie "" by „« property where the cement rock- is found near the stirafce. Ivo application for loss than lO slmres will bo accented. Companj , 80,000 filiates aro being held over for future, issue il required, f fld . H yiue property where the cement rock-is found near the surafce. 'lyo-application for : loss than 10 shares will be.accepted. 110,000 SHARES ARE NOW OFFERED TO THE . PUBLIC FOR SUBSCRIPTION For the purpose of estimating the probable, amount of cement 4 . he preliminary expenses of and incidental to'the formapayable as follows:• . »uubOKIPTIOH, rock within that area, this has been cut dowa to 500 acre*, twn and -establishment of- the. Company and until the Comea 6d per share on application. so that it will be evident that a conservative estimate has been P.y sha * l be entitled to commence business (exclusive of 2s 6d per share ,on allotment.' ■' made,, as the calculation takes no account of about as;much brokerage, at 5 per .cent on subscriptions procured) are estiand the balance in calls not exceeding 2s 6d per share each, at intervals of not less than three month* material as can bo obtained on Limestone Island.. On the ma^ed. to amonnt to £1200, and will be borne by the Company. <55Pi»PflTiTw« avf« a nvernn no rnee? .. >T L basis of these latter figures I calculate there are oyer 420,000,000.... No payment will be made by the Company either in cash (SPREADING OVER A PERIOD OF NOT LESS tHAN EIGHTEEN MONTHS). tons of cement rock m this particular area. Goal:' Th- geo- or in shares Ho any promoter ox the Company excepting the PROVTfITONAT DIR'/T!TOW«! • logical formation of the country points to the. probable exist- 60,000 fully paid up shares to be allotted to the Vendors in SIDNEY J. NATHAN, of Auckland, SaJt (Magging Tjirector, Arthur H. Nathan Ltd) ' ' TV* 0081 under the- gree W d«. ; W. **' the m ° ranfil and To R ? HEATON RHODES. M.P.. of Christchnrch, Sheepfarm 7 r. ' muian, Ltd.). As the gi-eensands outcrop in of the lower lying parts Mata. Point-properties. I CLAUDE SLACK, of Wellington, Merchant (Managing D/rector, Fraser, Ramsay (N Z ) Ltd 1 * district, it. would be advisable to, put down a bore in No consideration of any. kind has been given or promised r HEATHCOTE BEETHAM WILLIAMS, of Gisborne, Slvipfarmer. ' : one ;of these valleys. Should coal of reasonable quality, be. 0 will be: given or promised by the promoters to any person i, NATHANIEL WILSON, of WarkwOrth, Cement Manufacturer. • ' obtained on the property it would meani a combination qt ad-: W induce him to.become a Shareholder or Director. - - ' „ vantages possessed by no other cement property in existence, • __ • • . . .'u' ' x ■ 'A BANKERS* BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES > nrrirn nurpv ivnimn-TP i , > Raw Materials— Cement Rock : : This would be.obtained by . e j ol^j ac lU securing the Tikorangi property to the Com--4SA«KI.«B. JSAA& V* KZW bOUTH WALES. SOLICITORS: I . TOWLE, Auckiand, open quarrying, about half-way up the hill. The fact that this. Pany is. dated 1 the second day of November, 1912, and is cxnnwßTTT>rrw« o Tt,«rvxr ' MRISC >N AND McLEAN, Wellington. can be done so easily-and the absence of any • over burthen of pressed to be made between Joseph Herber^^ of Otaika, OOHBXTLTIJIQ SNQINEEE: S. IRWIN M.1.E.E., F.C.S., M.Amer., 1.E.E., Auckland. earth mean tho winning of. the rock' at absolutely mihimuoi Sarah Philbps, lua.wife; Mary Ann Smeaton, AnntTAP • V onfiCTTr TivwriMr -d't iv # w „. ■ cost. This stone would be'carried down to the works by tram- Otaika, . widow; and. .Robert • Thompson,. of;. Whangarei, AUDITOR. E. RUSSELL MOCK, F.1.A.N.Z., Wellington. ways, which would be forked by the. gravitational energy of gentleman, °~ the first part; Dai^e- -Manson'■Greer# of \\ ,aSECRETAXY, ERNEST W. HUNT, 158, Featherston Street, Wellington ' the stone sent down. The White Limestone: This can be ob~ chemi^ of .to second Edmund. Campbell ..... . ' . tained from the surface at. Limestone Point, quite nSar to the ?i ;• j^ aare '' ® e x ? tan P,L?^."^ lc . a, f e '» of. the OBJECTS OF COMPANY ' POMP a wv»h TJnaaniTTWTrf. position for the proposed works, and a. short tramline with a r~ r ; par l,' a " Ernest William Hunt of Wellington, accounThe objects and powers ' are set out ita ' , COMPANY S POSSIBILITIES, few trucks is all that would-be required + Cost per ton: With i™ he sale ?f° pfefSSX to'S' It: of Association, a copy of is. printed The following statement shows at a glance the possibilities corf a'ton'o Side in" -d kd ft en ron°LJv f ii " •'r . ( of. Tikorangi r •' the XvbanKarei^Harbour Luld ccrSv not eW S/ is pressed to be :made betweon Herbert Elvin Hewlett, of is alia;— purpose of, inter. By Sale of 60,000 lolls of cement at 60s . ton, and it is very probable that it would be less." (The Mwgapai, • fanner, ,of.the first part; the said Dane Manson J« '1. Acquiring from the vendors the freehold property ' net (present minimum N.Z. Price is total engineering expenditure for works, equipment, • and build- ° t, ' ie .second part; the Stud Edmund Campbell Purdie, rs \ •'"«» u rrt A 11 ireenoia propertv 655) ... ... ... ... 180,000 intra includiilcr erection is estimated at £63 000 full rffttnil. a agent for the iikorangi Syndicate, of the third part; and J d % Harbour conslstin^'of'about^^SSO°acres 6 a " Sarei .To Cost .of production -(including manage- of which are given in the report.) ■** In conclusion, there is ' , s "d Ernest William Hunt, as Trustee for the Company, 16 17 H ftr consisting of about 220 acres. .♦ , ment, depreciation, on plant, buildings here-a fine opuortiini'v of establishing a hichlv remunerative °' fourth part. The nominal price to be paid by tho Com2. Acquiring from the vendors the freehold property at arid machinery and contingencies) 26s industry of tho weatiat imnStenw to g &3PKSJ ny for both thj said properties is £60,000, but the Vendors i White i^m&rtone con an add deposit of . -on 60,000 ton's ... °.! 1 T 78,000 Mt X Tikorangi Syndicate), have agreed .to accept 60,000 fully . s, T t.v" j c b _ .. . . .. . . . . To Freight (average) 8s 6d per ton on ' ' aid up -shares of £l'- each . in, the. capital of • the Company 12 losing advantage of an oner .which at the instance ' 60,000 tons ... .. 25 500 'turn w t vn.Qnv • •• in satisfaction of the . purchase money. These are the only 10 of the vendors, the Whangarerßorough Council has - To.Balance of ptofit ... 76500 », ir twi u I Ii! , c »•" • shares to be issued' by the Company jib fully paid up for a • ; executed under seal and by which the Company will ,P , - 76 ' SQQ . Mr. W. J. Wilson, who has had twenty-five y«M experience consideration other 'than cash. TIJ names and addresses of have the right to receive hydro-electric power at a £180 000 £im MO If • manufacture of cement from raw materials similar to the Vendors (the Tikorangi Syndicate) are as follows "-Robert • maximum price of £9 per h.p per annum. Under £70,500 equals 45 per cent on £170 000 capital ' hoß l at ™ oran ß}>. reports The property known as Tikorangi H eaton Rhodes, of Chfistchurch, Esquire; Vernon Reed, of the terms of the offer it is probable that the cost will . 4 per cent, on »i<u,ooo capital. has been thoroughly tested .and immense, quantities of first-class Bay of Islands, Solicitor Heathcote . Beetham Williams 'of • be much less, COMPARISON OF PROFITS cement rock proved to exist. A drive has been put into the liili, Gisborne, Sheepfarmer; Thomas Henry Lowrv, of Hawked I 4. Erecting extensive modern works for the manufacture wrj • WMWJIS. deep bores made, and about Ao ( pot holes, .three or four feet B ay , Sheepfarmer; Algar, Williams, of Wellington, Commission ; of Portland Cement, thus obtaining economy and Wilsons Portland Cement Co., Ltd., the largest and most f ep ' sun , k i n different mparts of he , property.' From' tests I Agent; Dane Manson Greer, of Whangarei, Chemist (^present d efficiency. - prosperous . Company in New Zealand, is working a class of £ av ® '"ad" 1 satlsfled that flrstr-class Portland Cement * can absent from New Zealand) Samuel Irwin Crookes, of Auckland TIKORANGI. •' stone similar- to the Tikorangi deposit. In its published 3 ac- f™* • i 5 ®® 6 ?, 4 r P f s ? aU a ? mixtrare . of Engineer; Charles 'Fredetick Gardner,- of; Auckland, Brick .2 Tikorangi is on tho mainland and opposite to Limestone counts • for the year 1911 this Company shows, after providing hmestone, a deposit of which is found on the property. ■ Manufacturer; and Edmund Campbell Purdie, of Whangarei, is Island, upon which are the works of the N.Z. Portland Cement, u for all expenses, including bad debts and debiting for T | l ® 8 ( ' fc ' I llj e r works, siite on the property •as many Estate • Agent, Theso Vendors have a binding ' option of pure Co., Ltd. The vendors have spent several thousand pounds renewals and maintenance, no less a sum than £11,598 fu va £ Pf Jw' -? v T !, oa l proximity of 8 .®, 0 . in respect of the Tikorangi property from Joseph. Herbert £in thoroughly testing the property. The cement rock area has JIL [ °' mre( i with £5670 2s 6d in 1910), a net profit of 6 H^t.r!ihn?ini7. o^hA supplies and EL" ps ' of. , Otaika, farmer; .. and Harriet - Sarah been opened up in forty different places, extensive bore holes 10s' 9d, representing a net return of over 20 per cent. me "" s distribution r the deep-water harbour would Phillips, his wife; Mary; Ann .... Smeaton,: of Otaika . made, and a tunnel cut into the solid rock in the side of 011 a capital of £100,000. 1 f« a .W° a " ex P ort ,^ ade to be developed, cspec-ftjly .- with Aus- widow,, , . and Robert Thompson, of Wiangarei, gentle! ' d the hill. Reports have been made by Dr. J. M. Bell (late . .With the additional profit which would accrue from the ad- a ! ' f ' r J e p are short. I ha\e visited between thirtv ? n V ,f 8 i a,ears ,by . the,., contracts set . out in the ' }. Government Geologist), and Messrs. S. trwin Crookes, M.1.E.E., vantage of hydroelectric . power this Company would make a J $'Hi Tn wiUnlriea sltoited rpflr -"'f? 'hereunder/ Tlie purchase price .-under such option for - »• F.C.S. (of Auckland), W. J. Wilson (cement manufacturer -total .net profit of from 35 per cent, to 40 per cent. knmv ° f n °, B, , te ' in these «>nntrw.Bb well situated with refer- the Tikorangi estate is £12,' which will be paid bv of Warkworth), George Nelson, M.l.Mech.E. (of Napier .and' ... In the above Company 15,000 fully paid shares were ais- for rf.-JtriWion nTtfe tric • po^®ff '' and facilj ties the:■ Tikorangi. Syndicate:. to.the,owners of the said property in r. i a well-known Wellington engineer. The originals of. all 0 f * r,b «ted gratis to the shareholders pro rata, raising the capital "With Swot^at^£9^-nef h'n raal a( 11* nA » °ir. rU tim es;-stated m the Agreement fit at above referred c these reports may be inspected on application to the Sccre- tT°. m . 85,000 to 100,000 shares. . Sales of these shares during ton „ T.,,. rent rates I m*t the cost «♦ •''korangi Syndicate have aiso a contract for the sale d tary, ana copies may be seen at the following offices;- , October (ult.) wore reported at 36s 3d. fCftatrJ o,<timSte 010 COSt 0f . Purchase of tlie.-.Te Jlata-.Point property from Herbert 4 .. -- • • , at 268 per ton 1.0.b. at works. Eivm Hewlett, of.jVlangapai;, farmer. - 4 The purchase'price under . - WELLINGTON: Messrs. Williams,. Hunt and. Co., 158,. MANAGEMENT, MR OFORe»F' hslsok £ £5M,-of .whieh the-sum of £50 has already 1 Featherston Street. -.-.v ■ auui*v*au,ni, ■ MR, uEOSytE v NELSON. •, . been.paLd to. the siid Herbert Elvin; Hewlett, and'the balance s AUCKLAND: Mr. 8. Irwin Crookes. Palmerston Build- The'.. Directors, realising that tho success of the Company . v. Geo '§® M.LMech.B., of Napier, m conciud- of- the said.purchase money.- will be paid, by, the' Tikoranci » ings, Queen street. • .... . i® largely dependent upon its management, have been form "'g. bis report, f»ys : I hay? assessed the vartOus factors nt Syndicate- to the • said Herbert Elvin Hewlett: in cash at the CHRISTCHURCH: Mesnrs. Pyne and Co. Cashel Street nat i e 5,1 obtaining the services of probably the most',experienced their true- value before, summing op. Having done that,, the : - time stated m the .. contract above referred to. On the adopDUNEDIN; Messrs. Sidey and Collier, Solicitors, Craw- an< *. successful cement manufacturer in tho Dominion in the proposition appears excellent one, andhto contain all ton of the Company of the; above coatVacts' the members of ford Sttcet. ■ ■ ' • ' -.. person of Mr. W. J. Wilson. Mr. Wilson lias since its inception th c e ™? n * s °l 0688 ' • -The X* af^Sred' u the Syndicate..wiil receive 60,000 shares of the nomi- ... ...... been connected with the .Wilson* Portland Cement Company, not > -What will- the profits be but Are . the na,tuial .aduan- value -o.u £1 ,each. m the capital: of the Company issued CEMENT ROCK. " * '•*. • be largest and most successful coment.Works in New Zealand— tages ofv.tue proposition as to enable the proposed com-- as.fnltypasd up,-and will be boufid to''.procure the conveyance or Tikorangi contains an .almost unlimited cement oundcd and by his father, Mr. Nathaniel Wilson (who P an >\ I ' f property equipped and 0^^ id P r Company fre^froi/eneumquarrving and be carried down by gravitation to the works B '-i n Jji} s ' yin l° 1904, held the position of nR r m BELL they are not onlv ' * :-^ ron ? 4 W® fact that bv me-tns of a tramwav . • works managei in the Wilsons Portland Cement Co.. and on DR. J. M. BELL. . are not only receiving from the Company no cash fop 7 The cement rock is practice identical in composition , occ: f ion f, has is Hed Great -Britain United States, and ? r -., - k^'l.PA IV SoraS' ®Ud "JL'friaom- . lo,v 3 M igotupany'i r&?±f 3ble ° f Lns «* ' ac '^7^,;^ a s,»,n 6 any — u =n &£s 'Srs,* > 1 ortland CemenL WHnE IMESIOHI - s STTSi sas? w l WHITE LIMESTONE. .. ; P 7 Btono island hydraulic limestone may bo .compared with the the subscription is at the rate of. £5 per centum On the capital 1 This is found on the Tikorangi • property near the works' THE MARKETS. "averages; of three analyses from Tikorangi Hill. From this , Air. Kobert Heoton Rhodes ahd' Mr. 'Heathcote Beetham Wil' > site. The Vendors also hold an option over a further deposit _ ... n ~ ~. , .„ , conumrison it will be observed, that (he quality of. the Tikorangi hams are interested in the promotion of, and in the nronprtv of white limestone at Te Mata Point, about one apd a-half -. , . , » no ] vn that the existing cement mills cannot stcm " j 8 equally good, or even better, than that from Lime- to be agnuirhd by the Company, to the extent onlv of tht>ir miles away, and the freehold of this property will be passed the local . demand, and large shipments of European to ne Island. In summing up it may bo said: that th 6 property interests as Vendors under the contracts, particulars of which over to the Company. ' .. ~- cement aro still imported into the Dominion Owing to the under consideration exhibits enormous quantities of hydraulic are herein given. ... : ru , firucjiais 01 which gradual depletion of the timber reserves and the greater at- i- n f narticular'lv wood aualilv in a position easy to - - ri n n«,( M :• , . . . COAL. tention being given to the erection of buildings and other works cuavry ' an d 0 m which it can readily be transported by Association fixing are.' 10 , ? '' an ® es 111 -the.■.-Company's Articles of 01 cral "■ likor,Dgi to 77 ®» ho «' 'SssrLs^rssu"^ ; ,m c cS s « XJrs-Sr SFSSS - ■ - ' J • P quite, inadequate to satisfy the Commonwealth demand, and visible on the property to mix with hydranUc limestone: for ? f A first Director may act before acquiring his dualis RAILWAY CONNECTION. although the imports of cement aro heavy considerable incon- C2meat manufacture, if in practice more lime is required, is . but; ;in .any case acquire -the same, within two ' The close proximity of the Government Railway will bv x f. menco . o «*po«enced by a constant shortage of cement sup- fc Kl . e at, but is adequate for immediate, needs. .- A . further .from . Jus appointment," and unless he-shall do so he I the meaiS of a SrcroneSnK Bill or BiSw wdS' the P ies -A Sydney cable dated 4 20Ul of September, reported ..ales / v ia av.vilablfe from Te Mate Point, about 1\ miles .to the- .*}*[ b ° deemed to have agreed to take the said shares (or v price of coal brought to the works. of . cement Up to £6 6s pet ton on the spot and £5 lis for casl "if required. The possibility of the discovery of coal is stock; from Jie Company., .and the same-Shall ; be allotted to price coal wougnt to tne worKs. consignments to arrive. During the month of October large poising, * but if none be found to exist below the surjace bim accordingly.. - . ;- HARBOUR. 76s 6? nekton " ® Supply 01 cement at on -tho property, a fairly chea,p. supply can, as already men- • 94. The future! remuneration of , the Directors, -and their- C Tiirnrnnm i« nn th* -nr. . TTarhm... an -j ... an , ® pei lo °- .r. u ji- » ticned, 'be brought from Hikurangi. The property may be remuneration - for services performed previously 'to" tho first » "{? K* ui 4 Whangarei Harbour, and > ocean-going It is estimated that this Company could deliver cement on couriered .to he of .great .prospective value for" the- establishment geneml'meeting, ' shall bo-determined by the^^''Coinpaiiy-in aenerai ' • All HdM and to «nv ,5 ♦ fk tJl ° Sydney wharf at 34s per ton, and with duty (20s) paid, at of a cement industry encompassing, as it does, within'* limited .meeting,, and shall be divided' among them .in' such . proportion - all tides and m apv weather. Copy of report made to the 54.,. This shows a profit of over 20s per ton. In connection area . the principal necessary raw materials." - and ip such manner as the Directors -shall' determine nr in Harbour Board at Whangarei is attached hereto. with the above it should be borne in mind that the Company's ,n ® pnnc ' ™ »•» •' default of. determination equally. T^Sn' maiSritv xrnpiea atw output could be-doubled by an additional expenditure of appro- RUOOLES COLES CO., LIMITED' - bt the- Directors to forego or postpone -the receiptfof : the whole ; A W . .. yiUKfka 011&. , ximately £35,000- The Electro Metals, Limited, co-operating with the above, or , a "y art : of their remuneration shall bind' all the.Directors, This is on practically level ground of unlimited extent, in reply to their local represenative, W. Lancelot Moore, ®na .weur>remuneration shalhte aba^d.-?o^poiitjpbhea'Md&dnfelv. on the foreshore of the Whangarei Harbour, and on tho U.S. CEMENT OUTPUT. A.M. Inst. C.E, Wrote:—"We have designed and equipped a \ne Directors shall-be entitled-to'. b'o ; paid bv "the. Company Tikorangi property. It is alongside the raw materials (cement, ' A 1 , . , , . „ number of important cement works, one of the largest of which * he »: actual travelling expenses .incurred -on -the^- Company's rock pnd white limestone). As an indication of the increasing demand for Portland is that fop t g o Credent Portland Cement Co., at Wampum, , bus «?«»; V •• V '•• - - ' • v: ". :■'-..■■■ : - * y nflOT A - _____ Cement, the following figures aie given, showing tho inc •a„ U.S.A.. which has a capacity, of 3000 bWrreJa a day,'equal V;' All reports referred to in• this prospectus,' copies of-tho COST OF WORKS. output in the United States. Number of Barrels to 180,000 tons p.a. The s # n K price of cement in the United. Memorandum and Articles of Association of the 'Company and - It is proposed to 'erect modern works, consisting of the S'' 42 000 ' States at the present time is approximately 19s at the Western of the contracts herein referred to and; ofall other materia? . - best and most up-to-date cement-making machinery, driven 100 c ' " " 150 000 Mills. The writer was a short time ago at the Crescent .Port? contracts (particulars of which "are given .in ' the •'following by hydro-electric power, capable of producing 60,000 tons of "" *'* 335000 ,and Cement. Co. 's works, and the cost of production last Khedule) can bo inspected "at the office of 'Messrs. Williams, cement per annum. Several estimates have been procured of irqc "* 990304 month, including all selling, office expenses, bagging and load- Hunt and C 0,,.. Accountants,, Wellington, during business hours the cost of such works, including buildings, the lowest of ionr» *" " 8 482 020 ing, and overhead charges, was a little less than ton» .(excepting the original rof the contract with tlie Whangarei which is £48,000, and the highest £65,000. Considerable saving fSS *" 246 812 The first half-year which they ran they made a profit of £15,000. Borough Council, which may-be inspected at the. offices of' in tho cost of manufacture wijl bo effected by such a plant {otn 76549 951 In 1911-they, cleared £31,000. -Last month their net earning Messrs. Steadman and Rishworth, Solicitors,' Whangarei) as proposed. Cost of power-producing plant is not included to ' ' was £3000, and they estimate for • a year a net - earning of .- . ..r . . • «. '• •. • the above estimates, as it is not required. ' ttv'D' lime £41,000. Our estimate of the cost of manufacture of cement . SCHEDULE OP CONTRACTS, at Tikorangi, New Zealand, under the conditions named,below, • ■ ;v ; INCREASED OUTPUT. The cement rock at Tikorangi, just as quarried, burnt, and is as follows: • 24th August, 1910-r-Harriet Sarah Phillips, 'Joseph Herbert It is estimated that for a further capital expenditure of ground, will produce a high-grade natural cement (hydraulic . ( - r(l M , v . a „ aJL '- ; Dane o>i«° 8 Greer;-option'of. B of TikoapproximAtely £35,000 tho output of the works could 'be lime), /or which there is a profitable market, Power, 1000 h.p. at £9 per h.p. year : ... ... '°°° ' -lSSrt property. ' 24th February, iy Ann, Smeaton, doubled couia .-do, «««.;. 1 Labour common labour at 63 lOd per day, m- Robert Thompson, Joseph Herbert P i ps, Harriet Sarah / doUblCd ' EXTRACTS FROM REPORTS. eluding quarrying) ... ... ... 10,150 PWjliPf. and Dane Greer; extensiL-of above option HYDRO-ELEOTRIO POWER .. . . • • i Coal for drying rock and coal at 18s 810 25rd 1912—Mary Ann. Smeaton/ HerWrt .ThoniDfion HTOEO-ELEOTOIO P»wn. An eminent Wellington engineer, whose original report, may Coal for burning clinker at 18s J" S 12,960 . . Joseph Herbert Pbillips,-Harriet Sarah Phillips and jwE The advantages of hydro-electric power over steam-driven be seen at the offico of tho Secretary, and copies at the oihi«6 Bagging ... ... 2,160. son. Greer; extension of above option. '2nd November 1912— power are considerable. before mentioned or at any branch of the Bank ot New »_outli Repairs and supplies ..' 3,600. Joseph Herbert Phillips, Harriet Sarah Phillips • Mary \nn Power at £9 per h.p. per annum is equivalent to }d per Wales, says;—"l am satisfied that practically the who.o of Office ami selling expenses ... 5,000 Smeaton; and Robert Thompson of the first part-Dane Manson h.p. per hour, whereas it costs the Wellington City Corporation, what is known as 'Limestone Hill' consists of cement rock Depreciation and.lnterest ... 6,000 Greer, of the second "pari;' Edmund 'Campbell ]Pnrdie of the with a first-class steam plant, fivo times that amount, or (argillaceous limestone) suitable for the manufacture of high- . third part; .and Ernest William Hunt of the fourth pa'rt- "onapproximately ljd per h.p. per hour. grade Portland Cement, Tlie magnitude of the limestone de- £49,680 tract giving. the Company the-benefit of the above option "and It is estimated that hydro-electric power would entail a posit considerably impressed ' me, 1 - consisting as it does ot some Approximately 16s 7d per ton on an output Of .150,000 tons., • for conveyance of Tikorangi property, on. pavment of purchasesaving to this Company of from 8a to Ids per ton on the coat hundreds of millions of tons of suitable material easily mined, (I M . the foregoing statement it should 'be 'noted that New money by the Syndicate. " 2nd November Herbert Elvin of production of cement. and with but little overburthen. Tho properly is in every Zealand labour is 10s per day and local coal costs lis per - ton. Hewlett and Dane Manson Greer; option' of purchase of. To Mata, This means that tho Company could, if necessary, sell at way eminently suitable for the establishment of cement manu- The net total, however, is the same.) "We also estimate the Point property. Ist; .'May, 1911—Herbert Elvin Hewlett* a price at which it costs Othev companies to produce, and then facture, and the natural material is capable of being manu- cos 0 f mill or 60,000 tons of cement per annum at £68,170, Dane Manson "Greer; extension of above option. 2nd November, make a profit of from 14 to 17£ per cent, on the proposed factored into a cement of a quality quite equal to that which This includes £10,000 for proposed three-mile railway connection, 1911—Herbert Elvin Hewlett and Dane Manson Greer; extension capital. _ - is manufactured on 'Limestone Island.' Nearly all modern £10,000 for wharf, £450 for Auckland office and stores, and of above, option., 28th October. Herbert Elvin Hewlett, Tli<» Whangarei Borough Council has ascertained from ths plants for the manufacture of Portland Cement provide for all £4000 for contingencies, but does nit ' include power plant, as of the first part; Dane Manson Greer, of the second part; Edreports of the Government Chief Electrical Engineer and Mr, mechanical work required in crushing, grinding, etc., being this will be unnecessary." t mund : Campbell Purdie, of the third part; and Ernest William S. Irwin Crookes, M.1.E.E., that there is ample water in' the done by electrical power. In this respect a Company operating ■ Hunt, of the'fourth part; contract-for. the sale and purchase Wairua River to develop the 1,500 h.p. required,-without any would be extremely fortunate in. obtaining the necessary power FULLER ENGINEERING COY. of Te Mata Point property, and for conveyance to the Company, further outlay on storage than is necessary to construct a from the hydro-electric station proposed to. be constructed in The approximate output of existing mills in New Zealand 9th July, 1912 The Mayor, Councillors,"and Burgesses of the weir to hold and divert the water to a race or flume. This is the' harnessing of tho liver at Wairua Falls. The necessary ; 3 one t on p er raau . The above consulting cement engineering Borough' of Whangarei, and the Dominion Portland Cement confirmed in the report upon New Zealand water-powers made in authority to utilise the power has, I understand, been granted firm informs us that the last works they designed are obtaining Company of New Zealand, Limited (executed under the Seal 1904 by Mr. P. S. Hay, M.A., M.lnst.C.E., late Government *° the Whangarei Borough Council -by the Government, and ftn output of 22-3 rd tons of cement per dav per man employed, of the Corporation contract for the supply of electric energy.,'. Superintending Engineer. _ the Borough has agreed to supply the Company to be formed i n commenting on this they write: " This"plant is a complete 2nd November, 1912—Ernest William Hunt, as Agent for tho / V;] By means of a dam it is estimated about 6,000 h.p. can be with power sufficient for its requirements at a cost which is electrical installation such as Mr. S. Irwin Crookes proposes to Company, and William James Wilson; contract of engagement Obtained. . . not likely to exceed £9 per h.p. per annum. This will mean put in your now installation." as Works' Manager for five years. < ' a considerable saving in capital cost of machinery and build- .- - , _ , ~ , , .. '». • +.£s■ NATURAL ADVANTAGES. ings/ and in reduction of about 60 per cent, (about 10s per ton HARBOUR BOARD'S REPORT Applications for shares should be mad on the \ form accom- ; :j?f The natural advantages which this Company will hive Over oL^S^b^sterm 01 ' '1 iT'S'^odVo 11 thst°tht f , g f n ! ralill f Th St Hb B Whangarei, April 6tb, 19U. P ? n office of' S £°'Bank 'of New South Wales, "4 other companies place it in an exceptionally good position. ftTn j,„.t;J n L' n n „oi?i,. v> IV ir< , e total » co °i The decretory, Harbour Board. the Company, together with the amount per rfi^iMifeV'Pavable'' '-i These may be briefly enumerated a follows:- 5Se"- the latest aS m« Strove method Mm Dear-S«r,-According to your instructions, I have carefully. on app i ica UoiT.- • If. no allotment i, madfe\on?^J|plt&On'. ! (») Hydro-electric power ; '• ? , latest ana most approved methods with poue sup- sounded the Mftngapai channel. from Limestone Wharf to a,. Heposit will be returned in full. and : if'tho^tomhftr'-of^ -*< (b) Unlimited supply of high-grade cement rock; eicfed 26s pe?ton inXsiJe of the'ro't of 'bairSJS'SSd IllowS lnie t , ot ' s^ kes f f l ?'* ° i "' The - leas^. deplh of ate / ! dUn « shares allotted on any application is lew than" thSiiteW "' (c) White limestone on property; o*ctea 405 per iuu, inclusive ot the cost, ot nagging and allowing in the channel at low water spring tides was 14 feet off ,- j f or t », 6 balance of application mdnev-' will h#. - fl^'J«ii : -: (dl Cheap coal supply railed to works • 4 air s M m . depreciation of all buildings and machinery Limestone, increasing in depth to 34 fathoms higher up. The {.?' refaction of the allottee's future "'-liabilitv-'-hri^iKii x ' ■ (e) -Deep water to good ' • .. - . and . contingencies In determining the magnitude of the pro- shallow part appeared to be silt bottom, and I think' a lot dotted * - (f) Good site for works adjacent to raw materials- - • posed works, or their total output, it is necessary to consider of it has got washed there from Limestone. There is not » chart .' . . . . ... ;--'• ■ * rV*!(iSor no overburthen of earth on Sment rock • !" arkets , which can be supplied lam of opinion that with 0 f the river to be had, so I cannot mark the depth on one. .As the minimum subscription. must, ,be„ "aUotted within ff wwe Wno mewrmen 01 earai on cement rocK , . the low cost of production all countries south of the Line could ■ ninety days after the first issue Jof this • torOsWectna' ; thft B „u Mifuse Yours ****** , nv 5Sr oa. ov Wo„ day oi pitiof 8 ' moao '? * o,te S.rMtS'gSSf JLSS, ,S6d '' w ' "■ - OTBBSON - Con ,~; has ae Re 6te „, rftflT ft* .pnnnrrrPPTAW . t'on of buildings •in reinforced concrete. In Australia the GENERAL. -. -r ../ •/.>: ... ~,, OUOi Of i-ttuuuuiiuxi. - quantity of cement imported is considerable, and there aro but The minimum subscription has been fixed at 60,000 shares >'- ; . ; fimNW T viwiAi The highest estimate given by experts of the cost of manu- few manufactories.- The cement which can be manufactured upon which the. Directors may proceed to-allotment. J here- . .. . -■' r 1 nA . A facture of Portland Cement by this Company, including' man- at Tikorangi may be considered quite equal to any. English, after shares will/be allotted as applications are received. .. _ . . • V.- ;?; i. Ri 'HEATON RHODES ■ > agement, depreciation, and contingencies, is 26s per ton, Lo.b. -cement-. Lam of opinion that th.; proposal to orect works It should, be noted that tho Vendors, to WW WWW conn- ■ ; CLAtit)V APK" works. To this must be added freight to other , ports. The capable of producing 60,000 ton» of cement- per annum is sound, denca in tho proposition, are asking no cash KOju the, COglr . - , _ ■■'-.»' '■ ■ i 4 - ■'„ . ' , , minimum selling price at the main ports in New Zealand " The present price of New Zealand cement in Wellington is pany. For 60,000 fully paid up shares they bind themselves ' - ' r .. r v> ; .'•. H.' B. WILLIAMS . . is 65s per ton. As an eminent engineer reports: "With tho £3-6s per ton. Assuming the cost of .production at 26s per to pass over to tho Company the freehold titles to the cement • .• . . NATHANIEL ' .*• low cost of production all countries south of the Line could ton as estimated, it will be. seen that a considerable margin • properties herein mentioned and audi other right® as they V: ' " . 'j; 1 "' r?\:.- a be supplied." •- . exists capable of yielding large profits." possess. : Dated 7tb da^. of November,, 1913..' ■ - ■ ' S Extra Share Application Forms may be obtained from all leading Brokers, and at the Office of. this paper. Vf j

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 1514, 9 November 1912, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 1514, 9 November 1912, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 1514, 9 November 1912, Page 13