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Mr. V.O. Bates the JoUowlng weatrrtt report at 4 p.m. yesterday „»•.■— Wind. Bar. Ther. Weather. Russell ... N.N.W., fr. 29.83 65 Overcast Manukau H... N.W., fresh 29.71 59 Foggy Auckland ... N.W.'.ra.g. 29.63 68 Overcast Tauranga . ... W.N.W., fr. 29.09 67 Fair East Capo ... N.E., gale 29.69 61 Cloudy Taupo... .... N.W., light 2962 66 Overcast Ginborno ... W., light 29.56 68 line Tort Ahuriri.. W.'. light 29.46 70 Overcast Ciiatlepoint... N.W., breeso 29-50 60 Cloudy Wellington ... S.S.R.light 29.50 56 Overcast •N Pl-rnouth W.. fresh 29.65 64 Overcast Cape Jgmont W., fresh 29.66 60 Cloudy Wanganui ... W.N.W„ ra.g. 29-60 62 Overcast Farewell Spit W„ gale 29-52 60 Cloudy O. Foulwind... W. m.g. 29.60 (O 2221 ,t : Westport <;. W.S.W.,br. 29.55 57 Mrtte 6tenhVnl«.i.. N-fresh 29 50 iS Overcast tt Campbell S.E., fresh 29.49 53 Overcast K.Bi ... S., fresh 23-43 58 Overcast Aknroa Light. S.W., fresh 2954 M Ran V Chalmers... S.. light 29.65 57 lan Nuggets ... S.E.. fresh 29.61 44 Rain Bluff E.S.E., br. £0.69 43 Rain Cloudy and changeable weather prevailed on Saturday and Sunday. Bain fell in many parts on Sunday night, when a cyclonic lysten, rtevclcped, and is now cent ret 1 . south ward of Cook Strait. Stormy westerlies prevailed in the >ortn and easterlies in the South. TO-DAY'S FORECAST. Fr«*nt indications are for clomly and muty weather, and heavy rain m W'/vSf* Tl v «li rising. S4iw is probable on tho higher icieis in the westerly winds f «re probable northward, a High westerly winds are probabrt,J»«tl»«ari M« Farewell Spit and Castlepoint, and si-.uher.K! ana eouth-easterlies elsewhere. ,„„_,,„«» in the The barometer Is due to rise , { «;P°' ar "Li, v ,ne southern districts, but may fall again sho.tly.

PORT OF AUCkL'**"* ARRIVALS. \-\Yl'\ «s 2MO, '.r Todd, from Suva (FijiV Pduenwrn- tiise-' Reading, Stella. Snirt Me ; (femes Williams and. two children Stuart and two children ami ir-nfcl, knn«te. Nurse ana three children, Reading, Thompson or. I into>*•««• M«sr« Williams. Corvwright, Robert.-, h.ivenot, "rt WoXus'e. fbonJe, Master. J«nta|* Campbell, and 18 stcerage.--lr.wn S.S. Co., ° T.iXIWHA s.s. 253, W. Sullivan, from Paeroa. — Northern S.S. Co.. »gents. K.iMERI, s.s 203, T. Meyers, from Whangarei. —Northern S.S. Co., agents. . GAEL. 8.8., 95, A. McKenale, from Waipir — Northern S.S Co., agents. TALLY-HO. scow, 51. Petersen, from Ngunguru. - R S. Reynold*, agent. November 5. BADEN-POWELL, s.s.. 176. H. Petersen, rom Whangarei—Northern Coal Co., agents. DEPARTURES. BIRKENFELS, s.s., 5639, Von Freed, for Wellington. Lyttelton, and Dunedin . viahfvo ss 5282, D. McLean, for Sydnev rasstnger.' Davie,, Willis. Phillips, Ashton E McKay, Wisgner, Andrews, Baugn .King winter K, Hofi Joan Wck«.n-Poynder and governess. Mesdamat Ramsay, Willis, Fattlkiaer. Andrews Slack. Buckley, Cox, Ashton. Lindsay, B Harris Sewell. Hopkins, Parker. Potter, Sey incur. Messrs. Robinson, lon, Cox. Angus, Pater son B Harris, Seymour, r«rker, Sewell, Phillipa. Starts Andrews, Leslie, Francis, Hughes Baugb, 1' Butter. Spinks/ Warner. O. E. Clay, Campbell, Captain Hawkes, amji 95 steerage. MANAIA, »■*■, 1159, E. Stephenson, for Whanga"'nGAPUHl, 8.5., 69.1, T. Haultain, for TauM"»3 a - . . 0... CLANSMAN, s.s., (35, A. Stephenson, for Russell arid Opua. OLENELG s.s., 288. Jonas, for Whangarei. WAIOTAHI, «.».. 278, C. Hopkins, fur Mercury Bay »nd Kuaotanu. WMMARIE, 5.8.. 215, W. Betfis, for Paeroa. \PANUI »':«-. 243, J- Wilson, for Awanui, Houbora " Whangaroa, and Mangonui. , ROTOMAHANA- S.S., 183, M. Roberts, for Coro- '■ rriandel. , '••..» KAWAU, «3., 99, E. Olsen, for Mangawai. PAEROA. »-«-, 91. J- Taw. for Marsden Point »nd way port*. VESSELS EXTECTED TO-DAY. Approt. Ve.sel From time. , . KlaOra .- ... Port Chalmers Daybreak RuahiL::: &****, ,-• I*™Rotomahana ... ...Coromandel 5 p.m. ,'■■ Baohne ... ... ... Ohiwa ... 6 P-"»-i. Mahaia Whangarei ... 7 p.m. Kawau ... Mangawai ... «Jg-™-Waimaria ... ••• P»"f* ... n'^ V m - Squall ... - ... G-sborno ... Due VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. . ■'. , ; -.'. Approx. "•,'-■ ■ v. al ,i " Destination. time !f ■::;'• MTu*~ ' Sydney, via Is. 10 a.m. .. ... ...Wellington Noon - Tciaria.-* -■. Whakatane Noon i: ' Tsrawera ' ... .-.Southern porta 3 p.m. Ngatiawa... ... - Opotiii .... 2 p.m. K«nleri Whangarei... 4 p.m. Wimbledon ... ... Newcastle ... 5 p.m. Taniwha ... — Paeroa ... »P». .■. Orewa ... .Cabbage Bay Midmgnt VESSELS EXPECn.*ED AT AUCKLAND. STEAM. Approx. v, IK From date. UoVoia" ... — Southern porta Nov. 7 vfcma "I ... Fiji »• - Nov. 7 Rosamond ... Gisborno ... Nov. 8 Wimmera ... - Sydney „. Nov. 10 Victoria .. ... .~ Southern port* Nov. 19 Marere " ... ••• London ... Nov. 11 Waiwera"' .- ... Montreal ... Nov. 11 Koromiko ... ... £•*!"»» ... Nov. 12 Triune Eastern Paafic Nov. 14 Monowai... .. ... - Southern ports Nov. 14 AVanaka ... Southern porta Nov. 15 Wairuna... Newcastle ... Nov. 15 Hauroto ... Fiji Nov. 15 Maheno ..- ... ... Sydney ... Nov. 17 • Tarawera Southern porta Nov. 17 Rimutaka .... ... Southern porta Nov. 18 HAIL. Teasel. From Sailed. M Turner Puget Sound Sept. 10 Amaranth ... ... Puget Sound To sail Louisa Craig ... ... Adelaide ... To sail Jessie Craig ... ...Newcastle ... To sail Northern Chief... ... Newcastle ... To sail Ysabel ... Friendly Islands To sail Kereru '..'. Niue To sail VESSELS TO SAIL FROM AUCKLAND. . Approx. Vessel. Destination date. Ngahere Grevmouth ... Nov. 6 Greyhound Northern ports Nov. ft Oreto ... ' Gisborne ... Nov. 6 Squall Gisborne ... Nov. 7 Ruahino ... London via South Nov. S Rosamond Gisborne ... Nov. 9 Mokoia ... Southern porta Nov. 9 Otaki Wellington ... Nov. 9 Kia Ora Southern twrts Nov. a Kauri Newcastle ... Nov. 11 Victoria Sydney ... Nov. ji Whnngapo Newcastle ... Nov. 11 VESSELS :N HARBOUR. Irir, cable steamer, in stream. Navua, s.s., at Queen-street Whait. Tarawera, s.s., at, Railway Wharf. Whangjpe, 6.3., in str«am. Ngahere, s.s., at Hobsun-strcet Wharf. Otaki, s.s., at Railway Wharf. Wimbledon, si., in Cillioiie Dock. Greyhound, aux schooner, at No. 2 Jetty. Atua, s.s., at Hobson-Mrcet Wharf. Rona, barque, at Chelsea. ' Kauri, s>:., at Railway Wharf. Orete, aux. schooner, at llobson-street Kxtension. Kaef), aux. schooner, in Craving Dock. Elfriede, schooner, at Hobson-street Wharf. IMPORTS. Per Navua. from Fiji: 1031 sacks conra, and qrauiity fruit and general cargo. Mr. A. R. Stewart is to join tho Kauri an chief off.osr, relieving Mr. Winsloe, who goes to Duncjjin for orders Mr. Oarlyou, purser of the Union Company "a ■(corner Wanaka, is to join the Atua as chi'f , suriatant-purser. Mr. ll?nic, third officer of the I.'csamond, tr.msfers to tho Haupiri, and Mr. Banks, of the Haupiri, joins the Rosamond. Mr. F. K. Allen has joined the Rosamond n» second officer, relieving Mr. Owen. Mr. J. McLean is to join the Tarawera as second officer, relieving Mr. A. Reed, who comes ashore on sick leave. Mr. Field,' late lightkeeper at Portland Island, U to have charge of tho Castlepoint lighthouse. Mr. Cliampion, assistant-iightkeeper at Manukvu Head, has'been promoted to principal keeper on Portland Island. It was: discovered at Dunedin that during tho voyage of the Kia Ora from London a hpontaneous outbreak of Arc hail occurred, which scorched a portion of the cargo before it burned itself out. Tho Hinemoa is to leave Wellington this morning for tho Brotlers lighthouse and the Jackson Head beacon. She will afterwards return to Wellington, end will probably sail on Thursday morning for Caatlepoint and Northern lighthouses.

Owing to a coal strike in America the Union Company's chartered steamer Inverio has been detained at San Francisco. She is to sail probably on Tuesday for Wellington, mid is due rere about December 2. T.^Jr, el ' miary , in( l " ir - v was ,icld «* ratea last d,-I*- ? .i" U le circumstances surrounding tho mishap to the Hawera at Patea. The Diners in connection therewith will be forwarded the Marino Department for further consideration The Norwegian barque Hebe is still detained au Adelaide, where she arrived on September 27 having been imaged in heavy weather on the passage from Seychelles Island* to LrSrit™ Advice has been received that the Hebe has L™ SSSSd? 1<,1,d roal ;,t Weatport ' '" "•« sSStS ■Trio New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Ruahine. which is due at Auckland this morninr from Lyttelton direct, is to berth at the Railwav Wharf on arrival to load for London. The Tyscr steamer Marere is expected to leave Svdney to-day or to-morrow for Auckland, in continuation of her voyage from London. The ves•'»elly« SBCO ton« of cargo on board for this port, j>nd is -due here about Monday nest. The Marer* will complete her discharge .it Napier and :■ Wellington. The Kia Ora, Auckland this morning from Port Chaunera direct, will remain at an anchorage in the stream until to-morrow morning, when' she will he floated into the Calliope Dock fur cleaning and- painting. The"esoaitoT'«tc<uiier'Kunu was floated out of the Graving Dock wsterday morning, and berthed *t Vo. 4 Jetty to" tsoinplete her cvcrboul, m

The aux. B choon"er Kaeo and the topsail echoon«r Isabella Define were flqawd . into the Own.? Dock yesterday afternoon ior cleaning and painting. " . . The four-masted harquentine Jane L. » tan ' or <; 861 tons, has been chartered to load a car™ of lumber at Gray's Harbour tor a New Zeaiana The barnuentine Wanganui was berthed at. the Railway Wharf at Wellington last Friday, to Ime her new masts stepped- - _• The schooner Bachael Cohen, 150 tons, been chartered to load a cargo of hard wdLatna. mania for New Zealand. , She wtU *"£ U ' load pine in New Zealand for Melbourne. Th« Tvser steamer Star of Scotland is at pre- ? , *?? i7„i„,, for the usual Australian nent loading at .ton-Jon lor *" c , u ," ~ __ No SiSMnriasa -a sra.'js on Thursday, November 14. , ~.i Tho Tofua to scheduled to leave Sydney to-night for Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, and Auckland. She is due here on November 28. ...» The Tyser Line's steamer Star of Australia is at present "en route from Australian ports to L ° * Son, "via th" Sum Canal. The vessel was the first liteamer to leave Australia this year with a wool cargo. "' The New Zealand Shipping Company advise that the steamer Rimutaka has been fixed to-load general cargo at Auckland on November J for London. The Rimutaka will complete her loading at Southern ports, and is to be despatched | from the Dominion finally early in December. The Wimbledon will be floated out-of the Ca - Hope Dock this afternoon. She will probably sail this evening for Newcastle direct. Tho R.MS. Tahiti left Sydney on Saturday afternoon last for Wellington direct, where she is duo on Thursday. The Tahiti leaves Wellington on Friday evening for San Francisco, vm i RaFotonga and Papeete. She is due at the Cahfornian port on November 28. The coastal steamer Daphne is due back from Ohiwa this evening. She leaves to-morrow night for the Great Barrier, in the Waiotaln s running. The coastal steamer Waiotahi. which left for , Mercury Hay and way ports last evening, will take a load ot timber from Tuna to Opotiki. She is due back here about the end of the week. The R.M.S. Moana is due at Wellington on Thursday from San Francisco, via way pons. .She leaves Wellington on Friday wmng for Svdncy direct, where she is due on November U. 'Mean. Heather, Roberton. Limited, local agents lor the Tyser Line, advise that the new steamer Makarini Is to leave London on »©■ I vember 14 for Australian and New Zealand porta , Tho vessel will be making her first visit to the Dominion, and may be expected at Auckland about the middle of January. Cable advices announce that the Fcderal-Sh re steamer Morayshire, bound to London from Bun Miry, left La?. Pidmas after coaling on October 25. L Mr. V. Duff, purser of the Maori, has been granted two weeks' leave of absence. Mr. .v. N. Spiers, lat«; of the Arahura. is acting-purser of tho Maori. Mr. Schierning, late of the Flora and Manaroa, has joined tbe Arahura as acting-purser on Mr. Breakspeare. late assistant-purser of the Atua, has joined the Maroroa in a similar capacity. Mr. R. J. Beeves, lato of the Takapuna, has joined the Arahura as chief officer, vice Mr. *. Davres, who was Injured recently whin the vessel was leaving Wellington for the We* Coast. Captain J. 0. Watson has resum.d command of the rateena, and has the following officer* as sociated with him :-Chief, Mr.; R. Y. Chad*, second. Mr. R. L. Earle (late Takapuna), third. Mr. K. Rathbone Hate Takapuna). Mr. C. J. Hickey is chief engineer, Mr. J. X™ third Takapuna) second, and Mr. J. Dalling third. Mr. w. Benstead is purser of the vessel. Mr. McDowell, chief • engineer of the Maori, has been granted extended holiday leave. . Jir. Grant, lateof the Waitemata has teen relieving Mr McDowell for a trip or two, hut ill leave , the vessel in order to flow Mr. Dalue I, «*> «. I or some time second of the Maori, tart. 1 ater occupied the position of chief of tl.c Pukakt, io act as cliief of the ferry steamer. The intercolonial liner M»heno c eared Auckland at 8.30 p.m. yesterday, tor Sydney direct She has on board 60 saloon and 95 steerage passenger., and is due at the New South Wales port on Friday. The Hans* steamer Birkenfels sailed at 5.50 p.m. vesterday for Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin to complete the discharge of her New York cargo From Dunedin the Birkenfels goes to Newcastle to load a cargo of coal for an Eastern port. Tho Mokoia left Wellington last evening for Napier, Gisborae, Tokomaru Bay, and Auckland. She is due here on Thursday morning. The Victoria arrived at Dunedin yesterday from Auckland and East Coast ports. She leaves on the return voyage this afternoon, ana is due 6t Auckland on Sunday morning next. ' > STAR OF INDIA* LEAVES LONDON. . Cable advice has been received by Messrs. Heather, Roberton, Limited, local agents for the Ty'ser Line, to the effect that the steamer htar of India was despatched from London on November 1 for Melbourne, Sydney. Auckland, Napier, and Wellington. The vessel is due here about December 25. H.M.S. TORCH. Advice was received in Auckland yesterday to the effect that H.M.S. Torch had sailed from Suva for Auckland. On the arrival of the Navua from Suva yestcrdiiv it was learned that the warship had sailed 10 hours prior to the departure of the Navua, but it was understood that the Torch was bound for Samoa. The Torch was not righted by the officers of the Navua on the passage to Auckland. ~...:'

FAST STEAMING BY THE NAVUA. An early arrival at Auckland yesterday was the Union Company's steamer Navua, which dropped anchor in the stream shortly after 1 pjm. from Suva, After a fast passage of 3 days 22 hours After being granted pratique by the port healtn officer, the vessel berthed st the Queen-street Wharf. The Navua has been showing a good turn of speed lately. Quite recently she made the passage from Wellington to Auckland direct in the creditable- time Of 46 hours. She left Suva at 3.30 p.m. on Thursday last for Auckland, and met with fine weather until yesterday morning, when strong westerly winds and heavy ram were experienced to arrival. The Navua sails at noon to-day /or Wellington direct. After discharging the remainder of her fruit cargo, sin: will be emploved in the coastal trade for some time. She is scheduled to leave Auckland on the next trip to Fiji on- Tuesday, December 3. MALWA'S SAILING DATE. Messrs Russell and Somer?, local agents for the P and 0. Co., advise that owing to the Christmas holidays intervening, "has been decided to despatch the R.M.S. ,Malwa . from Svdney for Auckland on Saturday, December 14 The Malwa was originally time-tabled to leave Svdney on Monday, December 16. but she will now arrive here on Wednesday, December 18, and sail again at 5 p.m. the same day for London, via Australian .and Mediterranean ports. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. Last night the Aucldand radio station advised that the following steamers were within wireless range:—Maheno (Auckland to Sydney), Birkenfela (Auckland to Wellington), Manuka (Sydney to Wellington), Maunganui (Bluff "to Hobart), Tahiti (Sydney to Wellington), Moana (RaroI tonga to ' Wellington, Ruahine (Lyttelton to 1 Auckland), and Kia Ora (Port Chalmers to Auckland). The Wellington radio station advised last night that the steamers Moana, Maheno, Moeraki, Maunganui, Manuka. Ruahine, Tahiti, and Kia Ora were within wireless range. OUTWARD BOUND. [FROM OUR OWN COIIUESrOXDENT.] London-, September 27. The passengers by the It.MS. Rotorua, which left London to-day, include: Dr. and Mrs. Bariatt, Mr. and Mrs. T. Black, Misses Black, Miss Coivilc, Nurse Crowder, Miss Gellatly, Mr. G. H. Lee, Mr. A. Livorsidgc, Mrs. and Mi:-3 McLaughlin, Mrs. D. Morley, Mire A. M. Murray-Mcnzies, Mr. and Mrs. W. Nathan, Misses Nathan-, Mrs. V). Nathan, Miss N. Nathan, Miss Nicholas, Major and Mrs. O'Brien, Mr. mid Mrs. U. P. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. G. Robinson, Mrs. G. Tonge, Mr. and Mrs. R. 11. Wood, Mrs. W. Aitken, Mrs. W. Andrews, Miss S. A. Atkinson, Miss E. H. Bailey, Mr. J. Bam borough, Mis 3 K. M. Barker, Mr. W. E. Barton, Miss A. Ecttley, Mr. and Mrs. and the Misses Bond, Mr. D. Brosnahan, • Miss F. M. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Burgess, Miss Butts, Miss E. Carpenter, Miss L. Clark, Miss E. Common, Mis 3 M. Cottis. Mr. D. J. Covell, Miss A. V. Cralib, .Mr. H. Croad, Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Dyson, Masters Dyson, Mr. and Mrs. Easton, Mr., Mrs., and Miss Farmer, Mr, M. Garvin, Mi&s J. A. Gardiner, Mr. R. Gamway, Miss J. W. Can-away, Mrs. Glover, Mr. J. Henderson, Mrs. and the' Misses Hobbs, Mr. W. Ilobbs, Mrs. Hornibrook, Mr. F. N. Hornibroox, Mrs. and Misses Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. Kinnell, Mr. J. Lamhie, Mr. James Lambie, Dr. and Mrs. Little, Mr. J. McL. Little, Miss 11. Little, Mrs. Loudon, Mr. and Miss Lowe, Mr. P. Madden, Miss Madden, Mr. W. Page, Mr. C. Passavant, Mrs. W. C. Pears, Mr. F. Plum, Mr. .T. Pope, Miss P. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Pryor, Mies K. Pummell, Rev. H. Ryan, Mr. If. A .Sprott, Miss Tavlor, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tipping, Mr. and Mrs. Trevethick, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fcrrier-WalUer, Miss A. Wardlaw. Miss J. Watson, Mr.-. A. Woodcock, Mr. N. Woods.

The passengers by the R.M.S. Otranto include : Wellington— Mies Apple ton, Mrs. L. Clappcrton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dwyer, Mrs. Gladstone, Miss Goldingham, Mrs. Gray-Hill, Miss Johnston, Miss "B. H. Johnson-, Mrs. and Miss Singer, Miss Walsh. Miss IVhplan, Miss Chalmers, Mrs. A. M. Chalmers, Mr. unci Mrs. A. Williams. Lyttelton —Madame Betty Brooke, Sir Charles Campbell, Mr. L. XI. Campbell, Mr., Mrs., and Miss Cowlishaw, Miss B. Farquhar. Mrs. J. Sely-Lawrence, Mrs. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Corbett, Mr. C. F. Lethaby, Mr. and Mrs. F. Waymouth, Mr. F. W. O. Waymouth, jun., Mrs. Wyhe, Mr. and Mrs. C. Atkinson' ami family. .Auckland— Mr. and Mrs. A. Dalmas, Mr. F. Cook. Miss Cook. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. England, Mr. C. Hawken, Mr. 0. Masters. Mrs. Masters, Mrs. and Miss Miller, Mr. S. B. Miller, Mr J. Miller, Mr. « n d Mrs. Rathbone, Miss R. Rathbone, Mr. and Mrs. A. Spencer and child, Mr V. S. Williams. Dunedin—Miss Ainger, Mr., Mrs and Misses Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, Mr T. U. Hiddleston. Mr. and Mrs. McFarlanc, Mr' Mac Gibbon, Mr. H. Mac Gibbon, Misses MacGibbon. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall. Mrs. W. Scott, Miss Williden. . Gisborne— Mr. and Mrs. R. . Barker, . Miss. B. S. R. Barker, Mrs. Barker, Miss Barker. Nelson—Mr. W. C Harlev, Mr R. Wilson.- Wanganui— 1,. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sutherland. Pic.ton— Miss D. Shearman. Bluff— and Mrs. A. Henderson, Miss R. Rogers. Invercargill— T. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. T. Macdonald, Mrs. J. W. Collins. «

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15142, 5 November 1912, Page 6

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WEATHER REPORT. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15142, 5 November 1912, Page 6

WEATHER REPORT. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15142, 5 November 1912, Page 6