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- Domestics Wanted. ** 0 0( t^'• eecond • wanted; emart.—o.o 0. ;, o .— lb- Ptomgrooms, Higli-st. ".-v.*ju. 7 C! t* mal «. wanted, for Hamilton.— *" Rd * rS " 80 ' W. 21, Exmouth-st., off Newton J C o( £!k Woi3flan » wanted: two in"family"; ns "~" "' ""*"• -"— * ra , QOOK-Laundress wanted in a fortnight wnr for Remuera; wages, 228: references - *" 0 EEL * 00d ' for Bemuera: highest - HBBAISf l famil y-~ A - 1 '- 56, er ——-< — :— — . '•' : . ?" ri EN EEAIi Servant, good; no washing.— < 10 Ponsonby P y ' ter 6 P ' m " 38, Franklin dis, /"2J.ENERAL, good, experienced, for coun* Is- /-*' «'?> five miles from town; pony kept: - Tau in family; no washing.- Chater. - (t ll^ .wanted. at once.-Prince of 'Wale"* a- v< Cafe, 48. Victoria-Bt. ■..-,■■." i. "OEIiP; domesticated, wanted, light duties. - «T ?° i washing, mind one child; wages, . lbs; state age and references.— P. 0.. i l 0 " 13 " .. •. ?••?■' ; _ "ETOUSEKEEPER, middle-aged, wanted for ? n x 111 '''?;' easy place, good wages; child '» not objected to; no mistress.—Widower. 94. °» HERALDS' TTOUSEifAID, experienced, wanted; refer-' ox ences required.—Mena House" Private Hospital (off Upper Brmonds-street). — HOUSEMAIDS, Waitresses, Codks, House"- , _ keepers, Lady Hulp, four Married i- Couples, Machine Milker, Camp Cook, £2 10s; Scrubcutter, Is hour: Ploughman, Teamster, Useful Man, Eouseabout, .Lads, Flaxoutter, Spaulers.— Registry, Queen-street. - - ;, b- TA? 7 Help, capable, wanted, all duties, r. , for two adults.—Mrs. Pcrcival, Arcadia B Road, Epsom. , _ T ADY Help wanted, all duties j, reference d J-* required; wages, 15s--Mrs. J. R. McPar- - ; y. lape, Pearl-et., Northcote. , - ' .V- - T ADY Housekeeper wanted by'bacheldr, ■! • ,y XJ with hom'e and grounds, near country .: town.—Reply, stating terms, G.R.M., 111, - 5 - HERALD. ■ V. ;•■ '".'.•'•:; ;-•■',•'■ it —■ ———■ : ; u—---,—, .-,.-■'.;■:• a- TWIDDLE-AGED Person wanted ; for light 3 /-'J- housework, and look - after young. in. ;;, fant; mu*Jt be capable.—References to Conn I >—, - try, 88, HERALD. ...... -• •- 3. , . , _ .„; , 1 .- n TRAITRESS if or' Opotiki, 22s : 6d;. Two ■'■', . Maids for Taumarunui, 275;17.5;6d: - each; Two forTe Arona. 20s, 17s 6d each;:: 0 and other towns.—Saunders's Registry,: "> Strand Arcade. ■■<■■■-■■.:■'-■■•■■■ =.- ; y.-. • **.--. y v — • ; : ■;; • ; iif _.■.-:■:'.;: BELL'S Registry. 22, City Chambers, i- ac Queen-st.-Two W. Cooks, together ' • 455. Me, others 3!>s; Waitresses, ; Housec- maida, -208, tourist and country;,. htfteiii, • I- Hel&no'.'i!le, Hamilton. Frankton, a etc. V ~.. Laundresses, 255: C.-General, 27s 6d, and - • Housemaid,, 17s 6d, together, statioa ;Q66ka . > and Housemaids, together; : Porter, Kit- - cnenman, Farm Hands, Ploughman, 'Farm • , Manager (single); Scutcher, Drainers (con-: '{, tract). 'Phone 1702. ■ ;„v , ■. %. ~./: • GIBBS'S Registry, • Newmarket.—Wanted % 1 ; - —Girl, assist house and:; shop; liem ' 6 ' good General, 20s. Lady; I wants . posi- ; tion. , :. . ". NICHOLLSiS Registry, • Upper - Symonds- V ' p . ±y stwet: Cooks, 30j, 25e; Housemaids, 15s, 17s 6d: Generate, 15s, 18s, I'M; small fami- &} - 'Phone 2268. -■■ - ; ~ ■'■■/"■.'- * QATTNDERS'S- Registry, • Strand Arcade',' " Kjy* Auckland's Oldest and Leading Office. \ • vacancies: v Women Cooks, 20s, aSs» 30s, I good houses; Waitrosses, 22s 6d; Homae-/':•' ■■<■ r maid. Housemaid-Waitresses, ' 20a,. 17s '-6d;', '4 I, some ; good positions, town; Taumai'unui, , Waikino, Poroti, Kawakawa, and oiihers; • • Cook-Generals, 20s; Gen wale , and ' Helps j Si; 6 Three Married Couples, £100, £!50; :• Plough- 4•; f, man/SOs; Plough and Sooop,,3osj Milliters^' - ' and Farm Hands, many vacancies, 255; ; . '■ . Youths, 20s, 15s- 10s, that■■'iiau* : milk ;r smart . _ Youth, to drive mail coach. • ■;■ 'Phone:? 900. H a;* 1 . 'i ii i ii 'fin i i i ii'ii mil it "... . ~ : _ . .' :., ■ . . -~..0»:'. ■ •-,; Farm Hands Wanted. .V ? ,T>OY or Youth, wanted, to help milk on ' • -L* small farm; wages. 15s > a week.—H. B.' ? c.o. P. 0.. Kuiti. •■...■.: ■ •'-,.,■' J' "ROY. about 16, wanted on. farm, able'to • cP' l -?' 1 " 5 ;-: .wages» :: 10s; V. good; % home.—D.' Do °elas, QleYedon;.;Wairoa y South; • :; ■•,;,;■/ - 'TR'D'SHMAK .wa'ntedj on© good Crossouttiljr,' \ tL }*&: :'^- •& g y! , I • TnARMHANDS. Milkers, iOs, M:angere 257; " X' Rouseabout, 2ss; also' Respectable ;: "• Youths.—Farmers? Union Trading. . Era. pire Buildings, Swanson-st. j Tl/fAN, good, able milk, used to machines , ITX preferred.— W. Read and .Co.. •: 79,' ■ . Queen-street. ■ .",-•(>■ -. ♦ t . _ _ _—■;„- : ,-, j: —;- ; ■•'■:/.; ; Tl/TTLKER -wanted; wages, 253 and found.— . lU. A. J. Jackson, Eureka. •; ,".}'< ■ I j . :• ———1.. ——ll_,'.: j .:.' YOUTH, strong, wanted, farra work, odd * ■L jobs; good milker, essential; start £1 per week.—Crawford, Horctiu. ; . YOUTH, strong, or Man, general farm work; good home: wages: 25s - and 'j. found.—H. Dudding, Port Albert. . YOUTH or Man wanted, for milking and assist ■ on farm; good home; good wages to good man,— • G.P.0., Te Puke. ■■■■ ... ' .. ' l* YOUTH, refined, used to horses and farm; - chance to 1 cam, no milking; wages to ■ ': start, 15s and found.-J, Dixon, P. 0., Cam- J<; bridge. MCLEOD'S Registry, 'phone 884/—Wanted —Horse Drivers, Married Couples, Two V Navvies, 2 Boshfellera;Toting Man, milk cow,, ' used to horses; Two Men, take 100 chains - * of draining; Two Flaxcutters, Flaxscutcher join another >in contract,, now c working; maohine and ■■. hand-milking., ,t '„ , i i__—. - .. :.,.,.'!"■*,- ...^,,, i , ..-.;,■-.."rr-rrr» %A Apartments. -Wanted., ;,.!;; BOARD and Rcßidence- wanted, Devonport, in private family; • Melrose dilitnot.— ; i ■ J.W.. P. 0., Dijvoß.|>ort. ■::'-/ ";.;■.,-' ,V'"•;:;'" ••;•.;;■: : -———'• LADY, young, to board with nice private ; familjf.—Student. 117. HEBAXP. y x ;; , IT ODGINGS wanted by elderly man clean, : = LU comfortable;• >single. room.—: post j',:. - Omce, Symonds-atjeet. • . • -, .; '-. , ROOMS, single, wanted Booi board, wash- -. . ing, hath, private, permanently, near Karangahape Road-—Horatio, 70, HKKALD. , ROOMS, three, empty, sunny, wanted by three ladies; Grafton side of Domain; ..' nice garden.—l 7, Maranm Avenue, • Epsom.'., - - . ■ ..I . ! v i n'l i*", ,y L -::ri BOOMS, two, unfurnished, in Ittemuera. with use of. kJfcht|Ji and bathroom;..''". young; couple recently I,: from England.— Mfl Elliott Cleveland, Clonbern Road, Remuera. K . ~; YOUNG MAN requires : private Board and Residence with homely family; fifteen , mlnutea from town.—RJ., HEBAJJD. , : TJITANTED, BY • BUSINESS MAN— ' QUIET BUT ATTRACTIVE SITTINGRbOM •■-■ - .•.'•: AND BEDROOM, « With conveniences. - ■ i Or Bedroom with occasional use of . Sittiagroom. ' . Close to city and in private home preferred, '•' Partial board might he arranged, but is not essential. . . . Full particulars to ,' . .... . A, Box 4, G.P.O. t=== , ■ . ,—-a=g|, •'. Apartments Vacant. ADMIRABLY situated Apartments, private .balconies, sittingroom, and bedrooms; vacancies at The Mansions, Whitaksr Place* . Symondß-st. Tel., 2724, Billiardroom. -, --■- ACCOMMODATION AGENOT, ' KING AND ROSS. 19, WeUeßley-st.,: : j Above Opera House. ':_.• Single. Double, or Suites of Boom Fornished or Unfurnished with or^ .witlKmt partial or full board. . Inspected and recommended by us. American Prmeiple. «, t ; Owners see us. 'Phone 40& S. ALBEMARD (Late Residence of Dr. Shearman). Corner of Burleigk-street and Knyber. Pass, ;-i, is now open as a First-class Boardmgheuse. . 4' The rooms are large and well furnished. ■, * 'Phone 3708. : ■. .;J BEDS, single, near Symonda-st., 6s per : week—L., 91, HERALD , ■ ; ■ _- — ; : .',;,. '\ m.»:..>^:;. BEDROOM, to Let; all conveniences; suit ' t two friends; neai- "Univeraity and' -> ! Govt. House; no children.-^-Address HERALD.; \ BEDROOM, comfortably furoishod, * offer'sil' i '''. two young ladies; use all conTenienceg; '. Id section, Parn«U; terms very-Iniodwfttel;---''.•'•' X.Y.Z.. % HEEALD. .. ' ■ ■'■<:'..■ ■ I ■•.."■ . BOARD and- Residence, private.—Three vacancies, Tranmere, ;2, :Liverpool-sti. ; all conveniences.— A. M- Robinson, .off' v v. Karangahape Road. ■;-.■:',,■•.. -'m : - ; ■ - •'.;,'■■... -yyy BRiJEMAR, 62, Wyriyard-t>t> near St. PauTs .«.' .■;: Church.— Board and Residence; i j every convenience; hot and cold water. £?. y week. £iM '.■:■:■■ ; :.;>. , .;.i- -.■. ;.-. .;•.■ : DEVONPOR.T, Olii'ton. Jubiioe" Avenue.-. "Single, and Double Rooms for perma*.-';;;' nenta »and; visitors, tennis lawn; t«w b». eurpaased.— Waters.. '■.. "__ ' G3ENTLEMEN Boarders wanted, prirate family; every home comifort, good; : ; table"," haih, piano.—No. 4. Wal|temata-*t., ■.x"-. ■!: Ponaonby. '■,::■■: '■ ;■ . ■■•■ ■•• 1 : ■:':■:< r ■:■■■ ■; :,.;.■ HOME, comfortable. 1 offered two youug? %k men; private family; Greenland ,;; station: terms moderate.— Rsmuera,; ; . ■.s': Post Office. . , .' ;■■-• ' ; n,,,',; ',; „„.•„,, , Z'.VWanted Advertisemeiats:'c«aiJiiiuei<ftM^^J

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15141, 4 November 1912, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15141, 4 November 1912, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15141, 4 November 1912, Page 1