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THE SENIOR COMPETITION* SECOND ROUND COMMENCED. GOOD BATTING RV WRIGHT. I P.lrnell 227 v. Grafton 47 for At© wicked*. Ponsonby 140 v. Eden 89 for three wickets. • University 94 v. North Shore 158 for nlntf wickets. THE BEST PERFORMANCES. batting. "Wright (Parncll) not out ... 12i Sale (North Shore) 51 • Ctumnings (Eden) not oat ... 4f I BOWUJiB. Pratt (Grafton) five, wickets for 28. A Howden (North Shore.) five for 34. ' Cnmminffs (Eden) four for 20. Mulgan (University) four for 36. Townshend (North Shore) three for 7. ( Oliff (Parnell) three for 10.

The second round of matobos under th» ! nuspicea of the Auckland Cricket Association was commenced on Saturday. The I weather was dull, but rain held off, and stumps were not drawn in any of the games, until 6.15 p.m. With the exception of two J good innings played by "Wright (Parnoll) i and Sale (North Shore), the batting in the 1 various, game-, was dull ard lifeless, and throughout the afternoon wickets fell with monotonous regularity. Chief interest was | centred in the match between Eden and { Ponsonby at Eden Park, each team having { a win to its credit. Ponsonby won fin* toss and batted, N. C. Snedden and Collins being the opening batsmen. The wicket, although looking good tp -the eye, wait- I rather tricky, and it was not long before both Collins and! Sneddon were sent to the } rightabout. Two trinkets were down for ! 15 when Kavanagh and Woods became associated, and matters were looking ominous for Ponsonby. The third-wicket parti v nership, however, realised 48 runs, \ Kavanagh and Woods both showing fair ; form.' Cummins*, who was the fourth bowler to bo tried, at last broke up the"; partnership, Woods being stamped by. llountree and Kavanagh canght by , Tay- ■ lor. Wilson 1 and Taylor were disposed, of cheaply, and when six wickets had fallen , only 78 runs were recorded on„ the board. ' Gavin and 0. Sneddon added 2d, but after * they departed the end aocn came, the to tall •being.; 140 when the Jast man was caught. C'ummings obtained the best average, taking four wickets for 20 runß ,in 12 , oybot. No. less than, three of his victims were taken behind the wickets. The light was not j< good when Hemus and Taylor commenced <. for Eden, but, nevertheless, 33 runs ./were,{.;' scored before Hemus failed to stop a j straight one of Kavanagh \ Taylor left j:, in the next over, and two wickets were ;;';'; down for 36. Smeeton and Cnmmings added < 15, and then Smeeton played a ball from, : Sneddon on to his wicket. Mills and Cum- ! mines were together when stumps were i drawn. Cmnmings scored 41, but he Wa* |» very lucky, no less than four chances being i

declined by the jiPonsonby men. Woods i missed him badly and, Taylor also dropped .;'"'? a fairly easy catch, while Edmunds made ; no attempt to get underneath one at mid- ; ; ; • off. Eden appears to; hold the issue Bate. '!;;,. The one redeeming feature of the Pamell- \ Grafton game on the Domain was Wright's!>! splendid not out innings of 128. In com- ':'',- : v.'' piling the first century of the season v Wright showed splendid form. All bin ': , strokes were excellently timed, and, with ■■ the exception of a chance in the long field ~' at 75, the innings was flawless. Ho ob- ; tained most oi! his runs in front of the '"• wicket, there being plenty of wood behind ■••■' ■ Vhis drives. Brown. Ellis, Fairburn, and ;'■ Anthony each ran Into double figures, but .; the form of each was not. good. ■■'•;:■' Pratt .",. captured fiv«> wickets for 26 runs—a really. '■ £v good performance under the circumstances;* ~> r Mason was expensive and Mackrell had no terrors for the batsmen. , When stump« were drawn Grafton had lost five wickets for 47, OHiff being mainly responsible for ithe collapse. University batted first against North Shore at Devonnort, but only managed to compile 94. Taylor and Baker being th« only double-figure scorers. Howden bowled 1 , well for North Shore, taking five wickets for 34. North Shoro had lost nine wickets for 158 when stumps were drawn, the consistent Sale being the highest scorer. His innings was a good one. Townshend made things lively in the latter stages of the game, his score of 29 being- rapidly obtained. I game, his score of 29 being- rapidly obtained. Following are details:— -, PONSONBY V. EDEN. PONSONBY.—First Innings. N. C. Sneddon, b Honeycombs ... "... . J [ R. Y. Collins, run out 1 I' B. Woods, st. Bountree, b Cummings ... 32;' ! V. Kavanagh, c Taylor, b Cummings ... 33. ! . F. Wilson, lbw,. b Mills ... ... ... 6 • ' F. S. Taylor, c Bountree, b Mills ... ... 0 J. W. Gavin.; b Hay ... ... 19 H O. Sneddon, st Eountree, b Catmnings ... 20 •, . ~. C. B. Esmond, b Hay ... ... ... • ..." 6 - ,;.; W. Bobinson, not out ... ... ... ... .15 -<;. i W. McMath, c Bountree, b Cummings ... 0 ' ' Extras' ...... :» ....... ... ■ 9 Total 140 -'•>■; Bowling Analysis: Honeycombe, one for -cS i 33: Hay, two for 30; Taylor, none for 24;• i?" Cummings, four for 20; Mills, two for 24. . J, EDEN.-- Innings. .; ',', A•','.' Hemns, ,b . Kavanagh ...> ''..'.••■■"'.„' ;..'■' 16p'^-i' Taylor, b Kavanagh ... ... ' ... „.. It, ; 'fe Cummings,,not out ... ... ... ... .41 • ' i--' Smeeton, b Snedden ...... ... ... 4 Mills, not out ... '..., ... ....... .10 •-, Extras •' ... .J • ... .... .... 7. "." ■ Total .. for three wickets ... ... ... 8S» ; •', Bowling Analysis: McMath, none.: for 23; i .'•'"/$ N. O. Sneddon, one for 26: Kavanagh,. two' ;/.■' for 30; Woods, none for 4., . , '■■'~'v« PARNELL V- GRAFTON. *# . PABNEIjL.-First Innings. > i , Grcnier, b Harvie ... '... ... ... .| - Wright, not out ... ... ... ... ... 128 < Anthony, b Pratt ... ... ... ..., It. ', Sommervlllo, c Patterson, b Pratt ... 3 Ellis, o Horspool, b Mackrell' . ... ... 21. Oliff. b Pratt < ...... ... 5 Fairburn, c Mackrell. b Harvie ... ... 13 Brown, c Mason, b Willis ... ... ... 24 .? Bennett, b Pratt ... ... ... ... 5- ' Stephens, c McCormick, b Pratt • ... ... o. ' Y Kerr., absent ... ...... 0 Extras — ... ... 8 Total ... .... 227. 1 Bowling Analysis: Harvie, two for 43; Mason, none for 68: Pratt, fire for 26; Mack-; rell, one for 59;. Horspool, none for 8; Wil- ' lis. one for 25. '";•..,; GBAFTON.-First Innings. W. Horspool, c Wright, b Oliff ... ... . 2 Mason, lbw. b Oliff '22 Mackrell. c Ellis, b Oliff »' Hay, b Anthony 0' Sanvarin. c Fairbnrn, h Anthony .., ... 21 E. Horspool, not out JExtras ... ... 3•• Total for five wickets 47 Bowling Analysis: Oliff, three for 10; Anthony, two for 36. UNIVERSITY V. NORTH SHORE. ■ >a UNIVERSITY.—First Innings. " : r Mulgan. li Howden '...,... 4; ,^ Airev, c Young, b Howden ... ... ... % < Caradns, 1> Howden ... m 4 Fra.oer. b Howden ... ... 1 - .' Taylor, lbw, b Townsheud ...... .38 ' ! Jaoobsen, c Howden. b Archer ... "* 3 ' v ■ Orahaui. c Bush, b Howden ■ ... '•%-'' ■" Baker, st Young, b Townshend' '" 13 Walker, b Townshend ... ... '" "* - s' 1 Fenwick, c Archer, b Bush ... .-"•*' "• *" '".«•" Dettmann, not out .' ... ' ~ :l"V■:,..'"*•' Extras ...'■■' ,•,.?.::'■■■''■■'■■•.>■?■■?>■..."'■■-«&; Total ; ' ... - _; ;5 Bowling Analysis: Howden, five for 34M™ for 16 - ; To^ NOETH SHOES.-First Innings. W. Yrash (retired hurt) ~ . n 0. Daore.o Dettmann, b Fenwick .'.': "." « Dacre, b Fenwick' ... ... ir. Bale,b Mulgan ... , ' it Howden, .0 Taylor, b Fen wick ...*".' 2i •' Young, b Mulgan ... ... 2 V ' C. Arcker. b Mulgan ... ... ... ..." ?..-' \ ; Harper, b Graham 7,' Coleman, c and b Mnlgan ... \„ ... i <. ' Howio, not out .„ • V Townshend, not out ... ...-'... 29 7 Extras . ... ... ' ... 10 ■, } 1 Total for nine wickets ... ...... 15* i .:. ": ." k. '"/■,' ';■■(•.:■■ .''::i.",v< ■'I'fi'i'^'i'^i Bowling Analysis; Graham, op* for 15j ■;;-<> Jaoobsen. none for .22; Fenwicfc three fop- -' ,v/ r,j» 43; Walker, none .for; '11 Mnlgan. .-four ;;>,,;. 36;' Taylor, none for 12;' ":, ■- . . -,-■,- ** If fIM

JUNIOR GRADE RESULTS. FABS2£L V. NORTE SHORE. Parnell.—l'irst innings: A. "Warner, rmi out" 13' Foster, b Stewart, 128; Moore, lbw, b Rankin. 56; Levins, c and b Joyce, l, Dow, b Joyce. 0; Mann, c and b htewart. .i*. 17 b Stewart, 2; JJonic. u Stewart 4; Rose, b Stewart, 3; Flatt. not out, 10; Johnston, lbw, b Stewart-, 4; extras, —First innings: Wbelan, c Warner, b ilann. 4; A. Rankin, b Mann. 0, V,- jtankin, b Warner, 0; Corlctt, b Mann, 4 ' Total for four wickets, 8. «. i. _i. Bowling for North Shore, Stewart toot six wickets lor '2 runs; Joyce, two for 08, Kin. one for 22. For Parnell. Earner took one wicket lor 4 rans, and Mann three for .

GRAFTOX" A V. rSIVEBSTTT. Grafton.-First innings: « T *£ ks ° n v?,w k a r " man k Player. 15: D. Jack, b Fisher, 0, &cU. Fisher.- 0; Hill. eVietorm«. 1, Player. 0; Baresnape, c Player, b Jisher, 51; SloSaa. run out. 2; P. Upme. c Player, b QonldiuK. 16; Daoiey, c Bo we b - 36- J. Lepine, not out, 13; Haugh. oEowe, b'Fisher; 2; Marshall, c Marsack, b Fisher, IS- extras, 17. Total, 165. . . CnivcrMty.-Fim iniiugs: Moore cr and b Jackson. 4: A. Goulding, b Richards 1, Fisher, c Richards, b Haresnape. » bn- «£ cett. not out. 1: Vickerman. not out, 20, extras. 6. Total for three wickets, w. , fowling for 'Varsity, Fisher.took s.i 'c\pU for 43- Player, two for 57; and uoiuttins? one for 26 For Grafton, Jackson took one for 14; Richards, one. for 15; and Harjsuape, one. for 5. ....... . i

EDEN A V. GRAFTON. Crafton.-First innings: Rutherford, b Murdoch, li: Fletcher. » Greenwood. 0: 1. Horsooo!, b, 10; Rem. c and bltaM, 17; Coates, Ibw. b Haase. 1; Yates, not out 19• Brown c ami o Punch. 11; Batoer. D lLiate 3- F. Howpool, b Punch. 5; >orton, b Greenwood. 5; Robinson, b Murray. 19; extras, 27. Total. 153. . T Men.—First innings: Pundi. b Reid, 1, J. Muf«" : . c and b Vale,, 0; UHmour run out, *»• A 0. Horspool, b Held. 08; T. Harris, not out. 37; A. Murdoch, not out, 0; extras, 7. Total for four wickets, Bj. 'Bowling lor Eden. Murdoch took onepicket for 13 runs; Greenwood, two lor 14, Haase, four for 33: Punch, two. for 23; Murray, one for 2; Gilmour, none for 0. EDEN B V. WAITEMATA. Waitemata.-iirst innings: 0. poller, run out. 68; V. -Marwil. c muis, o Hill, *f>„«" Biadeii. run out. 10; C. Arolaster. c Mills, b Hall, 62; J. Ridden, st rimitn, b MeDonagn, 1; E. Moiier. lbw. 0 mil. 17; V. ■icmiHtrvoa, c ,md b Hill. l; P. Melvule. c 1 ileoie, b Mills, 0; A. batcheli, c alula, o. Hill, 0; T. Hushy. b Mills.'o; Couidrey. not out. 0; extras, 13. Total, IM>. , . Eden H.—First innings: «r. hale, low, D Moller. 2; Gray, b C. roller, 2; Burton., c and b li. Moilcr, 10; Brown, lbw, b C Moller 33; Aikman, b Temi>erton. 12; ililUi, not out, a; Buisson, not out, 4; extras. I*. Total lor hve wickets, 80. Bowling tor Eden, Hill took four wickets for 42 runs; JJills, two for 15; iicDonagh, one for 40; Burton, none for 40; Brown, none for 21; Beale, none for 16. For Waitemata, Arblaster took no wickets for 23 runs; Moller, lour for 51; and Temperl.on, none for 13. PONSONBT A V. PONSOXBY B. Ponsonby B.—First innings: Pegler, b Cheshire, 3; Piummcr, D Cheshire, 0; Roberts, h Cheshire, 16; Mcnnie, b white, 0; Watson, lbw, b Cheshire, 7; Miuoguo, b Shepherd, 9; Arueii. Ibw, b Cheshire, 0; Littiewood, c and b shepherd, 1.; R. England, c and b Cheshire, 3; Smiifl, not out, 2; Browne, b Shepherd, 6; extras, 10. Total, W. . „ Ponsonby First innings: Brinsden, c and b Roberts, 3; Osborne, not out, 73; Barclay, run out, 8; Shepherd, c and o Minogue, 27; A. Mills, not out, 30; extras, 14. Total for three wickets, 156. Sowling tor. Ponsonby A, Cheshire took six wicbots lor 18 runs; P. White, one for 1.7; McCoy, ncne for 9; Brinsden, none for 0; Shepherd, three for 8. For Ponsonby B, Plummer took ' one wicket for 31 runs; Roberts, one for 22; Minogue, one for 13; Mennie,. none ' for 12; Pegier, none for 8; Smith, none for 7. '$.; THIRD GRADE RESULTS. " University, 105 (Blondell 40, Botterill 19, Kclntyre 14), v. Eden. 178 (Stsvinton 73, Blair 11, Jenkin 18). Bowling for Eden, Bee took one wicket lor 27 runs, Blair'five for 18, Raasmussen four for 18. For University, Botterill took three wickets for 31 runs and Poulgrain one for 7. . Parnell, 161 for nine wickets. (E. Williams. 22, B. Crawford 25, W. J. Dcnnison 44, Hill 15 not out), v. Grafton, 94 (Smith 28, Buckler 15, McCormick 24). For Parnell, Barnsdale took eight wickets for 39 runs. For Grafton, Waugh took two wickets for 42 runs. Smith one for 7, Mason one for 3, Buckler three for 33, and McCormick one for 14.

FOURTH GRADE RESULTS. North Shore, 160 for three wickets (Grey ~--■ '2*. JlcAneuy 56, Daere 80 not out), beat Eden, 59 (Love 13, Davies 15) and 24, by an innings and 77 runs. For North Shore. Dacre took two wickets -. for 21 runs, Mc.Aneny three for 21, Bennett three for 9, and White ssrsa for 15.

CHURCHES' ASSOCIATION. A EJECTION. All Saints'. 136 ,'H. Wright 72. El win 48, Flicker 55). v. W.Y.M.L. 34 for no wicket* fWaddi»|{hara 21 not out, Lovell 7 not out). Bowling for W.Y.MJ., Lovell took five wicketa for 38, Ready two for 16. and Waddingham two for 29. St. Peter's. 153 (W. Stainton 23, Howard 25, Little 24, Bushill 21, Doughty 21. Ferguson 17). v. Y.M.C.A.. 5 ior no wickets. Browne took three Y.11.C.A. wickets for 41 runs and Cullimore one for 34. B SECTION. ; Ciroydon. 158 (H, Catterall 49 not out. H. Slows 35, M. Kingston: 39), beat Hobsonvilk*, 1$ - (E. Jenkins 19. Thompson 13) and 34 Mrnnstrong 10), by an innings and 70 runs. Howling for. Croydon, Taylor took eight Tdcktstß for 41 runs, Y. Wilson six for 22, and H. Wilson six for 12. For Hobsonville, Thomson took eight wickets for 23 runs. JUNIOR GRADE. Kingsland, 153 (Cunningham 13, Hayhow 28, A. Kent 26, E. Kent 36. Wakerley 17). beat W.Y.M.1., 25 and 16. *>* an innings .and 116 run 3. Bowling for Kingsland, 11. Cunningham took 13 wickets for 20 runs and 11. Hayhow six for 18. THE SCHOOLS' COMPETITIONS. A GRADE. Remuera, 85 (Garrard 31, Bennett 19, Hall to not^ out> bm Grafton, 75 (Paul! 38, Hough 14). Bowline for Kemuera, Noy took four wickets for 6 runs. Mount Eden, 146 for three wickets (Martin 55, Mills 53, Kneebone 25 not. out) beat Newton East, 66 (Bresano 25, Kelly ,'.7, Jones 11 not out) by SO runs. Paraell, 128 (Martyn 30, Clarke 32. Anderson 32. Dunsmuir 10) beat Richmond Road, 94 (Bow 23, Aspden 17, Dnminond 16, Smith 13), ■■ by U 34 runs. Bowling for Richmond Road, Drummord took four wickets, for rarnell, Martyn took five wickets and %>erratt two. C GRADE. Newton West, 66, beat Edendalc, 47. by 19 runs. Fletcher took six wickets for Edendale. For Newton West, Mills took two wickets, bomerviUo three, Hob3on three and Blair one. n ¥ss nl &' 127 , <Eurkill 26, Blewden 25. Dibble 22) and 49 for two wickets (Kemp 11. Austin 18 not out, Warren 12 not out), beat Newmarket, 57 (Thomas 12. Parker 20 Southwell 10), by 64 runs on the first innings. Bowling for Ellerslie, Austin took seven wickets and Burnliill two. For Newmarket. Sirnson took three wicket.-. Smith one, Dickenson two, and Smith three Mount Albert, 73 (Flowers 24, Nixon Ifi D. Stearn 16) and 39 (Nixon IB), beat Eneom, 60 (Leslie 23, H. Robinson 12) and 35 (Thomas 15),. by 22 runs. Bowling for Essoin, H. Robinson took 12 wickets (including a hat trick) and Leslie six wickets lor Mount Albert,. Nixon took 10 wickets' (including a hat trick). "meis

SECONDARY SCHOOLS. . SENIOR GRADE. Grammar School, 77 (Worker 29 not out), Perry 20, Miller 14) v. King's College, 74 for fire wickets (Lamer I. 28, McKenzio 23). Bowling for King's College, Caughey took four wickets for 27, Hovers two for 6, and G. Lamer two for 14. For Grammar School, Garrard took two for 18, Perry one for 2, and Hart two for 7.

JTJNIOB GRADE. Grammar School, 101 (McDougall • 51, Nisbet 25> v. King's College, 64 for six wickets (Buchanan 18, Bradstreet 16). Pah College, 30 (Johnson 11. 19) v. King's <-o lege, 141 for two wickets (Palmer 90 not out, McKenzie 51).

MISCELLANEOUS. lin a M' T^h'^ ii D S. ly 52 ' T - E,liott 24 - MarTin w, Shaw 14, Henry l<n bent BrotherPot- Rail «fW out 52 - Thompson 13). f-r 25 ind y, 'rZ»n? m f». took "ve wickets Brotherhood, Shaw took"even for V *"


DfSEDix, Sunday. Inter-club cricket matches commenced yesterday. The weather was fine, but late rains had mado the wickets very heavy and this, combined with lack of opportunity for practice, was responsible for Wall scoring. Carisbrook A made 84 against Dunedin (Adums 33). Dunedin made 42 and 7 for one wicket. Carisbrook B made' 61 and 7 for no wickets against Albion, the latter compiing 77 in the first innings.-• Opoho disposed of Grange - for 25, Callaway taking seven wickets for 9 runs: In the 'second innings Grange made 108 for the loss of five wickets (Chadwick 39 not out). Opoho made 24 in their first innings, Downes taking eight wickets for 7 runs. ,'

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15141, 4 November 1912, Page 9

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CRICKET. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15141, 4 November 1912, Page 9

CRICKET. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15141, 4 November 1912, Page 9