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,U,;.y.Ya^. ; ... ; Yi;H v/; ■ / Y t» --■- n ' , ~, 'mi 11 i7i7-"TTi'"'"' :i i J 'i''V ■* ■ Houses for Sale. c ; w. frater, 4 "mm I H OUSB ANi L AND IA aENTB ' ■' ■ N 0 " 103* ' ■Q OTB^? raBBR' : ' ; ■Y ■--.■'"■■;" -'.-'Y-YY ->YY'. : ' ■.■'/.-•:.' Y YrYv.'''^.'Y:':YY:: : j :'' : V-^'' Established 1379. ' '.' Telaphone, 1135. ; ! :.,.\ i MONET TO LEND ON FIRST MORTGAGB, • v '"--.. •"':,■ ■ ; :'.':.' ■'•', '-' ■v'r/--: r---j : /.. '.;;•-'. ; .v'i '•.■ "'.', ' 1 lIEVONPOET (commanding ait nninter- '■ '- rupted view over! the aiarbourJ-r-TVell-t .ftuilt seven-robsned House, with all conveni- ; ences;- section, SQft by llOfti nicely laid out • s J?; lawns and garden; handy to boats, ~- Price; £1350.:"' : '...rY'>■'-.'• Yf'Y--- ■-- '. -553EPSOM, Y' (Claude I Road—laick ; House, con- -,, .i-wwnMigjit. large rooms, and all con- . y - veniences; hot and' cold vmter throughout, ..••■ ete.;'section, 66 i by3Qoft.;'ricfciast.TOlcanio :. i : soil, nicely laid out.- '• We can confidently x recommend this property ' ■ ?■>•-■' 193 r 1 "jß 2 *^^ Road—EightrroomeiJ «'■' l :-. idw YHouse;Y:\yith,; offices;.: and all convent. . encesj'iarge. section, ■ nearly half an : acres , Znuna. from -trams; Price, £1650.; Y 192 LAKE iTAEAPTJNA; Hurstmere ~> Road— —i» .N e F: Bungalow- of six rooms!and all: . modern-convbnienees: large section, having Y l , } S^SJ***? 4o beach; and mafja road. Price. Mm, .'. ~: , .:•■-'. ' ■•,-■..,■- ' ..•;■■ ' 575 r. TJIBKENHEAD, ■ Y.Te«nbntY! 'Rpad-^Severi-l j-' House,' stables /and coauh. -Y.Y' . ,uonse, ; etc.,. and six acres land; orchard (as. Y Y 1 -*gjted--fruit, trees in full, bearing), v Price, : . , £875; easy: terms.'- -' : ■; -',;';..- YY'Y>' '■-.. ■ SIS . * . 1 seven rooms 'and 'all .-.-• *- ? modern conveniences; good allotment;, r' eea.yiews. , £850. i -•, :,-..• 296 C A ?Nj;y BOAD, RB'MTJEBA (near .' .Y' I iv v .;-iO.BbomedHHbua«;'YwitliY'all:-' l modern conveniences and offices, • «« 008 ? 6 ." 110 " 69 * etc.; 3-<Aora Section* beau-.' Y l. : ™-y^aiaYout.YYPrkß^Yi£2lo^Y^ ; , >TpPSOM~WeII-bullt • 7»w>oimed v House, arid • zii-: ■>9J-Pft«»..conveniem:en;;.;Over 'of'■■■■ v«oaiiic land; close to cars.- Price. £1400. J?i ,M S Arney Road-Geritleman'a Re■"f siaeace, containing. it; rooms and ' »S 95 ■'% ores ot land j commanding view* «lv?" ole harbour.: This, is one of the • ™f!*, Properties in Remnera. ' .: "a© - : i-R-PjE^BA-TModerr*- House of. 12 rooms;| ( ij*v■ ** conveniences'; 5 acres of level laud. S-? "Stages tflK.three. .roads. Price v«ry,. . reasonable. ..«,; , ; ~'-,;. 315 > ;■'■ -'l?f§Wf?^r^Btcclaaß : : ,#eU.built' ; House, -: < ■'.. ££* containing eight large rooms, and all ■;<■."■ 'i S^ l6l^ • conveniences; magnificent water ' - Sto acra:of > land, having two Y s^ ad fronfeiges. - 196. ■ ' ::. - '.":':[. consisting of well-built 7♦S°^K House, conveniences, stabler and ;S£fe???', fi.* o Nearly an •' aorst-of <'lan 4,, -- i' l«ri ef ?* Iy i^ laid! put, having, a frontage -.St". ■.= 'i S'tf i ro ß^B - " Oan ;be rWce, £2000. ' ' : ■■'■'' S' ~ ; (K«)' " ■XJ.AN.mRLV !; AVSNTTE, ! ; Epeohi-PiTe- ..'.-; •i' , si,; r^,iaed ;----Hoxise;v''with conveniences, . M: . fiection nearly- half an acre; orchard in full .bearing. Price £375, ,-. : . : '', : "'..-.',".*■':, ':. ■'■';'. ■■■■■''—■.:•'■;.",■-'■":v' l - -'•-,.-..;'- (198? ".- ; '•':;-.-■--> "IIJPSOM. Gladwyn Boad—New Sii:rbomed , Bprarid «old -water; throughout;; i Ei«eotion^oft -by'lfiSttfc Erice £1100.; '■'.-■-as» .'•.',■ Avenue—New sbc-i i-^fc M Wi'*[?nse l - : all modern c6rivem« 68 ' by i76ffc - Pri<*, £885. (200) Yf; "'? :MPgJ^EOEN. 11 BTytiyasd; Road (close to . *?BBland v Honse.; all newly, done up; good allot, Price, £850.. - '- ; •;:. ; ~;;. ~.v ;.; -; . ■ - r . ' pASSTr-Hous'e. : seven. rooms, ■ audi ■£&*" i,o ? ? . 6 ?iences; good alldtment. Erica *s^^!^ cheap Property. ■"■'■: 282 : YI3EMUEBA MOloribem - Ebsd)-First-euagii ' .-**. six-roomod' Hause.v with every modern, convenience; section, 75ft by 165 ft, nicely, t jswfeA—t,, ll *- arid gardens. Priww :•'.''. •;; M 51260. Clos* to oara. ' > (2SJ^ ,EOAD, EPSOM-Spl6udid.v. ' •w^/.iSr 1 ;^» o use:!of tklri«'::Moadß;:-'JKDjdV..o(n..': nn? .^fi s; i°i ,e . acto lad » tastefully J ilia £2600J p — - ld W^y'^^f^-'-po:.!^',,^^, eEAVIEW ' ROAD, REMUEBA-10-roomfed '"S£iis^ ae ! cn House, with all offices rind con"*9^° i l s ' -.About one- aora. land, , ;-.*sW-':. Lovely views. ■','.','..." .'.■"-'.•"". ;-':-■.■■; (202't' - M^P^~"^ e y-hJ«iit House; sit robms fciid Prf^SJw 1160 * allotment. ; 68ft byISSIIt, ■■■;■:;: ;V%;,,::-;;,•;,■ ,'■-.■•■ Qffn. Til?^ 14 - Pirst-claes v^ll-builtf:: Briiflc ' , ■':■ ■ wll«„!r OIJBB Bev * rooms amd- modern eon-« i,?J? Hoes :' 3 - aor9 voloanio section. : Pri<H». ;Jt,iioo,'-- , ' ; - ':'■ '•■ ■ ■ ■,■■■ '.■''.•'•" ! ■'."': .- ; : --'■'■ :?'(2iS--: v'OEMIIERA Ridings ' ftwid-'Wcll-bullft ::■ '' Pj ; Jwoaorn House, containing eight 'rooma ..1 and ail. opnTenienpes. -Price,,■-£1350. , Easy," terma. r • ■■.. ~."'■;"; 1 . PAHNELL. ■'•'-eids'ei to the jOomain-Eou-ia jl. seven' rooms-and'eonvffliiences; Ineariy *•, ':•' • •DARNELL^..'CJIJ^BW^^IJ^W™^^ 0 :::- • it.v storey' Housed c»mma»ii us nos«itfn>»i!* views of the harbour, 10 rooms, exUnsive s. • !™^.tta»lj', an acre of laid out in lawmt' and: gaTden. .-having- : ««t : -^^ froOtaca ! ;itpY:Giiid^ue^pj^ ' E" psOM,-* Ftuotliie? Manukaii Road.~lißj«l Volcanic' :: free; from Jrtjfpa.Prices.from: £2.10« ; tc £3.lCs per foot. 'it;* / cheapest in" Epsom. ■ ' : NEWTON-JBT.'-*Hausa, 5 rooms; pood fe-i-c- : V '.:---tiou; i! Id ; .'; £280. - " ;;r '.;,.:;.■;:...■':;: j,: ; ' r ,.;; 3 <-- . J, A. JAMES, HOUSE. LAN©, AND ESTATE AGENT, ' «3, QTJEEN-STHEET. ' -v Y - ' - Door Below Snmetoa'u - BENTS. COLLECTED. MONEY TO Z.M. FIRST-CLASS. ORCHAItD PROPERTY, M| inYfrpit, balance, grass;. 5 ticres iippfes. Good House, 5 rooms.. >Ete, ; WashrhoUae,' glasshouse, and other buildings. .. SplenatdYstream-.-"A 'fipod pairing concern. Close, to city. £2000- ;^: ,1734 37IPSOM— Chamtae'Tilla-ReßfdenceV9xooni*. . it '■■•- 'and alii cbnv«nierioes{'- sttotor. ■ shed ; grounds tastefully 'aid Out; close to caw. > 2d section £2QOO. x • ,-. < WHANGAREI--EIRST-RATE J FARMv ' 639 Y -lSoTaores ri<ih fiata, XO sci'ea , ploiißhable. 130 acres bush and;scrub:vsnb- , divided 12 sheep-proof paddocks, watered by eight roams;; atobev : • cashed -\l2-' bails).- -woafshed... : r implp . ' ~ mentshed, acres orchara; lst<?ro. - -, , <«&"'fivT acres orcbara; telephone,, 'step,' 'nekoblV etcV atr handv .railway ; : ;miles"'-by tip-wp road.. PncOi gpiy j% m, r:s - n ,, per acre. ' - ... . ;-..-.;. .^r* 7 '*;-;-Y-.^ .-:.■ Y»rkr7Ciw-MOTJNT EDEN—Choice. BungalowY afaiJ-1-0 Residence.>. six large■•.rpoma.vaU. , -■ convenieucesr JJOrcelain' wardrohei.; verandah. 'Good lei?el eectwa/50 by 550. Close cars. 1 v Dairy Fayaa, , 205 ' acres, all grass Dairy Parm, . 203 Ws, all grass and watered ' by Bprhißa; divided '16 ahoi% 80 ft :Y ; :^i • drained" swamp. IJouiie. -ainc ' roomsj ? wash-house, ; cowshed/ er^meroom.: sepSowoom" trapshed.- caifshedr mißjafe '■ SacMnV' tWO Bllles^ >- ; J JStelfon! storo. etc - £24 set acre.' &)s'. Z - . "I J?If7KA-SUBURBAK RESIDENCE, IS ' I-'3&l 10W : -; rooms, with stable,7riuggy-shea,^,\; ) I dairy: and othercnuUdingsirf ': Sue tod.> DeJifihtM garden and orchard, : J I Splendid value. _ , : ;. ' ' OOrifiP. ''- CHARMING SUBURBAN ■, I ( £2ooohomk \il^sw 4 .«irlf l£Jl f» » ft '^ L Sv house, etc fino eleraUon and view. c salt, water frontage. - _, *««. ':'■ Awr>m-CHOICK TiQKB, * rooms, all J [?S mil:ste3Trom.pi»po»e4.tni.. .rt«p.ioii. l!WO GIFTS- : . - , CITY; FKEEHOLDSi one week onlt. , ,„„ -vrv aR•".• TOWN : HALIr-DQDBLE-EROMED . - storey hack; ' two frontager;^oOftan^ .tmv Vfih he withdrawn at end .of -Me**?- .... ~ ; PHJCE. £2600 cash; sold lot! -. ; - x -^"?.:- ! £3500 each. •>,.•' .- - TTPPER JudU-a and ; : ! V ■ Shbp, 'doing. eo°d m. I > oonfectioneryveto;,. and -Y-? 0 living rooms, shop, shed, new -w*» , ~; . ,; . ... .. small shop adjoining ._' /..;-.■-■'.•■-:' Sacrifice, at £900. . :i " These Plums are like angrris visits. ana •; l are'getting fewer, year by year. & DUNNET & TAYLOR,' 3 TJOUSE, TAND. AND " JNBTJ»WTCB cr|: " AGENTS, nd 27, FOliT-STREET. Y >••; : y!;-"v',Y W _______ r—-^—- —4 '. v.Y ' .j, * mJ. ATERSON & CO, VIOrOBIA«aniEET hast. , ■ • ■-■ :; ■.-■• .. : - , ■■■••'■/.,■■':■;-■■-■■;- ; ;A.:^-: ; V*ft » •:; "Phone, •: v ; -.: ies 1 \ u _* ~ ' k;.',' 1 • .... , ,', , M DOMINION ROAD. en° > : 7^T^BDftiP s KITv-BOOMEE BUNGALOW. I ■?■: '. v ■"■'■ Skit' 'oonvouiencss. Sea,; 60 tit '. " .:' J 3.70./,'.Price*,; £Bso. ...Easy terms. • ' ; 105. : ::- ■ : j DOMINION SOAD. 1 :£SO D -S^dSK^Wa^!' - tion;:6o hy 160." *" Fall " 50 OTAHUHU.. "'}■ "i?feh'DEPOSIT; -^^j^iffwSSfe ■4 ' '3&OU ,13 * v ences; volcanic 1J» fcR- J »*■ UtfW mT (1 ntes freitt atsstisa, -'• -■ i ? k ' ; :'A •' Vv-'l-'-'.^"'"'--'-.'^^^^''!''..-.':^'3fif ; >ffi:yi!lSl ■■-■?■■:•■ ■ .■■■■■''. ;:• •. ■■ ■--.:.; K V^ ; :N;.y^L^^.fe#--fc?,-:^lvi-sgS^ffl! ■•.■-"' ■'■«:■,- ..,. -.- ■• ;.v,:v. '■■::■;- ■ :■■;■• W;v--m*:-d&sm

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15133, 25 October 1912, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15133, 25 October 1912, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15133, 25 October 1912, Page 3