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Situations Vacant. .-<;■•■ d; ';.'A PPBENTICES and Machinists wanted~fp* x- -£v •-,-.,■ Shirts, , - Shirt -'Blouses/:.; and -j. Un--D. derclothing, highest -wages, constant emis P lc, y men Mrs. ; Cohen, 134, Viotona-st. W. < - A GENTS WANTED, FOR WELL-KNOWN r- '-CV- ; ■ BRAND rOF SHERRIES/. rI _-.'. ■ Also, - famousSTonic> Wine, ; " Jerez Quina." 3. Applications, with references, to Arturo id D. Williams, Jerez de 'la ' Frontera, Spam;, B~ AKERS.—A ' Toiler' wanted.—& : Harnett, 1 ■::■ Baiter, Wellington-street. ■ - ■•' -.;-_■ £■ "RAKER'S Jobber wanted.— ?: E. Smerdon,, '?; JL> Baker and.: Confectioner, H Newmarket. - - /Phone 2541. ..-/.. if- "RLOUSE Machinists,. Skirt Hands, aid; t" X> Finishers for 'costume department wan- % ted.-F. M. King and Co.; ■! 165/Albertfotreet.; Z'- "ROY for Messages, - T ''-e'tb.;-*Vraut;ed^WortoJ it ~3 Mana g 6r ' HEBA&D. ;.- ,• --"' • i ;: IC>OY/ smart, wanted for. general store at* id J>; Grey, Lynn.-0.D.y'919, HiBBAI.a.- -■-. ' ;:■ le Ti OY, good, strong; good wages.—Apply. • 8 ' JP i I between 10 and 12. Royal .- Sink. ,■■■<■ ~ ' T>OY wanted for store office.—Apply Head : x 'f JL> Storeman, L. D. 'Nathan and Co., Ltd. e- , i- : ——: —. ; .■ —— - • li T>OY v wanted for/ office ' : work.—Buchanan Jl> and J Co., Ltd., Wholesale-? Jewellers,; 7 Albert- st. ,'■ •.: ■/':/'■,// - •■. -' '■•'/' '.'. „ k T>OYw for f ; office: gftoci opportunity for -, J5 smart, tidy boy just leaving school.— Apply ; P.. 494. HEBAIiD. J . , n T>OY; strong, wanted as >: Apprenticet£to; a- JD Boatbuilding,—Harvey : and Laing, Freeman's Bay Reclamation. -v."■.■-; • e- T>OY,' ■- smart, wanted for the-trade;'-■ wages; fc JLS £1 per week.--Tyne Bros.',; General Proli : viders, • Ponsonby Rd. s and - Yermonttst., u -.■;-.;■ - "DUTCHER, first-class. all-round, 1 wanted, i- J3 at ; ; once; '.good, job to. suitable man,— s,' Addressed envelope for reply to H. Robert-; r- son, Te Kuiti ; - 'r.i'-'.- : ' BARTER, youths light' deUvery; general J.'-.- \J store. :•'"..-■:;.-■.'--'•• 3. . Also, JUNIOR STOREMAN. I. , E.'A. PERKINS AND CO., City Market. ?"■• fiUSANEB wanted (Mount Roskill school, 5" \J Particulars at School, ;Keyworth'B«tore, r"" or residence of > chairman - (J. -Beet., ; Mount -■■ Albert Boad). ; - '• /"10AT Hand wanted: constant - work to 6 " \J good • mta,r-0., Fletcher ■ . arid ; Co., - ' Hamilton.- ";?""' i- - ' /" ■ " -~ .-•■-'■■:'" - : " ■' ''''// : * 1 .. * riOAT]iIAKEUS. two, good, wanted . ai 7 \J ■ omie.-A., H. Brown /and .-:• Co., 302, *• Queen-sli., next Tonson - Qarltok, Ltd. v . . IT /^IQACitBUILDEBS.; —-Wanted—Hands for 11 '"-V/.;. Body, ,; Wheel, : and Painting i Dept.—; CoDSinu ,-' and Atkin, ; Ooachbuilders, : Beach: ''" B)a^-;v" , -;y^ , .:--:-':..::;.'C ; ,y: ■';■-'■•: r:-: : \^;] "■'■■ TljEN'jraST, fully qualified; -wanted • as; ?*■ U Assistant.—Apply to .'■; the Manager Con--: • solidatiad Dental Co.. Ltd., ; Wyndham-Bt. ■-• V ;--: TJiNGINBDRIVEB, holding : firet-class: $$ JZi tibnary and winding ticket wanted.;. "..-? wages ills per day.—Manager, Puponga Colliery, olden Bay. ■-■■;■•■ : -. ■ v ,r fl ABDENEB. steady; reliable man,. wanted.' _ VT able to milk and generally useful, live -.- in.—Dr. Hunt, Clonberaßd., Bemaera. ' ■. \ 5, /"i ROCERS.— : Man, for ' country; XX store; must be, good: canvasser,—Store, "■■ 891. HERALD.- ; ;. '; ; :■:<■' : "■ ' ■:■ '..—■" -.')-:':-; >r '-''pi ROOM-Gardener.— respectable 1 comi«" -vfrpetentvinan wanted as above/: milk one n cow very: nice .place.—^Apply eharp; Cen«, tral Registry. Queen-street. v. r- ■ .!! [- TTARNEBSMAKBES Wiseman i- XX and Sons, Ltd., Albert-st. ~.■ ' _j - TTORBESHOEBrgood, wanted, /State age.": • 8 : JX ;P. - Middlemiss, Raglanv :r. ;. | J"- ; TOINER,- --also'■>'■'•' -ImproverJ, wanted.-^83,.' '*J Albert-street. . <;;■■■■ -^7/:j,■■-.:■)■ ~■:•/■ 5 T, ABY, young, wanted: as - Milliner; ; for ' XJ 1 town near Auckland.—Apply, stating' 2 experience*, to > Milliner, '924, ;WSBAJiS>i ~ '.'&?s .; LAD. smart;: wanted for •err?ihda.M3hamp ; ,' f talonparid Ediniston.: 138;-Queen-street. 0 J AD,. SMART, WANTED-- FOB '*'■*-*' DEPARTMENT. References..! n 'ROBERT BEW. . " . d !5, Quecn-strect. r- . .i i i . ■ ■■—-->«.— : -^—> t -:v".;- : .;..'.-■, ■'■■ '■;[.• ."..".■-; •k- T'^&NDRYi^Whritied'.Sorter.,- and r. Paiiker*: ~ vii Finery IrotiOM and Hands ~JO;;&ll L.tde- » :^^^%^grtdA'>X»undo-kPatTtctl^:;':..,^>-. a. IT EDGEB-fiMper, cou<l)otei;t, fi'f Jii; Applications, enclor,ip.R teatimoniuls. to £ be addressed; Ledger-keeper, oars ; P,Ov Box ■f. 295;.■~.,-;,i ■ /:.;■;:••,:<.:■■;•■■:.-■;-,■■■■ ,-VP ...,.;. ,-••■:• ■■;;;: j, - -(muni, 11.....11. i .i.i i _''" '.'\,_'i\\ i-.''.".'' v.-. 1 ■■ .. "■ : MINERS and Labourers wanted.—For "2 J.'lvX particulars, apply. N.Z. Mines Trust, r- Shortland-street. - : :: y ;:: : /: A ■< r --^"---:[ _ : 6, "jl/TACHINISTS > and Apprentices or Shirts; J.YX;- Shirt Blouses, and Underclothing,- con« "-' stant employment, highest wageflk-JO .1. 1- Goldsmith, -Dnndonald-atriiieih: off Newton -Rd.- »-.'' TlyflLLlNEß', and j Saleiiwoman _ IVX Haywarda DraperyiStores, Devoripoirt., a. "pLUMBEE, good, wanted^to take : charge ; ST long job; high'wagea to good' man.— *,-.' Address at HEBALP. ,: . / : ' .iv:'- ; : , .: '• PRINTERS/*- Wajited--Good: Jobbing Hand : for country town.—Llo.H., 936,,H88Aia>. y. _ __ . . ~.,■.;'... ■'■; "■:.:....""-„ —~/.'..' •.-/. t OALOON CADETS / / WANTED.' - 0 SUPT. PEOyroOEE-PEHEiR I]: '• '■: ' . N.S.S. / cbMPANT>;:. : -:! a - ——•'.'.•' i ' ■. —''' ."::. '' ; \ ;'."•'"'',:' ''■-.'' '•'.'.'" - r i TAILORING.— I Coat Handi/ piece- i work or'weekly constant.—J;; Hanson; j Ladies' and ' Gent.'a Tailor, IPS. Syriibrids-st. ; - rnAILORESSES.^-First-class' Trousers ./.-and,] _ X = Vest Hands -wanted; t; hoi;; others' need apply:•" work ' guarantied' year.—-! [. Schneideman Bros.,' Empire Tailors, Newton;:' ■ s ■•■■ •■ '■ - ' -I' l l' '" v ••'"." , •"' --■'■'- ,: ''' *■" "-, TTJENEBS.- : 'and,"Fitßers;'-> good,"'-'- Wsni'teil.—•'' Colletts,; Ltd., Dannevirke, r\u■•_ s - ■■ : YOUTH wanted for the;: trade.—W. A. / Thompson- and Co.i Perambnlatar *•' Makers., Wakeflold-street. ~, . .'-'■■' ~. '" VOETH..' FOE ' OFFICE WORK, j ■a ' /HEBALD PTJBLKfHING OFFICE, ' i- ' ;, ■• -.: .• ./■, .■■ ~-.-..- /-■ - ' . 4. •:..,.': ; Wya<iham-Btreefc.;! o = —— . =!=* a . Wanted to Buy. : v r — • ■ —-——-—" ■- /. .'.'." ;'■.'.".■.■. v ■ —-':,' -.' ■';.. : I- ; A PPAREL—Mrs. Martin; 350,;,Qneeh-s!treet, l XL opp. ; Grey v Statue, LargesfciHuyer -in i Auckland of Left-off Clothing, Travailing £- Trunks, - Jewellery,: Boots etc. y^Phdnel ') '• "IDILLTARD Table.:three-quarter,; slate bed. ;■■■ J3 : —Price, etc., to D.F., 929,:, HEBALP. BUTTERFLY Gig (seat three),' Horse and : ; 'Harness;; 1 horse, must be fast; together or separately.— 941. HJiBAIiP. -'; CAB /Brougham; : must 'he in-good Ibrder, —Cab, 938. HEBALP. : - ; .--■■■■ .> HUNTING > Mill, : wanted: to' Purchase;; state size, condition," where to be seen, S : and price.—Mill, HERALD, :.(i .- 'iiv' : :V:-^:v-:jgj;\.^ Motor; i h.p., : 230 - volts, second-hand, wanted to Buy; state price.—P.O. Box so.- v- - -'..- ' - : y ::>/ /• :. -:-.'-: . 1 //': MBik i BOTTERIXL« buys Ladies', Gent's, i and Children's Superior-Misfits " and, Left-oft Clothing. i Letters promptly attended* to.Elliott-street, two doors from Wellesley-i I. street, 'thone 3488. , - - , . ( "VTEAR Masonic Hotel; Devohport, is.BeardX* sell's Furniture Mart, vHe will buy Furniture in any quantity. Satisfactory ■ prices - given. > . TOOLS.— Wanted to Purchase—CarpentersV Plumbers', • arid Tools ;of J any descrip- > tion, large or > small quantities; highest cash *-, price.—Clarkson, 38, ; Ponsonby Ed, STEAM Hammer wanted, three '-to five -■'-■- cwt.; -must be": good.—-Price, • full': par- ; ticulars, Colletts, Ltd./;Danuevirke.~ >$■'. *- QACK ; S. : SACKS. / SAI3ES. 5000 good, sound," free ■ from holes; wanted. •'•• - Best price. ' P- E. A. PERKINS AND CO., -."•, - , ■ City Market. n IMMEDIATELY. FOE CASH. )1 ■ FURNITURE. OF ABOUT 6 ROOMS. ; r ; Will v purchase outright, everything as ;it :-: stands.' ■■' /i.'-'-''.'.,. : 'y ■:■. ~-'~-. . ;.'.-. •- V. : '-':' ; „ : Eeply by tatter to W.E.G. >.- . ', -■' , ' /'• '■-'-, '-. ,;iBDBBALD.,--;^ t- "p'-'E N T. v . : QhO THING;, o We Buy, Sell, Exchange, Alter, Bopair, »'■ or entirely renovate any article of Gent/a' .' Clothing. Best prices for country: Parcels, 10s to 60s. offered for. Suits, etc. •: _i3oods , returned if prices not satisfactory, :: 'phone 1 No. 3976,' and we will calL „ THE LONDON CLOTHING, CLEANING; a .AND REPAIRING CO., i • ' r 4, Gt, North Ed., near Ponsonby .Ueservoir. Open till 8 p.m. - -■ - ;....." .;■;.. - .=====4 ; Miscellaneous-Wanted. ':j; ; BE ; Yonr-;Employeeß Insured? LTelephonß '• xL 57,: National InsurancevCo.i i ;iC|l/i::Qneßja street. :;i Instant ]ai^ntion^ j?Qheap[jjeatea^^lria YIKNTLEMAN-' • like meet, someone -. ; 'vT .who•>wilLshow,:him > i-oundi:Anckiaiidr~ % Address Gentleman, 7 946,:HE8A1D,- > •; ■, ~ }';' for and: with x . ~.;:• Typewriters -Bale -to v forward par- '■:■:-, ticularai-.aod quoljationß-to:Oßi<x^O,/Kaponga, j, larana.Ki, , ~ , : t Kjiii'S-iSi'^-".^^^^^'.'-^^^

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15133, 25 October 1912, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15133, 25 October 1912, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15133, 25 October 1912, Page 1