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.____, Domestics Want^fi, COMPANION-Nurse want/id. ford chil. drca.—Apply - HERALD. . , y (COMPANIONABLE Lady Help ; 'two adult?, v/ comfortable; home, moderate - wage.-V-Pt-etiton.-. Pentose P.O. •;■--', , • ■.-■; wanted. for ; Epsom.—XlY.Z^ V3t Post Office. Newmarket. : : :--'■' •;,■•: (I;BNERiL wanted for email family, near a: .town,; all holidays,: 15s.—Apply HEBAao.;.; (GENERAL Servant.-Three adults, easy ' JT ■ place..--wages-'123 6d.— ■■ Larsen. .31, ' bUortland-st. ■ -' ■■' ""■ -• "■; :.-■'- - ■'' :■■ ■'■' .■'. GENERAL,,-'. experienced, private family, 'good wages.—Apply, morning*or, even* iug, 72. Grafton Road. City. ■ „/; :■':./. ; /XENER-AL Help wanted, sleep at home ' f'-VX;-., preferred;- three adults;—Mrs."-Brought ; ;: f.on, St. Andrew's' Vicarage. Epsom. ■-"■'■■ GENERAL, good, or: reliable person,' for V Tiouse' work no ? washing;' ■ 15a.— /■'.■ 12fla, Grafton Road, 4 doors from church, ■, * /*j.IEL: for General: Housework.-^;;. Lower .J*-' Symonds-street. > -j- ■-■■■■-• : ;•.-'"■'.■■ ~y GIBL to assist for a-few hours daily.— " Yates," Woodside J Rd*/• Mount Eden. y. . ; GIRL,; capable,': ■. wanted immediately, for ' • country home, Ngaruawahia; s splendid place or suitable girl.—Edto ■> Arcade, Sy-monds-st. ' , - ' HOUSEKEEPER, working, or Lady Help , \ wanted; in ' a >:country- doctor's house. Milker preferred; i widow aid child might ; suit.— personally to Mrsi Jones, ■24 - Williamaon . Avenue.■■;:..'.- '..■.}■■ --V- ! '*■■''■*'.'-■'■■■-.- HOUSEKEEPER; working, "wanteoTlor _■;South,', Sea : Islands plantation; good plain. cook, and : knowledge: of 1 dairy arid ' poultry; Protestant,.abstainer, middle-aged; —-Particulars on application ; t0.A.8.R.; Bos 231, G.P.0., Auckland. " ____. ■ ?'- LAUNDRESS wanted at. once.— ; E. ■ Keeloy, Laundry, To Aroha. ; :-; _ ; '■■■-;■ LADY; Help, idomesticated, for the, couh- ' trj", light place.—Mrs.'. o.'= Berry, Piro- '.*• ngia; Waikato. ..=.;"■..-,.," -../-' ~■.-■?■■---■■-.•-,-■:•-.., LADY ■'.;.Help wanted, ; for the seaside, no •■ft children,-:' comfortable f home, '[■> good - wagea.-<r.iffe. HEBALB. ■■■,- ; "-:■'..:■. '"■■'], .: LADY,, "elder'ty. 1 ' wanted -at once; - light ',■ duties only; nen - families good home; c6untfy,TT-Partiiculars per letter, F., 864, .- ' Heeald. :.-: .'■■.:;'.•:,';;•'■••:"'■-■:: -:---- : ''V-"^--.;V MAN, "k ; young; wanted •to . r milk die : eow, J; ;-- garden;: etc. also. Young ' Lady ','■ Help;— ;■■■■; ] Corbett Scott, Manor House,' Epsom. ■ .;.~ WAITERS, 10, wanted; also, 10 fiirst-claas "■ . .;■»:""• Waitresses; apply on.Tuesday,-.29t1i;. at home aSI day .—J; binclair, Caterer;' Claude. ? 1 Road. Epsom, ■_ :•: ' WOMAN, . defined, kir.d. r wanted, J-day weekly, to mind .delicate : child.-; Miia ; Bines, Eli bank, Brentwood ; A.V., ; off Porter'* >, Av.» Mount -Eden. .--•.-:.. v.' '■:. ■; _____ ■ BELL'S:: /Registry;''■':■- 22.' City Chambars, . Queen-streek—W. Cooks, 355; .country ;• -■- . - hotels r" Coble,'. '308.;-. and Waitress -'^205,"-'.-. t to- ■ gether; '•.Housemaids, ■ 20s;'; -i Waitresses,--.; 235; ; '-: Laundresses; '22s Bdtorua.- ' dis- / '. trict, TAtunaruatJi;: < Generals, yHelps, ■ Mar- /, : t tied Couples;* hotels, . f private ; ; (child' , no objection); Men. 'Phone 1702. NIGHOLLS'S" ; Registry/ Up^K-Symonagrst.V''.- 1 .; -. -sCapablo Waitn»3, .country, : 2is; . . Ccokfli:' £1; : Laundress,' £1 ; Generals, 15s. l&ai c -.-> £1; Lady-Kelp. ISs. . ■ ' '•-,'' ;> SAUNDERS'.. Registry; Strand ; . Arcade. „ Auckland's oldest :: and leadifg , omce.-.^v"acanci«a: 'Woman ,Coiljks, c,405,/ 3Ss, ■■-'■ ; ,r 255, forßa—ene, Te l Ardha;,Thames;Ohaea- i- ;• -and others;' Laundressea,iJ2ss, ; :-17sv6d;?,N :: Housemaid-Lauhdregs, ; 208; : 'Waitresses,,.- 2Si, " i 1 17a '6i; Housemaid, aOsj/Hoxiseiinaids.fasaist, '_'- ■ 20s, 1?b &i,; for Gisborne, TaumarunnipWaio.' . ' tapUr.Xa'ivakaWa, - and »others; - : : 2- House-.; ; -keepers, no mistress. 155,125'6d;i6-Married >'- '■:■■ Couples, £lQto, : £90, £80, goodvpositions; biie. ':'- home, child no ; objectioar and interview; em-. i: } : ployer; Thursday; . Plougmarij- .-STs . > 6&; '. Plough:-andrf-'Scoop. i 3oa;-, Milkers ;. sjxd <;. fai-m v; - work; i 30s, =:' 255; Youths for - arms. 1 -1.16w-; 10a:;- ■■_ ; ; Camp Cook, 355,,255; isecond Cook, 30s; Third , v Cook, 323 ;" Kitehenman, 255. ; .'Ehone 900. " . " Farm - Hands Wanted, :, T7lAßMHAKDS.—Vacancies for -I'lotighmen .- J; and Milker's, also :^or;'you<^^FaOT«'r8 I '. Union- Trading. Association.' .Sin.jrira, 'Build- ,s ' ings» jSwansoa-Bt. -.-'-- »■,;.-.-//.,■■:.■ ■'» ' ■■': % ", FARM-Haiid; .good a'l-rotn'd, Ttap~. ' i .i 1 ~»Amjs! J after » o'clock to-otj {\t& W. ... '.Adam*, ■eatw' Auckland- Trc.ttiug- "..Oltfjijj'-Bar- - I ham-st. East. AueVJßi'<d. t ;-' ■ -.)n. i>—^ & %if AN' wiritcd to once; ;■-* JJfX work;' 25a . aiud • found.— W. Parkinson", ,-'" Papalfura .Hotel. . MAN: or Youth,/ milk and general /-farm: -work; 1 new' arrival "not objected to; good homo.—W.J.C., HEBALD. - ; '-• jTtTANi wanted.—Striotly elderly,: / ';■ JxL/td milk! garden,(good home; state;, ; • wages required.—Temperate, 899, HERALD. - MAN- wanted.—Young, experienced;^' to : act ' yas manager -of a 30-acre Jer/ . sey' Stud Farm in Thamesi Valley. Must be-: .'■ energetic, conscientious, sober, good/milker,'-.';'. '.-: and. Capable "of: carrying. on mixedfarming; - . Good* wages -, to good . man.— between f ■-. 10 and noon, to•,■;.••■' ."■••'■' -" \ ■..;-* L . ; -/--,;-/-. > . .-.:;.■.':•; 7- ' JOHN BLACK, - • /. .;■■.'.>.'/,- -^-■■:.■■. ■■-.-:. ■/:■: -;;-.■ / . 55,. Qncen-st. : MABBlEDCCouplelwarite3A.„' milk 56 to: ! : 40 cows on: shares.—.A.B;, 892; HeRAIiD. ■",> • '^fABRDSD. Couples, 6, wanted," one' for sta-;; ; J.iX -/tion, no mistress, £100; brie with child no; objection: another place .■: man;; competent iS ■ with millmng all 1 good positions, > £100^-£90,-:£SO.-TSannders , s. Strand Arcade.. MDtiKING.r-Married 3 -''Couple wanted; man A must be/thoroughly competent' to work machines; own cottage.— . further -par-' '■' ticulara,.apply: Laari^&;.aad:.Cw/.-A^.o^iandv/...4';-.-:. PLOUGHMEN. two, double - furrow, wanted; .wages,! -275. - > Sd.—Mahaser,,/■ Karaka Land Co., i Bunciman. PORTER, Kitchenman, ' Handy Man; Ploughmen,:3oa, two together;sMarri9diM OoUples. F. Scutcher?,? Farm Hands;. Lads.— : / ■ BeU'a .Registry/ 22; -Cjity: ChaailKiKt: -p.-. / .; . YOUTH wanted.—Strong, for gare'lehing; ''.'■ . X one that can milk and drive horsea.— . • ;A; Babb, Rosebank Rd., Avbndale. ■ ; ?>.;-. '; / MCLEOD'S Registry,. Exchange, La,ri«v . 844. —Wanted Carpenter for country;: good - > Fiarfeeder (good wageii).Tof#presser,. Married S* ' Couple " for farm/ (eaav and decent place), J two Navvys, Horsedriver at flaxmill. Cook ,: ' for ;'.flaxniilli' hands 30s. .Camp: Cook : 30s, Young'Jilari I '-"for f station (kill y sheep, milk S cow;-used,to horses), Milkers:, for;: Taranaki ■ / .'■ 50S,Ttones :275i6d,-iHellensville, Po- / l keho, Wairangi.fßemuera, and 'Waiuiai;'all: : ? 255. to;s!7s 6d,::g00d,, Flaxfeeder,-Flax?Sc'ufc.: ? '. cher. contract-or' Wages; . ; , -/ / -" / '//■'■"',-'.':/•-'- ■;-'•;"■ Wanted to Buy. , . ,— APPAREL.— Mrs. Martin, Queen-streat, : :■ "i opp. Grey " Statue. ' Largest Buyer ■in ■-~ , Auckland of - Left-off sClothmg^^Travellirigfe-; » Trunks, Jewellery,' Boots, etc 3303. ,/ 1 • TjiLLIABD Table, three-quarter,' slate: bed'. ■».: JL> —Price, etc., to D.F., -'329, HEtJAiB. ■/; LADIES ANTi/GENTLEMEiN wißhing to dis- ; pose : of their LEFT-OFF or:/ MISFIT; *:.■:. WEARING APPAREL : wilt/ receive■: highest ./ value from MRS. ALDEIDGE.opP.>Y,M.O.A., ,; Wellesley-street West. Communicate iby '-let-v. i- ter or 'phone 2928. - . - "BuflLK.— 30 ■ gallons'? per : day,'' * i 1 lT±-rail or wharf, from Dec. I.—Takapuna J Dairy, Devonport.-/ > - , i. TyreS.--"BOTTEBILIii : Ladies'; Gent/a,/ - jXJjv, and a- Children's'■• auji«rior - Misfita .aod - Left-off Clothing 1 .; Letters! promptly atfe?nded ■ • to.—Elliott-streeliv two docra from Wellailey- ;■: .-' street. .'Phone 3*88."',, , ■■■~•.:>-.,-.. • TVTEGATIVES of / Typical New Zealand ,♦ :Xv Scenery wanted;;quarter to half-plate. must good.— Miles, Thames. - v - , " TVTEARMasonic Hotel.- Devonport, is BeardP ±\« -IhirnitttL-o Mart. He will bray FM<" {> nitare is m Quaiim* wtjsiftnwy jmcgiven. - ■ ', : • -. " T>XN& UP Mrs. Kelly, 393, Queen-strest: :- J.*,: Hiehcst Prices for Ladies. Cent-'s, and ( Children's ■.■-Misfit -Clotbin?, -'.Boots,,- « ■'■ 'Phone 2606. ; _~ . TOOLS,— Wanted to : Purchase—Carpentfirs', Plumbers', and Tools of any ?fiescrto- j tiou, large or smalt quantities; .-■ highest -'casijl'.:,/ price.—Clarkson, 38, Ponsonby Rd. -, - 'QTEAM Hammer ■ wanted, - three ■ tc> five , £5 cwt.: must be good.—Price, full/ par- ' '■ ticulars, Colletts, Ltd., Dannevirke. - ' Q A OK?- SACKS. SACKS. r, , . ■■ ■■-. ..'-•; -~>■■■ : y i-nxfi; 5000 good, sound, free from holes, w«n ed'' Best pries?. E. A. PERKINS AND CO., ■ ; - City Market, 8 XJCf ANTED IM2-SDIATKLY FOB CASH. FURNITURE OF ABOUT 6 ROOMS. Will purchase outright everything 03 it stands. Reply by letter to W.E.G. - v_ ~■■'■.•';' ... . ; K : : -. iHaaAU>. >•: WE ARE PURCHASERS OF GOOD SOUND iWj sacks. ;..•■.: , : ;• /I/-/'■/://■'-/Any Quantity! for Casli. ;.., ' TKS: r nLE BAG ASP SACK- CO., '.'. 'Phone 3576. :; : King , a Drive, cest tDalgefr^.i';; Wastes Advertisements wotlaoefl 9*'- ■] ' . Page -J. t ■ -/'■/•''' ■ - : :-^/r : J -/,«-* ■■ -/.-,:./ : -■■."■■; ■'-■■\^m^:yym.,^wm '. ■. ■ "..i ■-■ ■':■■- . i " :»■.... r * ■ . ..■ ■ r- ■■ ■ .. ■ ..'■!■ : ■: < : :'.'■; i

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15132, 24 October 1912, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15132, 24 October 1912, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15132, 24 October 1912, Page 1