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\ ' " LONDON MARKETS. '■''■'' . ..■,.."■'■' - nlesiaph-TW" AssoolatloaMJopyiighU - '" (BeciiTed October 23, 9.15 p.m.) Londow, October 23. ' • coppeb. :; ." v ye , quotation for copper is £75 .78.-6 ' •'. ,' ■ ■■■■:■;■ r ■ TDT. ■ : : : . _ , Spot, ££$ 5 s ; ** ox^s months, £228,i||S|jK: ; -:-7.;. ; ;;, ? 'V'■•;■■ '■ ,iead.' v : ■■■■, ;:v; : -----.,.. -■--■; ->:;'r'X .'' n- ie quotation for lead is £20 10a. ; ;■,;.■ ■ Uf?'&}'r) : WHEAT. . '-'" : fji ■-■'■'"> Wheat cargoes a:-o firm but.quiet.; ; Janu- : r'-,.":J§wS»r?« offered at 39s M > FebruSry-; t ifirch 395. .;_ >v_. ; . ;:':;v--S1;-' i: -;'^ i] BiGH COMMISSIONER'S REPORT, "' [ BT iiXECSAPH.— PRESS ASSQCIATIOSf.] J-^ft 1 ' • ; .'Welijngxon.-Wednesday.. ;:;^vi^v-:;t ■ ■ ■ ■" -' - --' ■■'-•'■ ■■-' :■ ■ , -; ;; . '■' '$%« High Commissioner's cablegram, N- "-JAM I^o^i-'-Octooari^'V.'fa^-iwwiw:- •" liTnotations, unless otherwise - specified, aro ; ; Jrersge market Prices on-spot): ~-''" eggs. ';.;' -:■-''.. r:^:;: The market ia quiet, prices being slightly; ■ vMbr owing to tho large. supply. There ;• demand lor cheaper sorts. Per 350 ' lliml" 135 to Ms 6d : Italian, lis to 12s 3d: Srial & 6d to'lOs Sd; Russian, .fe W u ■ Site; French, 15s to 16s; Dutch, 13s 6d to 35»J Danish, Us 6d to 12s. ' - : rorjiTEr." , ..'.,' ■ : I'm 'market is firm, and there is a good/ i ■ (ima-rid. Chickens, Home, 9dto lOd; tur/ , Uys, Home. Sid to 10id. .;. ;.;>. ',- -: ■■'. SAOOK. .■,;" ; ' ' - The market is quieter on account, of *ho ' stfiiU supply o£ all deseriphohs...-lush, 76a ' KSg Danish, 74s to Swedish. 74s .'. to 81s; Russian, 70s .to .765; Canadian, 74s , io 78s. . , • ', . HAICS. ■ ~■;... The roaixet is firm. American, 66s to 725; "•'lrisl' 84s to l£)6s; ' Canadian, ; 70s to 755; : Fagi'ih. 52s to 103s. ■;•.-•':; : . STOCK. SALES. '-. i ■:'.■■''...•'■• : '--'.--':':-V^: ; ;;'";;:: : v:; 4 i^;-|;;;''" : : ; I •;{- AUCKLAND. , The New Zealand Loan and . -iiiKoy.Company. Limited and Seduced, re- ; report;—' . ■'.',-' ','." = ■ i ' "■ Westiield "Sards:; On TSiursday last wo : ■ i*ld our usual weefeiy sale of ■*»«*;*s \ maten rtock: = There .>?&& an aTeraeo.yardwere the same &*}&*£& ' * c^{ o w. 3est dairy cows close to profit others r£6 Ss;.to PSwin «• heifers £4 10s, to £9 ss; .. ; «w £318s to £4. 195,; calves; Sss to £2 28. ■ '■''" bnils £5 to £7 ;On Friday horses came for- < I Albert Tard« On Friday horses came for- ; ; *ard in larger numbers than usual, . and ; ■sold at late rates. Heavy draught horses , --sold" at £31 to ,£3B, medima ££s&&&» ! mm to -£53- hght harness horsoß £10 to £». baclis ; £7 -to £15. cobaimd;-ponies £5 to , >ffi£iS- 10s. 'Tn^anbr6kea s light horses from - Sotiti sold at ftom £8 to £I&.'< -v '~ l - !■'• ' -' Waiuka Yasds: On Satarday there, was a . i-ft f full yarding of*s»©ck c J all descriptions. :, ■which sold at; rulto&xaxeß-S Boat dairs*yepw» ; •-• and heifers close to profit sold;. ati ; -- from ; £8 33 to £11 10s,; others ;£5 to £7: 10s, wa&Jy ; : - raws £3 osto £4 10s. heifers £3 to 4)4 las, : -,vcalte3 30s to. £2 sa, hulia-£3 10s to J?7,6«;, , jjies. weaners-46s''- r 17a 6d each. Tbo sun--nnos and implements on -account of Mr. JK . ■:-."•etllanders sold••-at, satisfactory/jwices.. .- -. Pakekohe: On Monday r * and J Tuesday we ? : held our spring horse- Sale when the adverj • : tised numbers . came ; forward, and i one of .'"■-'. ! .-tiie - ; roost : successful ■: sales ever ; held; in vthe ■ ; ;: district resulted. The-«ttendance'-was extra lar«e. and hnyfers. Came firom-the Waitotq: ; Rtfaiod as far . north ;as-KaiwaSa.:TJnbroKen,. > SSMavy:;draughts::. sold -at from £28 40 £44/; ;■ •'.medium dftiughta £20 to £32. light harness , . Ectrts £12 to £30. hacks £8 to £17 «te.'cobs ■'-■- £(i 10s' to £13, ponies and weeds £1 10s to li-M. yearling draughts £8 to £15, broken ";'h(!aTsr dratight -horses/ ■ 3yrs to/; 6yrs,-;; from'.; ; ■ • £30 to £?/?..:Ca. aged draughts '£15 to £31, ; ••• medium• ; <jlrau?ti|ta ~ £18 to; £33/ light bar-. ?■■ ' n>Ms horeiia i £10 •to %-:£25. hacks -, £9 ito £22, : - : fe«»bs £7 lis to' £14 10s. ponies £5 to £8 Ms, i .weeds '20s;to;£3 io3..?buirgy. £6 15s, harness ;; £3 sHJiillft ; £3 ''*' : "-.'""■' "-"•■■''*■'■' *■'■ •-■ ■■"•■■-, ! ; - WestfieWtTards: On Wednesday, fat cattle : rams forward in full numbers, and- % fully late : rates. 'Best oxen sold to; 32?; per : : "lflpib. others.:2Ss to - 29a, cows and heifer* i23s,to 26s jier steers from £7 to £-lfi.-13si:* , cows' and heifers £4 103 to £9 ss. Calves ',' tome forward : in: average supply, and sold . W<UX, late quotations. ' Heavy; sealers sold at !;Mrom :^>"-4B to -£4 16o..medium weights £2,2s - - to £2 18s, others 36s to 38s, lighter sorts ■-•■ Sfli to 3£te, small and fresh-dropped; 5s to Us. ;•; Sheep were yarded r ' in average., ' numbers, : rand showed no improvement in. prices. -Best • -wethers in wool sold at from 6d : to26s : "9d, others ; 19s 9d to 235; shorn wethers' 17s; to i)s 9d heavy ewes to 20s fid, others. iTs : .to Ms" 3d, shorn ewes 12s to 14s 6d, hoggets ;5 Us to 17s. i Spring lambs came forward in .good supply; and sold-at advanced rates— a rise of fully 3s per head. Best quality — told at from 20s to 245. others -9s $d to ;::19s Sd. •';.■ Pigir Were yarded in num- ■ bers- and eold well. 5 .Baeonero made £3 to & '£3.-";123, large porkers £2 106\. to .;; j82~;165/.:' ' fM s porkers £1 Ss to £2 3s. slips SJs to; . weaners 14» to £1 2?, -Me^rs.-:;Balgaty:;.'^ni';V.Co4'- i ;-I<td./ : ;-;report- ; ■ having held their usual weekly fait stock Veals at :Westfield:.oii Wednesday. .October .23, as under ?-. " Be«£: A moderate yarding.,- . Prices 'were -i?; unchanged from last quotation. : , Prime :' Paaa of prime ox sold at equal to 27& to is? 30s ipsr 1001b. On amount of R Mc- ; Doniiod. Esq., Waiufeu, a splendid draft of . 25 .bullocks averaged -£12 S2s.-per: bead.. :K;Orattary;quality;ox; sold at 25s to 265; cow and, heifer beef at 24s to 255, according to quality. 1 - ■'='■.-,. y^ i: -<,■-:■?.. ■ ■■ <-,-^7-' ' .-.'Vejjli.Au average which sold at - .late ratSE. '-;.: Bunners. £3 7s •6d to ■;£4 7s : od;- choice suckers/ 38s to 535; others, 3s I. to ?ss. ,- - .7 c... ; .- '-.;: Mutton: A moderate yarding. ' The ' de- -'■' ma , w " 8 -'■■■ weak,: arid prices were Is per ... Jfeftd lower than last wefek. Heavy woolly wethers . fetched up to 27s . 6d; medium weight woolly -wethers, 21ii 6d:io' 235; heavy ■ shorn wethers, to 203 M: medium weight shorn, 17$ t0.183 6d; woolly ewes, 20s to : <■,:-;23«; shorn diito,.J3a to:iss6d/-« H> -<», t mb v. A jfaraing. Prices were - zs per head higher than last week. Heitvy m lambs; fetched 16s to 2ts 6d; medium, 13s to!ss; small. lis to 12s/;"': : . ■■■ ■ , .:.-•*.■■•- ' J .Pork: A moderate yarding, which sold at - latei rates. Choppers fetched up to £3 10s: '■ i porkers, 28s to £2; baooners, £212 a 2s. !

- Mfiwrs. Alfred Buokland and Sons re:port:— ":";■,''■'. ■i: : At the Haymarket on Friday - l last aged /-draughts soul at from £22 to £40; grocers' ,■;•.'cart.class,..£32; e %to £34; buggy horses and ■ ■- stood hacks, £15 10s to £23; an exceptionally good-looking cob, 4yra old, brought £50. Th« (advertised thoroughbreds realised from .'': iSgns. to lsgna.; gig ponies and ordinary p sacks, £5 53 to £12 10s. ;.'>. Os Saturday we held a clearance sale at Papatoetoe. in the estate of the late F. Winter. There was a large attendance of ■;-i buyers, and satisfactory prices were > realised. The dairy cowb brought from £6 ; ,5s so £13; aged and inferior, £3 17e 6d to ■„'. » ss; 15-montbs heifers, £5 to £5 2a 6d; ;: two-year-old bull, £13 7s 6d; young waggon porses, £35 to £45 10s, aged £16 IGs to £25; . tegy mare. £27 phaeton, £25. The im- . ■ piemsnts and sundries sold at usual rates. jf At Mr. 8. A, Tilly's clearance sale, Albany, <;.on Saturday, buyers were in attendance from surrounding districts, arid everything .sold well. The dairy cows realised from -. £s 5s to £14 sa; springing heifers, £7 5s to ■i >£9 ss, those more backward £5 Ss to £6 ::ss; calves, £1 12s. 6d to £2 17s 6d; yearling ;F:heifers, £3 Ss to £4 7s 6d; light horses, £5 ;':i-Mi £1?. 15s; double-seated buggy,and harness, -. £ii 10s. The implements' and sundries :;v brought satisfactory prices. • - . •-At Mr. 0. Hoist's, Woodhtll, on Thursday, :;. we had a successful sale. The ewes, with »s lamb at foot., brought from £1 8a 9d to £1 ite 6d; hoggets, 19s; milking heifers, £5 7s ;.;-6dto £6 10s; yearling to 18-months heifers, i « 4s to £5 2s 6d; yearling steers, £3 9s; two-,year-olds, £4 12s; farm horses, £22 10s to ;vi;«2B.--:-The furniture, implements, etc., gold - at usual rates. ■ .' .-» - wo held our. usual weekly sale '.of dairy ",, and jitore cattle at Westfleld on Thursday, .;' October 17, when dairy cows of first, quality ;v' Bold at from £10 10s to £14; others. £6 10s to £? jog, &ged and Inferior £3 10a to £6; . -cflowie springing heifers, £9 to £11 10s, i. smaller £5 to £8; young empty cows, £4 -to £4 17s; store cows, £3 to £4; yearling ; -'? 16-months heifers, £3 tc £5 ss; yearling steers, £2 18s to £3 10s; a pen of grown socks in fair condition brought £0 15s; calves, £2 to £2 12s. - *".: At "Onclman on Tuesday, October 22, we L geld our second cattle fair of thß season. ~ juyers were numerous and there was strong . ; wmand for steers in forward condition. -wrown steers in forward condition, £8 19a 1 ■% £ l7)s» three and.abalf to four-year-olds, .*£!<« to £8 10s; three-year-olds. £6 10s to '. ■■<? ss; two to three-year-olds, £5. to £6 7s .-.■ ST yearling to 18-nionths steers, £3 to £4 i"?; yearling to 18-moriths heifers, £3 10s to '•«-i|lsa. according to quality; empty cows, iifj/.to £5 ss; calves, 18s to £2 13s. A. few '•;;;||*ujgers sold at from £6 to £9 ss; bulls, £5 :;issto£lo 10s.-.. ::•••-..-'; ' V"-Oo: Wednesday. October 23, at our .weekly '• ; vilfl'fleld .. fat stock market, our entry of :»eet totalled 299 bead. Competition was a - :S* irregular, but on the whole values woro • 55 a Par with last week. Choice ex sold to ~ ZIP& riine £1 7 » to £1 9b per 1001b cows - *?r' P^* ore » £i to, £1 6s; steers ranged in ifSS* from £8 10s to £15; cows and : ■ < f*&l*> £4 10s to £10 7s 6d. There was 'twi- supply of fat and young calves.. • KiTr calves r and suckers were a little *»£?*• - -Young and f sold ■.j'SPg?.' Heavy suckers/£2 Jss to £3 15s (no '■'*«*»s]? penned): medium suckers, £1 10s &££ S' Ji? ht £1 to '&■ Bs, small and fresh- :»«• 103 to 183; weedy, 3s to 7s. ; The MSB Pens were well filled: with a nice ; tttELt mutton. There was a firm demand ' •SOTehout, and in some instances last - s values were improved on. Best heavy

woolly . wethers, .£1 5s to £t-7s ,9d, shorn 19s ?dto £1 Is; medium to heavy wodUy, 431 is to £1 41 shorn,l6s to 19s; unfinished woolly Irs to £I;,'best woolly ewes, £1 Is to £l 3s 9d, shorn 14s to 17s id, other woolly - 14s to: 19s O.7SS "sold). The ■ 183 lambs penned' were Insufficient -for- requirements, ."' and in/consequence' prices advanced. : Best-heavy/ £1 to *1 ;3s 3d, good 17s to 19s fid, liifhWr l& 6d to 16s €d;. woedy 10s to 15a. PiRS formed an average ;:v- entry; and were, principally httconers -and porkers of, choice 'duality. There continues to be :an ■ unsatisfied destand at ruling.high?flares. ; Choppers, M 5s :to £5 58; large baconers,. £3. fis to £4 4s, lighter £3 2s to £3 10s; large porkers, £2 8s to £3. smaller £1 14s to £2 78; weaners, 19s to £1 Ss 6d (158 sold). ; : .Fanners* Co-operative Auctioneering I Go., -Ltd;, reports:— '-'v. ..' •.i At Ngaruawahift, or^October; '15.'WweV- had j an entry of lo6sTßead of cattle, Including 501 : three and four year old steers in forward; condition, from Waingaroiind To Akau. Buyers were numerous,-competition Seen, ■] and; prices fully up to sellers' expectations.' A pen of fat bullocks made £lt 6s. forward; four-year-old bullocks £7 10s to £9 1* threes year-old steers in good order £6 IBs to £& two and a-half year steers in good.order! up. to £6 Is, two and a-half-ycair store steer* j £5 3s to £5 10s, two-year store steers £4. best yearling steers £3 6s to£3 9s 68, best year- j ling heifers £3i'-7s to £3 12s B mixed yearlings : not so forward £2, 10s to £& 18s, fat cows and heifers £6 6s to £6 15s. fresh cowa £4 10a to £5 ss, empty two-year heifers £4 Ss to £4 ! 15a, best dairy heifers £6 10s to- £8 6s, others j £4 6s to £5 ss, 100 ewea with lambs, 18s to 19s. . ' _ '_ .■'."■",! ADDJ.NGTON. - '■■>] •'' [r.T XELSQBAPH.--WIjSSS AESOCUTio.V.] ; ;v ' : :;^''U\: OnaiSTCHDBCH, Wednesday. | At the Addlngton live. steak market there \ were moderate entires tit stock and a fair ! attendance. . The ehtrioifi|;were reduced since j the wet weather prevented the sendmgin i of consignments of sheep and lambs. She i fat cattle : market opened at lower rates, I and though it improved: as ' it went on, it! was, on the whole, weaker than last Week, j Store sheep sold well, ohljy a few lines being offered. Fat lambs agate sold well, as did fat sheep, both clasGOa: being in shorter supply. Store cattle ware ini good demand, i Pigs remained unchanged in prices; ;■ , Only a very email number or store sheep were penned, hoggets farming the bulk of i the yArding, the balanos being made up of a pen of four and six-til>oth; wethers and a pen. of merino ewes. IJho attendance Was moderate. Prices no change from I those of the previous week. Quotations are ! as followsi—Hoggets, mixed sexes, lis to 20a ' j 3d; weaners, 10s 3d to 16s 9d: wethers« 14s i 3d to 158; ewes In wool,' 15s Id; aged eweS in i wool, 8s to ;iOs Si • The»o were only; 62 •£at ] lambs penned, and they were, as usual, of prime quality,- and met with keen competi- 1 tion; only one lob of thirteen selling at less ! than 20s. Best lambs , made 80s 6<f -to 265, - and lighter 16s to 20b. There was ; a some- j I what smaller yarding of fat sheep than last week, and it was made up of about equal j proportions of Woolly; and shorn sheep. Tha ! average quality, was again good. The sale ! opened Well, prices being firmer by perhaps j Is to Is 6d for both woolly and shorn sheep. i The supply was - barely sufficient a for butchers requirements. Following is the ranse : ;;; of jsrloaii.—Extra prime woolly wethers to 308* prime i24s 6d to 87s 7d,' others 19s to 245; extl > a prime woolly ewes to 275, prime = tie to 25s 9d. others ' 188 to 80s 6d; ! woolly hoggets. 215.4 d; prime shorn wethers, l 17s fid to 2& 9d, lighter 13a fid to 17s; shorn . ewes, 19s 8d -to 21a ■3d woolly Amerind ; wethers, 19s fid to 21b 2d. • Two hundred and head of fat cattle- were yarded, ' against 179 the yrovioua ; week, the entries including some animals of I i exceptionally good " quality, noticeable I [amongst which were two magnificent steers ! I sent Xorward by Mr., 'fhomas Chapman, '; of i [Mount Palm. T " At |he beginning of, the sale■; Lyrioes were easier than a week >• iearlier» tmt ] [improved as the sale, proiceeded, In spite j •of this.; the average, pnoe was la per 1001b .1 i below that rifling on' October 1& -Be*!made ■! j 27s 6d to 35s ■ per 1001b, according to qtiality. j I Steers made £7 7s fid to £11, ? extra fo£lfi; i Irhelfers.;-£7.:.405;;t0 ;£W,-'l2s 6dj and:;; cows, .- . £6 5s to £12 5s- , The entry of Store .cattle j was a- medium one, r aM : consisted 'prittei- | pally of 15 to 18-months sorts and twii-year-y olda. ■■?.' There.; was considerable , inqjitTy for [ good catties but few that could;;be 1 thua I classified came forward. -The demand for ; .all descriptions was free and a good clearance was made. ■ Fifteen to ia-months sorts realised £3 5s to £4 >ss, two-year steers £5 ss, two and a-half-year steers £5 17s M, ! : three-year £5 v 7%; and dry cows .£1:; 17s;fid: to* £4 ss; dairy, cows sold? at from i «4--s>-;to-"j»;-Jfti;»4..v,^--;U'..- i ;•;-•"• -- ,• ';.' ; There was medium' entry 'of fat nigs.'! The demand Showed no marked change .from. :•! the previous week, and except •forjporkera j ,was :iii^ ;«hado easier all round. Choppers realised £3 Ips to £fi is/-heavy bacoiwrsi «s,*to 72s fid, and Tighter sorts 53s 6d to 603, - or; equals to &d; to;;old? per ' : lb -.; heavy Y/brkers brought. 45s to 60s, and lighter sorts is7s to 44«/ equal to Sidiper lb- ;• The supply Of "stores : was rathar in excess \ require ; mente, .and oonseqnehtly i price*; were someiwhafe; easier. - Large stores changed • bands at-42s to. medium 30s to 40s,,small pigs (20s to toall weaners 14s upwards, extra : good making to 243. ' • . -; '.-, -■- ■

BtFRNSIDE. ' ' ' ■-> [BY - TELEG»AFH.—-SSESS' ASSOCTAKON-] V -... 'DrxsEfitN',.. " At.. Burnßide to-day-147 fat cattle -were' I conslstteK prineipaJly of medium to heavy weight hal Slacks. The auallty, on [-tile *holo. -was good, c Price* were : 81185.117' in advano© Of last; ifceeVe rates. Best, bullocks brought from £13 7s 6d to £14 12s 6d, --«xtza £1& i?srCd, laediom £10 15e to £12 15s. llent;£sv2s 6d to £10; best cows audi heifers ; brought £8 10s to £10 15s, > medium ■■£ -£7.-;-10s.';-/-••■:' ..:..-', ..■...-■'-'..' : . ;:: Fat Sheen r 1646 were penned. This was a small yarding, :;:and consisted principally ot fair quality wethers. Owing to the big yarding last = week butchers had' a surplus, and the demand was not so keen; ) but prices i advanced is per head all over. Beat wethers [brought 26s to SSa, extra to 345, ' medium 22a I to 255; beet ewes 22a 6d to 24s 6d, medinm ittft: to 20*. ' , ! Sat l&mhe:. - There, were 54 yarded, and 'they' wero keenly competed for at prices j equal to:lsfsfi week's rates. 'Best made 21s 6d j to 23*. otheira lfis to Sis. •'

PBGPEBTY SALES. At the safe of the 12 freehold sections at Ascot Vale Estate, Eemuera, • held by Baymond Sheaiih yesterday, the following lots WW sold:-~Nb, ■ 25, 'at £5 7b M ;per foot, 24 At :~£S : 108, '23; at '£3- 2s M, : : at £5 6e, 21 at £3 33, 20 at £5, 14 at £5 2a 6d, IS at £2 12* fid, 19 at £3 2a fid.> The remaining three sections are being dealt with privately. : Acting render instructions from the l Ness Valley land Company, the' New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Ageniiy Company will PSior by auction today, at &JO pjn., at their Albert-street Booms, the valuable property :at Cleredoh,' consisting :of 5000 scree, which have been subdivided into 15 dairy and Abeep : farms. ;" ,- , ,'-'-- • < : v\ ■■>: /S, -i'-. 3"\.C*)' '. ..'-.,.'■ '■'■'.''" v", >;/'."■:.; MARKET REPORT)*. 'The New ? Sfealand' Loan arid Mercantile Agency Co., limited and. Reduced, reports as follows:— submitted and Bold average catalogues. of hides, skins, and tallow on Tuesday, competition being again brisk for all lines Offering. ■ ' Hides: Market advancing We quote.: Extra stout ox, 73d to B*a, stout 7|d to 7gd, medium 6ld to 7|d, light 6Jd to C2d; cows, special • "lines 7d to '■ 7*d, good 68d to ftjd, medium ■ 6jd to 6Jd, inferior sid to eld, stags/ sid to 53d; skins, best to 9Jd, good TJd to BJd» out and damaged 4d to 6Jd; damaged hides, 2d to - sgdj horse hides, 6s 6d to 9s 9d. *....■ -+.0 - : -[ Sheepskins: Market active. Best bntcherß skins, picked 8s 6d to 9s Bd, good lines 7a to 7s 9d, medium 5s 6d to 6s Id. r small 3s 9d to 4s 3d;, lambs and pelts, Is 4d to Is 7d; country dry" and and woolly skins, large to fia, medium 4s 6d to 6s 6d, small is:6d to 3s 2d. Tallow: Market firm.,-Best mised to 2ft», good 268 66 to 26* 6d, Mferior 23s to ,24s 3d; rough fat ltd to 2d per lb. ■•.'.-.' Bones, £5. v.-.-".-,; ■■■<:■:,■ ':■■■■■ Cowtails. Is ed .per dot. • , Horsehair, is BJd to la lid per lb. Wool in bags and dumps selling freely. Crossbred 6|d to BJd, crutchJngs 4Jd to dead sid to 7d, locks arid pieces 3Jd to 4id. '■'■■■'■'■ V..S-. :'■,;".'•',-':''--- -.'■' Wheat: Sales steady at 4s 6d, ox store/ Gats In good demand at 2s lid, ex store. Bran: Market firming, at £5 ss. ex store. ; Pollard: Sales firm, and in good demand at £6 ss, ex store.:. .VChaff: local in good demand for some good corisienments. and , prices , improving with Quality submitted. Southern, sales firm at late rates. ■ . .. , •.— Butter r Choice lljd, first grade lid. second grade 103 d, poorer qualities for milling 9i|d to lOid. - '",'"" ;: Fungus in good demand, and price firm at 4*3. . ; ;•■. '■,"■;■"'.;■. ::■-{ :.':-,3

Messrs. Dalgoty and Company, Limited, report having; held their usual weekly sale of hides, skins, tallow, - etc., on Tuesday, October 22, when a large catalogue 'was cleared, all lines meeting with spirited competition. . ' -.v. Hides: Market very firm with upward tendency. Butchers' hides. well-fiayed and conditioned, extra stout ox at' = B|d, "tout 7Sd to Bd,; medium 71d to 7Jd, light 6?d to 7d; cow, welWlayed and conditioned, to 7Jd, wet condition 6M to 7d. dirty, scored" or sloppy 6d ito 6Jd, damaged and cut 6d to 6d; stags, '« to sd; kip, 5Jd to 6|d; calf, best to 95St, good 7Jd to'B4d, out, damaged and meaty 6Jd to 7jd. - Sheepskins: Market very firm with spirited competition. Dry woolly skins, largo 7s 6d to 9s, medium fo to 7s- 6i, email 3a' 6d to 5b 6d; torn pelts, weevil eaten and weather-stained, at lower rates; salted skins, large 7s 6d to 9s, medium 6s to 7a $d, Email 3?i 6d to sa; shorn pelts and lambs, Is to 18 6<L .'■■;' ' " Tallows Market very firm. Best in ship* ment castas to 28s fid, in 4cwt casks 23s 9d to 27a 6d, inferior 225, to 24s 6d, tins IBs to 25s according to Quality. ' , -*:, ■■■.'< Bough fat. lid to 2d 1 , , Clowtaiis. 18 8d per-doje-u. Horsehair. „ tail . ft'. 64 fo • -Is Wd, m ixed I*3d to is,Sd, mane 9d to is*. • : . -■:, .. ! Bonfcßt Good dry, £5 per ton. Babbltskinsj Market.firm, good mixed lots to. is 3d per lb. Messrs. A. Buoklarid and Sens reports- i Hides: Ox, 63d to 7id; cow, 6Jd to 7d; calf, ! 63d to 9*d: kSp, 6Jd to 6 a d; horse, 8s 9d. fallow, 26s to 28s, i ■";.Bones. £4- 15s. . ■• ;.:.; Horsehair, Is BJd. ■ •'•":"':•".".•.:'•:•".''■• Skins; Best butchers', 7ald to 8s 3d; others 6svto 6s 9d; dry and country, large 6a 6d to 7s 8d, 4 good fis 6d to 6s. medium 4s to 5s Id." small and damaged 2s to 3s 9d; pelts, Is 4d to Is 6d; lambs, Is 3d to Is 4d. ■ :

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15132, 24 October 1912, Page 5

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15132, 24 October 1912, Page 5

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15132, 24 October 1912, Page 5