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t " '••"/'- ■Tenderfl. , 1 ——— —. AUCKLAND '•^ 1 -'' INDUSTEIAL. AGRIOUI TUBAL? AND : MIXING /EXHIBITION ""' ''1913*1914'''"/ -' ; "■ ; '"-'• ■'-'•■■''- "■''-/'/•""• . > : -OPENS DECCEMBER'I, 1913. Tenders are invited'for the P,urchase/e -Sole "'Bights'.- • Publishing and Official Cataiegues during; the currency>c ;" : the Exhibition. '.v. ; // '■■■■■'■ ''~'; --■"/;„'.: Tenders close with./ the'.undersigned: at., p.m.' oh tho '20th' November, 4912. ' Form of Tender 'and Conditidivs-may.b - seen at the Office of Messrs. 'Gordon an ■•:"'', Gotch,vPty./Ltd.,' Wellington, ; Ohristchurcl :'-■■'-■ and Dunedin. and Office' of-Secretairy.. Aucl O. ■land;/'>\.."./- '■;-';"; '■". :-:"T'- ■■■, : "'■ -i'-" : '■• '' LV the :': '.The highest or ; any tender, notn«Ksessaril; - accepte . , HOLMES/' Secretary/ lE, ■■:■'■-;"■■; i '."■■■".'.: —— ■~■'.;.,■ '. ■-'„...■ .... • pREY LYNN BOROUGH' yCOUNCII TENDERS FOR EOAD FOEMATION. i. '. Tenders are/ invited .'up' to'4,p.m. tm.TTJES "- '.- DAY, 29tb day of - October, ~19i2»"- for 'the - Fo: ." mation: of BeaconsfieldTStreet, ■as > per plan '■'■:■■"::. and';specifications: deposited ;.at the- Omci ofthe Grey Lynn -Borbugli ".Council; Eosi "'-•■. /Road, 'v.;:./'-;;":.-,'-''./'.'.; ..■,;■''/':,: ' ■■■"':' i' ' : ''V>- ■ The-lowest, or?any tender .may .not neces sarily boTaccepted. ' '„„ •,.•■.-.''.•.-.- ■ ' ;j.'Y.-WAEBEN. -, ; ; --...-.- " '" . - ■'■ « Town Clerk. -T 4 '': i: Dated . this. - % day/of / Oct.. -a 1912- ; ■■; ■ :■:• -. rr»o / BOrLEBMAKERS,' ETC " Tenders arc i invited :: for ' the Constructioj »", of Two' externally Multitubular Stee \ Boilers for the Union SUain Ship Compan; ■>■'- of N.Z.,Ltd.-' : .-•■--. "-:' v' -/./'.' .'-■'."'■: ,-, -* Plans and ; Specifications may be sieen ■? a •*'» the Oifice of: the local ; Snperintendiug-Engi heer,: any/ time - during office hours. '■'•; 4 * '-•_/;■' Tenders, to be'endorsed- "Tenders or Tw( Multitubular Boilers."' will: be received at thi Company's ; Office at Port ..Chalmers, -up ■-. til *T November 14. ,1912.-' ■■*<!?■*-■■) -/" ■"< '■-■ '■'■■^jyUNION .STEAMSHIP CO. OF N.Z.,, Auckland. October 22,: 1912. . ■ , : •'■■. ', ■-'..-'. - . rp ~; 0 /..>"'. i-jB/i'U .:/I';'3j-//D'.':E '■';.»%' S m 'Tenders will .be received .up :to ;noon: 0! iu MONDAY.' the 28th inst.. for ,the Erection 0] h a Building at DargaviHe'for the New Zca land? Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. , Limited' and .■ Reduced. - -v ■'■/'".' ' tie ~...- nans at, our Offices, "Swanson-street. - 'm -.■ . ~,.: ... -..■-../ ■■-. . ."../! ,-. ■-.;-■■■ ■ , ■ ■-.. '?- • '.-'".:' EDW.VMAHONEY AND SON/: i»r . •' Architects.' ly. ____—_ „■ __—, —__ : ...■,'.:.-■- — r —-—— 21 nn' -E-- [n d- ,-b." ;; ■::-'■ s. -* ■'-" ..:--'■'' '.:' '"-"■..' Tenders; are invited for the : consttuction SS of*.a-.Wharf at,Port;:Chalmers./. ".' . S' -Plan's: and.sjpecificatibns ,are on view at or the Union Steam Ship ;Co.'s Office. Auckland. \'a Tenders to /be <marked "Tenders for ip = Wharf," and 'time -fbr receiving same terini)r nates on 31st. inst: at the :Offices -of,: the IS ) Union'; Steam .Ship Co.V Ltd.. .Auckland, eS '",:■ ■ - -■- — , ..~' . . . ,■. . . ,-■■■;■ .'. ■ ' * , . >s, "pAPAKUEA : / ■ , EOAD \ -BOAED. ff, A ',- ' \ l?. 1 L ■ A Tenders" are invited for/Quarrying . and g Breaking '200 yards •of : 2iin metals at Bimpton's• Quarry. Brookby. ■-■;•'• Tenders .to; be •in •;■ . by October : 28.- 1912.::-;.;, ; :■'.- ■<'.m ■ !f,■ /V- ■- v'~ is V D. A, BEID, Clerk Papakara Road Board. ; / Alfriston, October- 21/"1912.:., . • . '... / ■■,-:,. » SENDEES' wanted. Paintings inside and 5*- i : ' out;l4-roomea House, Pukuroai—Gillies m and Hunt, Union Bldgs., =or ,F. 'McDonald, / Pukuroa. .' • *' . , * ■■■/ TENDERS 'wanted if or 'building Three v Double Chimneys and ifixing: Copper.— Apply on-'job; W. ,N. Molntosh/Papakura./v TENDERS. for ■ Griffin's - Pla-ht,' ; (Scow, ; Poa- _ toons.'Timber, etc.) -in Hobsdn Bay are Extended . till Noon TO-MOKEOW (Friday), 25th inst.. at our GOLDSBEO' AND MCCONNELL. Endean'» Bnildinss. *r.r. * TENDERS, wanted "for' Sinking ' Bore .: at 'Mangere; no rooks; : - good boring country.— -J.: and A. Eobertson, Mangere, »' --.'.■. ■ .' V ■ ~..:.:/../■■ —■— '-——: I T)0 N'T TEN DEB YET. Oho- minute's walk from centre of Queen- . street-/may- save-you a lol', of money. ' ' w Have ;a> look, through our fine . SHOW- •, BOOMS and up-to-date. Stock of,- , »v vUrinals'.^^>BATHS.( Basin's,? Pans,; Seats. Cis- ' ter"ns.»Taps.'Tiles. Hearths- Grates,: Mantel- * pieces. GAS FITTINGS. Locks. Hinges, and ALL BUiLDEES' AND' PLUMBERS'- ■;■; . 4.;..-....;... -/FITTINGS. '- ■■■■>':.>"-•-" " ; Finest "Selection „of Sanitary .Ware , in ' .':." :';■■.•■;'■,.:■./;/.;•'''/ v ~- y./, ■:->' ; •OAKEB : AND QO.. T TD. * » .NORFOLK' BUILDINGS.. ■'■ />,'/ _ Corner. Albert ; and Durham Streets, Akld; r . 'Phone 1585 for Quotations. ';-;/■/-' A." . ' M.- 0 . c'.° '* L ' uTIMBBB; . MERCHANT, OI?EHUNGA. '.. • Telephone 1857 . KAUEI.i TOTARA.:. MATAI. -.RUTO.' TAKE. ■:,•,• KAHA. AND., P ■:...•/*■?.. ? : ". ; "'.'.:'. IN STOCK " '..-'." ;..'.. " .■> '•'■"; : ;;';--,■ ,''■''''■' ■"-; ■ ''-- '• ' : ' : -'- .••-''-.- ■■• ■;■:■■„■-■■■ ' -.'/-■ I W.- B A T-T ■ s: s MODELLEE .AND MANUFACTUEEB ; "OF I PLASTEE CEiLINQS, AKCHES, ■ K CENTER? FLOWEES, |INTEEIORB. Etc.'' \ £ Ceilings' Designed and Estimates "Furnished. ;•■• .Showrooms and Factory: I /. ,'.: UPPEE, . : ;% IMPORTANT • TO ' CONTB ACTORS AND ; local;. BODIES. Vi 0 -.:'-." '■ .'.'"■; '■■ ■■'• '*■ - ■ '■ - ■'■■■"■■-.■- - yy> "'.■. ';■ .'./ I .';.' " T -.•vr.AP.iEB. ■' - -'I J- ' ' .MOENINGSIDE ('Phone 3642), - ! a Supplieii Reinforced 'Concrete Culvert Pipes. j 9 Drink: Troughs, \ Cess. Pits.'-Septic Tanks. ' , Fence' Posts, and. General Concrete Work. * PROMPT* ATTENTION TO'.-'ALL'' *•■ '■ ; -- i?;^/->''''- ■; /QBDEBB.-,;.; ' i fii-OENINGSD-JL . TIMBER YABDS 3' ';/ '■ •■'; Supply; , '' '"" "' .';■•. " Matai; -Eimu, .Birch," Dressed and ; Undressed* in all building sizes. House ' Blocks, ; Fence Posts, ;, and 'Palings, always in stock at lowest prices. Orders de- ■ livpred ? direfoiMrom Mijls < to' (any' railway ' station <, at < short 'notice. .. ' .". -. 1 / Telephone' 3501*. / v ' F.' W. CHADWIOK. L •p»U;M'Iv,C;E- ; , ," £>0 NSO B'ET E. J ' y IVISION " gLABS. ' 1-' .".' {)\<* .' ■',' ' " .:"; ; ';:' .''" ' 1 ' ' FOR ■.". REINFORCED CONSTRUCTION. C Used- throughout -the buildings:-- ■' * Maeky,' 1 Logan/ Caldwell and'Co.'B,Warehouse. .:':-..:;.,,"■■,■ •:• :'..', New Y..M.0.A: Building, ', - Grey Buildings, 'Chancery Lane. -- Strand -Arcade, Queen-street. - . , Queen's Theatre, . t '. li HEttAfiD'Buildings. '." ; '"'.."" ' . Wyndham Chambers, etc. ; : Also specified for many others. "■T?Hp4T4"D2ra^ fpUMICE.ipo.i.TTD., _-' ; -'-- „99, QUEEN-STEEET. . •ptPSOM.' JOINERY : WOEKB,> corner of { -*-• - Merivale- Avenue and .Bloomfield Eoad » (near: Epsom: " Bowling* / Green).— Door3^% Frames. -; Totara,v Shingles, . Trcllia Laths,.; eta. . Seasoned ~ Timber and Good Workmanship guaranteed. : Communications promptly, attended-to.'. Estimates:given. -. TO .B D I -L D E K 8. \ ' USE ' TOXEMENT. ;' ■ Mix a - small- port'pni'of-iToxement with cement .and :' you will : get .an absolutely waterproof job. Indispensable • for cellar work.' : :.-',.■. . -, ■ ' . WINGATE AND CO:. , ' '--..-- Sole Agents. Auckland. to kgF&SSS 6 '-'CONTRACTORS. AND . DRAINERS AT devonpoet. baysWATEB, and LAKE TAKAPUNA/i Bale—2ooo PURIEI POSTS., - WE .'MANLi-'AOTUBE- ' BRICKS '■•' OF ALT, DESCRIPTIONS, SANITARY JPIPEJ}, FIELD TILES. CHIMNEY POTS,- ANDI A LABOR VARIETY OF GARDEN-EDGED- TILES ALSO' SHELL 'LIME. ' ARGENTS FOE SON'S PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY R. AND ■B. i DUDEB. Devonport. "OrHILE Thanking Customers! for ■' past VV; patronage,, Mr. lug i 8 (late.lnglis and Oram) " desires to notify the generaf nnhH« that he will CONTINUE BUSINESS fn the old premises under his own name, and spectfuy,solicits : your ; continued patron. a S?-' AH. branches of the. plumbing" and allied - grades, .undertaken.' ■ Estimates gven.~Address : 25. Eutland-street. y 'Phonl T° !^ l^- 5 -* B '-? forget /HARD--L LEYb for your Baths.. Bairns, Sinks etc. Hundreds for selection, from a Galvn. Bath at-20s. to ;a. Handsome Palatial'Enamelat £9; Basins; from 5s to £57 Get thefr "Champion V .Cast Washing Furnace, no bnckwork. -will last 20 years. Have you- ' Spouting fixed, properly : with : the "Cham. pion" ,1 Clip > Brabket.-Addreas. *™ Q. ' L - : • ■""••■ A -- -8 "~*s • ~ of every > description, . . -PLATE, SHEET,' FANCY.' EIBRKTi <'' ■-.-. : , . : SILVEEED. ■■ BEVELLED,-, * AUCKLAND GLASS BEVELLING and " ..-: ■ .SILVERING ; WOEKB. &fs " ' 414, 124.: and 126. ■ HOBSON-ST. Tel. 860. E-? •"• ".STANLEY/" WHITING ; •j ;AND PBACTIOAfc I : ryy<- TILEE AND MOSAIC FIXEST^ ;;;. (15. years'-London -experience). '■■',■■■■:" '. •Estimates'given for all' classes of TilJiiß. ' fixed,'complete, or labour- only.,^First-class i workmanship . tguaranteed, i by.onlyprabtical tilers., TiJe3vindented ■ for any special design ' at: all .toosaible- speed..- ? Lowest ; terms, best ; materlal£and v workmanship. <■ ■ Town ior. conn- . try.-*L, Wellealeyistrset. Wefltj 'Phone, 147 L t 1

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15132, 24 October 1912, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15132, 24 October 1912, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15132, 24 October 1912, Page 14