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„ _ -- ~„,,. .. ,„ .„ 1.1 ,- --■ — -T-iii.-- i -~-ir- „ -ii i , ' — " ■'■■ " ■■"'■■ —.»»i.i.......i ■ ■■■: < ..,»,—„«rf^ MM M. < - l|l ii„., ,•.... , -~ —m— ■ i i >^—»-— m - ""■""■" -" ■'- ■—— <* ; -:■'■' 'r ■■'■:■. ■ ■'.■.'■■'■■.■•■■•' ~: ' '■.'•■/■"'. . : ''■'■'■'':■'■■' ■.'■;■■'•' '■ ; : '/".."■'.'.' : .''.■••'' ; '.': : . ': '" ''•'■/■' ■ ■ '■:': : - ' •';.. '-. '" .: •■:;■'-/' : ' '"■■'■."' :■'' '' , '■'-.''■ "' ■"■'. ; ■:> '■ ;: ■ '■. . . ■ ' ,',■■'' _--- ■' ' '■■'■■' ',"•.''/ .'■ ■■ ■ ■■' ':. ' ' 'r- :~' ■' ''" *\ .■•'■• - : ': " '".'-y'.'■*■ ■".•' « .' ' ■'''' '■: ''Many further big reductions. Have to get out very shortly. No room for the stock at our Newton Shop. : '■■'■■■ MUST, SELL ./Al»L.'- HERE.: : . S^^MH^S-^^MS^^ • -vrndette 4!d- now, 3d. Marcella Omits, 104, from 4s lid; 114, Point Lace Afternoon Tea Cloths, 2s lid, J And, Jap Silks from 4Jd. ; . all sizes, Is lid to J!s lid; now lo£d , Large ' assortment Fabric Gloves, Is 6d 5 IN THE rAH Straw -awl Chincline -Visit, &tf£ Sal* W >V£nelette 64d; Bow,3|d. from S6d 12-4 from 7 S lid. ; 3a lid, up to 15s lid. Jap/ Crepe, a few colours loft, at s|d to Is 6c£ Absurdly cheap. - . now, llfd. - ' , . (THURSDAY) AND FOR THE REST :. finea. .' ;^^ :^o^7--Calico 3£d: now! 2d. Lace tains- from Is to 20s; very special > ™™™ 30m Light Ground Prints, 4M; now, 2|d. Ladies' All-wool Plain Blk. Cashmere Coloured Veilings, six veils, each 1* yards, .' ;OF THE WEEK. ' AH Ladus'.and Clnlta'. Bfottltts-, Ball,, ; ■,'KhitoJif lu ™.~ Sheotnifc Is now Bid- value at 4s lid. DRESS DEPARTMENT. Heavy Navy DrUl Prints 9*d, now 7£d; Hose, Is 8d; now Is 3d. long, 6d the lot. ,„,.«! , *tt Sale paces. - - ' 'Win »u.'- & ' - ■, .». __._ assortm6nt 0 Fancy Napery, con- White Hailstone Muslin, again coming into wear and wash splendidly. ;- Special value in Ladies' All-wool Black Large assortment of Lace and Mushn Neck- All Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats, half AH :-^mao^isKakkßa,;CbaaS^>ii^\-:/k && Xetinels 2d, now lOM:' Is ' '--v sisting of Runners, Afternoon Tea- ■'' \'fashion, 6Jd: now 4s. Also, Better - ; Cashmere Hose, Is lid; now, Is 3d. wear, Is to Is lid; now, 6d and f Sale prices. . :, m .l. . ■„■ .„ ¥&ty *£ fab prices, --V^':,'- \i;. ' ■ ti laSif Cloths. Trav Cloths, Duchess Sets, qualities: and with black and coloured HOSIERY, ETC. Child's Ribbed Black Cashmere Hose, sizes Ribbons, six inches wide, large assortment All Flowers, Feathers, and Wings,' half AH Samples U:itdenrear m ammo., . 6d, now is to. _ ■_. / n'nJw ftr nin snots "•■■ i>V' „ orj « 1,2, 3, is to Is 6d; now 6d. colours, Is to 2s 3d jnow, all at6|d. Sals prices. and cotton, half Safe griiaw, " ' r^ & « ( Quilts 94 Is'od- 10-4 Point Scunners, very special. 2s 3d, 2s ' Tussore sW,'full range of shades, widths, Child's Black Cashmere Sox, B|d; now 3d. Ladies' Cream Knitted Golf Gloves, Is 6d; Ribbon Velvets, satin back, coloured, 3d to All Millinery Ornaments and TiWings,. > , \yht'f 'J "lir ' ■ and prices, from Is. Boys' N.Z. All-wool Black Knitted Hose, now4|d. . . Is; now, Id and 2d yard. v . half Sale prices. COMPULSORY CLEARANCE'SAKE.

; Dress and Fashion. LTD " ■ I i I 'fwfeTrM H !-- announce a. further : extension of | I • - '- 5,600 **' fit. to be added to their I = I I . Underclothing and i I Special Bargain Prices \ Commence to-day in our '■'• ! -: ■• I I Baby Linen and Underclothing Depts. a* dt j I I Notice fOr the These departments will tie I J ' extended into tine addition I T UlliCJrerL an a week or two, and in :: i' .'■■'.:■; ■ '.;■■■';'"■•■'..■: order to reduce stock beDnring extension. the playroom is closed, and when fore moving, we inaugurate finished will be double the a-Special Price Campaign size. Before the grand tfyiayi , i opening day we .will send yon all a special invitation . - Bfc I finished will he double the " a Bargains Campaign I size. Before the grand to-day. : —. - ; ; ,; \ 8 opening day we will send you all a special invitation . mo* to be present * Bargains for All " - "■'•.■ ' . _J . , k . karangahape ROAD. ; I i

\? Boots and Shoes. . ) SEASON 1912— 1915. i For bowling, THE BEST SELECTION, or?St, the LARGEST STOCK, croquet, Price List for our Op YACHTING. VS. ■■■■'■ ci i o *v A r*«_ Queen Street & Newton Shops. CHILDRESS WHITE SHOES, Rubber Soles, 10 to 2, 2/6, 3/3. j LAIDES* WHITE SHOES, Rabber Soles, 2/11, 3/11, 4/11, 7/6. ! LADIES' BLACK TENNIS SHOES, 3/3, 4/6. MEN'S WHITE SHOES, Rubber Soles, 4/6, 6/6, 8/6. I MEN'S WHITE SHOES, Red Rubber Soles, 9/6, 10/6, 15/8, 18/6. MEN'S WHITE SHOES, Chrome Soles, 4/11, 12/6. ! MEN'S WHITE CRICKET SHOES, 6/11. MEN'S WHITE BUCKSKIN SHOES, Red Rubber Soles, 18/6. ! MEN'S WHITE SHOES, Rubber Soles, 4/6, 6/6, 8/6. MEN'S WHITE BALS.} Rubber Soles, 5/11, 6)f9, 9/6, 10/6 MEN'S WHITE BtJCKSKINBALS, libber Soles, 13/6, 18/6, 20/-. MEN'S WHITE CRICKET BALS., 7/6, 11/6. MEN'S WHITE BUCK. CRICKET BALS., 18/6, 22/6. MEN'S TAN CALF BOWLING SHOES, Red Rubber Soles, 19/6, •* 23/6./ ■ ■' BOYS' WHITE SHOES, Rubber Soles, 2-5, 4/3. CRICKET SPIKES, PIPECLAY Id, BLANCO 3d, NUGGET WHITE CLEANER, 6d. 197 Queen Sfeeet and 120. Karangahape Road. I if nam ii.ii. ijihiiiiiiiii i i if mini V i.. 'i 1.1 i i iiiii in hi jim. ■■ ■■.., i ;.•■ ■ ■-■ ; . Furnishing Goods. .- ■"■".' •_-________^^. I ' THE FAMOUS >£*> % ©.. •' • •■ . . SB- © • ■ ©..; 1 GRANITE INLAID ■LINOLEUMS || © ■ •" © I : © . In all Colours. © © * I 1 I . « I- ®- : 1 %/£% . per q« yard, less 5% i © w/ " ' . f . ;;. (§: ;1 - - 3/4 Nett I © - ©. ■©■-.' • ,"..-•■■■ ' ft 1 Andrews & Clark, J © © I . Famishing Specialists, . J 1, ■ <?£/HH/V STREET I ■ © - ...... .. ■ •'♦ ;•:.. © i (Fishing Tackle. :.■■■.''',. \ , •■. >s, * c? *' x> <.V ~S^——■ < a» /TjxilPift I Wm Hurrah!!! For the Whirring Reel, the l^^^^^^fe ' I <N; .'. Biting Fish, and the Painted Fly." N Bipgi' ' i Pll Io it Tackle you are thinking about ? Right ■' • B^^M^W^ [ |fo& We have in stock just the vory gear you ■ : '' i ' «s«■ wast. Whether it be 'to land a tommy-cod or Jliltk \*J i 111& a shark, we can fix yc/u up. . ' ' Jffiffira.-' *\ ®ilf* W«V« Rods, Hooka. Fly*. Floats, Sinkers. Bankets, 'f\ Wok. etc, in fact everything for the Fishing Seasoii.r ; 2 j|l||. COME IN EARLY. " ' £m J. WISEMAN & SONS, Ltd"^J^ *.» M» 17S queen STREET. — «=-' ' ■ :,. ' . Motor Tyres. _ . '■; .' -.""■,-. . :'- I are used by all Motorists who want the best. I m Their quality.and construction ensures a big mileage, and mop; m Iff satisfaction than you can get from any other tyre. IP .-1 • It will pay yon to specify "Danlops." .-■ Ift : PUNLOP RUBBER C 0.., "*^M?^V™^| U ??r^"^'t?^ 63^* B*'8 *' ** c>rl *^:i..?TS^ir?V > < ; > *" a '***'^» y c»»--^- <s * g - W pianos HIWRY HUMES, Kino ■■""<*■ * WEEK. **<*IBTBBBD PATENT AGESI. ~ ■ E Iritfl £>.0. HIGH ST. Established 1882' PI AM nCfWO DEPOSIT. TRADEMARKS ji >J • ', WO £8. HtQH ST. _■■ Registered and ' . *tf pianos 6/-A WEEK.- "■■■■■ >^«%^ ~iL — ' 1 " .^-^j^.,^ JT w j obtained PIANOS ■NO DEPOSIT, -iOav w >'«*» countries T InnUO S3, HIQH ST, ' throughout the world mi a MArt 7/- A TSfpci? '" Hr 'Adviceto Inventors' PIANOS .- 7/ g&BfeJTaT. I- ■ _, r T^T^ii~ •■ - 1 .t-!" Wr-t-.y->Ai-S* Clients ad vised and assisted OIASWIOiCi NO DEPOSIT* in (Uspoaing of their intentions. S3, HIGH QT, Auckland Office: Exchange Lane, Queen St pianos A WEEK * —- BRDOK£:SMiTH ' """'"- - PIANOS %MMI "^mfSmmmmT PIANOS 9/' A WEEK to us is performed -with, de- . rin ' _ 2Z. VJ ga ' M,<3H S7 ' Stomal Process of Kmbalminy lastDIA MAiCi NO DEPOSIT. J HBI ? pr T„ r^ 8 .f 1 * 9 "*<«Bflffw«w»tt«. ; -: PIANOS g a. wGHsr. i T. J. MIVOR AUG - SOUS, PIANOS 10/- A WEEK. I«l K^^^» AUOKJUIM).'

«.«...M. w ».,M mM .»..i.......».i i ...inn i. M .-.,—^..Lm^iin,.,..,,-—..,.,.. 1 .,-i l .. l , l . I ■" ■■■ :■■ rm ; -i , ii t ...„ l iin.i„... i mi,, „,■' ■; ; ■• '■ ■ _ ___ ;\'"- ____ _ "' : ' v Dairy Produce. ;; WE are buyers of Home Separated Cream .for bettermaking purposes from farmers who are dairy- . ing in Suburbs and in districts North of. Auckland,---.-where there are no Creameries. Highest prices paid . for butter-fat delivered on Rail or Steamer. For fuller particulars, apply r • AMBURYS LIMITED - : Newton, AUCKLAND, ~ ■ ■'"—"■''■■■■ lL »—' , ' M " M " l """""" — ■'■■■■'■■■»■■ ■■■■ ' — ■■illMiw—iiiMWWiniii.iim««.m«iil»iliiwiwll.iM li in" iin II mill. I 111 ill I iiiiiii». ■»»iii.»i..ii,M»,i f ; y'. ' Dress and Fashion. W" ■ . ■ ■ ... .11 , i. J ■ ■ I i. i , j • Three Specials in I 1 ' {As Jlhtstoatton 2flM») ft I Fine .Qaipure''Lace- | 111 Uw Bn Paris ami , ;^i !- : -i ln Paris atnd White- ■. r . j;Hp I> ,;~ ■! '^ ■. '20 doa©n only ■■■ , No. 3 '■ . ; I' I 40 doz. Dainty Lace & Lawn Jabots ¥ / I ~ I ' ' ' : i'-■!'": Wot Illustrated. ™*/ " * I|^ I Very Fine Quipure ; ';\^ '" !3iu Paras or Whiite I I for the Season, from ' ' I ; . London and Paris, on . -" ' '■ 1 view in all Departments. ■; : : "I Excellent Value"'Always _ 2so 2/11 ;'.■'.■' ' If -. J Neckwear Specialists . LTDi I

■;'- h Furnishing Goods. ___ •-■' ' ■■ : : . .■.-- ■ '•■- ■"'•-• '"'■ ■ " "'■ ■-..—_ :—; 1 ; —————— hi i —————___ ■- . ■ . i^fi 1 ■::.-■ "■■^•'- : v ' ' .'V. ■"";■:■.:--■■.■■•:/,...■;■. ■:.'.-■; ■ — ' ■■'■:';:-.' ; ,■•.■-'■.'-... ~' ■• .'. ' . ■ \ RELIABLE ip W-T HP W ffl If f HSfr "SSP* MODERN JP %bJ» >ff%a JM" JL A. «U» JEm, JESst || ARTiSTOS AT FACTORY FRIGES. • I TaMIE SELECTIONS IN CABINETWARB, UPHOLSTERY, BEDDING. FLOOR COVERINGS, Eft©. tiimpestfom IswßftewiJ, SPECIAL. DESIGNS PROMPTLY MADE TO ORDER. REPAIRING AND RENOVATING IN ALL BRANCHES. Jast behind northern Club (VICTORIA QUADRAND, Facing Albert Parfc, fVMNUF*GffUReRB OP FURNITURE, CARRIAGES,' TRAMS, MOTOR OASIS, and all daoopiptionav of WOODWORKb ff&SEe jggg, W. J. COUSINS. Genera; Manager. : L , .— ■. ——— — ; —— ■ »

'dPf/& a contains plenty of fat, fsLAW&am*4Bi no B en or none- Pre- •'■: , *a%®& J S®'ffl| vents rickets, wasting, iff mit* malnutrition. Can retrai™a store the most shattered constitution, and ensures babies' ;■■■ Itealth. . . L. O. B. At TUfATA!,m TrAHIEATEA.Ja. qbegon. COAL. COAL. WE HAYS IN STOCK AND ABBIVINGT/yEBSPOBT, ■jM-JSWCAfIn/E, |DLACTrBAIiT<, IiJEKUBANGL MSTOHE, LTD., QTJSTOMS.STEEET. COAL.- COAL. Hp seacock and son, ophtaaimio opti< <£?. J 5 "' 1 ', 8 ' 218. QUEEN-STREET (near Vic .. The Bight Tested by moat unSSSw'SSS'S*!*'--*** Spectacles accurately \SSt 4 rtJfioial Ejrea ©fall ooloors in stock. sS. j?? d Siirroyors)' Instruments in B ««* and Eepairtd. -■V'-.vftSJS'k-ify- ■ v 'v' ■i'-U;. ■'.;■;: ■'. ; -..v ' : '.:''">■/,?":,•'-"'■ '■■■•' .> P -*V.'V.V .■■.',.:. .■;■;_■ ;■■■■"■ ; ' :v "■ ■ ' ' "' ' .'-

! maw—i—«— ■————» M ' I 1 Are All Right? 1 Pi Because in hot weather |<| I** I most of the things that a p 8 make you "wrong" are S HI little physical disorders for I M Pi which we have a pretty Jj-. i || sure remedy"'in § * » Try a little of it morning 3 J and night, with perhaps a jJS E wine glass foil at dinner for if S good digestion. It will 4% P make you " all right" nine Jj-' 'g times in ten. " 5 : g Bottled for 75 years. JS g BUY Wolfe's Schnapps by g S THE BOTTLE and so secure § m the genuine article,. ■ ' lis . is a natural food for dfYwrnamffiSk babies, and contains the •■%»«ffi®B'%w*''9 tame amount of. cream ■gripf Tit as Mother's Milk. The j <l&«sj!>a»«it&a» most eminent scientists f of the day advocate it.

"PHILIP'S" : PRESSED STEEL PtUEYS jOfilk Best IsyEmtj Test Ijßul Sfeefc Sags, SiL fs 43ia fester. §•■■' "Mmm" PressatT Iftk Steal Shalt Hangers JK®F Bin. to 241 a. drop. . jflßf' " STEELS? BRONZE Shafting' and Accessories . dB? A.BT.BIJRT, *$EBtg/r. Auckland. ii ■ i' A***A **. brings grateful testi« SYas&M*sa<b. monjals from numerous happy mothers who -Jf have caved baby's life v **& r^s **mh3io pr by thiß superb food. prammm in m ' > « ■ ■ 'i' 'ssmsssi ; *" >| f GEO. W. BASLEY llEllii W> imuUal BIOI8tE«EB MTEHT AOKOT. R.Z. J&/** Mate. D«ta»% T»»*» Hull , . aid f«J»t»i»« to «11 MOKtrt*. «•**!>'* *■*"» ffl^ l * Tumoral TK *" If!i Km*,*!, j n»irtat*!«»4*terfe»nr «*»*■• I -<<& v l, eed dra«rMMBW. Full and r*H»bU 3 . XT x " lElortoaUan obttiubl* few «t tfce~ g ' UNIVERSAL PATENTS I [ SWAMBOM BTBEET ffltrt lji«« Stmt), AUUKUWB. ji

gives baby a fair start ' "''''&•&&& " *» —The food that toiHs: *«^- CT »S!M«afeis<s#*' makes baby strong. «3=kb»*- rry i*. ■. ; ip%iPovTui'ili'ifSi 11! Wf 1. ITlifil ■' ELa&v IUK IB *r*Tdi MSB i^f^s « 4 i ~ ►, BJM , ; .,. ; .»-, : . 1 ..>.■.-:•■ .:••:■.; lip/ : '-•■' -' I L' , H*ve your Suitor »r.?ea Bry-aleanaArltk*^new aft :' ■;--.• -■ - _:■■-:. : '■".'.■■■'."■•"-■■■■'■ , N;3^^^^^^» ,^- *' - - ;■.?;'•>:.•;■■■" PORTEK'tf DIE WOOES. . . > ■:•'■■■ ■■•*" " "*" ■ - Office: Tawratcle • Buljaijßgß; ! fo 3M,-. --">' — - n «W>i ; ''' Vans «*'!«*■ 'Poors 3.74*. • ■■ 24 HIGH STREEI, ■ TTMt mz®fa. «m» mmmmmm. Phone 1028. ' ' " OT HITE IS king op sewing machines. AH« MM ■■■-' :"'■■' AuEEN IS QUEEN OP SEWING MACHINES H » ,W| .||f ST ——-—-——- '" : ;.- '' — — mBEADLES FROM ... Jgg IKS QD I .._ Wk I IJBf Sm""B[^3 ■|-" '..'.,. .. . .... —-..,-.'"' :"■•", ; —* TTANDS FROM ... oD ins AD tfa -ifi IkI? H 11111* ~''\w IS Dressmakers' , " « -ti ■■ „■ '■■v-w *■* ; '-#^4: u 0 V H-Mf-vHI §§ •' M II §*»««s# MnrialQ. '" ' - SI The Guarantee: Made by, the White Sewing WM -fm cSpf ijs| M M Dlist BtfBOOSwIS* •' lisPS! Machine Company, who, as Makers, have -SIS' Hi RHJ] Ml fca Ha Jtro»r««maker,»mAtenr or . .MSI . given over two-million^. SEES the greatest ffiifEß '|$gg is " »roliiißion*l, should be with- ilil&&i of satisfaction during their thirty-five years' SJW ' Sms ' M__^ Jut » GOOD MODKL to gilpwiif existence. Parte and Needles obtainable the ''■■"''•■ wmm '' ?; iH'-" :¥ ''^Sl : '' ■■"'■■"■ : -- f -"'---' ;: ■~^sg%tf? amin mm PoraniDulator Manufacturing Works w -—— ——• Poramoulator Manufacturing Works. __ ' -. .——•. Particulars a*d Pkices ■ ■■ 26, 26, WAKEFIEL:O-STBEET. ' *~™' " , ' ~< ' ■™wTposmoFabb oh Hfik No. 287, QCEEN-STEEET. AUCKLAND. N.Z: Ai-PUJiiION TO— Bm&mSA . T . Phone 2378. - , , ~ Wi>Oi«ILVIi ffirsSlk Price Lists of Sewing Machines and Peram- „**>/» «l . -Every mother *«"»»* *' : Pa .QUILVIEj «flqßj£Pl bulators Post Free. wun $TW<mis*L set -«■» Baby Book. «... M — . « . . . "*&4ißßSiiP'B* fond 'postoara *i uitMUb • 218, QueonSfu, Auckland. , -m 7a i rrsoMPSa>N 'AND no. ; : IXflSrtwi Nosrtte. , V} /

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15132, 24 October 1912, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15132, 24 October 1912, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15132, 24 October 1912, Page 11