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" Boots and Shoes, " ■ ■ I __ Dress and Fashion. _ , ■ =^,-~_-___* . '- / ' /<s-*> mrs „m> spssi spaa 'ja _?•> n m Am*, m. m " a real snip. m«_«-_.,•- I ■'M*c PORTFR to* famous Corset Experbat>a "i? 1 Ladies' Ideal Patent Kid Derby Goe-Easie Shoe a, J IVIfS. rUI\ I 0\ 9 . ".. Demonstrator. #; 1 Shoos, Welted, 18/9. No Caps, Very W , -— _;.. .• " ~, .. . *>.. 1 Those are usually sold at 25/- Flexible, , § ' -. ''!:"' I Also some lovely Suede Top Shoos. _ 12/9, 16/9, 21/-. 1 " •. , , ' /' 1 ke9ourwin pc3, S 6d extra. / '(. Interviewed at Smith & Caugr>ey*s. , |; J FsLilliWiO %ash UIIbI i •■ .'. "I am afraid there are still a, few out gracefully;' in'fact, they require & | m - _, r-v , * •_ r% _«• ' I '<u«. M ,> I women in -the world who entertain some attention than any other figure. The 1 Weltesley St. &,ast, Opposite PUbllC library. _ I of thc ; tJin6 dish . ust and sll6picion of medium and average vary very consider- .£■ § ■■■■■■»*^sig===si ,w ' 1 * ==• § the present . fashion in Corsets. Entirely ably, and are suitable for figures tending g Merchandise. . __—_. 1 apart from my object in selling the Royal towards fulness. Some of the models are ' -0 . ~~~~~ r „. ff ~. ~ m__ Baßay _ iß _ag___mßa 1 Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets, Ido want adapted to the figure with large bust and B Ti^k - *. FO - * -- •• | 1 • to impress upon every woman in New Zea- small hips;, others to the large hips and J| I IYH .w a L BWa ;„ ef l an J„J » .Wnmpnt I • land the great importance of wearing the email busts j while* others, again, are ■» \J I I*3 We have JUSt landed a Shipment | correct corset-tho corset that is the right suitable for the long-hipped and short- I of Seasonable TOYb tor tfeC | . mo( jel. for her individual figure. - Hundreds waiated figure 1" , .. || children, tO which We draw your j | of women in Australasia buy the corset "What about the very stout woman if jji $* if .nwial aftflnfinn I that their friend wears—a corset that they Do you not find, it a most difficult thing || ■$ a, >o a< kWs ■§" BH* <£& special aiieuuuiit I *..,.., ±~ , . , o>> » lOF tll6 special attention. 1 ■ think Suits them _ or that they have worn to fit her?" | V \ I for years, instead of realising that as a "Not at all! For"her I take the ' Ad- ~ 1 c i* a r .j,i. R-itc qj 1/(1 0/ I gown changes in fashion, so also should justo' Corset. See! here is the coreet in i Cm A « « P 0/fi - q,« . ''' U ' '"' I th ° Corset, and how all-important, how both Royal Worcester and Bon Ton 1 , ili#'l^ a^P»^, l > absolutely necessary it is to have exactly Models, which I put carefully on even tihe I JljLlJlxUlil Vll Willow Cricket Bats, 3/-, 3/9, 4.'6,5/6 I the right corset for comfort, for appear- stoutest woman. With the aid of those ~. . | ZSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ' » ' 1 ancc ' an< * * or " oa tyh- -A- personal fitting adjusting straps it draws in and sup- | ™ -JSSTxisjESWS-' Polished Stumps, 9d, 1/-, 1/3,1/6, %• | • I'strongly advise; or consult a good Cor- ports the abdomen and hips so cleverly m Cricket Sets, on cards, comprising • 1 6eticre whcn selecting corsets." that she hardly recognises her own figure, I 1 I Bats, Stumps, Bails and Ball, 1 "But is it possible, Madam, that every fdfJ ™™ «-» sU yP r,scd , n a * iho ™*' ! II I 1/. Q'. 37- 4/- set 1 woman can buy her individual corset-a fort that she also receives J llls corsou i.i ' W 1 I :. '*' ''li I I 1 " • corset that is made for her figure?" modeled in such a scknUfie maimer that _ I I 1 Indian Clubs, 1/9, 2/3, 3/- 1 j g „_ ■ . t .. , , it holds and supports all superfluous m I 1 ■ ~ , ,- I I • Yes! mosfc certainly— and every flesh _ Y ou would be surprised at the If 1" | Dumb Bells, 103,1/3,1/6 • | < woman can. In the Royal Worcester and num b er 0 women who exclaim delight- §p 11 I Wonrfpr, Smrf,? P,l *srl 7rl 1 . Bon Ton Corsets there is a Model-to suit cd l y after being fitted with the ' Adjusto' f§ I 1 Wooden Spades, 2d, 3d, M, 7d. | every figure. Look! can how you, dif- _. " oh , I am. S o comfortable, .i had, no I 1 m Wooden, Pails, 9d, 1/, 1/3 1 ferent models for the slender, the- athletic, idea i could wear this long corset and ; S §1 . ' Enamelled Tea Sets, fitted in boxes 1 the average, the medium, and the stout f \ so mucli CODlfort . • I certainly d ° i" I ii . o/e a'o km K/o-R/Reof I • figures ;,ako for the woman falter a sur- look slighter, and am in proportion." !§■ 11 1 d/b, <t/J, O/d, O/J, 0/0 sec l gical operation." "Do you consider the 'Ad.suitable . || || . M ' . China Tea Sets, in boxes, 4/-, 4/6, 4/9 | . " Oh! please do explain how you fit the for every, stout woman or girl?" \\ II m Buckets, fancy coloured, 6d and lOd 1 • different figures/'' It seems so interesting ■... o fa, no! not always. Some- ■ of the | I 1 1 - J mi , is I I had no idea there were so many types of figures havo very full bust, and. small . M P Hi Jill Folding Camp Stools, with back rest, I corset models." abdomen. For' this type of figure thero M W* W W 3/3 and 4/3 ! I * ell, first of all, you understand that is a, very nice Bon .Ton Model.: Then, g 1 1 1 r n i,| illfl . rmTßn Qfnnl<: 0/Q ortd 3/- I I the fashionable figure has to appear slim again; there are special Royal Worcester .. I * ? 0 . Elding tamp StOOIS, ../a and d/ | | and graceful, with, slender hips, so that Corsets for women > who have undergone | I See the WindOW Display, «■ I all tne Royal Worcester and Bon Ton surgical "operations." !. ~ ' I Corsets, you see, aro built on these line's. " Is : there also a corset lor. that? I 1 .1..H.1...1..11.1. -i I M Look! they arc unusually long, some ex- thought they wore the Abdominal Belt."- , | a„. j m~a 1«,4| —_ i& T T? -«» I i tremely long, aro they not Some women. .< jjow,' this is one of the most interest- . |; H-f HM Hi "E 1 '4*/ l I 1 are horrified when they see them, and ing points of my Corset study. Some of V 1 1 si fWi Isi Hv' rav I 1 ffl \% a 1 I think that it is utterly impossible for he most prominent surgeons throughout | ■ I KB.®* %Jr Li M, si*4 S-fl S. _%J f 1 Ja-<|a'*». fl 9 A | them to ever wear or sit with a long he world strongly endorse the Royal | . I I 1 corset; but wo have proved it constantly. Worcester Surgical Corset, and I fre* | 1 Providers OUEEN ST. § I • correct . and true in hundreds of cases quent i go to hospitals by their order for ' ' . I ft iucu&i<a. ? luy,uv " » vw*-,.-. H I *A-herc, once the long corset is . put on, tho express purpose of fitting patients I Laaoa,, -rrr r~ ■■■"■'""'■—bmbm—— ' ■' I our customers repeatedly come back and after cubical operations. lam able with '' " 1 _„ L i,. , ■■■■■ ■ I tell us they had no idea such comfort ■ {h;s Cor3efc to fit them with every com- ....... 1 <-.. 1 . could possibly bo derived from these! . . forfc . an d give support just where it is .'.'•".. I ' ' 1 ' However, for anyone who wants a. very nefeded; thus doing away absolutely with -.. 1 jmsr 1 short corset that retains the waistline and the Abdominal Belt x wliich baa been such H jffisr - round hips, there is oven a model." a burden to wear in the past. One of the "":•! >■-;■•••;-• m I "Yea, but how short it is compared, to doc tors told me the other day that he had j ■ tn , 1 the others. Do many women want it been ]ooking for a Corset like this for k J&T BOWISo " 1 m T.Z , i" ~'".. years." . ' ■. I jssr -—„...,- i No; very rarely, and never if -I have ■" . , .. . • x- m 1 - 1 ' once fitted them with the longer models." This-concluded an intensely mterestmg . :,. | i Jti Mr . „ .*..*• , rf " I "And for what figure is this Corset?* conversation with Mrs. Porter, » a | I jrfW- Tho Greens are Just about right | "That is for the growing girl. ' For the darning personality,, an enthusiast m . . | for this pastime. | , «rl from 13 1c,15 I always insist upon her work, and always ready to freely. | The Keen Bowie* will be Interested jGjL ■• j the athletic corset- It permits the per- offer advice where needed. . ; :. 1 In OCr big shipment Of Bowls, due 1 ' feet development of ! bust, waist, and hips, Mrs. Porter, direct representative of ,: to arrive any clay. Only the best rM m»v >*flF r 1 allowing every freedom. Some girls are the Bon Ton and Royal Worcester Corset . . ■-. g &. English and Scotch makers will '1 ■'• ' • thrust into corsets before their figure is. Co.,' will be in attendance at Smith and., ::: l| be represented. Our advice— ' / P/fe%JT I ' allowed any chance of developing, and to Caughey's. Corset Department during the ■■■■■- t i MAKE YOUR ENQUIRIES EARLY. ' < I • me it is appalling. For very slight whole- of this week' for the purpose ,of .;;;:. g . '* ''-''• people there, arc tho slender models. demonstrating, fitting, and otherwiao -a**.-. -■ | J WISEMAN W ' \"\ 1 Their figures need great care, as the lines anting ladies in Corset matters. No r ; ..;■ "& c Ltd c _ a - | , ; l^X\ i have to be studied carefully, and brought extra charge is. made, for this service. ~ ' I V cr aons, L>ta. t & - -■- :,,? 17S Queen .^^"^s^y^t. »| M ■*'■ ■■.".■ -"" Ktsos«:' : 1. wnaimßainrnwßW ' | ■■■■■'' 'JE!LLi!!g- ' " [ „ • _ "*" — ;I. "' , , Batter. _____ , - "' ,'- ■■ I-urnlshmg Goods. . . . — — ■: — —: —-......• . : _ffiffi©®©ffi6B©©ffi©iKßSß9&«®©*ffi®ffi®siSi® WM 7 ¥ TVT ¥_? Jplf T ¥^T'^'%/' S THE FAMOUS | U I M dllli IT KJ 1 H ■fj w . '.•.»•■-'■■■■ ''■•.'■■■.■. : : .1 ■'•.■■ : I GRANITE INLAID LINOLEUMS || " WATTHWODDS' 1 -4 'In all Colours. | ** %*>& &" V W _ © ■■■.'© IN THE PRODUCTION OF OUR , 1 3l£L per sq. yard, less 5% | WADinPAMOIIS ■p,- . «5/4 Nett. | _ ' '_ "_. v ..-"•■■■■■ il Andrews & Clark, | ■13 VJ I .■ I"- -w r\»,. -: : 2 » cci 15 / §? F-«— ——" ci__i_pßigcwpa»oßwanaaamw— — —■— ■» M ~~~~~~~ hn • j I Furnishing Specialists, § y^l>E47 s v UUn \ V^^^^ -^. ( I QUEEN STREET © QOAHmC / flt2SD'• \ Ji@B&®aSS©affi©*©e3©ffi©BßSßßffiffi©©©ffiß3Bßßßffißßaißßßßffiffiffi®ffi_i_ /£>/ 11 MIII If \WM fl 'U""' p ■*■'■>'■■ '■■■■'■'■'■■'';■ j JUST LANDED <tmuW M \ 111011 l 1 COSVIMAND A ( R j4 I ! | A^fcfl I WORLD'S ' ! 3 C7IRPETS RUGS '1 ■ I ' " -WORLD'S -'^^ ~. g llif g: ejp^e_B_ejß_e_t__BMeee-e«e~^^ 1 J BROVWIV&'sONS 1 NEW ZEALAND DAIRY ASSOCIATION,; Wholesale Depot, Wei lesley Street. tauommaeßaasmaam wsaogma SSSSSSSSSSSSJSB : „ , PIANOS. XXJ deposit. , — Blue - : ~ — * ' 8 8 /-j j \J 23, HIGH ST. j " " ' ——— PIANOS 5/ Vs wolJst * "■ - ' ' _____-_™___ '' »..„». —.. of S A t^tS T '" 1517'HITK IS KIXU OF SEWING MiCHIXeS. « \\ \ 111 P™3T SJ*vSSt!?J 1 PIANOS gfl, HIGH ST, QUEEN IS QUEEN OF SEWIXQ MACHINES ■£¥ *' \\ 1.1 .. — fK Vr\ 1 I PIANOS N 9 D^2 s if; t ee^les ™•• £5 15 s s 0° 2 *' u will keep 1 PIANOQ io/-aw£ekT ' The. Guarantee: Made by tlie White Sewing I A^ v v>sv M ttlClTl Wllllf»€?« WfrWH I S3* Hi<3H &T. The. Guarantee: Made by the White Sewing . 1/ V «V'\ tHeiH WHjH.©* 1 » UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMIKG* wo"id n over?' artß and MM^ c *. obt^ nabletlla ■11 L |\)|i a\ l^y^^-^'l^si^f^^ j ! uivutninnjiiu nnu binuflLiTiiHia SHOWROOM, 287, QUEEN-STREET. |\ \P»_ \\'JMfS F \ K M 1 ' ill■ ■• i Katraated to us is performed with r de- I'emmbulator llanufacturingr Works, |1 Wm*. 'VSK*// fA \ -fill ' SSfe -' -Kl 'HH 'K I IHE~SSsJIII H 'loium and economy. Our Mclvo- 26. 26i WAKEFIKLD-STRfiET. £ A /In \ KH >W -mm B «^^^^Wffl fi ISUsrnal Process of Embalming last- Ko. 287, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. N.Z. | ffflf! ////\s\ ' 11 "©Si Kfl® ill 9 g ingly preservedTYitaoutdisflguremont. Phono 2378. S WK&I '///A \ B*S i— vl BPI I —-fIAfSMSJ IT E C l¥flß AMT Qfl&IO Price Lists of Sewing Machines and Peram- 3 Tffiv®? IM/M / wl ft , '111 ■ B 1 'ilillfll Ww 'J I j^^^K^l Mi U< SvS SffUrl «f3LS Oui35 s bulators Post I"ree. a M/MmM 1 K ™* V£& m issfflHasss^j Q 1% KARAKGAHAPE EOAD. AUOKLAMD. 1 WmmMk Wli'TVZr 1 H jjfflll ' ''H_. • ' WmL B Teleplione. 63S^, I T/C7" [A rpHOiIPbON AND r*jO.. " •''*~>" , t

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15124, 15 October 1912, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15124, 15 October 1912, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15124, 15 October 1912, Page 11