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market, review.

business BATHER QUIET.

merchants report very littlo change VI V - „ tie past few days, and business Ur Ser quiet. The Island i 0 "* took away S ■ fair amount of merchandise, and those - a chants who cafor for this trado kepi, i ll1 ® busT for a little while. Reassuring : ; V °orta are coming to hand from' country - Storekeeper?, and now that tho "worst of the S inter is over they aro placing orders a little w re readily. Soft goods houses report business as go°d, and all now season's goods aro ~ #D «■ receiving a fair amount of attention. ' Hardware houses aro kept going steadily, , n d will ho so for some considerable time, as there is every indication of building operations continuing extensive. Produco mor•hanta will bo busv with American produce fining to hand this week, although tho inolemon't weather has interfered with any uantitr of local 'business coming to hand. ' q Canary .'Sood: Advices aro just to hand reporting a. strong market, and owing to unfavourable markot conditions high pricos ' are likely to bo maintained. Cottonseed Oil: Sinoo our last advice 'hero has boen„a further advance. Stocks on Xiand are I°"'- . Dates are now ruling at high priccs for ' spread shipment throughout next year, and there is very littlo possibility of a decline faking place, a3 stocks aro troll held in Jjondon. ■ Desiccated Cocoamit: Supplies aro efcill . Ter _ scarce, and until orops aro heavier wo see, no chance of reducod rates. Koplenish- . ■ •ing shipments are awaited. / Castor oil is now ruling on a fair basis for tho ncxfc direct soiling in Novembor, and wo ? : 'hinfc buyers would do well to cover their ' requirements. ' Cream of Tartar: Stooks on hand are • sufficient rneantimo to meet demand, but we anticipate that considerably lughor prices V : trill be niling within tho next two months. Kapok: Shipments just to hand havo mot : ; with ready sale, and fair business has been * put through for new season's contracts. . rrires are moro likely to advanco than sif; decline. •/ . Potatoes: The Mokoia brings a email shipment from tho South. There is_ very_ little change to report. Importing business in tho South still continues. Stocks in Auckland 'are running down. Tho demand for both ' H>ed and table was very brisk during the i: ' week. Tho prico is £10 ss. ,Onions: - Tho market is ill very bare. . • The Aorangi from San Francisco arrived in Wellington yesterday. The Haupiri his been reserved to" bring up the Auckland portion of her cargo. These onions are badly wanted, . .'and will arrive to ft very good market. A '?*; portion of the Aorangi'e cargo that was to reme on to Auckland has been sold to go to Cy Australia direct from Wellington. Tho iS'fquotation for spot onions is £22, and to : 'S arrive £20. ■■■'.'"..Oats: Tho market in the South has main* tained tho advance. The quantity available i t there is extremely small, and oats are very .V Lard to obtain. Farmers aro now busy with '.v their -spring operations, and will not entertain threshing for somo weeks yet, so that civ tho scarcity is likely to continue for some time.' Auckland stocks are not at all heavy; in fact, barely equal to demand. Prico 2s lid.' - '>S Chaff is still plentiful, although fitoro stocks lav© been very much reduced. There is a v good demand for both local and Southern. «V The prices aro £5 5s for local and £5 15s Ofor Southern. : Fowl Wheat: Only fair stocks are now held. The market is very firm as thoro is >'?a brisk demand at _4s 6d, ex store. Maize: Tho arrivals from the coast are -not excessive. Tho ex-store tirico remains (# 43 lOd. _ jS Bran is quoted at £5, with a firming tenr ilency. Fair stocks are held. Pollard is in good supply, and is moving (Mijiff fre«ly at £6 ss. iiv!.Flour: Quotations remain firm at £9 15s f.o.b. for Southern,, and £11 for local. Fungus: There is only a small quantity •• coming forward. Dry lots are realising 4d. Flax: Deliveries have not increased to any great extent, but there is every probability \~K "of' their doing so : shortly. Tho London 'market has undergone no ohange sinco our last report. Tho feeling is not quite so firm. Local "quotations aro £23 10s for • g.f.a.q., £22 for f.a.q., and £20 10s for comfi: mon. / r;';': Tow: Local manufactures _ are readily absorbing all consignments arriving to this market. ' ■ - |Sr4 Indian Tea: , Our Calcutta correspondent yMreports:—There was a decidedly better demand in sale No. 10, when 27,900 packages - came on offer.' Common leaf received moro '■ attention where cup quality ehowod improvement and less stalk was apparent, and better '. N; prices were obtainable. There was not much ;-'s attention in • the general charaoter of the offerings, but Cachar and Sylhefc teas shewed •ft some improvement. All markets appeared 9-; interested, and Bombay buyers were paying ■; high prices for all teas with "tip" suitable • for their market. Russia again bought V> freely. Dusts were the only grade easier to bur. - ' KAURI GUM MARKET. The arrivals for the 11 days of September ''■ are 216 tons, showing an increase of 1\ tons over the arrivals for tho samo period of gj:August. The market still keeps very strong. The demand for superior ordinary is un;:i% satisfied, and good prices are realised. Tho arrivals of this quality aro extremely light. ; Other grades of white gum are also in good request, but thero does not eoem to bo tho gamo desire to operate in tho dark grades. Palo select is still selling. Ordinary: Really good rescraped can bo C; easily disposed of, and inferior parceLs are also' selling well. Sorted superior three-quarter-scraped ordinary moves off on arrirval. and unsorted superior ordinary is readily sold. The demand for medium ordinary and extra well-cleaned washed nuts is brisk. X Coated nuts aro also selling. Good swamp /.with Heart in it, medium swamp and poor white swamp in dry condition are not so ft easily quitted. ' NBast Coast: Buyers are operating on any . . good lots free from bush garbs as they Come ' forward, but will not touch inferior parcels. ; . Black: Good rescrapcd and bold lumps / thoroughly sound and well-cleaned are in ; / request, but there is only a small demand ' for sorted three-quarter-scraped steel, and ■ . unsorted black 3 are very difficult to pell. Medium black and hard black nuts nro meet- ;

ing with a fair amount of attention, and thoro are occasional buyers of poor 'black - nuts mixed with white swampy nuts. ■Bush: Tho principal grades that, are •wanted aro rescrapod pale and bold, and bold ; bled of good colour. ; Chips and Dust: All kinds of chins and ■' aro selling freely, but earthy lota of diners' ordinary chips and dust and black -ricfdlings containing fern root,, etc., havo to be sold at a low cost.

THE LONDON MARKETS. V / By Telegraph.— Association—Copyright. LONDON, September 11. , ' • 'At tho tallow gales to-day 248-3 casks were offered and 2339 were Bold. ; ' Mutton': Fine. 383 6d; medium, 34s 6d. , lleef: Tine, 335; medium, 33s 6d. - HIGH COM MI SSI advice. Iby TELEGEAPH.rHESS ASSOCIATION*.] Wellington, Thursday. Following is '-' 10 High Commissioner's cable, dated London, September 11 (quotas 'iv> n ?' unless otherwise specified, are average market prices on tho spot,): — KfifiS. Market quiet. but firm. Expect better prices next week. Per 120—Home, lis 6d to us; Italian, 10s to Us 3d; French, lis 6J V to 13s; Australian, 9s to 9? 6d; Russian, i « M to 9h 3d; Dutch, lis 9d to 12s; Banish, 10s 3d to Us; Irish, 3ls to lis 6d; ■Hungarian. 7s 9d to 9s Gil. roi:t/n:v. :■/ >~^ > 'i a i.^ nothing but Homo supplies -'" available. Chickens, Home. 9d to lOd; cluck- .. lln g' ' Home, 7£d to BR _; _ , RACO.V. -Market steady, fair business doing.' Irish, few! to ,§° s; Danish, 64s to 755; Swedish. Z oln ' Russian, 56s to 68s; Canadian, t»s to 72J. 1 BAMS. Market quiet, but steady. Irish. £6s to ill ' ' English, 90s to 104s; Canadian, 665 to 725; American, 60s to 665. if- Messrs. Dalg.ity and Company, Limited, 111;,!,-;' "I rcc J s1 P t ' of the following cable from tfe-tj , f "° n don •°'^ lco under date 11th inst: — ~ 'v , ~'r Quiet but wo expect, an improvc- ;?• - • J before tho now season's riiipments Mnvo. Finest is likely to be scarce.

PROPERTY SALES. „M e ? SR ' Alfred Auckland and Sons will sen by auction at. the Hayinarket to-day at. subdivision of Maxwell's property, <. 111 l.' f ekohe township, and comIs nsections; small dairy property of nt 77' 1 C c? a lokono; a suburban property AKff ; Summer-street. Ponsonby, containing: f, ? ft yy 100 f t" together with a dwelling cf Pft ancl conronionces ; 1355 acres, three miles from Pokeno railway ! . ani * ?, 51 acres at. Whangaratm situated two miles from tho railway station. CAMBRIDGE HORSE FAIR. [BY TELEGRAPH. OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Cambridge, Thursday. Tho Farmers' Auctioneering Company's annual horse fair is now in progress, and has proved eminently successful. Over 1000 horses are to como wider tho hammer. Excellent prices havo been realised for those already sold. £50 being the top prico reached. Buyers are present from all parts of tho Dominion.AUSTRALIAN PRODUCE MARKETS. By Telegraph. Association.—Copyright (Received September 12, 9.45 p.m.) SYDNEY, Sept-ember 12. Wheat, 4s 4Jd to 4s 5Jd. Flour: City, £10; country, £9 17s 6d. Bran, ,£6; pollard. .16. Oats: Algerian, feoding, 3s 6d to 3s 9d; rveiv Zealand, whites, 3s 4d; giants, 3s sd. ■P a V? 3 "' Victorian, 5s 3d to 5s 6d. Maize, • 4s 7d to 4a 9d. Potatoes: Tasmanian, £14; .New Zealand. £10 10s to £11. Onions: \ lc.torian, £20; Japanese. £19. Butter: Selected, 120s; prime, 1123. Cheese, Bid; bacon, 9d. ADELAIDE, September 12. „^7i oat ' 43 * cl to "3 3id; flour, £9 Bs to £9 10s; bran, Is 2jd; pollard. Is 3id; oats, 3s 3d. Melbourne, September 12. j Hides: Best lots are firm. Kips and illconditioned are easier. HIDES, SKINS AND TALLOW. Messrs. G. W. Dinney and Sons report as follows :— 1 On Tuesday wo offered and cleared extra largo catalogues of hides, skins, and tallow under brisk competition. Hides; Market firm, with brisk competition. Extra stout •or 7'd to Bid, J'° ut 7d to 7Jd, medium 6Jd to &£<!, light oad to 6Jd; cows', extra good 6id to 6jjd, Rood Pid to 6jd, seconds Sjd to 6d, stßgs' 4id to EJtl; kips, 5Jd to 61d; yearlings, sid to 61 d', calfskin*, best Sid to 9id, good 7d to 7£il, meaty 6d to 6Jd; cut »nd damaged hides, 5Ad to 4Jd per ;b. Skins: Market firm, with keen competition. Butchers' picked skins, 6s 4d to 7s 3d; large, Gs 4d to 6s ; medium, 4s 6d to 4s lOd; small, 3s 9d to •is 3d; lamb pelts, 2a to 2s 6d; country, best skins 4s 9d to 5s M, medium 4s 3d to 4s 6d, small 3s to 31 6i; lamb pelts, Is 6d to Is 9d: dry skins, largo double fleeces, 7» to 8s 3d, good 4s 3d to 5s 9d, medium 3s 3d to 4s, small 2s to, 3s, best pelts Is 6d to 2». small Is to Is 3d; best lambskins Is 6d to 2s, small Is to Is 3d; lamb pelts, 9d to Is each Tallow: Market Arm. Rest mixed, in shipment casks, 27a 6d to 2Ss 6d; jrocd, 23s to 25s 6d; medium, 20s to 22s 6d; inferior, 18s to 193 6d per cwt. Rough fat, ljd to IJd per lb. Oowtailg. Is 8d per dozen. Bones: Good dry, £4 17s 6d to £5 per ton. Wool: Fleece, 6id to mixed, Sid to 6d; crutchings, 4id to 51d; extradean, sid to 5Jd per lb.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15097, 13 September 1912, Page 5

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15097, 13 September 1912, Page 5

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15097, 13 September 1912, Page 5