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:; metals and wheat. ; „ TckJf3P h.-rrcsa Association. Copyright, ' ' (Receive September 11. 113 &m.) ' London, September 11. ' , coffer. 0, spot, £78 lis 3d; »<■ three months, Ojj Spot, iu ' uu > « ,95s ' Ca;ll| £220 10s; at three months, £221. ' LEAD. - On spot; £25 5 in three mouths '- £25 10s. ' . WHEAT. r - TVo Australian cargoes sold at 39s 6d. 1 .w -U inactive, nominally unTl'° mai c Liverpool futures, October, 0l|d; December, 88^d.


AUCKLAND. Bucklaud and Sons report: Messrs. -f, '' nr , r i ; et on Friday last rather At tlio Haj average number of horses.were less than tho h ' from hacks, yarded. Ased Worses an d good hacks, to £» ICS harness sorts, £9 5s gi# Ponies and ordinary hacks. £«> 105-to'fl 1 ss. . A[ount 3>oskill we held a On Saturdaj . - Boyds's dairy stock, clearance ot -J ' • aUenda nco of buyers, and clearance s.uo ° attendance from pous'.as. Bayer. Rnd a satisfactory . surroundin„ d - j n milk realised - ale to £17 15s; springers, close up, riftf i? fiiui ajed-and i»l„ • waggon horses, £37 to -Jersey bull. waggon. £23; £',v. £27;, £14 15s. The toptemenS fSrniturc. and sundries sold. :l Ar\''|s]orr°n 3rd t^» B efdo I r%^eo P Tn e d B satisfactory to steer 3 in forward condition ; a-naii;y eaiM -v £8 r two to 2i-year-old, £4 V 0 fol to U £5 l7s' Wmonth to two-year-old, 17s 6d to « I'|». vearlincs. £2 2s to £o» if. Jearlin? to 18-montli lienors, p las 10 fo f : £MBs 5 ' dairy cowfand heifers,' £3 13s S S £'according to quality and condi-

11 h' TTolcnsville on the 4th inst. there was g&w&V|sf£ ; vMarlins to 18-month steers, £j to £•? Is. Mkcs £1 IS# to £2 10s, small and weedy Vif W°ainku s on Thursday, September 5, we lield a clearance gale on behalf of Mr. \\. Si Hock in. There was a very large attenda nee and a most successful sale resulted. v-'Tho cows, which were grade cows, brought • from £16 10s to £23; yearling Jersey bcifeis. •: « 103 to £3 10s; heifer calves, £4 to £5. farm mares. £30 to £42 ss; medium draught, : foals £15 to £19 103: buggy pony, .£l9; stud Lincoln ewes, with lambs 1* guineas to 3 guineas; ewe hoggets, £1 12s 6d, ram • hosxtis, £2 4s each; Shropshire ewes, £1 43 'fid. A largo number of implements, also furniture and sundries sold at full values. '* We held our monthly sale m the aiuKu 'Tards on- Saturday. September 7, ana disrobed a full yarding of stock to ready buyer; Dairy cows, £9 to £11 10s for best others £5 10s to £8 10s; empty cows, a,3 to '£4 Ss: fat cows, £5 10s to £.3 10s; 2J to : throe-vear-old steers. £5 12s 6d to £5 17a 6d; :• 13-month to two-year-old, £4 to £o ss; 3car- : lings, to £3 2s; yearling heifers, £4 to £5 ,ss; calves. £1 15s to £2 9s; small porkers. £1 15s; weaners, 14s to 16s each; potatoes, •vis to os 6d bag. ~ ,•••.. . On Wednesday. September 11, at oui weekly Westfield fat stock market our beef pens contained 285 head, and all of nice yfquality;: There wag an improved .demand. "and mines advanced from. '15s to £1 per head; choice ox sold to £1 12s. prime £1 83 -to £1 103 per 1001b; cows and heifers, £1 ■to il 6s per 1001b; steers ranged m price from £8 -to £15 ss: cows and heifers, £o 5s to £9 17s 6d: 16 choice quality steers, from -Jfr.'E. V. Beer's. Bruntvood. averaged £14 '■/U id. There was a full supply of fat and "" voniifa calves, "which sold steadily at late • rates. No heavy calves offered: choice ■'suckers £2 105 to £3 os., lighter £1 15s to £2 B=, light £1 5s to £1 13s. small and fre3h • ■dropped 3s to £1 2s (76 sold). Sheep penned .in scarcely average numbers. There was ■ steady demand, with values on the upward tendency. Extra heavy wether 3 £1 73 to £1 8s 9d, heavy £1 4s 6d to £1 6s Bd, medium to heavy £1 0s fid to £1 4s, unfinished 13s 6d " to : £1; best ewes £1 to £1 Is 6d, others '15s to 19s (1351 sold); spring lambs 19s to. £1 4s 3d, small 12s to 153 (27 sold). There . iras an extra large entry of pigs, all classes being represented. Choice baconers and ; porkers maintained late rates; other de- ' scriptions were slightly easier. Choppers, £4 5a to £4 13s; large baconeza £3 15s to £4 3s, lighter £3 3s to £3 13s: large porkers £2 £3 to £3. smaller £1 14s to £2 6; slips, '195 to £1 7s: wenners. 13s to 18?; suckers, S3 Ed to. lls-6d (252 sold).

New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co.. Limited and deduced, report:— . At West-field yards 011 Thursday last we i leld ; our : usual weekly sale of store and dairy stock. There was a. pood yarding . and prices were the same as late - quotarturns. Best dairy cows, close to profit, sold at from £8 10s to £11 153; other, £6 to : £7.12s 6d; heifers, £5 to £8 103; empty cows, i2 lbs to £4 14s; calves, £1 10s to £2 6s. . ' At Albert yards on Friday horses cam© 'forward in largo numbers, and sold under keen competition. Heavy draught sold at from £31 to £42 10s; medium ditto, £22 to £53; liglrt harness horses, £12 10s to £20; liacia, £8 10s to £15; ponies, £2 10s to £8. The advertised horses from Feilding and Uisborne sold at from £16 to £41. . At I'apakura on Saturday wo held a special horso sale, when not quite the advertised number came forward. Competi-tion-was keen, and almost everything changed bands. No heavy draught yarded. -Slodinm draught sold at from £21 to £33; ; light van horses, £18 to £25; hacks, £8 to £16; light harness, £}1 to £20; cobs, £8 to £27; ponies, £2 10s to £5. ■>'•'•'At Pukekobe on, Monday we held a special dairy sale, when the advertised numbers came forward, and we report a most successful sale. Cows, close to profit, of good quality, sold at from £9 5s to £12 103; otWs. £4 153 to £3 17s 6d;. heifers close to profit, £7- 10:; to £11 10s; others, £4 to £5 ,103: aged and inferior sorts. £2 10s to £4. Bulls, £4 ios to £9 15s. . At Pnkokobe on Tuesday, the yards were completely crammed, and competition was extra keen, everything selling at late rates. drown steers sold at from £7 103 to £8 5 ; : two to three-voar-old steers, £5 os to £6 15s: yearling to 13-month, £3 10s to £4 15s; good steer calves, £1 15s to £2 15s; others, £1 to £1 IDs; empty cows. £3 103 to £4 17s 6d. I'ciiers, suitable for dairy v>urpose3. sold at from a lOg to £4 16s; bulls. £2 10s to £6 10s. Beef- 95 yarded, sold at "Westfleld rates. ■- At e3t Held Yards on Wednesday, fat cattle were yarded in average numbers, and advanced in prices from 12s. 6d to £1 a Bead, best oxen selling to 31s 6d, others c' 3 10 295;. cows and heifers, 25s to 28s. «eer3 sold at , from £9 73 6d to £15 10s; cows and heifers. £5 15s to £12 ss. Calves were yarded in full numbers and sold late rates. Heavy vealers sold at from fat ?• I°. ls : medium sorts, 25s to £2 J~* "Bhter, 15s to 20s; smaller and fresh I-?,,?! 1 JS to 50s - f?beep were yarded in vera numbers and advanced from 2.9 «nw 3 p , er r head on late rates. Host wethers o'bor. a o/ rm ZJ t0 52s for ' 'stra prime; • ers, 20s to 265; inferior fatted. 17s 6d to H« :^ JlC '/, ewes - 208 to £1 3s 6tl; ,others. W. „ 6,i; spring lambs, 18s to 22s for nest quality; others, 12s 6d to 15a. Viz* wpli j 't, e<l m I,slial numbers, and. sold ICS l aconc "- cxtra ,!irsc . £3 15s to £5 $ baconcrs. £2 153 to £3 83 ; ,3 '™ porkers, sHm. 1. rV„ workers, £1 10s to £1 18s; Slips. *1 to £1 3s; weaners, 13s to 15s.

Ravine i,Di i 5 = v nnd Co - f ' td - report Wat Sr ?i"' a! weekly fat stock 11, as' under ° n Vl ' ednesday, September bipher~tVn moc ! el ? te - vfll 'dir:g. Prices were Pritno ~l Ti I week. Choice pens of -dinarv nUr, nt 303 t0 353 » c r iOOlb: orCOW 'm i '•/ °?' nt 273 to 28:3 per 1001 to Ms "ooff. beCf £ ° M at <;cUal to 26a lata ea ™7« -V'"'" yarding, which sold at to V?- .Heavy runners sold at £4 10s Si to 25'' 0,10100 KUckels > 353 to 555; others, J > rices to^p7Tll , was , an average yOvJimr. Heaw ivJVi e higher than last quotas,ion. weight ;!!i Ul '! dc 24 - 29 '- 9,1; medium3t] to 23d i ' lS to 235; heavy ewes, 18s lo'l™^r A eman yardintr. lionets made Port Ks . : spring lamb. 18* to 21s. a laiv'n J? average yarding of pork, and Pork Lu^ c r ° r stores were yarded. Mtn M m it? rates, fetching equal to t.i to 7d per lb; stores, If J3 to 25a.

v ADDINGTON. [by telegraph.—press association'.] 1 CIiKiSTCHUTvCH, Wednesday. fai t lv h ,L Ad(lint . oll stock sales there were yardiiiln r erit ries of fat stock, but small khll L . res . The attendance was showed V. i° c average. Fat cattle ocenp,i „,° i'?=, c ' Tbo fat sheep market fain nm™i • >0 t 1 a st week's rates, but the \vem wlVi irregular, and prices generally suriniv i 1 ? r i.' Store sheep were in short somelvi,„. n brought late rates. Pigs were in rnrJt i easler Storo cattle were again °f dairy eov?^" d " as vCl ' t^lo better class touch v' a , r(iin;? , of store sheep was small, v below that of the previous week,

tJ! ?i S a con Pl e of pens of wethers and fm?». °' three pens of ewes. One lino of ail ( L six: , tooth sheep was especially , ho balance wero hoggets of r«Ji5 c ' ass >, with a couple of lines of ntfi~.? WO3 aiu hoggets. There was a good I iSSI i?™ 1 with the market- unchanged, 1 being at the previous week's ! !„„??• ~ Quotations: Wethers, small two- ' if,! ? A os 11 d i four-tooths, 18s 9il to 19s 3d, rioin,i I' l ' ® being for a good line of naiioreds and merinos; wethers, 14s 4d: i; J.' „r ll ' ancl Bix tooth, exceedingly good line, "ss, two-tooth 20s 2d, low-conditioned Jour-tooths, _ 14s lOd: aged sorts, lis 11(1: Jloggets, fair lots made 17s to 19s Id for exceedingly good pen, small inferior sorts if'< Poor! wether hoggets 153 6d to 16a Id, Others 13s 3d to 14s 9d, and a few pool' culls at 7s 10d:. The yarding of fat sheep was about equal to last week's in numbers, and comprised chiefly medium-weight sheep, but IP® 1 ' 0 were more heavy-weight wethers than during the two previous sales, but a good many lines of light and unfinished sorts and several lines of merino wethers were also offered. The market opened at about last week's rates, but bidding was not very free, and prices later on were about Is per head below last week's, graziers taking a less number. Range of prices: Extra prime wethers to 35s 6d, prime 20s to 255, others 16s 3d to 19s 9d; prime ewes 17s to 23s 6(1, others 14a to 16s od; hoggets 17s 8d to 19s 4d; prime merino wethers, 16s 6d to 21s 6d, others 12s 4d to 16s. A few new. season's fat lambs made 19s Cd to 25s 6(1. The entry of fat cattle totalled 269, compared with 159 the previous week, and 235 on August 28. Generally, the quality was good. The first lots offered were on the light side, but later, when heavier cattle wero readied, there was an improvement in th& demand, and prices showed no change from the previous week, tho price of beef running from 25s to 37a par 1001b, accordins to quality. Steers realised from £7 7s 6d to £11 15s, extra making to £19 ss; heifers £6 10s to £0 17s 6d, extra to £11 15s; cows £6 12s 6(1 to £10, extra to £13 15s. Of the total entry, 74 head wore sold at £12 upwards. The yarding of store cattle was medium, the majority being of very indifferent class. For the hotter class there was keen demand, and a good clearance was made. Yearlings realised 325; iifteen to eighteen months sorts, £3 to £3 lis; twoyear steers, £5 15s; two-year heifers, £4 9= 6d; three-year heifers, £5 2s 6(1 to £5 7s 6d; cows, 30s to £4 15s. Dairy cows sold at from £4 10s to £8 9s. extra £13 17s 6d. The yarding of fat pigs was medium, and the quality uniformly good, few unfinished pigs being penned. The market was slightly irregular, and on the whole prices were a shade easier compared with the previous week. Choppers realised £3 to £5 8s 6d; heavy bnconers. 65s to 72s 6(1: lighter sorts, 55s to 60s, these prices being equivalent to sid per lb. Heavy porkers made 43s to 50s, and lighter sorts 35s to 40s, equal to sid to 6d per lb. There was a large entry of stores, but although the tone of the market was a shade easier, there was no quotable drop in values. Large stores realised 39s 6d to 44s 6d, medium 27s to 38s, small sorts 18s to 265. \Yeaner? made 12s to 18s 6d, extra to 20s. BURNSIDE. Tut TFLKGRAPJT. —rB-ESS ASSOCIATION".] ' Dukedix, Wednesday. At Eurnside to-day 160 fat cattle were yarded. The quality taken all round was fairly good. Bidding was not so brisk as of late, and prices were inclined to ease, especially towards the end of the sale, and a number were turned out unsold. A few very heavy cattle sold up to £19 /s 6d; best bullocks £12. to £14, extra heavy to £19 78 bd, medium to good £10 10s to £11 10s. light £8 10s to £9 10s; best cows and heifers £9 10g to £10 15s, extra to £12, medium to good £6 10s to £8. Regarding fat sheep, 2173 were penned, and the quality all round was medium, with very few pens of prime. Prices showed a drop of fully Is per head. Graziers operated freely, otherwise the drop would have been much greater* despite smaller yarding. Best wethers brought 21s to 245. extra heavy to 28s 6d, medium to good 19s to 20s 6d. light 17s Gd to 18s 6d; best owes 18s to 21s, extra to 27s 9d, medium to good 15s 6d to 17s. ' - . . , Owing to freezing works having closed down, there were practically no lambs forW pigs: Forty-three fat pigs and about 30 stores were penned. There was a good demand all round, and prices were about the same as last sale.

PROPERTY SALES. I Messrs. A. Bnckland and Sons, the Hay- ' market, report having. sold Air. J. A. ! Allbrecht's farm at Waiuku East, comprising 482 acres, at £9 per acre; on. account of Messrs. Barters and Phillips, Wichmore homestead, Pukekohe, 14 acres, £2750; on account of Mr. 11. F. Cooper, his ! property of 113 acres - , situated at Last 'Pamaki, at £1000. MARKET REPORTS. A Tlis'New Zealand-Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited and Seduced, reso«.asbS.rsi sold average catalogues of hides, skins, and tallow, on Tuesday, competition being keen a_t late ratci 3 FTtra Hides Market firm. • Wo quote.-Exti a stout ox, ■ 74d to 8d; stout do., a d-to /id; medium do., C3d to 6ijd; light do., 6Jd to 6Jd; cow, best lines, 6Jd ito '>S°od, 6id to ; inferior, s&d to fe a d; kips, 6Jd '« 6id, calfskins, best, to 9id; good. 7*d to BJd, cut and damaged. 4Jd to ojd. Sheepskins: Market firm. Best butchers •skin-* lame, to 8s 9d; good lines, bs 3d to 7a 2d; medium, 5s to 5s 8d; small,. 3S 6d to 43 3d.' Country dry and coolly skins, largo to 8s; medium, 4s 6d to 5s 9d; small. Is 6d t0 Tallow; Market firm. Best mixed, to 283; good 25s 6d to 26s 6d; medium, 22s 6d to 23s 9d; rough fat, lid to 2d per lb. Bones, £5. Cowtails, Is 8d doz. IlorsellaWooL in bagSf'and dumps: Coarse crossbred. to, 7Jd; crutchmgs, 4Jd to sjd, locks and pieces, 2Jd to sd; dead wool. 4*d to Oats": In good demand. Sales firm at 2s lOd to 2s lid, ex store. Wheat: Sales firm at 4s 7d, ' : , store. Bran: Market easy. Sales £5, ex store, pollard: Sales steady at £6 5s ex store. Chaff: Market steady at la to rates, quality commanding fair rates for local. . Southern, in good demand at last week b pnees. Butter: ' Choice. Hid; first grade, 10.d to lid; second grade, 10id; poorer grades for milling, lOd. Good demand for all grades. Fungus: Sales steady at 4Jd.

Messrs. Balgety and Co., Ltd.. report having held their usual weekly sale of hides, skins, tallow, etc., on Tuesday, September 10 when a. large catalogue was cleared. Hides: Market firm, with upward tendency. Butchers' hides, well flayed and conditioned extra stout ox to 84d; stout 71d to 8d; medium, 7d to 7Jd; light, 6jd to 6M- cow, well flayed and conditioned, to eld; wot, 6d to 6Jd; dirty, scored, or sloppy, Sd 'to 53d; damaged and cut, 4jd to bid; stags' 4d to sgd; kip, 5Jd to 6Jd; chaff, best, to 9Jid"; Rood, 7d to Bid; cut, damaged, and meaty, 5d to 6Jd. Sheepskins: Market firm. Dry woolly skins, extra large, 6s 6d to 7h; medium, 3s to ss; small, Is 6d to 2s 6d; torn pelts, weevil eaten and weather stained, at lower rates; salted skins, largo, 5s 6a_ to 7s 6d; medium. 3s 6d to ss; small. 2s to 3s. Tallow; Market firm at late rates. Best, in shipment casks, to 27s 6d; in 4cwt, casks, 25? to 26s 6d; inferior, 20s to 24s 6d; tins, 18s to 265. according to quality. Rough fat. lid to 2d. * Cow tails. is Bcl per dozen. Horsehair: Tail, Is 6d to Is lOd per dozen; mixed. Is 3d to Is scl; mane, 9d to Is. liones: Good dry, £4 17s 6d to £5 per ton.

Messrs. [Alfred Bnckland and Sons report: Hides: Ox, to 6gd to 7Jd: cow. 53d to 6ld; calf. 6|jd to 9(1; kip, sid to 6Jd; horse, 10s to 123. Tallow, 26s 6d. , , Horse hair, Is 5d- to Is 7id. Skins: Best butchers' fa 4d to 7s 6d. others 5s 4d to 6s; dry and country, largo 5s 2d to 6s, good 4s to 4s lOd, medium 3s 3d to 3s 9d; small and damaged, 3d to 2s lOd.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15096, 12 September 1912, Page 5

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15096, 12 September 1912, Page 5

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15096, 12 September 1912, Page 5