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. ■ ' ' Boots and Shoes. ■' ■' ••. . ''■ .\^;'y\-: '^-^^K^'^^iiiM A Special. line in our Sale this week is a Glace Derby Lace Boot in TAN and BLACK, a boot we can recommend-smart and comfortable • ■\' ' SAJLJS: PRICE 12/8 Tan" l^L?J 0 . 6 . S rt Sa i a I ?. es - A" 11 ., 9 / 1 l! 12/0.-and 14(9 Boys' Strong School Boots, Sizes 2to 5 ... „ Sale Price 9/9 "Goe D ?JgJ ■ «« SCh ° ol Shoes ' br ° ad toe,, low heels, ::: SaleiricefsWflO^ 8/9 ' 9/9 WE REPAIR ALL KINDS OF BOOTS. ; _____ . Dress and Fashion. ,■■.■': .:' ■-■;■.;;; I The Items mentioned below will serve to Illustrate the WONDERFUL VALUES I I being offered in all Departments during § _ Smith & Cawghey's Great Clearance I I j '5 , __/l_ J '__- - ■■■■';■ I SfP | I TDI J® I § wi ' ML4IL ORDERS 1 | Still Proc66dins[! ! it mart accompanifid with Cask i ' • .• •■ . %y ' Goods cannot be sent on. approval : M ' """ ' ■■—■ ■■!■■■ —pi milium ■■■■■ — * — during FAIR. || FOR MEN. :.} FOR LADIES. } Millinery, etc. | S MEN'S TENNIS SHIRTS, 2/11 each. } COTTON TORCHONS AND INSERTIONS, 6d, 9d, I LAD o 'l, S ' Ac ND AIDS» TRIMMED MILLINERY, 1 I . I 1/- dozen. I 2/11, 4/6, 5/11, 7/6, 9/11, 12/6, 15/9, to 27/6; '. m 1 MEN'S COLOURED NEGLIGE SHIRTS, soft I I VARIES' UNTRIMMED COLOURED STRAWS, 1 I cuffs, 2/11. I LINEN TORCHON LACES, 2sd, 3Jd,' 4W, and 5d I . ™, 1/-, 1/6, 2/6. M J I per yard., / " J STRAW AND LINEN READY-TO-WEARS, a M MB oI UREn ™ ,C SH,RTS ' stiff n«"?ft'« °" d 2/U *""' >»«»» CiAKtIuW M.4N.O.WA* hats, 2/6 .» I 3 ' ' . T 1/6 and 1/11 dozen. J each.- - ' &S I MEN'S FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS, 5/6. I 8.8. LINEN TORCHON AND REAL TORCHON J° H nSJP$'| STRAW GALATEA HATS ' boond » I-. I BOYS' FLANNELETTE SHIRTS, with or without I LACES ' *** RedUCed ' J ASS SSTI? c ' F L°^ ?S Bpray ' 3d ' 6d » 9d « V"' 1 I collars, 1/6. J BLACK CHANTILLY LACE, Bfd per yard. J TRAILS, 6d, 9d, 1/-, 2/6. | I MENS FLANNELETTE SHIRTS, with collars, t NET ? USINGS ' white only, B * d per yard, J QttlltS, etc. . I § 2/6 ' / _ SILK INSERTIONS, B|d to 1/11 per yard. 1 THE BALANCE OF ODDMENTS IN WHITE 1 a MEN'S TWEED CAPS, small sizes only, 9d. t WIDE-END TIES, Helio. only. 3 for 1/4. ' I QUILTS, TOWELS, SOILED APERY, AND i II _..„ , "I I BLANKETS, at Very Special Prices to clear. i I ODDMENTS IN MEN'S AND BOYS' WHITE I KNITTED TIES, 6d; MALTESE LACE TIES,! " > K^:^ I straw hats, 1/, J 2/6 each. ,| Gloves and Umbrellas. ■ 1 1 WIDE-END TIES, plain colours, 6d : SWASTIKA 1 QUAK ?' R COLLARS, 1/- each; BELTS, 3d and 6d j LADIES' KID GLOVES, in Light Shades, 1/1.1 per || I TIES, wide-ends, 1/-. I CaCn ' I ; pair. - - | I .eiMMc ,»««*« „*, t HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, 6 for 9d; v J'LENGTH FABRIC GLOVES, Assorted Colours, | I SAMPLE WOVEN UNDERWEAR, at Special? HEMSTITCHED AND DRAWN THREAD V 3 pair. I J Clearing * 6 for 1/6. T ODDMENTS IN UMBRELLAS, marked-cheap to B I HEMSTITCHED LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, I COLOURED BORDER MERCERISED HAND- 1 ° ' ***' I 1 3 for 8/..: .; HANDKERCHIEFS, { KERCHIEFS, 6 for 1/6. Art Needlework, etc ... 1 .". I BOYS- ATX-WOOL COLONIAL TWEED ♦ PD ??!SJif S ™ FANCY COLOURED TIES ' See the Special Tabb of TRACED GOODS IN i £ 'VARSITY'SUITS, well made all sizes 8/11' I I CUSHION COVERS, TRAY CLOTHS, RUN- I 1 and 9/1 L ' t BLACK NET VEILINGS, 9d yard; CHIFFON ,[ „Q1 A RA 1 H 7 VEILINGS, 3d yard. t FINE PERI LUSTA FLOSSbTTE, all Shades, 6d i ' H BOYS' LINEN WASHING 'VARSITY ST7ITS I ' " -dozen:— n' | I '411 S,U,Tb ' f READY-TO-WEAR MOTOR VEILS, in Green ' JAPANESE LACQUER PIN TRAYS, 2d each. h I' " 9/11. ' * BLACK NET VEILINGS, 9d yard; CHIFFON J COLOURED POSTCARDS, exact reproductions of, I f VEILINGS, 3d yard. f E*NE PERI LUSTA FLOSSETTE, all Shades, 6d M BOYS' LINEN WASHING 'VARSITY shits I " dozen: f« '4/H vakmiv S uiTs, A READY .TO.WEAR MOTOR VEILS, in Green ' JAPANESE LACQUER PIN TRAYS, 2d each. M ' ' I only, 1/6 each. J COLOURED POSTCARDS, exact reproductions of §3 m MEN'S " HYDROTITF " PAiNff>AT« v i.- t ' * old masters, 6d dozen. a 1 able Cut 39/6 aid 45/ KAINCOATS ' F«hion- 1 HEMSTITCHED CHIFFON VEILS, Ready-to- j BOOKS-A Special Table of Books at -HALF- I 1 a-We Cut, 39/6 and 45/-. ♦ wear, 1/- each. ♦ ; PRICE, superior bindings. .;. , .;.-,. M & CAUGHEY, LtdJ Business Notices. J " ■ ' ' -' • ' Furnishing Goods. HENRY HUGHES, l WHE n —■ ■ ~»■ m^m\J^^^' REGISTERED PATENT AQENT, I W" K ™ ET II 13 |\1 1 fj I lE)■ IT I w , E xiTAuuk«Bini I buying ' rUnIMI I Unt I TIABE MARKS £t I BS» ¥ B H y B H 0 B H M fona J B*«i»tmd aad ' '" '.', ' ',, —-— ■ -| oa teC« aar FACTORY PRICES IJp . ' . 'Advice to Inventors* '.'" '" 'mi '/"'I J/'V'" " "'.".'.'". .' ' ' , " ; ' : ' —■ ''<'"'' ; ' '"'"'" ; ''"""ir ,: " ;:^p-, -r""''' : I :■'.-;' |t free on application. nnv rffe, jini . /» |f% ifll I B rf% II Pi IJ% '" 4f* 1A tf% 9HI M. n Hnil% 'J' > V Clients adrtaed and a«tato4 D.S.C. & COUSINS & COUSINS. LTD. to disposing of their intentions il«§nl ID iw IHI IH E ITi IBW is\ ffw ißill I H ill 6% H H I H I •uckUtvi Office: Exchange Lane. Quoen St . W WM%* V ■ iIM W IL 1 I!Jb , ■E. BROOKE-SMITH. Mimbw.. ■ . ; . — — ... . „'., f— ■ — —— '.'/ ■■ i PIANOS 10 deposit. and£sowi Victoria Quadrant, wo^hww'oiub. I PIANOS "" 6/ * A WEEK,"" I MANUFACTURERS OF FURNITURE, CARRIAGES, TRAMS, MOTOR f I CARS, and ALL KINDS OF WOODWARfE. ■ E rIAIMUb 28. hiqhst:' I Phone 1666. W. J. COUSINS, General Manager. I PIAMAQ 6/- A WEEK. »——-«—■-— ■■« ■■■ „■„ ■■■■■ ■ ■■■■»■■■■■—■ —,„ ~ i, <M ,j r ssa, high sr, ; , .;, PIANOS **28, w/QH|r7' Business Notices. " Boots and Shoes. - Schnapps. PIANOS 7h a&MQHBT.. FURNITURE ■»»■—a—, ""__„." PIANOS N ie, removed |sPECIALforLAO!ES I (^S^!SSSSSS!SSI pfAMrvTTP a week. v lsrtUALra*LAUltd I (HONVVra ' PIANOS N P S gUKfgft 5 I pIAWQg NO DEPOSffI I OeS I •" w4MaM PlAiiSaOo »a. hiqh sr. m , u r 1 9 ~ OI ai I s ml"W^i ——— .\ HI ■ EXPERIENCED "HEX. ' " | 4 /|J o?ffeShoL R J TE lIIIIU Ii I I f ustoms. stbebt jJast.' 3 Corner Queon & Darby Streets. J j NEAE OOBNFiB-QUEEN-fiTBEBI?. ' | Also Endtan'a 6ulltiriiiis, Lowir Qjm» St., | ; |^^Mg»CTysCT^m^ IS king OP sewing machines. II "I SEA AND EIVER TACKLE iN AT " 1 J[J M HIIC I QUEEN IS QUEEN OF SEWING MACHINES f aTeyour SultorDressDr , cleanedlik6 ne w a. , VAEIEITY - » - I ill ,11 A¥¥ (J ' rpREADIfIS PBOii ... f»R -IRS AD PORTER'S DYE WORKS. . I . - „ I "*9.T? ***ftft MM ' * ffff H A „„ A „ A/3 10 U Office: Tabernacle Buildings, Kwangahnpe Rd. ) Cbwl^^ttMMP^ ■"• H v ' ,1" ' JJANDS '** .- £3 10 3 c D ' Phoa. 1741. a- | WlfKYfiMll I Tha Guarantee: Made by the White Sewing Mfim to* ' -*!■ M ' M -***~__*Ji 'i l '' of eatiafaotion dnriag their thirty-fire yeara* M 0 m™™ ira, li» fil % - * ■■ il!l!! 1 | lit »m -k-tf- sfcll'l Vinri#^j&9 existence.. Parte and Needles obtainable tha I ffl m~~ ■ K&&1§ "•"■'^^ai V l HJU IS <W* *l*liCflSfi Perambulator 287. QUEEN-STREET.' I fel fflfll . LM». ' g^h^xirtt^i^sinillßm Perambulator Manufacturincf Works. 1 1 El ffllolfi ISW3 ' 'v»™-~,' : . I ;; 'S©K^^'^' € *^ iS7 « . 26. 26. WAKEPIELD-STBEET. St 1 i 11111 M ill T> T?, VI TT 1 « H No. 287. QUEEN-HTItSIST. AUCJiLAND, N-a 1 Km Stan flB™M Bl 1@ : "■;■ r ' ';£"w - J - V J- 1 *»' m ffi^i^^s* * 15* rik f fi • ■■ -• 'Phone. 2278. ■' '•■ I fcw a» HaW aV ill gunmaker and IMPORTER. ■.■ 1 JSillinillloJnLil. | , i«1 Price Lißtii of Sewing Machines end Peram- -■ M- fm HP 1 ■••■ mII ■"■ li \- 236. QUEEN-SJTHEffiC, iAUiJKJUAJaX ifrH -./ , V .(i 'i~■ i M ! "'> > i Whulatwe Post Free. KbJsf OIF ™H ' Price list Free on AppUiatloa, L^«BB«BMWWli':''' , '" > '- ' A npHOMPSON . AKD rjO, . M H • ' Teleuaone. Jli». 323tt '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 14933, 5 March 1912, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 14933, 5 March 1912, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 14933, 5 March 1912, Page 11