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> . Cigarettes. ■■" '■■' i $4 y\ mi ■_ ■_ma ** « l "^L^ )<;a Virginia I w ' CIGARETTES fl" at the Races. JLjrsfa' Favourites on the race course 8 are ten disappointing, but 1 Cigarettes make them | §?§& l^ e never-failing 3 J^lHlfflr^^^^ avour * fceS among fc^e 6 *' te I AR ° ATH TOBACCO CO., I ' PnwniiMir innn-TniiHiiTiTiiMmiimiißMiimiiiii ■■ iiiiiiwbiiiibihc i ii—iwhiihiiii iiwwiiiMiiiii a iiiiipiiiinninwiim—n—■■■■wmiiiwmii ■ii'iihuii Bin — ■■■111 —J ' Watchmakers and Jewellers. PRISMATIC . |H j> ||f BINOCULARS. id Ml ife» S We have just opened up : l^liffflSf®-? ' 11$ I * large shipment of Binocu- Hi M « lars, selling at about half ffi lffi§|ifll $m Ij^^Bß^lk'i'-'j 1 | the usual price. Wo illus- ffl |gHjN R I tratc a splendid Glass of P^^ y^*^^ Pi $ the best French raanufac- MSSHI Mi fiiPHHH I ture, 8 -i- magnification, «^^^W^^^^^^^M^ ! l^' K '.v! I central bar wheel focussing i^*^^-' I adjustment for both eye?'. \-gY-' 1 Mtia&W&&r I .it the same time; the righf, 'JsMgr I I eye-piece also is separate)/ i adjustable for equalising the vision when one's eyes differ. These 1 Glasses are suitable for all kinds of use where a greater magnification, a more extended visible area, and absolute clearness and sharpness are required. \ Complete in nice Leather Case, with 2 Shoulder* Straps. Price £4/4/-. Others at £6, £81101-, £10/10/-, £11/10/-, £12/10/< Stewart pawson & Co. Queen and Durham Streets, /VUCKISnCI, I t ' » [ Merchandise. Medical. # •Analyst PROVES that PLASMON T,IE FAVO,,RITE fIH fßmmm B SUb? W&'sß WB Hi Of to-day and for many years past—tin __&2h USA ffiSSH-0h . best aperient, liver, and general corroc__T__ ii HHI fiSO» tive medicine, in fact—what you should II HI mm ml ■ certainly take now and then if you want to IS H iMS ffi fain ; '""' keep in condition-Is Beocham'B Pills. They vß&r HHB m SHIP give J" 011 a clean tongue and a clear head— ■ , * ir ™ ™ T? remove any touch of liverishneßs or " out •re Scotland's Best — ** Enormously of sorts" feeling which most men experience • ____ -J :- i~~A „.»... u„ JCTTTK! ' Rom time to time—stimulate appetite and increased in food value by the addition improve digestion. Those who have to of Plasmon, — Lancet. " knock about" will find Beecham's Pills a PORRIDGE IN Perfection convenient, ha ,', and efficacious medi- " minutes' boiling only < cine, which will always put them, right. at icuau. .. . aavii *A*mnv * ad correct any irregularities of stomach, JrLASraUW is used by the ROYAL FAMILI liver, kidneys, and bowels. The claims of «. _ " ,_- -—-—; — ... ... this medicine are substantiated by a worldNew Zealand Otnot : Nathan » Bidets Wellington, wide reputation and enormous sales, with ■ ' ; ever-Browing popularity amongst all ——,—.., iu.j» ii*r*Hir*r*iTTi mm classes of society. What they have done *I T!...- *.**«? r«» tor others .they can do for yon. Try thorn Ask your &T(Ktr # once, and you will discover that the host Patent 0 remedy is /I At«n k_ 'Kwlßllr't. Beecham's rills. Who can afford to be nnIjOiH" £*>J% JESS well? Even a so-called trifling ailment puts v *~* V jfm a man off his usual form. You cannot eat CI a in* -W. /%m an <* drink with proper enjoyment when inriUul JwL y(Wm disposed—the zest goes out of life—sport j i^naMm fi/PxTUr' M ftn d Play are alike irksome. If you taKa II fit Beecham's Pills whenever you are a little i v£* rare///// ikm "°B colour" you will soon feel the benefit ■ / £r% so doing. A periodical dose of this fam« fl IS ibi 9iSl/M.Jn B ous medicine will be found of the greatest I VHP \t, m % value for keeping the complex organs of B * nK " II assimilation and digestion in a clean, g BEST •. J%O'£io%f • \ '' B healthy, active state. Constipation, with all n LLn" j?qgMßPy» Wujimmß its attendant biliousness, heartburn, U FOR Si^SiMSi l *' wind, indigestion, pains after eating, specks H o»rj "j3 M " § before the eyes, dizziness—these, and all ■ u _ Jr \{ « other irregularities of a like nature, can oe fl AND if \*a "*N*» I relieved and cured by tho use of Beecham's || YOUNG I i 1*• *5»7 * 8 Pills. Taken as directed, they always do m »«•»■• » » ■ « **Tlit Jl good, and arc beneficial to young and old II £l mM I JmsMrU-" alike. Whether at home or travelling, it » A / filVs, VJ w is a wise plan never to ** without a box of . BEECHAM'S PILLS. i l '','.", i l ,::.'!, 1 "!,-, ' i<- ; Medical. (' fffm—mmmmmmmmmmm ■ i gold in boxes (labelled), price 10* d (36 . _ . . pills). Is l»d (55 pUls), and 2s 9d (168 pills). Has Cured Colds for SO Years Day in. day out for over half a cen- Bim fGUßfik 1 &**. j**l &**& ffl &*. i«rJi tury, Bonnington's Irish Moss has SoL Kji i SSCjvIIJR been steadily curing coughs and mW w%m EHSr H \& %m . r22LsE£s£ gz is " rr Mible ?■?? oI tbe '**— lute satisfaction. No other remedy »nd ailments of the human system. is so safe and sure. Refuse imita- It seriously affects every organ and | tioDs. Insist on getting Bonnington's function, causes pimples, boila sod ' mmmmm^mm^ mmm 'f mm T m ? m T m^T mim Other eruptions, ' catarrh, dyspepsia, ISdnnin&ton S Irisoi MOSS loa9 of rheumatism, weak, *, ~ ■ tired, languid feelings and many other *° ; troubles. „.■..,,:., tV\ ake fl Sarsaparilla. It pariA i 6 W es an< * en " CDes ie blood as nothing PL" L ' Iwl else can ail( builds up the whole Stem ' 1 nfllDl ** ea * pleasure In saying a word mK3» UlliUul IMIMoVM#I in taror of Hootfa Sarsnpanlia. Last year flF«ffPs\A XI x rny fe "« was covered with pimples. After ffi*H\ to) 3n DTC \ftiw tnk! "S one bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla i\xiil;\'k'*i/ LIII IjIJ t,,e Pimples disappeared." aba Cook, w WIW< „ JwJ& Friend St., Karori, Wellington, N. Z. ——* Hood's Sarsaparilla' yHIS is just what you need, H^friSS3^madam. Many women who ~~ ~ ; " " were troubled with indigestion, a HAKES There is a constant I sallow, muddy skin, indicating -. ' demand from all I biliousness and habitual constipat- WA,R parts °j o *. hc carth J 1 ion, have been permanently cured GROW |^l^^Q^||y , © I by the use of Chamberlain's Tab- ALL O lets. Before using these tablets ««e«j HAIR j they felt miserable and despondent. UVtK REMEWER. 1 Now they are cheerful and happv ™" 6 lad i ies 0/ the Nor- . , / . _ "V them China Mission are and relish their meals. Try them, WORLD. ■ *$?JLs?i&s»l o r curTl—. «r,l„ .i. 'Li ' ' i ing Dandruff and Bald--1 hey only COSt eiShteenpenCe. ue «s. and restores natural ... r — colour to grey hair with- § ___s_s___S •«-• y,:,,'.:,,,,. ~„ ..,". ~. e__ *ot dyeinff or staining. 8 ')wrWn?^Tf^rari^rb'vVrtlHrt >l i ■ Ab a vigorous hair and 8 IS F 4 \! kJI 01)1 SI \i K/*M B k rJS\I I£t « caJ », tonic it U uuanr. ■UOJI "»'•• leSSson ftm "'' iL.SBS _________ r * 268 Queen. St., I I Z jISJuTI Postage AUCKLAND. i lEV* t»* I 11 Si ffl Si I 6d cxfcra - AUCKLAND. |B7t Mf ■j^^i^^gf JM-tW I _______ , — yJtiwwHteya| m ________*■_* ■■■—---> I T WOULD not. miss taking my wife and /*..-*_ Acrukln u».~. r>_— ~. •' \a •*- youngsters to the Premier Picnic, which CURE ASTHMA AND LATAttRH." 1 takes place at Motutapu on Saturday Next. { ■+** C££A**srs 111 because it is the most enjoyable outing for. WxiiMwwiiMiiiiiM'iip-.innM — 1, ■" the year, ;

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 14933, 5 March 1912, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 14933, 5 March 1912, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 14933, 5 March 1912, Page 10