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■ Medical. ..■ ' _ ,' Musical. __ __ : Furnishing Goods. , ««• i 1 ■ ■ ___ PIANO and ip|KGAN' ■ "OUTERS. 0 sffißWiHKflinrann^Bnnnaraß&ißßi^ \\ \ % V7E OFFER YOU ?HE I TONSON .r-u_» I 1 a Vd* J& COY SH t RACKING RHEUMATISM. -—*iEEr *^JH C ?""'" \h WO*Z \ *\ijt£ltSsSm >• . . we Mark Our Goods in plain FIGURES. • | 304 to 312, Queen Street. " Wf \~*\S3BSB — ■ 0^e Y mSt >¥cllS L o i n y S»t überai I\m Wfci V JwßmSfii 1 Consult us before committing yourself to W sff~WM * * &%> A 1 i liVl WBk. tfH«Wm VSP*"" l Tt'' Rheumatism will rack you just as long as there is acid in the blooc r Queen-street. Rooms are near 11.UL. Theatre, m M / Sivvil 11141 Mlf till. 1 I I v\ mmSK T fflHß™"r a 1 Kheumatism will rack you just as long as there is acid in the blooc [ Queen-street. ?A If jltCCJii liiiil HUli-' : ( : 1 yS * a to cause Rheumatism. That's the whole trouble, acid in the blood f ' J?, and tji piANO agency, t td. || ' JSi_#BvWß <W&. •:- I l^^^^^^' Cold, amp weather may start the pains going but it is not the cause" i ~* ?J~~ "—» 1 liMOS'fc ■'] ?SJ_sl That is rooted in the blood and can only be cured through the blood , § c'd • ' M s « |] | \ ' f^^^^^^^fl^^^St9r{^3ir^^ >k « Years ago when medical science did not know as much about the com- i — ——' ■ • I . %' a ■If ** K I iHNIs| s —"^^!3^P^^^^'' Ylfflf fV plaint as to-day, rheumatic sufferers were given something to rub on the 1 CIDER CIDER iml Hfc %' IfH «UP ft HH itfUf % >1 m / swollen tender joints. Some people who do not know any better still I " ' j ™% | |kj (L ;|% | ffijS 111 fill "WMmJail ' ''V^^^S? si adhere to the old fashioned way, but it does not cure rheumatism— [ CIDER; H ▼▼ ▼" ■■▼ !►. W> Uw mmWWy | Wyl// anc | ncver w iH, I " ! i hsjp// j • ! CLEAVE'S i m I \ ' ' % . ;: ;i ''*vM' ' L^STj :5 Wflfl=£/lßm When the acid is driven from the blood the Rheumatism is gone I "~' J J || ivfl/ I' 'H % ttSfi* pi it's cured. The thing is to get the right medicine to drive the acid out I CHAMPAGNE j I T | xbv> tsj» f&*\ fill \ *v\ Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured more cases of Rheumatism than any ! /nTT,T?x> I I R^lfmDt^ia I ' V f I \mA \ X other disease except anaemia. They do this because they enrich the I — V/11IJ1.K. ■ MWvWWV f ijmlT 3 *%% | f , V- A \ V W °j- SUPPl | '{ft *"& UP TT l ° f P9Jt where Ae rheumatic 1 /10LD EDAL AND pEBTiPiOATB I Rlifi|d« i ; \ \ »-m \ acid is expelled through the natural channels and the trouble disappears. D vx I VI \> | UiSiill? / II VJk They were intended to do this and they do it thoroughly. j qheistchuech -gxmririoN. || Only slightly defective. 1 I ) Mr. Arthur Pringle, Austral Street, Kalgoorlie, describes how he I i. the undersigned win 'deiuer at tou I *' 5 ' 6 ' 7 ' '*' °' 10 ' 12 ' I 1 ■•'.■ J contracted Rheumatism, and was cured:-- i 1/6 1/9 2/- 2/3 2/9 3/- 3/6 4/-I | '■■■*■ ■■•■'■• ' : a QUARTS, 1 dozen in a caas -J 03 | rA«?H PRIfiFS "'4 B^P^ "1 was working in« blacksmith's shop and I got a wetting. on a dinner knife, and I would bo practically helpless. Often! I •*•«* §f won wwwo. t j sH'w-*' » Tho trouble affected my wrists first and almost immediately it would have to be waited on just lile a child. Every movomenl I PINTS, 2 dozen In a caea... - 14.S 1 g n |§pre»d to all my limbs, wrists first and almost immediately it would have to be waited on and lite child. Every movement 'i PINTS, 2 dozen In a casa... _. -j *|| , . ff ".■ -tH : :' spread to all my limbs. The pain might leave my wrists and was a torturo. The joints and muscles felt as if they wer« H * || - - - h go up into ray arms and shoulders and thon down to the mus- being twisted and torn. I could never -walk freely or quickly 5 MO TT TJETHEK riHAHQE. m ,' DaM«M4M#£ /%f ffl I cles of my legs. I began to suffer cruelly. At last I had abso- It was more like a crawl, and every utep shook me. On a fine • 1 - 11 x M filwll 6 i IV* 111 IB 111 §> Vi i«llivlv&lili* m 'I lutely to give over work and was away for six months. I warm day I might venture out a little but not often. I simply i The Oider will be forwarded at the aibote |j| < A -- H i ' never had more than say a couple of days spell free all the , dreaded anyone coming near me. At night I could hardly bear 9 rates re« of any additional charge by the ■ Dpi/*/* J 2ltt4s ®/2tiW%&t£ I j "|i time. Time after time I could not even put my clothes on un- the lightest bed clothes, in fact I would be awake for hours in I New. Zealand Express Company oa receipt H f| |Vv { Vsi>aV , tl/> WUW XJW yKl'ff fl | less the boys helped mo. If I wanted to raise an arm above the one position, afraid to stir. I began to think 1 would not 1 of p l If 1 I the shoulder I would have to force it up with the other, the work again. lam thankful I tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills If Full particulars from M Good Useful Lengths over from the cutting up for l 9 joints were so set and stiffened like.iron. Often at tho table I for since I finished tho course I hftvo not had a trace of the § pnmi'Ti'P nTV\vv i ' o '1 S would get.a turn that would stop me from putting any pressure rheumatism. I have felt ever since in the pink of condition." I kubjwu C j^^^ r g ilL 1 Sale orders. a S " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all chemists and storekeepers, or sent post paid on receipt of price, W ' , , , if '' '' ——_ -__ 1 ' ' S 3/- per box, 6 boxes 16/6, by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. of Australasia, Ltd., Wellington. ™ "" w — ' d* 1 1 1 Insurance Companies. m lyS* AA Aw I 1 DR. WILLIAMS' Go. PINK PILLS. | M J=TT I *****. ■? n ■ I Insurance Compauies. H At : ] DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. «SS«, « ? „ . J comp E n S »™n aot. i f nriiishiiig Drapery I ," ' ' '.. ' , j ' j ; ni "*^ ir ' r,nT ";""■ ■—■ll—— ■■ 11^^— o Amendment from March 1 increases |! (Damaged by clean storm water owing to bursting I - Merchandise. * Boots and Shoes. >' our Liabilit and lncl^e » DOMESTia |i 0 pipe during heavy-rain) " ij —. ■ ■ , . , —, , . .—, . WORKERS. H '"' p ' . NEW GOODS 197 Queen Street, »d «-•-»-»-*'-** I Clearing Regardless of Cost. I I 50,000 Watches SJ lat HANNAH'S 120 Karanjahape Rd. TH c „ p f"I" °'™ ■■ —— ■!, ■■ " J j •_ a / Sfivi INSURANCE CO., LTD. 1 T*rf^%J«.<nilW 118. to be sent out. W Thc » BOSTOCK " Boot . I IUWSUW coY.Jr DEPOSIT. 2/6 DEPOSIT. jMSk. £ ©US i UUR 000l> D°" , J. , U" Tilt ' | GARLICK Lady's Solid Gold, Open Pace K .'&~; beautifully Both °P s °P en fill 0 Saturdays. —. JK-«. ~~ -»/ I 304 to 312 Qoeeo Street 1 cbSed «ad ensravatj; jewelled movement, guaranteed 10 D ° lll 0 P» «-»pen nil &*Jh/ftf /Hff 1 304 to 312 Oilmen Strftftt i> vwj. lust as in »d«erti»«nient we send this watch to any ***** & bWVV§SM& Mt>& 2 du * l ° ° 1,i5 » VlUeen ire CI. s|a2 a iddr«««i New Zealand ont^Pl'' Wd«Mt«»4«poii HBnHnnH . Every man lias hi, pet brand iii footwear-be it tho " Bective," vaTTT?iVPV rn n „ 7 M iMBSBMBgBBMMaBMMMMMMiMJ ' the t»yw»e*toi the last of.JO weekly instalments cased each, the " Footform," or tho " Bostock "—he is generally convinced that IXBURASCE CO. OF >.. ,» LTD., GBBTitt7mwtrMrviir<iitii»»»iaßaTW i^l—l ■ . malSi a toUl of SJ/6-in HI. A handsome gold cased chain tiC lootform,'' Of the "Bostock —he IS "enerally convinced that IXBURA.NCE CO.OFN.Z., « eti!«M FREE. • i • i e ,i i t-v ..•-,.•' .... 101, QIiEEN-fcT. (nearly opposite ifort-st.). ■■'... ' „ —1— !.'... '. .. ■ ~ ~... ~l .... ■■—lyi-'-ivv^'i -■.■■■ « . Lm. «m, w.teh «- ««r.t»iv w worth douhie . Ins particular fancy is the best. Recognising this, our policy is to v low rates. . ~ . . „ , „ M , ' aS^^ e S^S^TirSai^ i *MkTS^ d SSS every makers' good, that are worthy" of being placed on our EMFLOWM «BBlgra UA, Merchandise. _' - {W»W.^tJA%«^' ,BOTBtte ' B,,te I Our latest is a lino of "Bostock's" high-class footwear for _ " . Bank o! New Zealand Limited. WBIUHOTOH. HA j Ill£ S «*^ '" ..,-. ■.'"." " MEN'S GLACE GOLOSHED BALS. ... ... ... 21/- auctclanb branch. ■WBUMwamlllllllllllllllllll ■■■■ —— —- -» '.. ■'■ K :>: ■ -.%■■ ...... s — MEN'S GLACE DERBY BALS, hand sewn ... .... 32/6 H. p. KISSLINQ. Manner. ' : . — MEN'S TAN DERBY BALS., hand sewn 32/6 H. a. aiAßaraiat A«taunt «««» . ,« - . j—— — "■'■ . — ' —' , MEN'S PATENT DERBY SHOES, hand sewn ...• ... 27/6 :^u—=========== \ =3 D M A laftlC ■"• _ ' 'I MENS' PATENT DERBY BALS., hand sewn 32/6 • st ont X Hi iB& IffmlJH Hi i ill 3i IJ'1 J ' "'' Pure Genuine Scotch I MEN'S TAN DERBY BALS 25/ . __ iM m ,ttW,rll mm U ■-■■'-' : " ; ';- ;:'---;.;-"'-. ; --Y : '-"! ■ • ■'■'■■ :: '" f ■->.-.- We do Repairs —We do them Properly, we do them Promptly! ... ~. , ... r -,„, ■= < ■ >„■■> -■ ■ i^'-:^^j-^ , v.. ; :;v''.^.^iPiif!lt i "■:';""" .. ' H. jl —— MaaanwMMWWWBBWni —— i 1.-7/6 ANSONIA WATCHES, 4/6 each. '"""" ', ' yssol H f&f/? ff d-SJ sf S% i.-7/6 ANSONIA WATCHES, 4/6 each. m GAELIC w w**™*n*^*~*. ii! figHt OLD SMUGGLER mr %SGlr IS ** * 4. COMMERCIAL ENVELOPES, 7 packets for 6i ■ . - IwKPS " ~" -'- ' =======^!fi a. JOHNSTON'S DESSERT KNIVES, White Handles, , Riveted, 2/S Inllß ' Reputation upheld by Quality alone. 1 1111 , npnPCftTlftll UfUflOD/V *1 ST lir'lllllHWl I—l IMI 7. 272 PAIRS LADIES' HIGH-CLASS GLACE KID SHOES, Usual . WmM ! Purity guaranteed bv Half-yearly 1 MM PERFECTION WHISKY I < :8. 84 PAIRS LADIES' ENGLISH l\cE BOOTS, Usual Price. 10/6, old smuggler.. Analysis during the past 40 year? J ~ - - I - . Sale Price 6/11. 4 P It/mm CONNOISSEURS PREFER IT I Made :in Dublilli 9. 176 pairs English high-class boots, Narrow Toes, Law H I wwnnwwwhwiiw ' ' I ■ or Button, Usual Price. 16/9 per pair, Clearing at 8/11 per pair* ; SPECIAL RESERVE JI |! Judge for Yourself. |j BOTTLED ' 10.488 pairs ladies' carpet ■slippers,9d pair. " ||if I I FOR DIRECT EXPORTATION lt MEN'S STRONG SHOOTER BOOTS (Nailed), 7/11 pair. 15 OLD 1 obtainable at all hotels and H ' A nnwlJrac ' - 12. MEN'S EASY FITTING CHROME BOOTS, Wear Guaranteed, 8/1* lH frtanSlfli 1 ' Mfe®l|S^Sli : p|:Ml CLUBS ' 1 'By READ -BROTHERS, Limited pair. 7T phniPP I i/l7lP7ir I JCI^SRHS9W:'>'■. 1 13. MEN'S 17/6 ENGLISH BOOTS, All sizes, 10/6 pair. _ il L-iquCUI WHOLE3ALE ra ° M ll\ ¥¥ ' 14. MEN' 4/11 CARPET SLIPPERS, LEATHER SOLES, 2/11- pair, ***..« SIM Ota* fe *«araaF j 1 COOKE AND CO., j I lArt'c II fill fl 15 ' MEN ' VERY BEST KIP SHOOTERS, Sprigs or Ms ' 12/6 pair " ' .f| .. r| . • f| . .- """*"■"; 1 li«rSSSf2i' . albkrt-stkeet. 1 JJT U§ 9A Jl CttU i 6. MEN'S SPRIGGED W.T. BLUCHERS, 8/11 pair. CraiSdlachic-Glenlivcf Distillery Co.. Ltd. ■1 - - AU ™ :--■| •gy 9 . . ======== ' ,;ti ! (Stirling Bonding Co., Stirling) ■ —-——»-— va^ mmmm IlllillllCS*? AT : ;lM& : CRAIGELLACHIE SCOTLAND ' I ■ Dress . V*« I **"^ 4 f 4J - |Ljf¥f ¥ 1?0 5 C ro THEIR AGENTS* | with the Dog's Head L«bel CO fi '■■■'"j' / '' ■ i■■ > tjS '' every bottle. & ▼ at* «™ 4Boaa rfrarw S&*m <£•» " a -- J ■ S PECiAL SUIT 8 every bottle. F4NC¥ DEPOSITORY AND BOOT PALACE. 1 SUIT | F4NCY REPOSITORY AND BOO! PAIACE, ——mm "— — * I WSm%& VALUES 100,102, 104 Victoria St., Auckland FKIbMAIIC 1 1181™! for FEBRUARY. i fiy I — ——- 7^ — —-• fcrate a splendid Glass of SI f I Vffltf WE GUARANTEE the fit and workmanship in all | ' . fThrWeTz^nd" 7 "] df*\ OL tt&£^f*dfll the best French manufac- B^HP^UUV { 'W^ i 3 I Of If 4 our Suits, Ready-to-wear or Made to measure. 1 j IMatietta! Smoke j | %#CS*S ai W\#\#^W tare, 8 + magnification, I f.l JIvS W i 1 . . ffl Is superior to any stent because It *"""""""■""""' ' """"Hr ■ J| central bar wheel focussing ?li^^|' ; " - 11 W Rpadv-to-Wear Suits all Brand iis brewed from the only stout water in aß!,, * jP"* i—!, <^^Sp i,,11, "" ,1—,,, " ,iI,i TJ eye-piece also is separate!/ ,T^ T u I . till effects. 32/6, 43/-, 57/6 |l|MUjgjj| I f^nd m . ta^L^qillty/ W * J1 " HI I adjustable for equalising the vision when ones eyes differ. These g illw ' ' | . ' H| *ty]\ WMisk\ i' Glasses are suitable for all kinds of use where a greater inagnifi- | |<j llf til SUIT3-TO-MEASURE, a wide range of material? § A strength giving food and tonic it, ||ljf mm i''' 1 'V*^/ I */**'" I cation, a more extended visible area, and absolute clearness and || JLif \%| " , ,*. . '«••«. n-i— ftß'. H the most palatable liquid form. »/ -■Br £m |Mf»#J pf ' .' " 1- ' sharpness are required.. j to select from. All oflß PrlfiS, 65,- > v - W ®M J Complete in nice Leather Case, with 2 Shoulder Straps. j 1 *3F ""*"" "" — N 1 q qoc f or the wife— far yOU ' BBok| W* "* 'I s%\* I ' price £4/4/-.- iM "7 pi nTH IN ft- FACTORY! • ■ O v$ \ \ Others at ,£lO/10/., £ il/10/, £12/10/, I L^ J | BOLD EVERYWHERE. | AuoWand-s Leading OutfltUns, •:'';''"' 1 'WMM^WmWSMS^ n ITN Pr 5 226 228, QUEEN STREET. . | IMiaMhM^ feßiili^n Queen and Durham Streets, /AULKIdIIU. j bbands of pasteurised cREAMERy E«f Z^^^W^l^^ M J&" : i sk I V" UNCLAIMED MONEY & PROPERTY. 1 S Sr^^n|H. ( g^^and M ff ' |"W"M cffii\[/j£> \ ■'■" i r'S^SfSP®^*^* | DOUQAL'B REGIBTER—New Edition. I T 1/ M«»^»^' :G^^lS « "' \ Vl// 1 I g^p*t«ag'«gar .* '"|,-J:^ dotjqal-s to »d»erto». j». Hi' "■ J ABSOLUTELY THE BEST ; toAM \| 1/ / 1 * *-«* I Ia IT . V M"™' / « : ' , i T^VELLE^b y land,or 8 e a ' ra^'&^S^^ Beared Mark. ¥* '4# whTJTTvTcc, V 7M / , J I: T'find the rid fuU flwoitf.. of "HAVELOCK" I Rev* | 1 ci^i n v«.a«atedjind_„rri,4thr«<h "•*" »Sft.^22. V ,-- OTHERS j THB GEftLS H ojos. . I «obr» of satisfaction. |, ', ! aOUCAL&Ca..ISI,3T«AHO.LQNDON.£HGUND EabWMl »»& «»i Smoked IMi of beat 32 Queen Street- Phon«B93 ■ — - IVI Mak© the Home attractive of I;..» -cur on tins) ruwE or mixture. asj&o in *»LUO v r6'lMl.'' l_ - iIS i I (Establish,*. ove± gg y^;. K ? faUWP - Quality, lowest prloM. a* BMfoM'g M«tofc ACOSW -, unr-i.i ru« « ?Tl&MT?«! UATTVY our Pianos.-The NO DEPOSIT PIANO CO., lUauiM«iiii»^,wißwwaiu^ M ».T«.H^ IliMlll I ■llllllllllllllWllillllWllff^ 1 *— —■ ommZm JiSmSiL . * o»uo«lM OtutonuiwM*, Beuii telephone 66a . AUOItIS, Branch Waiii. Centre Paeroa. j.aAaw.s vaiujJ!ix« - 28, High-street. \' [ ■ ~ f r . } |, ] <

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 14932, 4 March 1912, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 14932, 4 March 1912, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 14932, 4 March 1912, Page 10