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Shipping. "XTOETHEEN CTEAMSBTP po., T TD. * Weather and other circumstances permlf/ttng. »ir«rSSi : ~ ' , Steamer: ;■ , T?_iPE 03 AYt..-..See Cabbage Bay sailings * fa silverdalo satliKgs • AWANUTt ...... ;'....;.„ .;.;....„._......^.APANUI ;' v _ ; ; Every Monday- at 2 p.m. • \ X'X I £0 Cargo received afternoon on sailing day. , O >OMAHAt:r.;..:..See, Little Omaha, sailings S?SK S BAy -See Silrerdale sailines AAJst -— .„.; •——•See Tauranga sailings CABBAGE BAY : .....^.;.;...;;..;a....;...., EAUITI : EBAVBS ADCK'D: ;? LEAVES CABBAGE BAY: '■ v^ es '. sth, 10 p.m. Wed.. 8 a.m. '.• ■-■.. \ v t CAPE COLVILLEt...See. Cabbage Bay sailings , COBOMANDEL BOTOMAHANA LEAVES AOCK'D: tJiBAVBS COROMANDEL: :' ,„ - _, _ -■",":;.'.' Hat.. 2nd. 7 t><m '~:> \.', ■ .Mon., Ith'1 th ' 1 p.m. •Tues., sth, 7.30 a.m., - •Thur.. 7fch « 2"'30 p.m. "V»i:: "th <"" a.m. ~;;,". :• :JiI L 8 %? 3 411 - . ; Bat., 7 s.m. ' 9th, 4 p.m. ;ou.i., *vu, iu p.m. . - •Calls at Waiheke.^;;Via- Motutapu.;?. t DEEP CSREEKt:..~........See Silvcrdale sailings' great BAEjnEBt..;.^^:;..;;:.:.,.;,::.WAiO , rAHi „-_• Every Wednesday at midnight.; ' ' ii 01 * ......;_..i.„._:.See Kerepeehi sailings noUHORAt see Awanul sailings KAWAD ISLAND .AND 'I ALGIE'S..... ; ; W:: _ ■,"■:■ . f : ;-v;'v'* v u,; BOTOMAHANA -livery Saturday at 2 p.m. returning ■>■*;:': Monday morning, ' KAWAU ISLANDt.....;..See Mangawai sailings , Also L. Omaha sailings KENNEDY AY*..;:..Seo Pt, Charles sailings KEREPEEHIt ...^..;..;...^:.... 1 .;......^.:- KAPUI : ■■■ k ; V:' :l Wednesday, 6th March. 10.30 a.m. r KOPUt. _ See Paeroa sailings ;■ KUACKTUNU • ..;.,....;......C:.„..u;..;..;...JDAPHNE v ;';>-o Monday, 4th March, 5 p.m. ; I kElGHt...(Passengers) See Mangawai sailings LITTLE, OMAHAt. (OR LE1GH)........ .KAWAU Leaves Auckland : - leaves OKAHA: Wed.. 6th, 11 .m. . Thurs., 7th T.W.), 9 a.m. ■.r»«»;« : Thurs.; 7th (Leigh), 10.30 a-m. MAHURANGI HEADSt "■-■■■ * - :* „ ■■■■''■•■'• See Warkworthi sailings MANGAPAIt.;..._.;...;..See Whangarei sailings :■■■■■:, ■*} >;Carg'» Monday; and Wednesday.;i j '; MANGAWAI , KAWAU ; LEAVES AUCK'D: ' LEAVES MANGAWAI: v , r ; --'..v X--;: ■'■'■■. .. Sat.. 2nd, 6 a.m. '••■ ':.■. ■ Mon., 4th, 12 noon. Tuea.. sth, 7.30 p.m. ; Leigh s Cargo must go Wednesday trips. ;; MANGONUI ~A.„;;...;„....i„.;..> . ;-; CLANSMAN Every Wednesday, at 5.30 p.m. . /.. ■>, And Apanui. every Monday, at 2 p.m. "■■'■■.v-'-.-iNo Cargo per Apanui.,;; *- MATAKANAt KOTTTI ' LEAVES AtTCK'D: LEAVES MATAKANA: ; ; Mon., 4th, 11 a.m. Tues.. 6th, 6.30 a.m. ..<• ■ I'rifn'im.i. ; '^- : ' 'No,;cargo. - - : ;-.'- JiATATAt.........;.._;..._..5e« Tauranga sailings MAUNGATUROTOt......;:„..See Waipu sailings MERCURY BAYt .....'..^..„.......:...:;.:..DAPHNE MERCURY ISLANDSt , Uij- See Pt. Charles Bailings MULLET P01NTt...;,...6ee Matakana sailings OHIWA .._ „. — paeroa ■ Saturday, 2nd March, 4 p.m. - - "" OP.C-TIKI (via Tauranga).:...... .NGATIAWA «^t?. GATIAWa —Wed.. : 6th March. 8 a.m. OF °A ;..;;:.;.—..;;..........„.'..............WAIOTAHI Every Monday at 5 p.m.'\ 'i ■No Cargo received after 4 p.m. And Wednesday, 5.30 .' p.m. (no Cargo). ORCHAEDf...— See Kerepeehi sailings ■ PBEWA; (GBUTm..See Warkworth sailings tFOB PAEEOA. ? KOPU. ;; TUEUA, ' AND TE ABOBA. TAN2WHA OK WAIMABU:. Leaves atjck'D: Leaves paehoa: Saturday. 2nd, 10 p.mSat.. 2nd, 5.30 p.m. ; Mon., 4th. midnight Monday. 4th, 7.30 p.m. I Tues., sth, midnight.Tues., sth, 8 p.m.. : Wed., 6th. midnight, Wed., 6th. 9 p.m.: ,' i Thurs.. 7th, 3 p.m. Thurs.. 7th, 10 p.m. PAK1R1t..... M ,„.„,„„ % See Mangawai sailings PARENGAt See Te Kao sailings PAKTJA BAYf...._.„.....W«dnesday and Friday •: See Wnansarei' «ailings..JlOAPUHI PIPIBOAt..i._^....J : -jSee Kerepeehi sailings POST CHARLESf... ..........PAEEOA Friday, 15th March, midnight. PUHOIt .:. „. „.„..„„.„.....; KOTITI ;, LEAVES AnCK'U: i\.:,-i LEAVES POHOI: ;; Wed., 6th, 2 pan. ; Thurs.. 7th, 7.30 a.m. v RUSSELL? ;;»..... , _....._ .WAIOTAHI Every Monday, at 5 p.m. _ No Cargo,received after 4 pan. ' Every Wednesday, at 5.30 p.m, (no Cargo)* SHORTLAND ....„„ KAPUI V- v-'ystt; Monday, 4th March, 11 p.m. ;* .^ ■■% StLVEEDALEt; ..„....„ „. .. '■ OBEWA LEAVES AUOt'D: LEAVES SIIiVEBDAUS:^; .„.„,„ Sat.. 2.5.30 a»m. •Sat., 2nd, 2 p.m. *Mon.. 4th. 6 am. : m .«^.,t Arj£je '*ad Way.Ports only. >■?. ! -- : " TAHIWAT .._,..,... y ..^.^..„„.^-;,.A KAI»Ut i^Jrjy&f* o received for Tahuna after noon. * -TAIBUAt ........:: .....:. WAIOTAHI-: ; Wik*. .^J Prida y' Bth March, 10 p.m. " TAKATUt,........~...........5ee L. Omaha sailings TAURANGA .__ AUPOURI . AUPOTJRI.:.Monday, 4th March. 4 pan. AUPOURl...Thursday, 7th March," 4 p.m. Cargo received on Wed. so."i SaU and up to 12 noon on sailing days, v TE A80HAt..............—...5ee Paeroa sailings TE KAOt CHELMSFORD • - Monday, 4th March. 11 a.pi. '; :••, .' TUTUKAKA. Etc.t«..See Whananaki sailings FOR THAMES. WAKATEBE. - LEAVES AUCK'D: -. LEAVES THAMES: Monday. 4th. 2.3$ p.m Tnes.. sth. 7 a.m. Tues., sth, 3.15 pjn. Wed., 6th;'7.45 aim i; Wed.. 6th, 4 p.m. Thurs.,- 7th, 9.40 a.m. ? Thurs.. 7th, 5.30 p.m. : Wo steerage tickets issued on and after Ist March: TI P01NTt........ -See Big Omaha sailings TUEUAt........«....:i.......™„^ee; Paeroa sailings-. TUTUKAKA, Etc. Sec Whananaki sailings * WAIHABABAt .....See . Awanui sailings WAIHEKEt... ...See CoromandeL sailings ;;Also, every Sat. at 2 p.m.........APANU1 ;. WAIKAKAt -..:;..;...;.._. „.;.„„U KAPUI y-, ..-.:■■ See Tahuna sailings. ; : .-■;■.■ v. ;=.;.<.,■-'.sv<" WAIPUt : ._ GAEL ;• LEAVES AUCK'D: LEAVES WAIPO:' ';Mon., 4th,"1l p.m. I Wed.,6th, 8 a.m. >■: i WAIWEBAt, G8UT'5'...;..:.;;.;:...;. GAEL ~: :> dee AVarkworth sailings. f »'--i"- - WABKWOBTHt .................;...:..;.. BLkUITI .A LEAVES AUCK'D: rc- LEAVES WABXWOaTH: - Sat;, 2nd, 4.30 ' midnight. Mon., 4th{ 7.30 a.m. , . Mon., 4th, 2 'p.m. -< Tues., sth, 8 a.m. i WHANANAKIt ;......'~.....~..;.„ CHEIjMSFOED ': Monday. 18th March. 11.30 a-m. . WHANGAMATA WAIOTAHI Monday, 11th March, sp.m. WHANGAPOUAt.;i~«See Pt. CliArles sailings> WHANGABEI GAP UHI LEAVES ; AUCK'D: '-.'. LEAVES VVHANGAttBI ::•>;' ;";■ Every -' Mon., Wed., Every Tues., Thurs., -i / and Fri., 10 p.m. Sat., 12 noon. . WHANGABEI ; (Town ).;";.....:..;-;KANIEBj; ■LEAVES ADCK'fI: • LEAVES WHANGAEEI: ;' Sat.i 2nd, 7 p.m. Mon., 4th, 6.30 p.m. j ' ; ' Tues., stfc, 8 p.m. ~ Wed., 6th, 9 a.m. " WHANGAREI ■ HEADSt V.:;.;...:w....;...NGAPU81 Wed and Fri .See Whangarei Bailings Cargo Monday-only. . ; * ■ - WHANGABOA ...™;..;...;i.;.„......;... CLANSMAN ... Every Wednesday, at 5.30 p.m. whakAtane .:...;;...............;TASMAN iI • • Tuesday, sth March, 7.15 a.m. > - . WEST COAST SERVICE (Prom.Onehunga.) :;-.'. ; AWH1TUt............"....V.......5ee Waiuku sailings HOKIANGAt ..:.:.......,;.....•........ RIMU •■;.:-■ Cargo. at Eailway 4 p.m., Wednesday. KAWHIAt ;; ...■•.-•. ...CLAYMORE Monday, 4th March, 2 >p.m.; tr.. 1.10. ? • •<. V v Also see Waitara sailings.:Cargo at Railway up to 9.30 a.m. > NEW PLYM0UTH%.......;....................i1AEAWA ; Sunday, 3rd March, 3.30 p.m.; -tr.. 2.30. f , - Tuesday, sth March. 4 .p.m.;' tr., 2.10. ' ~ 1 ■ Cargo 11 a.m. sailing day. OPUNAKE See Wangauui sailings 1 , 0LL0Kt..?.....*.»"."»»»«..'.5ee Waiuku bailings KAGLiAK.t...6ee Kawhia and Waitara sailings TE T0RAt..............'..««.«.5ee Waiuku . Bailings : WAH'1P1T............»....".-..Seo Waiuku sailings !' WAITARA .................................;V CLAYMORE '■-■ Tuesday. 12th"March, 10 a.m.; tr., 9. .-. ' Cargo at Railway previous day* up to ~ ,' ■■->■;-■■ v,-.-^v ; -v:"':..■■•■■•4 p.m. •■: ' j WAIUKU ............i..U.— ......:~ ".-.«.." WEKA ! r LEAVES ONEHUNGA; - LEAVES WAIUKU: ; i : ; * ' " Sat., 2nd, 9 a.m. Mori., 4th, 75 a.m. , Mon., 4th, 11 a.m. ; ] Tues., sth, 7.50 a.m. Tues., sth, 11.45 a.m. 1 : Wed., 6th, 8.35 a.m. Wed., 6th, 12.30 p.m. ' WANGANUI AND 0PUNAKE.;......:;..;.:/..EIMU Tuesday. sth March, 10 a.m. < Cargo at Railway l up to 4 p.m. previous day. N.B.—No Carrs will be received after halfpast four p.m.. or after noon on Saturdays,., or within ONE HOUR of advertised time of j any steamer's departure. ..Overtime charged ', after.'4.3o p.m. - :: t ",.'"_ -'^-. .._. ■-;:";" : yA ; Freights to ports marked t must be pre-- '■■ paid.."." '"'.■■•"■■ >■'■ ,'•'»"'■■: •■; -;*-;•. - v;; ;'i. v;,..;" . ; t Company's Offices. Quay-street. I El '■■' ! AND --'A. MAIL LINE '.TO MANILA. I. --..;CHINA'-.AND ; JAPAN, FROM , AUS- .- .: ! :TRALIA. - • . ■--".-:- - Tons. '■; Leave Sydney. ALDENHAM ~..;... 4,000 ; March 2 ST. .ALBANS ... ,/ v -, 4.50 d . March 13; | Saloon iaccommodation amidships. : •Large. ■ ' cool, two-berth V cabins, ;- all on • the : upper deck, and; fitted with elecbrio fans. Through bookings to Canada, the United States, and -■ -Europe. ". ■-" '* ■■• ■ '":■■" . -'-■,-.: For-Freight or Passage, apply direct-to " RUSSELL s AND SOMER-3. Customs-st. W. J 70S : HOWIOK AND WHITFORD. < P.B. TURANGA.,.:..;; -. (Licensed 94 passengers.) ; , ', Leave" ".'- ■ •■.-■■ : ",.-' Leaves•-..;.•■•;.-■-..'■ ' Queen-st.. Wharf: ; Whitford and Howick: , *Sat., 2nd. 8 a.m.; •Sat., 2nd. 8 P.m. •Sun., 3rd. 4.30 p.m. V;-; •Sun., 3rd,. 10 a.m. *Mon., 4th, 7 a.m. r I •Sun., 3rd, 6 p.m. Tues., sth, 7 a.m. : ' Mon., 4th, 3.30 p.m. ~ - , .•"■■.■"- ; ; Tues.. sth, 4 p.m. •Howick only. c - ;... - A L, ANDREWS AND > CO.. Agents. ■i\ - Fort-street 'Phone. 2342. ~-■;:"...:,. .. ■; •:;.;,;'. ;.'.■■.;'" .-.:; . ' '■■■]] ;' ■..;' I '■ ■■ \' : > ■' ;

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 14931, 2 March 1912, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 14931, 2 March 1912, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 14931, 2 March 1912, Page 1