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Tyt" '.■■■_ ;.>•■ "\_ ■■ ■>■"""'-': Medical. : ■'.-.. : ;'" ill Helping Mature I I in Nature s way. I f|| "All things which are don© according to Nature g| are to be accounted for good."— Cicero. Wm Constipation, sluggish liver, biliousness, indigestion,depression, |||| feverishness, loss of appetite, headache, and kindred com- n plaints, whether in the robust man or the delicate child, can only WJJ& be overcome by the gentle means which are akin to Nature. Wjj3 I Constipation, sluggish liver, biliousness, indigestion, permanently g9 ieverishness, loss of appetite, headache, and kindred com- ||| plaints, whether in the robust man or the delicate child, can only |||| be overcome by the gentle means which are akin to Nature. If California Svrup of Figs fulfils strengthened, and permanently Sgß every requirement that can be benefited. The genuine < Call- ffiS demanded of a corrective fornia Syrup of Figs is an |||| fit remedy, being not only perfectly ethical product which has met fg| j "■Wt natural in its action, but prompt with the approval of the most ||| ; S and pleasant as well. eminent physicians and given g» f§S California Svrup of universal satisfaction. It is |g| Figs cleanses the the first and best of family Wm WsW*/&&&M system of all im- laxatives, and may be given gg purities, and leaves with perfect confidence in ||& i the liver, stomach, every case where the symp- JgpS \ bowels and kid- toms indicate a constipated jgy ■ y s corrected, condition. W& '^^^\^%^^rW4' : ' You TOMSt ask for §M mm CALIFORNIA 1 ' gttgSl SYRUP of FIGS I ' ill "Nature's Pleasant Laxative." H Imk -• ..Of. Chemists, in two sizes. _ /^^^ 3a^lbr t BILIOUSNESS & INDIGESTION \ CONSTIPATION CONQUERED. There lies the vital secret where so many diseases and ailments are .: -j concerned —Constipation must be conquered, or normal organic action, - ;: I freedom from liver and kidney troubles, and from stomach and bowel " g -" disorders, Is: not possible. ..""'* »' ; -** - Cockle's Pills conquer Constipation. of the most stubbornly. aggressive *'■ \ '; '■':■ kind; because they strengthen and stimulate and revivify the organs, !j ' which they cleanse and regulate with such consummate ease and efficiency. '§ The whole system is :: freed froth the wholesale disturbance due to the con1* stipated tendency, from blood impurities, from effete matter, from lurking ; disease. : ' , Yet Cockle's Pills act so gently and pleasingly that the most B - delicate persons like them -•':'? . ■'$.*' K

r ~~~ MedtC3, ■ \ CAMBRIC" SHIRT ■ -Tt • ■ A ll 1 A VERY WIDE RANGE OF DESIGNS AND COLOURS, '■ ',o §ra^ r 'M? p/jp' r^^^ M I ■ W fit'l?* Box P leafcfront > with white feather stitch ed^ e ' stiff " , , I HI B]H J detachable double collar, with edge matching front; . ,;| "Welcome to Auckland, little man. and welcome to your 1 1 I 1 ..,.,« - _. .-i ,-J -„«- ®9 great indigestion cure, • renzie's pkpso.' " m,\\W plain shirt sleeves, narrow tucked curt. «Thank you, your Worship. I bring to Auckland the great- QUrf rnf hsnfl Wide Oanel back ■ : i I est cure on earth for Indigestion, Acidity, Heartburn, and Flab- OKirt WCil CUt, WlOe Dana, WIUC pUllCi UdCiV. ulence, namelv, '...,.. ~,., ■. *■•■...■ | '■■ "■■''- ■y« ■ !Q * I «■&/■<"•€' ."RENZIE'S FEFSO." J.C.L. Pr.ce, on»y 0/11 . * ■■-...; : £i£pKpS&e» I" you, your Worship. I 'guaranteed'cure-for-Indi- . . •■-■,:. Qb-i'rf «rc-11 rut wi'Hp hand wide Oanel back * est cure on earth for Indigestion, Acidity, Heartburn, and Flat- ; bkirC WCil Ctlt, WlOe DaOQ, WIUC pclUCl UdLIV. ulence, namelv, | . ■ Eft* I «3t '*_*_' ' 4 KEMZIE'S PEPSO." B ' p - y _ . ' * RENZIE'S PEPSO is a guaranteed cure for Indicestion and all Stomach ailments, because it supplies „-_.--._*-■- . 01 -ittu-a. j r>™«- * "3i the natural juices of digestion combined with the LINENE COSTUME, Id Sky, White, and Cream. '3 I greatest known tonics. Short semi-fitting coat; collar and cuffs nicely % >«sSa^. I RENZIE'S PEPSO is not a laxative or a purga- & ■ . J fcive, but a true stomachic remedy, prepared from the braided. ; 0&$ Wf I prescription of a famous physician. RENZIE'S Plainxut skirt with panel back, c ; m ii ar to top IfM " j PEPSO is sold by all Chemists and Storekeepers-2/6. Plain cut skirt with panel back, similar to top &JA& \ § For Biliousness and Constipation, take "REN- illustration. V '" '•" I ZIE'S PILL." It Fixes the Liver. d.C.L Price, 35/- |||| ||| 1 I Come and see Win. Pip in W. H. Woollama', J. Eccle®', A. H. I jl U 1 8 I 1 Pasooe's, and Henderson & Barclay's Chemists' Windows. I ; f ■ ■ „ ft J| * .Ljf Aj 1 ■ ■ "II .^_———. ~,,,—J ■ — ■ • 'h m C mmm ~ ffe*S_ i nK T T?\ I PLAIN LINENE COSTUME, in Pink, Sky, Grey, - § 111 ;J 1! A, The IN ~~ m ® |if and White. Short semi-fitting coat plain collar A. I jfj\ "9 Samaritan ___kK \ i ' ' Skirt with plain panel back, similar to bottom - " f|| I\[ *%$&%. Ift■V\ ■ X v*4EBLmJk W fEjmm WffMHßßfm Vt_ m i| /'- *Pi m r£s. St \VJ • lUUStratlon * ~. , J.C.L. Price, 29/6 fei ,1 KhH ImJi ■" ....~y €-vi3^V!feflßM WH ■ \ .vtV L *\ __tt_r-____b-4f__F // w m *KeHHM£3 V:!, iS_L_ *L H I The J.C.L. stores, queen street. Hftgii giw '© ' ™ MALTED MILK § 1 UNJ\JIMIa 5 'I * HEAMNIE. fc-F i ■ ' FOR ALL THE FAMILY. I: _ .•Y. __ m _"• W H- l-*JUrm*%Alfci-'W , g < BARLEY. tn WHEAT AND MILK | .9 M nt.|WZLI fi_ I » ( l _____ _ _,_ „_—. _— l i No cookinE, simply add water. 1 1%l OfilflJllLflJL^ .". I BRONCHITIS CURE » | Superior to Tea or Coffee. 1 i-.II^_JJ--l-il™/ § The Grandest Remedy for I 1 K o »^KsSS'l£cf If K FMULSION I ffIUGHS and COLDS Iwa F .__...,..:. 77^1 ______|__i v _H_ aursall^_F r «fib ■■ ™ 1 1 COUGHS and COLDS 1 kTnM . |n .i The ONLY Certain Cure for mi ii ■—■■■■■■■■—■ I |1 fßfs S| aj I £a ■__-_■_— I Adoaeortwoi.generaUy.ufficient I |OI 11 :«iw*«-*ii«.|l fAI AND Pfll HQ 1 A do*e or two i» generally sufficient I p|-|| fpUC ANH POI IV. m KEEP A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE ■ I I • . , ~ m Bn-uwisiEiißEßTesi^,u-L.&iofl«B ] E]Q.g| -. ■ . ■ ■—> a sold by «ii chemists and stores , f^gmmmmmMmmmmmmßm j . -.. , ;. ,;V ;,'-;,• , : : :-; •> -7; ■^■■■: ; '. iIH I I N A ™* Jnly 21. 1911- xazol,. limited. All Chemists and Storekeepers. 1/6, 2/6, 4/6. 1 g» ■ ' ■ ■ fea IN —Your note re NAZOL to hand to-day. We ~ ~r . ■■~■:■•.■,-.' have heard great praise from each person .■.-.,■;,.■■■■. . !■-;'.■.': we have Bold-it to. and can speak highly ■ -• - -- ■ , ■ of it ourselves, knowiae what it h« done , .:. ■_ . •/.>•■ ; - ' ■ :.. ■ | . in our era home.-\ ours truly, DENHOLM - ■ ■ ■>

t Makes | ine | naif Grow *We are talking about Ayer's v? Hair. Vigor. Just note that word, "Ayer's." You are perfectly safe with it. No harm to you or . to your hair. Makes the hair grow? It certainly does. Stops falling hair, too. Remember, it's i "Ayer's" we are talking about. " Ask your doctor about your hair t and about Ayer's Hair Vigor. Get his approval. Your own " "doctor and "Ayer's" "make a strong combination. It means faith, l confidence, satisfaction. '"" §S : ' i 18 " -If* iter's Hasr Vigor DOES NOT COLOR THE HASR ,; -J Prepared by Or, I. C. Ay«r & Co- Low*!!. Mm., 0. S. A. lfi§Toi|jiife WITH BRICE'S REGENERATOR ■ i .-fj. t .. . : - ■ -..:■■■ . - The directions are simple and easy to follow; the cost is ''." small; tbe effect Is sure.'This i remarkable specific This remarkable specific is prepared and guaranteed by a man -who has made a close \ -..' study of the hair during fifty active years of his Ufa, With i the Regenerator, use Brice's i . ~ Circassian Cream. See the C.- photograriis of actual results. 4, >!i YOU HEED HOT BE BALD. IF YOU ■ ARE t 810 IT IS MERELY BECAUSE „ YOU WORT LET UNDOUBTED FACTS ! . ..-.CONVINCE YOU! I "•:'"- ' 1. -Insist on gettfnn Brice's} no other shows such results. I BRICE'S REGENERATOR - 3/6 [ SPECIAL STRENGTH J- • 5/6 j i j CIRCASSIAN CREAM - ; - 2/- I ' § W4 JCboleaale« Agent* "lor Nortli Island:; v MESSES SHABLAND AND CO.. LTD. ': **-#.: . Hats. , /:'■■. I Ik A lB -*!**! ** J jft if*" 111 - '18 /^*—■—*r —;w Pill - i m m » m 555 555 w

™IF YOU SUFFER I From any Skin or Blood Disease, snca u Eezema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Glandular Swellings. Bad Legs, Ulcers, Abscesses, Tumours, Boils, Sores, Eruptions, Blood Poison, Rheumatism, Gout, etc. DON'T HESITATE! !; Bat at once start,"& enmne of Clarke's ■ Blood Mixture, and the experience of thousands uwhom, it * has. cured, and cured permanently, will soon Ibe yours. &" The Editor of the " FAMILY DOCTOR" (London's popular Medical Weekly) n I (i ir/ites!— A&uyt-:h ■•■ <■■!';?' We hate seen titosts of letters bearI ing testimony to the truly onderfn' I cures effected by Clarke's Blood-Mix-tore. It is the finest Blood Purifier "that Science and Medical Skill hare brought to light, and we can with the utmost-confidence recommend it to oar' subscribers and the public generally." CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE Sold in Bottles by all CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDOE3 throughout the World. Sole Proprietors, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES' DRUG COMPANY. Lincoln. •En eland. TBADE JIAEK, " BLOOD VIXTUKE." 1 * CAUTION.—Ask for CLABKE'B BLOOD I MIXTURE, snd do not be persuaded to take an imitation. not be persuaded to take an imitation. ■MM—— mmmmiimimimmmmmmmmmmmmmm . "VfEUEALGIA, Sciatica, Spinal and all Dis1\ eases .-i either Successful result* guaranteed all cases undertaken. TestiI monials and Treatise on application. Consultations Free- — T. E. CEOWITOKST I M.P.T.A.. 23, Symonda-street. opp. St. Paul's' I 'Phone 3209.

1 _. :——... . I BEOS* •■• I. . -, .„••;,.,,.,■„, ' , ,1 111 ' ' ' ■"■ i " ii « ' ■ ■ ■- ■ .^__ — ..____ — —»»^^^ ~ " ~~ —~—-———•——---^--—-— ———————-———--—-—~-__^__— ————«______-_-_ , _«_ „™_ ________ 1 i ■' i j—'—■ : .. ... ■ . . — z —■""—7T " ■ - -. ' ' ;: .^ .-•■■'— - 1 * ...;.. ■.;■ . .•■ ■ ■• , ------',-'■' . * ' .; - > ; ": :' : *;■ ~'-"'''. "\'-- **-■*,- V ' "",. ' ''-'' . - '■. '■■■.-. '-V .'■' -"'" ■ "f-'' ■ *"V.'- 'j- ">..'' ~.' "it ".:.'-' -' ; '.' " ::".".■ :?'-'V - ■:- , *M'£*r£*ZH _, ; . Ale. , ■•; .■' .':',, ;■-,. ■ .-,. ■■' - -.'v.,..-.- %i;i : : : ;:■. ' :';}f ;~;-".v. ■;-■'' V... J :.-r\VX .'^S^ If ■■i.iLLMiMiiiiMj "SHBHBBHHE9I ,'tf* MS m W 1 wj m A BKBB WAV Isi HHwB I 1 ' Imm fUt "* A ISH hbS K H Kft V wHSjH flf ff ik «B ju *l .tb SPB 1& wf t9 JHnB |a| That j t j s brewed with the hard water from the springs I --ggg*-ggjjr£gg I I DEBILITY, HEADACHE, LOSS OF APPETITE, BLOOD IMPURITIES,! 1 1 I PIMPLES, BOILS, AND THAT RUi-DOWRI, OOT-OF-SORTS FHLIMS, | Iff S lIT is well to rememaer that at this season, of all others, the human system neeas toning up and •gl fincs! UC qu^y! a/ways M I ' putting in thoroughly healthy condition. Now is the time to be on the look-out for the dangers j || uniform and never turns Joß^*^^ >< If lof spring. The human system, after the long siege of winter, is weakened through overwork— overM flat iP$7 m \ work of all the digestive organs, which have had to cope with the extra food consumed (a necessity ■M, DOG'S HEAD JKF 3 ! during the cold months), and overwork by resisting tHe attacks of colds and chills. The weakened I g : BASS ITO 1 % \ system is less able to withstand the renewed attacks of the severe change of temperature, and must i ■'!;lu e EngtoU^«! C : '|W IMMW'M kJI I Ibe toned up. At springtime you should feel so full of life and vigour, your energy should be just H Every l niiln hear. - W&K <i 1 bubbling over. If, instead, you feel only equal to walking at a snail's pace—feel out of sorts, with- ■ th^ai b o^ane h no« % - out a PP etite » or nave blood troubles, such as blotches, pimples, boils, rashes, eruptions, or irritation— | ■ Ilk sold everywhere. JhP \ [ depend upon it yon are " liverish," your system is out of order, your blood is impure, you have spring fag. > Bile Beans are the finest medicine | ' JwF known for the ailments of spring. Being purely vegetable, and working on nature's own lines, they purify the blood, flush the bowels and regulate I § them to natural effort, cleanse the stomach, Regulate the: liver and bile, and tone up the whole system ; and with your system thus toned up, you ■ : 1 ihhp ' jj arc jn a condition to withstand the health dangers that lurk in the springtime. • * - " | WE DO CARTING AND CARRYING. 'f% 1 B>»>"9 a Mna tonle for tbo , * ded Hff '•■■' * na * l >'"' er, ?P l -' ion ' o ° m y- fa «.'- o r-w a f ah Mines, Coke, firewood,and charcoal* "'" 3 ''" 1 per boat (contains 3 tlm»» 1/lJ). Wsfet&'~''' M&jZr Beans cleansed "and purified ray blood, wui '1 »r, Sand, and Shells, for Koad,, and I'aths.' We can HHIL *+ZW * i |> nHed taking Bile Beat).?, aiiil I WfiS persend yr.u practical man with proper tools for good v, -oik ... »,^ w^x^'*/>^-w»*^vv>/v»^/v/r>xrs/xrv/ , *'"v JsCf aßsflW wSSErjGtJ IBBf <Bfc ffßa ' 'ecUy cured.' TIMBER JOINERY, MOULDINGS, ETC.- l').J U ■ *' fj J fAIITIQN ! Bile Beans are 4 I «&# mß\. 11 F i«iW Jw ■» JL if " «« TW M?«T CDniITP SIEM/Mlir .» VV« «.,! Tim»;«, Joinery, Fencing Material, jtneki. MOTOE flAIt. | ? HU ' neverSOldlOOSe 5 Mg WSSSmi /fi&l II !"» »Wl SPRING MEMCINE, Lime, Sand. Cement, Corrugated Iron, Plumbers' and JLtJL *0 §4 r . ' ,7 r ,11 r 5 HI BBgaHl §jjff& M&SBmi\ l&Bj?&- ~3r ™" jßfif jtfH' : ; — Repaired, in rnoticrn btyJe and conßtruction .' If so, hood Shield, lamps, pump! andl tools W E3 J w ith the signature of the Pro- ? S klaf MUX- rSIF) " : i a L ! lrß ' o ' ln3 • of St., LewiShaiii, and all work under th'o I'eraonal supervision of Mr! INDENT ORDERS. , » 1 T? tc B 8 -rNfa red ink, 55T JIM®MM S friend residing in Victoria first bos \% Dempsey, whose practical experience is a (?a»rantee of V, nto for CataIOETUC. S rJT V.., p M' ' f Cn " J fflf AI JfS SB m X iff ¥ iff A. M & of the Beans some Years S'"o an 1 f Wumbhig 0 Dniins, septic Tanks, i:tc. ' *'' ' OKFATES "and" TX7 7 irXE M <• on band surrounding eacb box J IjL Jjß *1 *B *1 WM - MS *i &Fm i'J vo ". 1 , fl . n nt° t wiilioitt thera. I'havealanre "-* ~- -—'• i ffl iixJ'iMi«HiWiWi|IUWWW^iJJWIWWIIW>IIIIP' l ' I »MWIiIB»MMMWB I .. PPBi , ;.._!_ BHBHHWB3HBHMWWBWMI ' ' TWl'lllllllllllllTOi

' ■ . Ale. . i Constitutes Good Ale^fe ' B . Persons who drink Ale should remember II ra That Read's "Dog's Head" Bass is always brewed from S ; S the choicest materials. • ffl& ■-||8 That it is brewed with the hard water from the springs a® %m owned by Messrs. Bass & Co., the renowned brewers of Wl I "DOG'S HEAD" BASS .1 ■■'■BS ;• - ''That it is'bottled 1 only by Read Brothers, Limited, of If s|| London, England, in the most modern bottling establishment i$ pp in the world. ;^| m Such Ale is of'the" l| 'kk finest quality, always g| Hi ■ uniform and never turns " S !II vS-. .... DOG'S HEAD WSSf &^^^J^\ i .H , is the family beverage ."" : -'--ffi J W^^yl Ii HI -jg in all English, .M\ I^Om 1 &m ;: * Every' bottle' boars- " ffl g this label, which lo S i 'K the seal of excellence *li|j|. SOLD EVERYWHERE. . jS^ i ..

*~"- - *~-"""i'niiiii)iuiiiiiMiiniiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiii ii mi ill ■—»■"""■ll—im WE DO CARTING AND CARRYING. FURNITURE MOVING— We have Covered Vans and careful Experienced Men for Furniture Moving. COALS AND FIREWOOD-We Sell Coals from alt Mines, Coke, firewood, and Charcoal. PATHS AND ROADS— We (ell Scoria. Metal Waste, Tar, Sand, and Shells, for Roads and Paths. We can send you practical men with proper tools for good work in this line. TIMBER JOINERY, MOULDINGS, ETC.— We be.l. Timber, Joinery, Fencing Material, Jiricks, • Lime, Hand, Cement, Corrugated Iron, Plumbers' and Painters' Material. DO YOU WANT A HOUSE BUILT, Altered or Repaired, in modem style and construction? If bo, commit na. We keep a large staff of expert workmen, and all work Is under the Personal supervision of Mr. Dempsey, whose practical experience is a guarantee of satisfaction. Up-to-date Sanitary Work, including Plumbing, Drains, Septic Tanks, Etc. J. DEMPSEt, Newmarket) 2 ; Kexi the frost Qflica, • '£h3U.eU .-. •*

•JO Q-H.P. T\ A E E A 0 Q M OTOII QAU. *.< ' Four cylinder, Bosch magneto, two-seated body with tool-box at back. Complete with hood, shield, lamps, pump, and tools. £300 INDENT ORDERS. . Write lor Catalogue. CREATES AND TX^HITB. •.;; I ,68, OUEEN-STffEET. '"* : I

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14808, 11 October 1911, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14808, 11 October 1911, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14808, 11 October 1911, Page 12