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Domestics Wanted. ••"■::.' COOK-General and a General for house- , ,v work,! in a small private nursing home. —Address H-, Cambridge, j- ■ - . '"' (2 OpK^neral^alfio v u- a Nurse f for'three ??> children; :' references required.—Apply jtgsj^iTracyl Inglis, 232, Ponsonby Road* S ttdresg, from November 1 till vy Xmas* references required.— Professor Brutra, vl33Waterloo*;Quadrant, betweenr...lQ" and 8.30 p.m. ■(COMPANION Help - wanted;" for Tauvv ranga; assist in housework; no wash' ings Apply ;.HEBAI/D. ' . .; FEMALE Cook, good, wanted at once.--v Prince of» Wales Hotel, Hobson-st. •- • - "ft?SA. L . wanted; : references.— ! i rls Creeth, Victoria Avenue, fifth house left side;, Remuera. 7 .. ,' .' .'' **' " GENERAL, good; wanted, fori the Presby-< ~..., '% 1 terian ; Orphanage, ißemuera;irefer* ence.— i Mrs. - Monro, The ■"■• Manse* : Remuera. J GENERAL, good, wanted, for the Presby-* ~. . terian ~;Orphanage. Remhexa; reference.— Mrs. Monro, The ManseK Remuera; ~,;; ;. *...:- ' ...»' :;-•■«.,-.,,:.■ r,, r ..;,:.„ T'ADY Helps,.two. to work together, cookJJ;iug;»and general housework.— Cam* bridge. ' \ .-,..■■".- -.',,: LADY Help, . domesticated, wanted, fo*< &.; country; easy place—Mrs. M. Kirk* .' bride, Mangere. .■,.,..: ...:.: ■. - LADY Help, young, superior.: domesticated* «.. .."•'.' wanted X, by married couple, countryij main line no children.— HESALD. LADY ; Help, near I Hamilton; five adults*. -two children; no washing, very little cooking; terms. 12s Apply Mrs. Raynias* Ruknhia. Waikato. • T..''""a".";-d : .Y'-;. _'. ;;.; /.;h"™e~ "l -"'p^, , : ' Jf* Domesticated %or Middle-aged . GeneraL; Wanted for Country., : Good wages com* petent person; references. •.. ■":' : URGENT, .827, HERALD., ' PjERSON, reliable,* Wanted at once, ; as) _ Lady Help; comfortable home.— H. Rollett,'Manurewa.' ~" , *-.-,-. ; "DERSON. respectable, -for; housework, small J- -v cottage; ,• plaini cooking; 'x no children;, wages, Apply 'Grattan: Downs, - Manurewa. .----. .- - ••. .'^i,; "PERSON, reliable, young, ? for -small -l family; no v children—Apply, --. any ■ morning, between nine « and -.' 12, - j Mrs.»F. : Brown, 147, Ponsonby ""Road.- - - ;_.. -~,:. STAFF, thoroughly* experienced," I for abso< K lutely new, up-to-date boardinghouse, country,* required at once; wages, W. Cook< ■ 30a; Waitress, 255; Housemaid-Laundress, —Mrs. Lopking. Avenue Registry, Parnell.*'WOMAN, reliable, to look after house , for several Mrs. E. G t Boden, 43, '% Haydn-st. .-■*., " . ~\XT . .A ' 'N" .T" .E' D"--^ * ¥ CAPABLE GENERAL;, ..*-- -Forismall, household; "two adults. ..'." . > References required. For address, apply ; Herald. BELL'S;.';: Registry, % : City. ~Chambers* ' ',-.:.■:,. Queen-street.—W. Cooks, 3Cs, 255; Laundresses,!" 22a r 6d; Waitress, Zss; iH.M.Laundress, 20s; Cook, three together; ," .. Housemaids;J Waitresses, ;. Generals, Helps, | ; Kichenmaids, town,-country; Milkers. Lads. '. I MIOHOLL'S Registry, Upper Symonds-sV 1 —To-day—Capable Handyman; station* > 255; CoOks, £1; Housemaids, "153, 16s, 13.v? Nurse, 15s; Lady;-' Helps, 15s; - Generals," Lc» • vonport;:lßs, _ Pukekohe 15s, 17ai6d,«bther3 : ; locally. ' Open nights..... ' ■_ SAUNDESS'iS ' Registry, H.M. Arcade, ; Auckland's \ oldest' and : leading office.— i Vacancies— Cooks, 355, 30s, -40s, for? t good U>. hotels; Waitresses. , Housemaids, ■} Housemaid-Waitresses,— for ;20 different ; places, 20s, 17s 6d, 15a, some two together; ' Laundresses wa.nted,„22s 6d, 20s; Cook-Gene--4 rals', 255; Generals, 22s 6d, 20s, 15s; Help s -, ! , 12s, •; 10s; t Kitchenmaid, • ■ 15s. " Many not ad« >, vertised." Waitress, 255. land Housemaid* ; :20a; together. 'Phone" 900. ' , * -'~. i ■—— ,r , :;.j ;'" -...:. i. : \ : ' Farm Hands Wanted. , /f. FARM Hand, reliable, wanted; ' good [■ 'X- milker;/good -home."—Apply, staSttE. ; ' wages required, to H. Dudding, 'Port Al-< ~ •■ bert '"'-;■.',' ~;'.'■■■'' '*•.*""■■' ■'.'■'"' '-. '-""-"'•", "'' '"* ;- ■ '- TIyfTDKEE ' wanted; ' first-class ' man only;;' ,", ±|JL wages, and T. W. Diacombe, t . ( - m 'P ' rarm.'Otahuhii- .-■"-'■■ ■;■' . '-..■■'■.■■■'. ; • ' . !■" mS5SB^,;Kbod;.. and- Jffarm- Hand,. mar* . . ' 'IIJL ■ tied or single.—Apply-. J, ,Wynyaid # '. ,- '" Greenmouht, East TimAi. or Auckland . '• Drug -C 0..-. Albert-street; " : "t - . MAN. young, decent, respectable,. wanted! , for farm; .must; ."oa good milker.— J (WeHesley -Massey, Ma,ngere. ;; . v IyTARRIED* Couple,'" Man milker and - 1 jJjXj general farm work, Wife for general; : salary,'£Bo-a'year, fqpnd,—Apply D. Hale* ■ ■ ' ' Glevedoh. ; J . YOUTH,/ for; Farm.• must .be\air: aiilkerj ".good home, easy job; 15s week and V ffpund.^Applyj.Fa|TOer,tTC : Kuiti P.O.' : SAUNDERS'S Registry:—Married "Couple, £75; Milkers. .• 255; Farm. Hands,.2sa; • ?Youths .for ■ farms,: 155,. 203; Buttons, 15s; .: Milkers, 60 cows, on shares; two good Homes for 'two-Boys, -.arrivals, 2Qs*:lss; Bush' r fellers, la 3d per hour, toolß supplied.- .. ■ STATION Couples, ' several. £80 to' £90;Tiii Bushfellers,',-. Is 3d- hoar; ;-_ Married. Couple, both good, : milkers, ,£lO month; • : Station Ploughmen four Drainers, 10s day; Man. plough i and? cart.; union wages; Flax .'■ Cutters, Paddockers, Sorter, Shaker, Stripper- , ; keeper and feed; Milkers, everywhere, 20s to ': 255: Flax Baler. Cooks, = for. shearers, 30a and 40s; W. ;vKitchenmen, ■ Jjs; -TV. ■: Cook; Laundress, --2<3s; - Housemaid -.and ■Woman? to McLeod's Registry; 'phonsf : - 884-. ' •:■"/./ - ___ r * .... ;» Wanted to Buy. f : —: . ■-—. APPABEI/.— Mrs. 360, Queen-street* W- opp. % Grey 5 Statue, Largest fi Buyer • i a .-- Auckland %of Left-off . Clothing, TraveUina Trunks, Jewellery, i Boots, etc. 'Phone 5305. CARBURETTER wanted for i2-h.p. Motos Car; new or second-hand.—Particulars* ' | make, price, to Motor. 880. HERALD, .- - , * LEFT-OFF Superior . : Clothing ~-VH highest !% prices i given at- the smartest dealers in" . Auckland.—Mrs. Butcher, 193. 196, 197, Kara- / ngahape Road. opp. Newton P.O. 'Phone ' : 1209. - ' '-■-•■-- ---..■■ -. LEFT-OFF Clothing.— up Mrs. Aid*. ' ridge --■ (late Mrs. E. : Bill),';? oppoeite; .Y.M.C.A..*Wellesley-street. ; Buyer ?of Left-of| * ' •. i and;. Misfit- Clothing. 'Phone 2928. MRS. BOTTERILL' Buys ••Ladies'. Gent's. . >i and Children's Superior Misfit and LeftrOff, Clothing- letters promptly attended • to.—Elliott-street, ' two i doors , frem, - Welled* ley-street.r'Phone 3488- -. -■ . ;;-. • kCK..'MRS/ BROWN, 90;"Hobson-at., Buy* Ladies'. . ' ' Gent's, and ChildrentS, Left-off ;and-;Mi s* ' fit Clothing, Boots, etc. Letters promptly -. attended h to. . :; v.... ■■ . :;" ' ' ' l ■' ' PULLING Boat, second-baud, ' in . good - order, 10 to 12ft, oars and rowlocks • complete—State price, where seen, Aquatic, i 904. HERALD. - -./ " .-.-■■-•.■,-■■'-■:■■ ■' .- -*'■ PORTLAND -Waggon, second-hand, or - good .Settler's L Waggon' to carry 15ct, t. •' Must be in good order.—N. Mackenzie, Em» pire Bldgs.,- Swansop-Bt. .: ■* RING up Mrs. Kelly, 392,' Queen-street. .Highest prices lor Ladies'', Gent,' 3, audi Children's-Misfit Clothing, Boots, etc. 'Phon< 2606. '.■.■„•...■■ ■,■"'..". ...... ...... .;.... ■'~„.,■ .. , •VKT'E, Buy ' Any thing.—Buildings. Pifctlnga,, , VV.Boats, Engines;-, if you want to Sell I call and see us. we "Buy or Sell for you.—* Vickerataff» and-Ross, Hobson-street. ... — —, -. WILD Animals and Birds wanted. Gardea Seats -and Tables; stats cash- price,—J. J. Boyd. Onehnnga Zoo.* ■' : - --....- . -^/-:/»''; "- • .' %.»- ,!*' .. ' .---.""* !*"""'"'"I."I-Sa '■■-::::^.- : ::'-;. :: ; ; Wasted to Sell. , _^ <>K SHARES. Devonpori Steam Ferry Ctf* ; ■aD (new issue), fully paid up; no broker-ace.-Write J.M., HERALD. . -, - . ...■■■ -~:.-. a ; .. ■ ==3 ..- .. ..- : - - - ■ ~ Pupils Wanted. PUPIL op Retbuchias; to" prepare fprbuivt season; terms, two guineas, 12 lesson*, ; —Address, Photo... P. 0., Symonda-street. , PRACTICAL - Dressmaking.—Miss •• Held, 3. k; Pitt-at Buildings, " Classes daily, 1 ; from 10 to 12, -2 to 4. Term starts from first, lesson. SPEED — TYPiNS; — See Educatioaal .-; Columns.Training College. ;.•-==-" : ; X'\' j_j "■ " ■■ ■"■'" ' "' f '- ; """* ■■■ at Miscellaneous Wanteds. ..; — — . W' Joiners to v£si| -lambburne's Bargain Sale of Tools and General Hardware. Great reductions. ■.. ' IMPLICITY in Perfection in result. : fe "Glaso "i Linen Polishing Tablet givea -a- brilliant; polish Jo^ Cuffs, Collars, . and : Fronts. You should try a, 6d Tablet. . ObI tainable from all stores.. .. — HAVE you tried " Glasn" Linen Pclisahis Tablet? i! If is very easyjto use, and gives. splendid results. For Fronts, Cuffs, i |nd Collars.-Sold- by all stores-6d Tablet.^ ; plants, TOMATO quantity. 9d doz.. per MO.-*.. in any quantity. 9d doz.. 5s per M.-+- • O'Leary and Downs, corner Queen and jy,ew : lesley Streetfl. „J , - CLEAN White,- WeH-finisned Cuffs „Md :x finish; to tho-Lmen.-; fcoid-&t a.. btfc^-*a . Tablet. ~--...■ - '- '- ■■• ;,. - :' - - •. I" -Wanted.'Advcrtlwaients'contlaMa ■ — ■.. .Wanted Advcrtlsi'-caeats WSttlQUtf «* Vs&*~ "- ' *»ftft-r.v- : ~' ' >* / — .-.--- . - - >-~-. ;r.„ <- - • " - ' ' 4 ■ , -'*.-■ ; ' - - - - , ■ J . « j: "■ ~ • i - -. . - --. ;-;', V-VIJ

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14807, 10 October 1911, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14807, 10 October 1911, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14807, 10 October 1911, Page 1