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.';- .--•- ' Shipping. ;.;■.;'., C ■- T>JORTHERN QTEAMSHIP; ■ /"10.» J TD. Weather and other circumstances permitting '■'.'•/.Forti.,;.:/-.;- : . ', . Steamer: ■;-.-. AMODEO 8AYt.........5ee Cabbage Bay sailings , 5t:;.;.,„....:.:.:..5ee'; Silverdaie sailings AWANcit.:.:............;.;;.....::.......1.:..„;.;..;APANUi Every : Mop..- 2 p.m. (cargo until 12 noon). BIG 0MAHAt.........5e* Little Omaha sailings BROWN'S 'BAYt.„.:....See / Silverdale sailings CANAANt...;... .........See - Tauranga sailings CABBAGE 8AY.;............;...:........:....... OREWA , LEAVES AtICK'D: LEAVES CABBAGE BAY; •Tues.. 10th,midn't. Wed.; 11th, 8.30 a.m. •Direct.:,*, -.'• "'. ■ . CAPE COLVILLEI...See .Cabbage" Bay sailings COEOJiANDEL.... ROTOMAHANA LEAVES AUCK'D: LEAVES COEOMANDEIi: :''-'* : "- >: \ ',' 1 '';.- ; ; v " *Tiies., 10th, 8 a.m. .';' " Wed.", llth, 4 p.m. Thurs., 12th, 9 a:m; ' *Fri.. 13th, 2 p.m. »Sat.. 14th, 11.30 f a.m, ■;■•■■; ♦Calls ■atiWaiheke.^--.-:-..'.; i .'V-^ ; :-i''-:' .DEEP CBEEKT..... See Silverdale sailings GREAT BAERIERt ............:.........; WAIOTAHJ ■■:■■'.''■'•■.-, Every "Wednesday. ? midnight. ,'.■''.. jV .. : <! H0PA1t..... See - Kerepeehi sailings H0UH0RAt................,....5ee Awariui sailings KAWAU JSLANDt......See Mangawai eailinga - r - . ~-,., Also L. Omaha sailings KENNEDY BAY*...See Wh'angappua ?sailings KE8EPEEH1t.....:.....;....»...:....::.-»-"-"-KAP I Wednesday, llth October, midnight. K0PUt....:........ ....See Paeroa sailings KUAOTUNUt ........;............• WAIOTAHI - Monday, 16th October,* * 6 pm. / LE1GHt.......;j............,;....5ee Mangawai sailings LITTLE OMAHAt ...........................KAWAU LEAVES AUCK'D: LEAVES OMAHA,: V Wed., llth, 11 a.m. Thurs. 12th (T.W.), 8.30 a.m. Thurs., 12th (Leigh), 10 a.m. MAHUEANGI HEADSt .5* , ■ ~.„„. -.i : l • See Warkworth sailings MANGAPAIt ........••'See ' Whangarei sailings Cargo Monday and Wednesday. MANGAWAI .....;........i............»...KAWA(J | LEAVES AUCK'D: LEAVES MANGAWAI: Tues., 10th, 7.30 a.m. •Friday 13th, 1 p.m. Sat.. 14th. 9.30 a.m. , Mon.. 16th. 3 p.m. Tues.. 17th, 1.30.p.m.; .! •No Cargo for Leigh. -> - ' MANG0NU1..:........ ...CLANSMAN Wednesday, 5.30 . p.m. , . i,. --, „ Monday 2 p.m. (no cargo).;.......APAiNU£ MATAKANA*.:............ - ..... : »KOTi'n: LEAVES AtCS'D: LEAVES MATAKANA: • ."';"•;'■ ''Tues.; 10th, 7 a.m. : Mon., 16th, 5 p.m: ■■- Tues.. 17th.' 12.30 p.m. ■' MATATAt..::..... .......gee Tauranga sailings MAUNGATUROTOt.. See Waipu sailings MERCURY BAYt .'•. .'•"• WAIOTAHI •--''• Friday. 13th October. 8 p.m. MERCURY ISLANDSt ' ■ vv.;- ;, - '-."'".'. a. See Whangapoua sailings MULLET •POINTt......See Matakana sailings OHIWA See Opotikl sailings OPOTIKI .............J........ NGATIAWA Tuesday, 10th October, 7.30 a.m. 0PUA...... .CLANSMAN Monday. 6.30 p.m. ', ! Wed.. 5.30 p.m. (no cargo). ORCHABDt..;.::: ...;.;...See Kerepeehi: sailings OREWA , (GRUT'S)t...See fi Warkworth ' sailings PAEE0At........;......TANrWHA or WAIMARIE LEAVES AUCK'D: ' ■ LEAVES PAEB.OA: Tues., 10th, midnight Tues., 10th, 8 p.m. Wed., midnight Wed., }lth, 8.30 p.m.. ■' Thurs., 12th, midn't. Thurs., 12th, 9.30 p:m PAK1R1t.„................:....5ee'Mangawai sailings PARENGAt See Te Kao sailings PARUA* BAYt.:........JWedriesday and Friday ■i '■•>. i :.', See Whangarei sailings...NGAPUHI P1P1R0At.;...:..;............5ee; Kerepeehi ' sailings PORT CHARLESt...See Whangapoua sailings PUH01t.»»:;..1..........:.....;:.»v.-.»:....:. 7 KOTITI j LEAVES AUCK'D: LEAVES puhoi: ' .-; Wed., llth; 2 p.m. : Thurs., 12th,' 8 a.m. ": RUSSELL i .............;...U..::.0LAN5MAN ■ . -Monday; 6.30 p.m. ~ ' ••'" .- Wed.. 5.30 p.m., (no cargo), .; ; 5H08TLAND..:.;....;....r.....:......'.:...«:.....«KAPU1 •..-.,' Friday, 13th October, midnight. : ' SILVEBJ^LEt....:-.;.X..i;;;.«.;;;..;;^..1.0REWA > LEAVES; AUCK'D: •i ; LEAVES- SUCVEBDAIE: =. ,-•;- ... Tues., 10th, 8 a.m. • ;;' Thurs, 12th, 4 p.m. Fri.,-13th. 10 a.m. ,*. v Sat., 14th, 7 a.m. . Sat., Wth.lla.m.. •.. - TAHOTTAt.... ...» .KAPUI -•; Wednesday, 13th • October, midnight." . TAIRUAt .......;......WAIOTAHI : .Friday, 13th October, 8 p.m. ', TAKATUf See L.. Omaha sailings TAURANGA...... _ '.!'.: JLUPOURI ♦NGATIAWA...Tues., ' 10th, 7.20' a.m. *No cargo=for;Tauranga. j ' '■' AVPOUBi,-siaiiint;*fiih.«'< - p.t£. '\"~ : ' '". Cargo received ' on f Wed. and Sat. and up to 12 noon on Bailing days.- • ,TE ; AE0HAt...»;..;;.1;...;;...5ee Paeroa ; sailings TE KAOt : ...........CHELMSFORD i Monday, 30th October, 12 noon. TUTUKAKA. Etc.t-See Whananaki sailings THAMES.'...- WAKATERE LEAVES AUCK'D: ; ; LEAVES THAMES: f ••' .\ ' " Tues., 10th. 7 &.rnl\"~. Tues.. 10th, 3 p.m. Wed., llth, 7.30 a.m. Wed., llth, 3.30 p.m. Thurs., 12th. 8.30 a.m. T1>P01NTt...:........;...5ee" Big , Omaha sailings TUEUAt...;.......;.:..». r .;."...;.5ee* : Paeroa sailings TUTUKAKA, Etc.See j Whananaki sailings WAIHARARAt.;;'...:...;...'..".See Awanui sailings WA1HEKEt....;;.»......5ee. Coromandel sailings. WAiKAKAt..;.:;.».».....-......;;.:.....;.;.... KAPUI (,'..- * See Tahuna sailings. . WA1PUt..;.;;»;.......: ....:.;..;;..„...:........... GAEL Leaves AUCK'D:- : v leaves waipu : ; - . ■■■»-- Wed., llth, 7.30 a.m. Thurs., 12th, midnight. Sat., 14th, 10 a.m. WAIWERAi-............5ee Warkworth i sailings WAEKWOETH^....;..;-,„.;...^i;:™..;..';DAPENE LEAVES AUCK'D: LEAVES WAEKWOETH: . : ' • « • i Tues.,. 10th, 7 a.m.. Wed., llth, 3 p.m. Thurs., 12th.'8 a.m. Fri., 13th, 4 p.m. Sat.,' 14th, 9 am. -' WHANANAK1t.;......'.....-....;............ .....PAEROA Tuesday. 24th October, 1 p.m. WHANGAMA^.;.;...;....^.....„.;..;....WA10TAH1 :\ Monday, 16th October, 6 p.m. WHANGAPOUAt.... CHELMSFORD Monday, 16th October, 5 p.m. ■:■-■.. WHANGA8ELV.v.........................:..:;...NGAPUH1 LEAVES 'AUCK'D: LEAVES WHANGAEEI: -: , Tues., 10th; tr, noon. '; Wed., llth. 9.30 p.m. Thurs., 12th. tr., noon. ' Fri., 13th, 9.30 p.m. Sat., 14th; tr. noon. " WHANGAREI (Town )............KANIERI .' LEAVES AUCK'D: LEAVES WHANGAEEI: Tues., 10th, 7.30 p.m. Wed., llth, 9 a.m. Thurs., 12th, 8 p.m. Fri., 13th, 10.30 a.m. WHANGAREI HEAD5T............:...:...NGAPUH1 Wed. and Fri.. See Whangarei Sailings. ■Cargo Monday only. . WHANGAROA. CLANSMAN Wednesday, 5.30 p.m. - Monday, 2 p.m. (no cargo)......APANUI WHAKATANE.....^.......;.........: , .............TA5MAN. _. Thursday. 12th October, 8.30 a.m. : ?. '-. : .' WEST COAST SERVICE. # . (From Onehunga.) . - *. AWHITUt... ..........See Waiuku sailings HOKIANGAt ..;........... ..........RIMU Thursday, 12th Oct., 2 p.m.; tr. 1.13 p.m. Cargo to 4 p.m. previous day at railway. KAWHIAt....:.-.--- CLAYMORE Monday, 16th October, ,2 p.m.; tr., 1.10. Also see Waitara sailings. ' 'Cargo at* railway up: to 9.30 i a.m. " • NEW PLYMOUTH.. .....«......!. EAR.AWA 'Wednesday, llth October, 3 p.m.; tr.,*2.10. Sunday, 15th October, 3 p.m. tr., 2.30. Cargo 11 a.m. sailing day, except Sunday. OPUNAKE.. .....See Wanganui sailings POLLOKt..—— :.........-See Waiuku sailings RAGLANt...See Kawhia and' Waitara sailings TE ..T0EAt....".. .;......See; Waiuku! sailings WAIPIPIt ........See; Waiuku sailings WAITARA ;......... CLAYMORE Tuesday, 10th October, 10 a.m.; tr.. 9. Cargo,at rail to 12 noon previous day. WA1UK«jt........"........»-.»."..."...............;..WEKA LEAVES • ONEHUNGA: '.€ LEAVES WAIUKU: ; Tues., 10th, 7.35 a.m Tues., 10th, 11.30 a.m. Wed., llth, 8.5 a.m. Wed., llth, 12.15 p.m. Thurs.. 12th, 9.5 a.m. Thurs., 12th. 1 p.m. WANGANU1..........:.............. •• ........r.KIMU Tuesday, 17th October, 10 a.m.; tr.; 9. Cargo at railway 4 p.m. previous day. . • NB—No Cargo will be received after halfnasi, four p.m., or after noon on Saturdays, or within ONE HOUR of advertised time of any steamer's departure. Overtime charged after 4.30 P.m. . . . _~ - \ V Freight to ports marked .t must be preVAi "■■.' .Company's Offices. Quay-street. ITIOB THAMES ' (SHOETLAND WHARF). : The AUXILIARY SCOY/ ' KAIAIA will - load general cargo TO-DAY (TUESDAY), and every following TUESDAY. Sails at 3 p.m. Freight, 5s per ton. * "•' Full particulars, - * ; : . . " A. L. ALEXANDER AND CO., Agents. Queen-st. Wharf. 'Phone 2571. Weather and other circumstances permitting. No Cargo received after advertised time of sailing. -;' ■•:--■ j. " ■ .■-. : : / ' .'. - '' ; . ■"- 'OEND FOR " /BOOK'S CAILING T IST." * (Posted Free), Giving • - - ' FARES AND SAILING .TDATES, -.'-..-".:>:-" , ■> By i ' ■ i COOK'S (V. and O. S.N. Co. x -i Q-J f) , OOK'S Orient Line . ■-, I XOJLA , : ...v N.D.L. (German) |.. .«:,,. nM Passages. Can, Australian ;;, "an*a > Passages J NZ. Shipping Co. fifr£»£,..., Passages - J Shaw, Savill Co. AllUlasses. White Star Line Aa tjlasseß- - Cape Lines IQI9, OOK'S AEtc., etc., etc. ' ' It/IA/ .'■ *"" , "NO BOOKING FEES. « - '*:;;. 'V INQUIRIES v- INVITED: ."; .V; . v BOOK'S , CHIPPING- QFFICE;-; .. .- 62. QUEEN-STREET. AtfGKLAND. --1

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14807, 10 October 1911, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14807, 10 October 1911, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14807, 10 October 1911, Page 1