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':. -.-■;" ,'-./ .BY W.S.C. ■..>":.<-.■:■«,':•»-;'' J • "Be your-best, do your host, and always have the best." This is a very good motto' to put in one's hat, and • to endeavour-; to live up to. The nearer we can approach to ; : its realisation the fuller and happier : will; be our. lives. Never be satisfied : with' any-, thing that is second-rate. -'It is ; true ' that, we ? often - 'have to put up with conditions and: things -which, fall short 'of being ■'■ the best, but ".putting up with" and : being "satisfied with" ,- are .two.; very different terms. The:.. most . important part -of r the j motto, is "Be your .best.'' You.cannot do' your best, nor generally,have the s best with-.;: out being your'best, and to be your best . you must have '.good health. 1 ' It' is impossible for anyone who is not* in first-rate health to do as good work or to get as much, enjoyment out of life .as. he could if his health wore all that 'it ..should be. --Yet, when you think of : it, it is surprising how many-people seem to, not only; have poor health, but also tohave settled down to a state of, if not satisfaction, indifference regarding their condition. They "seem to have come to the conclusion that poor health is a ; normal condition, and that it is useless to" repine or to do anything to effect improve-, ment. Now' it '. is to these people, 'as well as ethers -who are sick andarc also dissatisfied,' that we desire, to give some ;,, information which will, probably, 3 radically, alter j ; their outlook on life. v ,;.-'* .-..'.^-,vw''ir-r !i ■'' ? '; ■ Most of the from which we suffer.have: their origin 'within. our,bodies, .arid !ere' due> to " interruption of '' Nature's "\ laws. .* Knowledge of; these laws is necessary to everyone, but, unfortunately, most " people have but a nodding acquaintance with them. -For. instance, : how>-inany of ;us fully '■? realise the v fact that every instant of our lives our blood is being continuously contaminated by various poisons actually created by the. wear and' tear of our" flesh or. tissue? These - poisons must' be expelled from the system, -by natural means, as fast as, they are produced, 03:; wo must - suffer • from disease. . .Bach movement we make, each breath We draw, neces-, sitates " waste of tissue and the tissue; ;wasted, or ;>.used-"-;up, converted into .poisonous waste material.' ■ '?$•" . v -.'.'•*;'■•''- Kris just as essential: to life ; that the body I' should waste away, as it is that its ; substance should be constantly renewed, ..or. replaced, by an adequate supply, of ; fresh air, water, food. ; We, therefore,..give a few typical examples' of the •manner in which' waste" takes place. •'".* ;-;-"'';'/"-'- '■'".'' '' - 1 " When > a man ' draws a Tbreath, ho fills his,.' lungs with -air. - 'Fresh, "-'air', is ; composed -• of ; I oxygen diluted with nitrogen; - When a man empties his lungs by breathing» out, it isj found that oxygen has been taken from the air, and that, the breath exhaled contains '• | _.a largo amount ql carboniq acid., The man.

.. 7T ■-- .... .... - ■: ._, —- ' did not breathe in the carbonic acid. It ' < would be impossible for him,- id, do so, as ■ {,•■ : *--■< this-gas*,--'when pure, is highly 1 poisonous. Ii is carbonic add which sometimes fills the workings of coal mines, ana causes so many lamentable deaths amongst the miners. So deadly! is it ; that v a ; flam* will •ddtibiitnan it. The carbonic acid in the breath is actually made in the body from carbon taken in the,form : : of food, ~ etc. ,; The quantity of solid , carbon thus 1 exhaled in the , breath every twenty-four hours is equal to eight "ounces of,pure,charcoal. - ■' - * ' ■■ ...•;-;- ' Another. way in .which, our bodies.waste is through the skin. \. The, skin, which: looks passive, is really always'working hard;' rid- '-, ding the-body of 'poisons,' which, if not re-, moved, would -bo just" as dangerous to' life as carbonic .acid.; The skin expelr. these .prisons: in .the form of perspiration; and, A- ' although it may-not bo visible, perspiration '* is cozing from, us. all", the time; >. If a man ; w ?. re, „ completely covered with a.coating of % 'waterproof material :ho would live but a very - little' while. -■<>■!' '-." , ~ •: "* "••-'..-", -;'-'"-'. The skin, lungs, kidneys and ' liver are -he organs upon which we dependent for tho extraction off poisonous - matter- from- tho blood, and its removal from the system. It >;- is, however, not -with 5 the skin and"-lungs - that,, we . now. ■ propose to «deal. -The i skin, .*■'.-' ? as a. general . thing, needs but regular .treat- i ment with good- soap and >vater,- and it will 'do its duty perfectly and without complaint, l-lio lungs are vigorous ' Organ's, .and' wo are •soon. made aware of 'any'., interference with • their action by a fit of coughing or a 'choking- sensation. -fit-is the importance of look- , ■ ing after the- health of :the kidneys' and liver which,,it is desirable 'to-remohasise.- These organs, are .<. tho most delicate of : all /those engaged, in v extracting and., removing from tue blood the w;aste poisons as. fast; as they are produced in bod v. ' Unless the kidneys and liver are in : a 'fit* state to thoroughly :.t----43'?0™ their "task, the particular poisons, is- their.duty to make and extract, will remain in the system, and. as the kidneys and liver,are often unable to tell- us directly, by a sensation/ of p^m s jjh a t; there is anytmng the matter with them, -we are probably-unaware of'their''failure''until we begirt to? suffer-- from rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, lumbago,' backache, sciatica, : blood - "; .disorders, anaemia;-. indigestion} biliousness, jaundice, ? sick-headache, -general ': debilitv,' ..gravel,,, stone.> or,, bladder,-, troubles, 'all -of ' - which co are paused?, by tho..retention m the body "of • urinary., and biliary -•■' ; poisons. -' V '"V~. "•' l '*" '..".'■*",.'-?~ ■'.•',',.'.' : .-" : ,. ; .'-,. j In order that life may be' sustained,"a o'er- '' | tain quantity of nitrogen must be contained in-the food We eat;" The nitrogen in the air . " is not absorbed into the system-".through 'the : lungs. . Iho body is eontinuouslv demanding a fresh, supply of • nitsogehfsto replace tbe constant waste- : of , this", 'clement;.. and . such, fresh supply ? can-, be derived only re in " _.As. the', body-tissues waste, : nitrogen - is liberated in; ,the form M .nrea and uric acid; which should,' in due 'course, - '<*& he eliminated *by the kidneys!- When urea and uric acid are not formed in excess, aiid the kidneys', are;' working healthily,--'the two poisons leave the : body in .solution in.'- the : H-Vl°' and are consequently harmless; but ■;, : if, tho-kidneys, - through-weakness,or disease, are'incapable of, pertprmiug theuj-duty, or if nitrogen, is contained m ' our food .in quantity so excessive that even v 'he'afthv' kid- ''-""' : neys cannot- cone with 4 it, the blood''is!-not properly purified,' and We-sufferfrom uric poisoning in some ono'<ir ihore of- its' numerous forms. Headache,." Depression, "Low Temperature, Anasmia*-' and-Asthma?are''all associated with .the*pree«Bee-'of -sin '.excess of .uno... acid; .whilst Rheumatic V.and .Gouty affections coincjdo with - the deposition, of uric .acid in the joints and, tissues. ."".Digestive troubles and defective nutrition are ' often due 'to- the 1 presence of'this .acid, the i contaminated ; 'blood /being' deprived "of", its power to absorb 'food.- ITrie'-acid crystals deposited in s the .bladder) form*' Gravel and Stones. ,■ In cases ■,-.of;.■■ nervous breakdown, insanity, ;or epilepsy,, uric acid, is-, frequently shown. to excess. In-fact,'an, excess of uri(3"acid accompanies..haft tho ill% which afflict humanity. Even a person who is in moderately ' good health—end' most people have but moderate health— feel* "far better and" enjoy life more, completely it tho extraction '• of -uric poisons - Were' -'-properly performed by the kidneys; whilst'-a person who. is .faeling,iOut iof- sorts,, miserable.' and generally run down, has,-in all.probability, an excess of urh> acid in the .blood. ,;,;;"' ".''The kidneys aire 'situated in ' the small of the back, one .'on* each side.' of. the,'jpice. Human kidneys 'are similar in shape to "those Of a sheep, but f are somewhat larger. They are • encased in "fat,—and? are supplied with . *■ arteries which convty'-'bVood_ to them ;ffoni ■ the .heart,- By a.-process akin --to. filtering, the kidneys .-take of.water* from the ;; blood., and they,,also extract from, too ...blood,,"varipus waste poisons with, which; it becomes laden in,. i.-> journey through jtho -veins. ' '■''*'- '"'■' ""! ' "- ' " ' »" . Wh6n & psrsonis -In* good'health ; these .. - waste'-/poisOni "are'dissolved'ln the "water " taken from the l blood' by l the kidneys, and: - —— the'solution;'is passed through narrow : 'Sjages.'.ieadiilg;-fr,6m=, each : kiciucjv.intu", ilw ; bladder,- ; and-thence-expelled .'from the.body.v -v This solution, is -known as urine.^Somo- r of ■ : the.poisons contained .in urine are animal - master, such ,'as, urea . and. liric.acid •. Mothers are'mineral;" matter, " being.'fait-; <■£ lv.v.: ;> magnesia, potash, and soda. - -"-*,' '■ Unless the kidneys,do their Wort 1,.---oughly "-the''waste matter is v - incompletely extracted., the blood,; becomes actively . poisonous,? causing* U3;to:sui?er:iroJn disorders which cannot be "Oured; until the -;..v----kidneys are restored to health,-and activity. After the blood ;is filtered ; and purified by, the kidney? it enters the veins,>r and is ■ in due time, returned to 'the heart, having, in the"meanwhile;': • th& ! bOdyTand ■ taken up-'-a fresh supply -of- waste- matter. .The r ; heart, again ' Senas -; the" , -bk»"o'd ■-". to '■ the kidneys, which . once mora 'filter iframd-ex- • tract-'the-impuritieit.'^This process-'goes-on without ceasing or-night., ■■> .>••-• ' , .The kidneys of tho average , man fjlier : and 'extract from the blood aboufc_tiirco pints.of ' urine, in. 24 ..hours,. 'In.^thb'..quantity"" of urine" are ' dissolved about an ounce'of .urea ;;. , ; ahd'tfenior^^lwcTv^ grains' in 'weight Of * urio ' acid,!together with 'bth^i^ahimai and miif&al matter, varying from .a third of-'an'oUnce to nearly, an ounce. -■• ■■.■■■., L--ii-.Ts : ,_.fypßh\\>

-The! blood, Jin the course of its circulation, carries.nourishment; derivedmm, thir.lfood we (i eat, ■ and oxygon, > to- every ports of ..the tissues of ;th», body,- and . receives iypm the tissues .matt ,which,.thoy,; have .-cbniuunvd, and for -which they, have no. further^.' use. This Waste.matter it,is['tl/o r 'd;.ly of the' skin/;,,lungs, * and kidneys/*'' throw oft 'and _g«t ' '-\/.■:'■;■ rid of. In the : form 'of carbonic' aeid,'_tho lungs throw - off' the 'equivalent'of- -eight ounces of Spuroi? charcoal "every twenty-four hours, and- the kidneys do\their-i'share-by eliminating urea,,-; uric;,*acid, .<&g-ji §&-. described. - ■ -■■•• .-.'. i ■■;-<• '-.---v- ~ / ' *-;•' Closely associated with the wort, performed by the kidneys is the .work performed by the liver. The liver • may be. described as ""a'ch'emietf'laboratorjV v The blood* which enters the liver through the portal" Vein ia loaded ! with'' the 'products' of the 'digestion, of-food. The so- products the. liter deals with in such. a manner .that'.the composition-' of the blood when it leav&s. the Jive.? b ; very much changed, a sort "of secondary .digestion having'taken, place in 'the liver.. .. Bilo.ha-. been manufactured out of the blood; ,'"a subsvance called glycogen has been made from the sugar in the blood' and stored- in- 7 the liver for future use, aha various other trans? "• formations v have taken'place.* Tho: river, also,: tirbbably ■ deafcroya and, removes": tfrom, the ; blood ? red corpuscles, - which. -arc fwaru apt and, are ,of no jurther utility.., ,-, $&rZ The . liver t makes .and .extracts from the blood --two or three , pounds -of. bile. -every day. Tho bile •• is .: delivered into the. intestines, .and.acts as .aVhatuxaL;cai3jaitio>ibesides assisting in the digestion'^of' fatty foot! ac.d retarding the decomposition'.' of '.'such food as it passes along the intestines'. 1 '; *'' Now, if the liver' fails "tp- do its Work thoroughly, "it follows; that -the-*blood, : in- ■ stead.; of having •its;-.substance ;dealt: ■?with and .-cleansed in the; manner described, 'is carried by the veins the* body in a condition which is inimical'to tho welfare of the body. i In other words, tho blood is laden .with biliary poisons,' and the presence of these'biliary-'poisdns in the blood causes us to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia,"'-' general'••' debility,: f - biliousness, blood disorders, •; sink-headache, jaundice, anasmia, and a host of other biliary troubles. : The importance of ' the kidneys and liver being in a healthy condition ;; cannot .be too greatly insisted upon, therefore a, medicine . , which possesses a healing and restorative influence on those vital organs,is, la toon to mankind.' Such a ..medicine .'is. ,Warner's Safe .Cure which, acts v beneficially, ;, and equally upon ' both the'kidneys -and.. liver, restoring them to-Health" and activity when they :are diseased'or feeble. '■ Even - disorders diagnosed as Bright's.Disease—-one. of the, most; ' fatal - ofl. 1 diseases—frequently;; 1 -have' yielded to -treatment by this, romarkabla medicine. Many people : have 5 failed to , understand why Safe cures, so many complaints, seefilingly so different, as rheumatism, gout, "/ lumbago, neuralgia, backache, sciatica, blobd'disorders/" anaemia, indigestion, biliousness, ' -jaundice, sick-head-a^hei* general "debility, *j gl'a^ol.^'stoner r and . bladder troubles. Tho explanation is very simple. < All. the disorders cured by Warner's Safe. Cure are due to Mho . inability ,of tho kidneys, and liver to extract-and'expel tuinoxjr.V and biliary poisons.. By '. restoring the kidneys and liver to health and, activity. Warner's Safe Cure enables those.organs to properly ''perform their"functions and, to free the-blodd from imnary and -biliary -poison? whenipain and sickness, .caused-by the .presence of such .; poisons; necessaruy": ceases. Thus th« on res effected arc natural cures. A pamphlet, . containing full particulars relating to Warner's Safe.Cure and ■ soopuuto of many remarkable cases of restoration, to .hcdtbwKen other means had failed, will ba sent post free." on request,'hj lLi.l. «--" and Co., Australasian Branoh.-Mel- ■~■■£ bournc.- Warner's-' 'Safe Curb » sold J by xhomists'and-storoteepcts ■«**7*™' E V hotu . in the original (ss) bottles and m tlw cheape* J2s odi , 'l&o^aceatJ;ated A :.lQoijoa« |png«. ; ... . ■•.... > ......

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14807, 10 October 1911, Page 5

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HANDICAPPED LIVES. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14807, 10 October 1911, Page 5

HANDICAPPED LIVES. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14807, 10 October 1911, Page 5