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'- High" Water at AucMand-m42 a.m.; 11-2 P-m- ---* „ . Manukau—o.4l a.m.; 1.1 m - Sun—Rises, 5.55 a.m.; seta, 5.39 p.m. __ iioon— quarter, Septemoer 16, 5.41 a.m.


Mr. D. C. Bates supplied the following weather Report -t 4 p.m. yesterday:— r'r,". ~,r ' wind - Bar. Ther. Weather. Cape Maria. W., fresh 23.67 59 Showery Russell ... N.W., fresh 23.60 61 Gloomy Manuk&u H. N.W., light 29.60 55 Showery Auckland ... N., light 29.52 60 Showery Tauranga ... N.E., light 29.67 61 Overcast East Cape... KB light 29.70 61 Overcast Gisborne ... Calm 29.65 62 Overcast Port Aburiri S.W., light 29.60 61 Hne Wellington .. SAV., light "29.67 56 O>«S" b - Ostlepoint. S.E., light . ,23.70 53 Cloudy N. Plvmouth S.E., light "29.70 59 Cloudy Wang&nui .. W., light 29.64 bO Overcast C. Farewell.. 5.8., light 29.65 57 Rain C. Foul wind S., breeze 29.71 52 Rain Westport ... S.. light . 29.70. 55 Ram C. Campbell S.E., fresh 29.60 52 Cloudy Kaikouri ... S„ breeW 23.70 56 Overcast P. Chalmers a, bash 29.86 55 Overcast Nugget* -. S.E., breeze 29.55 44 Cloudy 0. Egroont... N.E., light ■ 29.53 58 Overcast Stephen 15... N.W., light 23.67 60 Bain Akaroa L... S., light 29-80 53 Gloomy ... ■■•"■■.'• '■. - ■ '.- SUMMARY AST) FORECAST. The following is Mr. Bates's summary and foreeastThe barometer rose fast- during the nigra in the South, winds changing to southerly, strong to a gala- Westerly winds, strong to a gale, occurred in other parte during the night, and a heavy gale is reported at the East Cape The wind has moderated, being more variable to-day. Rain has fallen in most parts of the country - ; and rivers are high on the west coast of the South Island. Present indications are for cloudy and unsettled weather, with rain in most parts of the country, the winds being variable and squally at times, but moderate to strong westerly winds prevailing northward of Kawhia and Napier, and south-east«Tl\- breezes elsewhere. The barometer will probably rise temporarily in the So*Sn, but fall Again tor a westerly disturbance, due towards the end of the week. PORT OF AUCKLAND. ARRIVALS. ; WAIOTAHT. s.s., 278, C. Hopkins, from Mf*" eurr Bav and Kuaotunu.' Passengers: Mrs. Owen, Messrs. "Watt, Evans, Campbell.—Northern S.S. Ca, agnate. GLEKELG, e.s., 2SB, Jonas, from Whangarei.--James Smith and Co., limited, agent*. KANIF.RI, S.S., 205, T. Meyers, from Whangarei. —Northern. S.S. Co., agent*. WAITANGI, s.s., 171, I. Corbett, from the Groat Barrier.—Kauri Timber Company, agents. PELICAN, s.s.. 162, J. Whittingham, from Whs--Devon pert Ferry Company, agents. DEPARTURES. ■ NGAFUBT, as., 691, R. Sicphenson, for Whaagarei. ROTOMAHANA, s.s., 153, A. Stephenson, for the Great Barrier. ' , . , ,_ . KOUTCNUI. «&, 176, H. Fletcher, for TokoSaaru Bay and Gisborne. -;. ....,■ - EXPECTED ARRIVALS.— liOXDOjr.—Kia Ora, «-*., sailed August 4, due •bout September 16; Indrabarah, s.s., sailed July 12, doe about September 20; Niwaru, ss., sailed September 4, due about October 31; Paparoa, 8,8., to sail; Star of Canada, s-s., to sail; Maxere, as,, to sail; Delphic, s-s., to sail. i ; . Liverpool.— aa, sailed July 29, due about September 26; Ayrshire, s.s., sailed September 2, due about November 6; Morayshire, as., to sail; Nerehana, as., to sail; Zealandie, s.a, to sail; Waimana, s.s., to sail; Bravura Grange, s.s., to sail. - New Waikure, s.s.. sailed July 1. due about September 25; Tomoana, as., sailed July 17, doe .about September 25 ; Trilels, s.s., sailed August 3. due about October 25; Lord Lonsdale, assailed July 26, due about October 10; Cranley, «.«., sailed August 27, due about October 31; Falls of Oxchy, s.s., to sail; Queen Elizabeth, «hip, to sail; Star of Australia, S.S., to sail; Ben of Airhe, a.s., to sail; Rotenfels, s.s., to sail. . Maksbuxes.—Australia,. Italian ship, tailed April 8, via Wellington. ■'- " T Montreal. -A Care Corso, s.s., sailed July 30, due about October 8; Whakatane, s.s-. Bailed August 22, due about October 26; Tokomaru, &.S., to sail September 20; Kakaia, s.s., to sail; Kumara, as., to sail. PORTLAND (OREGON').— Ibsen, s.s., sailed September 3, due about October 1. ;• :.;.»Surprise : Islaxd.—Lindstol, barqttentane, due early. .. Gsei-OXG.Senorita, ! barquentine, to «*»!. BnsßCßT.Clan . Boss, s.s., ; sailed August 25, via Lytt-elton and* Wellington, '■ due about September 20. , :'■=.,.,:.;. . t x MBLBCtißsrz.^-ifarjorie "" Craig," barque, sailed August 22; Jessie Craig, barque, to sail; Joseph Craig, barque, to saiL SAif FRAsCl3CO.—Boveric. s.s., sailed August 31, due about September, 30; Purley,.;S.s-, to sail; Aymeric, s.s., to sail." ."'"•■'"'''■ _ : , ,: ' Yascoutbb.—Mariana, 8.M.5., September 25; Jffaiaira, E.M.S., October 24 .».;;; ~;'»-v. .Ai;'.'-, Sydney.—Wismaeb* s.s., September 17; Zealandia, M S., September 29; Tofua, s.s., J October 5. ,- - - "X ■ " ~ "-■" ". XEWCA3TLE.—Handa Isle, liarqueiitiae, sailed August 28; Xcrthern* Chief, barque, sailed September 2; Ihumata, as., to sail. • • _ NORFOIiE Islaxd. —Southern Cross, sa., to sail, due stout Ifovember 25. *~ Cook isp SociErr Islands.—Taluae, s.s., September 2L t - •"--,"■ ■ Freckblt Islasds.—: s.s., October 5. .-; ■ '; SruE.—Keretu,' ketch, early. • Tofta, s.s., October 5;; WaJhoza, s.s., to faiL • ' ' * - ; " " " EXPECTED ARRIVALS.—COASTAL. " This Bay: Kuapehu, from Lytteltoa; Tarawera, from Southern ports; Squall,,frm Gisborne; Sgapubi, frocs Whongarei; Clansman, from Russell; Aupocri, from Tauranga; i Rotomahana, torn ", the Great Barrier. PROJECTED; DEPARTURES.—OVERSEA. Lojtdok.— : R.M.S., via the . South, Saturday; Tainui, R.M.S., via the South, Septem- ' ber 28. ;":::■ *.-V'yX~-- .■;■■ ■ „ Vascoctke.—Zealandia, R.M.S., September 29: Marama, 8.M.5., October 27; Makura, R.M.S., 3»ovember 24. .; /■ -<":■ ; ; , ;■ /'■ •■; Stosbt.—-Victoria, - s.s., Monday; Marama, 8.M.5., September 25; Tofua, s.s., October 10; Aldebaran,' barque, to sail. ■ ' v , *- _ - South Sea Isi^asds.— sa, October 10. Navua, as., September 27; Tofua, sis., October 10. " .-..'" ' PROJECTED DEPARTURES.—COASTAL. f THa ;■ Day: Clansman, for Russell,' Wnangaroa and Moogonui; Aopouri, for Tauranga; Ngatiawa '{ox Opitiki; Kanieri, /or Whangarei. -•" VESSELS IN HARBOUR. •;. _ Iris, cable steamer, in stream..'• j-'.I r ~s. _ Rimutata, s.s., at Queen-street Wharf.. Cape Breton, s.s.. at Queen-street Wharf. • Waitemata, as., in Calliope Dock.' ; : -.«; _.; Aldeharan, barque, at; Hobson-streefc Extension. - Houto, schooner, at -Breastwork. ' " . Ysabel, schooner, at Queen-street Wharf . ; The Kanrona left LytsteKou; yesterday for West port. Sie loads coal there for Auckland. / ■% The Wanaka cleared 'Kaipaxa yesterday witl : a full cargo of coal and f timber for -, Fremantle After discharge the ',Wanaka;loads hardwood a • -Banbury• for New Zealand."*-'" ■" '■-< '*' ' 'f . " The Squall left Gisborne on. Tuesday night to -au-idand, and is due here this afternoon^ t>to Bteamers Aonangi and Ruapehu were ex |>ecied to be within ; range of the Wellingtoi ~ Wireless' station last night. i , """ Due in port from Tauraivga early this morning 6a Aupo<ari sails at 4 p.m. to-day on the retun ip for Tauranga. - • " The Clansman, having been delayed by the re cent gale, did not get away from Russell till las night, i She is due. at : Auckland this morning • and baa been fixed to sail at 5.30 p.m. to-day fo Northern ports. ■ ' " ' The tug Lyttetton left Mercury Bay yestei day morning "with the barque Casablanca in tot ■ lor the Great Barrier.- The Casablanca complete loading -'timber at the : Barrier for Sydney. The ligbtkeeper at Cape Maria Van Diemei teporta jhat a barque. passed the cape, bourn east, at 10.45 am. yesterday and a barquentin at 1.30 pm. The former will probably be th Marjorie Craig, 23 days out from Melbourne I Auckland, end the latter the.Handa Isle, 17 day out from Newcastle to Auckland. -- . :". The Taarnan left Mercury Bay yesterday morr ing for Tauranga and Whakatane. She is not es pected back here till Saturday. ■ ''; ? Sailing /or Bay of Plenty porta this morning . the coastal steamer Ngatiawa will tow the barg Rati Rati to Opotiki, where she will be used, a at lighter. .... . . . The steamer Henrik Ibsen, due at Auck'lan from Columbia River about October 1, is hrinj Jng a cargo of 2,000,000 ft of lumber for this port. Captain M. McGregor, late of the auxillar • *»w Southern Isle, has joined the scow Hikt fangi as master. Captain Bowden has take command of the eoows Welcome in place of Caj , : isin E. Donovan. ;,:.;; , t . V,.. Th« New Zealand.Shipping Company is advise that the. R.M.S. Ruahine, which left Wellingto pi August 24, arrived at Monte Video on Tuesda; . The Ruahihe is due at London on October 5. En route from Vancouver to Auckland, th XLM.S. Marama was due to resume her voyaj from . Honolulu yesfceiday. She is. Su-v on September 22 and Auckland on September 26 '■'■■ The Waitemata was docked yesterday for ira vey and overhaul. She will be undocked t> "' morrow, and eaals at noon on Saturday for ti Bluff to commence loading produce for Napie Gisbome, and Auckland. An expected arrival at Auckland next we< will be the' Scales chartered. steamer Clan Eos from Bunbury,- via Lyttelton and Wellingtoi The vessel has 140,000 ft of hardwood to discharf at this port. __ .... / ' The Union Company's steamer Aparima le Tiyttelton an Tuesday for the"Bluff and Dunedi - to complete her discharge of Eastern merohandis {The vessel will then be docked at Port Chalme ■'' for survey and overhaul, after which •she wi proceed to Newcastle to load coal ; for Java ac fcilcutta.

Upon completion of discbarge of her Newcastle *oal at Dunedin, the Union Company's chartered steamer Skog*tad; returns to the New South Wales -.coal port.'; ■ '■' Cable advice received; by the local agents for the: Show, SaviH and Albion Company states that K.M.S. = lonic left Plymouth for Wellington, via Capetown and Hobart, on Friday last. The liner .-'should, have left on August 19, but was delayed by the strikes. >::■;"'- : ' ; ''•>' -:; It is rcnorted that on arrival of the Mamari at . ' London this trip : from ;.■ New Zealand Captain • Holmes fa to take ; command of the new Shawgavill liner Waimana, '; which : is timed to leave Liverpool on December j23 on her maiden voyage ; : ; : to the Dominion. To-day the Haupiri is expected to arrive: back a* Wellington from Greymouth. She leaves the . Southern part to-day for Auckland, Tin East Coast *frfi-Sfflsi 3»s>* *

; vkotoeuaathobart.; -v re The New Zealand Shipping Company's B.MLS. Rotorua arrived at Hobart from London, and Capetown vestorday morning'. She is expected to resume her vovage to-day lor Wellington, being duo at the Southern port on Tuesday nest. t THE TARAWERA. The Tarawera, en route from Southern ports, left Uisborne at 11.45 p.m. yesterday for. Auoklanil, via Tokomoru Bay. boo is due hare about 11 a.m. to-day, and on arrival bertha at the Railway Whan. NIWABU LEAVES LONDON. ' The Tyser liner Xiwaru sailed from London on September 4 for Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, Napier, and Wellington, boo should put in an appearance at Auckland about October 31. MATATUA AT LONDON. Cable advice has been received by the local agents for the Shaw, Savili and Albion Company tnat the llatatua, which left Auckland on July 26 for Loudon, arrived at her destination on Friday morning, September 8. The Matatua and the Ty*er liner Marcs-© desired Auckland within two hours and a-half of each other, and, an previously stated, the Marere arrived at London also on Friday. 'in© cables do not give the hours of arrival. After discharge the Matatua loads, at London for Dunedin and Lyttelton. NEW CLAN LINER. A large, shelter-deck steamer, Clan Mackcnaie, built and outlined by Messrs. William Doxlord and Sons, Sunderland, to too order of the Clan Lino Steamers, Limited (Messrs. Oayzer, Irvine, and Co., -United), Glasgow, ran a successful sea. trial A speed of 14 knot* was attained. The vessel is 445 ft long, 53ift broad, and of 23ft moulded depth, with a deadweight capacity of 8500 tons. . __________ SUPER-HEATED STEAM. Before leaving London for Melbourne the AngloAustralian liner Port August* was fitted with a Schmidt super-heated steam installation by the North-Eastern and Marine Entrineerinjr Company, Limited, of Wallsond-on-Tyne. She is the first vessel trading to Australia to have the . patent applied. The idea is to make a trial, and in order, to represent the test Mr. S. Robinson, of the North-Easterni Marine Engineering Company, is travelling on the liner. A severe test has been j given to the plant owing to the particularly long vovage made by the steamer. The system has been successfully applied to many vessel* trading "in the Mediterranean and other short voyages. The super-heat in the Tort Augusta average* 550 degrees Fahr. at the engine stop-valve. The installation, which has proved a complete success so far, gives ' increased power to the main engines, and shows a saving of 15 per cents of bunker coaL This raving means a lot to the owners, for it increases the vessel's cargo-carrying capacity, and the tunning costs are considerably reduced. Owing to the high temperature of the super-heated steam, among other reflnemente, the piston-rod and valve Spindle glands of the engines are fitted with a unique metallio packing, mado by Copeland, of Wallsend-on-Tyne. This is a departure from the usual packing. It to castiron throughout Should the invention prove a success throughout on the Port Augusta-, a number of new vessels which are under construction in the United Kingdom for the same company will bo fitted "similarly. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. ..■;.« DEPARTURES.RARAWA, as.,* 1072, W. F. Norbury, for New Plymouth. Passengers: Mioses Short, Church, Grant, Jones, Norman, Jackson, Mesdames Taylor, Olimo, Devereaux, O'Hagan, Glassin, Norman, Zaochariah and child, Wilson, Messrs. G. Tyler, J. Bray, F. Hooker,» Climo, O'Hagun, Brodsiak, Berfeelev, Parker, Norman, J. M. Small, Arnold, Rogers,* Parker, Allen, the Rev. J. T. MoWilliam, and 18 steerage. ■..-. KOTIJKU, s.s., 1064, Flynn, for Greymouth and West port ■ . OHINEMURI, s.s., 75," E. Keane, tor ■ Kaipara. and Hokianga. i ■ _,_ BY TELEGRAPH. CAPE MARIA VAN DIEMEN.— 13: A barque passed east at 10.45 a.m. to-day and a barquentine passed east at L3O p.m. KAIPARA September 13: Sailed— Wauaka, as. (at 1 p.m.), for Fiem-ntUs. WHANGAROA.—September 13: Arrived—Apanui, as. (at 4 a.m.), from Auckland. NGUNGURU.—September 12: Sailed— scow, for Auckland. RUSSELL.—September 12: Arrived—Clansman, S.B. (at 9 p.m.), from Auckland. September 13: Clansman, s.s. (at 6 p.m.), for Auckland. TAURANGA.—September 13Aupouri, as. (at noon), for Auckland. WHITLVNGA.— 13: Sailed—Lvtfetton, p.s. (at 9 a-n_), with the barque Casablanca in tow, for the Great Barrier; Tasman, s.s., tor Whakataae and Tauranga; Waiotahi, a*, (at 1.30 pan.), for Auckland. - EAST CAPE.—September 13: The steamer Tarawera passed north at 7.30 p-m. to-day. TOKOMARU BAY.-September : 13.;. Arrived— Hauroto. sa (at 4 pan.), from Auckland. Sailed— tarawera, J. (at 4.55 p.m.), for Auckland. GlSßOßNE.—September 12: Sailed—Squall, 8-a. I (at 10 p.m.), - for Auckland; Isabella Defraine, schooner, for Auckland. September 13: Sailed— Tarawera, s.s. (at 11.45 p.m.), for Auckland. Passengers: Misses Moore, Cook, Metdames Lincoln and four children, Colebrook and infant, ito>rc, Messrs. Metcalfe, Elliott, Otter, Popple, Edwards, i Colebrook, Moore, Brabant, TraUe, Ansell, Neal, Smith, Osborne, Anderson, Cartwnght, Falconer, MeLieky, Muir, and Poverty Bay loot-ballera (an. Arrived— as. (at 8.45 p.m.), from Auckland, via Tokomaru Bay. - ; WELLINGTON.—Sep! ember 13: Arrived—Manuka, s-s. (at 5.45 ajn.), from Sydney. LYTTELTON.—September' 13: Defender, »«., for Wellington, Greymoutb, and Hokitika; Kamona, as., for Westport; Wakatu, s.s., and Cygnet, S.S., tor Kaikoura; Mbnowai, as., for Dunedin; Mokoia, as., for Wellington; Victoria, •.«., for Northern porta and Sydney. Paeeengera for Auckland: Mesdames Hyam, Kerr, Messrs. Hird, Rodgers, Brown, Ctantrey, Kerr. : DUNEDlN.—September 13: Arrived—Koonya, s.a, from the West Coast, via the Bluff. Sailed— Moeraki, s-s., 1 for Sydney, via Wellington. NEWCASTLE-— September 13: Sailed—Kaituna, sj., for the Bluff, v • < . SYDNEY.—September 12: , Arrived— *.s. (at 7 am.), from Wellington. September 13: I Sailed—Wimmera, as. (at 1 p.m.), for Auokland. HOBART.—Septemher * 13: Arrived— 8.5., from London. LONDON.—September 12: Arrived—Tongariro, 8.M.5., from the Bluff. _ . i:7 :- ■ .

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 147695, 14 September 1911, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 147695, 14 September 1911, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 147695, 14 September 1911, Page 4