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High "Water at Auckland— a.m.; 4.32 p.m. t ?| Msurukau —6.1 a.m.; 6.31 p.m. Sun — 6.8 a.m. ; pets, 5.32 p.m. -.Moon— September 9. 3.27 a.m.


Mr. D. C. Bates supplied the following weather re pert at 4 p.m. yesterday :— „ „ Wind Bar. Ther. Weather. Cape Maria.. S.E., light 30.24 63 Flue ... N.E., breeze 20.24 65 lair £Sau H. S.W., light 30.25 60 Cloudy Auckland ... S.S.W., or 30.22 64 lair Tauranga ... W\, light 30.19 67 - air East Cape... N.W., light 30.20 67 Fine Gisborne - ... W T ., light 30.13 62 luie Port Ahuriri Calm 30.15 60 Overcast Wellington .. N., light 30.15 58 Fair_ Csastlcpoinfe.. S.W., light 30.20 58 Clouay ffcf. Plymouth S.W., light 30.25 59 I'iiif Wanganui ... W., light 30.19 60 frai.* C. Farewell W., fr«h 30.15 60 Hazy C. Foulwind N.E., light 30.14 57 Drizzle Westport ... E., light 30.10 56 Drizzle. C. Campbell S.K., light 30.16 56 Cloudy Ksiloura ... N.N.E., br 30.09 58 Gloomy P. Chalmers N.E., breeze 30.01 ' 55 Fair N-iggeta N.E., light 30.00 52 Cloudy Bluff .. W.S.W., fresh 30.02 53 Fair C. Egmont . W., light 30.25 65 Fine j Stephen 15... W., light. 30.15 55 Overcast Aiaroa L... X.W.,light 30.05 51 Hai-.y SUMMARY AND FORECAST. Mr. Bates's summary and forecast are as follow : —Northerly and westerly winds have prevailed and gaJes in Fo.eaux Strait on Saturday and Sunday, but the winds arc more variable and moderated to-day. Considerable rain has fallen on the west coast of the South Island, and fair to cloudy ■weather, with warmer conditions, has prevailed generally. Present indications are for moderate to strong easterly winds northward of Hokitika and Kaikoura and cortheilv and westerly breezes elsewhere. The barometer has a falling tendency, and hazy and unset'led conditions are to he expected at times in most parts of the country. PORT OF AUCKLAND. ARRIVALS. WAITEMATA, 5.P., 5432, S. Vint, from Fiji.— Union S.S. Co., agents. , CAPE ORTEGAL, s.s., 4896, Warden, from NewYork, via Capetown, Melbourne, and Sydney.— HesJ her, Roberton and Co., agent ». KAXIERI, S.S., £05, T. Meyers, from Whangarei. >—Northern S.S. Co., agents. BADEN-POWELL, s.s., 176, H. Petersen, from Whan<nrei. — Coal Company, -agents. GREYHOUND, auxiliary schooner, 10S. H. Subritxky, from Northern ports.Master, agent. AKAROA, as , 70, W. Parker, from, the coast.— Parker-Lamb Timber Company, agents. , TRAMP, sccw, 86, Ivan Vasta, from WhangarcL »—Ford Stripping Line, ageSts. SOUTHERN ISLE, auxiliary sww, 71, M. MoGrejror, from —E. Ford, agent DANDY, scow, 82, F. Eoffe, from the Groat BarTier.— Timber Company, agents. RAMBLES, scow, 77, C. Daniel, from Mercury Say.—Ford Shippic,? Line, agents. WELCOME, scow, 62, E. Donovan, from the —Ford Shipping Lice, agents. SSPTFKBKB 5. , , ! XABAMEA, as., irom Montreal, m Srttaey. | DEPARTURES. i WIMMERA, E.S., 3022, William Waller, for Sydney. Passengers: Misses Slatter, Lavers, E. Man- ; . tort, R. Ripper, Renaut, K. Harrison, Wilson, L. • Wilson, C. Valentines Davidson, H. - Vandyke, -F. »Small, Taylor (3), Turtoc, Tudor, Thome (2), Mes- ' ttemca - Wilkins, C. Porieous and child, G. F. Valentine, Houghton, J. O. Martin and two children, Irving, F. G. Clayton, H. Paynes GreenwoodWaugh. Taylor, Messrs. Abercromby, Bate, F. Bairn, F. G. Clayton, W. Waugh. C. W. Carr, J. C- Martin, A. Brock, G. C. Han lon, W. Lsvesay, Simmonds, WiMns, Porteous, J. Pearee, Dennett, . H. C. Small, BteaJdev, W. H. TLirston, A. Webb, - J.-R. C. Badham. C*.Godfrey, A. Woodhead, Dr. Ctoker, Masters Valentine and Wilson, Arcadians Company (66), and 100 steerage. rr.A.NT OGILVY, s.s., 2641, Swansea, for Newcastle. : • HAUPIRI, «.s., 748,.P. C. Ross, for, Limestone Island . NGAPUHI, s.i, 691, E. Stephenson, for WhaJgarei. - * CLANSMAN, s.e., 635, E. McLeod, for Russell raid Opoa. !. ■ * fetXPOURI, 463, T. Haultain, for Tanranga. SQUALL, 8-3-, 369, Morrison, lor Tolago Bay tarsi Gisborne. ;V ! as., 278, C. ' Hopkins, for Mercury I "gap- And -my ports. - I -.#iPANtTL s.s., 243, J. Teixier*, for Awanui, | ["Eouhora, Whasgaroo, and Mangonui , .jpTEMA, s-r, 257, E. Sellara, for Mercury Bay. iJS'ELICAIS, S.S., 162, J. Whittingham, for Mercury Bay. ~ X: : : LYTTELTON, p.s., 133. G. Laiety, for the coast. CLIO, topsail schooner, 81, W. Pelley, for WhapgareL : ' - CASABLANCA, barque, 569, Owens, for Mercury Ear, Wha&gar.<araf«a:ra, and Sydney. -i THREE CHEERS, scow, 37, Rogers, for Whacgarei. , ELAHU, scow, 42, A: Eerridge, for Tauranga and ' jOpotiki i BEE,* scow, 52, T. Donovan, for the coast. 7 : EXPECTED ARRIVALS—OVERSEA. ' LosTXjy.— s.s., sailed July 6, duo teboat 'f today;-v Eia Ora, s.s., sailed August 5, due about September 16; Indraberah, 8.5., sailed July 22, due about September 20; E-tonara, s.a., "to sail; Paparoa. s.s., to sail; Hiimsra, sji., to sail; -Star of Canada, s-a., to sail. Lmtßiooii.Kent, s.s., sailed July 29, due *&out September 23;: Ayrshire, s.s., to sail; MarayEhire, s.s., to sail; Kerehana, R.S., to sail; Zeaiandic, as., to sail; Waimana, s.s., to sail Nkw York, — Cape Breton, a.s., sailed June 14, -via Southern ports, due about Thursday; "tVallorre, p.s., tailed July 1, duo about (September 10; Tomoana, s.s„ sailed July 17, due about September ii); Trifels, 8.8., sailed August 3, due about. October 25; Lord Lonsdale, K.S., sailed July 26, duo about October 10; ranley, s.s., failed August 27, due about October .51 j Falls of Drchy, 3-8., to sail; Queen. Elizabeth, ship, to sail; Etax of Australia, s.r., to sail; Den of Airlie, s.s., So sail. - - Mamitllzs.Australia, Italian ship, ' sailed April 8, via Wellington. Host real. — Capo Corso, s.s., sailed July 50, due about October 8; Whakatane, s.s., palled August- 22. due about October 24; Tokojnaru, 5.8., to sail September 20. StTßPEiaia ISLAi'D.—Lindstol, barquentine, to ■BBL- '.-"C Geblojtc.Senorita, barquentine, to saiL ErsBTTBY. — Rose, s.s., sailed August 25, via Lyttelton and Wellington, due about September 25. • v,-is MiXßorßJTE.—Bentinck, s.s., sailed, via Newcastle, August 31, due about to-day; M&rjorie Craig, barque, sailed August 22; Jessie Craig, "barque, to sail; Joseph Craig, barque, to sail. Sait Fbasclsco.—Aynieric, s.s., to sail; Boveric, fus., to sail ;■ Vasooctee.— R.M.S., September 26; Makura, R.M.S., October 24 T. —Auia, s.s., to-morrow; Maheno, s.b., . /Sunday; Zealandia, R.MS., September 29. Nbvpcastle.—Handa Isle, barquentine, sailed August' 23; Northern Chief, barque, sailed September 2; Ihumata, s.s., to sail; Waipori, s.s., to jsail. \ r'-'s • COOK AND Society ISLATO3.—Talune, s.s., Sepjtember 21. - FBEEHDiT ißiajDS—Atua, to-morrow; '.Xcabei, schooner, early. « Nitre.— ketch, early. I'm.Atua, s.s., to-morrow; Navua, t.s., Sepjtecber 11 Waihora, s.s., to sail. EXPECTED ARRIVALS.—COASTAL. . ThisXtey: Ngapohi, from Whangarel; Waiotahi, <rom Sterouiy Bay and way ports; Rotomahana, 'from Coromandel; Haupiri, from Limestone from Coromandel; Haupiri, from Limestone sland. PROJBOTED DEPARTURES— Losrioy.—Enapchu, R.M.S., via the South, September 12; Tainui, R.M.S., via the South, September 28. Vascoutbb. R.M.&., September 29; ' ?3£arjuna, R.M.S., October 27; MaJcura, P,.i1.5., s November 24. " STOREY-— s.s., September 11; Atua, 8.3., September 12; Aldebaran, barque, to sail. Norfolk —Southern Cross, s.s., about September 3. ■ South Ska T3LAJID3.—Atua, s.b., September 12. i- Fuis— 6.8. September 12; Navua, s.s., .ScEtsmbet>-27 * .. FBOJEOEED DEPARTURES.— ! • lifts Day: Victoria, for Southern porta; Kanieri, i for Whangarei; Ngatbiwa, for Tauranga, Ohiwa, -and Opotiki; Glenelg, for Whangaxei; Paeroa, for -Cabbage Bay; Kaeo, for East Coast bays and Gisborne.

VESSELS IK HARBOUR. rlria, cable steamer, in stream. liimutaka, bjj., at Quoen-street Wharf. Victoria, ftJ5., at Queen-Street Wharf. ■Wartemata, 5.3., at Railway Wharf. Cape Ortega!, s.s., at Queen-street Wharf. Aparima, s.a_, at Railway Wharf. Grantleyhall, s.s., at Railway Wharf. Aldjebarao, barque, at Railway Wharf. Southern Cross, s.s., at Queen-street Wharf. Houto, schooner, at Breastwork. Kaeo, auxiliary schooner, at Hobson-stroet Ex- ■ tension.. " ■ IMPORTS. Per Waitemafca, from Fiji: 7500 tons raw sugar, £4 tons copra Per Cape Ortegal, from New York: 924 tons general merchandise. EXPORTS. Per Wimmera, for Sydney: 60 empty cylinders, 46 bags broke glass, 50 sacks hides, 191 tacks sand, 2 bales hair, 2 bales torna, 13 loose hides, $4 empty hogsheads, 2 bales skins, 90 tons scenery, 4 sacks seed, 39 packages sundries, 459 cases kauri gum, 408 pieces white pine, 22 horses, 34 bars silver, 13 boxes gold, 12 packages engines, 1793 sacks pumice, 41 dumps hair, 270 boxes butter, 1 tale rabbitskins, 925 pieces timber.

V., v. The Shaw, Savill and Albion Company's R.M.S. •Tainui is due at Wellington, to-day from London, x,*ia Capetown -and) Hobart. , ■ B« auxiliary schooner Greyhound arrived from 'Northern ports yesterday afternoon. '"Tha Huddart-Parker steamer Wimmera cleared ,Ott 6 p.m. yesterday for Sydney direct. She' cari*iea 224 passengers (124 saloon and 100 steerage).. ;v The ;WiaUßeoi it (to si, Sydney on Friday.

The Scales chartered (earner Clan Ogilvy sailed at 5 p.m. yesterday for Newcastle to load coal for Fremantle. After discharge -at Fremantle the Olan Ogilvy proceeds to Bunbury to load hardwood for Lyttelton, Wellington, and Auckland.

Captain I. Vasta, late of the scow Tramp, has been appointed master of the auxiliary schooner Fnirbur'n trading between Auckland, Gisborne, and East Coast bays.

The United States and Australian Steamship Company has chartered the steamer Rotenfels to take the loading berth at. New York on September 30 for Melbourne, Sydney. Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, and Dunedin.

The Kurow loads produce at the Bluff, Oamaru, and Timaru at. the* end of this week for Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland.

The auxiliary schooner Fairburn has been fixed to load coal at Ngunguru for Auckland.

The Wairuna arrived at Hokianga at 5 p.m. on Sunday from the Great Barrier. She completes loading timber at Hokianga and ltaipara for Sydney.

The barque Aldebaran was towed down from Chelsea yesterday morning and took up a berth at the Railway Wharf. She loads a cargo of sawn timber at. this port for Sydney.

The Ciuji Ross is due at, Lvttelton from , Bunbury to-morrow with a cargo of luirdwood. Alter discharge of a part cargo there she goes to Wellington, thence Auckland

The Atua, duo at Auckland from Sydney and Island iHirts to-morrow, will be docked for cleaning and painting before she returns to the Islands and Sydney.

The Wailiora is now loading raw sugar at Fiji for Auckland. She in expected to leave there about Saturday next.

The Monowai, en route from Southern ports, cleared Wellington last evening tor Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland. The ilonowai is due hero on Thursday..

The barque Casablanca left last evening in tow of the tug Pelican for Mercury Bay. Sfte loads a part, cargo of timber there, and then goes to the resit Harrier to complete for Sydney.

The Tyser liner Niwaru, which has been delayed tit- London oil account of the recent labour troubles, is expected to leavo the Homo port this week for Melbourne, Sydney, and New Zealand ports.

Captain A. Warden, of the steamer Cape Ortegal, now in port, has paid several visits to NewZealand, and was formerly master of the Cape Breton, now discharging case oil- at Wellington from New York.

After loading a part cargo of oement at Limestone Island ttie liaupiri will return to Auckland this evening to load transhipments from the Aparuna foe Napier. She leaves to-morrow for Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington, via East Coast bays.

The Aparima will probably sail to-morrow (or Wellington in continuation »! her voyage- from Calcutta, From Wellington she goes to Lyttelton, thence Dunedin, and on completion of discharge at the latter port will return to Calcutta to load for New Zealand ports, via Singapore and Somarang. The battleship Camperdown has been sold for £28,030 to the Shipbreaking Company, Limited, London. The battleship Kepulse, launched in 1904, was sold for £53,500 to Mr. Thomas Ward, of Sheffield. Three torpedo-boat destroyers—tiio Contest, Shark, and Hardy—realised respectively £1760, £1575, and £1400. The new twin-screw Shire liner Argyllshire, 14,000 tons register,'left Liverpool on her maiden trip to. Brisbane on August 5. She carries first saloon passengers only, and the accommodation, described as replete with all modern furnishings and conveniences, is situated amidships. Sine » due At Brisbane about the end of September. This vessel will leave on her return : trip on Ontober 10.

Tho problem of successfully applying 1 the internal-combustion engine consuming oil fuel for the propulsion of ocean-going ships has (says the Shipbuilder) already been solved, and the future of -this propulsive agent depends largely upon the cost of oil fuel. The oil consumption being only about one-fourth the weight of that of coal, the owner can afford to pay four times as much for the fuel and still secure the benefits which accrue to the ship through the lighter and less bulky engine... - • • - - ■ . . The American four-masted schooners," Watson. A. West and Alpena, left Newcastle, coal-laden, for San Francisco on September 1, and they should provide a good race to the Golden Gate. The West was the first to clear the port, leaving at 11 a.m., and the Alpena followed 55 minute® Inter. There was a light, but favourable, wind blowing, and everything was made of it. The usual wagers were made on the race, and there will bo plenty of pork and beans, as well as other " dainties," for the crew of the winning vessel. - YSABEL REPORTED. The Waitemato, which arrived from Fiji yesterday .moaning, reports having .sighted the Auck-land-owned schooner Ysabel at 4.50 p.m. on Sunday. The Ysabel is bound to Auckland from the Friendly Islands, and when spoken was in latitude 33.34 degrees south ana , longitude 175.30 degrees east, about 140 miles north of Mokohinau light. Captain Ross signalled to the Waitemata that he wished to be reported All well The Isabel, under favourable conditions, should make port to-day. : < < WAITEMATA FROM FIJI. Tho Union Company's cargo steamer Waitemata arrived from Fiji at 11 yesterday after a fine weather passage of -five days. The vessel brought a large cargo of raw sugar for the Colonial Sugar Company and several tons of copn for transhipment to Sydney, and berthed at the Railway Whart to discharge the latter. She will proceed up to Chelsea this morning, and after discharging her cargo of sugar will be floated into Calliope Dock for annual survey and overhaul. The Waitemata will then proceed to the Bluff, where she has been fixed to load produce on. September 20, Oamaru on September 22, and Timaru on September 23 for Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland. ! THE AOTEA STILL AT CAPETOWN. The Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Aotea, whicb lett Liverpool last December lor New Zealand porta ana went ashore at Moviite Point (South Africa) on January 21, and was floated oil again on March 3, ana docked at Capetown, is stall lying at one of tho wharves in Table bay, and no one seems definitely to know what is to be done with her. There is some talk of sending' her Home in October, but she is at preheat bull helpless, being ruduerJlese. A new rudder can generally easily be fitted, but in the case of the Aotea the matter is complicated oy the stern-ppM. being fractured. If »no were in England a purchaser could no doubt be found for her, but in South Africa she is not so easily dis--1 posed cf. INDRABARAH AT MELBOURNE. .< The Tyser liner Indraborah arrived at Melbourne from London yesterday morning. The vessel next proceeds to Sydney and then cornea on to Auckland, being due here about September 20. From Auckland the Indrabarah goes to Napier and Wellington. CAPE ORTEGAL ARRIVES FROM NEW YORK. At 10 am. yesterday the steamer Cape Ortegal, under charter to the Tyser Line, anchored in the stream at Auckland from New York, via Capetown, Melbourne, and Sydney, and after inspection by ; tho port health officer she berthed at the ' Queen-street Wharf. The Cape Ortegal is a new veasl, and is on her first visit to these parts. - She was built by Russell and Co., of Port Glasgow, for the Lyle Shipping Company, and wag launched in the early part of the present year. She has a carrying capacity of 8250 tons deadweight, and is fitted with the latest improvements for the rapid handling of cargo. She is of the well-deck type, having five spacious holds, with (.wo winches to each hatch. Her engines are of the triple>-expan-sion type, and she can develop a speed of 12 knots an hour. From Glasgow the Cape Ortegal went to Monte Video, thence to New York, where she loaded general cargo for Australian and New Zealand ports. She left New York on June 17 and called at Capetown on July 16 to replenish her coal supply.' Fine weather generally was experienced with the exception of a severe gale between Capetown and Melbourne, which lasted for six days, the vessel shipping heavy sea.) and rolling to an alarming degree. She arrived at Melbourne on August 10, and then proceeded to Sydney. After discharging cargo there, dh'd took her departure from that port for Auckland at 3 p.m. on Wednesday last, arriving as above. Captain A. Warden is in command, and his other officers are: Chief, Mr. J. D. Milner; second, Mr. J. Irvine; third, Mr. S. Crouch. Mr. W. Saxelby is chief engineer, Mr. R. D. Cook second, Mr. T. Hunter third, and Mr. T. Hubbard fourth. The steamer is manned by British sailors, with Chinese firemen and stewards, the crew numbering 38 all told. From Auckland the Capo Ortegal proceeds to Wellington, thence Lyttelton and Dunedin, and on completion of discharge at the latter port she proceeds to Newcastle to load coal for the west coast of South America on time charter.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 147687, 5 September 1911, Page 6

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 147687, 5 September 1911, Page 6

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 147687, 5 September 1911, Page 6