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. High Water at am; 3-25. ; p.m.- To-morrow- 3.3b £™-j.\^ a v m ...5.24 High Water at M* nukau^ 619 «m , , p.m. To-morrow-S-M a.m.., BJg P ra Suni-Tb-day: Use,,, 6.47 "-"_■•. «»• 5.7 p.m. Tomorrow: lUses, Mr a.m., Rets, - * Moon-Full, August 10, ■ li.2B_y.mWEATHER REPORT. j Mr. D. O. Bate* supplied the following weather , / report at 4 p.m. yesterday:- - ". Wind Bar. Tber. Weather. . Cape Maria.. Spirit 30.30 61 Fine ' , ;>''-, :• Russell .... 8.W., light 30 .27 60 Fair « t Russell ... o.w-i "« Mg M tux , Msnukau 11. S.W., light «W.< « pi ; ; ; Auckland ... 8., light 20.25 01 £«j ( Tauranga... N.E.,hght o(U6 62 Cloudy ! „.; East Cape ... S.,(roah 30.* °° ?,- M ,*.. , Gt.borne ... S.,]»rc ? o 30.25 59 Ino 1 ■ Port Ahuriri S., fresh 30. .8 w - j Wellington .. S.. light, ,30...*3 51 cloudy ( ■:Cattl C potnt... S.W., light 30.i5 ol ,^» ay , ' ■•• K. Plymouth F... light 30.26 M MM ( Wanganui ... E. 5.8., light 30.27 . 59 *« .O. farewell.. S.K., light 30.33 » Clouoy | . r O. Fouled. S.K., light 30.30 51 Showers 1 Westport ... E.S.E.,br 30.31 50 ■{£«,** J rV.O- Campbell. S.E.. light 30.38 53 Cloudy j . Kalkoura ... Calm -_ 30.33 SO uvcrca ■P. Chalmers N.. light 30.34 52 line •. Nugget- ... N.W., light W.3S a *«« Bluff .. ... Calm 30 23 « Fine , ft Bgmont.. S. light 30.26 56 H«* ' Stephen 15... S.E., light 30.36 49 Fine Akaroa L. ... N.E., light 30.34 43 Fine < ' SUMMARY AND FORECAST. ' Mr. Rites'* suirmsry.and forecast are as foi* - SdfSol and chanW* wither to P™"**; .with shower* on the cast coast-of the North ■V; Inland, and on the west coast v , Island Present Indications sire tor moderate •: , oXeasrerly winds northward of Kawtaa and 1 Napier, end easterly and northerly b«"■"•Jgg' ( whore Fair weather will probably prwau, • :. though cloudv and unsettled at thues. MgeekUg • ; :on the east exist of the North Island, and on 'thewest coast ami southern districts of the '..South Island. The barometer a ling: ten- ( ■ idenoy in southernmost district*, but little move- g mont is now indicated generally. : PORT OF AUCKLAND l v ARRIVALS. MARAMA. R.M.S.. 6437. H. A. Motrifby, from Rvdnev. Passengers: First, wlwn-Mr . Oote- ''■' S Mi»« 'Woodrofl*. Stubbs. Morton, W.Jtf. : 'Huggins. Messrs. EH Watson, Stubbs, Cccrt ■: OhSTNveK-; RN. Second ttlcen-Mwsrs Jas. ' V. ;: •Marion. 2 chUdren.-Union S.S. Co., agent*. ( lev and 2 children.—Union S.S, <A>., agents. ( HAITROTO as 1988, R. K. Smith, from Napier. • ; r^4n^r? : • Mtase* Simon and McLisky, Sta. , ISSSSTMessrs. MoKenaie, Martyn Urendale, - Ross. Bar ham, Ryan-Union S.S. Co., "Re I"*'1 "*' mUMATA. •.*.. 1100. J. Benton, from Now- , ' castle—J. J. Craig. Limited, agents. # _] W ;t ,„,v 5 , 243 J. Wilson, from Mangonui, Whangaroa. Hoiihorth, and Awamii.-Pa^engws: , ' -Messrs. Costor, Richards, Taker, Marcelli, Looptr. ] '--Northern"S.S. Co., agents. , • " ' KANIERI, as., 203, T. Meyers, from Whangarei. 1 —Northern S.S. Co., agents,;.. ;••■>' ■■. ; ■_" ' -,' Ci " P\KROA. s.s., 91, J- Kw « from . Wbananaki , . «nrt -iMtnkakiu Passengers t Miss Ajpin,' Mrs. ,;, &£f% two chihfren, Messrs. Matheson, , •P. Smith.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. , t ■>■■..:■■ •] i ENDKWOUR, ■ aux. ketch, 84, C. Johnson, ] rrcWAVhax.garci-New Zealand Portland Cement , ■ "Co., agents. ■.'',•." .'■ , -.. '' KUAIA, auxiliary scow, 45, A. Clark, from the . coast— L. Alexander and Co.. agents. 1 '; ; '- : ' ■■>■ '■ ■:. ■•.'■.:' . ' ••■. '■•■' '..•': ' t ■*- DEPARTURES. v % ~ f M\RAMA, R.M.S.. 6437; H. A. Morrisby, for i : : Suva. Honolulu. Victoria (8.C.), and Vancouver. ' » Passengers: First saloon— A. Bean, O. ( ; i * Clarke, A. Davey, Dinham, A R. Hanson, : -Hawker, Hill. E. C. Jordan, A. v McGroer, E. M. t •'.'■" Moore, Hamilton 4 MooreV Morrisby, ; Rich _ « : : .-'.'.- Riciten, Van Rorapaey, - Warde, 1. fc. Wise, «. ■ A. Wise. ; Mesdames Berry, 7 Burnvngham, Cole, Deakin (2), Dinham. Dunn. Eager, Grace, John- - '• •• ston, McGruer, 'Mayor, Mandsley,- Morton, M. I'.' -'' Kicholls.•' Ross, Sturroct; Solomon, Tero,; Van ." i Rompaey, ~E. .F. West, :; Madam Kustadialea, Marchioness of •■ Linlithgow. : Marquis of Linlithgow, Mesars.H. S. Bartlett, Bell, L.L. Berry, ' Borthwick. -L. L. ; Berk, "R.. *™N>*®' *. . A - ] Buddie, T. A. Burningham, F. Cole, G. Deakin, 1 W. Deakin, L. A. DreyftiSsZ.G. JOjinn, G. „ Eater, J. D. Gibson, Grace. .Grieg, Goldingham, j S. W. Howard. C. Johnston, E. A. Loving, A. t • JfcNab, J. D.. McGruer, W. C. .Mayor, J.; Moon, » ' i- H Moon, B. K. Morton. Milliard, 0. Nicholls, ' '..£.• NichoUa.D. S. North, J. J. Orr, E. yf.* Pear- , •on. L. Phillips. E. Rhodes, L. Rich, DP. Solo- J ' . Troon. A. Stunoch. A. F. Tero, E.L. Thompson, ■ -A E Turner, Van Rompaey, H. Wilkins, J. D. Williams, Marter. E. McGruer. C. Cardenes, Dra. H. O. Mandsley, O. N. Paul. Second i saloon—Misses Brett. Craske, B. J. r McDougall. •M Riordan, R. ShortUindcr.'P - Shortlander, A. . .Ward, Mesdamea Brett, Craske, Fitzgerald, Mc- - Conncl, McGladesy, O'Hagan, Shortlander, Barnes, \ "Messrs. Barnes, K. Beecroft, C. H. Coote, W. R. ; ' Craske., ' Fitage>rald, 11. Gartrell, H. :J, Hudson, .1 ■'•& A KennetW, Kiel, E. R.'S. Larbalestier,' Mc- ■; Connel. G.-McGladeny, M. O'Hagan.-J. O'Hagan, . Patterson. Smvthe, D./ A.' Somer\-Ul<?, .Morton, B. ' »i -- "A Somerville. J*. E. Swinnerton, R. Woodrofle,, ■; " Rev. C- S. Brett;. Dr. 'J. E. Gartrell." Masters Brett (4), Shortlandef- (3), and 35 third-class. :■: PEN OF GLA'MIS, s.s.,- 5191, A. Low, for Wei- . Hngton.- Lyttelk-n, and Dunedin. - NGAPUHI,' s.s., 691, E.■. Stephenson, for Wha- . ngarei. ' GLENELG, s.s., 2£B. Jonas, for Whangarei. i WAIOTAHI. s.ii., 278,; O.Hopkins, fo| Mercury Pj''.[ Bay and Tairua. ■.''■••■■■■ '.\■■•■"■■" '•"'- : .-'"■•'■','.' .■■.'. :■- TASMAN, '».«., 171, \C. Faulkner, for Whaka- I !&i'i::-l:' tine. ..•.," : '-, '.";-■. '-."'■.'.' ,'. : '' ' '..'. '.' ".: FEIJCAN, s.s., 162, J. Whittingham, for Tairua. 1 IMPORTS. :/' Per Ihunrata, Ironi Newcastle:.'■■'' 1600 tons coal, '. STjO telegraph polets. •;.. :; .. '', '■' Per Hanroto, from Southern ports: 653 ■ sacks. flour, 315 bags flour, 1497 sacks potatoes,. 329 Backs chaff, 8& ; sacks wheat, 185 sacks' oats,, 118 . 1 - jackahran, 150 sacks ma.H, 100 sacks pollard, .72 • sacks seed, 30 sacks sucifosine, 15 sacks barley, » 20 sacks beans. 20 sacks meal, 103 cases fish, 254 e*iei» meats. 358 eases, soap, 89 eases tea, 122 cases ", matches, 28 cases fruit, 80 bags sand, 51 hogs- , heads ale. ■ --/:,'' ■ ■•• ?,..'■ ; . » ,'' \ .- . EXPORTS;' .•"',■'-."',;'■''--. ■ ' Per Marama, for Vancouver: 130 carcases lamb, 6*5 cases jam, 7 cases meats, 5 cases rabbits, 19 ',". cases : poultry,' 3 cases sundries, and about 50 ton« from Southern ports. v The steamer Den of Gkimis -sailed at 3"- p.m. yesterday for Wellington, in continuation of her »- ". voyage from 1 New York. From Wellington she '•: , \ proceeds to Lyttelton and Dunedin. .'_■--■■■ " The Tofua, en route from Sydney and Island porta, is expected to leave Nukualofa this evenfag for Auckland.. She is due here on Wednes- 1 r'jfV-.'Vi .■■,■ day -next. •■ , The Union Company are advised that the - ' M.S. Maitai left San Francisco on the morning i ©I, Wednesday, July ' 26, ; for Wellington, via ' Papeete and Rarotonga; She is due at the Southern port on August 17. ■ , After taking in : a ; '. supply of f coal at Wellington, the Waitemiita i left that port at 5 p.m. on '■ Thursday for Napier/i Gisborne, and Auckland. ' She-should reach" hero to-morrow evening, and . after discharge of her cargo of produce will * . proceed to Fiji. Antwerp is the : destination to which the New i'fj;: ',;, Zealand: Shipping '; Company's steamer Kaipaxa is bound from Australian ports. The* Scales liner Clan Ogilvy was to have left Jlunbury on Wednesday for Wellington, ;Byttel- , ton, and Auckland. She is due here about the .end of the present month. Mr. C. Holdsworth, general; manager of the Union- Company, stated to a New Zealand Times j reporter that the name Kanna given to the ' (wmpany's new cargo boat is a Tasmanian pborigittal word. Tills name was 'selected owing to the (act that tho Karma is intended lor tho JTasraanian-Australian trade. ■■■ , ■'+;.■■' » The : local agents for "the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., are advised that the R.M.S.- Arawa arrived ai -Hobart ;at 9 a.m. yesterday from London and Capetown. She is due at '■Welling-: ■'■■■'■'•;: ton on Tuesday morning.; t ■; • ' . THE WIMMERA. The Wimmera, en rbate from Southern ports, _ left Napier last evening for Gisborno and Auck- < • : land. She leaves Gisborno this morning, and is i due here to-morrow morning, the vessel having 1 - JOSO tons of cargo to discharge at Auckland. Tho. Wimmera will berth at the new Queen-street :..;■': Wharf on arrival. . THE VICTORIA. The Huddart-Parker steamer Victoria, liaving left Sydney at 1 p.m.' on Wednesday last for Auckland direct, should put in ah appearance ■ here about neon to-morrow. She has on board 61 saloon and 46 steerage passengers and 1200 .'" tons of cargo for this port. On arrival the ■-Vic* '■'',■'. ■■■' tori* berthß at tho Queen-street Wharf. • ! ,: APARIMA LEAVES CALCUTTA. . The ' Union Company's large .'cargo steamer • —' " Aparima sailed from Calcutta on Tuesday last . for Auckland, and other New Zealand, "ports. I fjho will call at Singapore and Samarang en | , :K. - routes to complete loading, - and should put in j • (in appearance here about September 3. . t, IHUMATA FROM NEWCASTLE. "- : The. steamer Ihumata arrived from Newcastle t" pt 1.30 p.m. yesterday, ..after a fine weather ?"■ rajsago of a.little over seven days. Site brings ii oargo of coal and telegraph poles, and berthed at the Hobson-strcet * Wharf to discharge, after which she will probably proceed to the Kaipara ; to load timber for Sydney. : - lIAUROTO IN PORT. I . At II o'clock last night the Union" Company's ft aleaxner Hauxoto arrived from JTapier, and f? berthed at the Hobson-street Wharf. The vessel tut already reported, was damaged at Napier, , i- find was detained tber* "or six day* undergoing repairs. The liaorot :■ • it: fixed to sail at. noon .i To-day for Dunedin din -A' i THE NEW VANCOUVER SERVICE. At 7 a.m. yesterday! the Union Company's J1.M.9. Marama, Captain H. A.' Morrisby, an- • chored in the stream at Auckland from Sydney. ;. ' tjho was boarded (shortly afterwards by Dr. } gharman, the port health officer, and being routed* pratique berthed at the Queen-street V'harf. The steamer, sia she approached :: the I', \»U»rf, bore a spick and span appearance, and the berthing of the vessel ■ was watched by a Jarff" cumber of spectators. She .was engaged during the morning in 'loading- outward cargo, ' j(Wes, etc., and also took on board about 150 - fp JJnni of 000J.. The Marama is under: the com's jpnand of Captain .H. A. Alorrisby, who has as- " IKxdated with him tho following officers: Chief l|fe prow*, Mr. A. B. Barlow; second, -Mr. A. H. < Winsioe; third, Mr. ,l. Copland; fourth, Mr. F. Wilson. Mr. T. Scott is chief engineer, Mr. 1 I 1 '' !'' jr.'.Paterson second, Mr. .T. Mclnnis third, Mr. L. , Target* fourth, Mr. J. Towns'end. fifth, Mr. W. Jiarron sixth, Mr. W.Marshall seventh. Mr. J. .. l . fl<sr!; - Jttti i* electrician, Mr. J, Ale ran wireless i

operator. Mr. G. H:;Dodd -purser,-..Mr; .W.Bradford chief steward, while Dr. LA. B. Howard is the ship's surgeon. The Mar*m«i cleared the Queen-street Wharf at 2.35 p.m. her voyage for Vancouver, via Suva, Honolulu, and Victoria (8.C.). ■■■* She is due 'at Suva oft Tuesday next, Honolulu on August 15, XVictoria, on August 22, and arrives at Vancouver the same day. She leaves the Canadian port on toe return voyage on September 6, arriving at Auckland on September .26, leaving tho same day-' for Sydney, where she is duo on September 30. The next mail steamer to visit Auckland in connection with this service will be the R.M.S. Wakura, leaving Sydney on August 28, and due here on September: 1, the vessel sailing the same day for Vancouver, via way ports. KAMONA MEETS ROUGH WEATHER. ! The Union Company's steamer Kamona, which struck violent weather while on the passage from Westport to' Thursday Island, put into Sydney on Tuesday last witlr\ her boiler tubes leaking. On arrival of the Warrimoo at Wellington from Sydney on Wednesday morning the officers re- : ported' that at midday last Sunday, when tho vessel was about 300 miles out from Sydney, the Kamona was met somewhat unexpectedly, and tho latter .vessel signalled that she was . going to Sydney for repairs. The Kamona. which was then four days 18 hours out from .Westport, was bound for Thursday Island with a cargo of coal f<r the Admiralty. According to Sydney flies the' Kaniona was expected ;to call off Cape Moreton. near . Brisbane,"last Monday,' to pick up a Torres Strait nilot. She is under command of Captain R. S. Walton, formerly chief officer of - the .Aorangi. j When the Warrimoo - passed her, the Kamona was steaming slowly, but not in need of any assistance. The two steamers passed at a distance of about a-quarter of a mile, and it was quite 'evident that the Kamona was able to get along without aid. Tho collier left Westport at 7.40 p.m. on Tuesday. July 25. ' ' 1 PORT OF ONEHUNGA. : ARRIVALS. RARAWA, s.s.. 1072, W. F. Norbury. from New Plymouth. s Passengers: Misses Wright (2), Grolain, Wrnte. Fount-hie, Mesdamee Luseombe. Lvsaght and family (4), Messrs. Luscombe, Lysaght. • Gilfillan. Blair. Stanton. Henley, Shaw, Potts, Laird, Powell, Wright. Wells, Dickie, McCowan, Fraser, Mekin, Murray, Wilkinson, Graham, Rice, Hcarold, Bent, Clark, and 24 steers ire. ROSAMOND, "i s.s., 721, Wallis, s from Nelson, Picton, and Blenheim. BY TELEGRAPH. CAPE MARIA VAN DlEMEN.—August 4: A steamer from the north passed east at 7.35 a.m. to-day. . HOKIANGA HEADS.—August 4: Arrived— Rimu, s.s.. (at 11.30 a.mj. from Onehunga. Sailed on Thursday—Lauderdale, s.s. (at 4.30 p.m.). Cor.Nydia Bay. . RUSSELL.—August 4: Sailed—Clansman, 8.8. (at 6 p.m.), for Auckland. TAURANGA.— 4: Arrived—Ngatiawa, s.s. (at 7.10 a.m.). from Auckland. Sailed— awa, s.s. (at 6.15 p.m.), for. Auckland. GISBORNE.—August ,4: Arrived— and Oreto, auxiliary schooners, from Auckland, via East Coast hays. ~ v .*'-, • " ■: NAPlEß.—August 4: Sailed—Wimmera, s.s., for the North. Passengers for Auckland: Miss. Hallett, Mr. Fulton. ; WELLINGTON.— 4: Sailed—Ulimaroa, "s.s. (at 5.45 p.m.), ?or Sydney. LYTTELTON.—August 4 : Arrived— s.s., from Wellington ; Petone, s.s., and Holmdale, S.S., from Grey mouth: Kini, s.s., from Westport. Wakatu, 8.5., for Wellington and' Kaikoura; Corinthic, R.M.S., for Wellington; Warrimoo, s.s.,.for Melbourne, via the Bluff; Mararoa, 8.5., for Wellington. DUNEDIN.—August 4: Sailed— s.s., for New Plymouth , and the West Coast: Monowai, s.s., for"Auckland, via East Coast ports. NEWCASTLE.—August 4: Sailed—Wairuna, 5.8., for Lyttelton; Lyndford, for Auckland. MELBOURNE.— 4: Arrived—Brisbane, 8.5., from Lyttelton. '"' HOBART.— 4: Arrived—Arawa, R.M.S. (at 9 a.m.), from London and Capetown. v

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14751, 5 August 1911, Page 6

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SHIPPING New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14751, 5 August 1911, Page 6

SHIPPING New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14751, 5 August 1911, Page 6