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ARRIVALS. T\R\WTR\ «?.. 2003, I>. McLean, from East porta Binpiiam, Butler, msss° H » dasnes Hood anil child, Dans. Me«srt Hsdla day, : gssiu-sKSr, asr"bJas^S binclcv. Hill, Cboper, lUuison. Conole, Faulkner, i Dims, Cregg, While, and 27 steerage.— S.S. 1 Co., agents. _ . . " KAMOKA, s-s., 1525. Walton, fTOn-treslpßrf, v,a Wellington nail Xtpier.—l»moa S.S. Co., agent*.. NGAFUHI. R.s.. 681. II Stephenson, from V»hanearci. Passengers: Misses L ! rn«hart, North, .Marcroft Lyons, Cariton, Hill. Me*daroes Lrons, MeChee, Messrs. Duncan. BohiitMin, Cooke, ' ' Mace, Miller. Mc.lnnes, White, Harris, Lyons, Hamilton. Murdoch, Boas, Sailer, Hare. Beckett, McKenrie^bpurell,.Gunn, _Tit«hmarsb, Pvbus, Blaiey, . Parrtia*. Cluett. Clarke, Burt (2). White, Evers, and 11 steerage—Northern S.S. Co., scents. , WUOTAHI, s.&. 278, C. Hopkins, from rauran pa and Mercury Bay. Passengers: MtfS *™JSV Mesdames Henderson. McKay and child. O Milli- •- van, Messrs. Atkinson, it.. I*. Hodge, BuckVand, Bayly, Master* Irving, A. McCarthy.—Northern &S. "Co., agents. PELICAN, *.»., 162, J. Whittingham, from the coast.—Devonport. Ferry Company, agents. r ROTOMAHAXA, *.«:, • ISS, vA. Stephenson, from the Great Barrier.—Northern S.S. Co., agents.

" AKAROA, s.s., 70, W. Parker, from the coa&t.— Parker-Lamb Timber Company, amenta. i MAY HOWARD, auxiliary schooner, 64, Jones, , from luthurangLWilson* Portland Cement tym■t pony, agents. • .. , HERO, scow. 54, Francis, from >*gunffoiu.— Winstone. Limited, agent«.

DEPJJRTURES. V ASCOT, S.K-, 4334, Booth, for Wellington, Lyt-tch-on, and Dunedio. XGATOBO, as., 1137, Christian, lor Greymouth. AUPOERI, S.S., 463, T. Haultain, for Taurariffa. SQUALL, mi, 369, Morrison, lor Tolago Bar and Gisbonia STELLA, sa, 136)7, E. Sellars, for Whan gar-i. KASXERI, «-s., 305, T. Meyers, for Wbsnffarei. YSABEL, eohoocer, 149, W. Boss, tor the Friendly Islands. : CLIO, topsail schooner, 84, W. Pel ley, for Whangarei. . • ' VESPER, scow, 47, T. W. Edlinjtoii, for tie Great Barrier. DAM>T, srowy 82, F. Bolfe, for the Great Bar- ■ : rier. . 1 " i\ ETHEL WELLS, scon', 23, F. Wells, for Ifh*ngarei EXCELS3IOR, scow, 45, J. Biddick, for \<Tha- : saaita.' .. — ; •; TALLY-HO, mow, 51, Petema, for Xfaagum. BRAVO, scow, 9©, A. Season, for N'g-ongum. KATIE S., scow, 30, liiihieson, for Whangarei. ALMA, scoTT, 56, Scores, for Ngunguru. ' DAWN, ancillary cutter, 16, W. J. HcKious, for ib» coast. EXPECTED AEBITALa. LOTDOJr.—Star of India, is., tailed Mar 16, due ft boat July 11; Waiwera, b.s., sailed June 3, due about July 24 Muritai, s-t., sailed May 31, due about July 31; Indralema s.s., sailed June 16, due August 16; Kumara, 5.»., to sail; Whakarua, s.s., - to sail. /, LrntßPOOJL.—Sussex. , s.s., sailed May - '27, due'." about July 27; Surrey, aa, I ;.sailed June 24, duo about' August ; 20; ;• Kent, - as., to salt "• J'*w —Mimiro, : sailed ;* April 18, "" , due about Sunday; Den of Glamis, -a.*., sailed May 16, due about August 5; Hyndfcrd, s.s., sailed ;»}' Mar 20,' due about July 31; Anglo-Patsgonian, «... sailed June 2, due about August 25; Cape Breton, as., to Bail; Cape Orte-gal, - s.s., sailed ' June 17, due about August 26; Tomoana, a.a., to call; Wolkure, s.s., to sail; Anglo-Colombian, s.s., ■ to sail;;Trifels, s.s., to sail; Lord Lonsdale, s.s., •' to sail 'v V-.j. /:V> Marseilles.— Italian ship, sailed April 8, via Wellington. , r . Mostjul/ll—-W s.s., sailed June 5, due - about end of July; Kararaea, b.s.,' to sail; Oapa Corso, s.a, to sail; Ra&aa, as., to sail. ; , Say; Fbjjtcraco.—-Strat, as., sailed June \ 10, due about to-day;. Oceania, aa, sailed June 23, due about July 28; Aymeric, as., to sail; Borerie, ' as., to saiL t . STDJncr»—Victoria, aa, Sunday Atua, as., ' ' July 13. " > _ . Claeetcs Errs®.— Isabel, barques tine, to .r • UttiL ' , Adelaide.— Craig, barque, sailed June 25. ' KrLEOCKSB.—Joseph Craig-, barque, to sail; Waipori, s.a, to tail.' Xswcastvs.—Casablanca, barque, to sail; Ihnmata, s.e. to sail; Daniel,' barque, to V' Koaroix Isxjltd.—Southern Cross, i».e 4 do* • " about Sunday, • -J. Cook asd Society Isxasds.— as., July 27. ~ South Ska Islands.— s.s., Juiy 13. . Fiji.— s.a, July 13; Xarua, s.s., July 17. ■ Calcutta.—Aparima, as., to sail. PBOJECXED DEPARTURES. : Lojmox.—Matafcoa, aa, direct, about July 22; Otaki, sjl, direct, about July 20; Manere, as., direrf> about July 22; Arawa, 8.M.5., via the ■ South, ' August 28. Sax Fbascisco.— 8.M.5., July 22.: VascoXTVEß.—Marama, K.MS., Aujpist 4; ; Makuxa, RJM.S., September 1; Zealandia, R.U.S., . ■ September 29l .i i. SsDSKT.—Wimmera, as., Monday; Atua, s.s.. ; July 18. Fun.—Atua, as., July 18; Navua, as., August 2. .5 : Cook asd FarssuLT IsuufDS.— s.s., • "August 1. »OOTH Ska Islands.— as., July 18. : ; UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. V East coast.—Saturday: • Tarawera sails for Southern porta; Kamona sails for Greymouth. : _'. West Coast. —To-day: Rosamond arrives from Wellington, Plcton, Nelaon, and New Plymouth . and sails for the same ports. \ ,v » / « HUDDAitT, PARKER AND CO.'S MOVEMENTS. i Sunday: Victoria arrives from Sydney; Wim. j xn-;ra arrires from the South. Monday: Wimmera . sails for Sydney direct at 5.30 p.m. Tuenday: " 5 Victoria sails-for EunedLn, via East Coast ports, ! at 4 p.m. . , ; : -- >'ORTHEBX S.S. CO.'S , MOVEMESTS. r For ' time of departure of outward eteaows is* company's time-table on page 1 . VESSELS IN HABBOUB. v i , Cambrian, H.M.S., in stream. > jy-u, cable steamer, in stream. ' Kaipara, s.s-, at Railway AVharf. . ' ■ 'Nairnshire, ».s., at Railway Wharf. } Tarawera, as., at Queen-street Wharf. j Kamona, s.a, at Chelsea. I Laura, barquentine, at Railway Wharf. L Northern Chief, barque, at Railway Wharf. rKaw, auxiliary schooner, at Hobson-street ExY, tension. ( County of Angieeea, barque, at Quay-street Jetty. ' Selwyn Craic, barquentine, at Quay-street Jetty, : Triton, b>rque, at Quay-street Jetty. i i Boute, ichooner,. in stream. , \ " ■■ IMPORTS. ' ' : Per Kamona, from Westport: 1000 tons coal, i" : Per Tarawera, from Southern ports: 345 sacks ' flour, 615 bags flour, 1448 sacks . potatoes, 330 ';' PAeks pollard, 30 sacks rolled oats, 379 trusses - straw, 1106 sacks wheat, 310 sacks oats, 45 sacks barley, 26 bales hay, 249 bags onions, 22 sacks < bmn, 8 bales leather, 5 sacks wheatmesJ, 70 ! crates chceae, 29 cases bops, 30 sacks grass seed, .24 facta cocksfoot, 10 sacks • walnuts, 24 sacks i «erstina, 15 bags cemrat, 222 cases soap, 125 i cases meats, S3« tea, 78 cases jams, 44 cases I matches, 135 oaa«i confcctionery and biscuits, 50 i boxes dried frucni, 93 boxes apples, .30 cases i staioh, 50 cases milk, 29 cases medicines, and ' sundries. " 5 ■- , . Tbe Squall sailed shortly after noon yesterday ',-ior To!ago Bay and borne with a full general ■ cargo. ; . • ; . The coastal steamer Aupouri Bailed at '4 p.m. i yesterday for Tauranga She leaves on the return , i passage this evening, being: due back Here to- ? morrow morning. \ i> In continuation of her voyage from St. John • the steamer Ascob sailed yesterday afternoon tor i "Wellington. From Wellington she goes to Lyttel- . ton and Donedin.; i Thf< topsail schooner Clio, after undergoing a '. thorough overhaul, has been reoommiasioned in ■ the Wtrujgarel trade. She left for the KNortlmm port on Wednesday evening. • j The Hutidart-Parker steamer Wimmera left Wel- ' lington last evening for Auckland, via Napier, 'Gisborae and Tokomaru Bay. She is duo here .«n Sunday; morning. i .Tha barquentino Laura shifted her berth to the I Railway Wharf yesterday, where she loads white /„• jrine for Sydney., . ; ' . [" The New Zealand Shipping: Company's steamer" iKaipaxa sails to-morrow morning for Wellington. ■i- The WaiotaLi arrived from 'I"auraiiga and Mer- " . (toury Bay, yesterday morning. She sails for Mer- , f .sury. Bay and Tairu* at 12 o'clock to-night. o'iV|lj|jTl» Italian barque Erroinia, expected at New- : 'castle front Lyttelton, has been chartered to load ! ', , 6 cargo ot coal foi; a west .coast jwrW ■ V \ .« . r V- . -

The Blackball Coal Company's Jr 0 " 1 " (same down from Chelsea >' eß^ rd and the coaling' the liner Nairnshire the sailed in tno evening- for Greymoirth direct. , The Kurow was expected to r Fiji estcr <!?£ with a carjro of raw sugar for■. Aw* a: n j3; _ should put in an appearand here about Tuesday nest. ■ *' , . The barque Triton was floated into the Graving Dock vesterdav for survey. The Triton will leave shortly for Maiden Island in ballast, where she loads xruano for a New Zealand port. She will call at Niue en route to pick up a number of natives for Maiden Island. On July 31 the Union Company'* B,M.S. Marama leaves Sydney for Auckland, l)€inyr 10 ..,"" 1 earner to inaugurate the new Sydney-AucXlano-Vancouver service. She will arrive at Auckland on Fridav, August 4, and leaves the same day for Suva, Honolulu, Victoria (8.C.), and anoouver, beinjr due to arrive at the latter port on August 22. • » The small German barque Vidvlia, which left Buenos Aires on-Mav 2 for Albany for orders, is to load a cargo of coal at West port lor the Caroline Island*. Captain John Bull, who has . been chief officer of the steamer Ingra for some time past, has been appointed to tako charge of the recentlypurchased steamer Bentinct when she enters into the trade between Australia and New Zealand. . The French steamer Breir Isel, which recently brought a cargo of case oil to New Zealand porta from New York, left Noumea on Juno 28 for Ocean Island to load phosphates for Australia. The chartered steamer John Hardie, recently at Auckland with case oil from New York, lest Port Chalmers on Tuesday for Tort Augusta. 11.M.5. Pioneer left. Wellington for Picton on Tuesday morning. The warship has gone across to the" sounds to do firing practice, and is due back at Wellington about July 9. She remains there until the end of the month, when she proceeds to Lyttelton. \ It was originally intended to despatch the A. and A. Line's chartered steamer Anglo-Columbian from New York for New Zealand ports on July 10. Word has been received by the local age-nts of the company stating that the charter has been withdrawn. A steamer has been substituted to take her place, and will leave New York on August 21. The schooner Ysnbel sailed for the Friendly Islands on Wednesday afternoon. The tog Pelican arrived in Tort yesterday morning from Thames with a rait of logs. The coastal steamer Botomahana arrived from the Great Barrier last evening. The Northern Company's steamer Ngapnhi arrived from Whangarel last night. She sails for the Northern port again at 9.30 o'clock to-night. The steamer Strathardle, running under the auspices of the Australian Mail Line, is now 27 days out from San Francisco to Auckland. Her arrival may bo looked for at any time now. Although no official information is yet to hand, it is stated by local officials of the Union Company that the Rosamond. now trading between Wellington, New Plymouth, and Onehunga, will replace the Squall in the trade between Auckland, :To 1 ago Bay, and Gisborne. It is probable that the | Squall, on her return to Auckland from Gisborne, ■ will be laid up for overhaul. ! The Government steamer Ilinemoa is expected ! to leave Wellington to-day for Cape Palliser and ! Cape Campbell lighthouses. On ■ her return to Wellington the vessel's stern will be permanently repaired, the injury having been sustained by the Himitangi colliding with it at Lyttelton. This, it is estimated, will . take four or five days to complete. The Hinemoa then leaves for Cook Strait lighthouses. The Rosamond left New Plymouth at 3.15 p.m. yesterday for Onehunga, and is due at the latter port this morning-. * The Bakanoa cleared Westport early yesterday morning for Sydney with, a cargo of coal for .the Admiralty. " J The Norwegian barque Margit arrived at New Plymouth on Wednesday from Liverpool after a pakrige of 121 days. • THE KAMONA. The collier Kamona arrived from Westport, via Wellington and Napier, yesterday morning . and proceeded up to Chelsea to discharge the balance of her cargo of coal. The Kamona sails for Greymouth direct at noon to-morrow. THE SYDNEY STEAMER. The local office of the Hmldart-Parfcer Company are advised that, the steamer Victoria left Sydney [ at 2 p.m. on Wednesday for Auckland direct. Th« j vessel has on board ICO passengers and 920 ton# lof cargo for this port. She should arrive here on | Sunday, afternoon. THE SOUTHERN BOAT. | The Union Company's steamer Tarawcra, Cap- ! tain D. McLean, arrived from Southern and East Coast ports at noon yesterday and berthed at the I Queen-street- Wharf. She left Dunedin at 3 p.m. lon Friday last, working the usual East Coast I ports en route, experiencing fine weather throughout the passage. The Tarawera sails for Southern ports at . noon to-morrow. | .. KIA ORA ARRIVES HOME. The local agents of the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company have been advised that the steamer Kia Ora. which left Auckland for London on May 18, arrived at her destination on the morning of July 3. • •• ;Vr;. ANOTHER NEW STEAMER. The steamer Lord Lonsdale, announced recently as being under charter to load case oil at New York for New Zealand ports, is a new vessel, specially built to the order of Messrs. J. Hfcrron and Co. She was launched at Glasgow on May 4 last, and, according to mail advices, has been built on the isherwood system. Her principal dimensions art: Length between perpendiculars, 330 ft: breadth, 51ft; and depth moulded, 29ft 4in. She is classed It® A 1 at Lloyd's, and has a poop and forecastle. The vessel is fitted with cellular water,ballast-tanks." There are eight powerful winches driven by a large donkey boiler, and she is equipped with up-to-date appliances for the ! rapid handling of cargo. The engines have been built at Glasgow, and are of the triple-expansion : type, bavin? cylinders 26in, 42ins and • 70in in. diameter, with a stroke of 48in. The steamer is capable of steaming about 11 knot# per hour.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14726, 7 July 1911, Page 6

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14726, 7 July 1911, Page 6

PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14726, 7 July 1911, Page 6