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A SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITION, LIST OF PRIZE WINNER. Tim twelfth annual exhibition of the Auckland and Suburban Poult ty, Pigeon, ami C.itiaiv Ar-o-rial ion was opened in Hcnning's G-ir.«ge. I)-11h;,,,,. street East, at. three o'clock ye.-;. [day • >'- v i in.<,r» by Mr. C. D. Grey, patron of the, association. in this presence of a huge niter,datm of the public. Til') show this year is a. di.-:in<-t a,>. ; m„, n any of the asso"ia!ion's i■: e\i ■><:* if.>• <?. 'j |„ ; entiles, as regard.- the p'.uhty c!.,«scj, inn'nr upwards '! 60.', which is I'TjM.v hi excess of the results recorded list jc a r. Ibit tlu-re ; 4 .1 slight filling of)' in (lie n"u:h"r . f nig, op; ;i r ,,] canary exhibits, due pn>ba'.ly r> the etililis|,. men!, of a eaiiary club in ii,.» «•;!>-, ana i,-, the fact, that, the, I'ouliry A--.(iMi-n int> ;r!s to omit these classes from luiuie -h >w.<. This Mar ilm -how is held in conjunction vvi'ii tlt«; X>-.v '/,• aland Wyandotte Club. The principal ell -O- tilts JI I! :u ■ the Villidottes, Leghorns, Orpington:., and -an.c o.v!, il l( . first-men I.l'inetl lat g-iy .-pos.• i>-; a' ii g, ).t..i W r,| v owing to the, nnm'iei of r -p.-ei.d )>i i/;< -. • .>-:• I m this m-elinn. The Opinion of the judge »a- that the hi ids shown were the " • • u i „« \\\ 1 have see,, on t.tie bene!, in ;< v /a.siatid. '11,,. silver Wyandotteh ate a t-phoaid < 1 i ;i, numbera and quality, hut y>.i Lav to ! *■!. ! > 11;.-. ! I'amidge Wyandotte for the ; ■ . , am;,:.- r.f the breed ill til", show." Til" 1.: i i"!«.nc>i 1■ i is owned by Mr. Rutherford, of J! i.iavvillc, ii'Mr Wellington. Mr. G. J.aekfoj. . • [~. j,-,d™. in the Wyandotte and other bicds ■■: y i-la-s fowls, .and the other judges w-i" M ev?. ,i. Ni>.na (Leghorn:-; and game;, G. If. 11 n'elii;.-..n rdnet-.s and selling' classes), and .f. Presc ,'.t, !|n-':eii. and canaries). The prize list is as follow:-;— PuC'.TK Y. Wyaii'ioite:.-.—silver-I-re<nl : W. A Hansen 1; W. A Sowtnai,, >■ W. Dunn .ml sens, ; \Vj;,* Scott, very highly commended. !{>.•, : Mr:-, j| Scott, sen.. 1: W. Dunn and Sens. 2;'W, A. Haniotl, 3: .1. Currie. VI IV lib'hiy t'olntneiidrrl. Cockerel: I). H. Rutiierfoid. 1. Wy. • , ;e si,eei ; i| and X.I.C. :W. F. Cwiie,r, 2: .1. r'nii;-. 3 ;l ,' ; d very highly commended. Pullet : W. A. Han, 1 and Wyandotte .-|s"eial : 1). 11. l.'ut! '-rfur I, l. I, an very highly contmetidi'd ; .1. Currie. vcrv highly commended. White : H. R. Ihirrett 1; E. T. Uafemat). inn.. 2: B. ](, Cl .w, 7 Hen • E. J. Copas, 1 and Wyandotte social ; H. R. I'm;, retl, 2 E. T. liateiiiaii, 3; Mis. ... S.'oi', very highly commended. Cocke;-': |. T. p,,;e! man, jun., 1, 2, Wyuudo'te sjior iai, and X.l.i.'. • Doig and Thomas, 3. Pullet: Doig and 'I ie-n.-j.-' 2: E. T. Bateman, jnn., 2 and 3. G'.: i-1.-.ciol .I Cock: W. Dunn and Son-, 1 an Wvaiidatt'} special; .J. B. Patersiiti, 2; P. Mclint), 3. 'llr-u: s" Johnson, 1. Wyandotte special, and N!.i'. ■ (~ m" Howe, 2; J. I!. Pater- »n, 3. !.'■-.ckerel : ' li, lb Clow, 1; W. Dunn slid Sons. 2 aid 3; G. M. How-, very highly commended. Ptdle: • l; Ik Clow. 1 and 2: W. Dunn and Son.-. 3; (;. M. Howe, vrrv hiudily Commended. Pattridee—(V!,--D. H. Rutherford. 1 and special (best Wvandotui in show and two Irophie.-i; W. Dunn and' Son?. 2 and very highly commended; p J. Tr main. 3. lien: U. 1!. Jiuiiietford. 1 and Wyandotte spi'cnd and very highly conitnendi-il ;E. J. main, 2; W. Dunn and Sons, 3. Cockerel : I). H. IJullir-r. ford. 1: W. Dunn ond Sons, 2; l>. 11. lanliertord, 3. Pullet: W. Dunn and Suns, 1: li .1. Tretnaiti, V* and 3 Any other variety, hen or millet: 11. Whittingham,'l ; B. H. Clow 2,

Leghorns.— Whiff—Cook : To tin r iltoHir-!?, J and special; V. Pepe.-r-h, 2; J. Fin lav, 3. 11 n: T-wir Brothers, 1; J.'. Porter. 2: <;. k. .J. Kvun, 3: V. Papeseh. very highly commended; K. ( i'viii, very highly rommeridot!. Cot-k'-rol : (J. E .1. Evan, 1 and very highly eummendM; K. !!. Holland. 2; T<mar Brothr-is, 3. Pulirt: Timor Brothers, 3 ; U. K. G. Evans. 2 ami very high!" commended ; K. If. Holland, 3. Brown—Cook: \\. 11. Neale, 1 and 2: .1. li. Patorson, 3. ilea: Toiiar Brother*, 1 and special; W. Dunn and Sons, 2: K. li. Holland, 3 and verv highlv ccnmietitM, Cockerel: K. 11. Holland. 1; H. Douglass. 2: W. 11. Neale, 3 and very Itltrhly coiniru-ii'led. Pffilct: I". 11. Holland. 1; 11. Douglas, 2 and very highly commended; Touar Brothers, 3. Black—Cork or cockerel T. W. Bear-ley, 1 ami very .uglily commended: A. E. Goodwin, 3. Hen or pnllot : T. W. lieasley, 1. special, and 3: A. K. Goodwin. 2. I)uckwinCock or cockerel: O. Smith, 1 and 2. Hen or pullet : O.' Smith, 1. Any other variety— Cock or cockerel: A. E. Yard! y. 1 ; (he Rev. .1. Olphert. 2; C. V. Langsford, 2. Hen or pullet: C. V. Langsford, I and 2. American vhite--Cork: A. W. Irvine, 1. special, 3, and very hiflily commended; I!. M. Smith. 2. Hen: A. W. Irvine, 1 and 2; It. M. .Smith, 3 and very highly commended. Cockerel: It. M. Smith, l and 3;' A. W. Irvine, 2 and very highly commended; C. M. 'I'hrana, very highly commended. Pullet : A. W. Irvine, 1, 2. and very highly commended; It. M. Smith, 3 and very highly commended.

Minorca?.—BlackCock : Hill Brothers, 1. Hen: W. (;. Wiseman, 1. special, and 3: A. E. Goodwin, 2. Cockerel: A. K. Goodwin, 1: W. (:. Wiseman, 2; Hill Brothers, 3. Pullet: Hill Brother?, 1 and 2; J. S. Coleman, 3.

Orpingtons.-—Black— : A. K. Stonex, 1, 3, and very highly commended ; A. Hedlev. 2. Ilea: A. E. Stones, 1, 2, 3, rind special: E. J. oiemain, very highly commended. Cockerel: A. Hedley. 1; A. E. Stone.v, 2, 3. and very highly commended, l'ullet : A. E. Stonex. 1 and 3: W. ,T. Vernhatn, 2; A. E. Goodwin, very highly commended. 3'iff or cinnamon—Cock : .J. Whitehouse, 1 end 2' H. Grevilie, 3. Hen: J. Wliitehouse,' 1 and s-jterial; 11. I'antield, 2 and 3. Cockerel : .1. Fiulay, 1: J. J. Wliitehouse, 2 and 3; H. Bantield, very fcijrhlr commended. Pullet: ,T. J. Wliiiehotife. 1 and 2: H. Bantield, 3 and very highly commended. Ulhto —Cock: Mrs. J. Scott,'.sen., 2. Hen; A. E. Stnm, 1 : E. C. Best, 2: Mrs. .1. Scott. sen.. 3. Cockerel: E. C. Best, 1: W. F. Allen. 2 and 3. Pellet: K. C. Best, 1: W. F. Allen, 2 and 3. Any oilier variety Cock or cockerel: J. J. Whiteliousc,"2. Hen or pullet: J. J. Whitehouse, 1. Game (British). —Black red—Cock : (I. P. Page, 1; W. G. Mason, 2; Hill Brothers, 3. Hen: W. i';. Mason, 1, cup and social • G. D. Page. 2 and 3. Cockerel: G. 1). Page, 1. 2, a"d 3. Pullet: G. I'. Page, 1, 2, and 3; J. Prescoit, very highly commended. Pile, hen or pullet : C. Carter. 1. l>tiekwing—Cook: G. I). Page, 1 and 2; W. \Vii>on. 3. Hen: Hill Brothers, 1; W. Wilson, 2: W. C. Mason, 3; T. D. Page, very highly commended. Cockerel: G. 1). Page, 1, 2, and special: G. Mason. 3. Pullet: G. 1). Page, 1: C. Carter. 2: W. Wilson, 3. Any other variety— or enekerel: W. H. Moorcraft, 1; Howe and Wood, 2 and 3. Indian —Cook : J. Co pas, 1; J. Bouskill, 2; K. M. Tapp. 3. Hen: E. J. Cepas. 1. 2, and special; J. Bouskill, 3 and verv hichlv commended. Ovkeiel: J. Bouskill, 1 and 2; E." ,1. Copas, 3 and very highly commended. Pullet: 4. Bouskill, 1 and J', E. J. Copas, 2 and very highly commended. Plymouth Rocks.Barred—Cock : G. Whittirjham", 1 and 2: W. Wiltshire. 3. Hen: G. Wliittinghatn, 1. Cockerel: G. •Whittingham, 1 ard special; W. Wiltshire, 2: 11. N. Taylor, 3: H. Douglas, very highly commended, PulletU. Whittingham. 1; H. Douglas, 2 and 3. WhiteCock or cockerel: 4. B. I'aterson, 1; .Mrs. C. K. Fenn. 2: H. Arnold, 3: J. Cummins, very, highly commended. Hen or gullet: 4. Cummins,'l; 11., Arnold, 2 and 3. Langshans—BlackCock or cockerel: A. P. Ingley, 1, 2, and special. Hen or pullet : A. P. Ingley, 1 and 2. Houdans.—Cock or cockerel: A. K. Goodwin, 1, 2, and 3; J. Prescott, very highly commended. Hen or pullet: A. E. Goodwin, 1. 2. 3, and special; J. Prescott, 2 and very highly coalmended. Hamburg?. Silver or gold-pencilled or spande.l -—Cock or cockerel: Mis. L. Johnston. 1. Hen r pullet: 4. J. McKinner, 1; Mrs. L. Johnston, 2. Faverolles variety pnrc-hrcd fowl—Cock or Cockerel: A. R. Cardie. 1. Bantams (Game). — red— E. Wallet', 1 and 2. Cockerel F. Wallers. 1; -Mrs. S. Johnson, 2 and 3. Pullet :F. Walters. I'and 2. PileCook: W. Somets, 1: E. Ma!ti>ts, 2. lien, '• Walters. I and 2. Cookoro! : K. Walters. 1 and --- Pullet : 1". Walters, 1. Duckwtng-fock : F. «.>■• tets, 1. Hen: Mrs. S. .1 ..ins-on, 1. Cock ON I: Mrs. S. Johnson. 1: F. liters, Pullet :E. Writers, I. Any other variety— Cock or cockerel: '• Walters, 1 and 2. Any oilier game: Black roseHen: J. Cummins, 1 nod 2. Cockerel: 4 mills. 1 and special. Point : .1. Ciuuiiiins. 1 l'eln" hutf— or cockerel : Win. C. Page,, d ;i: , special; Mrs. .1. Scott, sen.. 2: K. _M. 1 ;1 1'!'' ! lieu or pullet: J. Cummins, 1; W. C. I'.'gt. " and 3. Duck?.—Pel;in —Drake : G. M. Howe. 1; Whitelious 2. Duel; :J. .I.' Whit. lio'.ise, 1; <>._.»■ I hove, 2. Drake, under 12 months: J. Wliitehouse, 1. Indian. lltinners- Drake; T. Pwnawnitc, 1 and 3; B. 11. Clow. 2; ,1 4. McKumO, very highly commended. Duck": T. Dotttliwaiu'. 3, 2, and special; It. 11. Clow, 3. Drake, under tmonths: T. Douthwaite, 1 and 3: IV H Clo»'. 3' A. I*l. Stones, very highly commotido.l, _ " ll . T. Douthwaite. 1 and 2; A, E. S!->n<-\, 3- • other variety Drake: Mrs. 4. Scott, sen., 1, ■' J. Tretnain, 2. Duck: Mrs. ■!. Scott, sen, 1= E. lons, 2. Turkey*.— Any variety, gobbler : J. Jhouse, 1. In the soiling- clashes (pairs not to exceed ft price £2 2s 1. Ihe prize-takors woe: Messrs. .* Putin ami Sons. McDulf. 4. 4 Whitehouse. ■ Nealc. J. 4. McKinney. 4. Vinlay. 4 Gunumns.I'■1 '■ Whittingham, McLaren. B. 11. Clow. N• ' ■ son. 4. K. Co well, T. W. Be.iflcy. and 4. M*"l- - l'cii« (one male and two jemalcslWvandott< : or <»rpingt"lis: 4. -I. lutclioii! '• W". A. Hanson. 2. Mfdilorraitc in : Mrs. ,i. • c < son., 1: W. 11. Xeale, 2: A. W. Irvine. ... Asiat-y 1,. Whittingham. 1. Game. A. Nixon, 1, Bouskill, 2. Ducks: Mis. J. S''ot', -en , 1 PIGEONS. Homers. —Blue- -Cock : H. Nigbtingale. 1 „.' 1 \ chiNpier - Cock : H. Nightintf 0-., 1 *'*•'' '' & Spouner, 3. "on : Hit! Biotlo'is. 1 A. .[' " Pied hen: Hill Brothers,• I and .'t}"*'*!--' over-—* colour birds. Ilia; have tlown o-'O !»"*•• "• ], C.sek: Hill Brothers, 1. lien: lid BrlllUS, 1. Eighty miles and over: llt'l Br.-tlu:?, -• CANARIES. Magpies--Vellow-C,:i l;: E. -e v;- in ,I'. '""t! Magpies - \,.110w-( ook-: E. > " ,• T. E. T. Nixon. 1: S. 'I'm:,., 2 , ''••'"'i* fi ,'.,4, Nixon. 1. Hen: 1.. I. •; '1 * licit: mutliod whit -t'ocl; :W. |> W V 1....' (Vrk - tlyiai W. G. Wiseman, 1. A: >oi he:' <■- don. ~, '. '„',|.- .enter, 1. Hon: Cyri. la -lcr. 1.. I• ' ■"u C. lieu: Roy Hill. 1. Blue -;r >: .v-;' }' c -oril u , c . Wiseman. 1. Any her ooiom- o<-k. • tor, 1. Hon: W. G. tti'om.m. 1. _ Yorkshires.—Yellow -r J'' ". ' ~V '..',J(urk«il son, 1 and 2: G. P. donson. o ' ' otto. 1---Cook or hen: C. 0r... I a.m - ( ' p.,,: Norwich ( Pl.lit,heads). - \el.o» , 5 - 't,. : ~,,j —tWk H. Jones. 1; East way Br th. ' ■■ 1 - Cods or lieu :P. R. Syors, 1 Lh ■, v-U - ~.n , ,5, 1. <"• hen: P. 1! ' syt>, L Btnl . ;,•■/ and vatic; Ticked: Fastway Brothel-. 7. •• ni .■ C|i ,d gated: 0. Olt--, 1 ami 2, .. >• }",, § V fr>, Jhuff: W. A. Hanson. 1. >eI"V . ■ ■ ' ■ - lW t. Green: W. A. Hanson. 1 «nd tpf' •ai v ! \. Ratibred, yellow: P. R. Sycrs, 1. tlul' • v ]i,son. sou. 1. Butt, heavily variecai<'<|. 'p',i, nJr ted — I. Cinnamons, huff: 1 . It. Sjers, „r variePlainhead, clear: P. It. •'.vers, 1. gated : P. K. h;'®. 1. to-iao^ 0 "" The show will bo open to-Ul/. auu fionj 10. auia. ..uaiil 1Q j?.m, _

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14714, 23 June 1911, Page 4

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AUCKLAND POULTRY SHOW. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14714, 23 June 1911, Page 4

AUCKLAND POULTRY SHOW. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14714, 23 June 1911, Page 4