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Houses and Land for Sale. : —— —— —— — Paul M. Hansen*' ' . (Albert W. Clark. PAUL HANSEN & CO. *i S|SAI, ESTATE AGENTS. 64. QU EEN-STBEET. AUCKLAND. • Telephone. No. £59. OFF PONSONBY ROAD 4?ft'7^\T ,t3lw .minutes from .Tram—Six •^?5? Itj ***** room*, 20 by 12, 18 by 12, WirsWK ***! ■-■ all '■■ conveniences;: tarred ■< < Paths; garden Mete and front';■■ 4?,K i hi '' **»**» and picture;'rail* ■ built-in, <*»Xi\: pram; gas stove; '.'tiled' hearths; '-PK7-H ■' section ! "- ** by •■. 105';': built:"" three;'. ci&KJttJ .rears; first-class timber.,.. EPSOM: JpQKA—-'Booms;'' bath and scullery; i:" v diningroom 22fV8in*y 14ft; two 4-*.X K A front rooms, 14ft fen by 13ft, iSft by I *OUU ■ 13ft; . others, " lift by ' '12, ■• 13!t 'by ■ VH 0 ' 10ft - ; 13ft by tm i four tiled Iwwtta I aWUUIy. '-and"' grates; "..wardrobe, linen 4?ft Press; porcelain bath, and 'basin; | *JfX built three "years/ of. best .heart j i*Q{|A °* kauri;. pore .'volcanic: swAkju, J . «'OUU 70 ,by 166. FOr h locality, ." finish, J JgQCA and as a health resort it cannot-} ***X ' be' ' surpassed. ; ". Considerably : re- j 4?Q£»A " dnced in price to'effect immediate j €M\Jki\j sale; ■ 25©yds from 'train stop.. } ST. HELIERS BAY ROAD. '4?€lAA"~Sut"2oonia and all convenience*; '. «**t/\/iJ porcelain: bath: section 77 by .200; j J?QAA Anyone ■, desirous ■. of ■'. obtaining aft ul/U property ■in ,; i■ a'' .'■■ locality where j£?QAA it will rapidy increase in value oft *J\J\J --. should avail themselves ■ of. the £900 chaac *- VALUABLE CITY LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. CLOSE: TO' QUEEN-STBEET-Six Shop* on •' ground floor, with ■' -vacant room* on first - ■ door. ■■ This property -■ '■ is an , excellent investment, "and j shows, high prospective value and good 'improved rental. TO LET-EPSOM. * GOOD seven-rom ed House, with i acre in garden . and fruit'- trees; all in "firstclass order. 27s 6d per week. KAY & M°CALLUM, (LATE DAVID KAY), LAND AGENTS. ■' VULCAN LANE, AUCKLAND. ''',''■-'■: SHEEP AND CATTLE FARM. . 4?o','-j rß' v Plat' ACBE—SSO Acres, first-class c&tk JlO -, limestone , land; ' 385 acres sown in good English grass, 100 acres rough feed. 1 'SO acres ■. bosh, . one ' acre , orchard; wintered. "JOT sheep, 40 bead, cattle,-: and two ''.horses;' wall fenced and subdivided into ten pad- j docks. ' House, four rooms; woolahed. sheepyards', cowshed, man's room, "dairy, harness-. room, and buggy shed. - Telephone connection with Auckland.' 0.8.P. at IS per ".acre." Terms, £800 cash;.;balance at five, per cent. This is a splendid paying property, and one . j 'of the cheapest in the market. 345 . \ A CHEAP FABM. '' § - j ME» 19 1A 3 PEE ACBE-BAMAEAHA— ' j ovJLw JLvr ■ : -Acres■..■ First-class"" Volcanic ; Land, mostly 'in 'grass, .-nearly-all -plough- j able. ■ Handy to creamery, 'school, P. 0./ and ! tttore. . About lour mite to railway station. Mouse, five rooms, and outbuildings. Land alongside has sold at £21 per acre. CHEAP DAIRY AND 'CATTLE FASH : J*K IKS. PEE ACEE— Acre* Good dwer . J-tJ Land; about two-thirds ploughable; S3 acres improved, and 'sown in grass; ■ mine, acres turnips,' . the balance, surface Sewn; would carry 89 head, of stock at present time*.':or 30 dairy, cows, .besides -.young, stock.'' - First-class ■ House, :- six -• large :; room*: and ■ bathroom; 'dairy/ cowshed,'-' and other! ■ buildings. Handy to creamery, ,P. 0., " - an* j township. 17-235 KAY AND MCCALLDIL FANNING AND CO.* ■ . , T -«SD AND TESTATE- AGENT* SSOETLANDfiTEEET. -, PABTICriABS OF FSOPEETY ' FOB SALE. ■'OOf* ACRBS-One mil© to creamery, post *jOO ; office, and school, and. Si milts to railway- station/'Waitoa; -six-roomed House;, cowshed,, etc.; nearly all in srass; mostly reclaimed swamp land; fronting "VVaitoa Biter. Price, £12 per acre. ,1, - ■." OCr ACHES—Five-roomed House .ano all I jwcltJ . necessary outbuildings;, subdivided into 14. paddocks; reclaimed, swamp" land; milk 100 cows. £21 per acre, QjfVD ACHES—Good Dairying Land. Ahou* uvO .half in 'grass, well subdivided: ..milk 60 cows; school, creamery and. poet office opposite; six-roomed Mouse; milking machine .installed. Price, £17 Ids per acre. '. 4-tn ACHES- Aroha- eight miles; cew tfcx § pight-roomed House, two verandahs - and all * necessary outbuildings; -396 ■■ acres"; in grass. 25 acres ■ bursfa;- -well watered in . every paddock; milking 100 cows; £0 young stock, 10 ' homes and ISO - sheep, -''Price. £16 per. acre. KOT Nine-roomed House and --lot DO i of' outbuildings; all .' in ' grass; ■■ 'milk*' ing ' machines installed -' good : .roads; i -21 -pad* docks; watered with- creeks' and river; - carry* ing 150 dairy cows, 60 young stock, 25 torses. Price. £18 per acre or offer. KOQ 'ACHES—Eighth-roomed ; House :and. out*}J*o buildings;- all in -grass ejeept'" 50 acres; 13 saddoeks; carrying K0 sheep and 59 cattle. Price, £11 ■ per acre. ■ '■•'■KXQ ■ -ACHES—Good Six-roomed .Hcgise. t)00 ' splendid' outbuildings; half 'in English grasses and cultivation, balance rough feed;" well"' subdivided; 1 : three windmills;, rying about,7o. cows, 30 horses, .50 heifers. Price, £16 pjftr acre, v*f *71 *> ACHES—Good 'J Dairying and- Sheep .JL ; i±£ ' Land. ■3) ■ miles ; from - railway station,, store. post office, and creamery: good homestead; carrying S3» sheep. 17'ca-ttle and 10 horses. Price. £9 10s per acre. : . I'KOQ ACBEa-Good Cattle • and Sheep lOdO : Laud:fiJpo^-ikttiUon:'. 'food .mm ings. -Price.-.£lo. per .acre. ' Would : subntvid* at the same price, T ICHFIELn i. HKTStrCT. wajeato,: J - FREEHOLD PROPEHTY. - , -, ' Sa,O(tt-ACS!i«j-2&,00D. . = Plougbable, easily worked; well 'watered,;; supply; undnlating country; 13 miles from Pntarara ..station; close to creamery*:'school.' railway -runt, through, property,-also,main road, Anckland-Taupo-Kapter.. Price, .JOs,-per acre-. "- ... - FINB -' ESTABLISHED ... BUSINESS' - AND 3 SESIDENTIAL PEOPEBTY. - ■ ' '"- :.i-J.CE.E-4. .' , Bight in heart of Town of Eoloraa; cont'eniect 'to railway station, Government Baths, and Port Office, .'Land Transfer TitlePrice. £1200, without stock. Ideal situate. EOTORUA LAND NOTICES. : ■ TE PDA DISTRICT. » miles from Botorua J. Town—Splendid. Farm of 300 : acres; MO acres' in grass;~ divided into two paddocks; -' watered '- ,! -. by " a' never-failing ■-' Spring, r. ;■ .A - nice: email 'farm. ■: -'No, :: .buildings.,-,-: Price,'.. £5 15sit per acre; £530 caeh, balance in two year* at 5 per cent.. '■'■':?'•..■*■•■'■. EAHABOA i -D2BT&I01%-A'.''Bplendid - Oppor-;, tonity, .DWP.—73S Acres, 735;' divided into 12 paddocks; well watered; 600 acres' ■in grafts';, ■. ideal dairying': .and.cropping.,property: Dwellinghouse, . eight . rooms, . cathouses, men's cottage, etc;, milking shed and plant Price low. We strongly' rccomment this propertjE.' .'. ' & BOTOCUA. OFF' WHAKA EOAD. -. ' DWELLING of four rooms, scullery, bathrooms, hot and cold water service;; porcelain bath, hot and cold ■: shower: out--houses., stable, feedroom, motor garage. and 1 fowlrpfl; v telephone on house and garaga;grouads:we!.l .laid: out, - tennis and ' croquet* lawns, ornamental trees, .one acre in orchard. Situated in' highest part of Eotoma, and; free'from sulphur smells. ' Future golf links adjoining. Aria of land. la. 3r. Price,-: £TO3: or would let'for a term. ■Apply,' " „ PARATA & KOKIRI •:''. T.2JSTD AGENTS, T*OTOBUA ' -Q'l K ACHES— acres grass," balance bash OAtJ' - add- rough feed;, well fenced -and ..watered; ■-'' good 'healthy:':' -country • for dairying-. and- sheep'; ■ 'dose 'to creamery.- mud', township; ■ good seven-roomed House: large barn and lean-to; . cowshed, trapshed. .etc Price only £6 per acre. A cheap property. . '-'J3AA ACHES—S» acres, grass, 359 acres KjXJAJ . under the plough, .60 acres oats; practically all ready, for ploughing: wcl ! ; watered by,creeks -and --atrauna; -"House." > five': rooms, pantry, scnllery.' -large shed, &> by Mi' :■ one-acre", orchard; 'school, ■ creamery. and P.O. only a mil© distance. Price only-:-£4. 103 per acre. , . K«>Q ACBES, part real rich swamp/easily xMjUtj -drained;' balance grass and rough feed:; £360 of flax > taken.' off last 'season; • good six-roomed Bouse, cowshed, stable, and ■ hay loft: oil launch can be had for £120. Ei¥ewd* : "fai^aj': ; oaly & Vk per acre. Will accept £200 cash; bal. five per cent. 1 ifiAO, ACEES-TOO acres partly improfed* xUI/U ,- 300 acres brash and scrub; well fenced'' and'.- watered; - good five-roomed: House;, dairy-and J lean-to; "several outbuild- -. ings.' stockyards, . and sbeepyards; t. : small or-: : chard; * railway "' station ■■:■ two miles. ■ Price. £2 10s per acre. Easy terms. OOA ACRES FREEHOLD, all under grass, OOU except :BO .acres bush, and one acre orchard. :-- The.: '.'-land '■■ all -■- faces - ! " the ",:■- sun;" natural shelter from all winds. Bouse, four. rooms and outbuildings; sheep dip and pane for 1030 sheen; . .grass . grows . all ■• the. iwinter no need to grow winter feed. : Owner' tops - th» market for Jfat wethers every winter. This is a-bargain at £4 per acre,. '. G. M. KIRKCALDY, BML ESTATE AGENT, 84, QUEEN-STEEET.j * ' ■" '-'■■ :? ?' ': IV ■'' ■ '- '-* : -. J :i ,:V l: : y ,■'.: -'v''f:\ -! : ;A'!' : :i''-;-^r.-;; : :-J. ! :■ y:-!! : v-!p;- :: .■■■■';.!!;!;:■ !^-h^ l^i=-ij;' il-..'^^ilf-^-:■>j ,l^;^ '''*v:!:.:.!?^«(:^ijiVrrill'^t^ilN-'hti^hllb^^^lß:: ;::''.':■ :.■■!' ■:■■■ lb: ;.'":;''C::,:i•'!' ■■[. '■ /,■■-■ >&■:\x-, i l^:.^. ; y:-^..,h ,,,::■;■;:::i^-^.^i:ji;;,^^^^^ii:*lHfesV^-i-K:^h^^n-^fiijjß l;-!M ! rJ^i^JiK^;.^-!:!!^«

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14648, 6 April 1911, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14648, 6 April 1911, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14648, 6 April 1911, Page 2