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Dome;; tics Wanted. j% QHILDTJESa WW™ or Single Woman. 30 iffl T^^„ to *-C* a ? twl ■•«* • Bousekecper.-Apnh- '' If M I>omegtic, 760, HERALD. nOOK also Waitress-Housemaid, also I/3dr \->- Help wanted; union wages.—Mra.Dwye?. 'm~ ■ .' ' :.'all rjOOK-GENEEAI/and Kitchcnmaid wanted $: 'iiM V. ..for T> the Wesley Theological..;ln. "''■''■'■■ JwR Btitntion, Ponsouby; references required Wi ££ D A y V? iMr S; A - Buttle - Beckham Plate, ' »'f? off Grafton. .Road. . j .* >.<,2js£ B§M GENERAL, good, wages 15s; other vcM " ?vH B kejjt.—Apply, Mrs. SUriniSki.Eanf urly--". v;: ,; "'<l Road. Kpwom. f, ffjty;SM GENERAL. : 15s : per week.— Mrs. Chal- H§ks ' >•■ c me . rH '. second house on left below Arney'r.'-jiA "P Crescent. Arnoy Rpjq. - . :.;jj-j: ?M {"2<ENERAL 'Servant, good, wanted for pay -' ijA* V* of Plenty; 15s, passage paid.—Meet em- • ohWß'i ployer ,- Northern . Roller -. Mills, ". /Hmroday '^?sm^ mormng. ■".•■■■.•-•■ . Pss3flß LADY .Help,wanted, in- small,,: comfortable!.f.T&Sra ■*-< suburban home.—Apply Herald. _ \ . ■:■,'£■s£s Wfi iTUTAN, to cook for six.- men.— to t lkwM -.-George Niccol, 69, Custoins-st West, r •,' ; ','" : |iffi? "ytTAITEESS, ;■ wanted; also, HottßemaidTaS- '■ 'r'llfiif j '•n»L«« Bfc m dminwoora, 'at Criterion •' ml Restaurant, Customs-street East- ■■■■ $ M T>TITTLE'S Agency, Exchange Lane, Queen- 111 ■*-*'■■ St., opposite Fort-Bt.—Separate room " } Hi for . ladies. Lady assistant employed. > '■ '\f-'fc Auckland a leading office. 'Phone 3054. ■■ . -Ij'; WA "DELL'S Registry, 52. -City Chambers, Queen*' J 'J'H 77 ,f .\S- Cooks, 265, and H.-Maids, 20s. "C'll together; Waitresses, 17s 6d, town,"countryi.>s&ttH Cooks, Gisborne, etc.; Gone- « ' HSf ra-ls., ,-«verywi-nr«j Nurses. Kifcchenmaids, -<$$} «»rffaviUe, town, Phone 1702, - Iff TJUTTLE'S Agency.—W. Cooks, 30s.- j: 255, ■ 20s : s"-Sil?illf|i| Wai A ress f s ' " c lv l7b 6fl - 16s, > 15a = House- "u«%KI maids,, 17s, 15s; Housemaid, assist bar, tiH 208; -j Xitchenmaids. 15s, 17s 6d;. Housed' - '-•&&& maid-Waitresses 20s, 17s-6d, 15s; Qeneralß, . <IIH m, > 20s. 15s; ;• Housekeepers, Girls • assist, : - «j M : 1 Norsegirls, H.-Parlourmaids, Parlourmaids, % M r l/a 6d; and other private house vaoanejeai fl/fRS. EDWARDS'S Registry". 30, Hit** r '*fH| Jg-L- street, requires : Cook and ; Housemaid. -MISsISI waitress, same house, country, 25s and 20s; .'Si- ffl capable Married Couple, for good boarding ?fMI MM house, country;i.-also, • capable = Lady li£^«| ; l country, 3; Cook-General, and House-Par- "-'-•iffl&fl lourmaid, 'same house, 'city,.2ob, and 17s; veT-Cook-General, Housemaid, i and Assistant ■ >liwß Laundress, hospital, 15s and 15s; nnmrrmirc'' mm other " situations. 'Phone, 160. .-'_ . ■..-• '■^Bsp RIDGE'S Eegistry.—Contractors, Hotel and ' * '&W\ X\> :. Boardinghome -,--proprietors, , Millers, 'JliW Farm and Station owners. We are favour ■"" 'j rail] ably known throughout the province tor' ■'$ Wm\ workers. ■ Bnrhant-st. Last; 'phone SOT. L ■' 'j 4, M AUNDEBS'S Eegistry—Two -Wait- '^-1?, IMI K) resses. 20s, on the 10th April, for Kawarc; ',' -'-ffik] two Waitresses for Easter Monday, 10s ■■(at ' 'Hks\'\ day only. Immediate reply. ■ ~r ■ ~/';,' ''^ .^'HIS AUNDEBS'S Begistry. H.M. kj Waitresses, six Housemaids, six H.M, . -,liflf Waitresses, experienced, 2-} a, 17a 6d. 16s. •> 15s, ;u: !S«a Botorua, town, Lake Taupo, Whan gate , •'' '■•mm Hamilton, Mercer, Tuutou, Ohaupo. WutV- ■ 'BB| worth, ' Taumarunui, and • otiier towns; >W; : .ilH| Ctooks, 3C3; Laundress, 22s fid; C.-l»aunUre«s f !);■ »s; Generals, 20s; Pimtrymaidi, 12s M.o.»: : f|||lßH £100, for station; Kitchenman, 20s: Poner, ■',■ '■ .SIKi ffiis. Many not a*liiertised. 'Phone 900. ,'. ; ! ljpp Farm Hands Wanted/: I '■■'■ : -\'-' r Iffl riENEBAL Farm Hand wanted. need to 1,, If\\X horses; 25s week'and found; good'pl*ett»''.'iSH|i{ : —Archd. Wallace, Darby's Buildings.: >\.\ ' Apartments Wanted. ■;'§» "DOAED and Residence with private". 'fi J ':"|4 X> ■ family, wanted by May 1 by young ;r : 'ar.'SJ i gentleman.'-l Apply Stationer, P.O. t Box 262, '-,fl I "DOABD "\ and : Lodgings wanted byljoung' \'v"",m m X> man, with •'■'- private^i family; /near : -J| Epsom.—Apply 11.1iJ8.., Coronation. Boftd, ,;.|, BOAED."and; Residence wanted by Gentle- j33n JD ■--' man;-.must'be central; private' family tjllH preferred.— W. 8.. care C. G. Laurie, Btanley-ot. ■ ■■■'•■■■>■' ;;-:^'•''y- ;^BR^H BOAED, Residence, permanent, by ' Buit» 'AlK|B|j X) ■- ried couple and child, nine > years; » l near city;, terms - moderate. — VJ?., -747, ? ''{v$ '. nr.aA.LD. •-■•■■■ ' : - .•■■■.• -^:?Jtom "DOABD -' and: Beaidenc* wanted hy:f*es»eft^ 1 Ifflpf 11 X> able young man, private ' family.— z t\M i* State terms. Newmarket or Khyber Par>3 :~; ;^Wtti locality.-Borklcaao. 765. HKIiALI). . ;.:;;||S "' .' ApartittcntS' ~ Yacant. "$ - Sk| m —rr— *t ~—i : : " ■. • -.- ~ yt) .''. ■',A>m.i IJOARD and Residence at Muritia, 23. Gr**- \M J3 hami-fc'treet, <itl' Victoria-street West;, r 'ijßl'l terms, £1 single, .and 18s shn,re ■ rookie, .'■: : : rf BEDEOOMB, ■ double and single, superior, al« X> furnished, to Let, at No.. 3, Uavcfoc-k- ; .' :'f,ffi street, off-Lower ;'fiyinqada-Btrtet, City. ■ ;,, ;'- 'I!'» "DELGBAVE, No. 8. 3ymonds-9ta»et,' over-* rj|||fif JL> looking ■ Goiernmerjt House . ground; j,:r. select aocommod3.tJon for tourists and per-:-Sb|iSßH| majients; new r management. 'Phone', 2683.' k •;,- .. 'IsQ HAXJMKI BOUSE, ■ near St. Wi%\ JJL Matthew's.—Tacancier .tut' Boarder a; ''IkM new house; hot and' cold water. Terms ■,'jhMgl - moderate.—Mrs. , McLiver. ''' _^_l^'?S,sEffi \JfEßlim 'HOUSE, 196. Hobßon-Bfcfeet:~. \ " f iffi UjA 'thoroughly renovated. 1 ' and , B°°di (i " a ifeJfflH Isa commodation 103,' visitors and •• pennauer,t 9Su ' boarders; - . moderate.— , S.yOayU,fc.'sjj;ji3a^ TUrONA HOUSE, 12, Lower Bymonda^.;"QP^j|H^ IVJL ■t~i Choral First-class Acoommodation for Permanenta and. Tourist*,—! Mr*,' ' Gick, f v-^hone;j!os,r;^'-'-'^^'^'-'«-^ : "'^^ ;;>J ||B^ PUKEKAWAtiai,' Grafton Road, near.Khy-' ; i ber Pass— Superior Aojommodation for vVsyßßn permanents and visitors. ■■ • Close :. to Id Bec»r&afli^ ' Uon.--';;*Pboipe.:f2s63.v^ •DOOMS, furnished; single and double beds; %'M\ SXi use sitting, piano, c smoke, dining. Jdt;j ''-,'mm chen, flring conveniences; h. and cbatoi HH p.w.c; three miimtes Queen-street; :; termfJi™ I|W moderate.—4B. City. l jtS |r|iE AROHA—Furaiflhed Booms, two. To Let, ! fc« fIS 'X private entrance, every, convenience.-/- „.?■, r|s£i Apply. Moderate, P. 0.. To Aroha. ,' ■ \ . • WM& WO LET—Spacious Front Bed-Sittingroota> ''; !» \% 1 with good board, for M-O. or two gen. SMffl tlemen: refined and comfortable, homo.-17, {;:■ ■Warn Lower Symonds-Bt. __ ] ■••'.■■', w.'.-ffl MM .^TAGANOIES J at Ennore, Bymonaß-street,, (};';B'| Telephone ttlff- ' '' ~ ' ,<i^. I|Rl T7ACANCY for one gentleman boarder^ 11 V .Apply 5, worth Terrace, ParpeU. ;'| a|| 2915. ' " ' ' - H l [ J;*4|l|g TTISITOR9 to Auckland can set BW>d. '')■,', »3|« .V clean Bads and Board, at the Coffwr^'J Palace. Cook-atress. near Market. >. ".■_. -;_. u^j MM-' TTiriMMERA. Homse, 165, Victoria-st. Wet t. - "% ]| ! VY<.-.- Vacancies for. Boarders, also Pur- ;;ii:|l3P nished'Apartmenits to Let. Teriflfl moderate, /| .£< n v u a & x q« wM 'V ~~ l^ — « , "' -'' '!:««' ; ; SYMONDS^IJEEET.i Penny Section, j ■; ; fe-rtii Trams Jstop at the Door. ■ • :\-WM FIRST-CLASS BOARD 'AND BESIDENiCE. ji \\ * ri Mrs.e. mm , ,-•.'Phone■24lL." /■'.'■''■ ■ ' •"-' l '''"'^ v< -'S%fiMy THE MANSIONS, j|'l X SYMONDS-ST., One Minnte from CW,.f?^™ : V;! • - VACANCIES FOR •i'Oujaia'lS iANH '. ■,:';: .'Kfflf] •■■■■. . v . ..-.- PEEMANENTS. r 'H"'*'4 111 Forty Booms, large and lofty, in ?» «er«9 «l ground. Panoramic - : S»mm,flS^smWmi Domain Grounds from five' balcoui«*i » B%!r^.; fflMB Uard Table. Eveiyttiing t>» to <&**'.»'! ' + ,?« i 'Phone 2724. , . - mx«J WU%\ TJUILDINGS cl W\ descrlnt.ioh iipr W'|' ; | f ::O l moval wanted Wfiuy.- ■ BmlOing Jij; Wm liongbt and Bold.-VickerstaS'and Boss.. C^a^!£ I \m tractors. Bath-Ft.;. Paxnell. ■ •■ ') ;;..__■;!.:,■;; \]M TT IS • welt; KNOWN.-P. l mimk [liwt-* H 1. ' maker. 164, • Ifebson-street, pays hi gi i- ■■;,«, est price for Gout's L<;ft-otf Boots. >)■ > ■■ "Ml T EFT-OPP Clolhing, Boots. Jewellery, and' || i li Household Effects. Letter.- attended -'JHH to.— JCoon;m. 179. Hobson-st. 'i ">-1|«: l! lEFT-OFF Superior Clothing; hi(?heetpricea v ;-ij-i WR \l giTen at ''the'- 1 smartest dealers ui Ahck* :;; ]} land.--Mr3. Butcher. 193. 195, 197. an gar /;« hapeßd.. opp;''.Newton P.O- 'Phone 12M- . 11£| MRS. EOTTEEILIi Buys Ladies', ; a«A*is( • IVI and Children's Superior Mtsfita and Lett* r|H ' off Clothing. Letters promptly attended >: -|™ —Elliott-it., two doors front Weiiealey-»t. , f M»..> lANOLA- Piano for Cash; ; good.;:' ■Mwjtt '-IT ', —7't4, -HERALD-Office. - -' ■V--I>■ '' '"'■>''.Tof iM 7 ' I mURNER AND"SUTCLIPFE,.27S, Ponsonby ' f I '1 -K next Windsor : ; Eink, 1 buy ™JVHM? ntebefltenwß i out., Best prices . given-, Car-„||g penters' and Garden Tools, ete. ---^R.#"j I VtEEDEE Vibrator.—Write stating o* l >jf,! •p~H""b To' R_A P HER S 'i^!«B A photograph™. abbivino ;;^jm WISHES TO BUY AN' UP-TO-DATE ; '|» ■Pull particulars » will be treated, BH Btrictly, o«jUldeni,ial) ?KER mu ;y ; fl i|»| ' ' -V-' ''Ife;ilia '■■" WantedtQ ggH. - jj. ,v| B; ./CONTENTS Sin; Rooms; tfpod;jjffl|n l tj jj|l("| C lots suit buveri: no H Customs and a^ i: ||| Ti cl tab' ««v tiaiici, '%*) W'Wl'^BHß

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14648, 6 April 1911, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14648, 6 April 1911, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14648, 6 April 1911, Page 1