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— » ■ ■•■—■» ■ ■ High Water at Auckland-6.47 a.m.; 6.13 Pm. ,7 „ Manukau-7.46 a.m.; 8.13 p.«. . ' • Sun—Rises, 6.2 a.m.; sets, 5.50 p.m. Moon—New, March 31, 12.8 a.m. . . • weatheeTreport. ', Mr. D. C. Bates supplied the following weather ~. Report;, at -4 p.n>.yeaterday:-r-;-. ..•..->.--.." .•;.; Wind. .Bar, .Ther. Weather. Cbpo'MKlfc. N.E., light 30.20 74 Fine . • RosMll ... N., ugh*. 5011 ™ *" ! • Manukau H. N.E., light 30.16 68 «« ;- - Auckland ... N., light ~" 30,14 72 Fine ;,:.". : Taur a nga.,..N. light 30.20 5 lair fa ■" East Cape... N.W., fresh 30.17 72 »me V-,',,Gisborne*.... W., light • 30.15 76 me Port Ahuriri N.W., light M.05 75 Fine Wellington... N.N.W., fr 30.03 65 la r : ,* Castlepoint . N.W., light 30.00 .0 *""- ' "C. Egniont.. N.W., light 30.15 69 Showery K. Plymouth N.W., light 30.15 69 lair ■! ~ ', Wanganui .. W.N.W., fr ~ J0.06 69 Overeasl ; ' C. Farewell.. N.W. .fresh 30.07 70 Cloudy ■'-' C. ' Foulwind N.,bWfflW 30. C 6 M Far Westport ... N.E., fresh 30.07 63 fair ; : Stephen Is. W., fresh 30.00 bo Clouilj ' -•• C. .Campbell m gale 29.92 69 line .... KaikoiiM ... K.N.E. light 59 70 75 tine 0* .ikaroa Light N.W., fresh 29.60 75 Ha*> • . P. Chalmers N.W., light 89.52 68 i air Nuggets ... V.W., breeze 29 46 71 Cloudy Bluff ... W., light 29.48 6.2 Fair '•'it.-,,'. WEATHER FORECAST. Mr. Bates's summary and weather fMteHl a« as follow :-The barometer has fallen low in too Sonlhem districts, but; high ho - 2ffo Northerly have prevailed, moot So to ■tfODff northward of I^Pto™oM h an* '' but strong to a gale, m par seise --. where The weather has been showery on the r 'west const and southernmost. districts of the South Hand. Present" Indications .; are for V northerly and westerly winds and I™*s*'"* ™," Unsettled and cloudy weather will probably to followed by heavy rain, especially on the we« coast. The barometer will probably fail *:•: but a rise may be expeciea i the South after about- 36 hours, when a souther.) change is probablo. PORT OF AUCKLAND. '- r '* ' ■ 'ARRIVALS' ■ ■ ■' '•'.*•''<"'• CVMBRIXN. H.M. second-class, twin-screw, proU • tected cruiser, 4360 tons. 9COO horje-poww 10 - .->:-. guns. Captain W.. E. Wemys,. from Lyttelton. 1-'■■ RAKANOA, s.s., 2246, Carson, from West-port, '..and Picton —Onion S.S. Co.. agents.^ j '. ' NAVUA, *s.. 2330, K. 0.. Uutton. from Sun and Lautoka. Passengers: SOsMt Holmes, Worth- : "• lngton, Mesdames Barber, C halmers. Drury. : .-: .Davis and two children, Fawoctt and Md John- :;'.'; son, Holmes, Williams anil two children, MajorGencral Broadbent, Messrs. Aldridge. Badcy, Uradnev, -'Coote, Drury, Johnson, Kennedy, Mor.•■.■"■■gan. Miller, McConnell. Stoick. and 9 steerage.— [.:,■■,'-h Union S.S. Co., agents. •■■ i - JfOMIAWA, «.». f 463. W. Bark, from Opotiki. '. Passengers: Mis 3 Torrens, Mesdames Tronian. ' Mt'rt<«y, Oooke, Neurnegan (2), Worms Kirk artd two Children. Nutehett, Torhurst (2), Warren, ■■<■■ Messrs. Baxter, Kelly, Crook, Ncumegan* Shirley, McKay, M. Saunders.—Northern S.S. Co., agent*. ■ ,' WGAPUHI, s.s- 691, E. Stephenson, from V\ha- "",: Ktrarei. Passengers: Misses Bayllw, Walker, Gun»n, Clotworthv, Riley, Mesdames A. H. Crane, . CtotworthT, Biivliw. Goring, Hunter, , Melton. ;,-' Messrs. A■ B. Crane' M. W. Armstrong Hinder, " . Piekmere, Bevin, Wood. White, Kennerley, Mack, Hunter. Crane, H. Wallace. McShane, Brown, : ' Thompson, Melton. McNeill. Campbell, Frodsham, • ■ II Ken«de,- Alison. Monro and son. Mason,.Bayliss,.-. i>elwood. Going, Otto, Harrison. Burrell, Penman, Small. Dr. Lewis, and '20 steerage.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. WAIOTAHI, (.«., 278, C. -Hopkins, from Mercury Bav. Whangamata. anr; Kuaotunu. Passengers.: MesdamesCoffhlan. Cheadle, .Miss Buckton, . I -Messrs. Movich, N. K. Davenport.—Northern S.S.' >,' Ob-, agents. TASMAN. .«.»... 171, C. Faulkner, from Whakatan?. Passengers: Misses Matiklelow. Lysaght, Messrs. Gunson, Fowler, Wilson.—Northern S.S. .' Co., agents. -•• ---.- - ■•■ *.- --- " HANIERI. 5.«.. ',103. 3. Teixeira, from W'hangalei.—Nortfßrn S.S. Co., agents. PELICAN, 5.8., 162, J. Whittingham, from Taima.—Devonport Furry, Company, agents. • HAWK, scow,. 133, C. Anderson, from Mangodagger and Harvey, agents.. .".. SOUTHERN ISLE, auxiliary scow, 71, M. Mcy.t Gre.gor, from Whangarei.—E. Ford, . agent. WELCOME, scow, 62, T. Donovan, from the .■.■"'-"coast.—Ford <■ Shipping Line, agents. 13ANNET, scow,- 59, Ivan Vasta, from .Mercury , B<iy.—Ford Shipping Line, agents 1;;^"J'; CURLEW, scow, 95, W." Burke, from, the coast '-'-Jajrger as* Harvey, agenta "' 1 '"• ' BEE, tcow, 53, from , WTiaßg3rei."— Adam Bnirali, =■, - agent .-• ', - •' • ■:■■■■•:- - - ----- ■. . ;■ . ...... -- . -■•■-• , •• : <<\ ; '"'•"* '-" DEPARTURES.: 1 . ; ' .■'; . .... . •;'« ■.''•' CAMBRIAN, H.M. second-class, twin-screw, pro--1 ' tected • cruiser, > 4360 tons, - SOOU borse-power, 10. , gtiss,'-:Captain. W. E. Weinyss, for Sydney. WBAKATANE, . s.s., 5902, Hemming, lor. Wel- -, ling ton. ", ATI'A, s.s., 3444, J. F., Crawford, I for Tonga, • Samoa, Fiji, and Sydney.- .Passengers: Misses Palmer, Myuie, Meredith, Stogriile, Becker, Ed- , - L w»rd», O'Neill, Mesdamea Waikin, Edwards and '. i hoy, Bolton and boy, C. Roberta, paoner, Clement . Jj Pay&rleiß, "* fetetoer, *-¥?■■ H. Colomb, : Tiauh sind three ohildP.ii, Clulterbuck, Whitwam, :'' '. 3>. Scw.t, Geigger, Messrs. Levin, Short, Wink*l"t'matt," Clement Wragge. and two boys, Copelin, . • J.,ff., Steadman, Stogdale,- Pardise, Holloway, "'". ITerfleld, Nelen, Byrne, J". Payerlein, Steber, Filipe, G. Batty, M. Stefanik,' A. Ross, J. I. Lpthian, J. Millar, O. Norton, D. tScott^-Geigger,: ■'""'* '*& .Bev. Watkin, Professor Morris, the Very Rev. Dean Grog&n, and five steerage. - ■'.•,-. \ ;. MONOWAI, 5.5.,. 2433, J. Robertson, for East Gout and. Southern ports, Passengers: For Gisborne— Hutcliirlsojii Jamieson, N. Beid, F. King, Mesdames F; W. Wood, Murpby, J. I'ankfeurst. and child, Messrs. Cave. Oulley, Blyib, F. ■ J. -■Thompson,' - Cooper, - J. Pankhnrst, Walworth, ,#J'M; MaddLson, Tremaynei.A. Hi-Baker, W. «. , ' , ■ Turner, P. Foote, 3. E. Rjunsey,. J. King, C. F. '•''.-iWHsoa, Hughes, C. " MacFirquhar. For Napier— 1 , j '<". Visit- Lush, Gilpin, . Mesdames Shirley, Bostock, ) Brooke, Boak. and daughter, Lawry .Messrs.. Shir-': ■••*"- lcy,'<*nbfanJ For Wellington^-MK«es , Kinnelly, Biirtiii, Mrs. .Wells..and boy, Messrs. Somerville, Cameron,' Captain Jordan. For Lyttelton—Misses : : lyee.'rJowett, Mrs. O. Smith and child, Messrs.' ■ , ..Fleming, Bogeraon. For Dunedin—Miss Ewan, . TS-Mes&Jmes Mureott.-Ewan, Messrs. Murcott, J. P. . '.. Eooney;-, and 30 steerage for all, port*, i '-.-■ .' :*' NWUA. ,s.s., 2930, R. G, Hutttm, for Welling*' : " s ton-aiid! ■„Westport. • : " "' •'."** •■■■'. ' . ■■ ' ■ ••- ■;." KAT. HOWARD, • acxiliary schooner, 64, Bagg; tot Mahnrangi. : '.. -.,.- •*..-.. ■•'.'.. - , , GLENELG, s.s,, 288, Jonas, for Whangarei. 1 ' ' KANIERI, *.s., 205, J. Teixeira, for WhangareL fcV -;V«%tNDEllEß;.sc6w'i 85, G. Page; for the' coast, TJIAMP, scow;. 86, )B. i Oalfeneon.'-for' Mercury Bay. ■■ ■--■-:■ • , . HAVOC, scow, 69," E. Wilson, for Ngunguru. ';,"<;',. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. ! . - Ixnroyjf. —Kia Ora, s.s., - sailed February j 10, duo .. about to-morrow;: Imlrabarub, 5.5.," '■";"silled' February 11, dais about April 10; ,:■■. Paparoa,. *.*., Bailed March 6, 'due' about' April 26; . Niwarn, a.*., sailed February 12, due early in '~ May;. Star of Canada, s.s., to sail; Star of Scot- ■ fr? land, t.a-., to sail. -' ■ ..; , ■ LlTßßPOOl,.—Norfolk, s., sailed February 4, * due early in April; Morayshire, a.*., sailed March 4, due erwi of May; Delphic, b.b., to sail; JTerebana, a.;., sailed' February 18. ' .New Yoßsu—liriez Biel, :«.«., sailed Febniarj' 21, " due about beginning of May; ; fiwanley, ».»., - sailed February 10, due about;' April 24; Star of Australia,, s.s., sailed March '»; : ■doe about May 6; Harpugun, ».«., sailed January ... : ,25, da« about April: 5; DsJbama, s.s., to sail; Parthonia, s.s., to sail; Mimiro, s.s., to sail. ST. Drtcrtay, s.s., sailed February 18, due about April 21; Wakanui, s.s., sailed March 26, due about May 22; Ascot, s.s., to sail April 15. Sast* '' Fbajtcisoo.—Kidght of St. George, a.a, ; sailed March 6, due irbout April 14; Aymerie, s.s., to sail March 31, due about April 28. . " Stdkby.—Wimmera,' s.s., Sunday; Morea, ■. , ',K.M.a," April 12; Tofuu, s.s., April 20. • / '.*-- "■ ':■:' GSBLOKO.-rWalpori, s.s., to sail. . Buhbubt.— Sous, ».»., to sail. ' ~MiLßOrfßSE.—James. Craig, barque,. sailed Feb- . '■" 'rnar;? 23; Jessie ' Ora.ig, barque- to sail; Selwyn ' /Craijt, barqueotine, to sail. • ... p. -;. NUVCASTLB. — barque, .to sail; •'■■■■' ! Comiity of Anglesea, barque, to sail. Bofrj Ska IsiiASDS.—Tofua, s.s., April 20. ' '£■ ■ Ftn.— s.s., April 20. • •■ '■ CAlxspTTA.—Vi'ait«matft, s.s., to sail; Aparima, ; •.»., to saiL ■'->■ ■ *V:V '~'■ "~"~~~ ' PBOJECTED DEPARTURES.. ! ■ '••' . iajr PBA-soiflCO.— 8.M.5., April 8; Ao- , . ,' >fangi, R.M.S., May 6. -.'"' ; OTOBBT. — s.s., Monday; Tofua, s.s., • f ':'■ April. 2&. ' ■•'•'• • ■-' * -. • . FiJi.r-Navua. *.R, April .12; Tofua, . s.s., , April 25. " ; v.. Sooth Sba Islands.—Tofua, a.s., April 25. COOX and fiOCIOTT IULAKDt—ToIUne, §.a, ■ I 'AprU 11. ' NoajroLK Islabd.— Cross, s.s., April 5. fit\:j' :: ''''•' r '' : - ,; ■ ' ■_. '"■; '- ■ .-''."• W :^---'-: - .•-■' UNION S.S. OO.'S MOVEMENTS. ' EaBT Thursday:' : Tarawera arrives "•from the South. " Friday: Wairuna sails for '■' ....tfae.BlnS, Oaiuaru and Timaru at 5 p.m.; Rakanoa gflKlSallifof Westport at 5 p.m.; Squall arrives from .'• Bay and Gisborne..-' Saturday: Squall Vsailß for Tolago Bay and Gisborne at noon; Tara- ' ' ' wera sails for the South at 12 noon. West COAOT. — Friday: Rosamond arrives ' Sront New Plymouth, Wellington,-Picton, and Nel- , son, and sails for New. Plymouth, Wellington, '""(Picton, and Kcl»on at 2 p.m. Saturday; Corinna ( ~/.'; arrives from New Plymouth and Wellington and .j, . J'faiti for the. game porta. .'.-.. ijfS f :"';-'" ; V;' NORTHERN CO.'S MOVEMENTS. | To-day i Ngnpuhi leaves.for. Whangarei Railway "Wharf; Waiotahl leaves for the Barrier; Clansl"jl>an' arrives from, Russell and Opua and leaves for Russell, Mangonul, and Whangaroa;. Kanieri »' 'arrives from Whangarei Town Wharf. Thursday: ' , it;Walotahi : '; arrives . from . the Barrier . about '" 'l 0 p.m.; Ngapuhl arrives from' Whangarei'about -'• 7' p.m.:' Aupuri leaves for Tauranga;' Kanieri. ',' 'levaes.for Whangarei Town : Wharf; Rimu leaves '" " ' i Onehunga for Hoklanga; Rarawa arrives at One- • ■ •.'i'huiienl ? from' New Plymouth And leaves again at ,» . '4- p.m.- (train 2.10 p.m.); Chelmsford, arrives from ' f Parehgarenga about 1 p.m. . Friday: Apanui ar- ■■■■? rivet'tem' Awaniii, etc., about 4 p.m.; Ngapuhi leaves for Whangarei Railway Wharf;. Claymore i *'•'! arrives at Onehunga from Woitara about 5 p.m. For time of departure of outward steamers sea j f'.' / company's: ■ tteotabta *.on..qpage. .-L --; . »•" - ' .'■ -r-~- . - .- ; (y '" :;: " r /'-... ;'' IMPOSTS /•"' v '. v r : 'v"'!•'",■ ■ Per From ™h? B' Per: Rakanoft: From- b«rJey. / ... , j- :;. •.-...„„ Froii Pleton—3sß tons barley.,..'., „-.," ■■-.:. „„.'' per Navua, 'rom Fiji: "6796 bundles arid' 3351 »-' ' , dues baiwruw,,! aaolis coeoauute, 13 sack* shell, . I «.-, A quantity of sundries. . ~-, i V' . ll ■ ' . :•■

' '/ •■'■ VESSELS IN HABBOUB* ■■■." ■.>., Amokura. Govt, training-ship, at Calliope Dock Wharf. .. ~.. , Whakarua, 8.8., at Hallway \Hiarf. Rakanoa, s.s., at.Queen-street Wharf. Kaikoura, s.s., at Hallway Whan. vvharf Pioneer, H.M.S. at Qu«n-« l^L*5 ar! - Wairuna, s.s., at Queen-street W"»' o Ina, s.s., at Hobson-street Extension. Iris, cable steamer,- in stream. f Southern Cross, 8.8.. a?» Hobson-street Extension. Aldebaran. barque, at Hohson-street Extension. Houto, schooner, in stream. Vnlte, auxiliary schooner, at Breastwork. Pelotas, barquentine, in Graving Dock. Keren., auxiliary ketch, at Breastwork. Vs&bel, schooner, at Breastwork. . , Louisa Craig, barque, m stream. ■ • Hobson-street Greyhound, auxiliary schooner, at Hobson-itreet Wharf.' ■■--- The Government training-ship Ajnokura will probably leave this afternoon for. the Xcrmadeo Islands." . ~ _, , „ The barque Louisa Craig berth, at the Hobwn-. street Extension to-day to discharge her cargo of coal from Newcastle. The Corinna left Lyttelton last night for Wellington, New Plymouth, and Onehunga. feno 19 due at the latter port on Saturday next. The Kini left Urevmouth on. Monday night for West-port. New Plymouth, and Onehunga. she is flue at the West Coast port about Saturday next. . The Inga will shift her berth to the .Railway Wharf this morning to complete discharging the remainder of her coal into truck?. She will probably leave to-morrow for Kaipara to load timber for Svdney. At "the Ballwav Wharf good progress is being made with the discharge, of the Kaikoura s cargo, and she will leave for Wellington about Saturday next. •. : -- • . It is reported that the steamer Irishman is to take the berth at Liverpool for Australian ports on behalf of the White Star Line. The Monowai left at 4.30 p.m. yesterday for East Coast and Southern ports, and is due at Dunedin on Sunday morning next. In-continuation other voyage from St. John the Wbakatane sailed early yesterday morning for Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. ! At the end of this week the Union Company s training-ship Dartford is to leave Lyttelton for Newcastle, where she loads for San Francisco. The Shaw, Savill and Albion liner Kumar* is expected to Wave Wellington to-day for Napier to complete her cargo, and will sail from toftt port for London. .. , The Atua sailed at 5.30 p.m. yesterday for the Islands and Sydney with a large general cargo and a fair number of. passengers. She is due at Sydnev on April 20. . ■ "After filling bunkers at Westport the steamer Strathendrick, which was at Auckland recently,: left the West Coast coal port yesterday for Noumea. There she will probably load ore for the Continent or England. iS v . -•.;,vi„„»i Information has been received by the local agents of the New Zealand Shipping Company stating that R.M.S. Turakina, which left Wellington for London on February 9, via way ports, arrived at Plymouth on Friday last. The banana crop in Fiji is very heavy. Tho service which was carried on by .the Manapoun between Fiji and Melbourne, and which was discontinued in .March last year in consequence of the. destruction of plantations by a hurricane, isto be resumed next month. The Manapoun will leave Melbourne on April 14 for Fiji, via Sydney, and will take her firs* load of fruit from Suva on Mav 2. „ . „ A barque from the west passed Cape Maria Van Diemen yesterday afternoon. She will probably be tno James Craig, bound from Melbourne and Oeelong to Auckland, now 33 days out, and should put in an appearance- here, shortly; THE CAMBRIAN. .The warship Cambrian arrived from Lyttelton yesterday morning and anchored in the man-o*-war ground. She took on board a quantity of ammunition, which was brought over from Sydney by the .Pioneer. The CaMbrian sailed last evening for Sydnev, but it is understood that she will afterwards returns to Auckland, leaving here for Suva on April 12. NAVUA FROM FIJI. The Union Company's Island trader Navua arrived from Suva at .3 p.m. yesterday a»ter a good passage of four days. She left Suva at 3 p.m. on Friday last and experienced head winds and moderate "seas to arrival. The. vessel brought a large cargo of bananas, and berthed at the Queen-street Wharf to discharge. She sailed early this morning for .Wellington and Westport, and then returns to Auckland, leaving here for Suva on April 12. THE RAKANOA. The Rakanoa arrived from Westport and Picton at 3 p.m. yesterday after a fine weather passage. She berthed at, the Queen-street Wharf to discharge 358 tons of barley from Picton, after which she shift*, to Hobson-street Wharf to discharge her" cargo of coal from Westport. The Rakanoa sails for Westport direct about Friday next. . KAIPARA AT MONTE VIDEO. Advice received by the New Zealand Shipping Company states that the 6teamer Kaipara, which left Wellington on March 7 for London, arrived at-Monte Video on Sunday last after a smart passage of 19 days. . . .; WAKANUL LEAVES ST. JOHN. The Sew Zealand Shipping Company have re-' ceived cable ' advice intimating that the steamer Wakanui left St. John (New Brunswick) on" Sunday last for Australian and New Zealand - ports. The vessel makes Auckland her first port of call . in the Dominion, and is due here about May 22. " VESSELS MISSING. ; .Irt-th* last five years a.' number Of .'sailing ships 'which left Newcastle with cargoes of coal lor the . west coast of South America have been lost. Two of these—the Ellisland and the Dunearn—were recently posted missing at Lloyd's, the preceding ships being the Clan Macpherson, thcFellegrina o,.and the Silberhorn. The Clan Macpherson, a British iron barque of 1566 tons,, bound to Valparaiso, was posted on" December 1, 1909; the Pellegrini O, an Italian iron ship, of 1411 tons net, bound for Antofagasta, was posted on February 12, 1908; and the Silberhorn, a British iron four-master of 1774 tons, bound for Iquique, was posted on November 27, 1907. On her last voyage the Dunearn vailed under the Norwegian flag, but she was originally British-owned. , ~;,,r PORT 0F,.0N EH UN GAc . ....,, *$ , -ARRIVALS. RARAWA, s.s., 1072, W. F. Norbury, (rom New Plymouth. - Passengers: Misses Martin, ' Wilson, Birnie,. Nurse Watson, McDermott, ■ McQuilham, Mesdamea - ' Pinsori and two. children, Clench, Wade, Kneebone,' Lewis,: Gilmour, Chadwick, ?fcAiluin and child, Bundle, McCarthy, Messrs. Tas-' sell, 1 "Kenny, Bees, ' Benneld, -Stevenson and "hoy, .Pinson, C&ssidy; Williams, Kline, Arribury, ScQUler, Forbes, Clench, Lambert, Gormley, J.. • Sole, ' Chadwic'k";" Jones,' Butter; James, Bradford, Walker, Parsons, Jones, -.Mahoney, Brad- ' ford, and 22 steerage.—Northern S.S. C 0.," agents. •~"*r DEPARTURES. < '•" RARAWA, s.s.. 1072, W. F. Norbury, for New, Plymouth. Passengers: Misses Hodges, Johnston, Arnold, Jfesdames. Arnold; .Castles, Wilson, Thompson, Messrs, Hodgson, Guy, McKenzie, >V»U lace, P. White; Healy, Jones, Bennett, Anderson, Smith, J. Crawford, Taylor, Scott, and 17 steerage.. ........ ..••-....:-,-..-....• -■;■ ..-.•

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14641, 29 March 1911, Page 6

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14641, 29 March 1911, Page 6

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14641, 29 March 1911, Page 6