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High Water : at Auckland— ami.; 3.5 p.m.: ', .V -„■--■■' „ Manukau—4.49 a.m.; 5.4 p.m. - Sim—Rises, 5 a.m.; sets, 7.7 p.m. Moon—New, .20th, 9.15 p.m. -: WEATHER REPORT. Mr. D. C. Bates supplied the following weather report at 4 . p.m. yesterday :— • - - Wind. Bar Weather. Cape Maria..." S.E., light 30.10 Hazy . Russell ... S.E., fresh 30.10 Fair. ; Maimkau Heads «., breeze 30.12 Fine ; Auckland ' ... N., breeze 30.13 Fine . Tauranga ... W., light 30.17 Fair . East Cape ... E., light 30.22 line "■- - Gisborno ... E., breeze 30.20 Fine Port Ahuriri 1 ... N.E., light 30.18 Fine ' • Wellington ... N.N.W., light' 30.16 Fair. Castlepoint ... Calm :- . 30.20 Fine .--.■■'-*-ew Plymouth.. W., light 30.22 Fine -•:, Wanganui ■■■• ... N.W., light - 30.23 - Fair - Cape Farewell... N.. light 30.11 Fine N Cape Foulwind S.W., light 30.16 line . Westport ... S.W., light 30.16 -line Cape Campbell X.. light 30.13 Fitio '. Xaikoura ... N.E., breeze 30.10 line •Port Chalmers... N.E., light- 30.10 Fair •-' Nuggets ... N., breeze 30.12 Hazy . Bluff .- ... W.S.W.,galc 30.02 Hazy ; Cape: Egmont... W., light .. 30.22 Fine Stephen Island.. W., light -0.18 Fine - Akaroa Light ... N.E., light ,30.11 Fine ■ WEATHER FORECAST. ~ -,'-.; Mr. Bates's summary and weather .forecast are .■'"' as follow.The weather lias l>een very warm and liazj- everywhere, and winds have been generally light, and variable, but strong westerlies have, prevailed in Foveaux Strait, with heavy seas, The barometer ha« continued to rise. Present indications are fori a slowly-falling barometer everywhere. Moderate and strong easterly winds are ! probable northward of New Plymouth and Napier • and northerly winds elsewhere. .The weather will ' probably continue warm "and hazy, but squally at" . Simes in the far South. PORT OF AUCKLAND. • ARRIVALS. :' ',--'- CONDOR. S.M.S. German , fourth-class ■ cruiser, 3530 tons, 3000 horse-power, 13 guns, Commander Bene, from Samoa.--.■.-'.- > KARAMEA, s.s., 5561. W. Clifton-Mogg, R.N. from Montreal, :via- Melbourne and Sydney.— Zealand Shipping- Company, agents. NGAPUHI, s.s., 691, A. Stephenson, from WhoNortliern S.S. Co., agents. •', ' AKAROA,.s.s., 70, W. Parker, from the. coast. — "Parker-Lamb Timber Company, agents. ■ SOUTHERN ISLE, auxiliary scow, 71. M. McGregor, from the Great Barrier.—Ford Shipping . Lir.e,: agctts. . BRAVO, scow, ,99, Neilson, from Xgunguru.— Korthem Coal : Company, agents. - DEPARTURES. - . VICTORIA, s.s., 2369, G. F. Entwisle, for East X Coast and Southern ports. Passengers: For Gis- - borne— Robb, Moore (2), Atkinson, C. Lor- . rigan, A. Inall, Hope, Clarke, L. Longdill, James, B. Culhace, .E. Culhane, Mesdames Manning, ; '-":-'t Heald, F. Hall, McLeod and child, Oxenham, ; Colebonrne and child, Robb, Mortimer, Lee, '"'! Oirghton, Moore, . Sisters of Mercy (4), Messrs. I Hope, Wotten, George, R. Aickin, E.W. Geissler, • 1 N. Geissler. J. J. 'Winnicott,; G. L. Reive, W. D.- ' Blair, ■F. iDearsiey.'it:' Warnoek, Bycroft, A. W. ' ' Thompson, Rich, Hall, A. Crow, Parkes, Mat- ; theson,- L. E. Manning, H. Skillen, D. K. Martin, ■ i W. Pettie, Harris,- T. P. Hunt, F. T. Treston,: IA. G. Miller, W. Forbes, L. Reed. Master -. Oates. "; For Napier— Misses Earl, ! Curtis, Spence, •Mesdames W. Wilson, H. North, Earl, Nurse Roy, '■'.'*? * Messrs!. • M. : Harrison, W. <* R. Williamson, ; H. . --, t Sturge,.B. F. : AriSj S. C. : Hodges. For Wellington ■ —Misses Tabateau, Jones, Mrs. MacEwen, Messrs. ; J. H. Patersbn,' McLeod, H. J.' Clayton, J. A. . : MacEwe.i. the Rev. Father Maxwell. For Lyttelton.: Misses A. Schmidt, .M. Jolly, Mulbolland, • Rastrick (2), iMesdames ■ Clarke, H. J. Miller, E. - ' G. ! Starge, Eaddy, Messrs. T. Brown, Mulbolland. ' For- Dunedinr—Miss 'Callaghatt, Mesdames - Cal,i laghan and two children, Crawford, . Messrs. A. (Holland, A. H. Andrews, J. F. Conneßy, Morrell, ' .^'i-' Crawford; and 45 steerage 'for, ports. . KANIERI, s-s,, 203, T. .Meyers, i for Whangarei. ■'"' '-'"■ TASMAN, e.5.,.'- J. . Taw,.- for "Whakatane. -, ■■ ■ ■ V GLEKELG, s.s., 288,' Jonas, -' for Whangarei.- 1 -" '' RANGER, "scow,"" 64, J." Allen, ' for the coast. . -■■'-"". HAERE, scow, 99, G. Sorensen, for Mercury >":;-'Bay. ;' -,-•.-. - i ...KIWI, auxiliary cutter,. 16, A. Clark, for the >'! Thames.' .':l''^X : '- "."'" / ' _ -;" : ■ [ y -■' V: ; :-.:.- '-:-■-. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. , .-.- LONDON.— of India, - s.s., : sailed November 25, due' about to-day;, - MnrrtaJ, s.s., ■sailed December }■ : 20. due about February 13; :Rakaia,"s.s., >to sail; Kia . Ora, s., to sail aoout : Februarv- 5; Whakarua, s.s., to sari; Indrabarah, 8.5., to sail February 27. .--.".. - - * s.s.. : sailed : December : 10,due about February 28; Kent, s.s. sailed Janu- • ary 14, due early.' in March; Norfolk, s.s., : ,to ml: *': about February 'A. :-,;.;/:. ~.:::,.,-; NEW: Magdala, s.s., sailed December ?■ V-12,: due about February 20; Dalmore, 5.3., sailed "- November 19, due early in February;: Craniey, : " ' a.s., sailed December 24,- due about February .23;-: -' StnrtbendEk-k, s.s., sailed December 10 due. about ■ February 20; Briez Izel,. as., to sail; Swanley, g s:,'to'sail'-'about: February 6; Star of Austra ha, . «.s-, to sail.February 27; Harpagus, s.s., to. sail. St. John.—Kumara, 5.5.,: sailed December _20, • due about February 23: Whakatane,-as., sailed 5 • Jaxman- 21, due; about March 27; :Invertay,- _~:: f: iV'-to i sail February ; '15; . Wakanui, .: s.s., to sail .:--'"<"-March 15.-,t-:.---'-':;:, : ->:".":'-■ :<''■":. -v■■,'■•' ;''_■ ; : - San Francisco.—Boveric, s.s., sailed January 5, - due about February 2; Oceano, s.s., to sail January 27, due about February 24; Spithead; is., to '■'^gall February 24, due about March 24; Aymenc, s.s., to sail-March 31, due about April: 28. , : ,. Stdkey.—Atua,' s.s., to-morrow; Maheno, b.s., - ■ Sunday, : Macedonia, B. M.S., • February 15; - Mol-: davia, R.M.5.," March:ls. ' : • MELBOURNE.— Joseph Craig, barque, _to .sail;. Louisa; Craig;.: barque/ to sail; Marjone . Craig,. .bar<iue,-to sail. ~ . ■■.'"'■ Newcastle.—James: Craig, barque, to sail; - . Jessie .Craig, barque, to sail; _ Inga,. as., to sail; * Nortiiem Chief, haiijue, to' sail. '■' " -:' * l • South' Sea Islands.— s.s., to-morrow. ■ - ■ Fiji.— s.s., to-morrow; Navua, s.s., Janu- ' ary 30. "" ' - , . : Eastern Pacific—Talune, s.s., February.-9. , :. . -:■■:;.:■- :: - PROJECTED DEPARTURES. ; -?:->; H;; ■ '-'.'.■ LONDON.—CIan Grant, s.s., direct," to-day; Boseric, s-s.,;' via the ■• South, about to-, = morrow;, s.s., via, the. South, about '"' January • 31; Knight of . the Garter, s.s., via. the South, 'about «January 28. .'.'- ' ■-,-,* San Francisco.—Aorangi, -8.M.5., February 11. ■' Maitai, R.M.5.,. March 11. . : : ;■ ;...'-. ,-...'..:,r:.,v SYDNEY.—Maheno, s.s.',' Monday; Atua, 5.5.,; January 31;' Macedonia, R.M.S., February 16;; -Moldavia,, R.'M.S... March 15 - ( jV-,y" ';-::'; 's-s., January 31; Navua, s.s.,'* 1 -.'■'-.■ ': ; February .15. ..-';.-i>::v.-. /-■}■'■ - ; -:': ;'-; : ; :Sooth Sea ; Islands.—Atua, s.s., January 31. ; ■' / Friendly Islands.—Ysabel, schooner, to saiL -'", -Cook , AST) . Society Islands.— s.s., -.-.-.•' February 14. v ,. ~ _•• ; t . -.--.. .-■ UNION- S.S.-CO.'S MOVEMENTS. : ' East Coast.—To-day: Atua arrives from Tonga, . Samoa, Fiji, Sydntev; Squall arrives from Gisborne ' t and Tolago Bay. , Thursday: Squall sails for Gis- - 1 borne and Tolago Bay 1 at 12 noon, v Friday: ■'■'■'••"-'-'- Mokoia arrives from Gisborne, Napier, Wellington, Lvttelton, and Dunedin. . Saturday: Mokoia sails ;' fo'r Gisborne, Napier,' Wellington, Ljiitelton, and : •, Dunedin, at 12 noon"'! . i- • :. ,-.-- -.-■:■ ; ' : West Coast.— Friday: Rosamond arrives-from Wellington, Picton, Nelson, and New Plymouth. , - ; NORTHERN CO.'S MOVEMENTS. '.''■"'■:. Today: Ngapuhi leaves for Whangarei Railway Wharf; t Waiotahi arrives from Whangamata and Mercury . Bay early, and leaves for the : Barrier; ■: ' ''■3»"jrati&wa" leaves for Tauraaga; Ohiwa, and Opo- ' tiki; * Kanieri arrives ' from Whangarei;: at/out 11 ..p.m. ...Thursday: Ngapuhi arrives from Whanga"rei : Railway Wharf about 11 p.m. ;, Waiotaiu ar- - rives from:the > Barrier about s.3o,p.m.;;Kanieri '"-. leaves for Whangarei ; Rarawa-arrives.-..front New , _ '■' Plymouth about 8 a.rh: and leaves 1 for the- same . - port - again -at 4 • p.m. (train . 2.10 - p.m.): Rimu - leaves OneTiunga'for Hokianga. Friday: Ngapuhi leaves for Whangarei Railway- Wliarf; Apanui arrives from Awanui, etc., about 11 a.m.; Waiotahi .leaves for Mercury Bay. - - For time of departure or outward steamers see company's time-tablo on page 1. ■ - VESSELS IN HARBOUR. V'i, Kersaint.- French, frigate, in stream. '. Condor, German cruiser, in stream. •■-- Iris. H.M. Cable Bte&mer, in stream. r Kar-.unca, s.s., iat Queen- Wharf. Malnari, fc.s., at.Railway Wharf. ' Rakanoa, 8.8., at Hobeon-stj-eet Wharf. ' Clan Grant, s.s., at Queen-street Wharf. : Boseric, 8.8., at Railway Wharf. ' night" of the Garter, s.s., at Railway Wharf, .'■■ Casablanca, barque, at- Railway Wharf. Whangape, s.s-., in stream. _ - Southern Cross,,s.s., in. stream. • YEab»t. schooner, "" ■ , IMPORTS. • "■■'■' Per Karamea, from''Mont real: 800 tons general merchandise. . . •

The Huddari-PaTker steamer Victoria sailed yesterday afternoon for ' Kasb Coast and Southern ports. '; .'- The V. and 0. mail steamer. Mantua, which. left l Auckland at 6 p.m. on Friday last, arrived at Sydney at 1 ajn. yesterday after a smart passage of three days seven hours. ..•'"". The Squall left Gisborne at 1.30 p.m. yesterday for' Tolapo Bay and Auckland, and is clue here this afternoon. _■:. To-morrow the Union Company's Island trader A Una is due from Sydney, Fiji, Samoa, and Tonga, ■ hut she may possibly put in aw appearance here to-day. To-day the Northern Steamship Company are running' a special excursion to Waiwera hot .springs, the liotomahana leaving at 10.30 a.m. • end leaving: Waiwera. on the return trip at 4 p.m. : y News has been received that the Maitai, which is to leave San Francisco on February 8 for Pa- . peete, Ilarotonjra, and Wellington, wi'll arrive at the Southern port with a full cargo. ■-.:,- ■ .-- On completion of discharge of her coal cargo at Wellington the barque Helen Denny is to proceed • to Hokionga to load timber for Sydney. Another nailer, (the .Whanjfarpa) is also "to 'take, timber to Sydney. She commences loading tit .Karamea '■- -,'■ Tsext-week. ; ■-' ■■ ■.„.>,• ■;,,;■'•' ■ ,- Freights continue to, bo firm in Sydney'for the ' : carriage / of wheat to" the Continent. A steamer ■ -wad' chartered in Sydney recently to load "wheat -.for the;. United '.Kingdom, at ,27b person," while a ._ barque also closed an offer at 24s per.. tan to load at Adelaide. -".....••.— '■'■■ "'" '■- , • Wireless ..telegraphy is to be installed?on- both ;,;..■;. x Government steamers, the Tutanekai and Hinemoa, during the present year. Meanwhile it is .--■ ;. f not the intention' of the Government • to sell the ..-■_■ Ilinemoa, as was at first intended. She will be -■-; retained for another year or two. The vessels will =,i,be equipped : ,at the same time as the erection r■-.'■ ■■'~ of -wireless stations on the coast is carried out. ;

' RUAHINE LEAVES PLYMOUTH. 'Cable advice received by the New Zealand Shipping Company states that the R.M.S. Ituahine left- Plymouth on; January 22-for Tenenffe, capetown, Hobort, and' Wellington. She is due to 'arrive at the Cape on February 11, Hobftrt oil , Maich 2, and Wellington on March 7.': | WHAKaTANB LEFT ST. JOHN, i The New Zealand Shipping Company havoTCi wived cable advice suiting- that'; the steamer Whakatane left St, John on January 21 for Aus- ! tralian and New Zealand ports. Thejewel i makes Auckland her first port of call in the uominion ami is due here about March 27 THE WARSHIP CONDOR. 'ITio CermW warship Condor ! arrived from Samoa, at 9 a.m. yesterday and anchored in the man-o'-war ground. ' The warship left Samoa, on January 14 and met with fine weather till oft the . Toucan Group, when' she encountered a severe gale. Strong, south-east winds and moderate seas were- theft ' encountered to' arrival. The Condor will remain, in Auckland till Tuesday next,, when she leaves for Lvticlton, and after a stay at. that port for a week 'she proceeds to Wellington; From. Wellington the Condor proceeds to Brisbane, staying eight or 10 days at tine Queensland port, afterwards sailing for: New Guinea ami the Caroline Islands. The Oondor is under the. commandof Commander Bene, and his other officers are:— Captain-Lieutenant : Von. Britzke, Lieutenants Busch. Bureihardi. B-roescher, Bevins, Chief-Lnp-ncer -Frit-sob, Dr Titschack,' and Paymaster Mend-e. . THE ATARI MA. The Union Company's steamer Aparima, which arrived- at Sydney from the Bluff on Monday, will load' wheat for the United Kingdom at Melbourne aifd Ceolong, and will make a. call at Durban for and on the Homeward trip. She > s expected to fcave Australia towards the,middle ofnext month, and upon'completion of discharge at Home porta will proceed to Calcutta to tain up the July: loading for New Zealand ports, ..probably in conjunction with the Waitemata. r ,. KARAMEA ARRIVES FROM MONTREAL, ' The steamer karamea, under charter, to the | New • Zealand Shipping- Company, arrived from I Montreal,' via Mel bourne and Sydney, at aSO a.m. yesterday., After - inspection the vessel-, berthed at .the .Queen-street Wharf to discharge. , Living, Newcastte-on-Tyrie for Montreal on October .20, the vessel arrived at the latter s port 11 days later, high seas and. win*ry weather {being encountered on the passage,,but no ice was. met with. ■) After loading cargo at the Canadian port, which con-sisted-'pruiorpally of paper, the Karamea took her ■"•departure from' Montreal" .on ': November - 17, and on the run -through the Gulf of St. Lawrence encountered hard frosts and .heavy snowstorms. After clearing the gulf the vessel ran into a cyclone, and on November 25 the Weather conditions were so bad that, the ship was bove-to for eight hours; until the. storm, had passed. - On November. 26 the weather moderated, and from tlioiico . lon ward fine weather Was met with. The Cape of ! Good Hope was •' passed on. December 17, and'.' the 1 vessel- arrived at Melbourne on January 7. -She left Melbourne for Sydney on January 10, and after leaving Wilson's Promontory the Karamea, encountered a very 'heavy gale, which :raised a high cross-sea and. swell, and was accompanied bv violent squalls ,of. wind and .rain The gale ended in fog:, and the vessel groped her way to Sydney Heads, arriving there on January 13. -She left Sydney for Auckland on. January? 19. meeting with strong winds and considerable head seas on the passage. Gape Maria Van Diemen was sighted on Mondav last., and coming- down the coast hazv weather. was met with, caused through .smoke-from bush- fires., Captain W. Cliftonis in command and .the other deck officers are: Chief officer, Mr. A- R. Roberts; second, Mr. F. F. Ginison; third, Mr. T. W. Jones, R.N.R.; fourth, '<3lr. A^'H.: Button. ..- Mr.-..Wedd:nigton is chief -engineer,. Mr. Manaion., second, Mr. J.. Mo 'Kenzie. third, Mr. A. , MacAdam fourth, ':' and Mr. J. T. Smith 'fifth, while Mr. Dunn is chief refrigerating engineer- and Mr. Lottos second. Mr. Davidson is boilermaker and Mr. .P.- Toms is chief steward. . After discharge of her Auckland cargo, the Karamea proceeds to Wellington.,* Lyttelton, and Dunedin,- -and sails for the first-named ' port at the end of this week. '•■ • PORT OF ONEHUNGA. " ; ' -. / ARRIVALS. : , -"- ; -' •• - ; [■ ; RARAWA, §:«., 1072, W. F. Norbury, from New Plymouth. ,: Passengers: Misses Hempstaok, - Wilson, -Watson, Raw-son, White, - Avery, Dewes, LyleSniitli, : Rawspn, Glasson;: Jones. White. Hamblyn. Hellabv, Bam-lleld; Mesdames' Garry, Kelsey! and family' (5), Clarke, Forbes: and child, Roberts, Cooper. Nicholson, Turner, .Messrs. Garry,: Avery, . Litcbwork, -.: Webber, Cora wall, .Thompson,. Hawkins, Dewar, Burns, Skinner, Chapman, - Clark, 80-:.; berts, :. Cooper, " Nixon. Paul, Horricks, Young, Morrison, Nicholson, Wheeler,"Forbes, Spratt.Delany, and 25 steerage.— S.S. Co., agents. -■•- ' ■■•. DEPARTURES. : v. RARAWA, e.a., 1072, W. F. : Norbury, for New Plymouth, : Passengers: i Misses . Tberkleson, Black, E.'.Gordon, Jury, Denby, L. Stewart,.S. A. Mills, Johnston,'Mesdames W r H. Churton, Buller and two ; children, Williams, H. Mills, E. ■-, Henn,' Turner, Jones,- Messrs. Duncald, Richmond. J. Forrest, Taylor, Wallace, J. Rossi, G. C. Clarke, T. ' M. Jay, Jackson, ; McKenzie, v Martin, Simpson, Dr. Savage, Master Stewart,, ■ and 20 steerage. :, CLAYMORE,. s.e., Roberts, for Raglan, Kawhia, and Waita-ra.; -r-;;v .-■■>.'. . , • .... : BY TELEGRAPH. C CAPE MARIA-VAN DlEMEN.—January, 24 : The steamer Wmimera, from Auckland to Sydney, passed west- at 8.30 a.m. ' to-day.' " ..■■'■_ WHANGAROA.—January " 24: Arrived— ■s.g. (at 8 V a.m.), from Auckland.' t*'' '''.-. : RUSSELL.— January 24: Arrived —Clansman, «.s, (at 7.50 -a-m.),, from Auckland. •■• Sailed—Clansman, s.s. (at 6 -p.m.),-for. Auckland. . ; i'., : ..■, 4 WHANGAREL—January 24 ":"„ Sailed—Wanderer, scow, for Auckland. :...': .■ f CAPE BRETT—January : 24: The'" scow Gannet, bound , from the f Great Barrier to the Bay of Islands, passed north to-day.;;- Wind : South-west, fresh. ~ ' ■ -. . . " -.-- :. GREAT 24: Arrived— Hawk, scow, from the! Bay of Islands. Sailed— -Hawk, scow, for. the coast; Gannet,. scow, for the Bay of Islands. , -. ..,:,-■ - WrUTlANGA.—January 24: * SailedV-Waikonini, scow, for Gisbqrne. : •- •"•'-•;' ' TAUEANGA.-'-January .v. 24 V Arrived—Airpouri, f.s. (at 8.45 a.m.), from Auckland- ' Sailed^—AuI>duri, v s.s." (at 5.10 'p.m.), for Auckland. .■:''-*■ ■' ;;: AVHAKATANE.—January 24 : Sailed—Paeroa, 5.6. (it 1.45 p.m.), 'for Auckland.-. '--.••.-..- - GISBORNE.—January 24: Sailed—Squall, as. (at 1.30 : p.m.), for, Auckland,'via Tolago Bay. ~.► . -; '. V LYTTELTON.-—January ■; 23: : Arrived—WakaUi, si.," from Wellington, via Kalkoura;' January 24: Sailed—'Alexander, s.& (at ; l2JO p.m.), for Wellington,- Nelson, Westport, and Greymoutii; :-Iviftawa,' g.s. 4.55 p.m.), and Kaiitongata, s.s., for Greymouth ; Maori, s.*., for Wellington, with 320 passengers. . .- 1 ' '■' . ■■'■';"■ ..'..":'_./.-"-,. -*-'• 'f*'■■■:. '.■■■-. DUNEDlN.—January "24: Arrived—Warrimoo, s.s., from Melbourne, Via the Bluff, s Sailed—lnvercargill,' s.s., for .Invercargill and Waikawa ; Mono-; 'wai, s.s., for Northern ports. Passengers for Auckland: Misses .'.-Mackintosh,'- Ferguson, l Mesdames 'Preston,* Agnew, \ Messrs Higgins, Preston, Archbishop Clarke,: Master Biggins. -..-. r';-','. • -. ; BLUFF. 24: ;-"k Arrived—Breeze, as., from LytteltOß^.'---. -:-:■::■-.-,■•'-, '': SYDNEY.— 24 : - Arrived — . Mantua, R.M.S. (at 1 a.m.), from Auckland; Marama, s.s. (at 5 a.m.), from Wellington.-.j- "-'-•'- • FREMANTLE.—January , 24: Arrived—Orontes, R.M.S., from London,:'.'... '. . . ,' ST. - JOHN (New Brunswick).— . 21: Whateatane, ».e., for ; Melbourne, Sydney, and New Zealand ports. - ' '■ - ■ - PLYMOUTH.r-January 22: , Ruahine, R.M.S., or Capetown, llobart, and Wellington.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14587, 25 January 1911, Page 6

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14587, 25 January 1911, Page 6

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14587, 25 January 1911, Page 6