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ARRIVALS. KUrxllA. s-s., 7332. Cornwall. 'R.N.R.. from London! vis.Us Palnws and Capetown Passeniors; Mr. and Mrs. Hancock. Mr. and Mrs. {Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Balfour. Messrs. I> g), Captain Matthews.— New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents. TARAWERA. s.s.. 2003. W. T. Collin*. f.r>wi East Coast and Southern ports. Passon*.':*. Misses. R. Caul ton. Gibbons (2). Thurston. Sj:vth A. McDonnell. J. McConi.ell. Curra. Neiljon. ~ Wray. McMangetts, W. Paly. Howard. Mesdam . R. Robertson and 3 children, Wilkinson, Came** i and son. Messrs. HatSTOves and son, E. >V. Wilkinson. G. WHdish, H. Simwm., Fcrdvce. F. Hanan. A. Thompson. M. A. Ford. Eashleigh. Cornford. Allen. Dean. Rasters Visro and Creamer, and 20 steerage.— S>. C->. agent*. KAXIERT. 5.8.. 203. T. Meyers, from \V'ian?srei. Passengers: 30 excursionists. Northern S.s>. ■ Co.. agents. KAHU, 8.9.'. 182. Jones, from Napier.—New Zealand Shipping: Co.. agents. - PAF.rOA. e.s.. 91, J. Taw, from Whakfttanc.--Northern S.S. Co., agent*. EXCELSIOR, scow, 48. J. Biddick. from Tauranga.—Biadick and Goldsboro - , agents. DEPARTURES. FIONA, 5.%. 4471, Barnes, for Newcastle. INGA, S.F., 948, i. Bull, for Kaipara. '. NGAPUHL as.. 601, E. Stephenson, for Whanjarei.- • . 'wAJROAv-S.S., 1», Cook, for Whangawri. WANDERER, scow. 85, G. Page, for Russell. . ' DOMINION, scow, 25. for Tauro-nga. -KIWI, auxiliary cutler, 16, J. Clark, for the ] Thame.';. -• . • . v EXPECTED ARRIVALS. -" ' Lowboy.--Star of Tndla, s.s. ; ' sailed NoTsjnbcr 25; Aotea, -.*.*-. to sail early in December; JJuritai, s.s., sailed December 20, due about February 13; ManiH.-i, s.s.. sailed Dccernler 1. : due abwri January £fr; Bakaia, s.s., to sail January 10., " .' , . LlYEjtPOfciL. ' Sussex, S.S., sailed Ooctober IS. : .'doe eajrlvin January; Durham, 5.5.,-sailed Norem- i ber 17, due January 16; Orari, s.s., sailed Novem- ■ ber 27. this* January 12; Surrey, s.s., sailed December- if), due February la; Kent, s.s., to sail. January 7. Xew •Tokk.—Sfagdala, s.s., sailed December" • 12; Parisiasa, s.s., sailed October 29, due abour, Januarv 14; Dalmore, s.s., sailed November 19, Sue early in' February; Cranley, s.a., to sail December.-" 2!U S'ratheiMtrick.- s.s., sailed December 23; Breiz"Ksel, s.s., to sail. . . Hosgkosg.—Knight of the Garter, s.s., tailed December J3, at Lytteitou December 30, due ;• January B.' ■-'• -'■- : -*-•■ Montreal.—Kiramea, s.s., sailed November 20, -due : about -'January 14. : 'ST.^'jiOHir.'— Kumara, s.s.. sailed December 20, dec about February 23; Whakatane, s.s.. to sail January 15,"due about March 21; Invertay. ».5.,:to sal! February 15; Wakaaui, s.s., to sail : March 15. \ ■ . j Sas Fbj.kci3Co.—Ocear.o, 6.a., to sail; Boveric, ;-"«.5.,-to sail. 1 ••' Stdsey.—Maneho, s.s.. to-morrow; Mantua, It.JLS.* January IS; Atua, s.s., January 26; .Macedonia* K.MS., February 11. ;.MB!iBOUJtKB.~HazeI Craig, barque, sailed De.cembcr 3; Joseph Craig, barque, . to sail. '.' \EWCASi'LE.--j2Jiies Craig, barque, to saii; ,: Casablanca, barque, to ssiil ; Jessie Craig, barque, -fav s»il.. .-. -..'-- ■.. . , - Sqcjh Sea Islasd3.— A tua, s.s., January 26. :•;'• ".-. FIJI. — s.s., January 26; Xnvua, ' s.s., January' ' £?■■ ■'■'}'■■ '"•'.'". ".>■■■ • r EASTE3sc?ACine.—Talu*e,- s.s., February 9." ~ - CAicrrXTA.—Aparima, s.s. r sailed December t, due January 4. ": Jfits.—Eereru, i ketch, to- saft.', "

is' ' : PROJECTED departures. Losdo:?.—Turkistan,. SuH., direct, about janu..*zy 9: Otati, s.s., diiecl, about January 12; Nairnshire, «-s., via the South, about January 13; ■Knight of the" Garter, s.s.", via the South, alioi.t. : January 16. V;t Sas : E.M.S., January 14; . Aorang:/ B.MS., February 11: • - • —Maheno, s.s., Monday; Tofua, s.s., : January 4."- • - ; •• ■ Fiji.— e.g., January 4; Kavua. s.s., Jaciiuy IS. . - < " Sorra Sea Islands!—Tofua, e.g., January 4. Fribi'DLY Islands.lsabel, schooner, to eaiL Cook Ai.'D Society- Islands.— 8.6., January 17.; • .... ', '' '' , / UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. East coast. —To-day Tarawera pails for Southern ports at noon. Sunday: Maheno arrives •• train 'Sydney';' Monovrai arrives from Dunedin, / Lvttejion, , Weliusgton,. Napier, and Gisiwrne. • Monday: Maheno sails' for Sydney at 5.30 p.m. Tuesday: Monowai sails for Gisborne, ' Napier, Wellington, tyttelton, and Dunedin. Wednesday: •Aparima arrives' from' Calcutta; Tofua sails for 'Tons-g,' Samoa, Fiji, and Sydney at 5 p.m. FriSay : . Mokoia arrives from Dunedin, Lyitellon, Welling- - ton, Napier, and Gisborne; Squall sails for Tolago Bay and Gisborne at- 12 .noon. Saturday : Mokoia . sails for. Gisborne, Napier, Wellington, Lyttefton, ■ and Danedin at noon. •"*' West Coast.—Friday: Rosamond arrives from Wellington, Picton, i'elwn, and New Plymouth ; Corinna arrives from Dunedin, Wellington, and New; A-iyrnouth: Rosamond sails for Sew Ply- ' mouth, .rVciSingtss,-: I'ictoii; and Nelson at 2 p.m. Saturday: Corinna sails for Wciiiirgton at 3 a.m. NORTHERN CO.'S MOVEMENTS. .. 'To-day: Clansman arrives from Russell, Wha-ng-aroii, and Mangonui. about 6 a.m.; Apauui ar- . : rives - from A wan 11 i about 1 p.m. Auoouri arrives from Tauranga about 7 a.m.: Ngatiawa arrives from OTxitiki .'.boot 6 a.m.; Tasman ar- . ..rive* from' Whakatane about 5 a.m.; Rimu ar- . rive" at Onehuuga from Hokianga about 6 a.m. , Rarawa arrives at Onehunga from Neve Plymouth • about 8 ; Clansman leaves' for Whangarei .... at 11 p.m. Sunriiy: Karawa leaves C'nehunga for New Plymouth at 3.30 p.m., train 2.30; Kanieri .loaves, for Whangarei Town . Wharf: Clansman arrives from Whangarei abcui, 4 p.m. Monlay: :?g-dnuhi leaves for Whang-aim Railu iy Wharf. Tuesday: Ngapuhi arrives from Whangarei Railway Whirf alrair 5 p.m.; Kanieri leaves for Whangarei Town Wharf; Rarawa arrives fiori New Plymouth abtut 3 a.m., and leav«s agiiin at 6.30 p.m., train 5.8.

For time of departure of outward steamers see fompacy'B time-table on page 1.

VESSELS IN HARBOUR, - Cambrian, H.M.S., in stream. Iris," H.M. Cable steamer, in stream, r Marere, f.s., at Railway Wharf. Tofwa, s.<., at Queen-street Wharf. Wairuna, «.s., at Holjsou-eitreet. Wharf. Kaipara, as., in stream. Tar&wera, g.g., at Queen-street Wharf. ; Kabu, g.j-;., at Railway Wharf. Squall, 5.3., at Quay-street Jetty Wo. 4. Talunc, sit: stream. Itanadi. Fiji Go v t. s.s., in Graving' Docs. • Southern Cross., s.s., in. stream. Belwyn Craig-,• barque:iline, at Railway Wharf. " Akiebaran; barque, at 'Jbclsea. X:sbt>U ochooner, in stream. IMPORTS. Per K»'.ipara, from London: 5600 tons general "merchandise.' Per Tarawera, from Southern ports: 220 sacks seed, 130 sacks flour. 640 hag's flour, 327 sacks •"Wheat, 161 sacks bran, 50 sacks malt, 50 tacks jiollard. 103 cases salmon, 94 bales hav, 45 bales straw. 226 boxes butter, 25 cases cheeses 10 cases ' spirits, 85 bundles empty bags. EXPORTS. Per l'okeha, for London : 4616 sacks copra, 836 pieces and 178 bundles timber, 343 bale.i wool, 63 dump* tow, 258 bales flax, !l? casks tall™. 18 ia*Vs pi-lit*, 684 cages and 23 Backs kauri gum, 7500 carcases lamb, 104 carcases mutton, 92 carcases porfc, 28 quarter* beef, and sundries. , ...T'lfl steamer. liiff-* sailed for Kaipmra at. 7.20 ;. " p.m. yesterday, Sh« loads limber nt that port tor Sydney* The . Tofjjft'n departure for the Islands and Sydney has been postponed from Tuesday to . Wednesday, Jimuaiy 5, at 5 p.m. X;V'Tim Union Company's Btoamf-r Waitemstu. ,V- j»faic|) left. Calcutta on Decern I >er 2, arrived at {/jittelton yesterday morning. - Tin! 1 Shaw, fiayiSv- and Albion Company's ' : ' ' v - tlc/wter Tsiiniii .'eft Wellington at 6.20 a.m. yea-/lei-day for London. • 1 'The Scalw JlnVlr: Clan Grant- arrived at Weilington nt 10.50 p.m. yesterday from . Bunbury • . ThO res eel iff to load general cargo ihr London o;' .: at viri<>u# Dondokjn port#;' £ :«;• .. . .Tb« A tuA's departure from . Sydney for, the , A Ima/ws tod - Auckland has tosea poatnutcd torn IrA^Tuesdayj^rciC.oj Wedncßi^X ' X if::S ' '• ■ .1 .-V

The Whar.gapj is csps-'tcd to I?ave Oifborne on Thursday next; for Auckland with the balam>. of her cargo of coal from Ncwcisilr. The barqti -ntine Pelotas has been chartered to loud coal at Newcastle for Gisbornc. •*'' er charge at Gisborne she is to load timber at Whirjg-arna for Sydney. The barque Jessie Craig, which left Hokianga mi December 14, arrived at Sydney oil itnir>day last. From Sydney the barque piceeeds to Newcastle to lotd coal tor Auckland. The. Huddart-Parker steamer Winurera, which left. Auckland at. 5.30 p.m. on Monday last .or Sydney direct, arrived at that port- at " a.m. yesterday, after a smart passage of three days 11J hours. The steamer Knight •of the Gil tor. under charier to the New . Zealand Shi[>pi> ' Company. which left- Hongkong on Deccnil<er 13, arrive'i at liVttelton at 6.35 a.m. yesterday. Ihe vessel is due as Auckland on January'' £'• .in"- leads general cargo fir London to Jamtaiy It, s-ttei which she proceeds South to complete. _ The steamer Fiona railed (or Newcastle rarlv yesterday morning. From there (he proceeds to Sydti.-v, and afterv.aris Fails for Fiji.

The barquentine Laura arrived at llokianga on Thursday from Auckland. She loads timber at. that port, for Sydney. The steamer Kahu. of the Kichaitl?on Line, arrived from Napier at 12.30 p.m. yes day. She loads stores and timber for Tokomaru Hay, and sails for that port, to-day. The new Tyser liner Star of -India, which left I,ondo:i on November 25 for Australian and Now Zealand ports, should be showing up on the other side. The vessel is due at Auckland about January 2). -

The Turkistan is expected to leave Wellington about- January 3 for Auckland to complete here Homeward loading. She is due on .l.uiuary 6, and sails finally fur London from this )x>lt on January 9.

The Australian mail liner Boveric was ex* IVcted to leave San Fraticiaco oil Saturday last for Auckland, via P.igo Pago, Apia. Tonga, and Nukualofa, but so f.r no intimation has come to hand announcing ill? vessel's ite^artnrc.

The steamer Cranley, under charter to the Tyser Line, was expected to leave New York on P(;'en;b-r 2ft for Australian "anil New Zealand j-;• rif. The vessel will make Auckland her first jx>rt of call in the Dominion.

The Clansman, due from the North this morning-, will make a spoeiil trip to.. Whangarei, leaving: at 11 p.m. to-day. She leaves AVhangarei at 7 a.m. to-morrow on Uie return passage, and should arrive to-n'.orrow nfternoon.

The Pa® eh a, which loft for Napier on Tliur«-. day, 'iivx-etrls then to Gisborno. After loading at ihat port she returns to Napier, afterwards sailing for Wellington and Lyttelion. The Pakeha is c spec ted to leave the latter port for London about January ?1.

Mr. K. J. Mentiolay. of the Haupiri, ha? been apjK'inted third engineer of the Gisbornc Harbour Board's dredge M ini. The blade of the new rudder for the Strathclyde has arrived at l.vttelton and is bemg fitted. '')>e vessel will probably le-iw l.vttelton to-day, ("it so far no ortlsrs hive lean receive.! as to 'lie vessel's destination.

The Now Zetland Shipping- Company's steamer '.(.airna. at present- loading in. the South, is to Mcve- Wellington for London on January 12. wireless telegraph apparatus liao been in-f-.-j,'ft,l in the Huiidart-Parker steamer Uiverina.

At present the banptenUne Mary Isabel is loading liarilwood at .Cbirencb .River for Grey mouth. It is staled that the mission ship John Williams (now being refitted ai'.. Sydney) travels 30,000 miles "year. Since her last visit to- the New South Wales port she has visited most of the islands of the South Pacific.

After loading: at New Zealand ports, the' Federal-Houtoer-Shire liner ' Grange left. Weilingt.'ii :i! 6.15 p.m. yesterday for Avonmouth direct. The vessel is due to arrive at that port on February 13. and is fixed to leave Avonmouth on March io, and Liverpool on April 1 for Now Zealand porta THE MONOWAI. Expected to leave Gisborne to-day, the Monowai is due. here tomorrow morning. The pasenters for Auckland ex the steamer lonic, which arrived at Wellington on Th"-;' lay from London, • are coming forward by the onowai. The vessel will berth at the Queen-street Wharf on arrival. THE SYDNEY STEAMER. Leaving Sydney at 1 p.m. on Wednesday last, this week's direct steamer, the Maheno, is due here to-morrow afternoon. She is bringing 173 passengers and. 319 tons of cargo for this port, and on arrival will berth at the- Queen-street Wharf. TARAWERA . FROM SOUTHERN* PORTS. The Union Company's steamer Tarawera, Captain Collins,. arrived from East Coast and Southern ! ports at 8.30 a.m. yesterday, berthing at the Queen-street Wharf. The vessel left Duncdin on December 22. a day ahead of schedule time. On arriving at Wellington on December 24. the Tarawera returned to Lyttelton. in order to assist in the Christmas traffic on the Lyttelton-Wellington ferry iservice • She left Wellington again for the North at 5.30 p.m. on Monday last, calling at Napier and Gisborne en' route, leaving the latter port .it 7 on Thursday. Fine to moderate weather was experienced throughout the passage. The Tarawera sails for East. Coast and Southern porta at noon to-day. KAVUA LEFT SUVA. A.IvL-es received by th<' Union Company states that the Na\ua left Suva at 5 yesterday for Auckland direct with 40 passengers. The vessel is also bringing 1740 bunches and 1290 cases of bananas, 136 tons of sugar, 1 horse. 5500 sicks of copra, and four tons of genet al caigo for thij poit. The Navua is due here on Monday next. A! "RIVAL OF THE KATPARA. After an absence from this port of nearly eight iiwiiths ;tlas New Zealand Slapping Company's steamer Kaipnra dropped anchor in the stream at 5.39 a.m. yesterday from London, via Las Fiihnas ami Capetown. The Kaipara left London on November 10, and encountered strong head gales down the English Channel and across the Pay of Bisciv. Fine weather then prevailed until arrival at Las Palman on November 17. llavinjf coiled, the vessel icsumed her voyage tin* following- day. Exceptionally fine weather was met with on the run to the Cape, which was reached 'on December 4. Here the Kiifiari took in another supply of bunker 90a!. and left on the following day on the final stage or. her voyage. Unusually fine weather was experienced throughout the trip across the Southern Ocean. Cape Maria was passed at 9.18 a.m. on Thursday; port being, made as above. Having about 150 tons of explosives to discharge, ■ the ress;l anchored in the powder ground, and will berth at the Railway Wharf this afternoon to discharge general cargo, after which she proceeds ■to Wellington, and thence to Beauty Point, Tasmania. Captain K. de la Cour de Cornwall, R.N'.R. . is still in command, and has the following Dftioers associated with him:—Chief officer, Mr. C. K. Paris, R.N.R.; second, Mr. A. G. I Barnett; third. Mr. M. Stevenson; fourth, Mr. S: C. D. Hods-kinson, R.N.R.; fifth, Mr. D. A. It. Pater'son. Mr. F. Corbett is in charge of the ! ©r.gineroom, with Mr. F. Marshall an second engineer, Mr. W. Hodgson third, Mr. Ross-Kiln«r fourth, Mr. T. Hudgell fifth. Mr. A. C. McLaren sixth, and the chief refrigerating engineer is Mr. Cairns, and Mr. J. Legg-art second. " Dr. Ussher is the shirt's surgeon, while Mr. Bowen is chief steward. HOMEWARD BOUND. The Shaw, S&vill, and Albion (steamer Tainui, which left Wellington for London yesterday morning, took the following passengers: First saloon : From Wellington—Misses Crawford (21. Coire, Dal I, Robertson, Mesdames Crawford and boy, :' Mr. C. J. Crawford. " From Christchurch—Mrs. Hughes, Mr. R. N. Hughes. Second saloon: From Wellington—Mrs. Harkness, Mr. J. ;G. Harlcness. . From Auckland—Misses J. Amodeo and A. Jordan. From Gisborne — G. Pvbus. From Dunedin—Captain Macfarlane. Third-class: From Wellington—Misses R. Bowe, L. Hemingway. Mrs. M. Purke. Messrs. W. Earp, A. Holmes, J., Ridnath. From Auckland Mrs. Lowe and boy. From Dunedin—Mr. A'. Cheyne, Mrs. Bunya'n. From Oa-naru—Mr. W. Cameron. From Timaru—Mr. and Mrs. J. Simmons. From Westpori—Mr. T. French.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 14566, 31 December 1910, Page 6

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 14566, 31 December 1910, Page 6

PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 14566, 31 December 1910, Page 6