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Groceries. [ Medical. ' i 5 If ycu haven't yet found the satisfaction ~ M SaSsP^^ 0 IW\\™\ll iSL £1 ■■ \|MaSi"er Goodwin 3 f you would like in other Teas, try those m .\sWjf ' , Iff lllf JWV-.v.'- , • " 11. m OinCCIUN, LIU. t ■''■''' Bak for the wonderful /fflv\ iffl !H THE OLD MILL, TH $f ■ benefits their bairns have m ■'///• J "•*.% 11. 111 OmVLLlim, LIU, t M^^^Om^maa^^ecs^S^^^ Bak for the wonderful CT'A jM THE OLD MILL, Jf Mi ™ benefits their bairns have m. //.V °* ? 1 J| » derived from this purs antiseptic healer for various mishaps and skin-troubles *&V i/ii'i!'V /mm QUEEN-STREET. AUCKLAND $ such as daily fails to the lot of childhood. By reason of its herbal composition ''At' c^*"^^! 33 and refine ncnt, Znm-Buk gives instant relief. The little sufferer finds Zam-Buk ' >S»»!« *•.**. •* iJfflr HI 1 1 soothing, cooling, and comforting, and is able to get a refreshing sleep soon XzP I ' ffl , M after the first dressing. Zam-Suk is a natural flesh-healer, a sure disease- ' -so/emir m I Insurance Companies. is ' destroyer, and the ideal first-aid dressing. As the applications are continued sflr M f : __.__—_ _ S3 disease is drawn out. sores dry up and fall away, leaving behind the beautiful new clear and n«-aithv »kin H ) wis takes Abb itisxs, I -^^;i^S^^^i^^^ruS&SSg^^^ ot Zamßuk I ? S I , I A^ B «?S D^».? AP ?-- T l ™- *lWfl!S!h: H -M FRIGHTFUL BURNS.-Mrs I > Liability, and Workers' qo»p,«a?loS. 1 l^^SS^ V &'£^^^S & Me*&. 1 / L A/9 f- IT - I "ti-ehool. falling heavily to the ground from a twin* had his foot Ka'dcd very badly, ami it develop el i aJainst a hot' stovef tanrfn ff !■(« hmwSl H ' ' rt*CY( /"5 #}/*** >*» i ' i and cutting his B lip so muuh that I wa, terrified at imp a nasty sore. I applied Zam-Bnk. which took so severe" the ? all the ski" p«led off Uav H J $HJ( V GLZIiDYICIIL I the 'sight of it.. The wound hied freely, and the out the pain at once ami gave 1... ant relief, and in i°g the pirns and 11 Mrs tw fc'SSu I . I WjsH &+&&&%/A &W& B ma3tcr V>d his best to stop the bleeding, and advised a little wlri'e he was back again at school. ilv feliow was in"treat .bom bit tartnmftilt I i [ • m me strongly to sec a doctor, lint, having success- husband suffers from the results of blood-poisonm* had asunnlvof Zam-Buk in ih»Ta»«.J II > INSURANCE CO. OF N.Z.. LIMITED. i fully cured boils with Zam-Buk, I decided to try it in his 1... and if he happens to knock if, the leg ;o£eiPpfied oh ,d. «d bandaged 1 ' L Offices: 101. Queen-street. Auckland. M before acting on the. masters advice. After one becomes inflamed and breaks out. but Zam-Buk them up. In a little more than a week his M * . NORMAN T. WILLIAMS. Manager. jfl weelrtireaMMat he "j 0 "!?* "»V»£SS£ '. 1. nandswere completely healed.' aweeKn,s M .::- , . Zam-Buk is Invaluable for cuts, bruises, burns, |» ' MEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY, WT ' ft scalds, scratches,, abrasions, boils, eczema, Eg : " ) LIMITED. ffl jSfiEB P J!lsb»iS ■' RtHnß P im,es ' running sores, scalp diseases, poisoned , H \ FIRE. MARINE, ACCIDENT . '§J /SW& JLM mA@ Pm _ 4ffl| im W JlffiM wounds, festering sores, bad legs, ulcers, KM ? Transacts Employers' fedemoity. Fidelity Ls9F # 111 SMS 11 i I Wm «Sw-- Be f: m r ! n f W ° rm ' P Bo lßßlß ' diseased JS > Guarantee. Personal Accident (including sick- MsS# ifir iS « H M fM?S i? 1 1 1 ft ankles, teething sores, barber's rash, sore, EH ncss). Plato Glass. Kurprlary. Fire and ' JImSL ■'■'••• H V'« 9fflri!L<(fil 0 la aching feet, and all Injured and diseased con- KB L Marine, at lowest current rates. Bh , < «^^|fc t - ( ditions of the skin. Zam-Buk is obtainable Hi ' NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE BUILDINGS. WW i ffi^BSB^BBJ»» Jtl1 "" "TTb P» m ™MMm*wilWKngffl from all chemi&ts and stores at 1s 6d. per pot, M . ! t QUEEN-STREET.# 1% «J 65 IT 8M " M or 3s. 6d. familv size, or post free from The S3 ; G N PIERCE W , -| Mm. Zam-Buk Co , '<■* Pitt Street. Sydney. Jgs&l

. Tobacco. ■ •'".■' _..■ ;"' -.. .'" - : \:> '..■■.'■•."-'■'//.. ,". ''■".;! The LEADER Everywhere. TOBACCO. THE PUBLIC EITHER COMMENDS OR CONDEMNS 1 A TOBACCO. COMMENDATION has kept "HavelockP at the head of all Tobaccos. It is a Tobacco for all classes* . QUALITY I , Is responsible for the high favour In 1 which the Tobacco is held. i 1 THE TOBACCO THAT THE DISCRIMINATING SMOKER HAS MADE. ' LiTe LEADER Every where. Is

ii Him ii in. ..m.i . ... i milium rim ■ ■«■ w ' < wumi ■■■■w ' ' ' »■■'"■■" ■ ■ "'■■■JlW '■UWIWWWW— ? Furnishing Good:. :.-'■-. •-. {■-.■'' I This week's __ j SPECIALS J "~™~"^ v I '■. Our Special Purchase 1 ' ; > I DAMASKS, SERVIETTES, | | I and CLOTHS, ' i at far below their actual worth. M f ) B Perfect and Imperfect Weavings i I a in the above at | ••, I I Tempting Prices. ' | S I ' 'TONSON V i, V .«— |.>»- GARLICK Co., m, I Queen Street, Auckland. J tmmmmmmmmtsmiKmammmmmmmmmawaamcßammt

Watchmakers and Jewellers. , % nAa«o«o*o*o*o«oeo«o*o*oeo«o*ooo*oeo»o«ooQoo«oeo*oooeooo»09ceoeocoaoagc>oeooc'*oooitooo »SSoio«oaoSoaO«o*o«o«o*o»o«o»oaooo*o«oaoictto«o«oeoao«o*o«oooeoi>o«o«oio*o»o0c«o*uooo °» ".:.,■ \*-- -. /..'-.'■.',-'.-'■.'. •' '.■'•.. oo I •0 . , , '.■'.',■■■'..•■ ■«-'■•' CO I STEWART DAWSON & CO. ( , d 1 *• °° ' 2» Quean and Durham Streets, Auckland. 2? Of _.—, , , . _ - _- OO •5 - -~, , ... §? *■ 'I: f£JßiKl!b The Latest Novelties in . ' : ll§pii?- M o* :tl rTtn ' / B * flip SSt' "■ '*o 8§ flHr Cake or _ Frast 1 ||f/' •ss | '■fiHr/-- I ''- Disfies, '"•'■"' - ; KM. »■ : ; | "bass* Vases, and «a»,p £ : | Fern or Flower 1 S Br IrOHS■ <e®mm Ss 88 , " 1 ". '■' '*• So SILVER VASE. ' NEW AND ELEGANT BASKET EP. VASE. [. •§ ! 8S ■;.-'• JWSJI, 21/- ',-. ,:, : FLORAL PAINTED DISH. H774, 4/- .go So Height, Gin. Diametor, "Jin.. 22/S • Height, 6iin. .go 2* •": ' •5*8S8oSo8o8o8o§o8o8oooSo«o«o»o»o»oco»o«o»o»OBO»o»ot9o»o»o»o»o»o»o»o»o Life Insurance. . : AUSTRALIAN ■ MUTUAL . ■ PROVIDENT SOCIETY ■ ■":'■','■■ ESTABLISHED 1849. THE OLDEST AND MOST SUCCESSFUL AUSTRALASIAN LIFE OFFICE. ' '..''■■ -*•■ •"':■ • -' ACCUMULATED FUNDS, over ... £25,000,000 :■.•.., ANNUAL INCOME, over ... ... £3,250,000 l'h TOTAL CASH PROFIT divided by bbe Society during its existence has amounted 6 to £14,336,892. ' ''/■, THE CASH PROFIT DIVIDED FOR ONE YEAR (1908) amounted to £740,385, providing REVERSIONARY ADDITIONS of over £1,300,000. POLICIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS issued for amounts ranging from £5 to £10,000. • ' DIRECTORS OF THE NEW ZEALAND BRANCH: Hon C J Johnston, M.L.C. (Chairman); A. de Bathe Brandon, Esq. (Deputy Chairman) ;• Hon. Edward Richardson, C.M.G.; John Duncan, Esq., and Joseph Joseph, Esq. Branch Office— EDWARD W.LOWE, • Customhouse Quay, Wellington. Resident Secretary. Auckland District Office- E SSIu,, 214-216, Queen-street. District Secretary. , 7"^~"w RIQHT AND s ONa Cr. A. Bvt tl * RECEIVING, FORWARDING. AND PARCEL STOCK AND SHAREBROKER. DELIVERY AGENCY. .;•',:. • : '~T~~ " Commerce-street Office. Telephone 143. : > MORTGAGES ARRANGED. Wharf Office, Telephone 608. " vvndj-i v , v No. 5, N. Z. INSURANCE BUILDINGS, General Depot and Coal and Firewood Yard, AUCKLAND. Great North Boat* ,: " -J ' Telephone No. 63 - •

..;; :;■■■ '.;>: -■-.--. '■.: j Stout. v :V£yV.« ~ tf V :j' FROWI EQUATOR to POLAR REGIONS Hi r&\%i I THE STOUT YOU'RE USED TO. | OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE IN QUARTS, PINTS, AND NIPS. .'. "____' ' . -I / Business Notices. Merchandise. - ' ; w . * 'TnnWnff in Wnt QANFORD. LTD. (A. Saniord,'- Managing Cooking in Hot ~. ... £5 Director), FISH, FRUIT RABBIT, and Weather is killing , . ... OYSTER MERCHANTS. AUCKLAND, '.«'* work!" "• ."•'■■ ' ' Branches Thames and Tauranga. , , ' —bo many a tired wife says, after hour* \*>4is&&t <' spent in cooking over a blazing fire, with „ „„,i /I— - 9 • " ovens that won't work, flues that don't act, Begistereu *m g 'J Trade Mark* ' and boilers that seem to be continually ; -^j ; : -*"' S: JL*sr\\ r " -With an ORION range things are dit Rabbits. Fresh and Smoked Fish, and all /-i ferent: Ha many special features and kinds of seasonable Fruit of best quality and .-.;. ' patented ideas, along with Perfect Draught, lowest prices, at San ford's Market, opposite K:. Rapid Ovens and Big Boilers, ensure Con- Customhouse. Retail Telephone. 008. : l venience. cleanliness, and genuine Comfort! v x ; i . . -, Bend for particulars. ■ ' r . ■?. ■ ~~ ' } ~~~~~~Z7~. ~ r ~~ r ~~"■ :-.' ?'/'".':* 'a, E BHACKLOCK. LTD.. "ORION " rZ^ aa^^l m ! mujWw l j»n llMii—iT \ MONUMENTAL BloPAro \ SCULPTORS Hocsa X Agents: _ 'vV-'"'' in every breach. ' - . Tr°*l X —.-. A. J. Entrican & Co., Ltd. Marble or Granite N. speciality. , Mantelpieces. \.i. noM96 * AUCKLAND. VICIOFIB St* Wt, AUCkland.\. QATINWOOD -PIANOS from Fi-aneo-llniUtl ":■-'". >." kJ Exhibition.-E. 'and V. Piano Ayeucy. ■ . ' BaUMOBt WajkDMKUL ■■'■-> Ltd. ti. Coldicutt, Manager -• ' ' , ■ , ,i •*

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 14345, 15 April 1910, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 14345, 15 April 1910, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 14345, 15 April 1910, Page 9