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Business on the Stock Exchange on Saturday was confined -to mining lines., Waihis .were dealt in at £10, there V being further buyers at £9 19s 6d, sellers ; £10 Is. Business in Grand Junctions. was done at 325, the closing quotations being: Buyers 31s 9d, sellers 32s 3d. \ Talismans sold at 52a, and more were available at the sam« price, but further buyers would not give more than 51a 9d. Old Haurakis sold freely at from 5s 3d to 5s 5d to 5s 2d. ' AUCKLAND STOCK EXCHANGE. BUSINESS DONE ON SATURDAY. .'■.■'-'-■'■ Previous, day's; 'V closing sales.: ""'■•".''"' :.:■.■'•:■.'■ £ a, Jd. New Sylvia—lst call, 3s 7d; 2nd call. : -v-.;•::,; ,3s 8d ■ ...... ... ... ... — Victoria—2nd call, la 7d • ... ... 0 1.5 Wafotahi—lst call, 4s 8d ...-.- .... .0 4+9 Hauraki Freeholds—2nd call, 7d ... — Old Hauraki. Gold Mines— call, 5s 3d, 5s 4d'; 2nd call, 5s 4d, 5s sd, •"• 5s 4d, 5s 3d, 5s 2d ... ... ... 0 5 2 Phoenix—lst call, 4d ... ; ....'... _ Tairua Monarch—2nd call, lid ... — Talisman Consolidated—lst and 2nd calls, 52s ... ... ...;'.... ...211 9 Waihi—lst and 2nd calls, £10 .; ' ... 10 1 0 Waihi Grand Junction— call, 32s ... ,1 12 0 Waihi Grand Junction (options)—2nd call, 4b 6d . ... ... ... ... • — CLOSING QUOTATIONS. -

CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. Dividends. Talisman Consolidated ... '' ... 0" 16 Feb. '28 Waihi ... "*. ... ... 0 4 0 Hu.•'• I Milne and Ohoyce ... ' ... 8 p.o. Mar. ;20 Calls. '■'•-' . , Golden Belt, February 15 ;■■ .-. 0 0 1 liar. ; 3 BRITISH NEW GUINEA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. .'..A; , The British New Guinea,, Development Company, Limited, whose prospectus appear* on this page,' has been formed, ■ with; a. capital of £1,500,000, divided into 1,000,000 7 per cent, participating preferences shares;- of '-.£!% each, 'and 500,000 ordinary shares * of *£) earth,- to establish and carry on financial, mercantile, and gene- ' ral development business in British New Guinea, otherwise known as the Territory of;Papuv The present issue of 500,000 7 per cent.- participating preference shares of £1 each, now offered for subscription at par, is being made, simultaneously in Great Britain, on the .Continent, and in Australasia. : The prospect lis states that the new territory' was in 1905 thrown open 'by the Commonwealth Government of Australia for • settle-, :.ment, and' as a .result, large 'areas of Jand have been selected for the cultivation- of-tropical produce ■ and ; for other , purposes, but >i the jterritory,; ; has V. hitherto '. lacked the assistance of ;'a-"'strong 5 ; financial company; with ample capital and initia- ■? tive, to further, individual - effort*. .-. It Is ' proposed Cat once; to undertakeloan, land, and mercantile business, and yln, ■'■; connection therewith "toestablish offices and '•; store* at Port -i Moresby,) the commercial -centre and seat.{of: government.- Timber is mentioned as. an immediate sOurce of ■ revenue, • and \: sugar, .£ rubber,V and cotton site amongst the tropical products rem -which, large profit* ' are-anticipated. >■ In #i estimate of profits furnished by A Mr. Charles '; A. ; Darling, brother i of ;. Mr. John Darling, of Adelaide, 1 and: late London '■. manager ; of Messrs. John i Darling and i Sons, :of -. Melbourne, Sydney, t and . Adelaide, v who: is <to be the manager of: the new company in Papua,' and which is based: upon figures given in > numerous experts'; reports,; it is r calculated sthat within' a year from ■ planting a profit , of £60,000 per 'annum can be earned -from s the cultivation of tropical products alone, and:, that in a frac--tion of the area proposed to be.acquired,, gradually increasing to £250,000 in the sixth. year. 'A further source of profit mentioned is an agreement with an allied company known as the .Papuan Minerals Exploration . Company, Limited, which provides that 20 per cent, of the net profit* of . Buch company, shall be payable to the British New Guinea Development: Company * .Limited, in consideration of offices and leases obtained and services rendered. It' is proposed to establish an Australasian register of. shareholders in due course. - ; - : . ■ - » LONDON. By Telegraph.—Press Association.—Copyright. : Losdojt, • February if.'( BANK OF ENGLAND RETURNS. t Following are the Bank of England ; returns for, : the .--Gold , coin,; y £36,204,000; . reserve,, £28 240.000; proportion of reserve to - liabilities.' 53 04 ■ ner cent. notes in < circulation.; £27 528 000; public \deposits; u £8,978,000; other deposits, £44,239,000; ■ Government;. securities,.. £14,013,000 ;':'■ other securities, £29,043,000. ■-.-.:; • .•■'.'.■■)''." MONEY MARKET! Three months bills, 2 3-16 -per cent.; - short loans, 11 per cent,; bank rate, 3 per cent.-., ~ CONSOLS AND COLONIAL STOCK. ■•" Consols, £82. ' ' \ New South Wale* 4 per cents., £107 ss. Victorian 3i per cents., .£B3 10s. ,' - v New Zealand 4 per cents. ~.£106 ;3i per cent*., £98 10s; 3 per cents., £88. :■;;-; Taemanian 3i per cents.,-£97 19s; 3 per cent*., £86 10s. •'"--'-"-:; .-.':':■?■'■•^'•;>>'3. :"«•;■• / J.- ' '■ ■■■:■. WHEAT, FLOUR. AND OATS. The wheat markets are depressed, and buyer* are indisposed;. to operate,. even ;at the reduction. The present. level - Is ;: far : too ' high-in • view), of the probable continuancev of large Shipments. Australian January-February, 395; ; holdera fairly, steady, asking 40*; ', Victorian and South, Australian, steamers, January, 39*. 9d; FebruaryMarch, 6d; Australian, sailers, DecemberJanuary.' 39»i' Aurtralitti *pot. «• 'Mi

;■', -Tlour .to > toll Australian ,; ■wtstfafrvattunlllrfa ■ ; sued., • * jkOSM :i ,o.ti are auiet. . . " - •...:•. BUTTER AW CHMB. Butter k easfor; »mi«h,.l23*'to 128s AM-' * ttalian i* clearing well; chwcii*, 11* ,to ■llftr|«| J «eoondarse*, scarce, 112ft;..unitMad, 118«. 'sßje»;« . to lews demand for New Zealand choicest, WlttS*! ift quoted at life to 118s ; secondaries, ll&ttt full • Best i milled, 108* to 110s.-:;■.> Argentine;]! choicest/; . * 16a - ' -, ' . l Cheese la steady, the price* -or'New'ZesiM&i ' being unchanged. I ■;:-;':.■. -METALS. ■• ,- .Copper:. On spot, -.£59 •"ii; 3d; three months £59 Is 6d. ->, • ' Tin: On spot, 2152 2s 6d;, three month*,' £153 ; 15». ••• ."■:• Lead, £13 5». Iron, 51s 3d. ' ■:', -•-' SUGAR German, 13s 3d; first marks, 15* 4d. - " !■; WOOL. The Bradford wool market h firm' 1 and ■ tut . changed. ■.' , ,;, (Received February 20. 6 p.m..) '* - > torooir, February '-■.-' j FROZEN MEAT. , All CanterburyTambs, Sid. ;'. • Australian: : Best, 4d; fair, 4d; inferior, j|d. River Plate, ;4d.** Australian beef: Fores, 2Jd; hinds, 3 '146 d. River Plate: Fores, 2Jd; hinds, 3 l-16d. - ,-,.;'- Rabbit* are scarce. Colonial have advanced : a further 6d. ~■■ --./.•:.-• ■:;.'■; ■>.■;■*?&

Boilers. Buyers. '•'." a «. <l::-. : .-:' £ «. a. BANKS— -'•'! ,..'.■:..,-:■:' \ :', •/■«.'■;■;,' New Zealand ■. ... 9 17 6 ; 9 15 0 National ... ... ... 6 7 6 6 4 6 INSURANCE— ■•' ' -\v-;":. New Zealand . ;.. ... 3 15 6 : 3 14 3 : National ... ... ..; 19 0 . — ' South British .... ... 2 18 ' 0 , 2 17 0 FINANCIAL— : .. , ,-.' ..-:■'/ New Zealand and Elver A Plate >, ... ... ''.%-. < 117 0 COAL— Hikurangi •■*■';■■ ' '../"-' '.il'l f-S,-'0 : ' : " '>'■: '■.. — "■'■■'.' Nort. Co., Ltd., 10s paid .; — 0 12 9 Taupiri Mines, Ltd. ... 0 19 6 0 19 3 Westport ... ...... 6 4 0'. 6 3 0 West-port Stockton . ...080. 07 6 A GAS-!- . Auckland ... ........ — , 15:5 0;j . Auckland, new issue ... —.' • : ,1 18 0 SHIPPING- . : :> r :--:, - • „- \, ' ..; ' V • Northern, paid ... ■'•■■'.'.;''-•>.\ii.-'v. ■" 13 0, Northern, con. •. ... ' ... 0 6 9" * 0 6 4' I Devonpcirt Steam Ferry... 1 13 0 ''.£■ 1 11 6 TIMBER— • - ., , . Kauri, con. ■ ... ... 0 15 8 ; 6 15 5; Mountain Rimu,: Ltd. ... " '- : — '■•'":'; 1:30 MISCELLANEOUS- ■ Auckland Tramways, pref. — 12 9 Auckland Tramways, ord. 13 3 12 3 D.S.O., Limited ..., ...033, ;''■ 0 2 9 ; Hill and Plummer, Ltd..: : 110 , . — < H.M. Arcade Theatre Co., . .* pref. ... ... ... 0 19 6 0 17 6 Milne and Ohoyce, B ... 12 .6 10 9. Milne and Chovce, ord. ■'.— •'■-•: 10 0 . N.Z. Portland Cement Co. 2 10 2 0 0, Tonson Garlick Co., Ltd.' 0 18 .0 , ,: ■'— Wilsons Portland Cement .-:- Co., ord ... ... ... ; — ;2 4:6;: Taranaki Petroleum,. paid — 0 8 6 MINING—''." - ■"'".'*''' Bonanza :...'■... ...0.0-54 ''0;0 4:'Dixon's Consolidated, con. 0 0 5 - 0 0 ' 3 Imperial ... ... : ... 0 0 4: ' •. — f.; Kuranui ... ... ... 0 0 7.005" Kuranui-Caledonian ; ... 0 1 7 \ 0 16 Magnet ... ... ... 0 0 3: 002^ May Queen ... .... 0 4 6 0 4 4. ..,.New„Monowai"'-.' ... . .......0..2 ;0":':. XI 1 8 New Sylvia ;; ... ... 0 3 8 ':'Ax 0 3.7 Occidental Consolidated ... 0 0 4 - 0 0. 1 Old Alburnia. paid up ... 02 0 0 16 Old Alburnia, con. ... 0 15 0 14 Point Russell ... ... 0 0 6 '.00 44 Saxon ■■-■„ ... ... ,■ ... 0 18 : 0 ■. 16 ; Scandinavian ... ... 0 0 -24 ■.-'•'■■'"'■•'.:: Southern Queen ::■ ... l : ..;'* 0. 0 3 . •-- —. ,; ' Tararu Mines .... ... ..00:24* -'.-""' ■.-^vS ! v Thames . ... ..-..,-■'... 0 0 6- 0 0;4% Victoria ...... ...; 0 17 ': 0 16 Waiotahi ...... ... 0 4 8 ,,.. 6 ; Waitangi Consolidated ... , 0 2 2 0 '1 8 Watchman ...... 0 1 8 ..' 0 17 ' Mount Zeehan, paid up... 0 0 9 ... • .,— ::' Mount Zeehan, con. ... 0 0; 7 .'/. .-,«--,- :.* Blackwater : V ... ' .'.; 19 1,7 '6 Consolidated Goldflelds ... 1 1 3 :; 10 6 Ross Goldflelds ... , ... 0 9 9 0 9 0 Progress Mines ■ ... ... : 015 9 015 3 Four-in-Hand ... ... 0 10-- . — Golden Pah ..., ... 0 0 4;, — % Haurakl Freehold ... ; ....'0 0 8,. 0-5 Kapowai, con. '... '■" '■'•'> ..... 0 0 2 . ;.•£'—.■<::>. Monte ChriJito Vv ...... ' 0.0s 5 ; - 0 0 24 Mount Welcome, con.;.. 0 :;0- 4. ;,.-.•:••,•".•" —"■-.' Old Hauraki Gold Mines 0.5 3 ': 0 r 5 2 ' Kapanga, con ... ;.: . 0 • 11 :■.'■ ( : 0 .: 0 114 Pride of Tokatea ... ... 0 '0,5 -/J 00 2 Rorai Oak, con. v;;. ;-.,■•. 0 14 >! 0 1.1 : Tokatea ... ... ... 0.0.2 , . — Ngatiawa . Consolidated''"..." '"— ,■ V.. ,: 0 0 '1 '■* fiendigo ...... .0, C 1 7 0 .0 *J Lanigan's Antimony, Mine - — 0 0 .1 Moewai ...... ■■" ... 0 0 2 ..:.; ;:•;,^—.■' Seddon . ..... \;. 00i2 s - v —.,: Comstock, con. ... \; ... ■•".'■—'V:-- 0 0 1?; ( Crown -,■■■ '•: ' .. <■. ... .;.". -,0 4 \9 ■■ 0 4 7': : Crown Royal ... ;: ... 0 0 4 • ■:'■: 0 ? 0-2 Dominion, con. -::.■'..»> ... 0 0 v 24 '■■/'•■. 0 : 0 • 14 v Glamorgan, paid up . ... 0- 0 6v- ■■■'■ Glamorgan ...;;...?:;. 0 0 44*-? ;.--¥-; . Golden Belt, paid up ... 0 0. M •':-'■■■ 0 0 .94:' I Golden Belt, con. ... ,... 0 0 6 ::0 '0'4 ; Golden Cross 0 0 2 '—, • Karangahake ; ... ... 0 0 3; : 0 01-1 • Komata Reefs ... ... 0 0 7 0 0 Si Maoriland ... : .'.. .. ... 0 06 .;■"■ 0 ■ 0 5 New Waitekauri. ...•;...' 0 ,0;24;vv .'—-:;7 Phuenix ... ...... 0 0 ,5 ...-. 0 0 3 Pride of Waihl „.. ..." 0 0 6 0 0 3 Rising Sim ;••■ ... r - ... 0 0.7'' - ■ — l ; ' Shotover," eon. ; . ; ... ; .... 0 ■ 0 ', 14 ;5: 0 .10 ■■■■ I ■ Tairua Broken Hills :;..: 0 1-1 0 10? Talrua Golden Hills ... , — 0-3.4' Tairua Monarch Con. ... 0 0 2 V 0 0 14 'Talisman Consolidated ... 2 12 ,0' .' 2 11 9 . Waihi ... -V.-: ... ...... 10;;i: 0 'i ; 19 6 ; Waihi (Beach r* ... ... 0; 0 3 ' v — ; 'Waihi Reefs Consolidated 0 8 0 0'7'3' Waihi Extended '...... 0 3 6 ',' 0-3:4" , Waihi Grand Junction ...112'3- 111-9 Waihi Grand Junction, '"■ : >*v, options ... ... ... 0 '5 0 0 4 4' .Handsworth',..; ■:...;.;. > 0 0 10 '"£'': :?0 0 7 ' ! Missouri ...... ... 0 0! 3 "■; ..■----...• \ Mountain King ... ... 0 0'.84 0 0,7. Mountain Queen, con. ... 0 v 0 7 '.-. ■*;•"'■■ New Waitaia./ con. ...". 0 0 74 O/'jJi'-fJJ

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 14300, 21 February 1910, Page 3

Word Count

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 14300, 21 February 1910, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 14300, 21 February 1910, Page 3