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Situations Vacant. ASSISTANT, ! Photographer's, wanted to print, etc. State experience and salary: required —5.J.8.. ". v HERALD Office. -.■> BAKES wanted tor >B.a. Victoria.-Appjy oil . board. .■■;'_...- ; '■___ BRICKLAYER'S Labourer, good,%ndLtfaih- • era.—Apply Geo. Rhodes - and 50n5,.23,' Cnstom-st. West. . .' "V ■'- - ■-'■ ' CANVASSERS, Picture-frame.—Save money. J —Try W. Newcombe, the cheapest Pic-; ture Framer: on earth,- 356.' Queen-st., opp. Town Hall.■ :„■■■-,■:. ;-;y ■ ''■/ SJ? : :'.^..::■.: ' ■ j--y-;y DRIVER for stationary' engine wanted';' must be able to do a bit of, blacksmith- ' ing.—Apply Victoria' Hotel, 11 a.m., to-day, ; ENGINEER, certificated oil, wanted for the aux. sch. Waiapu.— F. Utting.'., 117. Victoria Arcade. -■:<' .- ■:';':'■* Jtv -:■''■'■' ■. '<■".[<■. ' ARDBNER, good market; . permanent job •XX for single man.—Address at HERALD. GARDENER wanted for two ; weeks, "able .. milk.— with : references, - M.A.P.. Herald Office. ■■■/-. , ■ ■ ■■:; ■.--.-■. .■■-■■ -, :_* .-',.; IMPROVER to the Dressmaking ; wanted.— ;-■ Apply S., 208, HERALD Office. , ;' IRONERS, plain, and Young Girls willing to team—New Zealand Laundry Coy., Ltd., Quay-st. ;■■ •■:-'./:', ■ ;:;-•.■■• ; '■>;;-•"-■''' '■'.' '. i;; -%-. LAD, between 16 and 17 years of age, wanted for Restaurant Work.—Apply between 9 'and 10. 10,186;vVictoria-st. ' , ■ - K ..' . LADY wanted for Agent's office; understand typewriting and book-keeping: slate salary and experience.—Box 530,' P.O. o- ;> Ti^AOHINISTS,' Shirt and Underclothing, ; wanted; aim,' 2 Needle Machinists, and . Apprentice.— F. M. : King and Co.-, 165, ■ Albert-street. ..,.."■' ■■■' '-'~;'■'':■■■''... ■.'■''■■/ : MILLER -wanted, for the Origa-Onga' Flout Mill.—For full particulars, apply to ; the Secretary,- Onga-Onga Co-operative Flour i, Milling"v- Association, -.'Ltd.. Onga-Onga, ••': Hawke's Bay. ' v ;; ." '"- : H ■ ■■ ; :-x. :; ' r; > *-"'; PLUMBERS or good Pipe Fitters,. \ fix i wanted.— f after 5 p.m. Jto'. W. i Craig, 31,; Symonds-st. • '■■ ■■•'-' * --■',-?■',■:■:■ % ■;,.-. v.'■>.}■;-. '■>.}■;- Hands ; highSADDLERS.— Saddle Hands wanted; highest wages, constant job; also, Boys to learn the trade.—Ormiston Bros.. j Albert-st. ■:'.■■ SADDLERY Trade.—Good Harhessmaker and Female. Stitchers for saddle and strapping branches; Boys for, trade and warehouse— Saddlery Co.. Ltd., 102. 104, 'and 106, Hobßon-st. ::■"■'--"■ ' •■->..• '■■:'■-,:■::. YOUTH, smart, 16 to 20. wanted for Wholesale House, good address; previous experience and knowledge of typewriter preferred; good writer and quick at figures.— State salary to P.O. Box 649. :; ■ / : YOUTH wanted to-day for farm, £1 and found; also, Cook-Generals, Khyber Pass, suburbs, 15s, 17s 6drNurse-Needlewomen, 15s, 17S 6d to capable: Housemaid,, 15s; Generals, good Nicholis' Registry, 162, top Syr. mondß-street. : :.-■-■ ■■v. 1 - -•:-•■•■.' ■■ ■■-•■> ■.■■: ■ T7ILAX Paddockers, 27s 6d ton; Flax Catcher, JP 8s day; Scutcher. 275; Bench Loader. 7s to 8s; ; Catcher, 78 day; Flax Feeder, IB 3d an ; hour or 10a day; Engine-driver, 10s day Flax Washer, 9s" day. '; 8 hours, Shaker, same place, 8s day; good Scutcher, 30s ton; Farm Hands ' and Milkers, 203 to 255; Youths, 15s; Navvies. Is hour; Pantry Youth, 15s; ■ Station Couples, ' £75 and £90; respectable, experienced Station Couple, go early in March, £90, and £100 later > .on if suitable; W. Cooks, nice country ' hotels;' Waitresses, Housemaids, and Gene- ' Registry. 'Phone 884. ■-~-; 1A A MEN and Women Servants; various JLUU classes labour, ■ wanted;: see list.— ' Buttle's Registry; only address. H.M. Arcade, above Lockley's. ! ASSISTANT v:.; WANTED. ; Experience indispensable. '_ -" 'j ■ ATOlyto " G. T. CHAPMAN... , ■■' Bookseller and Stationer, Queen-st. . A OCOUNTANT, QUALIFIED. ;"•' x ' * Wanted for .■:■>■■■ . SHAREBROKER'S office. ' " Stale fully qualifications, : also age and »'■ salary expected. Enclose copies of references * .only. ".■" ■•■■■-, .'-'"■ ■• ■ -''■■'■< • "_. "'. '■ '-' STOCKBROKER, V /"'.,;.,:':•: , /;■ 232, HERALD Officer f TT A N D S . WANTED. '.'' ■■ '•'>■";■',"■■■■'"-' '■".>■;■"'■.•;..'. ■;' -:■>, :-:.' .;"'"■': ' ■::. /''■;'-v:.'r'-.'. : ,? /.-.'■;■ f"\.' : » GIRLS as Learners Bookbinding Department. GIRL or YOUTH, ; 'e^rienc^. r -_U^o|praphio Feeder. V > -'.■■" ."'«"•' ' ' ■'";'• .*' ' BOYS or YOUTHS, experienced, Letterpress [. ' Feeders. *'. SMART. WELL-EDUCATED BOY as " Appren- • ;••-; tioe>' for ' Engraving Department. - Chance ' of a lifetime/ the rightly. ' ; Apply WORKS MANAGER, *'■ r ■ \ - Herald. : •.-' , , . ; : UNION . HAURAKT /GOLD, 'MINES, 3 - ' ' LIMITED. W-y^p'-'lB ' i WORKING iMINE MANAGER WANTED for « the above-named > Company. Applicants to , state salary required, and forward testimonX ials to the undersigned; not later than MON- . ■ DAY, 12 o'clock noon, the 28th day of Febru- -. ary,-1910.,, ~•■•,.,■.•,' ■• '-■' J_, ; --r,\ > i-f: '*:-. ; i :: ::V' ; : ;>;:; J ;..-:;.;< HENRY J. LEE, i- ' r •' : - '' '■ ■• : Secretary; ■; % V 6. Hobson Buildings. ; ; Is* \ " "';i:.<.:".-'-' ■ Auckland, 17th February, 1910. - L - i ■ - -;■ •' y — ■ . ' ' " - •.' Q A. •L'. E - 8 -}£",' N, f >3 :-.; i i Good, • wanted, for , {■', > DRESS DEPARTMENT, V V: For leading Provincial town. . . : '. Apply, : ; stating experienced and salary rer- quired, to j ;••>..'- •,■ "■ ' i *'' __" •'■" '-''' .. . -. "DRAPER," e . ! : '■£' '•jT-j ;v. iV :''K.vP.O.' i, Box 438. Auckland. ■:£ .:■ i ' ' ' , '* t Pupils Wanted. - TJUPILS wanted—Mandoline, Banjo, and ;• XT Guitar—Mr. A. A. ■' Partridge, Profesi. clonal Teacher, 21, Grafton Rd., near Choral x Hall. ' . .'■:-,'.. ■' . '... ■■■•■,; ■■ -■■■ ■;'■ .: ; - T>UPILS for Piano. Violin; ; Mandolin. Banjo '•' 'XT and . Singing wanted; terms, £1 In per - quarter ; (in advance).— Bros., . 35, Howe-st. Newton. . . :... • ?•' T>ORTRAIT PAINTER and Teacher, also of »*-' JL ■ Flower and Outdoor Painting; -fa terms » moderate.—Miss ■.'-' Christiana Zettwita, f Na- _ tional Medallist, Wakefield-st. • . "• te — ~~~ —~— ; —~ ■■■■-. -~.,,'.:•' ~~. — i- T"IHE Imperial System of Dresscutting'Col- _ J. lege, 25, City Instruction* given in the above well-known System, which - as proved highly successful throughout: the n Dominion. : Glasses daily. Intending Pupils 3, requested'to ; make early-application.— , R. A. Bagley, Principal. •:. ' . .', •-..,.. .<;■ ■/. I .... .... - === ■' =? 1 Miscellaneous Wanteds. ;: * n T>IANO,-for; two or three hours every evenl. J. ing, private -practice.'-rApply' Pifiniste, 8, , ; HERALD. ~-■-.. '■' ■ ~, "VfOTICE.— Magasines, to pack with other 4.1.' "literature, ■, the back-blocksr>ill be U { welcomed by S. Gift 7 Association, at th« . Depot, High-street; or care ■'Sot, i Champtaloup ■ and - Cooper, Stationers. 1 Queen-street, land.— Rout, Agent. ; , . a .'. TTST Public' to see '. bur I New ** ': YV* ftPianoß.-The No Deposit Piano Co., 28, ' High-st. ,'■ , '. , ', ' .'-,'' ■__ ii ANTED—Buyer* Jam ab glass' li D" jVVj dox. lib ll 3d do*.— ant ,■;■ Son, Custom and Victoria Streets.;-; ; :■< -rv WANTED— -Tableware;* etc., '-, beauti '<-y. fully Plated; '.* Bronang, 'i Lacquering _,' Nickel Plating, etc;—Le potit>and; Shaw, 172 "■ Queen-st.': opp.;-/ H.M. - Theatre. ■:'>>'■'; ;.;■ ANTED—Women who wash Clothes iti ; give one bottle of WILWORSH j - trial. =No rubbing or > soaking.;; Clothes wea 0. longer. Washing costs 3d. .-__ ry HXrANTED.— Why not commence a pay in e - ! TTV 1 ;-Business- of your own? Learn th ■--•• j Art "of .Sigh and; Ticket Writing! ' Send f 0 - free ? prospectus ." Detroit;: School;: c ft- Lettering. - Auckland' Rep.: V. E. Walker, Z *t- Swanaon-gtrect. ' ' . - ANTED Known—That we deliver Tat id, |VV, piri,- Westport, Newcastle, ; and al jo, Coals, i also Firewood, to any ; part' of th re, City or Suburbs at lowest Winstont Ltd.. Queen-st.. Custom-st... Symonds-st.;' an< ■j- ; Mt. Eden. ■ - ..".■- ■ .— ■ ANTED Known-- can save you 30 P* ;; V V - cent, in ; Furnishing your home._Xapo] - Beds from lis; Stretohers. 10s; 7-pce. Leatte IF" Suite; 4 guineas; Comb. Cheats, 28s *• boards, 50s; Wardrobeii, ; 70s Chairs. Tables _ etc, at Auction Priceu.-Cheapest Shop off Town. 56. Victoria-st. - ' ™V ,-f ttANTED-TUose Furnishing to know Bed - Wi room. Kitchen. Parlowfr^ or Drawing »s room New and, Second-luuid Jk- on time payment, hire system, ordiscoun dv." allowed for; cash. •", Wanted — Buyers ''Second-hand Future. £1000 worth to selec =j and . Son. , Custom an< V, Victoria: Streets. ■ WANTED'•: Known—That D. pared to sell all L kinds of . Building ant ,T other" Timber, including , Hardwood Spokes Zl'. Felloes. Iron Bark, and , Blue Gum Shafts > Blocks. Palings, and Shingles, -at' his' Yards - ; Albert-street (near the Docks), at the -Lowes: t*. Cash Price. The timber, being undercover •— is better than that purchased elsewhere. ■-:->'-£ On- '-7- — r— — -, .. ■ —. -— -T7.~i~— —: ■.- -~ ..... fXfANTED Known—That! undertake Tan m !VV * ing and Sanding. lacing,' Drainini tv and Concreting Work. w B Cliiarges reasonable mi' and competent ; men, only : employed.—A, 1 re Tattley. Coal Merchant, | Contractor, 'Set* ' Newmarket; 'phone 457-; -■; : ; **' ; llCnri' PEOPLE > to ; leave their measure .— OUU a first-class Suit, ! choicest pattern etA best make.-The Little Tailor Shop.rVMrwi ,st. East, near Park, :-:-y, : ■■:■}:■-■.:'■;]' ■■

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 14300, 21 February 1910, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 14300, 21 February 1910, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 14300, 21 February 1910, Page 1