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R J PROMPTAiTE»TIOS.^I I I * •■- *# If § 7 FOR ** I^^^^^W¥WWWWWWWWWM llllf I I If:-,. liUpif; i i j! f Useful Novelties & Presents in our Funcy Department. ; if 8 I ||*\ . *"* * * # "*"* # * ••• ****•••• * t ••*••• 4 * ***••<■•••*••••••••••♦*♦•••* 4-»» 4- *♦♦••*•••♦■*-»-** t •••»••*..». I. * 4 »»•»'»♦•••«*••♦**♦•"••*••••••••♦••••♦♦'♦'•♦ ♦ ♦ lIS XMAS PRESENTS AND NOVELTIES in ♦ YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND A PLEASING AND USEFUL t HI ■ . , ♦ D nsiftr iinUflTirA ' fell ,1§ I present IN our I H3DBiru2SiflorV i BLUJSE jVELTiEO. 11l II fc II i| ~ , J t uuvaivl J a A WHITE FANCY MUSLIN BLOUSE would be a very ■&!« 111 HandkerChieTS. Lapp npnarfmpnt sJaJ rV° me f V T ery r^ N#T ? H " in HANDBAGS; :: »« JE KroidS." If I I If, • - J WW! U6|MI Ullclll. ♦ presents ° a a Samples. All good and useful ;; Also, many other White Blousis, after the same style, from . fe| fjl We are showing some very Charming Novelties in ! llAmsruS^f."r"' P ' — , * \ S'l" " " d *"* Z PresenHn a WHip SILK BLOUSE : 1 1 InAvnKFPrHiPP nnvFS *• • + , , . Vi t MALTESE LACE TIES. A Very Special Lino at 10s 6d, in f Novel Presents in SMART "VANITY" RAfiS with Mi*™.. <• at 03 6d, prettily trimmed, Lace and Insertion. Better fega I HIEF BOXES, containing the very best quality I most exquisite designs, and just the thing for a Xmas | etc "in Crocodile ilid andlo, *i ™h ' " qualities from 128 6d to 398 6d. « I I %un Fancy and Hemstitch Linen Handkerchiefs. These Boxes Present. t * v ,„PU™ LS ? J campi ! »JrT\ ,nJ . " COLOURED MUSLIN BLOUSES, neatly trimmed with Lace : pig! I J If,are real gems, being nicely finished with silk and satin, M A LTF S^ S TIF S V °f man / 1^ t , her Ve '7 dain , presente in T 6s lid, to 30s each. ° All smart and useful gifts.' 8 ' «' <VARHINn b CAMRRIC RfmTSFK *T - 11S kff A nil PS ! I n i j •i. j i. -x , . , ~ MALIESE TIES, from 3s lid, 4s lid. 6s 6d. 7s 6d 7<? lid I p„„ ,i ~ , . , cnvcn MrtrmTrn „ VASHING CAMBRIC BLOUSES, Linen Cuffs, and Collars *Ms I J Kto? ,° m ha pictures and engravings taken from ♦ g. Ed, 10s 6d, to 49s 6d. ' 6d, ,slld, J Presents that are■ U»«J. iwofu_ SILVER-MOUNTED •• in stripes and spots, and a very serviceable present, at fe |I ' , masterpieces of leading artists. Also, many other novel de- " Useful Novelties in LACE JABOTS, from 2s 3d, 2s lid 3s 6d ! A c n i A Jj;j t/ f pfwrv HATiirwc „• : *u i u , " 4s lid, 5s lid, 63 6d, 6s lid. : ft | I feigns too numerous to mention, from 3s lid, 4s lid, 5s 6d, 7s 6d, 3s nd to 7s ad. ' mis 3d, 2s lld, 3s M ' A Spleuo.d RangeoFANCY HATPINS, ll.n, tag. head, .. Most Charming Presente in LACE SLIPS, White and Cream, ,|g i If> 6d, hk 6d. . •: &KS2£SE*m4 ISH *ftA «d «P. - " other Very Smart PINS, AM,Mto I. lid «*. " in the veiy latest styles, at 17s ed, 21s, 7S 6d to 655. |g ; I t . %« nd to in« LE a ♦aV '1 ; * ud ' 48 M ' :: We have a great assortment of BELTS, in all colours and :: «„, ,« FRV if I I : viw- "5s lid, to 10s 6d. An up-to-date present. „ R : 7PQ Mil I IMCDV fell I -Some very Choice and Dainty Xmas Presents in PETER PAN COLLARS, from 9d, lOjd, and Is. DAINTY TINSEL BELTS Is 6d to 3s 8d IfIILLI ilLll I ■ , |>8 ' I .ACE TIES, now showing. " S ° m |plNTQH^li^R g cSS !" f REAM AND BLACK ;; WHITE WASHING BELTS, Is, Is 3d, and Is 6d. " A largo shipment of London and Paris Models > just arrived pS 11, - l . I •• to -5a LAtE SCARVES, lis 6d, 15s 6d, 17s 6d, 22s 6d, 0 WHITE KID BELTS, splendid value, Is Bd, Is lid to 2s lid " nothing but the most Stylish and Becoming kept in stock. All &'& M 0 A Very special Line and a Charming Present at lis ed, ;; CREAM IMITATION SPANISH TIES, Is 9d, 2s ed, * lid, - Co^ H> S,LK PETERSHAM BELTS, pretty Buckles; » in the ltatrFH»Oto Style, from 25s r-g | IJlfand many others in the very Newest Designs, at Is 9d, 2s 3d, - 3s 6d, 4s 6d > to 8s lid. ;; COLOURED ELASTIC BELTS, 2s lid, 3s 6d each. " We are also showing some Very Smart and Stylish READY- ||!|i | lltf 2s 6d, 2s 9d, 3s 3d, 4s lid and up. ' " , ' 1! TO'WEAR MODELS, which we are offering at 15s 6d, 17s 6d, Im- " " nimrmA 21s, and 25s ' Visitors are cordially invited to inspect, without j||j||| • I' | | SILK EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, Is, Is ed, and wllllSlldllSo. ' QIUVSSa beiDg prcßsed to buy ' p i I',- I* nd > 17 nsetul gifts. M. WE ARE SHOWmG SOME VERY SEASONABLE PRE- ■' Gloves are always a very cho I from nd useful present, and " COSTUMES. II I f •. m PKE - " »e have a splendid stock to chcosc from, P •• UUOIUMfcO. M I MANUFACTURERS' SAMPLE HANDKERCHIEFS, in end- } A verv^^and o^ art H SUNSHADE ; „ UNSH , ADES -, , i' DENT'S 3 and 4-DOME FRENCH KID, 2s ed, 2s lid, 3s lid, " LINEN COSTUMES, in all the Newest Shapes and .mm 1 . vnp ip+v from fid fn , a id _, I A very new and smart SUNSHADE in Plain colours, stripe, 4s lld, 5s lid, and 6s lid. All shades and a very dainty i! Shades, in greater variety than over. ' H I fc. « variety, from ed, to Is 3d each. and floral designs, with very neat handles, in many shapes, .. present. i! THREE-QIURTER TIGHT-FITTING COAT, semi-fitting fel I|H _ .t », „ , . . , _ T _ J.„ T4WT , fW ,„,„_ i IVa jikn tiavo on o-v-ooofUntriv. amnnf citvch anc ui i i and SUEDE, 2s lid, 3s lid, 4s lid, 5s lid pair. A I front, in Navy, Brown, Sky, and Black, at 255. iMfls J|| Very Useful Novelties in GLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF | Wo : dl & Xunfrnnp check f^ 6 " I very useful gift. WHITE COSTUMES, let in with Insertion, or relieved with | ; -l B BOXES, in all shapes and designs, new goods and service- ... obu'rs at 'l 5? M ' ' Beh ° tr ° * ' and many ofcher t LONG WHITE KID, 3s d4s lid, 5s lid, to 8s lid pair. A ♦ Jet Buttons, 39s 6d. . «lll|j If able present from Is 6d, Is 9d, Is lid, 2s 6d, to 3S 6d each. j A»U»^d»ta^ «o al, ? ades, WmTE C °ANj)THAMPAGNE DOESKIN, 4s ed and 4s lid. "hJSS.MtoS? St ffifS M llt ' t beautifully finished and very stylish, at 10s 6d. Avery } LONG COLOURED KID, 5s lid, 6s 6d. A charming present. i! Cuffs, 465. - SI ■ 3 LINEN AND EMBROIDERED LAWN HANDKERCHIEFS J A Special Line with Pink, Heliotrope, 1 OTOMMIC fIJSvB'S lld ' 29 6d ' 28 UW*! V? air - " RACE COATS, now in great demand, in Champagne, Mul- il "/ I| in great variety, Is, Is 3d, Is ed, Is lid. to 4s 6d. ;; A Cream, and Floral Designs, at 5s ed. ' ° tr ° PC ' ° U^'^ "."V," «• 18 >» lld - " V*™, Wto % the Newest Shades, e.the M f T ' T 2s 6d, 2s lld pair. Are very serviceable presents. , in Silk or Linen. „ I #-V-«' • ' * | |t , Our Goods are the Latest, Our Prices are the Lowest.'!' | f Presents and Gifts. (a Q ! Fancy Vests. j Hats. ■ I k . • 1 " V "T ItV " One of our FANCY VESTS at 8s 6d would be a very pleas- " . , n » XT AA „it ~ , „ fei I « A FEW OF OUR MANY NOVELTIES SUITABLE FOR t /ST wiPv " • .« lir , <■ A good PANAMA HAT would make an excellent present. |g| 1»:- | I 1 'fKjK. 1 ing g fc ' have an enormous stock of all the latest designs <> We have a splendid line at 14s lid, in the latest shape and all ggi • | p.;. XMAS PRESENTS AND NEW YEAR GIFTS. ;; /7\ KXAw/] /lH I in stripes, spots, etc., from 4s 6d to 15s 6d. - eizes - other q ualitieß at 193 6d » 21s > 223 6 d to 40s. S |it '• ///\ \\wi ! X 11 A '• MEN'S TUSCAN STRAWS, from 23 Cd to 7s 6d. |||J * V Nothing equals one of our BROAD END TIES for a Xmas ///M. K WOA / / /£i\ •' AyQ3C3 vo2lSi MEN'S AND BOYS' STRAW BOATERS, at 2 Gd, 3s 6d, 4s ed, |j| J present. Wo have all the Newest Designs and Latest Colour- •> (rVw I I <>• KJr ((i/ln* I il rl/ I " <■ to 7s ed. ' hiS™ present. We have all the Newest Designs and Latest Colour- » \V\\\ I 9- Wr I\([%Y\\ hf SV/J •| Uy T ' ;; \V\\v/ II WW \Sks ;; An ALPACCA COAT is just the thing for the Hot Wear " A MAN'S HARD FELT HAT is always a useful present. We I inga, and the Largest Selection in the city to choose from. ,h I \ll / " \ ther - We have a splendid line at 10s 6d, in Coloured or Black. !' toTsa^Od 1 in all styles and Bi2eß, at ° lld, 7s 6d, 83 6d, ||| lA' ; A VERY SMART AND STYLISH LINE at 2s 6d, and others !! jft I \ il This would be a very seasonable gift. Other qualities in all " Also, a Great Assortment of SOFT FELTS, at 2s lid, 3s 6d, |||| II j\i // I 1 ' sizes, at 3s lid, 4s lid, 5s lid, 6s lid and 8s 6d. 48 0d to 12s 6d. iv . >"• Bo I T"/nnu!j "W I >LLu-U " Sizes, at 3s lld, 4s lld, 5s lld, 6s lld and 8s 6d. ;; Wc are showing SILVER-MOUNTED UMBRELLAS at £ J at Is 6d, Is 9d, and ls lld. ~ *- r J >) f |g J> *LL I U J Wo are showing SILVER«MOUNTED UMBRELLAS at |* | 7777 'i ll I /iwPn a I '• 103 6d ' lis 6d, 123 6d, and up. They are roaiiy good value, fe-fj f 111 lIjW I If " and a very uselul present '. fe ! ' ';i | Also, a Splendid Assortment of DERBY TIES, at 6d, 9d, Is, 1111 jll ' IJi\1 Ji\ ll] ° vUvllVi y 1f; aDd 13 6<3 ' i' . JII // /f\ II ' i! A pair of our MEN'S FANCY SOX would make an excel- SfUIS. I'l iff 1/ if 1 I I '' 'nt present ' stock them in very choico designs and col- " £"j „ HI HI 111/ ' ° UrS ' at 18 lld> 23 3d » and 23 6d ' ' Wo are showing very special value in TENNIS SHIRTS i| I fc* " t II II 111 .ftps' I I I 111 a , " this season, and our Large Assortment makes choosing very b ;;k II have a splendid assortment at Is 3d, Is 9d, 2s 6d, 2s 9d, i I/ II Wjmjdtfr II <> BLACK CASHMERE SOX, at 6d, 9d, 10s, Is, Is 3d, Is 6d, " easy. L I iF iIM/S&S Wflg I 111 jag- Is 9d to 2s 6d. " KvJI IIV; A good SILK HANDKERCHIEF is a serviceable present. We '[ II I[ J I Wmp ours > at ls lld » 23 3d > and 2s 6d - IWo WHITE SILK TENNIS value in at Cd and Cd r,| I II I I 111 o r " Bea,son > arid our l-'ai'go Assorticent makes choosing very L" have a splendid assortment at ls 3d, Is 9d, 2s 6d, 2s 9d, + 1/ II | I BLACK CASHMERE SOX, at 6d, 9d, 10s, ls, Is 3d, ls Gd, ° easy. f 1 I WW Jpn U ls 9 t0 28 6 ' ;; Our WHITE SILK TENNIS STIIRTS at 9s Gd and 12s Gd | IW' 3s 6d, an up. T c 4 •; ELASTIC BELTS, a full range in all Club Colours, at Is, Is I would be a P reseut to lcasc any man ' f.'% I I J u 3d ' 18 6d - | WHITE AND SILK STRIPE TENNIS SHIRTS, at 2s lid, i. j.* llk Our PRESIDENT BRACE at 2s lid is a great pleasure to twe have a, very Large Stock of all the Latest and Most " We have a full range of BOYS' COLLEGE CAPS AND HOSE. ♦ 38 Ss Gdj 33 lld ' 43 Gd ' f (If If fe ... ~• , I Fashionable In MEN'S SUITS. ® ur o Goods are Very Superior I Tr „ C r V e .„ . i Our PLAIN WHITE MA' TENNIS SHIRTS are real good r^T<| I man. Why not make him a present of a pair? ~ in Make, Finish and Fit. Prices, 45/-, 52/6,57/6, 63/-. •- CADET JERSEYS, in all sizes, from 3s 3d to 5s 3d. I wearers, at 2s 6d ' X SJ I I |rj THRfiE SHOPS, QUEEN "

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14250, 22 December 1909, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14250, 22 December 1909, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14250, 22 December 1909, Page 13