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.-.';. ■-, Houses: and ; Land for Sale. - - FOE SALE* Otahuhu—Villa, '6 rooms; J-acre : r section. - £550. ~ George Peace, 106,* Victoria Arcade. -"■'.-'-;.'' • ...v-V-iv —'•' ■"■-----'■*;. '.;-'-■ FOR SALE, Avondale—House,? rooms; sta- , bles,« etc. i,3 \ acres.; .;, £650.-George Peace. 105. Victoria Arcade. J ■ ; ; ; i. JJiOR SALE.'Crummer Road—Villa. 6 rooms, . high section; sea .view. > £600.—George Peace, 105, Victoria Arcade. .; - ■ IT'OU SALE by Auction—Houses and .Allot' . ments, by J George Peace, at Chamber of Commerce, Friday Next, . 2-A0 p.m. .'■'.-- ~ FOR SALE— Dairying and Grazing Farms, all; sizes, with immediate possession; easy terms.—Alfred Buckland and Sons, the Haymarket. ■ _ •' . ; - ' ■ -. -.•■■• FOR SALE. 16 miles' from town— 4 rooms, and 93 Acres Land; suit poultry farmer. - £450. Deposit. ■ £100.—George Peace, 105, Victoria Arcane. , ... _ 1?OR i SALE-A Nice Little Island Home, . "■'.'. situated 'in Hauraki'. Gulf, known as Chandler's Island, containing 197 acres; good fertile soil: all ploughable, and in English grass:— G. 8. Etntage. Warkworth. _ T7<OR SALE, East Tamaki—Half-Acre; lease -T -".. 30 years' to run, 10s per r,nnum; House. 6 rooms and conveniences; cow, poultry, etc.; also. Grazing, 5 acres alongside: £350 the lot.—George. Peace, ,105.. Victoria* Arcade. FOR SALE or Exchange—Leasehold Property, 200 links to Bridgewater Road; House, 8 rooms, all conveniences; 30 years to run; rental. £10 annum., £650.—Apply G. W. Sanders, care of Jackson and Russell, Shortland-Btrect.' .'-''-. :, ~■.-';.-..■ :'■•' V.: ■. ~ FOR SALE-BOMBAY-Choice Dairy Farm. 724 acres, all under'cultivation. Residence. 7 large rooms, all necessary outbuildings; everything in splendid,order; creamcry adjoins. A really, good farm. £17 an acre. Half-cashi-COOKE«AND BUDDLE. . 76. Victoria Arcade , , :;',. > , - 17IOR SALE-PUKEKOHE DISTRICTX desirable Homestead, comprising ..> 50 • aores first-class land, adjoining a railway station. Commodious Residence, 9 rooms, bathroom, pantry, dairy, all. newly painted and papered. 4-stall, stable, coach-house, barn, etc {nice orchard;' splendid stream of water, with powerful waterfall; quarry of first-class building stone. £1500. One*third cash.-COOKE. AND, BUDDLE. 76. Victoria ■ Arcade.- -, ■■ .--". ■",,-;•■ . .-■■--.,--,' ■■;. " SALE - TAKAPUNA - Exceptionally ?■/ Choice Buil.ling Sections. " Oliftonville" Estate, from 1 \ acre to 2 acres: low figure and ' easy terms. NORTHUOTE—The well- j known "Calliope' Estate, containing 174 acres, with commodious Residence anu every convenience; granu property for subdivision. £3500.-COOKE AND BUDDLE. .76. - Victoria Arcade. "■>• - ■•■:\ . ■■ ■■■-'•' ■'■■.: \. , ■)-; :. FOR 'SALE— CASH. BAL. 5 PER CENT. -142 ACRES > (32 MILES FROM AUCKLAND), about half in grass and crop. bal. scrub and rough feed; well watered, fenced and subdivided into 6 paddocks; nearly all ploughable. SUITABLE FOR DAIRYING; or CROPPING. . 24 miles .from station and creamery; li miles school. PRICE. ONLY £8 PER ACRE. INCLUDING CROPS. No. 550D.)-HIPKINS AND MADILL. Exchange Lane. opo. Fort-st. ' HHHE Very Best Position on : Takapuita xiaa-ji X is centred in the Channel View Estate. Come and see the plan.—Auckland Land Estate Agency. City Chambers. ! DO you want a,Seaside Residence? Then Bay an Allotment in . the Channel View Estate.—Auckland Land Estate Agency, City Chambers. .:./■■■ ~;-.., ~..■. - . . .•■ - CHANNEL View Estate-A Few Residential ■•■ and Business Sites; there is no more central estate in Takapuna. Principal stopping place for trams;, only 25 minutes from Queen-street, Prices low. terras easy.—Apply for plans to Auckland Land "Estate Agency. City Chambers!* .-■- , ■ j_"7K PER ACRE-56 Acres First-class Land, o_ I 0 all in grass; 10 miles city; SPLENDIDLY SITUATED FOR .■'CUTTING UP. having long road frontage. Only lmin, stn. GOOD PROSPECTIVE VALUE. Terms.-HIP-KINS AND MADILL. .Exchange; Lane, opp. ' Fort-s__ __/__ ' J "--■::.■-::, :i No.' £828 . nrt , PER ACRE—Splendid Dr.iry Farm, 292 etc I Acres; 4J.miles from Wnangarci; soil, part alluvial; 150 acres grass. ■ House, ■ outbuildings, etc.—A. Crawford, City Chambers. _* KA- DEPOSIT—Mt. Roskill. close trams— dbD\J 5 Large Rooms, all : conveniences; orchard, good "gardens; wash-house, shed, stable.—Gt. Northern Agency. 5, H.M. Arcade. 7?CA CASH. Grey Lynn—4-roomed House; dW-OU scullery; wash-house, copper, tubs; bath. etc. £420. Easy terms.— C.S.H., ■ HERALD Office. j ' ' ,-■ ; : V .OQftfY-CARLTON GORE! RD.. Grafton— ot/t/UUsHouse.- 7 rooms; every, possible convenience; large Moore-Jones, Bros.. Hobson Buildings. ■ -;.•>.'■"■' ■ S> ■; J? A A C ONLY—Five-roomed" : House ;• llin dk-rdbD 'stud; .built heart kauri; bath, p., s.i wash-house; all conven-; close trams; easy terms^- Particulars. 6"',' Wellingtoh-st. 4~ 1 ACRES, adjoining Doxterville; large 2 main road frontage; ,would cut up to advantage. Easy terms.—Warren'* Agency .26. High-street- -j, : .' ' CHANNEL View Estate.—Only a-Few Allotments of this desirable Estate left unsold—Auckland Land Estate/ Agency. y City ••■ Chambers.-, -.IV-''' ■-^•--•■•/■■■"■■■•:'-'. '-'". : .■""-'.: CHANNEL View Estate.— Prices/'the easiest of terms. " Boating, 'fishing, bathing, all the year' round.—Auckland Land Estate Agency. City Chambers.- v; ■ • -•■-;•-: ■ PROPERTIES bought >and sold; Rents collected: absentees represented; Estates administered: Fire and , Accident Insurances effected; Money Lent on mortgage.— land Land .Estate Agency. City Chambers. T> U -'K ■ E VK -0.-'H •• E. nrr PER ACRE—3OO Acres, all .fenced.- sub■dw I, .divided, and well watered; half in grass, balance partly improved; ; nearly new largo Dwelling of 8 rooms, office, i bathroom, , etc.; ■ several clumps of native bush. Would make ■an - ideal ; country- home. < A .splendid view. Railway station. - creamery, 2- miles. Very easy terms to good man. Must be sola. f Apply H. DELL AND SON, Pukekphe, ■ l T> ' TJ" K ' '-'E" : '-:'v : K Vo.' "'li*' E. JL '~~>. £12 PER ACRE-100 ACRES. l - Handy to Station. One mile creamery and i School. Situated on the Main Road. ' 1 80 acres in grass, 15 valuable bush, containing 40.000 ft milling timber; 4-roomed House, outbuildings; : £12 .per acre, easy terms. .;We have a number of Farms in this favourite loc°.litv- All sizes.' ''■' •' * ' . -, • ° THE ■■■EXPRESS-. LAND ? AGENCY.. ' . -..-'.i v 22, Coombes' Arcade, (upstairs)., WILL V SELL. LEASE. • LET, ;f OR i■' -~' ~.1 EXCHANGE. C :■ _.■____■ . ; FOR CITY, SUBURBAN. OR SEASIDE , , j- ■■■ > • '••- --* : PROPERTY— ■. r <,J .• .; - About 2i Acres and ■ New 3-roomed ■ Cottage, i within 30min. G.P.0.; ring-fenced, with',wire and 6ft netting; -bearing, fruit trees, grass, etc. Ideal spot for poultry, market gardeninct, flowers, etc.. or would make Gentle- *' man's Home. "■■".. ■LESTER, 28, Shortland-st. . 'Phone 2866. . F' O [ R ' r iS A' L .', E. ■ SHEERNESS ■•ESTATE. . , " 4 ' TAKAPUNA- - ' * FIRST-CLASS SECTIONS, from 1 :to 3;acre. . ■-■ Water frontages. • Splendid" view. r : Elevated position. Adjacent to trams. i ' -. ,■: ■' lOV PRICES. > -: -; ;For plans and particulars apply, to , '■'. ',' •;,.';•''',? ..--;'" :' : ! NEVILLE NEWCOMB. : :.:■ '; ;■*■■ .' ''. h His Majesty's t ' Arcade.. I ; TMPROV'eD FARM. 35 1 ACRES. £47£. Good 1, Hons?. 30 Acre 3 ploughed. 9 acres grass, I- 8 s»«*r<«t crops: nice orchard. . Close boat , !nndir.(r ,■■". Fences in good order. • A nice little i farm, and cheap. > ,' • .--'i!;.- * ■ i .;; >-WALTER TAYLOR;'27, Shortland-st. ! ;v •■•;•. WAPITI AVENUE. EPSOM. ."' ' n-i -i Afl—7-ROOMED '■• HOUSE, built three ( __XXU_>. years, with every convenience; r stands high, magnificent view;, large section. , Full particulars from ~.,",, V" 4 7 N.B. ; C , J.O wen.. :■ » I UNION BANK BUILDINGS. < . > _L '■ ■• •--• '■■ '•■■■■ " '/■■■'■■'-\ ' ■■;' :'■■■•■ ■^■■' , ■ ,£»-< A K'A — HARBOURSTDE BEAUTIFUL " obX'lOU HOME. 7 rooms, bathroom, pan--5 try. etc.; eve>y convenience; . vegetable and " flower garden; . paths,, tarred . and ■ sanded; . fine section. Easy-terms. '-, „ ' 16 N.B. C. J. OWEN0 WEN i . ; . UNION BANK BUILDINGS.' ' " 1 jPinKfl-WATER-FRONT, PONSONBY- ' _t»XVJOv/ House of .7 rooms and -all conveniences. This' proparty has a frontage to * a main street arid to the harbour, having a > magnificent view of the whole of the. Waite- " mata,- and is an ideal yachtsman's■• home. " Cards to view from. '" ,: 17 N.B. * ; , C.J.O WEN - •. ' . • • UNION BANK BUILDINGS. . ' tf» 1 K ' CASH—Mt. Roskill—6-roomed ' House, __< i O bathroom. ; pantry, wash-house; seor tion. ISO by 160, ' nicely. . laid'; out. ' A really cheap ufoncrty. £600. '■ • - ' 2 N.B. . i" . : , • g:j.'o to - ;«. ' " UNION BANK BUILDINGS;; ? ' : Fo R'-v '. '8' A'. ■L.-"' 'B, .■' „;■ EPSOM- • ■" ./.".. ■■ .. RESIDENCE of.» rooms, bathroom, pantry, scullery,; wash-house, copper and tubs; h. 'and ,c- water; • verandah, stone i foundation; summer house, croquet .lawn, tseptio tank: tiled grates;.. elevated position; splen- , did vie WB.- Section, 195 by 620..1ink5. A per- . feet home. Only £1750. .. v : i .2732 i <• ■- v '. NEVILLE NEWCOMB, : ~ r,< ,; ' . , His Majesty's* Arcade.'i ' "ty " A'. 'I ''W -E ',•& . A. Adjoining Waiwera 1 Estate and •■ Gruts. Orewa. ' Of\f\ ACRES FIRST-CLASS LAND for" Sale tIUU In Lots to Suit Purchasers. » ,'■.:,.; - This 'is positively the best land :, in l the " North, and is quite-close to school, telegraph office, and WaiweratWharf.'-'•: • ''. » • , . Particulars from '■ •__ ■■•■ 't.-■•■<■-■ ,-■ x.f* . f :.• W. FBATER AND SON,. .; ■ ''..;■■ ,; , :i, lOci Queen-street^

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14225, 23 November 1909, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14225, 23 November 1909, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14225, 23 November 1909, Page 10