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■■■ : ..,.. ... ~,,...,,....- ~.,. ■- " ~ ... .■■,;-... .-\ ■■ ........ v ;,/.;,,<;-. -•••--.. Dress and Fashion. ■ ££>_ ■y- „ ; —___: : — ———— —: —: .-.,.- ■.•■.:,,..-, • ———. :,| t , r ;a AAAikAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ; • ■''.:,"'■' +„ «„ «.„..*. t innlAnm<? BlindhlffS, ♦ 95 Woven Pile Hearth Kugs. Size, 2 feet 3 inches by 4 feeb HI M .eon in o W Present vast Poises ] Ufrh te d , weU.entUatea. and spacious department for * ' .* S M quite | Millinery, Mantles, Costumes, Corsets, etc. price There's a chance for you, and it's not a sale. j 4/11* each. ' 1 Ha THREE YEARS, While these alterations are in progress, we must j We want to get rid of I 2 bales CARPET ENDS- . |jjl & ;Hj, yet we are forced to seek more room. . reduoß our stocks in both these departments. Anything 50 0 Quilts, 2 yards long by 1 4 yards wide, at 2/6 each. Beal Asminster, size 2 feet 3 beta by 4 feet 6 inches. - : ;b»| ,P"" , .. | reauou ™"™ t .... , -a . ,/„ „,i 4 They are worth 10/6; will be cleared at 6/11 each. . tin *■ pH We are taking the premises formerly known as the Jof a bulky nature occupying too much space will be t 3 20 Quilts, 2} yards. long by if yards wide, at 4/11 each. j epeat big Reversible HEARTHRUG 2 f SH pH Newton Baths. This will be devoted -entirely to j cleared. j . 270 Quilts, 3 yards long by 2* yards wide, at 6/11 each. I. B 4 incheg by 5 feet 6 inches .' A rug that will we J r for a ~ -iMI, ifH «/- _ .'. . ' lM~~~«1~*t.. t In the Furnishing Department, J 150 Wire Door Mats- . _ j years We are clearing them at 6/11 each. ■ .|a|| |h Household Furnishings, FlOOrClOthS, Bamboo BlMs be ceared at in cad, ■ Size, 12 inches by 18 inches, ; 1/-; usual pnce 2 3 each. .. ■ 500 Door Mats, 1/6* each. -...;■': g .? jjjjl j 500 magnificent Velvet Pile Hearthrugs will be got out at 5/11 ea. 4 „16 „ „24 , „ .1/6, *, / « I 25 pieces Madras Muslins, in cream and ecru, 1/3 per yard* . - r --M| f? "ifii| add CarpetSs ■■♦ 20 pieces of foal Tapestry Carpets, 18 inches wide, will be sold ♦ 1& m „27 „ 1/11 » 3/3 " I worth 1/11$. M { }|JJ| '. 1 at 1/6$ per yard. .J „ 18",, „30 „ 2/6; „ 3/9 „ ♦ 18 pieces Madras Muslins, in cream, ecru, rich greens, golds, \ * 18FI f| lUy The S p aC now occupied by these departments Will j 200 pairs Frilled Curtains. These are the smartest in Curtains; I " Thege Matg will gQ out to _ day } pinks, etc.; worth 2/6, to be cleared at 1/6* per yard. l"|( ifilj he added to our SHOWROOMS, and will give a big, well- { they are worth 20/, Our clearing price is-8/11 per pair. — — ™~ T .— ™™™~™ —™ fe L _■ -phi W T FW\ jM v WisLm m Plkl I #W%JT% '; ; I GEORGE COURT & SONS, Ltd. | i i KARANGAHAPE ROAD, near Pitt kh I ■ \MZZI . ,M~mmmwmmmmm'*ma'*^ m r m 'nn'HF''^ m TZTWZ7TZ7Tm ■" sTs iTi ■■■ sB m ■ B ■ ■JAV.'.V." "ill ■ ■ B ■ ■ ■ ■ 'I" ■■■■■ B "I " I" B ■■ g ■■!■■■■» 1 ■»!■■■■■ g ■■ 1 ■■!■■»■■! »■■ ■■■■■■VsV^B

NEW-AMERICAN I COAT SHIRT v I >.-vUHI- anllil II IS THE LATEST - 8 - THE ESSENCE OF COMFORT AND \\ SI SMARTNESS FOR MORNING \\ v 1 I WEAR AND OUTDOOR 7? 1 ..A first glance at the above-sketch of the NEW AMERICAN 1 i'~- ' - COAT SHIRT probably does not convey any idea of the vast M : ..:.:; difierence - between it and an ordinary waist. ! H :~ YET IT IS QUITE DIFFERENT, >- 1 I t andiis best described by saying that it is cut upon the lines of a i B I mar£s neglig<s shirt, giving an air of smartness and comfort that will 1 H I appeal "particularly to ladies who like to get away from ordinary styles. 1 jgj *■ — » Por the next few days only we are devoting two large windows . 1 1 I to a display of these" Coat Shirts which you really must see. - 1 H I Over 20 designs in Zephyrs, £* If* I 1 ■ Shirting Stripes, and Linens Prices from %# J*o each. I 1 I to select from. 1 J _ 3 -When ordering from a'distance please give neck and : | | 1 sleeve measurements. ; i I MILNE &CHOYCE, Ltd., FOR NOVELTIES, 1 I I: — QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. ' , ~,| | , — i mi... • •i" •" ' - - - ' '—— ■ ———— ■ .' : "s>:3S- ■ ■'■■;'■■:. ■"•"■;■■'•■■■ ■ \^.C'^-' u^.i-.^^:-K::vv.'- ,;: Dental. ; ••"•'• ■ ■"■■•"■'■.••■-■--. -.."•'■ ■"■•-• .?/■ ■■ • ' y t-4 ■ ——; ; — —_ rmr ii ZSSaI ,000 Reward I V &Il * Sfl for any dentist practicing In Auckland to-day who can prove that he is the 1 , | ill ItaßC Sfl| OriKlnator of Painless Dentistry. We are Auckland's best and largest dental | RHfl IbTi ' concern. Forty-six thousand pleased patients attest our popularity. B CLECTRtCrTY USED in ALL DEPARTMENTS. WRITTEN guarantee with all WORK. I . ODONTUNDER 1 ;| : ! Makes nullin* and painless. We are the only dentists in Auckland to-day using the §3 '| ■I TEETH JtnOe fSs P Od«&ondsr. wThare purchased the secret of its manufacture. It Is the only B , " . . Z.. *_ dUA dtaSl l,.r.jiration now universally recommended by dentists and physicians all over the world. HI , Without Plates ■ •*.*" * ™ ■ 0 p tJith po«iri«& painless than all other dentists/Try one and be conWnced. | i I - i ■■■■,■■ i I . we are reliable, responsible and well-known. Our references are twelve thousand patients M i| -; _ it. ' ».i..~i i «,».*«.™nmi» We are the only Painless Dentists in Auckland, and our four years of successful practice ■ , (tow prices and best work is our aim.) ' ■••■■■ ■" l! « .«[ . --...u ♦«- *? ?. o "» We make our hest set of teeth for £3 3s.—nomore, H 'i , Good Sets of Teeth for ** " •• *» 76udI no we It'sTthe very best plate that can be made i and M,. ', " ** " « 5 0 r fitted four Patent Double Suction, which positively § )] ESa?Sina«Sls S Free." ""." . "j stops dropping down. 1 l B aaEBBBBMMfiB B ffllBS«« ,aBa I ; AMERICAN DENTAL PARLORS, -iSS-- I |r,.h. * Mariners Sts Wellinirton. Write us for Appointment. Dr. RAYNER. Nurse Attendants- H ■ n ■ ■ *t>-- ■..■-,--'•.'; .'" '■' :/ ' .■■ : ■ ~____^^—.^-^—i Studios. Strand Arcade, has secured H^ ■ : ':.'^BBi-'''';^^# r^^%"i ,"<ffj»-' t^lo Studio lately occupied by Mr. my^Jij"~ k . Alfred Jones, situated in PAETBIDGB m PEACOCK AND SON, Ophthalmic OptiWr*%KS9 AND CO.'S BUILDINGS, QUEEN-ST.. 1 . cians. 218, QUEEN-STEEET (near Vic- . "•f|fpi — I^^™^Jf* jfr next the D,^-c -' and hopes for' a con- toria-street). The Sight Tested by most in* • -. ' "J^W-"- : ,' *4B* ■ tinuance of the favours of his old proved methods, and Spectacles accurately t . m friends and customers accorded to fitted. Artificial Eye* of ail colours in. stock. T if him prior to the late disastrous fire Nautical ' and Surveyors- instrument* in . Phol»frw)ker, Auckland. in Strand Arcada. [ Stock and Repaired, - • .'.""■ : : ■ " ■'.'■■■ "■■■■' ; '■^■■: : ',,.-■*■■:;■:':■;''-'

SPECIAL SALE I DRESS GOODS I Building alterations have H reached our Dress Dept. H ALL NEXT WEEK I ' We are making Great Price || Reductions to reduce the Stock. H I In consequence of extensive alterations to our Establishment now in Progress | and dust and inconvenience caused by the builders' operations, we find it operative M that a large portion of our Dress Goods should be removed. Being virtually 1! I heighTofthe season!our stocks are necessarily large and \ he alterations make ' 1 it "difficult to find sufficient room elsewhere. Consequently, we have deeded to make M heavy reduces in prices to clear a good proportion oflhese New Se™**»* 1 quickly. See special tables during next week, commencing on MONDAY, at W a.m. | I 200 PIECES FLORAL VOILES AND I LIGHT GROUND VOILES MUSLINS. I in smart stripes, fast colours; an __ m exceptionally large range to choose Dainty Summer Wear, g from, at the special clearance price of ' 4 a sfd, 6fd, B|d- 11 5s ©d dozen. ■■— ——— I M I I SILKS. I 1 The Latest Striped Silks for Blouses and Dresses. Good Washing. 20in, I /9i, all colours. , | I Striocd Taffetas, six colourings-sky, helio., green brown, electric, H I ' naw-te/S 4sn Oh Taffetas, the leading silk for dress-reliable wear-y|| M I s^to u'toin Oriantel Satins, in pink, skyTeream, and black-splendid vl«e,»'ll | H 9 - " ~# K ~ " ___^ mmtm I REMNANTS. " I 1 " .. .... S REMNANTS. H I DoaMe-Widtn 1 The Season 's accumulation of Eemnants I : ; M I . COTTON VOILES, I in Prints, Cambrics, Cotton Voiles, Crepes, | , - | Si , j • i. « Muslins etc., will be marked at a very low g K9 I in great demand just now. i ™ 0 % 1 This is an exceptionally good I 1 I Charming derigwM. '•* and lOd 1 opportunity to obtain cheap blouse lengths, | " j Charming designs, Od, Od, » nu j or children's dress lengths for holiday wear. 1 JjM I We eordinlly iavite ladies to make an early inspection of these tLhioaable goods. ' I I I" Sale Continues j I I ALL NEXT WEEK. 1 I I Commencing MONDAY, 10 a.m. | I n TENNIS CROQUET , /* \jf^i ; "h ■-*'?£*£ \C I , K^_^^^feo l Indoor Games !(;; |CoZrwa/r^ Cour^J "^^^^i^^^^^ Our Xmas Season's Goods !j| H The Hustwd Seed must be spec- 11 »'' "^^^^^^^^P^^^a^^^ are now °P ened up * and ''''' m xally grown,. specially selected' 1 v we invite your inspection. |y\ 5 ' and' treated m all its purity "by ■ ■ : J. WISEMAN ; & SONS, Ltd. if. J S^SS j . ;', Saddlers, 175 Queen Street (Next h.m. Arcade). ||j| CoLMAN^^SMuSTARtt

""' ''■' miannnaißMiMMi " fffl - ' iBHtMIBbtL • Bglßk ' EOH nfflWEßtttßl B 'jflF^lJl : " - 818 iHfc B B^B B B ' ' TTTP A|J TVlli BKUHtilllid mIiiJLJmXaLJLIJX m JLaJ fW (jUKkI Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its splendid healing power. Sufferers from Bronchitis, Cough, Croup, 'Asthma Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and rapid relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the chest it is invaluable, as .effectsj a complete cure. It is most comforting in allaying Irritation in the Throat and eivinc Strength to the Voice, and it neither allows a Cough nor Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop Consumption is not known where "Coughs" have,; on their first appearance, been properly treated with this . • ; medicine. No house should be without it, as,. taken at the beginning, a dose or two is generally sufficient, and a complete 1 cure is certain. - ' ,- '-■.■'■■ ; :':'.'- : v•■ v : Small Size. 2/6 'Um Size. 4 6 Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by the Proprietor, W. Q. HEARNE; J Chemist, QeeSS Victoria. Forwarded to any Address, when not obtainable locally. r N.2L BRANCH OFFICE;-No. 11, FIRST FLOOR, HUME'S. BUILDINGS, WILLIS-STREET, WELLINGTON. ■ , '..'•:.■". ■';:■.. ■:.' ..•'■■: '■-•<"■ "'.■ .'■' -'V.'- r. ■-t .- :■ - '■■■•■ ■/>'■ ■ '■■■'<■ ' ■■. ■' :■■; ,v ■•'.':'■. ■ '."■;■'". -v ... , ■.■■■■.■.■.■ ~:■.■■■.■...■■■■.■.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14223, 20 November 1909, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14223, 20 November 1909, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14223, 20 November 1909, Page 8 (Supplement)