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Houses asd Land. **•$* H W. J. A. THOMSONj fl HOBSON BUILDINGS. FORT-BTREpfc, ■' ' fl riHOICE DAIRY FARM of 220 "*».. ■ wM \J ; Pukekohe district, good itoSK?' H ;f I I main metal road; '• 65 acres i n at gD ?« $ II grass, balance stump land oquailv ««iT dl * 11 ed; good native shelter^' bush. TiFJH ■ from creamery, school. P;O., etc II comprise good House of 5 tew*' «»„Ss?w*»fl? II wash-house and bathrooniV ; «'hu^fi II fowlhouse. and cowshed, Price ! H'l: 11 acre; half cash, balance 5 years' ' »tV Pet t IJ cent. A splendid property. and -UVS\*5 M crease rapidly in value. - 1U "rVI ■ MAGNIFICENT FARM LAND 60 a,, > I part reclaimed swamp; verv ™„»?*'L? 1 agricultural or grazing land subdi^f I , o^ '' I to paddocks, with shelter I frontage to main metal v road S m! J & . ' I creamery, P. 0., and school. Will Vi?i ..% 1 whole or in two lots of 30 acres each I I £Mper acre; half cash, balanS fe|f I PROFITABLE.BUSINESS,' 35 mile, tnM'- I IT Auckland; in the middle of a thrlvhS 1 c i?£y ine aistrict, doing a turnover ofaffifct ■ £5000 per annum. Buildings comprise I Store, superior Dwelling, • bulk store, bawf : I stable; and all necessary outbuildings X "• 1 land comprises 15 acres of splendid' W*. = 'J 1 occupying the best position in the I digtri^ # ;''i' il I There are valuable Agencies in conneSSii I with the • business, including Insurant& Hi all branches, and P. 0., Telephone/aSM I ings Bank. Price for land, buildings S fi goodwill. £2500, with stock (about *£10M> ■»»-■»■ valuation. .'. Terms: Stock, cash other link! H half cash, balance at 5 per cent, for 5 Vea&ifftfl OUR FARM REPRESENTATIVE, who i* 'A I . PRACTICAL FARMER, will accompany' ' H Clients to inspect all these < Farms '< H -P 7 7 Pi- IN PUKEKOHE-NEW HOUSE B Xri 10 ROOMS and - scullery, conveniences, with 5 ACRES OP LAND, whw ■ I young orchard ; and garden. ■ --'. ■.- Stbwll 4? Q AA-BOMBAY-Nice Li "lo Farm-W-B 3* JUU.;3O ACRES, fenced into smalWafiUll docks; House, 7 rooms; '' ; '6,i»'aM*f®H barn, trapshfid. etc. „' > C7'\ ■■ BOMBA >- Sunn Little &£&&■ *I«jUU ; on main road; !42 : acres; New 'fl House. 6 rooms, with outbuildings, -, < M nOQ PER.ACRE, PUKEKOHE—A Rattlinri 111 a&£o Good Farm of 112 ACRES, alU* fl grass, and fenced into 12 paddocks; goe* fl House. 7 rooms, bathroom; Cottage;inmkutf-iISH shed (10 bails,) and a great many;'bqttaiml&lM ings in good repair; 1 mile tooreaiMrra*;ifll school, church, and post office. •■' ■■ jfjcio PER ACRE, PUKEKOHE-827 ACRES 1 El dbxLi all fenced, and in grass, except 5$ 'M acres flax and 50 ; acres native l bush; jsj. 'Ml acres rich drained swamp, balance undulat! 9 ing country: carry 250 head grown cattle, bV H sides lot of young stock.. and horses; ,; new Hi House, 4 rooms, and outbuildings. '• A tip* 81 top farm, and cheap, knowing personally P'lHi quality of beef sent off in year. Easy terms,' 11 S*Q lAS: PER ACRE-NEAR. POKENOIi sbO ±\J RAILWAY STATION: - m 1 ACRES, well fenced and in grass; 60 ACHES FLAT PADDOCKS; good , House, ft 6 : rooms;! scullery, bathroom; large.barn, 40 by'U ; ; feed room, dairy, cowshed; ? nice garden ana > orchard: post office and creamery^ railed school 2 " miles. £500 cash, balance 5 "perl • cent, for fa years. This is a very cheap placw si ' '■■' > . ■•—— -** ,\#S G. M. KIRKCALDY*, LAND AND REAL ESTATE' AGENT, . r • HOBSON, BLDGS.. : FORT-ST., AUCKLAND.! ftSrtfl SAM. WHITE "° CO., PROPERTY AND GENERAL AUCTION 15. VULCANE LANE. 'Phone 2778. j■ : , SMALL SHEEP FARM— i distance . ■ • Auckland; 2J sheep;■ to acre; splendid fruit land; 2 "orchards; fine new House,, grand opening for energetic man; 254 acres,' t. £4 per acre; very easy terms, ■ /i ;.MAytli.' PAPAKUEA-Several 50-acrc Sections; 2; . miles from station,. school and ; crean%. ery; all ploughable; on main road. FromHg. £2 10s to £4 per acre; terms. \m 'O7 K DEPOSIT-KIN GSLAND-Very Nice ~, 3b I O Cottage of 3 rooms, scalier?: wash*. , house; allot., 50 bv 132, nicely laid oaV Balance. £125, arranged. , . o-jOPREMUERVery Superior Re* ; 3bl£o\J dence of ■'»■■ rooms, large. ai4; lofty; up to date, with every convc.;-Datc» - room, w.h., c. and t.; diningroom. 18 by 25; " ■ nearly an acre of land; tastefully laid out* : , 4 100 fruit trees, tennis lawn, shrubs, ctc.t, _ high up. with good view. Owner would sell, with less land. -Very easy terms can bf v arranged. ■ "tAjjff OCA DEPOSIT-CITY-Cottagev 4 room* 3bD\J and conves.; large workshop. Bal., £210. on very easy terms. ~„ *: -. AVONDALE— A • BARGAIN-Good 6-roomca, House, faithfully built, : large rdomsi on 3-ACRB CORNER SECTION, grass- and. garden; J-mile from station; owner leavinjS^. dTY-Larg* ,: d&Ot/O House, 8 rooms and: conVS., onJ allot. '36 "; by' 100; ■; prospective value ,at ; FACTORY SITE. - '- • ' 'Jl OQA DEPOSIT— 6 rooms - ot't/l/ »; b.r.; w.h.. c. and t.. patent :*#» all conves.; high up. 8a1.,-£385. as relit; interest 5 per cent. „^'„,•.,-,,.,-, V M '" MAKE KNOWN toot WANTS. J, ~ -— ■—$; THE EXPRESS LAND: AGENCY, 22. COOMBES' ARCADE (Upstairs)* ' .' :. QUEEN-ST. 'PHONE 2666. ._-vvvy o kqa-STONE'S THROW of Car, IJd.WP dbDOU tion—Up-to-date 5-roomed House, 1 ' bathroom, porcelain j bath, hot ; and % cold! water: 4 linen Cupboards; ; scullery; washhouse, copper, ana tubs; asphalt; paths; bis, , H , level - section; ' gas in H very; : room. ,- Owni»^ going away. BAY-42 Acres', close 't(*t'\ St. HELIERS BAY-42 ' Acres,. clore/ ; :t<jti!; C) wharf and;: proposed tram terminns;, volcanic soil 1 ; splendid harbour views; ■% m grand investment tor cutting up.. £30Qf ■ ■ cash. Balance arranged.. ' ; - .. 2'<^r.i>fM Ml'. ROSKILL-5 Acres and good Houses #«ft large rooms • outbuildings ;% 3l *«Ofeh*l market garden, balance young grass; .all con-r----veniences; water laid on. £625. A bargain, , ■t A(\f\ . ACRES FIRST-CLASS UIW 14:UU PROVED BUSH L.'IND.-Expert report runs: "Will run- a large number, 1 of r-i. cattle' now, and when iclearedf and will rival the Taranaki land■; for dairyioj. , .;;;. When this part of the island become* better known the district will be boomed.: = 30a per aero. Very easy terms. ' _. ", OAPATOETOE AND- MANURE ft •■ ;■ 3. ' have '• 6ome tip-top ; farms in these <u>: ! tricts. 200 Acres, all in grass and cultiva*! tion. - few minutes creamery, ■school,; store?.} -. and close to station. Tip-top buildings: >• grand 'Prospective value; £lJto ' acre. A sound % bargain. '• 100 .Acres Smi-f volcanio Land, up-to-date buUdingtfpuso, ;v near creamery; £12 per acre. f 90-acre J arm. . -. 60 acres in crop; splendid sbuudmgs,|etc.;jfe £28 per acre. :50-acre Dairy Farm^voicajno-v, soil; £26 per acre. 102 Acres,-_ First-caaa ; Farm; volcanic f soil; t good buildmgs; - clef station-, £28 per , acre. All in and ,neat _ - Papatoetoe. Easy terms arranged. m 22. COOMBES' ARCADE (Upstairs). -■:-, — ; "■ —- ~>:\ TO FARMERS, WE HAVE SOME . , \ 400 'SSL* ZSMffr-SW". Is o H a°?»fasb saxraai PROPERTIES range at from 80 acres up to 3000 and are sold on.very• easy terms. .WH S Leaseholds, some .. with P«rchashtf ; «innses and we can with all CONFHjEKUS . j mmeSd Land , Hunters from the SonUi. and Local Purchasers, to call on us or writ* for our Catalogue, which is posted free us al OurMS n ßountree is * thorough praefical '' Farmer and Land Valuer, who^om_»U v . ■■ parts of the North Island, and he has places. Suite a number of strangers on homes, where they are now living happy, comfortable, ana. prosperous. . , ' , " „• , See 3 us or write for particulars of yon* . . requirements, and you will not be oisaß" pointed. ROUNTREE AOT CO.* ' AGENTS. LAND VALUERS. ETC.. - I HOBSON BUILDINGS. SHORTLAND-ST., -. Auckland. ■. ■■ ■ , ■.--■-.■ • t -^^^t — —- ■ ~~~ r ~t' i ( il J. JONES, tJ. J UllUU' ", A UCTIONEEB. ~S~ J\. ' ' ■' ' » » ■' L AND AND STATE yiCTORIA AND gTEEET* j OA OK-PORTER'S AVETCUE^JpEN^TgIv Jb4Z5 RACE-House 6 rooms, new a up to date; Land. ; 45.10 v^ »il lease 50 years. 21 years £6 ; pei years £9 per. year > ground rent. l s h fa i9 , ■ asked is practically only the cost £ , Must be sold to close deceased estate. ; 070 K-ONBLOW EOAD, 6 Jb IZU (one minute from -carh-Ho« vviyrooms: bath, scullery. * a *'JgSf'.ptoiidl* .':. renovated throughout stands high-spwy view; corner section, -50 } by 420^ ierm» ■ :: OCnA-EMMA-STREET. ' ' -Jb.bUU: House. 6 rooms, bath, large ■ allotment house faithfully v £100 cash, balance £1 per v/ee^l olfT « T j fl- . .; , i rtrTOC-KINQSLAND TRAM &&s*£;■<: £ <25 Almost New House, 6 a roo^3^ l4^ pantry; return verandah Ji^ B .P. a Allot''- . water; tiled hearths ; and- e^ ac i W- i ment. 50 by 132. This, is a «°rethfol« plete house, nicely finished and »>»» built. Very easy terms - ttrSIOX. '■' KING EDWARD-STREET, ROAD-3 Allotments. level, trw -.•.■?> stone. 50 by 132 £3 per foot Hou«*".lf? .VTEAR EDENDALE BCHOOt-?W» » ygV IN (£420). 6 rooms and canic ; allotment 53 by 197. W! V DRIVE, ! EPSOM-Level AUoticeui, XJ 150.' £3 per foot. : ;V.- ■' :-;.^;^ I have Farms in every district «**' ■; from £3 to £28 15s per acre I ________4---. "., m 0 — PEOPEBT Y-OWN,^ w ;- : ! 1 Wanted to .Cash ~ to 'Replace Recent^ w^ t f£Sm|*ft fto * ' as investment in City and *£$m. r*loo to £500. Speedy sales 0. ape«a r^: .,,: J. THORNE9. 83, Queen-st., .Aw.«wr . ..,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14223, 20 November 1909, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14223, 20 November 1909, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14223, 20 November 1909, Page 10