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A fair amount of business was transacted on the Stock Exchange on Saturday. In investment stocks a parcel of New Zealand Insurances changed hands at 76s 9d, and more were inquired for at 76s 6d, but further sellers required 775. Drury Coals were done at Is; Auckland Trams (pref.) at 235; and Sharland and Co.'s (pref.) at 21s 9d. In mining lines there were buyers of Waihis at £9 12s 6d, and sellers' at £9 13s. Talismans were also sought after at 575, but sellers held for 58s. Waihi Grand Junctions eased a little, soiling at from 52s 9d to 525, with further buyers at 525, and sellers at 52s 3d. Waihi Extcndeds were also dealt in at reduced prices, sales being recorded at from 7s 3d to 6s 9d to 6s lOd. In Thames stocks Waiotahis likewise showed a downward tendency, selling at from 8s 7d to 8s 8d to 8s 4d to 8s sd. Other scrip showed little or no change.


BUSINESS DONE ON SATURDAY. Frevious day's closing sales. £ s. d. New Zealand Insurance—76s 9d ... — Drury Coal—-Is _ Auckland Tramways (pref.)—23s — Sharland and Co. (pref.)— 9d ... — Dixon's Consolidated (con.)—let, call, Is Id 0 1 1 Kuranui— Ist call. Is 5d _ May Queen— call, 6s 3d. 0 6 3 Saxon—lst call, 2s 4d; 2nd call, 2s srt, 2s 4d 0 2 4 Scandinavian—lst call, 3id .. ..0 03£ Victoria— call, 2s 3d ; 2nd call, 2s 2d 0 2 3 Waiolnhi—lst call, 8s 7d. 8s Bd, 8s 6<l, 8s sd, 8s 4d; 2nd call, 8s 4d, 8s 5d 0 8 8 Mount Welcome—2nd call, 2d — Old Ilauraki—lst call, Is 7d 0 17 I'ride of Tokatea—lst call, 8d 00 8 Royal Oak" (con.)—lst call, 2s 9d, 2s lOd; 2nd call, 2s lid 0 2 9 Ngatiawa— call. 5d . _ Dominion (con.)—lst call, 8d; 2nd call, "id 0 0 7} rride of Waihi—2nd call, Is id ... 0 1 1 Rising Sun—lst call, 3d 0 0 9 Talrua Broken - Hills—lst call, 3s 4d; 2nd call, 3s 5d 0 3 3 Talrua Monarch—lst call, 7d ... 00 74 Waihi Beach—2nd call, — Waihi Extended—lst call, 7s 3d, 7s Id, 7-S 6s lid; 2nd call, 6s lOd, 6s 9d, & s lOd ... ... 0 7 3 Waihi Grand Junction—lst call, 62s 9d, 52s 6d ; 2nd call, 52s 3d, 52s ... 212 9 Handsworth—lst call, la 4d; 2nd call, Is 5d New Wai.ta.ia—lst call, Is 8d; 2nd call! Is Bd, Is 9d 0 17

BUTTER AND EGOS. The wholesale quotations for butter and eggs for the week ending August 28 are as follows Batter: Factory, Is Oid per lb; farmers', Bd. Eggs, 3d per dozen. FRUIT AND PRODUCE MARKETS. The local fruit, and produce markets were fairly brisk last week. Green, vegetables sold well, potatoes meeting with a more steady demand. The butter market was more fully supplied with second-class dairy lots at lower prices. Eggs were in only fair supply to the markets. Poultry was also in fair supply to good prices, while the demand for young pigs exceeded the supply. Nearly all the fruit—especially the imported lotssold well, with the exception of lemons, which fell low in values. Followingwere the ruling prices at the week-end auction sales Potatoes: Southern, prime, £5 ton. Onions : Southern, £6 ton ; local, £7 to £8. Butter : Fanners', in prints, prime, 9d to lid lb; bulk, prime, 8d to 9d; inferior, 6d; milled, in bulk, for export, IOJd. Eggs, IOJd to 10id dozen. Apples: Local, coloured, extra superior, 12a to 15s case; Hobart, dessert, 10s 6d to 13s. Oranges: Local, is to 5s case; Island, 10s to 12s; Sydney, 45 to 6s. Mandarins: Sydney, 5s to 12s 9d case. Lemons: Local, prime, 4s to 6s 6d case; rough and coarse, 3s; Sydney, 5s 6d to 7s 6d. Passionfruit, 4s to 5s oase. Walnuts, 7d lb; peanuts, 24<1. Bananas, 3s to 5s bunch, ljd lb. Pines, 10s to 12s crate; cocoanuts, 6s to 8s sack. Hens, 2s to 2s 6d each; table roosters, 2s 6d to 4s 3d; ducks, 2s to 3s; geese, 3s to 4s; turkeys, gobblers 6s to 10* 6d, hens 3s to ss. Young pigs, 10s to 14s. WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE. [BY TELEGRAPH.OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Wellington, Sunday. r The spurt in Walotahis on Friday afternoon was not sustained at Saturday'* meetings of the Stock Exchange, and shares, which had touched 8s lid on the strength of a rich find of picked I

stone, relapsed to 8s 4d- The following were the sales a* 3.15 p.m. on Friday:—Waiotahi, 8s lid (R), 8s 9d (three parcels, C). At 10 a-ro. on Saturday: Kuranui-Caledonian, 2s Id (C); Reliance, 6d (O); Tftirua Broken Hills, 3s 3id (B); Waiotahi, 8s 7d (R), 8s 7d (0); Waitangi, 4s 3d (C); New Alpine (paid), 7s 6d (R). At noon on Saturday:- Waihi Grand Junction, £2 12s (C); Waiotahi, 8s 4d (C), 8s 5d (C). The following; were the quotations at noon on Saturday:—Dixon's Consolidated (con.), sellers Is 3d: Komata Reefs, sellers 9d: Kuranui, buyers Is 4d, sellers Is 7d; Kuranui-Caledonian, sellers 2s 2d; May Queen, buyers 6s 2d, sellers 6s 3d; Maoriland, buyers 10id, sellers Is: Crown, buyers 7s; New Slyvia, buyers 3* 8(1, sellers 3s lid; Old Hauraki. buyers Is 6rl; Pride of Waihi, sellers Is 3d; Royal Oak, buyers 2s 9d, sellers 2s lid; Saxon, sellers 2s sd; Taima Broken Hills, buyers 3s 3d: Talisman, buyers £2 16s bet sellers £2 17s 3d; Waihi, buyers £9 9s 6d; Waihi Consolidated, buyers 5s 4d; Waihi Extended, buvers 6s 8d; Waihi Grand Junction, sellers £2 12s '3d; Waiotahi, buyers 8s 4rl, sellers 8s sd; Waitangi, buyers 4s 3d, sellers 4s 4d: Watchman, bikers 2s 9d, sellers 2s lid; Consolidated Goldfields, sellers £1 4s. LONDON. By Telegraph.—Press Association.—Copyright. .London, August 21. BANK OF ENGLAND RETURNS. Following are the Rank of England returns for the week:—Gold coin, £38,523,003; reserve, £28.934,C00; proportion of reserve to liabilities, 52.54 per cent.; notes in circulation. £29,458.000; public deposits, £10,222.000; other deposits.' £44,809,000; Government securities, £15,366,000; other securities, £27,770,000. MONEY MARKET. Three months' bills, 1 7-16 per cent. Short loans, 1 per cent. Bank rate, 24 per cent. CONSOLS AND COLONIAL STOCKS. Consols, £84 10s. New South Wales 4 per cents., £107; 3i per cents,, £98 10s; 3 per cents., £88. Victorian 4 per cents., £104; 3£ per cents., £98; 3 per cents., £86 10s. Queens-land 4 per cents., £104 2s 6d. New Zealand 4 per cents., £106 10s. Tasmaruan 34 per cents., £99 10s; 3 per cents., £87. West Australian 3i per cents., £98 10s. The rest are unchanged. WHEAT AND FLOUR, The wheat market is steadier, but fluctuates, with the weather. Cargoes are well held and there is little inquiry; 42s 6d to 43s is asked for Australian afloat, 39s for new crop, December-" January; 42s to 42s 3d is paid for parcels arrived. There is dull trade in flour at late rates. OATS. The market is quiet. New Zealand, ex ship, 22s to 22s 6d; La Plata, just shipped, 16s 6d.. BUTTER. The butter market is steady. Danish has been raised from 114s to 116s. A little colonial is celling ex store at about 100s to 104s. METALS. Copper: On spot, £59 2s 6d ; at three months, £60 Is 3d; electrolytic, £61 15s. Tin: On spot, £136; at three mouths, £137 ss. Lend, £12 10s. Iron, 51a Id. Bar silver is quoted at Is ll£d per ounce standard. SUGAR. German, lis 8d; first marks, 13a Bd. WOOL. The Bradford wool market is very firm and hardening, with brisk buying. Common, sixties, 26Jd; super, 27|d. (Received August 22, 5.5 p.m.) London, August 22. 1 FROZEN MEAT. Sheep: Canterbury, light 2|d, medium 29-16 d, heavy 2|d. The rest are unchanged. Lambs: Canterbury, light 3£d, medium 3|d, heavy 2|d; Southland, 3d; North Island, selected brands 3d, ordinary 2Jd. Beef: Forequarters, 2|d; hindquarters, 3 11-16 d. Australian lambs: Best brands, 2id; fair quality, 2j?d ; inferior quality, 21d. Beef: Forequarters, 2jjd; hindquarters, 3Jd. River Plate sheep, 2id; lambs, 2£d. HEMP. The hemp market is firm. The high prices are checking business; £26 is asked for OctoberDecember shipments. LONDON FINANCIAL JOTTINGS. [FROM OUR OWN COBRESPCVDEST.] London, July 16. Some interesting statistics indicating the steady growth in the commercial prosperity of Canada are given in the annual report of the Department of Trade and Commerce for the Dominion. Taking the record for the 10 years from 1898 to 1908 the total trade of Canada increased, by 125 per cent. A comparison with other countries • shows that this rate of progress has only been exceeded by Argentina, whose .-trade' has expanded to the extent of 192 per cent, and Japan with 142 per cent., the next highest figures being exhibited by New Zealand 106 per cent., China 104 per cent., and Italy 102 per cent. An appeal is made this week by Messrs. James Nelson and Sons, the well-known meat importers and salesmen, for subscription for £250,000 in 5 per cent, debenture 6tock at par. The primary object of the present issue is to pay off or exchange the present outstanding debentures, amounting to £103,200, which become payable on the Ist pros., and in this respect preference in allotment will be given . to existing debentureholders or shareholders in the company. An additional sum is also needed to meet the rapid development of the chilled meat trade, as against frozen meat from the Argentine, and the necessity for providing for the more profitable dealing wi'h. a number of the company's products. The directors believe that the position of the business in this direction will be considerably strengthened and that the material economies resulting from this issue will be more than sufficient to meet the. increased debenture interest.

CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Sellers. Buyen. £ a. d. £ a. d. INSURANCENew Zealand 3 17 0 3 16 ■ 6 National — 18 6 South British 2 13 6 2 12 0 FINANCIAL— New Zealand and River Hat* _ 1 14 6 COAL— Nort. C*., 10s paid ... 0 12 8 0 12 0 Tauplri Mines, Ltd. ... 1 0 3 10 0 Dmry 0 16 0 0 11 GAS— Auckland _ 14 15 0 Auckland, new issue ... 1 3 0 119 Thames 1 16 0 1 14 6 Gisborne 2 12 0 2 10 6 SHIPPING— Northern, paid up ... 0 12 6 — Northern, con 0 6 2 — Devonport Steam Ferry... 1 11 3 19 6 iTIMBER— Kauri, paid up 1 14 0 1 13 0 Kauri, con 0 15 2 0 14 9 MISCELLANEOUS— Auckland Tramways, pref. — 12 6 Auckland Tramways, ord. 110 10 6 Colonial Sugar — 46 5 0 D.S.C., Limited 0 3 10 0 3 8 Grey and Menasies, pref... 0 10 6 — Grey and Menzies, ord. ... 0 7 9 — Hill and riummer, Ltd.... 10 6 New Zealand Drug, £2 ... — 2 6 0 N.Z. Portland Cement Co. 2 2 6 2 2 0 N.Z. Portland Cement Co., new issue 1 19 9 1 19 0 Northern Boot — 0 11 0 Tonson Garlick, Ltd 0 18 6 Wiseman . and Sons, ord. 0 13 0 0 12 0 MINING— Bonanza ... 0 0 10 0 0 8 Dixon '8 Consolidated, paid 0 16 Oil Dixon's Consolidated, con. 0 13 0 10 Halcyon ... 0 0 4 0 0 34 Kuranui 0 17 0 15 Kuranui-Caiedonian ... 0 2 1 0 2 0 Magnet, con. 0 0 3 0 0 2£ May Queen 0 6 3 0. 6 2, May Queen Extended ... 0 0 5 ' — ' New Sylvia ... 0 3 10 0 3 8 Old Alburn!*, paid up ... 0 3 0 0 2 10 Old Alburnia, con. ... 0 2 6 0 2 4 < Saxon ... ... 0 2 5 0 2 4 Scandinavian. .004 003 Southern Queen 0 0 5 0 0 4 , Thames . ... .011 0,0114 Victoria 0 2 3 0 2 2 Wniotahi . . ... ... 0 8 5- 0 8 4 Waitangi Consolidated ... 0 4 4 0 4 2 - Watchman ... 0 2 11 0 29 Mount Zeehan, paid ... 0 0 5 Mount Zeehan. con. ... 0 0 5Consolidated Go'dflelds ... 1 3 9 13 3 New Alpine, paid up ... 0 & 0 Ross GoldfieWs, paid ... 0 17 0 — Ross Goldflelds, con. ... 0 17 0 Progress Mines — 0 14 6 Four-in-Hand Oil 0 0 11 Golden Pah I) 0 4J 0 0 31 Hauraki Freehold 0 0 '54 0 0 4 Kapowai, con . 0 0 34 Mount Welcome ... ... 0 0 3 0 0 2 Old Hauraki Gold Mines 0 19 0 17 Kapanga 0 0 8 0 0 6 Pride of Tokatea 0 0 81 0 0 8 Royal Oak, paid up ... 0 3 2 0 2 11 Royal Oak, con. ... ' ... 0 3 0 0 2 11 Tangiaro — 0 0 3 Tokatea 0 0 4 0 0 2 Ngatiawa 0 0 5£ 0 0 5 Bendigo 0 0 9 0 0 81 Lanigan's Antimony Mine 0 0 7 Moewai 0 0 3 0 0 H Comstook, con. 0 0 9 0 0 8* Champion 0 0 8 — Crown 0 7 4 0 7 1 Dominion, con ... ... 0 0 8 0 0 7 Durbar 0 0 24 — Golden Belt, paid up ... 0 0 11 0 0 91 Golden Belt, con 0 0 6 0 0 4 Golden Cross 0 0 3 0 0 2 Kirikiri 0 0 ?i 0 0 4 Karangahake ... ... 0 11 0 0 9 Komata Reefs 0 0 8A 0 0 74 Maoriland 0 10 0 010 New Waitekauri 0 0 31 0 0 3 Phoenix ... 0 0 61 0 0 5 Pride of Waihi 0 12 0 10 Rising Sun ... 0 10 0 0 94 Shotover, con 0 0 61 0 0 6 Silver Hill 0 0 2* 0 0 U Tairua Broken Hills ... 0 3 6 0 3 5 Tairua Dawn 0 0 3 0 0 1 Tairua Golden Hills ... 0 7 0 0 6 9 Tairua Extended •. 0 0 4 0 0 1 Tairua Leads 0 0 4£ 0 0 21 Tairua Monarch Oonsol... 0 0 74 0 0 7 Tairua Reefs, 6d paid ... 0 0 8 0 0 64 Tairua Reefs, con. ... 0 0 6 0 0 5 Talisman Consolidated ... 2 18 0 2 17 0 , a i hi . H 9 13 0 9 12 6 Waihi Beach 0 0 114 0 0 10 Waihi Consolidated ... 0 5 7* 0 5 5 Waihi Extended 0 6 10 0 6 9 Waihi Grand Junction ... 2 12 3 2 12 0 Handswortli 0 15 0 14 Mountain King, Is paid... 0 2 0 0 19 Mountain King, con. !,. 0 1 10 0 18 New Waitaia, paid... ... 0 2 0 New Waitaia, con 0 19 0 18 Glamorgan 0 0 4 0 0 2' CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. Dividendr,. Talisman (dividend and bonus) 0 2 6 Aug 25 Waihi « 0 4 J Sept. 1 Calls. Takapuna Tramways and Ferry Co., July 12 0 2 6 Now Ngatiawa, August 2 0 0 1 Now Bonanza, August 11 0 0 1 Aug. 24

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14146, 23 August 1909, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14146, 23 August 1909, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14146, 23 August 1909, Page 3