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jjj • COUIT | y I I The Great Sale "Sort Up" for To-day and Next Week. J ■jj! The "Sort Up" means the absolute clearance of all the Sale Bargains, Odds and Ends, in each of our 14 Departments must be sold. •'' Hi «*■ , v/ * jjj THIS LIST IS ONLY A FEW OF THE " SORT UP" BARGAINS. I Hr. GIRLS' AND BOYS' WOOL TAMS, " sort up" price * BIGGEST SIZE DOWN QUILTS, 16s lid, Sort up" | HANDSOME IVORY APPLIQUE INSERTIONS. + " SORT UP" PRICES IN DRESSES. i A " Sort up" in LADIES' COSTUMES, 45s Costumes $ a; Id each J price 8s lid I The "Sort up" prices is 2fd per yd. ♦ A DRESS LENGTH IN NAVY OR BLACK CLOTHS " the " Sort U P" P rices is 25s - '~ 4 CSS BOYS' ALL-WOOL NAVY COLLEGE SHIRTS, is I BIGGEST SIZE DOWN QUILT, 21s, " Sort up" J EMBROIDERY ANGLAIS, Is 4 ? , d, " Sort up" price I for is Hid I . „ eA „ TT „„ A „ „„„ I Si: each I price 9s lid. t 2 ld I ALL-WOOL TWEEDS, 10|d yd \ A " SORT UP" AT THE RIBBON COUNTER. ; • ft MEN'S TWEED SHIRTS, worth 4s lid. The " Sort J BIGGEST SIZE DOWN QUILT, 255, " Sort up" \ SOME NEW AND SMART LACE NECKWEAR, all I SHADOW STRIPED TWEEDS, 4s lid the dress. ♦ BEST SILK RIBBONS, in all colours, good shades 3 * jft up" price is Is Hid each. Working men should I price 10s lid. I at one price. Is I BRADFORD CASHMERES, in colours, 2}d yd " to 6 inches wide, l£d, 2fd, and 3fd yd ' (:;i Zf: see this lot. I I OmT0 m T0 >r ANn TIMFXr t ACFS all at "Sort un" t 3 COLOURS IN ALL-WOOL SERGES, Navy, Blank, J * ■ ygi BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SHIRTS, Is 4id each ♦ " SORT UP" PRICES FOR CURTAINS. t prices, 3d doz yds, 4|d doz yds, 6d per doz yds, 9d j a " d Reds, all one price, B|d yd . <. A GENERAL "SORT UP" IN STOCKINGS. > J Jj GENT-'S TENNIS SHIRTS, is 4jd each IIM patbc wttttp iwn miraf pttbtatvc- '* I doz yds, and Is doz yds. • - ♦ A HUGE " SORT UP" IN THE SHOW ROOMS. I ALL "WOOL BLACK CASHMERE RIBBED STOCK- « J: GENT.'S TENNIS SHIRTS, is 6£d each + 120 PAIRS WHITE AND CREAM CURTAINS, with I A GIGANTIC "SORT UP" IN REAL MALTESE I OTTST , <<G , „ . , IU , , !! INGS, Bfd pair , » SI: GENT.'S TENNIS ™ ' 18 li*d each t„ . I andsome X " S " alpnce * ls to 253 ' The t LACE TIES, only 3, Hid each. There's on. 120 GIRLS COATS, Sort up price, is id each ? ALL-WOOL BLACK CASHMERE STOCKINGS., 3 "*• u™.c- TAm-pr ctironrc. i «e 0r *UP » pncc * PLAIN LACE price is 9s lid all round. " j COOD BARGAINS IN THE BLOUSING "SORT 4 GIRLS COATS, Sort up price, "" d each I CHILDREN'S BLACK CASHMERE SOCKS, 2jd pafc ■ MEN S LOUNGE SHIRTS, 4s lid, Sort up price . apf " n™" I I GIRLS' COATS, "Sort up" price 5s lid each i ptttt tit APK oij •" 3 -T: ' s »w i P"IN LACE CUETAINS Sort „p S J 000 D BARGAINS , N THE BLO USINO "SORT MOTOR SCARVES, 8M each ♦ CHILDREN S BLACK CASHMERE SOCKS, 2jdpair | ?S2 MEN'S LOUNGE SHIRTS, with dressed cuffs, " Sort f PLAIN LACE CURTAINS, 9s 6d pair, " Sort up" J up „ i ' . J " 3 >K up" price Is ll|d each 1 price 5s lid i FLANNELETT/ BLOUSINGS, Id per yard. I WHITE LONG CLOTH UNDERSKIRTS. t "SORT UP" IN FABRIC GLOVES. |J M- MEN'S PYJAMAS SUITS, " Sort up" price 2s llid * PLAIN LACE CURTAINS, lis 6d pair, "Sort up" t GOOD DARK DESIGNS IN BLOUSINGS, is ll£d I Not quite the se ason for these goods, but listen to fMI one rice > 4^d P® P air -. , "!H Eft! per suit. I price 6s lid I doz yds I the prices. I BOYS' HEAVY RIBBED HOSE all sizes is 4 5 rl nr "I fj] MEN'S BEST CASHMERE SOCKS, finest and purest t 2,000 PAIRS OF CURTAINS to select from. J DELAINS, big range, .Is yd, " Sort up" price s|d I LACE TRIMMED 5s lid " Sort up" price 2s llid eat ' ' " d Pr 3 t wool. All one price, 6d pair, usual price Is 6d i FANCY SILK ART FRINGES, lid per yard -I < EXTRA FINE AND RICHLY PRINTED DELAINE I LACE AND EMBROIDERY TRIMMED, 8s 6d, t A " SORT UP" IN SMALL GOODS. i '.1 Ifft" oirfnm ott mTro i. j j f li. ..1 u « . ♦ FANCY SILK ART FRINGES, 2fd per yd I AND FRENCH FLANNELS' (all wool), 6|d yd I "Sort up" price 4s lid each I pgpj LUSTRES ioz balls Id each /S4 m ■ SMART SILK TIES, hundreds of them at the Sort I FANCY SILK ART FRINGES, 3id"per yd 4 UNSHRINKABLE STRIPED WINCEYS, Is 4R { LACE AND EMBROIDERY TRIMMED, 9s lid, I ROSLYN WOOLS' Is lid head ; 'J MiS hjTpxt>o m irTTTTxrr* .qttttg « fpi, « q I BIG SIZE CHENILLE TABLE COVERS, 5s lid each t The " Sort up" price is B|d yd ! "Sort,up" r ««SslldcMh ;; CROCHET COTTONS, 3d doz balls i 3 MEN S GLOVE-FITTING SUITS, 50s. The Sort J J gILK EMBROIDERED DELAINES AND THE J LACE AND EMBROIDERY TRIMMED, 10s lid. T peri LUSTRES SKEINS, 3d per doz A jp up price is 25s the suit. | GREAT « SORT up '> , N THE LACE J WELL-KNOWN ORLWOOLA, usual price 2s 9d, j ' Sort up price 6s lid each. j BRILLIANT COTTONS, Id ball v.\|^ j|| " SORT UP" PRICES IN HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, | DEPARTMENT. t «in'Ssl.3DfflS to dl the colours, 4|d yd \ SAMPLE UNDERWEAR. " t per do yds". j| 'a* COSIES, IOJd each t ft VESTS, CAMISOLES, all sorts of underwear, all one ' BLOCK BRAID, covered edge, 3d per doz »| * v . PTrfiTTTrvv 1e in a ...t I FANCY LACE INSERTIONS, Paris and Cream and \ -44 SORT UP" IN SILKS. ' t prCP , , 8 " POM-POMS, all shades,' 4|d per ( doz .1 ¥ Every LUbHiUM weve got, 1« eacn _ I White shades, Is doz. yards. J I CHILD'S PETTICOATS, 9d each I EMBROIDERY SILKS, Id per ball •T J * 1 SO T^T U nO^ a Colours in LACE INSERTIONS, Is per doz. yds PONGEE SILKS, all shades, 3fd yd ' CHILD'S NIGHTS, Is lid each ' 3 * REAL DOWN, Is ll£d, 2s 6d, 3s lid, and 4s lid i . _ kTl(lf . V(l# I VELVETEENS, 6d yd % t CHILD'S KNICKERS, Is each " COAT AND VEST BUTTONS, Id per card -21 * each i Colours in LACE EDGINGS , is per doz. yds I SHADOW STRIPED VELVETEENS 10M vd I INFANTS' COLICO DAY GOWNS, Is each ;; FANCY- DRESS BUTTONS, Id per card !| «5" BIGGEST SIZE "DOWN QUILTS, 16s lid, " sort up" t TWO-TONE ORIENTAL LACES, 6m wide, is yd, J bHAUUW biKii-LU lo|d yd t CHILDREN , S ASTRACHAN COATS, in Reds and " lSdoz PEARL SHIRT BUTTONS for 9d .• jj ji™ price 7s lid f "Sort up" price 2fd yd J GLACE SILKS, Is yd t Navy, 2s ll£d each i SILKS AND TWISTS, best makes, 3d uer doz reels / 'x These SPECIAL BARGAINS are all SORTED OUT and showing TO-DAY AND NEJCT WEEK, THE TIME OF "SORT UP" BARGAINS AT ii |p These SPECIAL BARGAINS are all SORTED OUT and showing TO-DAY AND NEXT WEEK. THE TIME OF "SORT UP" BARGAINS AT | I George Court & Sons, Ltd. served Customers during the first Road. | jfc GREAT FINAL CLEARANCE NEARING THE END OF OUR RECORD SALE. Come early or you miss the Bargains. Remember—We served 2*},000 Customers durisg the first six days of our Sale. SI W 4 • " r.: ■ |rf HKSfcffcjfcsfcsfesfcsfcffcjfcjfcsfcsfcifcstejfesfcsiisiisfeffesiifSsfi"V"V"V"V i .V.V_Y_ 1 _ V )*!V/Y/!V/i\lVuV.V.Vi*"fiiV/uVA".ViV.'j*.VuV.V.VuV.V.ViiV.aV."LVKV.iy/.V."jI"IVSV.*'V.V.VJ'JV/IViIAIIj".iV.VyVi''y.V.ViL*„V/////.V/,'''*,'^ »" ™ SlB SK X ™ ?¥i mfm Hi ST. 51® Su iTt ITa ifm SIR STS ifi STi STi JTS ST? ITi^«nK^Tfi^iT!^ST;^iTS^TffiJßrßJKrfiJfs ufs^ XV

. Fancy Goods. "" • ;' V ___ ♦ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ❖ 0 ♦ f I I ! BEST OF ALL ? 0 ■ 0 ♦ | I GOODSON'S ♦ ' .'I ♦ 0 0 + : GREAT DISCOUNT! 0 0 X SALE ! ♦ 0 I IN QUEEN-STREET, | 0 ♦ 0 0 + 0 0 0 | .—j. ■« 0 % AIT. ♦ ♦ 0 0' ' 0 $ >+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ •■ Groceries, etc. ■ I Something New l Under the Sun? I The moat interesting Catalogue (No. 13) we have ever issued, H we believe, and that means eometliing. | | It lists and illustrates (in colours') the most assorted and H largest stock of General Merchandise in tbe Dominwn offered i| consumers, at prices you Cailliot afford to overlook. 1 I Our tremendous buying distributing power enables us to H Under the Sun! The most interesting Catalogue (No. 13) we have ever issued, we believe, and that means something. It lists and illustrates (in colours') the most assorted and largest stock of General Merchandise in the Dominion offered direct to consumers, at prices you Cannot afford tO overlook. Our tremendous buying and distributing power enables us to offer such value that every day you neglect the opportunities is 81 \ a loss to you. | | FREE FOR THE ASKING. | HUTCHINSON BROS., Ltd., I THE UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS, 1 3 f KHYBER PASS ROAD, ) ~ i \ PONSONBY ROAD, STORES. i V ( CUSTOM ST., WEST. J ** 1 WMBBBiaS?ElßHWMMM«»:iiHiii«gia3;'tiaiiim»iiißJilfflltlMi'WliiljyiiMllMlliyßHiilfllMW!lMlgilWMg!iWMMiWlßM,lßMHM!^Bffl| ' ■' Coal. , • .■ ,■ WESTPORT " COALBROOKOALE" COAL Gives more heat than any Coal sold in New Zealand, andisn't it for its heat you buy Coal? It is not the price you pay for a thing that makes it cheap or dear, it is all a question of the return you get! Ufoctnnrf' Pnil Pn I frll OfKcoJ Endean's Buildings. TVCOl|lUll vUdl wU. t LIU. {totalled by MESSRS. WIN9TQNE. Ltd.

Owing to the enormous quantity of |! > ' * ' ... * o« mc Goods cut up during the fj : ... • • ... ,- • r ; Vf Of • ■'■>*$' •" .•> '• V . ' •c ' : • , • • Of ' . •c ■ . '* , ■ . Of •e ' •• oS 1 ' mc o« Offl • Of ■ > • ' -v,; ' #0 om S3 • 0 ©• •o we are as usual left with § mo om 00 an accumulation of 11 mo - : 00 00 00 •o o# £■ M B^B°\ S2 . :v.Ai ..>••• o# . v, «Q . 00 ' . ' 1 *. . ... • • / 00 •' 00 AND 11 t 00 f 00 ■-■ -.: i ;•■ ■■ • -' v i• • mo 00 00 00 *' 1, *' 90 •O O0 mo om WHICH WILL BE DISPLAYED ff 00 ON SPECIAL TABLES §2 •o 00 / mo 00 on 11 00 00 00 00 O0 •o Monday Morning Next 28 om . 00 \ 00 00 AND SOLD AT 28 •o om mo 00 00 •o HALF PRIOE. 1 2? ■ , v om •. -. v •0 €>• 00 • * * ■: . 09 00 00 00 » - 00 00 Smith & CaugheyJ eo LIMITED* §8 .' '• ••:• •' V : •;: . mo "" *-. ;• • •:•••."•• • v : - ; • • 00 m « #0

M. & C., Ltd. ■WWII || lll—l II I— I II IT - I . , ! ' D * A" CORSETS. It is just over twelve months ago since we first showed the " D& A" Corset —a corset that commanded owing to its scientific shape, weight, ami good value, a ready sale right from the first. The demand has rapidly increased, and there are. now hundreds of satisfied wearers of the " D & A." Are You One ? , If not, we would be pleased to show you the new models, embracing shapes for all figures it most moderate prices. Two popular numbers showing now are the , "GOLFER," for ladies with athletic inclinations, and the "BROKEN HIP," a unique number ior stout figures. "D & A" Brassieres and Bust Bodices Afford support and perfect comfort to the figure. Showing in full and semi figures. Milne & Ghoyce, LIMITED, . Queen Street, Auckland.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14133, 7 August 1909, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14133, 7 August 1909, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14133, 7 August 1909, Page 8 (Supplement)