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A SURPRISE IN THE ROYAL STAKES. When New Year's Day closed in with the wind blowing almost a gale from the northwest, and rain falling throughout the night, it seemed as though the Auckland Racing Club would have to conduct the concluding day's racing of their summer meeting unoer unfavourable weather conditions. Shortly after daylight broke on Saturday, however, the wind veered to the south-west, and an overcast sky quickly giving place to one of azuro blue, tho day proved one of the most delightful of the summer season. Racegoers turned out in strong force to assist at tho lowering of the curtain on the popular summer fixture, and the attendance at Eilerslio was well up to that of the best on record at a corresponding period. Everything during the afternoon went with a good swing, there was not a single jarring note throughout the day, and though tho downfall of one or two hot favourites proved a little disconcerting to a large number who were out for speculation, there was much in tho afternoon's racing to call up pleasant recollections. The starter, Mr. O'Connor, was again most successful in tho discharge of his duties, and tho manner in which he despatched the big field of 18 in tho concluding event of the afternoon was on© of the most noteworthy of a series of successful efforts which the popular starter has made with the barrier. Mr. R, B. Lusk officiated as judge, and his decisions were, as usual, prompt and reliable. Tho musical nortion of the programme was rendered respectively by the City and Garrison Bands, under the respective batons of Bandmasters West and Cater, and the selections performed on tho lawn and hill added much to the enjoyability of the afternoon's outing. Tho catering arrangements at bott grandstands were carried out by Mrs. Gallagher in a highly satisfactory manner. Though the speculation during tho after noon was of a brisk order, the sum (£17,505 handled at the totalisators was £1*57 below the amount handled on the corresponding day last year. The total sum handled a tho machines during the four days wa: £79,*80 i, which is £35014 below last season The following statement will show how th< wtalisator investments at the summer meet ing this season compare with those of tin ■preceding one : — «--„« 1 b 1907-8. 1908-9.

First day £21,5544 £22,505 .Second day ... 19,8834 17,2034 Third day ... 22.582 22,207 Fourth day ... 18,962 17,505 Totals ... £82,982 £79,4804 Thirty-four licenses -wore- issued to bookmakers on Saturday, which represent fees to tho amount of £697, which brought the amount received from the pencillers in connection with tho recent meeting up to £3136 10s. The sum received from bookmakers in connection with tho corresponding meeting last season was £2180. THE RACING. The opening event was the Goodwood Handicap, and in a field of nine Paritutu was made favourite. The veteran was never in a position to assert himself with th« leaders. After Tui Cakobau and Inglis had alternately carried on tho running, Ngapuka worked his way into the lead, and the 'little son of Soult always had his raco won from the half-distance. The favourite, Paritutu, whipped in the field. The .Sylvia Handicap found eight youngsters at the post, with Meriwa ruling a warm favourite. Tho son of Merriwco endorsed the summing up by winning his race nicely from Sharpshooter. : Tho withdrawal; of Downfall from the Grandstand Handicap reduced the field for the mile and a-quarter race to a quintette. Master Soult was produced to run his fourth race at the meeting, and when the bay colt was found looking bright and well, his being sent out a strong favourite was always certain. A surprise pro Mod to be in store. Leonator was responsible for tho pace right through. Master Soult seemed to be equal to cutting down his rival approaching tho distance, but ho never quite got up, and tho favourite wearying of the- struggle in tho concluding stage Leonator won in decisive style. The field for the Royal Stakes was reduced to a quartette. The six-furlong race was popularly summed up to bo at the mercy of Broadsword; but another surprise was destined to be entered up. The favourite did not jump off quickly when the barrier went up; but he made up his ground, and when they turned into tho straight was found racing Armlet for the lead, and it seemed that the odds were properly placed. When the crucial test camo to be applied at the distance, however, Broadsword shirked rather badly, and his fate was quito sealed when they got to tho centre of tho stand. Armlet led the field home, and the" first victory for Mr. G. D. Greenwood's colours at Ellerslie was thus entered up, the Canterbury sportsman being warmly congratulated thereon.

In a field of five saddled up to contest the Auckland Hurdle Race, Reservoir was made favourite. The son of Jet de Eau held a place in the rear until the final stage came to bo undertaken, when he went up to challenge the leader, and, taking command aftor crossing the final obstacle, he ran home in front of Creusot, who was punished severely to get second.

The Newmarket Handicap brought out 10 contestants. Royal Soult being the popular fancy. The favourite got away rather badly; but he was found challenging at the distance. The weight, however, told its talo on the little son of Soult, and the outcome of an exciting race was a neck victory for Wauchopo, who finished up his task in an attractive manner. The Auckland Plate brought out three contestantsZimmerman, Master Delaval, and Bobrikoff. The latter was made a strong' odds-on favourite, and ho amply justified tho confidence reposed in his ability to win. Directly Davis required Bobrikoff 1 to go up and settle Zimmerman it was practically all over, and he fairly romped home in the finish. Mr. A. Kohn struck the various stages of the journey as follows:—Three furlongs, 41 3-55.; four furlongs, 51 2-55. ; five furlongs, lm. 3 2-55.; six furlongs, lm. 23 2-55.; seven furlongs, lm. 34- l-55.; mile, ln>. 47 3-55.; mile and a-half, 2m. 38 2-ss. It transpires that Husbandman's defection from she Auckland Plato was due to an inadvertence on the part of his owno-. Sir (reorgo Clifford stated on Saturday that ne fully intended to start his colt in the weight-for-ago race, and the disappearance of the Derby winner's name was due to an impression that the payment was due at the post instead of the night before the race. It is but fair to state that the A.R.C. programme issued made it quite clear what was required in respect of payments for tho Plato. ' The concluding event of tho programme j was the Grey Handicap, which brought out ; the great field of 18. Miss Advance and Hard Rock were the popular fancies. They had not travelled far before Hohungatahi was in front, and tho son of Freedom, finishing, up his task, won by a length. Ihe following aro the details of the racing:— THE GOODWOOD HANDICAP of 200rovs; second horse to receive 35.«0vs and third horse 15sovs out of the stake. ■ One mile. Mr R. C. Wallace's br g Ngapuka, 4yrs, by Paulina) 6st 91b (Chapman) ... l Mr. R. W. Dueler's b g Tui Cakobau, aged, by Cuirassier—Hune, 7at 71b, including 31b overweight (Buchanan) 2 Mr 0. Dunnet's b g Dunborve, 4,vra, by Bluejacket— Dady Peer, 7et lib, including 71b overweight (Greenwood) 3 Paritutu, aged, 9st 21b (Jenkins) , 0 Grenadier, 6vrs, Bst 41b (Deelev) 0 luglis, syrs, 7.;t 131b (H. Price) " 0 Chanteuse. 3yrs. 7st 111b (Pearson) 0 Sedition, 3yra, 7st 101b (L. Wilson) 0 Aristocrat, 6yrs, 7st, including 31b overweight (Monk) 0 When the tapes were released Tui Cakobau was quickest to get going, while Sedition was last to move. Tui Cakobau and Inglis were in front at the seven-furlong post, and then came Chan- . teuse, Dnnborve, Paritutu, and Ngapuka, with Sedition last. Inglis was a length to the good of Ngapuka running into the cutting, with Tui Cakobau and Chanteuse lying next. Inglis had a length's advantage over Ngapuka racing along the top stretch, three lengths after whom came Tui Cakobau, followed by Grenadier, Chanteuse, and Dunborve. Ngapuka was disputing the lead with Inglis at the bend, and entering the straight was in front. At the distance Ngapuka was running along freely, with Tui Cakobau, Grenadier and Dunborve racing almost on terms. Never faltering, the Mangere-traJned horse ran in a winner by two lengths from Tui Cakobau, who in turn was three-parts of a length in front of Dunborve, with Grenadier close up fourth, followed by Inglis, Sedition, Chanteuse, Aristocrat, and Paritutu. Time, lm. 425.

TOE SYLVIA HANDICAP or iSfeoy.; Mfltmj . < ,'? horse to receive 20sovs and third horse lfi,™! ' *:*"■» out. of the stake. For two-year-olds. Sb •»■! ■ ¥ longs. ■ Ul * '"r" - r Mr. T. H. Lowry's br c Merriwa, by Merriwpa— : --W'""-$ Lady Helen. Sat 31b (Buchanan) """***- , Sir George Clifford's ch c Sharpshooter 1» Clanranald—Weathcreye, 7sl Gib (F. E JonZ\ * Hon. J. D. Ormond's br g Idealism, by Blrlre* * head-Idea, 7st 71b (L. Wilson) '*"""»-■ , - Roselike, 7et 2Jb (Monk) " "' * 5 Royal Scotland, 7ab 21b, including 21b over ' I weight (II E. Brown) . j ! Lady Doon, 7st bib, including 81b ove'rweishr * : 'I (Deelev) ... B u " . f Fighting Fish, 6st 121b (11. Trice) "'. ''" „ ; », I Excalibur, 6et 101b (Chapman) „, '" « J Tho colours of Fighting Fish were, most pro. I minent from a line start, and he led along to '■'" *' the cutting, followed by Idealism, Sharpshooter : "- and Merriwa. The order was little changed ' '■'- racing through the cutting, but Sharpshooter •' t dashed into the lead half-way across the top ' stretch. Roselike here joined the leader, and "'" :f' the pair raced along two lengths in advance of Merriwa, Fighting Fish, and Excalibur. Sharp- :' ' ' shooter had shaken Roselike oft rounding the bend, and entered the straight, followed by Ex- ■'. ' calibur, Merriwa, and. Fighting Fish. Sharpshooter was still in command when the last fur. long was entered upon, buj inside the distance Merriwa put in his run on the outside. and, ::!''; settling the opposition in nice style, won by three-quarters of a length from Sharpshooter, the • ' ; game distance after whom came Idealism. Fight- - ing Fish, Royal Scotland, Excalibur, Lady Doon, and Roselike finished in that order. Time, lm. * 17 1-58. ••> ; THE GRANDSTAND HANDICAP of EOOeovs; second horse to receive 75sovs and third horse 25sovs out of the stake. One mile and a- f, quarter. :":. Air, L. Coleman's ch g Leonator, 3ged, by ' —Natalor mare, 7st 81b (Buchanan) J, Trustees Mrs. A. M. Coombe's b c Master Soult, 3yrs, by Soult—Lady Hester, Bet 131b (Jenkins) '2 Mr. M. McLean's ch g Celtic, syr«, by Seaton. Delaval—Margarctta, 6st 91b (If. Trice) ... 3 Carl Rosa, 6yrs, Bst lib (Deeley) o '- Bully, 6yrs, 6st 71b (Chapman) o The quintette moved off together from the barrier, .Master Soult being the first to break the line. Racing past, the stand Leonator was a, length in front of Master Soult, a length after whom came Celtic, with Bully next and Carl ' . Rosa last. Tins order was maintained out of the* straight and along the bottom, with the excep- - '.-.' tion that Bully had taken third position. Leonator was half-a-length ahead of Master Soult atthe seven-furlong post, with Bally a length away next. Crossing the back and running into ;■ the cutting Master Soult was a length behind the leader, another length after whom came Bullv, Celtic, and Carl Rosa together. Going . , through th« cutting Master Soult got to within half-a-length of Leonator, while Carl Rosa began to fall back beaten. Leonator was slightly La front of Master Soult at the home turn, " and was first to show the way into the straight. Steadied for the struggle over the concluding stages, Master Soult made a determined bid to • reach his chestnut rival, but the latter, fairly revelling In his task, drew away at the distance, inside which the top weight began to show symptoms of distress. From this on Leonator was never troubled, gaining the victory by two lengths and a-half, with Master Soult another five lengths in front of Celtic. Bully was fourth and Carl Rosa last. Time, 2m. 8 3-5?. . : THE FOURTEENTH ROYAL STAKES of sCosovi; • the owner of the second horse to receive 10 '•/'■ per cent, and the owner of the third horse 5 per cent, out of the stake. For two, three, - and four-year-olds.. Wcight-for-age. Six furlongs. Mr. G. D Greenwood's b f Armlet, 3yrs, by . Mensehikoff—Armilla, Bsfc 81b.(D. Donovan) 1 - Trustees Mrs. A. M. Coombe's br c Elysian, - 2yrs, by Soult—Dreamland, 7st lib (R. E. Brown) 2 Sir George Clifford's b c Broadsword, 2yrs, by Clanranald—Safeguard, 7?t s!b (F. E. Jones) 5 Cotomandcl, oyrs, Est 61b (Jenkins) 0 «

The quartette wore despatched to an uneven start, from which Armlet pot the advantage,.with Coromandel next. Armlet was a length in advance of Coromandel at the approach to the cutting, with Broadsword and Elysian following in ■;:. that order. In the run through the cutting Broadsword ran up second, a length behind Arm- t - let, while Elysian began to improve his position. There-was no change racing across the top, but Broadsword got up to Armlet at the home turn. The latter was first to show into the straight, where for a short distance Broadsword flattered his supporters. The Great Northern Foal Stakes winner, however, discounted his previous performance by a most erratic finish, and Armlet running on true won comfortably by it . : »; length and a-half from Elysian, who got up • f and defeated the favourite by a head for second ::■', honours. Coromandel was another three lengths ,;; away last. Time, lm. 15 2-ss. ' : : |

PEDIGREE OF THE WINNER, || ARMLET. /. Sire: Menschikoff, bv Stepniak (son of Nordenfeldt) from Pibroch, by Lochiel (son of Prince Charlie). . -' ; t|| Dam: Arniilla, by Castor (son of Zealot) frci\ Necklace, by Musket (son of Toxopholitc). , m WINNERS OF THE ROYAL STAKES. 'If Time. i jfej m. «, ' :ViSIS 1896—Bloodshot, bv Maxim, 8.6 1 164 1837—Gobi Medallist, bv Medallion, 7.3 1 164 :. 1898— Medallist, by Medallion, 8.6... 1 16 1833—Screw Gun, bv "Hotehkiss, 7.3 ... 1 17|- , '■,; 19C0— Gun, by Hotchkiss, 8.6 ... I 24, 1901—Renown, by Dreadnought, 9.2 ... 1 15.141 ':.;.;;■■s 1902—Royal Artillery, by Hotehkiss, 9.2 1 161 : ?:': ; ; 1903—King Log, bv Stepniak. 7.5 ... 1 16J 1904—Machine Gun, bv Hotehkiss, 8.9... 1 15 3 1905—Noetuiform, by "Multiform, 6.5 ... 1 18 •,} 1906—Cuneiform, by Multiform,- 8.9 ..: 1 1'.24 1907—Zimmerman, bv Birkenhead, 9.2... 1 15 4-5 1908—Flcetfoot, bv Clanranald, 7.5 ... 1151-5 ■-'rff 1909—Armlet, by Menschikoff, 8.8 ... 115 2-5 THE AUCKLAND HURDLE R.'.CE (HANDICAP] { •of 200aovs; second horse to receive 35sovs an* . m third horse 15sovs out of the stake. Ove<r |y. eight flights of hurdles. Two miles. ..* Q.OM Mr. W. S. Davidson's ch g Reservoir, aged, by .;, Jet d'Eau—Cartouche, lOst 111b (J. Jones)... U Mr. J. H. Howe's blk g Creusot, aged, by Torpedo—.Egyptilla, 9st 51b, including 51b over- ( weight (O'Brien) ... ... ... • v '• : m Mr. R. Ilannnn's b g Hautapu, aged, by Miti- HjH ora—Ladv Sarah, 12st 61b (Brady) * Luscombe, 6vrs, list fPercival) « .■,'■■** Waihekau, aged, 9st 121b (Dcerey) ... ... f H The field swept away in line, from which Han, h tapu and Waihekau drew out along the back, - g Hautapu gained three lengths over Waihekau a* v. the first obstacle, but made a risky jump at th« ,;. next fence. Crossing the third hurdle Hautapa .- g was leading, followed by Waihekau, L.iscombe, ■ "p and Reservoir. The top weight led over th<» -jK next fence, and passing the stand was half-a- ( ' length in front of Waihekau, after whom cam* .;' Luscombe, Reservoir, and Creusot. The sain* ;• order was maintained round the back, although Waihekau for a few strides headed Hautapu at ' '-,;' the bottom turn. The latter piloted the way over the fifth and sixth hurdles, with Waihekau as his nearest attendant, but Luscombe Tan up second aloug the top, with Reservoir and Crcuso* closing up. In the run to the last obstacle Reservoir overhauled the leaders, and, jumping faultlessly, landed a length in front of. Hautapu and Creusot, eventually winning by three lengths from Creusot, who was two lengths in front oi Hautapu, after whom came Waihekau. Than 3m. 555. ; ~'.. THE NEWMARKET HANDICAP of 375sovs{second horse to receive 50sovs and third hors» '. 2550V9 out of the stake. Six furlongs. : M;\ Mr. W. C. Ring's b h Wuuchope, 4yrs, by Free- V WH ■ dom—Black Watch, 7st 71b (L. Wilson) ... 1 . j:] Mr. D. McLeod's br g Tamainupo, 4yrs, by > . ,'• Soult—Winsome, Bst 31b (Decley) « ~<:;: : Sir George Clifford's ch f Flitaway, 3yrs, by Clauranald—Elusive. 7st 91b (F. E. Jones) ... 3 <.-■. Cambrian, svre, Sst Mb (Pearson) 0 i<Royal Soult,' 4yrs, 9st 21b (R. E. Brown) ... 0 Devonport, 6yrs, Bst 41b (Buchanan) 0 .■ '\\ Miss Winnie, aged, Bst (Brady) " mm Gold Lace, 3vrs, 7st 121b (H. Price) ... 0 ,::>: Torino, 6yrs, 7st 91b (Chapman) ... ■-< 0 f . When the barrier lifted Tarina dashed away, :.*'& with Miss Winnie close in attendance, while .•; Roval Soult and Devonport, on the outside, were last to get off. Tarina went through the cutting ; ■;• in advance of Gold Lace, Flitaway, and Cambrian, .;: ;: ; "with Royal Soult and Devonnort at the back of -. ~-.-; the field" Along the top Tarina was a length m m front of Gold Lace, and then came Miss Vt'inme, Cambrian, Wauchope, and 'Tamainupo. The field began to close up at the turn, but TariMa wa» still bowling along in front when heads wore-in JJ,;: line for home, with Royal Soult and Devonport) threading their way through. Below the distance | . Tarina was caught and passed by Flitaway, Wau- Bk a chope, and Roval Soult, and a good set-to ensued. to the post. In front of the Derby Stand Wauchope was in the lead, and here Tamainupo Challenged, a fine struggle ending in a neck, victory... x . for the former, with Flitaway two lengths and a- - ;.-, half away third. Royal Soult was close up fourth, and tlien in the order finished Devonpcrt, Gold Lace, Tarina, and Miss Winnie, with CM* brian last. Time, lm. 15s. ~ ' THE AUCKLAND PLATE of 325sovs; second ■ horse to receive 75sovs and third horse 25»»v§ ; <m out of the stake. Weight-for-age. One mile . .-v. and a-half. *.i Mr. T. H. Lowry's blk g Bobrikoff,, 4yrs, by . Finland—Gossip. Bst 111b (F. Davis) ... *• •-:;? Hon. J. D. Ormond's b h Zimmerman, syrs, ■■mM by Birkenhead—Solitaire, 9«t 41b (F. D. Jones) A .y-j Mr. D. Moraghan's b g Master Delaval, 6yre, S'A bv Seatoj De'.aval—Campania, 9st lib (B. & | E. Brown) — 9 ,-V; From an even start Zimmerman set oat to act ||J as pacemaker, and entering the straight •leo -. Bobrikoff and Master Delaval by three lengtni. ~ 1 This order was unchanged passing the stand ana • out of the straight, where the leader was two -.. lengths to the good. At the seven-furlong pos» : Zimmerman's lead was reduced to one lengtfl. -^y and Master Delaval ran into second P°«>" 0IJ : _:;.• Bobrikoff dashed up going along the cutting, arm half-way through the top was racing topsides with Zimmerman, with Master Del»«l *£ , lengths off. From this on Bobrikoff was never , seriously troubled, and after coming into «W - :; -, straight two lengths in front of .gniatnwt*!* in an easy winner by three lengths, with Master v Delaval a neck further away, third. Time, 2m. . 32 2-6s. "■'% THE GREY HANDICAP of lOCsovs; second bone -> to receive lOsovs out of the stake. Fi"e iw - w . longs. _ - :■-$■ ; Mr. W. C Ring's b g Hohungatahi, 3yrs, by ti g : . " Freedom-Black Watch. 7st 91b (H. Price)... ».-£,,i. Mr A. Grattan's ch m Grizelle, 6yrs, by M,.- .; 4y Clements—Fan, 7st lib, including lib over- _-.;^p weight (Greenwood) ... — .*"—«£' ■■''■■•■%■'-; Mr E. Jones' b g Keep Step, aged, by Horn- ,f,. pipe—Keepsake, 7st 1311b, including <: 2 io 3 ,| •; overweight (Brady) ... ..■ •- n.'S. Mark Time, 6vrs, 9st lib (Buchanan) - " ; Tattoo. 4vrs, 6st 131b (Keenan) ... "■ 0 Rarata, 3vrs, Bst 41b (Pearson) ... -. „ ~ Miss Advance, 4yrs, Sst 31b (Jenkins) ••• - , Hard Rock, 4vrs. 7st 91b (Deeley) , Biddy Curran, syrs, 7st 61b (begbie) - - - Mentira, 4yrs, 7st lib (Galnsford) ... -.J Explosive,*syrs, 7st (Killick) ... ■••„•;:< H Freevata, syrs. 7st lib, including 21b over - weight (K. E. Brown) ... ■•• „„„',' Xi Hoanga, 3yrs, 7st 131b, including 141b over- .., weight (Robson) ... •■• — •".'.. 0•', ' Blue Rocket, 4yrs, 6st 131b (Chapman) •- v Flying Soult, 3vrs, 7at 31b, including 41b over fl | weight (1,. Wilson) „■ ■•• "' A ■:■■-■: Heathen, aged, 6st 131b (J. . Pereival) ~_••• ffl Zinnia, 3yrs, 7st 71b, including 81b* (C. Brown) •■ ; '»»'- Peggy Pryde, 3yr», 7st. including lib ?!j«M-:^ weight (Monk) - "• . - The largo field was despatched in almost B*£" feet Uae/irom which UohuugaUtii .w« ■»' w fa \ k ■ W ill

•how out prominently. Through the cutting and Sour th* top Hohunjtatahl was out making the •mmi» cracker, and thee came Keep Mep. Ex ft* and Hard Rock. HohnuiraUhF still Sowed the w„v round the turn and led into the SSteht with two lengths to ..pare. Dashing up the straight, with the field closing up. Hohungalihi managed to hold hi. opponent* off securing fh. decision by a length from Gmelle, half-* length -whom came. Keep Step. The last to Jinish were Rarata, Miss Advance. Mentira, Expfosivel Tattoo, and Flying Soult. Time, lm. i 4-Ss.' THE WINNING PAYMENTS. The following is a list of winning payments made over the meeting:— Mr St. J. Buckley— Auckland Cup £1250. Ist. A. R.C. Handicap £6CO. 2nd Summer Cup £100 ... ... •■• - £1.950 Sir George Clifford— Great Northern *" Derby £600, lot Great. Northern Foal Make's £600. 3rd 14th Royal Stake* £25, 3rd Newmarket Handicap £25, 2nd .Sylvia Handicap £20, 3rd Midsummer Handicap £15 •• ••• ••; ••• us > Mr T 11 Lowrv— Auckland tup £350 I*l Auckland Plate £225, Ist Midsummer Handicap £200. Ist Sylvia Handicap £120. 2nd Criterion Handicap £36 3rd Trial Handicap £10 940 Trustees Mrs. A. M. Coombe— Ist Summer Cup £500, 2nd Great Northern Foal Stake* £100. 2nd Great Northern Derby £100. 2nd Railway Handicap £75, 2nd Grandstand Handicap £75, 2nd 14th ■ Koval Stakes £50. 3rd Criterion Handicap £15 - 915 Mr I*. D. Greenwood—lst 14th Royal stake. £425. 3rd Christmas Handicap £15 ' . - "° Mr. W. C. Ring—lst Newmarket Handicap £303, lot t.'rev Handicap £30. 2nd . Visitors' Handicap £33. 2nd Ferguson Handicap £10 ■ • •• 435 Mr Donald .McLeod—lst Alexandra Han- ' dicap £150, Ist Criterion Handicap £150, 2nd Newmarket Handicap £30. 2nd Midsummer Handicap £33. 2nd County Handicap (dead heat) £23 410 Mr I*. Colqnun—lst Grandstand Handicap 400. Mr. S. G. Lindsay—lot Railway Handicap 400 Mr W. S. Davidson—lst Grafton Hurdles £150, Ist Auckland Hurdles £150, 2nd Fonsonby Hurdles £35. 2nd Christmas Handicap £35 370 Mr«. Leonard—lst Christmas Handicap ' £150. Ist Salisbury Welter £150 ... 300 Mr A. Hanson—lst Glasgow Handicap £150. Ist Trial Handicap £120 270 Mr. R. W. Duder—lst County Handicap £200. 2nd Goodwood Handicap £35. 3rd Visitors' Handicap £13. 3rd GlasgowHandicap £15 265 Mr. R. C Wallace—lst Goodwood Handicap £150. Ist Robinson Handicap £90, 2nd Bowen Handicap £10 250 Mr. F. W. Arnold—lst Visitors' Handicap £150. 2nd Alexandra Handicap £35, 2nd Glasgow Handicap £33 220 Mr. R. Hannon— Ist New Tear Hurdles £150. 2nd Grafton Hurdles £35, 3rd Auckland Hurdles £15 20t Mr. J. George— Auckland Cup £150, 2nd Salisbury Welter £35 IK Mr. W. 11. Mobberlev—lst Ponsonbv Hurdles £150, 3rd New "Tear Hurdles £15 16c Hon J. D. Ormond— Auckland Plate £75. 3rd Great Northern Foal Stakes £50. 3rd Previa Handicap £10 133 Mr. R. Millett—lst Nursery Handicap... 12C Mr ,T. H. Walters—lst Maiden Handicap £90. 2nd Robinson Handicap £10, 2nd Waitemata Handicap £10 110 Mr A. Lennard—2nd ARC. Handicap ... 100 Mr. D. McKinnon—lst Waitemata Handicap 90 Mr J. MeNicol— Ferguson Handicap. 90 Mr. T. Wvllie—lst Bowen Handicap ..'. 90 Mr. D Moraghan—3rd A II C. Handicap £50, 3rd Auckland Plate £25 .... '• 75 Messrs. W. G. and G. L. Stead-%rd Summer Cup £30. 2nd Maiden Handicap £10 60 Mr J. Monk— Great Northern Derby 50 Mr. J. G. Sutherland—2nd New Year Hurdles £35, 3rd Fonsonbv Hurdles £15 " 50 Mr. G. T. Donnelly—2nd County Handicap (dead beat) £25. 2nd Nursery Handicap £20 " 45 Mr. J. H. Howe—2nd Auckland Hurdles 35 Mr. E. .1. Watt— Railway Handicap 25 Mr. M. McLean—3rd Grandstand Handicap ' 25 Mr. Walter Davies— Trial Handicap 20 Mr. J. B. Williamson— Grafton Hurdles 15 Mr. J. C. Colbeck— Salisbury Welter 15 Mr. George Dunnet—3rd Goodwood Handicap 15 Mr. O. Robinson—3rd Alexandra Handicap 15 Mr. D. Stewart— Nursery Handicap 10 Mr A. H. Grattan— Grey Handicap 10 Total £10,500 HAWKE'S BAY JOCKEY CLUB. [BY TELEGRAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION-.] Napier. Sunday. The Hawke's Hay Jockey Club's Summer Meeting was concluied at Hastings yesterday, before a good attendance. The weather was fine, but very windy. The totalizator returns amounted to £7490, as against £8550 last year, making a total of £15.321 for the meeting, as compared with £17,025 for the corresponding meeting of the previous year. Eight bookmakers were licensed yesterday. The bookmakers' fee* for the meeting amounted to £328. The results are:— AOTEA HANDICAP HURDLES of 70sov«. Distance, one mile and thre°-,juarters. Mr. V. O'Neill's b g Coy, aged, bv Sou'-wester —Puss. fct 21b (W. Kirk) ..." 1 Mr. A. J. Ellinstham's Hipporofla. lost 13lb, (D. Watt) 2 Mr. W Griffltli'a Commander, list (T. Price) 3 Also starred : Monaro.ue, lOst 51b; Rawliiti, 9st. Coy won easily by three lengths, Hipporofla being a head in front of Commander. Time, 3m. 21s. GRANDSTAND HANDICAP of 70»ovs. Distance, six furlongs. Hon. J. D. Ormond'a b g North Head, syrs, by Birkenhead— Bst 131b "(D. Kemp) 1 Mr G. Hunter's Chamois. 7st 10!b (E. Lowe) 2 Mr. G. Kingston's Erl King, Est (J. Sceata) 3 Also started: Gold Treasure, Bst 71b; Pluck 7st 121b. North Head was first away from the barrier, *nd won easily by two lengths. Time, lm. 16s. SCURRY HACK HANDICAP of 70*ovs. Distance, rive furlongs. Mr. R. A. White's b g Waioriki, svre, by iV'aiuku— Bst 71b (E. Lowe) ... ... 1 )ir. H. H. Fharazyn'e Oia Pinsent, 7st 61b (M. Fraser) 2 Mr. H. Hiekey's The Cockatoo, Sst, carried &t 4Jlb (P. O'Brien) 3 Also started: Andrew Mack, 2st 51b; Miscast, 'st 121b (carried 8st); Arawha, 7s t 121b; Cork .st 61b (carried 7*t 1311b): Mediterranean, 7st 31b; Kaolin. Ist; Obscurity. 7st. Waiorrka won by two lengths. Ora Pinsent beating The Cockatoo by a neck for second place, .time, lm. 3s. SUMMER HANDICAP of 140sov«. Distance, once round. Hon. J. D. Ormond's b m Woodher, 4vrs, bv ' Birkenhead— Govt, Bat 4!b (E. Lowe) ..' ..." 1 Mr. K. .1. Watt's Muekerry, Bst 121b (D. Kemp) 2 Mr. W. J. McLean's Loiret, 7st 51b (W. Kirk) 3 t Also started: Uenuku, 7at 31b; Dardanus, 6«t lib (carried 6st 111b); Lamsdorf, fat 71b. Woodher shot to the front at the start, and maintained her advantage to the finish, winning easily by three lengths. Time, lm. 50s

NURSERY HANDICAP of 70<ovs. Distance, five furlong*. Hon. J. D. Ormond's br c Ideate, bv Birken-head-Idea. 7it 71b (11. Wat/ion) ' 1 Mr. R. Ooojcmnn's Perhaps, 7st 71b (F. Hutchinson) 2 Mr. P. Neagle's Theodore, 8?t 61b (W. ' Kirk) 3 Also started: Bridge, 7st 71b: Meremcre, 7«t Tib; Seraphic, 7*t 21b: Ultimatum, 7st 61b; Axiom, 7st 6ib (carried 7st 91b); Reformist, 7«t. Ideate shot out from the barrier and won by a length and a-half, 3 length between second and third. Time, lm. 3 2-£s. ErsOM HANDICAP of 70,?ov«. distance, once round. Mr. A. R. 0. Reason's eh g Waikaraka, syrs, by Waiuku—Mistrel. 12si 61b (owner) . 1 "-„ J. S. O'Neill's Highden, list 81b (Mr. J. Allen) .. 2 Mr. G. P. Donnelly's El Dorado, list (Mr. W. Cattanach) ' ... 3 Also started: Oaltboiirne, list. "aikaraka won by a head, a neck separating second and third. Time. lm. 56 2-58. MATAPIRO HACK HANDICAP of 70sov«. Dis-' tance, seven furlongs. Mr. A. R. T. Jones' br g Sir Possible, 3vrs, by The Possible—Ladv Helen. 7st (E. Lowe) 1 Mr. E. J. Watt's Parable, 7st 31b (M. Eraser)... 2 «"n. J. D. Ormond'a North Pole, 83t 3b (D. Kemp) ' ... ... 3 Also Parted: Spate, Sot 101b: Roselethe. 7s »lb; My Darling. 7st; Robin Link, 7st. t» l Sir 1 Possible won by three-parts of a length, "fable was half a length in front of North lole. Time, lm. 30 4-sa. . Roselethe stumbled and lost her rider a few yards from the post, Robin Link doing the same after passing the post. The stewards held an inquiry as to the cause of Boselctbe falling, and deeded that the fall was the result of an accident, there being no foul riding. JANUARY HANDICAP of SOsovs. Distance, seven furlongs. Messrs. Cameron and Fairbrother's b h Seaton--11.1 rt J?' .' by Sraton Delaval-Innisfail, 7st IMb (W. Kirk) ' ... i Hon J ]). Ormond'a Martyrium, Bst 101b (D. Mr. J. s. O'Neiii's Highden, 7st'3lb(K. Lowe)...'"3 Mr. J. s. O'Neill'a Highden, 7st 31b (E. Lowe)..." 3 Also started: Berengaria, 7«t; Millenial, Ist. Hi^rf° ndale won '-omfortablv bv a length. ttisbden was a good third. Time, lm. 295. RAN'GITTKKI RACING CLUB. t>Y TKLEGIiArn—riIES3 ASSOCIATION.] T , Marto.v, Sundav. das- n / C 1" £ K;,, ° lowing for the concluding was | a L the Ra "K'tikei races. The attendance return.T; fi , the o ' ll*1 * * 00ti - The totalisator £17 un ? ♦ thc Uo da - vs " ,-rp £13 ' 833 > a « a S ai " Bt »«,180 last year. The results arc:— b«f L 2 fK"^-b?-- strat^ist ' l; LongU ™t,!a^ D 3 ,CAI, - Sir AntWm ' l! AdTa "" 2; BA Sh| , 3- XttVier ' ' : Tonderghie, *Rl tV' K , HANDICAP-Bonnie """• i, Lute, 2; Roosevelt, 3 Bi°R^eTeU , ! DSTAKES -- Ecl0ue l - Carissima, ■■USfiWtf " ACK HURDLES.-Ma.di, 1; Be- *""<». * , Sedgemoor, 3. 2;^oa T Tihi3 NI)ICAr -- Roficßrove ' 1; MusseI ' SCURRY - GenuiDe ' J '

I 111 I II — II I ■— STRATFORD RACING CLUB. [by TELEGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.] Stratford, Sunday. The Stratford rare* were concluded yesterd . in fine weather, and before 5 good attendant: The results are :— COUNTY HACK HANDICAP.—Sir Artegal, Mulga Bill, 2; Firing Wind, 3. MAKURI HURDLES.—Scenery, -1; Drudger 2; Bagatelle, 3. DOMINION HANDICAP.— 1; Whi ! Star, 2; Mallet, 3. LADIES* PURSE.— 1; Clemency, 2; Lan shan, 3. HANDICAP TROT.— 1; Lillian, 2; Cliv 3. CARDIFF STAKES.— Notorious, 1; Dolce, '. Valentine, 3. TOKO WELTER—BiIIow, 1; Axtrac, 2; R creation, 3. FINAL HANDICAP.—Sir Artegal, 1; Lao Metuchikoff, 2; Tiptoe, 3. WAIRARAPA RACING CLUB. [BY telegraph.— PßESS association.] Mastbrtos, Sunday. The Wairarapa Racing Club'* meeting «'n.i -oi eluded yesterday in fine but windy weathe The totalisator investments amounted to £782 m against £9182 last year, making a total < £17.006 as compared with £19,310 for the pn vious meeting. Twelve bookmakers were pr< sent. The results are:— JUVENILE HANDICAP. Five furlongs.Royal Guard, 1; Sea Queen, 2; Remission, 3. TAtVAHA HACK HANDICAP. Seven furlong* Osiris, 1; Merrtivonia, 2; Lucretius, 3. RACING CLUB HANDICAP. One mile an, i distance.—Moloch, Sst (A. Watson), 1: Iranu Sst 9lh (Ryan), i ; Skye, 6st 101b (S. Reid). J Also stalled: Wailethe, Waipaku, Aberration Sandstreain, Sunbonnet, Merrie Rose. Silke Rein, Passive, Mataari. Won by a head. Time lm. 67 4-i,. WHAREPAPA HACK WELTER. One mile.Tangeroa, 1; Knight Commander, 2; Diplomatic RUAMAHANOA HACK HANDICAP. Fiv, furlong*.—Rock Ferry, 1; Te Ru, 2; Swallow i. RUSSELL WELTER. Seven furlongs.—Prism 1; Simplex. 2 ; Aboriginal, 3. PIRINOA HACK HANDICAP. Six furlongs.Merrie Christmas, 1 ; Vinec, 2; Splash, 3. RAWIRI HANDICAP. Five furlongs.—Lochiela 1; Tunittt, 2; Aboriginal, 3. SOUTHLAND RACING CLUB. [BY TELEGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.]

t Isjvkrcaiigill, Sunday. The Southland Racing Club's Summer Meet- , ing opened yesterday, when the totalisator receipts totalled £4413. which is considerably in 1 excess of last year's figure*. Eleven bookmakers were present, paying £174 in license fees. The result* arc :— NEW YEAR HACK WELTER.. Six furlongs.Spinning Flight, 1; Waiju. 2; Radiator, 3. MAKAREWA CLASS TROT. Two milesHindoo, 1; Sadie Mac, 2; Lady Rothschild, 3. INVERCARQILL CUP. One' mile and a-quar-—Gold Dredge, 1; Siritis. 2; Office Girl, 3. Also ran: Astrakhan and Hire Time, 2m. 18 2-ss. W.UKTWI HANDICAP Seven furlongs—The Voucher, 1; Royal Shell, 2; Warsaw, 3. FLYING HANDICAP. Six furlongs.-Gapon, 1Loftus, 2; Scrapiron Jack, 3. ORETI HANDICAP TROT. One mile and ahalf.—Bloemfontein, 1; Evening Star, 2; Drevtus, 3. \ A VENAL HACK HANDICAP Five furlongs.— Mm, 1; Radiator, i; Landlord, 3. WAIHOPAI HANDICAP. One mile.-Cuirosct-tia, 1; Cooee, 21 Hiro, 3. FLUMPTON PARK TROTTING CIUB. [BV TELBGBAPH.— mess ASSOCIATION.] CHRiSTcurRCH, Sunday. The Plumpton Park Trotting Club's Summer letting was concluded yesterday in fine weather Tin results are ; — PROGRESSIVE HANDICAP of 6050v 9 . Distaip, two miles.-Teiiape. 24d., 1; Princess Louse, 20s 2; Pylades, 19*.. 3. Also started: I nice wood burn. l?s. ; Te Kooti, 215.; Master I art. 245. : Adventuress. 255.; Rubicon, 255.: and niMknure, 265. Won by two lengths. Time, oni.? II 2-s*. GLUES' BRACELET. HANDICAP of 40sovi. One mile and i-half.—Early Dawn, scr., 1- \ea pjnfcuf. (m 2; Ethel Roll. 155., 3. Also started; Merry May. 45.; Naughty Child. 55.; Maori Ouli. 8s : The Bow, 9*.; Old Fred. 125.; Alice Maui, 12s. ; Francis J., 12a.; Hereward, 14s. ; ; (.olii_ Lace. 14«-.; an d Golden Belle, 15s Won | by to lengths. Time, 3m. 58s. \ i CAMPION HANDICAP of ISOsovs. Two miles. J — Lort Elmo, 4«., 1; Miss Burlington, 12s . 2; Ter;ra Sova, as., 3. Also started: Durbar, scr.; , Albeitorious and Prince Alert, 75.; Fusse. lis ■ Floris, 11,.; ,nd Verax, 12s Won by half-a-length. Time, 4m. 3Ss. ADVANCE HANDICAP of 75sovg. One mileChathini. 6«., 1; Claremont, 3»., 2; Cleopatra, 65., 3. Also started: Victor Hnon, scr.; Welfare, is : ; and Master Dudley. Won by half a Hngth Tunc, 2m. 2Ss. HOINBY HANDICAP of lOOsovs. Two miles Havelk'k, 14s, 1; Laudervale, Is., 2; Tea-tree, 25.. S Also starte.l : ReJchlld. scr.: Virella Is. :.TaewnKmt, 95.; Turk, 135.; Myall, 13s. Won by half a head. Tir?e, sm. 3 2-se. " MIDDLKTON HANDICAP of HOsovs. Two milesi—Redchild, 65., 1: Miss Florrie C, 10« 2; Prince Warbeck, 4«., 3. Also started: Laudewale,' 7s. ; Curfew Bel), 9s. ; Decoration, 10a. ; Belkar, Ith.; Myra Warbeck 12«. ; Alliance, 125. ; Cinders, 14s. ; and Pansv, 14s. Won by eight length*. Time, 4m. 50 2-ss. TILKGRAPH HANDICAP of llOsova. One mile.—Witbington, 65., 1; Elector, 3e., 2; Verax, 33,3. Also started: Gold Leaf, ecr.,; Discoverr, 45.; Hinau, 55.; Grey Echo, 55.; and Advcrate, 6s. Won by two lengths. Time, 2m. 22 16s. AtREVOIR HANDICAP of lOOsovs. One mile. I3?lltar. 9a., 1; Prince Warbeck, Bs., 2; Aberfeldj, 65., 3. Also started: Nerval, scr.,; Patricks.. 35.; Lodia, 65.; Prince Randlc, 5«.; Almarl, 7s. ; Belrov, 8».; and Jov, 9s. Won by two lengths. Time. 2m. 22 2-ss.

GREYMOT'TH TROTTINTx CLUB. [BY TELEGRAPH.— ASSOCIATIOK.] I GKKTMOCTn, Sunday. Tie second day of the Greymouth Trotting Club's races was b*ld in fine weather. There was 1 record attendance. The results are: INNOVATION HANDICAP—WiId Palm, 1; Ngabinaru, 2; Vagabond,' 3. NEW ZEALAND FUTI.TirTT STAKES —Alpha, 1; H. Diction, 2; Lady Fox, 3. MAWHERA HANDICAP.-Ivv P., 1; Joe Davis, 2; Sv«.- Bell. A TRADESMEN'S HANDICAP—Judge Irvington, 1: Scuds, 2; Vagabond, 3. SUMMER HANDICAP.—RoyaI Money, 1; Lucy. 2; CMld Marie, 3. • • VICTORIA PARK HANDICAP.-Jean Allerton, 1; Mft'hera, 2: Doctor Gall, 3. ELECTRIC HANDICAP.—Coney, 1; Joe Davis, 2; Brtokfield, 3. NGaHERE HANDICAP.—Ned Corbett, 1; Cobra, 2; Rutapi, 3. VAIKATO TROTTING CLUB. The irillowing nominations have been received by the sbove club for their second annual meeting held on Claudelands, Hamilton, on Saturday, 16th inst.: MAIJKN TROT HANDICAP.-Sunnyside, Goosey. Wild Nell, Vulturenc, Saranna, Rangiriri, Veibcenj Belle Victor, Freedoo .Mayton, ConCasey. j SIMOT:R TROT HANDICAP—Maureen. Plaintiff. IriA Molly, Maplewood, Autocrat, Rosebud, I'apiniiL WAIRATO TROT HANDlCAP.— Plaintiff, Yoiin;? Salisbury, Bogey, Happy, Macquarrie, Le Rosier. Kohine, Rrd Leaf, Rosebud, Lady Love, Miss Dujmore, Albert Edward, Haldane, Robes. TRIM, TROT HANDlCAP.—Sunnyaide, Vulturene, laranna, Belle Victor. HAMILTON TROT HANDICAP.-Sunnyside, Wild 1011, Mark Scott, Maureen, Rangiriri, Plaint iff.) Irish Molly. Fibre, Misa Dunmore, Haldane, Cutaway, Papannl, Woodbury. . CLAUDELANDS TROT HANDICAP.— Salisburj, Mscquarrie, Kohinc, Rosebud, John Harold. Lady Love, Banneguie, Mandarcne, V.S., Papanui| ri'IiUCANS' PURSE HANDICAP.— Nell, Mark S-ott, Rangiriri, Minnie 8., Castaway, ! Alliert Edward; Haldane, Woodbury. FAREWELL TROT HANDICAP.— Happy, ; L<- Rosiei, Kohine,. Red Leaf, Maplewood, Robex, Rosebud.* Handicaps will appear in the HERALD on litli inst, and acceptances close with the secretary, at Hamilton, at nine p.m. »on 13th inst. SALE OF BLOODSTOCK. At Glenora Park to-day the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company will submit to auction the fine collection of yearling* bred by Mr. W. Walters. The youngetcrs loetted this year at the Paphkura estate are in every respect held to be superior to thosoi submitted in previous years, and with Soiilt in- a leading position amongst tho sires l of the Dominion a very spirited competition may be expected to ensue 'or the possesion of his descendants. oral youngsteis sired by the English horse vilute/i also figuie on the Papakura catalogue, and they are bound to command much attcntio 1. In addition to Mr. Walters' a batch r.f youngsters bred at Wanganui by Mr. George Curric art to go up to auction at Papakura; and a brace from Mr. D. McKinnon s estate at the Waikato are also to go before the auctioneer. At Cambria Park Master Soult, Elysian, Tetrazzini, and First Gun are to go liofore the auctioneer. Master Soult has won a first-class tertificate for consistency, and with his brilliancy well established it may be taken as pretty certain that Mr. Nolan will have to deal with strong figures when the three-year;old son of Soult steps into the ring. I A special train is timed to leave the Auckland station for • Papakura at 10.50 a.m., landing passengers on its return at Cambria Park. I. The Northern Company's steamer Rarawa, which left ' Onehunga yesterday, took South a number of Visiting sportsmen and several racehorses. Amontjit the latter were All Red, Diabolo, Aborigine, Gold Lace, and Golden Water.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 13949, 4 January 1909, Page 6

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SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 13949, 4 January 1909, Page 6

SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 13949, 4 January 1909, Page 6