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The Auckland public have rarely had a more interesting day's cricket than that of Saturday, when the Canterbury-Auckland representative match for tho Plunket shield was continued at the Domain. Ou the previous day Auckland had made the ordinary total of 239, and Canterbury 11 for no "wickets. During the night heavy showers fell at intervals, so that when the weather cleared the wicket on which Canterbury had to bat was sodden. The brilliant sunshine and high westerly wind was, however, rapidly improving the wicket when play commenced at 11 o'clock. The first over of the day was sensational, Rolf securing two leading Canterbury wickets. Canterbury's innings closed for 112, of which Humphreys, the English professional, made 43, while Relf, tho other English professional, secured seven Canterbury wickets at the low cost of six runs each. Aucklanders went in on what was deemed to be a batsman's wicket, but fared worse, Hcmus losing his wicket in tho first over, the whole innings only realising 92 20 less than Canterbury's total. Humphreys again was the man of the side, getting six Auckland wickets at the small cost of 23 runs-. Tho day's sensation was not yet over, for three Canterbury wickets fell for 18 runs before stumps were drawn. About 3000 spectators were present. DETAILS OF PLAY. Lusk. for Canterbury, opened on a bowler's wicket to Relf, and was out the second ball: 11—1 —6. Ollivier came in, but did not stay long, being clean bowled bv his second ball from Relf: 11—2—0. Humphreys came in. Wood brought his score along with a boundary- each off Stemson and Relf, and then Hadden replaced Stemson at the hospital end, his first delivery being pulled ay Humphreys to the leg boundary. Hadden's third ball was pulled to the boundary by Humphreys. In Keif's nest over Wood, in hitting out, had his centre stump knocked clean out of the ground : —3— Sims filled crease vacated by Wood, and opened his account with three to square leg off Hadden. tho ball being just out of reacn of MacCormick. Hadden sent down some loos© stuff in the next over, which both batsmen scored off. BrookeSmith replaced him in the next over, his fifth ball, a short-pitched one. being driven by Humphreys fes- three, and 50 went up as the result of 55 minutes' play. A couple of overs later Sims ran out of his crease for a short hit by Humphreys, and. Stemsou fielding smartly, returned to BrookeSmith, who snicked the bails off before Kims could get back : 68—4—12. Reese, a left-handed bat, came in. Brooke-Smith's over to him being a maiden. Brooke-Smith's first ball of tho next over was pulled to the boundary by Reese. Off Rolfs first ball of the over Humphreys made three by a pretty offdrive, which just failed to reach the boundary. Brooke-Smith had been bowling well, and in his next over Humphreys covered a ball on the off, and cut it past the stumps into Robinson's hands: 82 — 5—53. , , Anthony replaced Humphreys, and played out the over, opening his score in Relfs nest over with two to leg. In BrookeSmith's over the left-hander displayed a splendid off-drive. In Rolf's next over Reese succumbed to an appeal for lbw: 88—6—9. Orchard, a left-hander, came in. , Brooke-Smith sent down two maiden overs to Anthony. At one o'clock 90 went up, I and Canterbury had saved a follow-on. Off 1 Rolfs first ball of tho next over Orchard | lifted past the bowler to Sale, and Auckland's crack fieldsman made no mistake. ■ | bringing off a nice catch : —7—2. | Bennett went out, and Relfs second ! ball to him removed his bails: 90—8—0. i Bosshall, a left-hander, camo in, and swung bis second ball off Rolf to the longleg boundary. Brooke-Smith's next over , was relieved by a smartly-run single and good fielding by MacCormick. At the luncheon adjournment the board read: 96--B—o. No exti.ta had vet been regis- , tered against Robinson, Auckland's wicket-keeper. Anthonv opened on resumption to Brooke-Smith, and tricked his second ball ; for a single. Box-hall hit Brooke-Smith in 1 his next over up at mid-on to MacMahon. . The fields-man had to run forward, and barely got under, a possible chance being . missed. A single resulted, and the 10C ■ went up as the result of 2h. 25m. play. 3 The batsman pulled Roll's first ball to the i leg boundary, and then hit ono :;r ' over the head of mid-on. It. fell in sale territory. In Brooke-Smith's next ovei Anthony played a ball on to his pads, and it ran on' the wickets: 108—9—5.

Malone placed out the over safely, am then Boxshall, realising the situation commenced to hit out, but was deal bowled, and the innings closed for th< small total of 112, the board showing: li<s —10— Robinson's performance behind the stumps was ver- fine, the catch with which he dismissed Humphreys being a brilliant effort. AUCKLAND'S SECOND INNINGS. Ganterbur- filed on to the field at 2.40. and a few minutes later MacCormick opened, on an improving wicket, his own and Auckland's score, with a single to the off from Humphrey!!, who was bowling from tho Newmarket end. The last ball of the oyer was fatal to Homus, Humphreys knocking his centre stump clean out of the ground : 1 -°- . , i j Sale took Hemus' place, and opened with a nice cut for two off Humphries. After a couple of uneventful overs Salo was clean bowled by Humphreys: 7—2—5. Hidden went to* the wickets amid applause, the crowd hoping he would improve the desperate situation. Hadden opened with a single, followed by a nicelytimed leg hit for two, and then a strong off-drive well placed to the boundary for four. Hadden brought up his double figures, and then Malono relieved Bennett at the hospital end. In Malone's next over Hadden survived an appeal for lbw. MacCormick meanwhile was keeping up his wicket, bavin? scored three while- Hadden was putting on 12. The Canterbury field had closed in, until they were almost sitting on AlacCurmick's bat when he was taking Humphreys' deliveries. The Canterbury fielding was noticeably loose at this stage. In Malone's next over MacCormick got his foot in front, and wont out ibw: 27—3—5. MacCormick was 55 minutes getting his runs. Cummings then came to the wickets, and in Malone's noxt over after an unsuccessful appeal for lbw, opened his score with a single to tho off. Malone clean bowled Hadden in his next over: 34—4—18. Keif opened to Malono and scored a single off the second ball. A smartly run tingle in Humphreys' next over almost cost Cummings his wicket. Belt' late cut M/iiono in his next over to near the boundary for three. Bennett replaced Humphreys at the Newmarket ond. Off Malone's next over Rolf placed the first to leg for a smartly run two. Orchard replaced Bennett at the Newmarket end, and Rolf pattod his first ball back, the bowler accepting tho soft chance: 48—5—11. An adjournment was then made for afternoon tea. On resuming play, Brooke-Smith filled the crease vacated by Rolf, and off Orchard's oyer scored a four and a three bringing 50 up, as the result of one hour 20 minutes' play. A single and then another boundary put him quickly into double figures. Humphreys replaced Orchard at the Newmarket end, and in his first over Brooke-Smith was caught behind the sticks by Boxshall: 62—6— A section of the crowd took exception to the decision which sent Brooke-Smith to the pavilion. MacMahon came in and opened with a single off Malone. The first ball of Humphreys' over was fatal to MacMahon, Boxshall taking him behind the stumjis: 64-7-1. « „ , Mason •scored a single off Humphreys next over, and then a period of slow play followed, enlivened by the ironical appeals of some of the crowd on every occasion

.vheii the wicketkeeper took a ball cleanly leliind the stumps. A couple of overs later Mason was stumped by Boxshall off Humphrey. Mason was clearly in doubt is to the decision, and some of the crowd booted the umpire, although it, was a decision that one had to be in a good position to see, whether it was correct or not: 63— 3—3. Stemson came ii and played out the over. Off Malone's first ball Curamings made a nice forward drive to th<; boundary. Stemson's first ball from Humphreys was driven straight ahead to near the boundary for three. Two balls later Humphreys clean bowled Cumtninge: 78— 9—14. * .1,. Robinson was last man in, and fitter Stemson had scored a single, he drove straight ahead for two. In Humphreys' next over, Stomson, by a tine ml, lifted him to the boundary". Robinson drove Humphreys for a single, and 90 wont up. The crowd were appreciating the daring of the tail. ' In Malone's next over Stemson drove well and ran a single, hesitation to run for a second caused him to be run out, and the innings closed at 5.5, the board showing: 10—10. Robinson was three, not out. The Canterbury team were rewarded with great applause on returning to the pavilion for their fine performance in disposing of the Auckland cloven so cheaply, Humphreys and Boxehall coming in for special recognition. CANTERBURY'S SECOND INNINGS. The Auckland team filed into the field at 5.20, Lusk and Wood went to the wickets a few moments later, Wood taking the bowling of Relf, who went on at the Newmarket end. At Rolf's third ball Wood stood across the etuvnps to pull. He missed the ball and went out Ibw: o—l—o. Sims let Kelt's first ball go, and played out the rest safely. Stemson opened from the hospital end, Lusk opening the score of the innings with a hook to leg for a single. Rett sent down another maiden over to Lusk. Lusk was almost run out in Stomson's over by a smart throw in by Brooke-Smith. ' Stemson was bowling with a splendid length, the product of his next over being a no-ball. Lusk had another close, call of being thrown out by Sale in attempting a short run. Rolf's next ball, however, clean bowled him: 10 —2-4. Anthony went in. Sims pulled Stemson to the square leg boundary, following with a single. MacMahon, the leg-break bowler, replaced Stemson at the hospital end, and bowled a maiden to Anthony. The first ball of his next over came in with a big break, beating Sims badly : 18— 3—13. Bennett came in and played out the over safely, but uncomfortably. Stumps were then drawn, and one of the most sensational dav's plav eeen in Auckland, concluded: 18—3—13. The following are the fcore* : — Auckland.—First Innings 239 AUCKLAND.—Second Innings. Hemus, b Humphreys 0 MacCormick, lbw, b Malone 5 Sale, b Humphreys ... ... ••• 5 Hadden, b Malone 18 Cummings. b Humphreys 14 Relf, c and b Orchard 11 Brooke-Smith, c Boxshall, b Humphreys 13 MacMahon, c Boxshall, b Humphreys 1 Mason, st Boxshall, b Humphreys ... 3 Stemson, run out 10 Robinson, not out 4 Extras ... ... ... ••• 8 Total ..' 92 BOWLING ANALYSIS Overs. Mdns. Runs. V/kts. Humphreys ... 21 9 23 6 Dennett 10 4 16 0 14 1 37 2 Orchard 1 0 6 1 CANTERBURY.— Innings. Lusk. lbw, b Relf (■ Wood, b Relf If Ollivier. b Relf C Humphreys, c Robinson, b Brooke-Smith 43 Sims, run out ... ... ... ... 12 Reese, lbw. b Relf £ Anthony, b Brooke-Smith £ Orchard, c Rale, b Relf £ Bennett, b Relf C Boxshall. b Relf ... -. It Malone, not out C Extras 1 Total 112 BOWLING ANALYSIS. Overs. Mdns. Runs. Wkts. Keif 32 17 12 7 Stemson 7 0 18 0 Hadden <* 0 21 0 Brooke-Smith ... 20 8 30 2 CANTERBURY.— Innings. Wood, Ibw, b Relf ( ' Lusk. b Relf { Sims, b MacMahon li Anthony, not out C Bennett, not out ( i Extras .. 3 » Total 1! I OTAGO DEFEATS WANGANUI. '■ [BY TELEGRAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION.] Wangaxui, Sunday. The cricket match, Otagn versus Wanga 1 l.ui, was continued on Saturday at the Col lego ground, Otago Winning easily by 26( ' runs. Scores were as follow: —

Otago.First innings 330 0. —Second Innings. Austin, b C. Holland 16 Real, b Holland 2 Hopkins, b Holland 32 [ Rutherford, b Holland 33 | Torrance, c Henderson, b Holland ... 42 Sicdebcrg. not out ... ... ... ••• 55 Wilson, run out 0 J. Wordsworth, not out ..'. <. 57 Extras -L ( Total for six wickets, innings declared closed 247 Bowling Analysis: C. Holland took five wickets for 89 runs; Cargill, none for 23; F." Holland, none for 46; Williams, none for 39; Broad, none for 18; and Burnett, none, for 17. WANGANUI.—First. Innings. H. B. Cave, b Hopkins 20 K. H. Cave, !> Torrance 47 Broad, b Wordsworth 11 C. Holland, c Siedeberg, b Wordsworth 14 Burrott, c Torrance, b Wordsworth ... 43 Wheeler, run out 3 Williams, b Wordsworth 24 Robertson, b Torrance- 22 Cargill, b Siedeberg 4 Henderson, not out. 2 Holland, c Williams, b Sicdobcrg ... 1 Extras 25 Total 216 Bowling Analysis: Wordsworth took four wickets for 26 runs; Torrance, two for 58; Rutherford, none for 27; Austin, none for 17; Hopkins, one for 12; Siedeberg, two for 45; Heal, none* for 6. WANGANUI.—Second Innings. Broad, c Williams, b Torrance 0 Cargill. b Torrance 10 H. B. Cave, run out: 21 K. IT. Cave, lbw, b Austin 14 Burrott, b Torrance 2 Wheeler, b Austin 0 11. Williams, b Rutherford 10 Robertson, c Ayles, b Wordsworth ... 9 C. Holland, b Rutherford 4 F. Holland, c. Ayles, b Wordsworth ... 7 Henderson, not out 0 Extras 15 Total 96 Bowling Analysis: Hopkins, no wickets for 19 runs; Torrance, three for 22; Austin, two for 13; Wordsworth, two for 14 ; and Rutherford, two for 13. OTAGO V. CANTERBURY JUNIORS. [BY TELEGRAPH.MIKSS ASSOCIATION*.] Christchuhch, Saturday. The junior representative match, Otago v. Canterbury, was concluded to-day, Canterbury winning by 309 runs. The Canterbury team's first innings resulted in 164 runs, and the second in 413 for seven wickets. Ota go's first innings produced 106, and their second 162.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 13949, 4 January 1909, Page 6

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THE PLUNKET SHIELD. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 13949, 4 January 1909, Page 6

THE PLUNKET SHIELD. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 13949, 4 January 1909, Page 6