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There were no transactions in investmoii lines on , the sharemarket yesterday, I TtTrf IT Waihis woro fairl y sellin at *-8 19s > with la '<> sellers at £8 18s 9c and buyers at £8 18s 3d. Waihi Gran ' l,'" 0 ions firmed a shade, with sales at 26 , and 263 9d > sellers closing at 26s 9d, wit. 6d ' Talismans were ■*»» a . * del, at which price moro could have beci placed, sellers asking 435. Saxons sold a ,!"p, < 1 ICt T" at 10d to ls ' Waiotahi at 2s Jd; and Old Haurakis at Is. AUCKLAND STOCK EXCHANGE BUSINESS DONE IESTERDAY. Frevious day'i closing kales Saxon— Ist call, i, 7d 1 7 Victoria— 2nd call. lOd; 3rd call, lid, is — call 7 2n 3d Call, 28 20 ' 28 3d; 3rd ' Old Hnuraki— Ist. and 2nd calls, is !!. _ Talisman— Ist call, 42s 9d ... _ Waihi— call, £8 19s 8 19 0 4 f ad" , i^ unct i 0 ?- lst «*»• 26)1 6d . -os M ' 2nd «d 3rd calls, 26s 3d ... 1 6 6 CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Sellers. Buyers. BANKS £ s. d. £ s. d. Son Z a? ,and — 8 11 0 8 8 0 Aat otial ... & 4 o 5 16 INSURANCE— ,&SS} ::: - 3 ' 9 6 1 3 15 6 financial. 811 *\ 296 280 Zealand and River COAL- 1130 1120 Hikurangi _ « u , Tauuiri 0 v LU1 '* ]° s Paid '-' 0 13 5 0 12 6 Driiry " es ' LuL ... 0 19 0 0 18 3 gS- 0 "' A pref. •- ° ® &0 - GAS— cu\ l »,^ and ' new iwue '*' 1 0 0 0 19 3 oil 11TING— Vnrti her " paid up - 0 14 9 0 14 6 ■Norther con . 0 7 3 — l>e von port Steam Ferry 1 12 6 1 11 0 TIMBER— Kauri, con ... 0 14 6 0 it f, Le.vland-O'Brien, Ltd. 13 9 Parker-Lamb. Ltd. 1 6 0 — MISCELLANEOUS— Auckland Tramways, pref. 12 0 110 Auckland i Tranlwa - VSt ord - 12 0 10 9 \ 7 V„,H imi ,/ 3 0 4 0 0 3 6 ; {■ lortland Cement Co. 19 0 18 0 VZ. lortland Cement Co., vnew , sue 1 0 0 0 19 3 New Zealand Paper Mills 12 6 — Wilsons Portland Cement Co -. l'ref a. 1 15 0 MINING— Bonanza, con; ... , 0 0 Dixon's Consolidated ... 0 0 3* — Kuranui ... ... ... 0 0' 6 0 0 2 Kuranui-Caledonian ... 0 0 11 0 0 6 May Queen ... ... 0 2 a 0 2 0 May Queen Extended ... 0 0 3 0 0 1 New Monowai ... • 0 0 9 of?' a S i J kT ■' .V '" 013 0 0 11 U!d Alburnia, paid up ... 0 1 3 Oil s"°" - ... 0 17 0 16 Southern Queen ... 0 0 3 Thames 0 0 3 — \ lctoria ... 0 1 0 0 0 101 Waiotahi ... 0 2 6 0 22 Mattangi Consolidated ... 0 2 7 0 ' 3 Blackwater ... _ 12 6 Consolidated Goldfields ... 0 13 6 0 12 9 Progress Mines 0 10 0 096 Golden Tali 0 0 2 Hai'raki Freehold 0 0 6 — Kapowai, con 0 0 4 Old Hauraki Gold Mines 0 13 0 10 Rendigo ... 0 0 6 — Brilliant Block, con. ... 0 0 2 — Comstocs, con 0 0 3 Champion, paid up ... 0 2 9 Champion, con. ... 0 2 4 — Crown „ , • • ... 040 039 Golden Belt, paid up ... 0 0 9 0 0 6i Golden Cross ... ... 0 0 3 0 0 21 Karangahake- Oil — som#t,i5 om#t ,i Reefs •• ... 0 0 la 0 0 9 New Waitekauri ... v - ... o*o 2a 001 rhoenii, con. ... ... 0 0 4 — Rising. Sun ... ... 0 0 6 0 0 3} Tairua Broken Hills ... 0 2 0 0 1 9 Tairua Golden Hills ... 0 5 6 — Tairua Reefs * _ 0 0 2 .Talisman Consolidated ... 2 ,3 0 22 9 "* Waihi ... ... 8 18 9 8 18 3 Waihi Beach ... ... 0 0 3 0 0 2 Waibi Consolidated ... 0 1 9 — Waihi Extended 0 3 2 0 !> 11 Waihi Grand Junction ... 1 6 9 16 6 Mountain King, con. ... 0 0 6 0 0 4 CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. _ Dividends. Kauri Timber Company ... — Now . Premier Joinery " Manufactur- : ing Company 10 p c. Dec. 20 Call*. 1 Golden Belt, November 25 " ... 0 0 1 Now Southern Queen, December 3 ... 0 0 0i Now. Magnet. November 20 ... 0 0 1* Dec. 21 Tangiaro, December 16 ... 0 0 1 Jan. 6 Old Alburnia. December 14 ... 0 0 2 Jan 6 Kuranui. December 5 0 0 1 Jan. 13 i Waihi ; Extended, December 17... 0 0 2 Jan. 14 ! THE LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE. The city editor of the London Daily . Telegraph, writing on November 4, says:—ln some quartern there is a disposition to regard the attitude of the London Stock Ex-, change as unduly nervous, and it is certainly true that the Vienna, Berlin, and Paris Bourses have hitherto been much less affected than London. It is only to be hoped that this view is correct, though there are undoubtedly reasons, both of a foreign and domestic _ character, to sufficiently explain our anxiety. As fast as the gold from the Cape arrives it goes abroad again, and wo may. be pardoned for wondering why it seems so much needed by France, Germany, and other countries. Already this year the Bank of Franco has increased its stock of the precious metal by £20,000,000. the Reichbank by £15,000,000, the State Bank of Russia by £10,750.000, the Bank of Italy by £9.250,000. and the Austro-ifungarian Bank by £3,500,000. The Bank of France now holds £133,000.000, and still the French buy the" Cape gold week after week. Then there is another curious feature which relates to our home securities. As Sir Felix Schuster pointed out, in his inaugural address at the Bankers' Institute, a period of abnormal industrial activity all over the world has been followed by the customary stagnation, and money can be obtained at unusually low rates. Yet the customary compensation for - loss of profit through reduced enterprise and chcap money, in the shape of an increased value for investment securities, is wholly lacking in this country. That .there is still abundance of money here, in spite of heavy losses and serious depreciation, is admitted, but those who own it are not willing to embark on new undertakings or to invest it in any j direction, when they do not know what may be the next quarter selected for a raid by a socialistic Government. We have only to j look at our great railway industry to note the distrust which has been created, and, with enough troubles of our own, it is not surprising that the mere possibility of a European conflagration has produced a nervous feeling, which may, perhaps, prove a blessing in disguise. — PROPERTY SALES. The sale of properties held at Mr. J. Thornes' auction mart yesterday afternoon was well attended, but the bidding, was not very brisk. A four-roomed cottage in Brighton Road, Remuera, standing on an allotment 55ft by 148 ft, realised £275, while another cottage,'with a frontage of 35ft to Arawa-street, was sold at. £650. A block of brick buildings having frontages to Albertstreet and Market Square, and situated on leasehold ground, with 25 years still to run, was passed in at £2000, while for the brick works at Henderson an offer of £1550 was declined. A house of. five rooms, with a frontage of 50ft to Paice's Avenue, Mount Rosjull was also passed in, the price offered being £475. Instructed by Mr. T. B. Clay, Mr. Thornes submitted for sale, an allotment of 37 acres near White Swan Road, Mt Roskill. The property elicited bids up to £860, at which price it was withdrawn, but it is now being negotiated for privately. SKIN AND TALLOW MARKET. The follow. cablegram has been received by the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, from their London house:— The following descriptions of shee,p skins have advanced Ad per lb since last sales:—Combing merino short and sliorn sheepskins, and clothing descriptions of sheepskins. Coarse crossbred sheepskins and crossbred lambskins have var.ced jd per lb. ... The following cablegram has been received by Messrs Dalifetv and Co., Limited, from their London Slice "dated the 16th inst :-Sheepskins are a farthing per lb higher at to-day sales. Tallow on the average is 3d higher, but prices c.i.f. are unchanged. ✓ NORTHERN SALES. Messrs. Hunter and Wilson report :-At the Whangarei monthly sale, the advertised number of cattle came forward. There was a good attendance of buyers, and all classes of store cattie sold at improved values, few lots failing to change hands. Fat steers, light weights, sold at £6 10s; cows and heifers, £3 10s to £6 10s, dairv cows and heifers, in good demand. £3 to £50*: bulls, £4 3s to £6 10s; 3 to 4-year-old steers, £3 15s' to £5 18s 6d; 2 to 21-year steers. £3 to £3 14s; a choice.pen of 2-year-old steers, £3 13s; 1 to li-vear steers, £2 2s to £2 17s 6d, store cows, £1 17s to £3 10s; 2-year-old heifers £1 17s to £2 6s; calves and yearlings, 18s to 30s; sulky ard harness, £16; the goodwill of S. Ruddle's farm at Taharuru, of 60 acres, was passed in unsold; also, the. goodwil of Mr. W. Snelgar's farm of 93 acres at Kaitara privately, .a line of fat steers sold at current value* .. -1

FRUIT AND PRODUCE markets. «JE!! e local ru '. t and produce markets have been ... J *?' tlve during the pint week, a large amount una j?" ein 8 done under the hammer. As owl e< "?ted, new potatoes showed a considerof iL sln value. Supplies were rather short on i i.® .Sinning of the week, but toward* the ■ill fj A ? y consignments were sent forward, and vdlho° • l '« nd ,, keen competition at satisfactory anies. a full supply of Victorian onions was received, and they were of a first-class quality. M !tv. ' oca ">'"grown onions came forward and met itn slow sale at low prices. Green peas and . ,''^ r vegetables met with satisfactory demand throughout. In grain and produce there was no , business worthy of note to report. Fruit suplies were very heavy, sales being held daily, liiere was a remarkable increase in the supply ot local fruit as compared with previous seasons at this time of the year. A very heavy shipment of cherry plums was sent, forward and realised satisfactory prices throughout. In other local lines, contrary to expectations, lemons showed a serious drop in values owing to the unexpected and heavy shipment from California, via Tahiti, ■the Wimmera, from Sydney, only brought a small consignment of stone fruits, which sold under lair competition. Owing to the present restrictions local brokers have advised shippers to discontinue sending further shipments here. About the usual quantity of dairy produce was sent forward. farmers' eggs sold under keen competition and realised about last week's prices. In butter there was no change in value. A moderate consignment of cheese came forward from farmers and sold with difficulty, part of it being of an inferior quality. Poultry was penned in unusually large numbers and brought high ! values. ° B Following were the ruling prices at the auction sales yesterday:— Field Produce.—Potatoes: New, local, prime, 6s 9d to 8s 6d; poor, 4s to 5s 6d. Onions: Melbourne, 9s to 9s 6d; local, new, 6s to 7s. Chaff: Local, prime, £5. Dairy Produce.—Butter: Farmers', in prints, prime, 9d to lOd lb; farmers', bulk, prime, 8d to Bid; fair. 7d to 74d; first grade, milled, in bulk for export, 10£ d. Eggs: Fresh. Is lid to Is Ja. fruit.—Apples: Local, new, 3.< to 5s per box; American, lis to 15s; Canadian, 13s to 15s. I linns : Cherry, 2s 6d to 5s box; early gages, 4s to as; Evans' gages, 4s to 6s. Peaches: Firsts, 7s 6d to 8s 6d case; seconds, 4* to 6s. Apricots: Thames, os 6d to 8s box. Graphs: Hothouse, Is bd to Is Bi<l lb. Tomatoes : Hothouse, 6d to BJd lb; small. 2d to 5d ; outdoor, 5d to 6d. Oranges: Local. lCs to lis case; Island. 14s to 15s. Mandarins: Sydney, 7s to 8s case.. Lemons: Local, prime, 7s to 10s case; local, rough and coarse, 3s to 4s. Cherries: Local, 7d to 8d lb. Passionfruit. : Sydney, 6s case. Gooseberries, 3s 3d to 4s 6d box. Local red currants, 6d to 6Jd lb. Watermelons. 2s 6d to 3s Id each. Walnuts, 6d to 7d lb. Peanuts, 2Jd lb. Bananas, 5s to 8s bunch; repacked. 2d to 2sd lb. Pines, 4s to 8s crate; repacked, 10s to 12s. Cocoantita, 6s to 8s sack. Poultry.—Hens, Is 5d to 2s 2d each; table roosters, choice 3s to 4s 6d, old 2s to 3s, young 2s to 2s 9d, small Is to Is 6d; ducks, Is "id to 3s 2d; geese, 4s 6d to 5s 3d; chicks, 6d to 9d; ducklings, Is. Turkeys: Gobblers: 6s to 15s each, according to quality; hens, 3s to Bs. Miscellaneous.—Voting pigs, 5s to 15a each. NEW ZEALAND AND RIVER PLATE. The local office of the New Zealand and River Plate Land Mortgage Company yesterday received the following cablegram from* the London board : —" At the general meeting the directors will recommend that, a dividend at the rate of £8 per cent, per annum be paid for the year, the interim dividend which has been paid to be deducted therefrom; that £16,000 be pain to reserve fund, and that £5064 be carried forward. Hence the approximate amount of net profit is £46.064." The colonial register will be closed from January 1 to 11, both days inclusive. " LONDON WOOL SALES. Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Limited,-have received i the following cablegram from their London office under date the 16th iust.: —Wool continues firm, with the exception of new and coarse crossbreds, which are a halt-penny to a penny per lb lower since our last cable. We think " prices will be maintained, more especially for greasy merino combing of good bulky growth. We do not expect any important change in new and coarse crossbreds when heavy arrivals come to hand from the Argentine and New Zealand after January, but the course of the market during January for this description of wool is doubtful. WAIKATO SALES. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, Hamilton, report :— We held a special horse sale at Hamilton on the Bth and 9th inst., when we offered 413 horses of all classes. There was a large attendance, particularly on the second day, and a good demand existed throughout, only a small number being passed in, and in many instances the prices obtained were above reserves. Unbroken stock were dull of sale, and buyers' and sellers' values were very far apart, but an improvement was evident with the broken horses. Young heavy draught mares, broken, made from £35 to £39; medium do., £24 to £33; heavy geldings, £28 10s to £38; medium do., £25 to £34; plough and express horses, £16 to £23; upstanding hacks and buggy horses. £17 to £k:4 10s; strong cobs, £10 to £16; useful light horses, £8 to £14: ponies and aged hacks, £2 10s to £6; unbroken colts, suitable for 'bus or spring-cart woik, £10 to £12; draught colts, three years old, £12 15s to £13 15s; light sorts, up to £5./ At Hamilton on Thursday we had a good yarding of fat and store Rattle, sheep, and pigs. * The beef pens contained over 100 head, mostly young cows and heifeis. which all sold at fully late •prices. Sheep were short in supply, but sufficient lor the demaiui. Fat steers, medium weights, nude from £6 10s to £7 ss; fat cows, well ,finished, £5 to £5 17s; others. £4 5s to £4 7s; heifeis, £4 7s 6d to £4 17s 6d; cows and calves, £3 Is to £4 12s; 15-month steers, £2 5s to £2 7s; 2-year-old heifers, empty, £2 19s to £3; 18-month old heifers, £1 17s; springing heifers, £3 10s to £4 17s 6d; cows, up to £4 17s 6J.

At Te Awamutti on Saturday we had a large entry of cattle, and all told under the hammer at satisfactory prices, buyers coming from the King Country and surrounding districts. Fat cows made from £4 5s to £5 IOs; empty cows, £2 5s to £3 15s, according to condition; 18-month steers. £2 7s to £2 12s; 18-montb heifers, £1 15s; this year's calves, 15s to 19s. Tigs: Slips, £1 3s to £1 9s; weaners, 10s to 19s, 130 sold. CANTERBURY FROZEN MEAT COMPANY. [by telegraph —ess association.] C'HRISTCBURCH, Friday. The annual meeting of the Canterbury Frozen Meat. Company, was held to-day. The annual report showed a net profit for the year of £14,870. The directors proposed to pay a further 3 per cent, dividend, making 6 per cent, for the year, and carrying forward £918. The stork dealt with during the year totalled 822,805 head, a decrease of 246.544 on last year's figures. The Chairman (Sir George Clifford), in moving the adoption of the report and balance-sheet, expressed pleasure that the reports which were received Irom London- showed that the stricter system of grading meat, enforced recently, hail proved of the greatest advantage to their clients by strengthening the position of the Canterbury Frozen Meat Company on the London market, ft must be remembered, he said, that their efforts to provide clients with the cheapest possible rates were hampered by the increased outlay in dearer goods and higher wages, the rise in the latter having Reached between £6000 and £7000 per annum. , • CHRISTCJHURCH GRAIN MARKET. [BY. TELEGRAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION'.] CnniSTCHURCH, Friday, There is still a fatr inquiry for wheal, some of the local millers being in the market with a view to replenishing stocks before the holidays. Tuscan has been the variety which has principally changed hands, and tlnee lines, Aggregating 3840 bushels, have been taken at 4s 3d at country stations, while several small mixed lots have been sold at 4s 2d. Some oats have been wanted for local consumption, and a line, of 800 bushels of liartons have been sold at Is 7d at a country station. Chaff is' not in much demand, and £2 12s 6d to £2 15s Id is all that is offered, but there are few sellers. It is reported that new Blenheim chaff is being offered at 67s 6d o.b.

DUNEDIN STOCK EXCHANGE. [by telegraph.—press ASSOCIATION.] DC.VKDIK, Friday. On the. Stock Exchange to-day the. following sales were reported:—Waihi Grand Junction, £1 5s 3d; New Zealand Insurance, £3 15s; Electric, 3s. LONDON. By Telegraph.Press Association.—Copyright. (Received December 18, 8.55 p.m.) Lmnos, December 18. BANK OF ENGLAND RETURNS. Following aie the Bank of England return* for the week: Gold coin, £31,413,000; reserve, £22.321,000; proportion of reserve to liabilities, 45.62 per cent.; notes in circulation. £29,146,000; public .deposits, £7,241,000; other deposits, £41,642,000, Government, securities, £14,731,000; other securities, £29,543,000. MONEY MARKET. ' . Bank rate, 2i per cent. Three, months' bills are discounted in London at 2i per cent., in Paris at 2J per cent:, and in Berlin at, 3i per cent. Short loans, 21 per cent. CONSOLS AND COLONIAL STOCKS. Consols, £85 7s 6d. Victorian 4. per cents., £102 ss. Queensland 4 per cents., £104 15s; 3i per cents.. £98 15s; 3 per cents., £36. South Australian 3J per cents., £99 15s; 3 per cents., £84 53. WHEAT AND FLOUR. The American wheat markets are' weaker and great pressure to sell the new Argentine crop has caused a general depression. Buyers are inactive. Fourteen thousand quarters of Australian December-January shipment sold at 365. Australian afloat is offering at 37s 6d to 38s 6d,' and spot is quiet at 40s to 41s. Flour is dull and unchanged. BUTTER AND CHEESE. There was fair trade in butter till to-day, when a reduction by 2 kroner in Danish caused a general flatness. Choicest Australian is quoted at 104s to 106s, occasionally 108s; New Zealand, 110s to 112s; Danish, 113s to 115s. Cheese is slow of sale. New Zealand, 57s to 595. METALS. Copper: On spot, £62 Is 3d; at three months, £63 lis 3d. Tin: On spot, £132 2s 6d; at three months, £13.5 12s fid. Lead, £13 3s 9d. Spelter, £20 15s. Iron, 49s sd. \ SUGAR. Sugar is quiet. German, 10s; first marks, lis lOd. WOOL. The Bradford wool market is quiet, but with a confident undertone. Forties, Hid; forty-sixes, Is OJd; common . sixties. 22d; super. 2id_; jlxJ-y----fours, ~

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13937, 19 December 1908, Page 5

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13937, 19 December 1908, Page 5

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13937, 19 December 1908, Page 5