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The second series of matches for the interclub championship banner, took place ; on Saturday afternoon. Comfortable wins were secured by the West End, Eden and Epsom, and Parnelr- clubs. Following, are the results:— .- ; ''.. „ '■ '''.^'"';"'., '''."",

WEST END V. DEVONPORT. A Men's Doubles: Patorson and Upton (W.E.) beat Macky and Howarth (D.), 6-2, 6-5. ■• • " -,-•>. ' - '

B Combined Doubles: Hickson -and''Miss Holland (W.E.) beat Taylor and Miss Taylor (D.), 6-1, 6-0. . : \ -:, B Ladies' Doubles: ■!, Misses Duder and Caldwell (D.) beat-Misses Bagnall and letting (W.E.), 6-2, 6-2. ■ : B Men's Doubles i Baker and Morpeth (W.E.) beat Robsoh and.Raihger (D.), 6—3, 6-4. ■. ' " '■' . •''■'-.'" -■ : '.'.' :.': '

A Combined Doubles: Dr. Keith and Miss ; Gray (W.E.) boat Shirriffs and Miss Harvey. (D.), 6-4, 6—l. .v^" •-_ A Ladies' Doubles : Mrs. Cnope>r and Miss "Williams (W.E.) beat j Mesdames ; Earl, and Best (D.), 6—l, "6—2. '„ _ .. >■. ;.. .. . > . West End won by 21 points to 3., .'; „ . EDEN AND EPSOM V. AUCKLAND. A Men's Doubles: Hudson and Black (A.) l>eat Heather and Mair (E. and E.), 6—3,. 5_6, 6—2. ■ , \ " A Ladies' Doubles: Misses Nicholson and G. Gorrio (E. and E.) beat Mrs. Allen and Miss Woodroffc (A.), 6-3, 6—3. ■ ' ' A Combined Doubles: Billing and Miss: Udy (K. and E.) beat Porter and Miss Eal- ; well (A.), 5-6, 6—4, 6-0. I. B Men's -.Doubles : I ,,,Gcrossmarin.'ahd^'Bain; ! ford (E. and E.) beat Milne, and Snelling (A.), 6—2, 6-2. ' -. * B Combined Doubles: : A. S. Brown and Miss Blades (K. and E.) beat Warner and Miss Mace (A.), 3—6, 6—5, 6—l. • ' B Ladies' Doubles: Mrs. Mair. and Miss P. Gorrio. (E. and E.) boat Misses Cocho and Goldio. (A). 6—o, 6-0. !"*.'?'.."■ " Eden and Epsom won by 19 points to 5. ,: PARNELL V. ONEHUNGA. 3 A Ladies': Mrs. Freeman and M iss Cook (P.) beat Misses Carnahan and Scott ;(0.), ; .6—4 , 3—6, 6—3. B Ladies': ' Misses Metcalfe' and Davis (P.) heat Mrs. Hardy and Miss Calvert (O.), 6—3, 6-3. ,;-■■■■:'-■■■-■■'.' , " "" ' A Men's: Taylor arid Taylor (O.) -beat Mowbray and Simpson (P.), 6—5, 6—3. - B Men's: ■. Le Siour and Grigson.(P.) boat Ohlson and Hannah (0.), 6—*, 6—o. A, Combined: Miss Cooper and Hunt (P.) beat Miss Perry and Richardson (0.), 3—6, 6—o. 6—3. ' ■■• B Combined: Mrs. i Bloomfield and Ward (P.) beat Miss Watkin and Mcintosh (0.), 6—3, 5—6, 6—l. Parnoli won' by :19 point to 5. The entries for th©,Parnell ; tournaments close on Saturday next, so as to get an early start - with the; championships <■• before the courts are too bare. AQUATICS. YACHTING.


■. The first series of races of tho season of tho Victoria Cruising Club took place on Saturday afternoon, with the following results:— - ,- - "■■ ■ '" ■' ' First Class: Emerald, 4h. 27m. 25.; Glady, 4h. 30m. 315.;; Why, Not, 4h.' 38m. 525. ;! Lima, 4h. 45m. 40s. t Ronaki did not start. On time allowance the ' result was: - Glady, = 1; Why Not, 2; Emerald, 3. ■ Second Class: - Encounter, sh. sm. 395.; Rose, sh. 14m. 215.; Edna, sh. : 18m. lis.; Komine, sh. 20m.,'25. On time allowance: Komine, 1; Encounter, 2; Rose, 3. Third Class: Mowai, 4h. 6m. 515.; Hetty, 4h. Bm. 235.; Fairy Bell, . 4h. 15m. 50g.; Rona, 4h. 21m. 195.; Rawhiti, 4h. 14m. 335.; Sea Bird, 4h. 23m. 325. On time allowance-:! Fairy Bell, 1; Hetty, 2; Mowai, 3. Fourth Class: Bronzewihg,4h. 21m. 525.; Avona, 4h. 27m. 225.; Manu,' 4h. 29m.' 25,; Countess, 4h. 29m. 18s. On time allowance: Manu, 1; Avona, 2; Bronze wing, 3.

WAITEMATA DINGHY CLUB. _ : /j The Waitomata Dinghy Sailing Club held a race on Saturday afternoon in ft N.N.E. mo'derate breeze. The course was: Start off cable wharf, round Sandspit buoy, thence round Viking's moorrtigs, thence round Calliope Dock buoy to starting line; twice round. The entries and handicaps were as follows:—Lone Hand, Kccpa, Olivine, Rita, Rosinsi, and Sunday, scratch; Toxua, BAm.. The race started at three p.m. Veroscott did not start. Kcopa was first across the : line, closely followed by Olivine; Rita got a bad start, being '; over a minute, late. Keepa and Olivine made at, good race throughout, and left the others considerably behind, the finish being: Keepa, 4h.'43m. 10s.; Olivine, 4h. 44m. 205.; Rita, sh. 3m. 255.; Rosina, sh. sm. Bs. AH the others' retired. ; • ' ■ " . :"'

MANUKAU YACHT CLUB. The Manukau Yacht Club will sail off the second race of the season next Saturday, for ft trophy ' donated '•' by Mr. A. -M. . Myers (Mayor of Auckland). On Boxing Day the usual race will be put off, as the club's annual picnic to the Huia is scheduled for that day, when the s.s. Weka will convey excursionists from Onohunga. A number.'of new members have joined tho' ranks of the club bo far this season. -; ; „i •, «■ '' -

DEVONPORT YACHT CLUB.> • ; The first cruising,race, under the auspices of the Devonport Yacht Club, was sailed on Saturday afternoon, the course being j from the cable wharf, Devonport, "to Rakino Island. The wind was easterly, making the race a "dead slog" throughout. y The entries and handicaps . were as : follows":— A: Ariki, off '~ the wind, :: scratch, ;on , the wind scratch; *- Ida, 14m. arid 20m- Ilex, 14ni. and 22m.; Wione, 18m. and 24m.; Kotiri, 20m. and 26m.'; Aorcre, 21m. and 29m. Class ' B:, , Celox,-" scratch '■/-'. and scratch; Ronaki, scratch and scratch

."' ■r.riiJi,,.,.'" 1 ' 1 !*!^ Wairiki, lm. and scratch; 4aro, 7m. and 9im.; Ranee, 8?m. and lZm.; . Pandora, .9£m.\and 16m.: t Daisy, . 15m... and 13m.; Iris, 15m. and 15m.;" Mavourneeft|' 35m. and 50in. Both classes, started together at 2.45." Waione was first across the line, the others following in a bunch. Kotiri was about three minutes late coming to tho line. Ariki soon took tho lead, and maintained it throughout. The finish was: . - Class Ariki, sh. lm. 455.; Ilex, sh. 25m. 305.; Kotiri, sh. 34m. 555. ; Aorere, sh. 43m, 405.; Waione, sh. 44m. 455.; Ida, 6h.' om. 325. Class Ronaki, sh. 41m. 18s. Celox,' ' sh. 49m. 305.; Iris, sh. 57m. 255.; Pandora, 6h. 4iri. 215.; Daisy, 6h. 6m. 305.; Ranee, 6h. 11m. '■,' 405.. »• On corrected times the.*placed boats are: Class A—Ariki, l;'llexi* 2: ? :;-'-'i Class B—Ronaki, 1; Iris, 2. • The finishing times were taken by Messrs. Best and San-; ford. A most enjoyable evening was spent .;; ' ■/■{ ashore at Mr. Sanford's, songs and 'other ■; items being contributed by ';■ many of the' - ladies and gentlemen present. Commodore ■::■,-, Murdoch thanked Mr. and Mrs. Sanford for .-'".- tho hospitality extended to the club, and the ... evening closed with the singing of "Auld " Lang Syne" and " God Save the King." ■. MOTOR BOATING. The New Zealand Power Boat Association • held a picnic at Kohimarama on Saturday ,■-.■•■ afternoon, 15 launches taking some 200 picnickers to the historical spot. During the,.... afternoon Mrs. A. Brett, wife of the com- / modore, presented" the ■ prizes won on . pre- - « vious occasions. Owing to the water being rough, tho dinghy races could not be held. Sports were arranged for the children at the grounds. ROWING. NORTH SHORE CLUB'S TRIALS. v - The North Shore Rowing Club held a ' series of subscription trials ; . on 1 Saturday afternoon, but the N.E. breoze, with a heavy ,-. 'swell, to some extent spoilt the racing. '■ The following are the results:-- ', First Heat: Crews stroked by W. Logan * v ' and E. Bailey competed, the heat being won . by Logan by two lengths. ■ ,- ■ ■•-,..."' Second Heat:, Competed for by crews stroked by T. Davis, M. Harrison, "and R. „- Spinley. Davis' crew won by a length: . Spinley second. « '"' . Third Heat: Crews stroked by .S. Mar.- ; shall and A. Patterson contested the heat. Marshall's crew won, Patterson's ": being - swamped when half -the course had been ' •'' covered, the. boats then being on even £ terms. . •■ . ■ -■:,-■ • ■.-. ■«* -*:. --v ;.-'. Final Heat: W. Logan (stroke)," W. Bit-.-.- - " chanan, L. Sheffield, R. Allen, L. ! Spinley (cox), 1; T. Davis' crow, 2; S. Marshall, '3., Marshall's crew led at the start, Davis' be- .-';■ ing slow to get off the mark.' After going a, J ,-f quarter of the distance Logan forged ahead, 5 ' and coming along won by a length and a-half. '■'"'■'''■■:■ Davis' crew caught Marshall's crew in the : ' iJ last furlong, beating them by a-uuarter of. ' a length.^■■ .','■/•: ''-..■■•-■, •-./■<'- .*.";--■'' '-■' ' : ' : ' Tho officials were: Mr. C. Wykes judge, ),! •', and Mr. E. E. Madden starter. ST. GEORGE'S TRIAL FOURS. . St. George's Club rowed off a set of trial :.■ ■ fours on Saturday' afternoon. ';■ I There v was■"- : : . a good attendance, - and the results ' were" as;./.;i ..follows: — ~ ■ '■■■■--"■:',■■ '■■■•■■■■: j ,.fi. JK;- '•..•■)'' ■fau^-i&fi');:. First Heat Winners: R. Don kin (stroke),, . ■J. R. O'Gorman, (3), J. G. >-' Cooper (2),,5. .<-. Bach a). . _ .; . : . ~/,,;„. .;,. Second Heat Winners: D. S. Harris ' (stroke), A. H. Gyllies (3)/-S.''Stichlwfy i (2), ; '':'% H. Reilly (1). _ : .;,;.■■". c : _) ■■- v : .:;■■ : ,,;;^;y. v ;.- Third Float Winners: H. B. I 'Hamper (stroke), H. Swangcmure (3), J. Christie ■'2),' ' Nairn (1). ....-■■ ..-.■■■.■*.. y -; ■:■' Final Winners: Harris' crew, by ' two ~ •' lengths. V . :'■•' • >:''«""' V: " : * 1 .!, : "J ' • AUCKLAND CLUB'S TRIAL FOURS...;. ■- L Trial fours were rowed by the Auckland ■■ Club on Saturday. afternoon X for ■. trophies: -■ - -' presented by Messrs. H. Schmidt and F. E. i N. Crombie. ' ' ' First Heat: Crews stroked by Murray, , ; Grie,rson,- -and .J..' Cleal. :■, Grierspn's crew .. won. . ■;. : .' i '. : . -;■ ..'■'' ■/.'-■•■'; : -'*■'",■ V {'.:' Second Heat: Crews stroked by Taylor, Ct: Benjamin, and Bioomfield. Taylor's crew - won. i . , ,'.• y ••'s : .-' ,'"' ''-."- '■'•"■ 'Third, Heat: 1 Crews■•-';stroked' by Cathrov '■ Coleman, and W. Barber. > ■/, The heat ' wast V. won by Coleman's crew after a spirited- / ; ".go." Final: Crew- stroked Lv Grierson, Tay- ,! lor. and Coleman competed. The final re- ; suited— Grierson (stroke);. T. C. Barbor. A. . i Stannaway, and J. Fiinicss (G. Wilson (cox), i 1. Mr. E. -Drowoi acted as star and viee-coinmudoi'o as. jnugo."' : -'! :1 -> "; ! ' •■ -> ! ' " ' ; v'' ': ■■'-' ,■.,'::;-■■■:,' "' ■ ;■■ ' ';■:■,ss-<!ii'K■ '"'■ ■■■;,' : = ■'•' .---. IHOOTING. '_ i 1 — j— _ - - i No.. 2 COMPANY NATIVE RIFLES. ' Tax No. \i Company Native Rii'.rs had quite.-& . busy day.on the rcnrot-c.rillo range on. Saturday,. L 'v firing no less than'three competitions at 200vri» anil WOvilh, namely. Lieutenant ,V. H. ."--krlton - * • gold medal, Sergeant W. Phillip;' trophy for R. ;' and O classes, and ■ the weekly - challenge "rooster." The shooting Was Vf-iy good, psjiwi-' '" ally that" of Lanee-COrpriral C SpearyJ who* ob-' :i , tained no less than first place in all''tb> above--competitions. lie is a young and very keen shot, •> and with practice will be a hard nut to crock. - The following are the principal scores:-- ' ... .■LIEUTENANT A. H. SKELTOX'S GOLD MEDAL. I"" :' Conditions, 10 shot* at 2Cojds and 500 yds. • " Open to A, B, and O classes. Total. .; Lance-Corporal (handicap IP'., 3.. at 200 yd* and 39 at fiOOvds .-.".'■ ... ..S3 .Sergeant P. Strong (14), 42 and 41 ... 97 .< Corporal •A. Danrell (scratch), 45 and 4? ... -92 " Bugler W. ..Davidson (20), 28 ana 37 ... 85 Lance-Corporal W.-Danrell (13), 39 and 33... 85 Private K. Oxenham (20), 37 and' 28 ... 85 Sergeant J. MeMurtrie (8), 37 and 39 ... 84 Sergeant W. Phillips (4), 45 and 35 ... 54 Private J. Vincent (14), 3? and 31 ... ... 82 : ■ ■. SERGEANT • W. PHILLTrS' "» TROPHY: ' "conditions, 10. shots at 200 yds and < 500.. a*. Two , -shoots. Open to Band C classes: "*" First Shoot. , ■■'• •■ • ' ■ - - - :■<■■■ Total, v; * ... Lance-Corporal 0. Speary (handicap 15), «5 • ■ 'at 200ydVand 39 at 500 yd b , ... .;'...., "... .96„„ : Bugler W. Davidson :: (12), 28 and 37 '■ ! : ... 77" ■;:'■:■ M IPrivate K. Oxenham (7), 37 and 28 .■• . - ...•> 72-Lance-Corporal W.; Danrell (scratch), 33 and 33 72 Private Bate* (25), 21 and 25 ... .. ...71 " Private V. Clarke (14), 28 and 24 ... • : ... "66 -' ' - WEEKLY " COCK-O'-THE-WALK." " Total.;- '.; Lance-Corporal C. : Speary. (handicap 14), 4.3 -'" ■ •■ at SCOyds and 39 at 500 yds .... , ... ...- 95 - Corporal A. Danrell. (scratch), '45 and 47 ... 92 Captain W. E. G. Richardson (4),"4l'and'33 84 " "Lieutenant W. H. Gihb, 41 and 41 ' ... 'ii , ; \, Sergeant' J. MeMtirtrie (5), 37 and 39 . ... 81 .', Sergeant W. Phillins (iicratch), 45 and 35 ... 80 Lance-Corporal W. Danrell (7), 39 and 33 ... 79 - Private J. Vincent (7), 37 and 31 ... . ... 75 q Private K. Oxenham (10), 37 and 28 ... 75 °Xofc competing. • '■'■•' •.'."!. ..""./" '' '':\_ :: : - i:^'-S\^^o.. NO. 3 NATIVE RIFLES. . No.. 3 Native ; Rifles ■ fired .the first match at > Penrose on Saturday last for a trophy, presented by the New Zealand Clothing : Company. The match was won by Private C. J,|Huntly,:uith- the.. good ; score of 64. The conditions are.that the - trophy be fired for under the point system, and " ; that the member making nine points first will be .the winner. A feature: of i the shooting. on Satur- ■; day was the closeness in which ; the member* -.-- were brought by the J handicapping,'-' there only. being six points between the first eight men. The ' following are the scores, with handicaps,:—, 1.. i-j Total. - 1 Private C. J. ■ Huntly, (handicap 7),; 29 at , '..-; : 200 yds and 28 at 500 yds ' ... • ... ~, 64..,,^. Private J. Hill (13), 26 and 25 ... ... 64 ' , Private Chamberlain (18), 25 and •19 ... 62 Private Griffiths (17), 21 and 22 ... ... 60 " Colour-Sergeant King (1), 30 and 27 ■ ... 58 •■ Lance-Corporal S. Green (5), 24 and 28 ... 57 Private Colquhoun (scratch), "25 and /32 ... 57 Private Hare (14), 23 and 21 ' ....... 58 ' Sergeant A. E. Kretschmar (1),"'26 and 27 ... 54 Private-WUhani. (19). 13 and 21 53 ' ■Private Cameron (15), 20 and 17 ■ 52 No. 2 G.A.V. On Saturday.the members, of the No., 2..G.A.V - ," shooting team fired a match for Webster ■■-'-.- Brothers' . gold medal, .which was won ■;■ by , Cor-"£• '!,-',- poral Thompson with a score of 63 points. The following are the chief scores:— . '■•. ''••■■;: Total. '", Corporal Thompson (handicap 2), 28 at'- 200 yds .>• *.- r >J 1 '- . find 33 at 500 yds ... ... 63 . Lieutenant Ewan (2), 28, and 29 ...-!: ... 59 . ' ■ :. Corporal Maxwell (3), 28-and 27 - ... ... 58' Gunner Pcrston (3), 29 and 25 ... .' ... 57 ■ Gunner I'sbister (3), 25 and 28 ... ... 56 '• Runner Dixon (3). 29 and 24 ... ... ... ;56 >; Sergeant-Major Clark (scratch), 29 and 25^", 54" " ■ ■ -,'■ - . -.,■ " ,:•■■;-•-■■■■*■:,>--?- ?":■ ■ " ■ ■- ■ ■■■■■■ . i'. I ,.'.'.r.'V.L. 1 ;, 1 !!, gg '■■ Tmt<*.' .-,"'.-.■-, '■.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13926, 7 December 1908, Page 7

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LAWN TENNIS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13926, 7 December 1908, Page 7

LAWN TENNIS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13926, 7 December 1908, Page 7