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AUSTRALIAN JOCKEY CLUB'S SPRING MEETING. derby day. parsee WIN'S THE BLUE riband. By Telegraph— Association.— Si'Didsr, October 3. The Australian Jockey Club inaugurated their spring meeting in glorious weather at Uamlwick to-day. _ There was ft largo Attendance, . tho Governor-General (Lord Dudley) &nd the /State Governors of Now South Wales and West Australia being present. Nine horses Wore ■ Saddled : up to Contest tlio Derby. Tho outcome of an interesting raco was a victory for tho Metal colt, Parsec. Tho Now Zealand filly, Golden Slipper, cut up rather badly. Tho following arc the details of tho racing:— : Tllfc IIUttDLE RACK, a haNdicap sweepstakes of 6bovs Well, with ,300'sOVs added. About two Miles and a-<pinrter. Mr. S. Whilwor'th's b g: iEolus, 6yrs, by _ , Eurdelydoh—Santa KataVina ... .... . ••• * Mr. E. Kelly's br « Portlight, 6yrs, by Port- . sea—Esmeralda ... .>■•■■ .•;•„,"' "-,' Mr. W. Felstead's b or br -g Jewel Case, aged, by Emerald—Dally ... ••• ••■■ -';— 6 Eleven horses started. _ , ,-.-, Mollis \vdu by seven lengths. Time, 4in. ,16s. THE TRIAL STAKES, 5 i sweepstakes of ; fcsbVs each, with ,300sbvs added. For three-year-okts and upwards '.which have hot won a race ex- : 'ee'euing lOOaovs in value up to the time or entrance. One .mile and a-quarte'r. ~ Mr. A. Foley's br hi Virtu, syxß, by Dor- _ , Chester—Vanity;. Bst.sib '.- .... ,■••• ■.■'■;" l Mr. G. A. .Johns' b h testation, syrs> by Diplo- . . niat-Kallatma, Bst 101b , . ..,....• .••■'• »,,-•• e Dr. It. It. S. MacKinnon's br or blk Jy Merit-.. more, syl'B, by Favor—Jewess, Bat 101b ... 6 Nine horses started. ..•,',. ~. , _ .- Virtu won by half-a-lcngtli. Time, 2m. Bs. ■ TUB. A.J.O: fIERBY, a sweepstakes of . 20sovs each, With 2C'oosovs added; the 6\vner of the second how to receive SOOsovs and tlje owner of the third horse from the prize. For thi'ee-yeariords: Colts, Bst 101b; fillies, Est 51b; ho allowance to gelding's. One mile and a-half. . Mr. 'C. Jeffries' bo Par's'ee, by Metal—Priiia, , Bst i'Olli (Clayton) ... '■■■ •-.* , ••• 1 Mr. J. Brown's br 0 Mohobel, by Positano— __ , Carrortadc,. Bst 101b (McLaelilan) ... ■■•■ 2 Mr, J. V.. Smith's ,cli,f Mother Goose, by Wal- , lace—MoHsca,, Bst ,51b i(Eewis) ... „,•••....,••• 3 Mr. J. Mayo'B be .Lord Nolan, by. POsiUno— . Lady Lyfca, Sat 101b. ... ".'..,'" •'. . — 0 ».'W. A. Gee's cfi o Perkeo, by Malster— - , 'Gavotte, Bst lOlb ... ..." - .? •■• ° Mr. ,E\vah Frazfcr's br c Vavasor, by Grafton —W.ailiinc, Bsfc-lOlb'., ... ... ■••.,.,••■,.-••• 0 Mr.. W. frown's b 0 ; Ba.w Bee, by Simile— A , Chand Beo Bee, Bst 101b .... ... • .'.:.. . .„•■• *> Mr, D. 'O'Brien's b or br c Ariki, by Grafton— ■. 'Cello, Bst ibltf, ... ..-;•• ... ~.'■■■■ ,••• ° Mr.. W.'.fe. White's b f Golden Slipper, by ~ . Multiform—Aula, Bst 51b . ... •- •■• ° . Baw free, Lord Nolan, and Vavasor, were life first to show hi front from a splendid start. Passing the stand Peilteo and Mother Goose had the lead from VAv; ne'e and Monobel. At the. old mile post Mother Goose and Pe'rkeo .were, still in. command, Monobel being' inost , prominent of the others. Mother .Goose ''and , Perked . ehriwed the way. aiohg the back from Monbb'el, Ariki; aii'd Lord Nolan; the rest being in. elds'e Order. Passing the six-furlong post Perkeo and Mother Goose were still in the,lend, and at, this point Golden S!i|»er dropped back last. The position of the leader's was. unchanged at 'the . turn. Mother Goose, arid PerU'c'6 ; were Urst into the .straight frdm Par'seb and Morib'oel. At the distance Parsee, hi the centre, ihttdc a brilliant run, which carried hirti to the front, and, going on, he beat Monobel comfortably by three lengths, Mother Goose being a head away third. Golden Slipper tailed off last. Time, 2m. 33|s.

pedigree OF TILE winner,'..' pAftSEE Sire: Metal; by Sterling .'(son of Oxford); from Testa,, by Vespasian j(spn. of Newbiiiislir) from Pair Rosahiohd, by King John. , - t>ain : Pbna. ,by Gozo (son .of Wild from,Hippond,,, by " Newinlnster (Ron ,of Touchstone) from Medea, by Peter Wilkuis. Winners OF the a.j.o. DERBY. : Time. ' i ''('"■•" >'•'.' ' nl, 8.1867—Fireworks, by, Kelpie ... ... 248 186?— The Duke, Kingston .... ... 250 , . 1869—Charbii, by ' Ferryman . ... ... 247 1-3 1870—Flbreiiee, bv Bofarrib ... .... 251 J'uvelill, bv'Yalten'dbh .. ... 2 474 1872— Gato'u, by. Lovtbiif Wnne ... 2 46. 1873—Jlenvotio;.by, Peter Wiiki.ns ... .... 2 484 1874—Kine-sborough. liv Kingston; ... 2 501 . 1875—Richmond, by., Moribyni.ohg . ..2 45 Robinson Crusoe, bv Angler ...-2 43 1877—Woodlands, by Marlbvrhone;, -'.:. ■. 249 i 1878— Lordship, bv 11 Marquis ... 255 1879—Nellie, by Tim 'tViiiffler ......; 251 Grand Flaneur,, ..Yaf tendon ... .2. 454 . 1881—Wheatear, by Epigram ....... ... 2 521 '1882—Navigator, by Robinson Crusoe ... 2 48 '. 3883—Lb brand, by Epigram ... ... 2 462 1884—Barjjo, by.. Maribvniong ... ... 242 i" ; Nordenfeklt, bv Musket ... ... 2 47\ 1886—Trideiit', bv Robihsbn Crusoe „ ... 2 38f' Aberconi. 'by Chester *... 233 3888—Melon, by Gdntjbrotig'h ,-... ... }2 46 3889— Singapore; .bv,Martini-Henry ...'2 44 1890— Gibraltar, bv, Grandmaster ... ... ,33 189.1—atromboli M ln' Chester ... . ... 241 18.92—Cinibbla.., bv Chester ... ... 2 40 1893—Trenchant; by Trenton' ...'.. ... 254 , 1894—Bonnie Scotland; bySt. 'Gebrge .... 44 3895—80b Ray. by Welcome Jack ... 241 Charge, by Carbine. ... ... 314 - 1897—Amberite, 'bv, Carbine ... ... 242 1898— Picture, by.Russlcy ... ....... 24? Cranberry," m- Cranbfook ..,. . ... 2 44} . 39J^M l a.ltStek* by Bill ,'of, Portland ... 239 i IflOi—lMufcvilliers"; by Ifaiit Brion . ... 2 37£ 3902—AlJiilidd.ncc, by'Pllgrini'si Progress.. 2 45 Belah, ,by Havoc . :.. ... '...'. ..:..2 392 3904—Sylvahite;. b.v, Ghiftdn ~ ... v ... 2 371 Noctiiifbririv by. Multiform ... ... 232 i T9tjs—l'bp'ei'dbii, J>y" IQMtHiio ;,. ~\. ... 238 1907—Mountain King, by Wallace .. ... 141 j i9dß-Puisee, by Metal 2 381 THE EPSOM HANDICAP, a handicap sweepstakes of 20sovs each, with lOOOsoys, added ;. the owner of tlie second hpr;s'e fp receive 200 soys arid, lie owner bf.the third horse lODsovs frbih the prise. One iiiile., Hon. A, Wynne's b. h Melbdrarha, syrs; by Grafton—D'ratha,, 9st (Harden) ~,..... _,'.;... .1Mr. ;T, O.'-Williamson's cli ti Bine Bbok,,4yrs, by True Bhie—Lady Maty, 7sb 71b (Calliiutn) 2 Mr. K. S. Maoleod'a b. It lolaire, ftvrs, ,by . Grafton—Scotch Mary,' 9st (McCarthy) ... 3 .Also stalled: Waiptiha, 9st.; plunder; 84 12111; Debbllette; Bst 71b! lftiib; Bst 71b; Diidy lluehalf; Bst 61b; k,veatisrei-le;,i-it 4111.1,5ea King; 7»t 131b;,. Lady Wilde, , 7st, 121b; SoiilUine, 75t. 4 121b':. The Climax,'7sfc joiji; Eric, 7st 101b; Malt Rose, ,7st 101b; Lady Meljna, 7st v 7lb; ,War Star, , 7Sfc slb; Maesnibre, 7st 41b; Matchmaker, lib; Artiilerie, 7st;, Ditma, 6st 101b; Proportion, 6st 71b. . iVbKi a, fairly good start Proportion was tlie first to move, With Sea King following. . When fairly, Spa King led, by a couple of lengths from" Matchmaker,, Proportion, SoliUline,, and WinStar. ; Before reaciiihg the six-furlong post Spiiltr liiie was level , with Sea, King,, thai , riair being two lehgths in fi-bhfc of lolaire and' War. Star. At tllclialf-mile Jjbsfc Soultline led by a length" ti'btii Sea Kliig, tblftiie .being. two lengths off and the resit of : the field fairly .clustered.. Rounding tlie bend Sbultline increased his advantage. Once, in flip Straight lolaire, joined SbtilUiiie, arid, that pair led past tlie. distance froiri Bliih Book dnd Dectille'tte; MeWd'raiiia. ■ making Ills Hin. bii tll'a. i-ails. At the half-distance Blue Book dppeiifed to have., the jibefe won, but .MeJbdrama, linishhijg with great determination;, cut, hiin dp\yti and won, by. Jialf-a-iieck. -lolaire was a, head further .away tiiird, beiiig followed by Kyeadgerie; Proportion, and Soltltliiie. Tirife; lm. 39js. THE SPRING STAKES, it sweepstakes of lOsoi's each; ,with IODOsOVs, added.;. the,.owner... of .the secphd lic-rse to Receive 200»pys and the owner of the third horse iOOaoys .from, tlie prize, for three-ycar-bids and upwards. Otie hiile anil ahalf. ' ■. Mr, Gordondiraß Khatau'ft bh Moblfari, syrs, by -..-, ,l'bsitah(v-fi(lisk, 9st 51b (Mctaclilaiil ~ ; ... 1 Messrs. ,W. ; arid P. A. Moses"'cli K Sit. Ayrrifer, . 4yr|, Bi?, Sit' IlUgiJ—PeiikHdge; 9sb (Clayton)-2 Mr. D. O'Brien's b li Maraniii; 4yrs, by Maliitiia —GtafiH, 9st (Bradshaw) ... ... ... 3 Seven "horses started. ■ Tlib field ihovfed oil at d canter, with Cross Battery.leading, from Moo)tail and Peril, .llaratiui lying, last, The positions remained Unaltered tiH just .liefore . tlie ..liiile Jibsfc, ,was where Marahiit apßiiincd ,the, lead, and, flip soil ..of ' Mitliitiili, clapping on the pace, he. showed out witll a, three leiigtlis' advantage, Cross Battery aiid Mbbltah Wing ibbiit. Jiirortlihent of the others.Maritbut led along the .back, stretch by.,a.,lonjrt>li aiid a,-lialf from .Cross Battery 5 thefl, came Mooltail, Peril, atiil Welcome Trlst r . Sir .Aynier Ijjoiriglast. . At tlie, tiiilf-iiiilb, OtbSs Blattfei-y joined Maniriui, arid thai i>air led ,to the straight from MbbUaii aHli, Peril. Neat the distiitice .Mbdltiiri took charge niit' Sir Ayiiitef pub in a great Hiil, hilt Mooltiiii kept ( hilii at bay and won by three(injirters of ,a le/igtb. Peru,,was fourth and Crois Battery firth, 'rime, 2m. 455. " WINNERS OF THE SPitiNd stakes:;: ;.; :,.'■•■•■■'' Time. , j ill. s. 1890—Mi- B. S. Walldce'a bflrbiile, 9.5 4- 244 A 1891— D. S. Wallace's Megaphone,.9.o 241 i 1892— JU Nqrth'ftii.'.s Bung?pali 9.3 — 242 i 1893—Mr. D. O'Brien's Loyalty, 7.5 . ..; 2 381894—Mr. O. Parker's Brockleigb, 9.5 ... 2 40 1895—Mr. J. Wilson's Quiver; 8.9 ... 2 40',"■ Messrs. ,Jones and Cooper's Newhaven, 7.5 •... 2 37 1897— W. Danjiraf'S ... 2 36J —Mr. G. Gilbert's. Meilbblas, 9.2 ... 2 39J 1899—Mr. i.'Patteh'a,iJfewej-;.7..5.. ... ... 236 i 1900—Sjr „Oiaike,'s,..Paul. Pry,, 9.3 2 384 ' jgni—Mr. a. .Wil tains' San Eran,9,o „., 2 373 1982-Mr. 6. t. MacdbnaTa'p Wakeftii, 9.1 238 i C fa. Stead's CHicifbrni; 9:0 ..; 3 35^ 1904—Mh S; Green's Gladsome; 8.9 ... 235 IiBS-iMr. E. E. Clarke's Emir,-,9.5 ... 2 341906—Mr. 3; McDonald's Lady. Wallace, 8.9 235 V 1907—Mr- H. R-; Denison's.Poseidon,,9,o 234 1908— Gordbnclhas Khatau'B Mooltaii, 9.5 ...... ,- ■•• 245 THE KENSINGTON . HANDICAP, a hartdicap sweebstateS .of 6sbvs each, witli,"ded. For three-yeai-olas and upwards. Seven fur-

'■'longs. :f':'-y\, ; '....' XHv'.-#. -R. Hiill'p cli. K Cbppertbp, 4yrs, by .Sir .Tristrani—A.lbieore, Bst 21b > ..„ ..... .... ' 1 Mr H. R. jpeiiisiin'B ,bj.c.-'Azurino,-. 3yrs by .... , SeatSn Behtvai-Iteal., Mm,- .91b , ..' , .... :2 Mr. Ewan {"razor's li Blick Marie, 4yrs; ,by Graftoti—. Bat'l^b 1 .../... ... 3 ~ Sfewtltei-n Horses started. . \ Coppcrtop won by half-a-lcngth. Time, tin. 28s.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13872, 5 October 1908, Page 7

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SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13872, 5 October 1908, Page 7

SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13872, 5 October 1908, Page 7