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The sharoinarkot was quiet yesterday. In investment lines Auckland Gas (old issue) sold at £14- 19s, and (new issue) at 22s 3d. Sellers of the former closed at £15 (with buyers at £14- 17s), an<_ of the latter at 22s 6d. Kauri Timbers (contributing) were done at Us 4d; Northern Steams (contributing) at 7_ 6d; Auckland Tramways at 22s (ordinary); and New Zealand (Portland Cements at 29s (old issue) and 17s 6d (new issue). In mining lines Talismans again. sold fairly freely at from 40s 9d to 409 to 40s 3d, with further buyers at 40s 3d, and eellers asking 40s bd. Waihis changed hands at £9 Is, at which price more were on offer; buyers £9 0s 9d. There was a decline in Grand Junctions, -which changed hands at 32s to 30s 9d, with lato buyers at the lower price and sellers at 31s 6d. Waihi Extendeds sold at 3s 6d, and sellers wanted 3s 8d at last call, with buyers at 3s sd. KuranuiCaledonians were done at B|d; May Queens at 2s 2d; Waiotahis at 2s lOd; Consolidated Goldfields at 13s 6d; Golden Pahs at JJd; Old Haurakis at Is 8d and Is 9d; Tokateaa at 3|d; Brilliant Blocks (3d paid) at 3*d; Champions (contributing) at 4s 2d; Crowns at; 4s; Golden Cross at 6d; Karangahakoa at 8d; Shotovera at 2|d; Tairua Broken Hills at 2s 8d and 2s 9d; Tairua Golden Hills at 8s 6d to 8s 5d to 8s 6d; Tairua Triumphs at 9£d; Tairua Conquerors at 10i<l and lid (6cl paid) and 9£d (contributing).

AUCKLAND STOCK EXCHANGE. BUS [NESS DONE YESTERDAY. Previous '.lay's closing galea. Auckland «an (old issue)—3rd call, £14 9s — Auckland Gas (new issue)—2nd call, 22s 3d — Northern Steamship (con.)— call, 7b 6d — Kimiri Timber (con.)— call, 14b 4<l — Auckland Tramways (ord.)—lst coll, 22s — New Zealand Portland Cement (old issue)—2nd call, 2Ss ... ... — New Zealand Portland Cement (new issue)— call, 17s 6d ... ... — Kuranui-Caledonian—3rd call, BJd ... — •May Queen— call, 2b 2d — Waiotahi—2nd call, 2s lOd — Consolidated Goldneldß— call, 13s 6d — Golden Pali— call, 3id — Old Hauraki—2nd calf, Is Bd, Is 9d ... 0 1 9 Tokutea—3rd call, 3£d — Brilliant Block (3d paid)—lst and 2nd ' calls, 3id — Champion (con.)—2nd and 3rd calls, 4s 2d 0 4 6 Crown—lst and 3rd calls, 4s Golden Cross—lst call, 6il 0 0 6 Karang-ahakc— call, 8J — Shotover—3rd call, 2Jd — Tajtua Broken Hills"-3rd call, 2s Bd, 2s 3d _ Tairua Golden Hills— call, 8g 6d, 8s sd; 3rd call, 8s 6d 0 8 6 Tairua Conqueror (6d paid)—lst call, 10id; 2nd and 3rd calls, lid ... — Tairua Conqueror (eon.)— call, 9id — Tairua Triumph—3rd call, 9id ... -- Talisman—lst call, 40s 9U, 40s 6d; 2nd call, 40s; 3rd call, 40s, 40s 3d ... 2 0 9 Waihi—2nd call, £9 Is 9 10 Waihi Extended— call, 3« 6d ... 0 3 6 Waihi Grand Junction—lst call, 325, 31s 6d, 31s; 3rd call, 30s 9d 1 12 0

PROPERTY SALES. At the Haymarkefc yesterday Messrs. Alfred Bucltland and Sons offered for sale by aimtion the farm known m Kaipo, situated at Onewhero. being portion of the estate of the late Mr W T. fellow. The property, con-aisUng of 224 acres of vielj-jjrasfied land, wan knocked down to two members of the deceased's family st £15 per acre, or £3360 There was fair competition amongst bidders. An eight-roomed residence in Burnley Terrace. Mount Koslrill, was submitted for sale by auction yesterday by Mr. Gaorps Savers The property' was disposed of for £400 A six-roomed house- opposite the Reeky Nook bownng green was passed in, the reserve not being reached in ■ ' —————*» FRUIT AND, PRODUCE MARKETS. Business on the local fruit and produce markets has been rather dull during the past weak and supplies generally have been en the light side. la produce the market wa* left rather bare of prime Southern potatoes, which afforded an opportunity of clearing local stocks of medium and poor varieties. There was a very smafl demand for seed varieties. In onions the importations were simull, and at present very light stocks are held. Prices daring the week advanced £2 per ton in the expectation that there will be no further shipments to arrive during the next seven days. In grain and fodder there is little change to report in values, with the exception of chaff and bran, which were decidedly lower. In dairy produce there was & considerable increase in the supply, of butter, and prices were slightly lower, although all sent in to the auction sales met with keen competition. Fresh eggs were sent forward in increased quantities, for which the demand was unusually keen, particularly from the bakers for pickling purposes. No cheese was offered at the auctions, and bacon and bams she*"©*! an inclination to drop in value. Poultry was in very iunited supply and prices realised were extremely high. Sue- fruit

market has been somewhat unsettled. In apples there was a smaller . shipment received than of late, and the previous decline in prices ruling of late has had the effect of stopping shipments from the South and Tasmania. The supplies being lighter had the effect of a marked improvement in values. A moderate* shipment of mandarins arrived ' from Sydney by the Victoria on Sunday, but unfortunately the majority were In bad order. However, according to condition, all sold at high rates. Only about half the usual shipments of .Island fruits arrived by the Tofua yesterday, consisting primeipaily of bananas, all of which had been quitted prior to arrival at a considerable increase on late rates. The Hauroto is due from Fiji on Monday, but her cargo is unusually small for this season of the year. The following ware the ruling prices at the auction sales yesterday:— Field Produce.—: Canterbury, prime, £6 to £6 10s ton; other Southern varieties, £5 10s. Onions: Japanese, £15 to £16. Chaff: Local, prune, £5 10s to £6; do., medium to poor, £4 to £5: do., Southern, prime, £6 to £6 10s. " Dairy Produce.Butter: Dairy and separator, lid to Is Id lb; do., farmers' bulk, IOAd to Is; do., milled, in bulk, for export, lid; do., pastry, 10id. Eggs: Fresh, 10d to 10Jd dozen. Cheese: Farmers', 5Ad lb; do., factory, large, 6d to 6W; do. do., loaf, 7d. Bacon: Farmers', 6cl to 7d; do., factory, 7£d to Hid. -Hams: Farmers', 6d; do,, factory, Sd to lOd. Fruit.Apples: Southern, dessert, lis to 13s 6d case; do. do., cooking, 7s 6d to 8« 6d; do., Hobart, superior, 13s to 15s; do., Californian, 10s 3d to 12s. Tomatoes: Superior, lb; do., inferior, 4£d to 6d. Oranges: Local, dessert, 5s to 6s case; do.. Poor Man's, as to 6s; do., Island, repassed. 12s. Mandarins: Good, 10s to 13s; do., bushel coses, in good order, 15s Ed. Lemons: Local, prime, 3s Gd' to 53 ease; do., coarse, 2s to 3s. Passion-fruit: Local, 2s 6d box; do., Sydney, 3s to 4s. Bananas, 4s tc 5b bunch; do., repacked, 2d lb. Pines: Queensland, -5s to 9s case. Cocoanuts, 6s to 7s sack. Poultry.—Hens, 2s to 2s 3d each; table roosters, 3s to 4s JJd; ducks, 2s to 3s. —■ —■ ■ "" I MESSRS. 0. B. KINGSWELL AND CO.'S i | REPORT. On Tuesday we cleared an extra large catalogue of hides, skins, tallow, etc. Hides: Market very firm, with brisk demand , for all well-flayed and conditioned lots. We quote—Extra stout ox, 7Jd to 7£d ; stout, 6£d to 6Jd; medium, s|d to si?d; steer, 4|d to 5d ; cow, heavy 4|d to 4Jd, medium 33d to 4d, secondclass" 2£d to 3d; icip, J-Jd to 4d; calf, sound 4Jd, cut nominal; stags', 2d to 3d per II). Sheepskins: Market firm. Butchers' skins, large up to 4s &d, good lines 4s 3d to 4s 4d, medium 3;< 4d to 3s 6d, small Is 6d to 2s, damaged 6d t-> Is; pelts, dry, Id to 6d each. Tallow: Firm! Best, up to 24s 6d: medium. 22s to 22s 6d; second-class, 12s to 16s per cut. Rough fat, l,]d per lb. Tails, is 3d pe-- dozen. WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE. [BY TELEGRAPH.— SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.] Wellington, Friday. On the Stock Exchange to-day Waihis sold at £8 19s 3d. Two parcels of Talismans! were exchanged at £2, and sellers had more at the price, but inquiries backed down to £1 19s 9d. New Zealand Crowns were transferred at 3s 7d and 3s lOd, and Taifua Conquerors (6d paid) at lid. Ngatiawas reappeared on the stock list, sellers quoting lid, without drawing any bids. New Zealand and River Plate Land was negotiated at £1 10s 4d, Wellington Investment, Trust and Agency at lis 6d, and Wellington Woollen (ordinary, ex div.) at £3 6s 9d DUNEDIN STOCK EXCHANGE. [BY. TELEGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.] Dunedin, Friday. On the Stock Exchange to-day the following sales were reported :—Electric, 4s 4J,d; Talisman Consolidated. £2 la 6d and £1 19s. LONDON. By Telegraph.— Association.—Copyright. (Received September 11, 8.20 p.m.) London, September 11. BANK OF ENGLAND RETURNS. The Bank of England returns for the week aro na follow:—Gold coin, £36,585,000; reserve, £27,508,000; proportion of reserve to liabilities, 53.68 per cent.; notes in circulation, £29,096,000; public deposit*, £5,700,000; other deposits, £45,514,000; Government securities, £15,532,000; other securities, £26,432,000. MONEY MARKET. Bank rate, 2i per cent. Three months' bills are discounted at 1 9-16 per cent.; Paris, 1| per cent, to 2£ per cent.; Berlin, 3 per cent. Short loans, 2 per cent. CONSOLS AND COLONIAL STOCKS. Consols; £86. New South Wales 4 per cents., £108. Queensland 4 per cents., £106; 3i per cent*., £99 10s; 3 per cents., £87 15s. South Australian 3£ per cents., £99 ss; 3 per cents.. £87 10s. . Tuaraauiaa 34 per cents., £99;' 3 per cents., £89. Other stocks are unchanged. WHEAT AND FLOUR. The damp weather haa hardened the markets, especially fur new English and rea2ily available foreign parcels. There is little inquiry for cargoes, which axe firmly held. Australian afloat sells at 38s 3d; prompt delivery, 38s 9d; new crop, January-February shipment, 375. There* is more inquiry for spot* at 40« to 41s. Flour is quiet, Australian being quoted in London at 24s 9d to 25s 3d and in Glasgow at 26* 3d- ',„,... The American visible supply of wheat is 23.211,000 quarters. BUTTER. The butter market is steady. Danish, 118s to 120s; Australian, none offering; New Zealand, 1168 to 118s. METALS. Oeeper; On spot, £60 18s 9d; at three months, £61*138 9d iu ■' Tin: On spot, £130 ss; at three months, £131 7s 6d. Lead, £13 6«. Spelter, £19 ss. .-.'.,,. lion, 52s 6d. . SUGAR. German, 9s 6d; fine* marks, lis lid. ! . WOOL AND SHEEPSKINS. The Bradford wool market is firm, with prices unchanged. At the sheopskm sales 78C0 bundles were offered and the bulk sold. There was good competition and everything sold at £d to id above July rates. - <■■.-•. . PEARL6HELL. At the pearlsholl sales prices advanced JOs to 15s.

CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Sellers. Buyers. £ s. d. £ a. d. BANKSNew Zealand 9 0 0 — National ... 5 3 6 — INSURANCE— New Zealand ... ... 3 15 0 3 14 0 FINANCIAL— New Zeairnd »nd River Plate 1 11 0 1 10 6 COALTaupirl Mines. Ltd. ... 0 18 0 0 17 9 Westport Stockton ... 0 10 0 0 9 3 GAS— Auckland 15-0 0 14 17' 0 Auckland, new issue ... 1 2 6 — SHIPPING— Northern, paid up ... 0 16 9 0 16 3 Northern, con — 0 7 5 Devonport Steam Ferry 1 13 3 1 12 6 TIMBERKauri, paid up 1 11 6 1 10 0 Kauri, con. 0 14 4 0 14 2 Parker-Lamb, Limited ... 1 6 0 — MISCELLANEOUS— ..Auckland, Tramways, pref. 13 0 12 3 'Auckland Tramways, ord. 12 0 113 D.S.O., Limited ■ 0 5 2 0 4 7 Grey and Mensiea, ©rd. ... 0 9 0 — Hill and Plummer, Ltd. 110 10 0 Mllufl and Choyoe, pref. 13 6 — Milne and Choyoe, ord. 110 — N.Z. Portland Cement Co. 1 10 0 18 6 N.Z. PortJunu Cement Co., n«w issue 0 17 9 0 1.? 3 New Zctilsuu Paper Mills 14 0 — Wiseman and S»us, ord. 0 13 6 — Wilson's Portland Cement Co., pref. ... ... 1 19 6, 1 13 0 Wilson s Portland Cement Co., ord. 1 17 6 1 16 6 DEBENTURES— , City of Auckland 4 per cent. ... 9? 0 0 _ ' MINING— Bonanza, con 0 0 3 ) — Halcyon L ... 0 0 5 — Kuranui 0 0 54 0 0 5 Kurajnui-Cftledonian ... ' 0 0 94 0 0 8 May Queen 022 021 : May Queen Extended ... 0 0 5 0 0 3 New Motiowai 0 0 9 0 0 6 New Sylvia ' 0 11 0 19 Saxon 0 11 0 10 Southern Queen ... ... 0 0 44 0 0 3 Thames 0 0 6 — Victoria 0 0 10 5 0 6 Waiotahi ... 0 2 11 0 2 10 Wnitaiiffi 0 3 7 0 3 3 Watchman ... 0 0 2 0 0 1 Dixoa's Consolidated ... 0 O 44 0 0 3 Blackvrater — 10 6 Consolidated Goldtfelds ... 0 14 3 0 13 6 Tro.rrrnsa Mines 0 10 6 0 9 0 Golden Pah ...... 0 8 4 0 0 34 Hauraki'' Freehold... .009 Old Hauraki Gold Mines 0 19 .018 Old KarKtnsra 0 0 2.1 0 0 li Tanffiaro. eon ... 0 1 f> — TfAatca, con 0 0 4* 0 0 3} Brilliant' Block, 3d paid 0 0 44 0 0 3 Onnstock, con 0 0 5 Champion, paid tin ... 0 a 3 Champion, con. .044 0-4 Crown C 4 1 0 4 0 Dominion, 4d paid ... 0 0 2$ — Golden Bolt, paid up ... 0 2 0 0 1 10 Golden Belt, con 0 9 84 0 0 81 Golden Cross ...... 0 0 6 0 0 5" Kiriklri, eon 0 0 3 0 0 2 Karanirahake 0 0 Si. 0 0 ''J Konuitu Reefs ..„ ... 0 13" 0 11 Maoriland 0 0 4 — New Waitefcauri 0 0 4 0 0 2 Ffuenix, If paid ... ... 0 16 Phcenix-, 9d paid 0 10 0 0 11 Pride of W.tihi 0 0 6, — Shotovcr, con 00 4' 0 0 2 Silver Hill 0 0 4 0 0 2 Tnirua Broken Hills ... 0 2 9 0 2 7 Talma Down 0 0 6 0 0 3 Tairua Golden Hills ... 0 8 8 0 8 5 Tairiia Conqueror, 6d paid 0 0 11 0 0 10 Tairuo Conqueror, con. ... 0 0 9 0 0 84 Tairiro Extended 0 0 8 _ Tairua Triumph 0 0 11 0 0 9 Talisman Consolidated ... 2 0 6 2 0 3 Waihi 9 10 9 0 9 Waihi Beach 0 0 3 0 0 2 Waihi Consolidated ... 0 2 1 0 19 Waihi Extended 0 3 8 0 3 5 Waihi Grand Junction ... 1 XX 6 1 10 9 Mountain Kinjj, con. ... 0 0 74 CALL AND DIVIDEND Ll&T. Dividends £ s <-'i. Bank of Australasia 2 10 0 Oct. 2 Calls Tra-talsrar, August 17 0 0 04 Now Watchman, August 13 0 0 1 Now New Occidental, August 27 ... 0 0 04 Now Kuranui, August 24 0 0 1 Sept. 14 Coronation, August 28 ... 0 0 1 Sept. 14 Tanjiaro, August 27 0 0 1. Sept. 16 Magnet, September 7 ... ... 0 0 1 Sept. 23 Talrapnna Tramways and Ferry Company 0 2 0 Sept. 23 New Sylvia. September 10 ... 0 0 1 Sept. 28 Golden Cross, September 11 ... 0 0 1 Oct. 2

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13583, 12 September 1908, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13583, 12 September 1908, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13583, 12 September 1908, Page 3