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Tees sharemarket was quiet again yesterday- j In investment lines New Zealand and River . Plates sold at 30s 6d; Kauri Timbers at Sis \ (paid up), and Us 3d (eon.); D.S.C.'s at 4* j 6d; and New Zealand Portland cements (new j issue) at 223 6d. In mining lines Talismans ; wore a shade easier, selling at from 40* to 40s &d to Mi, late buyers receding to 39s W, j with sellers asking 40* 6& Waihis were still firm, with sales at £9 6s and late sellers at ' £9 6a 6d, buyers £9 5s 6d- Waihi Grand ; Junctions firmed slightly, business being done at 32s 9d and 335, with more in demand at the higher rate, and sellers at 33s 6d. May Queens were rather firmer, selling at 2s 6d and 2s sd, sellers closing at 2s 6d, buyers at 2s sd. Waiotahis sold fairly freely at 3s 4d to 3s 5d to 3s Id, and more were looked for at 3s Id, sellers holding for 3s 2d. Saxons changed hands at. 9id; Consolidated Goldfields St ]*s 3d and Hs: Crowns at 4s 2d; Golden Cross at 6<>d and 6d; Karangahakes at Sid; New Waitekauria at 3d; Tairua Golden Hills at 6s Sd and 63 lOd: Tairua Conquerors a* Is (Cxi paid), and lOd (con.).


PROPERTY SALES. Messrs. T. Mandeno Jackson offered some Ponsmiby properties by public auction "yesterday, when they disposed of a six-roomed villa, with section 40ft bv 110 ft, for £375, and a four-roomed cottage, with "section 80i't l>y 82ft, for £240, both situated in John-street. A property in Jervoia Road whs parsed in, there being very little between the seller and buyer. There was a good attendance and the bidding was- brisk. STOCK SALES. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, Hamilton, report :-Wc held a special sale of horses in the Horse Bazaar, Hamilton, on the 18th and 19th hut., and during the two days ottered 280 odd draught and lights sorts ana 20 colts. A large attendance of buyers competed briskly tor anything really sound .and good, though heavy draughts were lower in value. Medium draughts (.especially young nmres) sold exceptionally well. Heavy "draught mares and geldings realised from £54 10a to £43; active medium draught mares and geldings, £24 to £32; aged heavy draughts, £14 to £26; strong harness noises, £15 IDs to £20; upstanding hacks and buggy horses,' £17 to £22; strong good cobs, £12 to ■ £16; light hacks and gig ponies, £6 to £10 10s; good ponies, £4 10s to £8; weeds, £1 15s to £2 103; unbroken three-year-old draught colts and fillies, £13 to £26; strong harness colts, £10 to £14. A lot of drays, harness, D.F. ploughs, etc., on account of Messrs. Elkry and Wsa. Lovett, elicted brisk competition. D.F. ploughs brought £8 10s to £13; drays, £8 10s- to £12; plough harness and shaft harness at usual "rates. At our Te Awamutu sale oh the 22nd inst. cattle were yarded in large numbers, and, with the exception of a few culled dairy cows and haclf.vard heifers, everything offered realised satisfactory prices. Strong good calves (mixed sexes) realised from £1 60 to £1 13s; others, 209 to £1 3s; small calves, 15s; two-year-old steers in poor condition, £3 6s; fresh-conditioned cows and heifers, £2 12s &d to £4; fat cows, £5 sa; stags, £3 3s to £3 15s; choice springing heifers, £5 10s to £6; dairy cows near calving, £5 5s to £6 jWs; culled cows, £2 10s to £4; aged ewes, in lamb, 10s 6d. Pigs were offered in huge numbers and sold at high prices, weanera realising 14s to 18s; slips, 20s to £1 ss, A lot of produce, poultry, etc., were sold at the usual prices. At Hamilton on Thursday we held our usual fortnightly sale, when 60 fat cattle and 260 sheep, mostly wethers, were penned. A good demand existed, and all sold under the hammer or afterwards, competition being exceptionally keen for cow and better beef. Fat steers (light weights) made from £6 15s to £7 7s 6d; fat cows (good quality), £6 lis to £7 s*; others. £5 7s M to £5 14*s; steer calves. £2 4s: springing heifer*. £4 to £4 10s; fat wethers. £1: forward do., lr.s 6d to l?g; fat owes, 15? Mi hpggftt«, lis IW, tgUiio do.,>

Messrs. Daljtetjr *udl Co., Limited, ■ report:—' 1 Wo held our horse fair at Cambridge on tfc» I 20th sad Zlrt inst. Although the weather *»» i «'» unfavourable, yet the attendance ■ »'** *II that wild be desired, buyer* eomtnar from Auckland 'T« Aroba. MatamaU, the King Country, I and 'surrounding district*. The present market , prices were fully maintained, and a!tlt<ntsth a i good number «*ere paused in a! auction many ! w»re disposed' of afterward* privately. Great ; inter"!, «as token in Mr. Meikle's yearling and • i-jfty-v-tt-tMu which were of a very fine «t«ttip, I and raised from £15 M £23. the l^'-7* f ; 1 olds brifisriae »* much as £<*> IPS- 'T cither J horses we quote: Medium draught*, ££>■ j hacks. £10 to £17; lighter sorta, £6 If* to £10; ! light harness horse*, £13 to £18. I Our usual fortnightly stock »1« was held at I Hamilton on Friday. when the four and »«• tooth wethers advertised were sold lor lis m. M,i«t of tl»a cattle, were passed in at ancUor,. im were ail disposed of after the »l«, when «* following price* were obtamed:~i>pr<ugu:g heifers £5 10s to £6; dairy cows, £7; empty heifers' £i 12* hd to fin; calves, 29*. Ks»: Slips, 15s to 20s.

ADDINGTON STOCK MARKET. [sr tsussswlth.— pbkss association.] CHBIStCH'CBCH, Wednesday. A*, the Addlngton lite stock market today thee was a large eufry of stock and a good attendance of buyer*, fat cattle sold at about lass week's rates. Store hogget* showed an. improvement and other sorts were unchanged. rat lambs showed no change, and (at aheap were rather (Inner. Store cattle ami dairy cowit were dull of sale. Tig* fold well. The yarding of store sheep was much smaller thau last week, hoggets forming the bulk. Therfl w*> a belter inquiry for hogget*, and they recovered to the extent of about 6d per head, forward sorts sold up to lis 3d: Down hogs**.*, lis 2d; medium sorts. lis fed to Us M ; and smaller, Bs 6d to 9s ad. The-ewps were mostly o! a useful class, and sold at the previous week's rates. Tncru wis no change in wether*, There was a small entry of far hoggets and lambs, and they sold at the previous week's prices, hogget* making 13a 9d to 18s 3d and young lambs 15s to 19*. 'fie yarding of tat sheep was not so large «* the previous week, and the general quality was not up to such a high standard. There were. | many good lines of wethers ami a large number of lines that were not well finished. The market showed a flight advance, several export buyers i operating freely. The scarcity of ewes compelled i ! the tmlckets to compete with the exporters tor . ! wethers. The range of prices was-: Prime ! ! wethers 13* to 23« 6d (extra to 2Se); medium, | 17.* 7d to ISs 6d; lighter. l a « 6<l to 16s sd. Prime ewes, 17s 6d to 20s fextra to 22a); medium, Ms 6.1 to 17.-'; aged and light, lis Od to 14s. Prime merino wethers, 14a to 15s 3d; lighter, 12* 3d to 15s 6d The yarding of fat cattle totalled 389. and included a iar;e number of useful lines, but the general quality was not equal to that of the last lew weeks' yarding*. Tin? market opened at ft slight advance, but afterwards eased off to last 'week's level, prime beef making 24s to 28b, medium 21*9 6.1 to 2'vs od. and cow" and inferior 18s to 21a per 1001b. The ranee of prices was: Steers, £5 2s 6d to £11 ss: heifers. £6 10* to £10 f.s; and cows. £4 17s 6d to £19.12* 6d. Veal calves formed the usual yarding and sold j at 4.< cd to 57s 6d, according to siM and I quality. A -small mixed entry of store cattle met. with i a dull sale, two-year 'steers selling at £3 lis od. i two and :>-hatf year steers to £4 Ms, two-year i heifers to £2 15s", and dry cows 20s to £3. j the dairy cows were a poor lot, and Chore was little demand at, £3 to £8. There was a moderate yarding of pigs and a -•cod demand was manifested for all descriptions, fats beisih* equal to bd per lb. A Dunedin buyer was operating in stores anil Improved the prices for these, liaconers made 50s to 555, large sellin,' tip to 70?. choppers to £5 10s, porkers 33s to 475, li'tae stores 34s to I9s bd, medium 24s i to £".-, wc-aneis 18s to 23*. and sows in pisr ! (which were in keen demand) £4 lis to £6 j 17s 6J.

BURNSIDK STOCK MARKET. | [BY TKLEGRAPH.— ASSOCIATION.) i DI'XEDIX", Wednesday. At the liurnside stork market to-Jay 193 cattle I were yarded oi good quality. Cattle were firmer, medium Iwinjj about tin' fame a* last week. Best bullocks realised £10 to £11 109 (extra to £12 10s); medium to good, £3 D* to £10; Inferior, £7 10s to £8 ss; b'.'flt bows and betters, £8 to £8 10s (extra £9 12* 6d); medium, £6 10s it> £7 IC-3; interior, £5 to £5 15s. Fat sheep: 2530 were yarded, exclusive of 200 hoggets, Importers operated freely to the extent of tlieii limits, and prices for freezing weights were firm at late rates. Heavy weights showed a tendency to he easier. Beat wethers, 20s to 23s (extra 24s to 255); medium, 17s 6d to 19s; inferior, 15? to 16s 6<i; best ewes, 17s tc 19*; best medium, 15s to 14s 6d; Inferior, 10s to lis 6d lie.ii. hoggets, 16s to 17s; medium, 13s 6d to 14s 6d; inferior, 12s to 13s. Pigs : 105 were yarded. I'oikers and buconers were very slightly easier. Suckers, las to 18«,; slip.?, 13s to 245; stores, 28a to 335; porkers, 38s to 435; light baconers, 36s to 48s; heavy baconers, 10s to 62»; choppers, to 90s. DTJNEDIN GRAIN MARKET. [BY IKLEGIUPJI.—FUKS3 ASSOCIATION,] DTJKBDI3', Wednesday. The out market is" depressed and business at present is chiefly confined to forced sales, on account of vendors, whose teims of storage have expired. Merchants early fair .stocks and arp disinclined to purchase at quotations. Seed linos are (worth 2s 6d to 23 Sd; prime milling, 2s lid to 2s 2d; good to best feed, '£» to 2s Id; inferior to medium, la 9d to Is lid. The wheat market, is brighter and more business is doing in milling quality. There is fair inquiry lor fowl wheal. i'riino milling realises 4s 2d to 4s 3d; .medium to good, 4s Id to 4s I'd; fowl wheat. 4s to 4s Id; broken ami damaged, is 4d to 3s 3d.

I WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE. ! [BY TELEGRAPH,—3 FECIAL OOR»S9PO»BBSX.] i Wkluxgtok, Wednesday. ! On the Stock Exchange to-day in Talisman. ! shares buyers offered £2 Os 3d. Sellers asked j for Hi Is 3d, but accepted £2 Us 9J. The only ! (/tiler »jui9 was in 'I'aupiri OoaJs at 1& 3(1. i ____________——. AUSTRALIAN MARKETS. By Telegraph.—Pleas Association Copyright. Skiinky. August 26. Wheat, 4s 3d. Flour, £9 ss. Oat«: Tasmauian, i is 3d; Algerian seeding, 3s sd; New Zealand A j grade Gallons, 3s 3d to 3* 4d. Barley; Cape, 4a I ad. Maize, 4s sd. Braa and poliard, £6. Potatoes: Taf.manian, £5 to £6. unions: Victorian, £9; Japanese, £10. Butter, 120s. Bacon, Bd., August 26. Wheat, 4b Id. Flour, £8 153. tuts : Algerian, 3a 3d. Barley Cain.', feeding, os Bd ; English i malting, "is 3d. - Maize, 4s. Btau and pollard, '' i is 4d. Potatoes, £3 10a to £6. Unions, £&; ! prime, £3. ADELAIDE, August 26. 1 Wheat, 4s. Flour, £8 12a 6d. Brau ant! pol. I lard. Is 3d. ! . ; LONDON. ! By Telegraph.—Press Association— I.OSDON, Augusts. BASK. SHARKS. Bank of Australasia: Buyers, £H!3; sellers, £105. Bank of New South Wales: Buyers, £42 10s; sellers, £43. 10s. Union Bank: Buyers, £58 10s; sellers, £59 10s. National Bank of New Zealand: Buyers, £5; sellers, £3 10s. Bank of New Zealand: Buyers, £9 ss; sellers, £9 lis. N'efcv Zealand Loan and Mercantile stock, £94, MJSTALS. I Silver, Is 11 1-16(1 per ounce. I Copper: On spot, £a 9 17s od; at three months, £60 lis 6d. Tin: At three month?, £133 ss, NEW ZEALAND PRODUCE IN LONDON. [iROM OUR OWN OKDEST.] Lojfiwy, July 11, WOOL—THE FOOBTH SERIES. This week baa seen the opening of the fourth scries of colonial woo) sales of the present year. Thirteen thousand and eight bales were catalogued at the first sitting, tiehi Zealand heading the list with 4902 bales. Meters. Charles Baline and Co. write that the- saleroom was well attended aid comoetition was animated and general. The American section or the trade competed freely tor the few lots of medium quality greasy crossbrsds which were offered in the catalogues. Merino wool sold in average at an advance 'if 5 per cent., the improvement being most apparent on average to good combing greaaks, while the prices made for short, faulty and interior scoured pieces and locks showed little alteration from last series' closing level. Fine, as well as coarse greasy crossbred* ruled 5 per cent, dearer, while on the medium descriptions the rise amounted to 74 per cent. The finer qualities of slipes realised an advance of 7£ per cent, and the ccaiser sorts 5 per cent. As regards South African Wools, combing gresilea were 2$ per cent, dearer, values for short-stapled >.ots being unchanged. Scoureds of all grades were somewhat difficult of sale at a decline of 2j per cent. The total available supply- for the series is about 271,500 bales, including old stock. Messrs. Baiine mention, however, that the sales have been arranged ia accordance with the decision of importers not to offer come 50,000 bales of the above total at these auctions.

Messrs. W. Wedclel and Co. write:— The week preceding the opening of the sales bad shown rather nitre activity in Bradford, and with the Americans purchasing freely of home-grown wool at ail the English fairs, which are being held jut nowv a slight Increase in prices was confidently expected on the opening day. As soon a.% the sales started it was evidentithat expectations were going to be realised, and, with excellent competition from all quarters, prices for crossbreds generally showed an advance of 5 per cent, over May closing rates, and even up to 7£ per cent, for better-conditioned medium and course wools. The selection of crossbreds was quite a good one, and was bought principally by the Home contingent, America taking here and there any suitable lots. Crossbred lambs sold well at a full 5 per cent, advance, a fairly large qaantitv being bought by France, fclipes were only moderately represented, comprising chiefiv abort wools from the North Island, but they also sold readily at about 5 per cent, advance. The choice of merinos was, for the opening night, tt>od. and met with spirited competition. Grebes sold setadily at ■&■ per cent. more monrv, though scoureds. while meeting with a good demand, hardly showed the same advance a? greasies. and are only now and again dearer than last sales. KAURI GUMOn the Sth inst. Messrs. & Figgis and 'Co. held a sale of kauri gum. Four hundred and eightyeight packages were catalogued, but. only two packages were sold, pile scraped realising £10. The demand is very quiet. The next sale will be held on September 3. At the end of June the stock amounted to 575 tons, against) JjWS tons in 190'? ami .UCrJ 'tonus la lis*.

CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. | Dividends £ a. >!. i Talisman ..013 Now i Waihi ... ... 0 4 0 Sept. 1 I fails. I Waihi Beach, August, 1.5 ... 0 0 1 An™. i.'l j May Queen, August 7 ... ... 0 0 1 Aug. 23 Bonanza, August 17 ... ... 0 0 I Aug. 51 I South Kapanga, August 17 ... 0 0 1 Aug. 31 I Old Alburnia. August 17 ... 0 0 2 .Sept.. 7 j Waihi Extended, August '7 ... 0 0 2 Sept. 4 j Watchman, Aujiut 13. ... ... 0 0 1 fc-epfc. 10 ! Trafalgar August 17 .... ... 0 0 OA Sept. 3 | Tairua Extruded, August 17 ... 0 0 1 Aug. 25 ! Kuiauui, August 24 ... ... 0 0 1 Sept. 14

! Previous day's j | closing Ailed. | j New ZeaUnd and River Plate—2nd ! \ call, 50s 6(1 , — I Kauri T.mbei (paid tip)— call, 31a — j i Kauri Timber (con.)—1st and 2nd call.-, I 5 143 9tl 0 15 0 i | D.S.C — 2nd call, 4< fid — | i New Zealand Portland Cement (new | issue) —3rd call, 12 6.i ... ... — i Slav Queen—1st call, 2s 6d ; 2nd call, ( *2s 6d, 'it id; 3rd call, in 3d - . 0 2 3 i • Saxon—3rd call, Sid — j j Waiotahi— call, 33 4d, 3s 3d ; 2nd 1 j 2d, 3.-* Id . . 0 3 2 j I Consolidated Goidrields —1st call, 14? j 3d, 14s — i Crown—3rd call, 4« ?d ... ..040 | Gc-lden Cross—1st call, 64d ; 2nd cull, u-J 0 0 6 i Karangahake—1st call, Bid 0 0 8 j New Waiiekauri—1st call, 3d . . ..003 I Tairua Golden Hills3rd call, 6s | 3d, 63 lOd ... 0 o 3 ' Tairua Conqueror (6d paid)—3rd call, 1* j Tairua Conqueror (con.)3rd call, lOd — I Talisman—1st call, 40?, 40-* cd'; 2nd | call, 10a 6d; 3rd call, 40s 2 0 9 j I Waihi—2nd and 3rd call?, £3 6-* . . 9 3 9 j i Waihi Grand ,1 unction— Old call, 31s j | 9J, 33s ... • 1 12 3 | I CLOSING QUOTATION'S. j Sellers. Buyers. ] £ a. J. £ a. *1. j i BANKS— I New" Zealand ... ... 9 5 0 _ —• i I National ... ... ... a 4 0 3 0 0 | ! INSUKAXLE ! New Zealand ... ... 3 16 0 3 14 0 j i South British ... ... 2 17 0 — j | Standard ... ... — 13 0, j FINANCIAL ( j New Zeuf i :d ami Kifer Plate ,.. 1 11 0 1 10 3 I COAL llikuranjri ... ... ... 0 14 0 0 12 0 I Nort. Coal, 10s paid ... 0 13 it — j Taupiri -Min.-.s, Ltd. ... 0 19 0 0 IS a j Wesipoit .670 < o 36 ! OAS— j Auckland ... ... ... l-> 10 0 15 5 0 ' ; Auckland, new issue ... 1 0 0 0 18 9 | SHIPPING— - I Northern, paid up ... 0 16 9 — i Northern, con — 0 7 6 ; j Devon port Steam Ferry — 1 1- 0 | TIMBER— Kami, lip 1116 — , j Kauri, ton. ... 0 14 0 D 14 £1 ' i Parker- Ltd. ... 1 6 0 — ! MISCELLANEOUS— i llibberd'3 Syndicate, paid . I up 1 2, 0 — 1 j Hibberd'a Syndicate, con. 0 10 0 — | Auckland Tramways, prei. 13 6 i i Auckland Tramways, ord. 12 6 12 0 • j D.S.C., Limited 0 4 9 0 4 4 > I Hill and Plummet, Ltd... 110 , j N.Z. Portland Cement Co. 17 0 16 3 ' i N.Z. Portluiiu Cement Co., . ! new issue ... ... 0 12 10 0 12 6 • I Northern Hoot — 0 10 0 ! New Zealand Paper Mills 1 4 0 — ■ 1 Touson, Ltd. ... 0 19 O —• 5 I Union Oil 10 0 r : Wiseman and Sous, prc-f. 10 0 — i Wilson's Portland Cement | Co., ord. ... ... I 12 0 —* ] j MINING— 1 j Halcyon 0 0 5 — } Kuraniii 0 0 9 0 0 Oj 1 • ■ Kuranud-Calcdoaian ... 0 0 11 0 0 ti i Magnet, con. ... ... 0 0 2 — ! * May Quees ... 0 2 6 0 ?• 5 j New M'jikv.v: ... ... 0 0 9 0 0 6 ; New Occidental 0 0 3 0 0 1! '' 1 New Sylvia 0 16 — ■ i Old Alburnia, paid up ... 0 12 0 0 9 - j Saxon .. 0 0 111 0 0 Sj I Scandinavian. 0 0 3 0 0 3£ . ! Southern Quscn 0 0 4 0 0 3 , i Thames .. ... ... 0 0 7 j Victoria ... ' 0.0 3 0 0 6* : I Wsiotah; ... 0 3 2 0 3 1 ' i Waitangi 0 4 3- 0 311) 3 j Rl&ektoatcr *..14 9 13 3 3 Consolidated Goldliclds ... 0 14 6 0 13 9 o ■ Progress .. ... 0 11 0 0 110 % i Golden Pali ... ... 0 0 3 0 0 3 i llauraki Freehold ... ... 0 0 6 0 0 3 i Old 1 bun-aid Gold Mines 0 1 10 0 1 8 r j Old Kspanj,» 0 0 3 0 10 1} 3 I South Kapabga 0 0.: C i Tangiaro, con . ...0 1 6 — j Tokatea, con. ... .0 0 3 — ,j > Brilliant Block, 3d paid 0 0 4 0 I) 2; ! Conistor.K, eon. . ..003 — 0 | Champion, paid up ... 0 6 6 5 i Champion, con 0 4 6 0 4 0 0 j Crown 0 4 3 C 4 1 I Dominion, 4.i paid ... 0 0 31 0 0 3 ! Durbar 0 0 3" ., Golden Kelt, naid no ... 0 131 0 13 u Golden Belt, con... ... 0 0 3 0 0 :i Golden Cross 0 0 V 0 0 .~4 >• Kirikiri, paid up 0 0 t! — a ; Kirikiri con. 0 0 6 — e Kru-J ngahake 0 0 9 5 0 8 Komata Reels ... ,...013 0 12 . Maori land 0 0 A — a New Vv'aitekauri 0 0 4 0 0 2.J 0 Photnii:, 6:' paid 0 0 11 0 0 9 '' Heady Cuiiioc, cou. ... 0 0 0 0 0 3 fihotdver, cou 0 0 4. 00 3 o Silver Hill ... 0 0 4" 0 0 3 a Tairua Broken Hills ... 0 2 10 0 2 9 Tairua Consols 0 0 2 i Tairua Dawn 0 0 7 — i Tairua Golden Hills ... 0 7 0' 0 6 10 V j Tairua Conqueror, 6d paid 0 1 ! 0 1 0 y i Tairua Conqueror, con. ... 0 0 101 0 0 10 a | Tairua Extended 0 0 1-9 0 0 1\ i Tairua Triumph 0 1 0 0 0 9 j Talisman Consolidated ... 2 0 6 1 19 6 ! Waihi ... ... ... ... 9 6 6 9 3 6 6 j Waihi Beach ... ..0 0 3 0 0 2£ : : ! Waihi Consolidated ... 0 2 2 0 1 10 | Waihi Extended 0 3 3 0 3 5 e I Wallu Grand Junction ... 1 13 6 1 33 C 3 j Mountain Kinj, con. ... 0 0 7:, 006 o !

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13839, 27 August 1908, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13839, 27 August 1908, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13839, 27 August 1908, Page 3